
As per the schedule ‘C’ of NIT statutes the role and responsibilities of the Dean (Research & Consultancy) is to conduct activities throughout the year are as follows:

  1. Frame rules for industrial sponsored research and consultancy.
  2. Create and maintain database regarding faculty expertise.
  3. Facilitate through his/her office faculty in procuring equipments necessary to conduct research/consultancy work, recruitment of project staff.
  4. Coordinate co-curricular activities (technical festivals, quizzes etc.) for the students.
  5. Provide guidance for submitting proposals to funding agencies such as Departments of Science and Technology (DST), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Aeronautics Research and Development Board (AR&DB), Ministry of Information Technology, etc.


Dean & Associate Deans
Sl. No. Name Responsibility Phone No. Email
1 Prof. Rakesh Sehgal Dean 254007
2 Dr. Bharti Gaur Associate Dean
(Research Projects & Collaborations, Start-Up)
3 Dr. Philemon Daniel Associate Dean
(Consultancy Projects and Testing)
4 Dr. Jai Prakash Faculty Incharge (E-Cell) 254102
5 Dr. Mohit Pant Faculty Incharge(IIEC) 254754
6 Dr. Kalyan Sunder Ghosh Coordinator (NISP) 254104
7 Dr. Mohd. Adil Coordinator (Innovation) 254150
8 Dr. Jai Prakash Coordinator (Incubation & Impact Lecture Series) 254102
9 Dr. Amit Kaul Coordinator (Start-Up) 254544
10 Dr. Neetu Kapoor Coordinator (Start-Up) 254930
11 Dr. Puneet Sharma Coordinator (Social Media) 254926
12 Dr. Robin Singh Badhoria Assistant Faculty Incharge (E-Cell) 254401
Sl. No. Name Responsibility Phone No. Email
Sh. Gaurav Kumar Sharma Assistant Registrar 254049
Sh. Desh Raj Bansal Private Secretary 254097

Research Project and Collaboration Rules and Formats

Consultancy Project and Testing Rules and Formats

Highlights of Sponsored Research Projects

The institute encourages Academic Staff to undertake Sponsored projects from various funding agencies. The Rules/Guidelines have been framed to create conducive research environment in the Institute. Similarly, the industrial assignmentsare to be undertaken only in the domain of specialization and all types of industrial assignment shall be treated as Industrial Consultancy. The New Rules/Guidelines for “Sponsored Research Project and Industrial Consultancy and TestingProjects are implemented in the Institute. Sponsored Research Projects have been sanctioned by the various agencies/organizations of the Central and State Government viz. DST, SERB, DRDO, CSIR, ICSSR, HIMCOST, RMSA, Disaster Management,Municipal Corporation and others. The detail of the sanctioned projects is as under:

List of Research Projects submitted to various International/Central Govt. /State Govt. funding agencies for the Year 2020-21
List of Ongoing Sponsored Research Projects
List of Completed Sponsored Research Project
International Capacity Building Project BReUCom


In the present context where globalization has become a reality one needs to have autonomy with accountability. One need to develop the competence to make ethical and value added decisions and should be directed towards the institutional commitment. It consists of two major components (i) Quality of Teaching and (ii) Contribution towards generation of knowledge (Research) and these two aspects should be pursued together. Those who choose this path with a selfless attitude have found success and every goal fulfilled. The NITH need to set a benchmarks in terms of student satisfaction level, number of publications, citations, awards, sponsored projects and contribution to institutional management towards brand building, extension activities, revenue generation etc. Today the quality of publication and citations is measured by converting them into business propositions like patents, copyrights, involvement in national development activities etc. The National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur (HP) is providing many facilities for the students and faculty to engage themselves in research activities. The Institute has fully fledged research labs, where the students and faculty take forward their research activities. The research work of faculty and students is well accepted in national and international forums. The research publications are mostly in SCI, SCIE, Scopus, Web of Science etc. well indexed Journals and Conferences. Faculty members have also written/ edited books and book chapters under various international publishing houses. The number of research publications and the patents filed by the faculty members of the institute are as given below.
Research & Publications
List of Patents

Incubation, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Cell (IIEC)
Intellectual Property Rights Cell (IPR)

NameResponsibilityPhone No. (01972)Email
Dr. Amit AroraFaculty Incharge (IIEC & IPRC)
Dr. Mohit PantFaculty Incharge(IIEC)
Incubation, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Cell (IIEC) of NIT Hamirpur has been established. Innovative Research Incubation Club (IRIC) is a club for NITH students, which aims to provide a multi-vibrant interdisciplinary platform.The aims and objectives of the IPR cell are as:
  • Drafting of an Institute IPR policy.
  • Conducting of IPR awareness programs in the institute such as workshops, seminars and training course.
  • Creating suitable course material in order to emphasize the importance of IP rights and introducing IPRs as part of academic curriculum as well as making it an integral part of the curriculum in the institute.
  • To create an awareness about IPR for faculties and students of the Institute.
  • To impart training on future endeavors regarding patent filing processes.
  • To create an opportunity for Product Development and Commercialization.

Sr. No.MoU
MoU between National Institute of Technology Hamirpur - 177005,Himachal Pradesh, India and Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India(Signed on 16th February, 2023)
MoU between National Research Development Corporation,20-22, Zamroodpur Community Centre, Kailash Extension, New Delhi 110048 and National Institute of Technology Hamirpur - 177005,Himachal Pradesh, India(Signed on 14th February, 2023)
MoU between National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand Srinagar Garhwal-246174, Uttarakhand, India and National Institute of Technology Hamirpur - 177005,Himachal Pradesh, India(Signed on 06th February, 2023)
MoU between Shimla Smart City Limited, Shimla, (H.P.) and National Institute of Technology Hamirpur - 177005,Himachal Pradesh, India(Signed on 04th January, 2023)
MoU between National Institute of Technology Hamirpur and SJVN LTD(Signed on 05th November, 2022)
MoU between National Institute of Technology Hamirpur and Indian Institute of Technology Mandi (HP)(Signed on 28th September, 2022)
MoU between National Institute of Technology Hamirpur and Indira Gandhi Rastriya Uran Akademi (IGRUA)(Signed on 10th June, 2022)
MoU between Indian Institute of Remote Sensing Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Dept. of Space (DOS) Govt. of INdia, Dehradun, Uttarakhand - 248001 and National Institute of Technology Hamirpur (Signed on 24 March 2022)
MoU Between National Institute of Technology Hamirpur and National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research Chandigarh (Signed on 09 December 2021)
MoU Between National Institute of Technology Hamirpur and University Institute of Technology, Shimla (HP) (Signed on 18 November 2021)

MoU Between National Institute of Technology Hamirpur & Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh
MoU Between National Institute of Technology Hamirpur & Chitkara University, Punjab
MoU Between Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Cluster University, Mandi (HP) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 01 November 2021)

MoU Between with Research For Resurgence Foundation, Nagpur and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 23rd October 2021)
MoU Between Government Hydro Engineering College Bilaspur H.P. - 176055 and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 06 September 2021)
MoU Between IIT Gandhinagar - 382355 and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 25 August 2021)
MoU Between Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni Solan H.P. 173230 and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 17 June 2021)
MoU Between Government ITI Udaipur Distt. Lahaul & Spiti H.P.-175142 and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 05 March 2021)
MoU Between Government ITI Shamshi (Grade-A) Distt. Kullu H.P.-175126 and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 05 March 2021)
MoU Between CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology Palampur (H.P.) 176061 and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 01 March 2021)
MoU Between Government Polytechnic Hamirpur, District Hamirpur (HP) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 04 February 2021)
MoU Between Government Polytechnic Sundernagar, District Mandi (HP) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 04 February 2021)
MoU Between Government Polytechnic Lahaul & Spiti at Udaipur Camp at Sundernagar, District Mandi (HP) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 04 February 2021)
MoU Between "PVC" NSSK, Government Polytechnic Bilaspur at Kalol and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 04 February 2021)
MoU Between Jawaharlal Nehru Government Engineering College Sundernagar, Mandi, HP and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 15 January 2021)
MoU Between Government Polytechnic Talwar, District Kangra, HP and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 15 January 2021)
MoU Between Government Polytechnic Kullu at Seobag District Kullu, HP and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 15 January 2021)
MoU Between Himachal Pradesh Technical University, Hamirpur (HP) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 18 November 2020)
MoU Between Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Cluster University, Mandi (HP) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 22 October 2020)

Dharamshala Smart City Ltd. at Dharamshaia, Distt. Kangra H.P. and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 29 September 2020)
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 26 August 2020)
MoU Between RGGEC Kangra and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 06 January 2020)
MoU Between CSIR-CSIO and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 11 November 2019)
MoU Between NPTI and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 07 September 2019)
MoU Between SCL and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 19 August 2019)
MoU Between IIT Roorkee and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 17 June 2019)
MoU Between ABVGIET Pragtinagar Shimla (HP) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 14 February 2019)
MoU Between NIH Roorkee and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 08 February 2019)
MoU Between E&ICT Academy Roorkee and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 15 January 2019)
Water and Sanitation Support Organization (WSSO), Dhalli, Shimla and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 27 July 2018)
E.I. Dupont Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 21 August 2017)
Ministry of Skill & Entrepreneurship Development (GOI) PMYUVA and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 01 June 2017)
Director of Industries Himachal Pradesh and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 09 March 2017)
Mobile Tutor Private Limited, Chennai and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 08 October 2015)
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (Meity) GOI and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 31 July 2015)
Sant Longowal Institute of Engg. & Technology, Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 04 April 2013)
Central Tool Room, Focal Point Ludhiana (Pb.) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 05 March 2013)
National Institute of Secondary Steel Technology, Mandi Gobindgarh and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 07 February 2013)
Malaviya NIT Jaipur, Rajasthan and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 01 October 2012)
Narvik University, Norway and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 10 February 2012)
I.I.T., Mandi (Himachal-Pradesh) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 27 October 2010)
PGP College of Engineering and Technology, Namakkal, Tamil-Nadu and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 20 September 2010)
The H.P. Energy Development Agency (HIMURJA) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 29 July 2010)
Alliance of 4 Universities (A-4U) of Barcelona, Spain and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 26 July 2010)
Eternal University, Akal College of Engineering & Technology, Baru Sahib, Himachal Pradesh – 173101 and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 16 July 2010)
Solar Energy Centre, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, (GOI), Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110003 and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 02 June 2010)
Christopher Charles Benninger Architects Pvt. Ltd, House. 53, Sopan Bagh, Balewadi, Pune, (Maharashtra) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 14 March 2010)
SASE Lab. (DRDO), Ministry of Defense, Sec- 30, Chandigarh and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 11 March 2010)
Commonwealth Science & Technology Academy for Research (C-STAR), Chennai, (Tamil-Nadu) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 05 March 2010)
Four Universities of Finland:-
a) Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.
b) University of Oulu Finland.
c) Tampere University of Technology Finland.
d) University of Tampere, Finland.
and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 26 November 2009)
Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 26 November 2009)
Sardar Valabbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujrat and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 09 February 2009)
Advance Technology, SCO 160, Ist Floor, Sector 24-D, Chandigarh and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 08 January 2009)
Avake Technology (India) Pvt. Ltd., A-39, Sector 58, Noida (UP) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 07 January 2009)
DAV Institute of Engg. & Technology, Jalandhar, (Punjab) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 03 January 2009)
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, NIT, Jalandhar, (Punjab) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 30 December 2008)
L. R. Institute of Engg. & Technology, Rajgarh Road, Solan (HP) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 27 December 2008)
Amritsar College of Engg. & Technology, Amritsar, (Punjab) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 23 December 2008)
Apex Institute of Management & Technology, Gorhgarh (Indri), Karnal, (Haryana) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 27 February 2008)
Sheffield Hallam University, Howard Street, Sheffield S1 1WB and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 25 February 2008)
Small Industries Service Institute, Chambaghat, Solan, (HP) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 20 April 2007)
University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 02 November 2006)
HPSEB Shimla (HP) (TIFAC-Core) and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 06 January 2006)
NIT Srinagar (J&K) under TEQIP and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 02 December 2004)
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, NIT, Jalandhar (Pb.) under TEQIP and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 17 September 2004)
MHRD, New Delhi and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 23 June 2004)
TIFAC-CORE, New Delhi and NIT Hamirpur (Signed on 10 February 2004)