Year Author(s) Title & Vol. No. Journal Name Indexing (SCI) Web of Science/Scopus
2012 Devendra Kumar and Abhishek Singh Recurrence Relations for Single and Product Moment of Lower Record Values from Modified-Inverse Weibull Distribution, Vol. 3, No. 1 General Mathematics Notes Nill
2016 Neha Gupta, Sonika Verma, Abhishek Singh, Nikhil Tandon, Seema Puri, and Narendra Kumar Arora Adaptation of locally available portion sizes for food frequency questionnaires in nutritional epidemiological studies: How much difference does it make?, Vol. 41, No. 3 Indian Journal of Community Medicine Scopus
2017 Abhishek Singh, P. Arokiasamy, J. Pradhan, K. Jain, and S. K. Patel Sibling and family level clustering of underweight children in northern India, Vol. 49, No. 3 Journal of Biosocial Science Scopus
2017 Abhishek Singh and S. K. Patel Gender differentials in feeding practices, health care utilization and nutritional status of children in northern India, Vol. 10, No. 5 International Journal of Human Rights in Health Care Scopus
2019 Sangram Kishor Patel, Gopal Agrawal, Bincy Mathew, Sunit Patel, Biswajit Mohanty, and Abhishek Singh Climate change and women in South Asia: a review and future policy implications World Journal of Science, Technology Development Nill
2006 Amanjeet Kaur, Ashwani Kumar A study of shiv temple Baijnath Journal of the Indian Institute of architects -
2006 Amanjeet Kaur, Ashwani Kumar Garden Architecture in India, Vol. No.- 71, Issue- 10 Journal of the Indian Institute of architects -
2006 Amanjeet Kaur, Ashwani Kumar Color your thinking, Vol. No.- 71, Issue- 11 Journal of the Indian Institute of architects -
2007 Amanjeet Kaur Pragpur - An architectural insight, Vol. No.- 72, Issue- 3 Journal of the Indian institute of architects -
2007 Amanjeet Kaur, Neetu Kapoor Dharamshala: Local Building tradition, Vol. No.- 7, Issue- 7 Time, Space & People -
2008 Amanjeet kaur, Neetu kapoor, Ashwani Kumar Cracks in Buildings, Vol. No.- 11, Issue- 1 Construction journal of India -
2008 Amanjeet Kaur, Neetu Kapoor Total Quality Management in Architectural Education, Vol. No.- 8, Issue- 6 Time, Space & People -
2008 Amanjeet kaur, Ashwani kmar, Priitpal singh Maintainance of buildings Construction journal of India -
2008 Amanjeet Kaur Relevance and Importance of mechanised construction in India. Builders friend. -
2009 Amanjeet Kaur Increasing Energy efficiency in Buildings. Journal of the Indian Institute of architects -
2010 Amanjeet Kaur, Neetu Kapoor Lighting Controls-Integral part of design, Scope in India, Vol. No.- 10, Issue- 3 Time, Space & People -
2011 Amanjeet Kaur Bamboo gets a New identity in the world of construction Time, Space & People -
2012 Amanjeet Kaur, P.S.Chani Lessons from the Past, Vol. No.- 1, Issue- 2 Journal of Architecture -
2013 Amanjeet Kaur Adaptive re-use of Pol Houses in Ahmedabad, Vol. No.- 78, Issue- 16 Journal of the Indian Institute of architects -
2014 Amanjeet Kaur Smart homes the smarter way to live life. Time, Space & People -
2022 Sourovee Dutta, Anoop K. Sharma, Amanjeet Kaur, et. al A methodology to delineate peri urban settlement typology in the context of Chandigarh region, Vol. No.- 55, Issue- 6 Journal of Tianjin University Sceince and Technology. Scopus
2017 Om Prakash Yadav and Ram Jiwari Finite element analysis and approximation of Burgers'-Fisher equation Numerical methods for partial differential equations (Wiley) SCI
2019 Om Prakash Yadav and Ram Jiwari A finite element approach for analysis and computational modelling of coupled reaction diffusion models Numerical methods for partial differential equations (Wiley) SCI
2019 Om Prakash Yadav and Ram Jiwari A finite element approach to capture Turing patterns of autocatalytic Brusselator model Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (Springer) SCI
2019 Om Prakash Yadav and Ram Jiwari Some soliton-type analytical solutions and numerical simulation of nonlinear Schrödinger equation Nonlinear Dynamics (Springer) SCI
2021 Kali Charan, Om Prakash Yadav and B C Tewari Charged anisotropic spherical collapse with heat flow European Physical Journal C (Springer) SCI
2022 Sanjalee, YD Sharma, OP Yadav Stability analysis of double diffusive thermo-bioconvection in aerobic-microorganism-suspended Casson nanofluid The European Physical Journal Plus 137, 1-13, 2022 (Springer) SCI
2022 Sanjalee, YD Sharma, OP Yadav Entropy Generation in Magnetohydrodynamics Flow of Hybrid Casson Nanofluid in Porous Channel: Lie Group Analysis International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 8 (5), 1-28, 2022 (Springer) Scopsus
2023 Sanjalee, YD Sharma, OP Yadav Regular and chaotic Rayleigh Bénard convection in hybrid Casson nanoliquid under the effect of non-uniform heat source Chinese Journal of Physics 83, 28-50, 2023 (elsevier) SCI
2023 Sanjalee, YD Sharma, OP Yadav Study of Heat Transfer in Anisotropic Porous Enclosures Saturated with Casson Fluid Based Carbon Nanotube Suspension Journal of Porous Media 26 (10), 85-107, 2023 (begell house) SCI
2023 Sanjalee, YD Sharma, OP Yadav The linear and non-linear study of effect of rotation and internal heat source/sink on Bènard convection Fluid Dynamics Research, Volume 55, Number 4, 2023 (IOP Publishing) SCI
2023 Sanjalee, YD Sharma, OP Yadav Study of Thermal Convection in Chemically Reactive Carbon Nanotube Suspension Saturated in Anisotropic Porous Enclosure International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 37, No. 25, 2023 (world scientific) SCI
2023 Sanjalee, YD Sharma, OP Yadav Convective instability of Blood-based Au−Fe3O4 hybrid nanoliquid under the presence of magnetic field with internal heat source: Application to cancer treatment Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM), 2023, (Wiley) SCI
2024 Sanjalee, YD Sharma, OP Yadav Unsteady Double-Diffusive Brinkman-B\'enard Convection in Cylindrical Enclosure Saturated with Hybrid Bi-Viscous Bingham Nanoliquid European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, 1-22, 2024 (elsevier) SCI
2024 Anisha Devi, OP Yadav Higher-order galerkin finite element method for nonlinear coupled reaction-diffusion models. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 1-25, 2024 (Taylor and Francis) SCI
2024 Anisha Devi, OP Yadav Higher order Galerkin finite element method for (1 + 2)-dimensional generalized Benjamin–Bona–Mahony–Burgers equation: A numerical investigation Wave Motion, Vol 128, 103321, (2024) Elsevier SCI
2024 Anisha Devi, OP Yadav Analysis and Simulation of the (2+1)-Dimensional Fisher’s Reaction-Diffusion Equation with Higher Order Finite Element Method Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals UNHB ( 2024 (Taylor and Francis) SCI
2024 Sanjalee Maheshwari, Y.D. Sharma, O.P. Yadav, Ankita Bisht Weak nonlinear thermo bioconvection: Heat transfer via artificial neural network International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 159, 108090 (Elsevier) SCI
2024 Anisha Devi, OP Yadav A numerical study of the generalized FitzHugh- Nagumo equation using a higher order Galerkin finite element method. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics (Springer) SCIE
2025 Rohit Sharma, Om Prakash Yadav The Evolution of Finite Element Approaches in Reaction-Diffusion Modeling Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering (Springer) SCI
2013 Vikram Verma Monica Katiyar Effect of the deposition parameters on the structural and magnetic properties of pulsed laser ablated NiO thin films & 527 Thin Solid films SCI
2013 D. Kumar, Aarti Sarin, Vikram Verma and R. Venkatraman Pulsed laser deposition assisted fabrication and characterization of Fe–Co nanoparticles embedded in TiN thin film matrix & 534 Thin Solid films SCI
2015 Vikram Verma Monica Katiyar Origin of Intrinsic ferromagnetism in undoped antiferromagnetic NiO thin films & 48 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics SCi
2019 Jarnail Singh, Vikram Verma, Ravi Kumar Preparation and Structural, Optical Studies of Al substituted Chromium Oxide (Cr2O3) Nanoparticles & 159 Vacuum SCI
2019 Jarnail Singh, Vikram Verma, Rajesh Kumar and Ravi Kumar Influence of Mg2+-substitution on the optical band gap energy of Cr2-xMgxO3 nanoparticles & 13 Results in Physics SCI
2019 Jarnail Singh, Vikram Verma, Rajesh Kumar and Ravi Kumar Effect of Structural and Thermal Disorder on the Optical Band Gap Energy of Cr2O3 Nanoparticles & 6 Materials Research Express SCI
2019 Jarnail Singh, Vikram Verma, Rajesh Kumar and Ravi Kumar Structural, Optical and Electrical Characterization of Epitaxial Cr2O3 Thin Film Deposited by PLD & 6 Materials Research Express SCI
2020 Jarnail Singh, Vikram Verma, Rajesh Kumar and Ravi Kumar Role of Ni2+ substituent on the structural, optical and magnetic properties of chromium oxide (Cr2-xNixO3) nanoparticles & 46 Ceramics International SCI
2020 Amarjit Singh, Jarnail Singh, Manoj Kumar Sinha, Ravi Kumar and Vikram Verma Investigations on microstructural and microhardness developments in sintered iron–coal fly ash composites & 45 Sadhana SCI
2020 Jarnail Singh, Vikram Verma, Rajesh Kumar and Ravi Kumar, Comparative Studies on Optoelectronic Properties of Epitaxial MgxCr2-xO3 and AlxCr2-xO3 (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) Thin Films Deposited on Sapphire Substrates & 847 Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2021 Jarnail Singh, Vikram Verma, Rajesh Kumar and Ravi Kumar Structural and Optoelectronic Properties of Epitaxial Ni-Substituted Cr2O3 Thin Films for p-type TCO Applications & 123 Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing SCI
2021 Amarjit Singh, Jarnail Singh, Manoj Kumar Sinha, Ravi Kumar and Vikram Verma, Compaction and densification characteristics of iron powder/coal fly ash (CFA) mixtures processed by powder metallurgy technique & 30 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance SCI
2021 Pankaj Bhardwaj, Jarnail Singh, Rajesh Kumar, Ravi Kumar and Vikram Verma, Structural, Optical and Magnetic Characterization of Ni2+ ions doped Chromium Oxide (Cr2O3) Nanoparticles &115 Solid State Sciences SCI
2022 Pankaj Bhardwaj, Rajesh Kumar, Jarnail Singh, Vikram Verma, and Ravi Kumar Oxygen defects induced tailored optical and magnetic properties of FexCr2−xO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.1) nanoparticles &128 Applied Physics A SCI
2023 Pankaj Bhardwaj, Rajesh Kumar, Vikram Verma, and Ravi Kumar A comparative study on the structural, optical, and magnetic behavior of transition metal (Co and Mn) ions substituted Cr2O3 nanoparticles & 565 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials SCI
2024 Pankaj Bhardwaj, Jarnail Singh , A.P. Singh , R.J. Choudhary, Vikram Verma, Ravi Kumar Observation of room temperature ferromagnetism in transition metal ions substituted p-type transparent conducting oxide Cr2O3 thin films & 229 Materials Science and Engineering: B SCI
2017 Sood, P.K.; Sehgal, R.; Dwivedi, D.K. Machinability of Hypereutectic cast Al-Si alloys processed by SSM processing technique Sadhana SCI
2013 Sood, P.K.; Sehgal, R.; Dwivedi, D.K. Machinability Study of Stir Cast Hypoeutectic Aluminum-Silicon Alloys During Turning. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance SCI
2017 Gupta, M.K.; Sood, P.R.; Sharma, V.S. Performance Evaluation of Cubic Boron Nitride Tool in Machining of Titanium (Grade-II) Under Minimum Quantity Lubrication. Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences SCI
2017 Gupta, M.K.; Sood, P.K Surface Roughness Measurements in NFMQL assisted Turning of Titanium Alloys: An Optimization Approach Friction SCI
2017 Gupta, M.K.; Sood, P.K. Machining Comparison of Aerospace Materials Considering Minimum Quantity Cutting Fluid: A Clean and Green Approach. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science SCI
2016 Gupta, M.K.; Sood, P.K.; Sharma, V.S. Optimization of machining parameters and cutting fluids during nano-fluid based minimum quantity lubrication turning of titanium alloy by using evolutionary techniques. Journal of Cleaner Production SCI
2013 Gupta, M.K.; Sood, P.K. Machining Parameters Optimization of Titanium Alloy Using Response Surface Methodology and Particle Swarm Optimization under Minimum Quantity Lubrication Environment. Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCI
2015 Gupta, M.K.; Sood, P.K. Optimization of Machining Parameters for Turning AISI 4340 Steel Using Taguchi Based Grey Relational Analysis. Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences SCI
2018 ): Kumar, S; Sood, P.K. A comparative study of dry sliding wear characterization of nano Sic and nano B4C filled A17075 nano composites under high temperature environment. Material Research Express SCI
2016 Gupta, M.K.; Sood, P.K.; Sharma, V.S. Investigations on Surface Roughness Measurement in Minimum Quantity Lubrication Turning of Titanium Alloys Using Response Surface Methodology and Box-Cox Transformation. J. Manuf. Sci. Prod. Non-SCI
2015 Gupta, M.K.; Sood, P.K. Optimizing Multi Characterstics in Machining of AISI 4340 Steel Using Taguchi's Approach and Utility Concept. J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C Non-SCI
2015 Gupta, M.K.; Singh, G.; Sood, P.K. Modelling and Optimization of Tool Wear in Machining of EN24 Steel Using Taguchi Approach. J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C Non-SCI
2015 Gupta, M.K.; Singh, G.; Sood, P.K. Experimental Investigation of Machining AISI 1040 Medium Carbon Steel Under Cryogenic Machining: A Comparison with Dry Machining. J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C Non-SCI
2015 Gupta, M.K.; Sood, P.K.; Singh, G. Taguchi Multiple Performance Characteristics Optimization In Machining Of Aisi 4340 Steel Using Utility Function. 1-Manager's Journal on Mechanical Engineering Non-SCI
2011 Sood, P.K.; Sehgal, Rakesh; Dwivedi,D.K. Optimization of Turning Parameters for Surface Roughness in C I-Manager's Journal of Mech. Engineering Non-SCI
2022 Swechcha Roy, S. K. Paul, Amarjeet Kumar and Vivek Agnihotri Understanding Parents’ Preferences while School Selection in Indian Cities Using Cluster Analysis and Logit Model International Journal of Educational Reform SCOPUS
2022 S Ahmad ,M A Kamal ,P Sudhakaran , T Verma ,S Roy, Swechcha Roy Evidence Based Patient Room Design and Improving Outcomes: Case of Healthcare Facility in Saudi Arabia. vol 6 Journal Positive Psychology & Wellbeing SCOPUS
2022 Amarjeet Kumar, S. K. Paul, Swechcha Roy Framework for Location-Allocation of Shelters for Evacuation During Cyclones. vol 205 A System Engineering Approach to Disaster Resilience. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, SCOPUS
2020 Vivek Agnihotri, S K Sahu, Potential Assessment of New Metro Station Areas in Lucknow. vol 7 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology -
2020 Shekhar Shashank, Pushkar Mayank , Choudhary Amit , Babu Mova Raghu, Pohshna Chwadaka , Roy Swechcha Evaluation and performance of drainage system in waterlogged area of Krishna western delta, vol 44 Agricultural engineering today -
2018 Swechcha Roy, S. K. Paul,Vivek Agnihotri Developing a conceptual framework for geo-spatial planning of location-allocation of schools in Indian cities Cool planning: changing climate & our urban future -
2004 V. Sharma, R. Jha and R. Naresh Optimal multi-reservoir network control by two phase neural network International Journal of Elsevier Science Scopus:- Source record id: 16044 Web of Science
2004 V. Sharma, R. Jha and R. Naresh Hopfield Neural Network Approach for Multi-reservoir Network Control Water and Energy International Scopus:- Source record id: 18755
2005 V. Sharma, R. Jha and R. Naresh Augmented Lagrange Programming Neural Network for Short-term Hydroelectric Generation Scheduling International Journal of Engineering Optimization Scopus:- Source record id: 29114 Web of Science
2006 V. Sharma, R. Jha and R. Naresh Quadratic Programming Neural Network Approach for Multi-reservoir Network Control International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems Scopus:- Source record id: 78090
2007 V. Sharma, R. Jha and R. Naresh Optimal Multi-reservoir Network Control by Augmented Lagrange Programming Neural Network Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier science Scopus:- Source record id: 18136; Web of Science
2008 R. Naresh, V. Sharma and Manisha An Integrated Neural-Fuzzy Approach for Fault Diagnosis of Transformers IEEE transactions on Power Delivery Scopus:- Source record id: 17370 ; Science Citation Index at S. No. 1591; Web of Science
2009 V. Sharma, R. Jha and R. Naresh A neural network optimizer for scheduling hydropower generations International Journal of Power and Energy Systems Scopus:- Source record id: 26993; Web of Science
2010 V. Sharma, Devender Kumar Stream flow forecasting in long term reservoir operation scheduling Water and Energy International Scopus:- Source record id: 18755
2010 V. Sharma, DeepikaYadav Artificial neural network based hydroelectric generation modelling Journal of Applied Engineering Research Scopus:- Source record id: 21100217234
2011 V. Sharma, R. Naresh, Sushil, DeepikaYadav Optimal Hydro-Thermal Generation Scheduling using an efficient Feedback Neural Network Optimization Model Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology Scopus:- Source record id: 19700187706
2012 DeepikaYadav, R. Naresh,Veena Sharma Energy Generation Plan at Hydro Power Plant TERI Information Digest on Energy and Environment Scopus:- Source record id: 74282
2014 Preeti, V. Sharma, R. Naresh Performance analysis and comparison of automatic generation control techniques for four area interconnected system Sylwan Scopus:- Source record id: 23731; Science Citation Index Expanded Web of Science
2015 R. N. Sharma , Narottam Chand, Veena Sharma Decision support system for operation, scheduling and optimization of hydro power plant in Jammu and Kashmir region Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Scopus:- Source record id: 27567; Science Citation Index at S. No. 3302; Web of Science
2015 P. K. Singhal, R. Naresh, and V. Sharma A novel strategy-based hybrid binary artificial bee colony algorithm for unit commitment problem Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering Scopus:- Source record id: 13951; Web of Science
2015 P. K. Singhal, R. Naresh, V. Sharma A modified binary artificial bee colony algorithm for ramp rate constrained unit commitment problem International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems Scopus:- Source record id: 15615
2015 N. Gouthamkumar, V. Sharma, and R. Naresh Hybridized Gravitational Search Algorithm for Short-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling IETE Journal of Research Scopus:- Source record id: 130012; Web of Science
2015 P. K. Singhal, R. Naresh, and V. Sharma Binary Fish Swarm Algorithm for Profit-Based Unit Commitment Problem in Competitive Electricity Market with Ramp Rate Constraints IET Generation Transmission and Distribution Scopus:- Source record id: 5400152713; Science Citation Index at S. No. 1612; Web of Science
2015 N. Gouthamkumar, V. Sharma, and R. Naresh Disruption based gravitational search algorithm for short term hydro thermal scheduling Expert Systems with Applications Scopus:- Source record id: 24201; Web of Science
2015 P. Dahiya, V. Sharma, R. N. Sharma Optimal Generation Control of Interconnected Power System Including DFIG-Based Wind Turbine IETE Journal of Research Scopus:- Source record id: 130012; Web of Science
2015 P. Dahiya, V. Sharma, R. Naresh Solution approach to automatic generation control problem using hybridized gravitational search algorithm optimized PID and FOPID controllers Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering Scopus:- Source record id: 18000156702; Web of Science
2016 N. Gouthamkumar, V. Sharma, and R. Naresh Application of nondominated sorting gravitational search algorithm with disruption operator for stochastic multiobjective short term hydrothermal scheduling IET Generation Transmission and Distribution Scopus:- Source record id: 5400152713 ; Science Citation Index at S. No. 1612 ; Web of Science
2016 N. Gouthamkumar, V. Sharma, and R. Naresh Non dominated sorting disruption based gravitational search algorithm with mutation scheme for multi-objective short term hydrothermal scheduling Electric Power Components and Systems Scopus:- Source record id: 16031; Web of Science
2016 H. Pulluri, R. Naresh, and V. Sharma A solution network based on stud krill herd algorithm for optimal power flow problems Soft Computing Scopus:- Source record id: 28554; Web of Science
2016 P. Dahiya, V. Sharma, R. Naresh Automatic generation control using disrupted oppositional based gravitational search algorithm optimized sliding mode controller under deregulated environment IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution Scopus:- Source record id: 5400152713 ; Science Citation Index at S. No. 1612; Web of Science
2016 H. Pulluri, R. Naresh, and V. Sharma Application of stud krill herd algorithm for solution of optimal power flow problems International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems Scopus:- Source record id:15615; Web of Science
2017 P. Dahiya, V. Sharma, and R. Naresh Hybridized gravitational search algorithm tuned sliding mode controller design for LFC system with DFIG wind turbine Optimal Control Applications and Methods Scopus:- Source record id: 25529; Web of Science
2017 H. Pulluri, R. Naresh, and V. Sharma An enhanced self-adaptive differential evolution based solution methodology for multiobjective optimal power flow Applied Soft Computing Scopus:- Source record id: 18136; Web of Science
2017 Sita Ram, O. P. Rahi, and Veena Sharma A comprehensive literature review on slip power recovery drives Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Scopus:- Source record id: 27567; Science Citation Index at S. No. 3302; Web of Science
2017 Preeti Dahiya, Veena Sharma, R. Naresh Optimal sliding mode control for frequency regulation in deregulated power systems with DFIG wind turbine and TCSC-SMES Neural Computing and Applications Scopus:- Source record id: 24800
2018 Amita Singh, Veena Sharma, Preeti Dahiya, Ram Naresh Model Predictive Based Load Frequency Control of an Interconnected Power Systems Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Scopus:- Source record id: 21100324717
2018 Sita Ram, O. P. Rahi, Veena Sharma Comparative analysis of induction motor drive with chopper control SPRS employing various inverter configurations IETE Journal of Research Scopus:- Source record id: 130012 ; SCI, Web of Science
2018 Sita Ram, O. P. Rahi, Veena Sharma Performance analysis of SPRS-based induction motor drive using multi-level inverter and buck-boost chopper International Journal of Power Electronics SCOPUS 21100202505, Print IISN: 1756638X
2019 Deepak Kanukumari, Veena Sharma Analysis Using Various Approaches for Residual Life Estimation of Power Transformers International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics SCOPUS, DOI: 10.15676/ijeei.2019.11.2.11
2019 Amita Singh, Veena Sharma Salp swarm algorithm-based model predictive controller for frequency regulation of solar integrated power system Neural Computing and Applications Scopus: Source record id: 24800
2019 Amita Singh, Veena Sharma Performance Analysis of Classical Controllers Tuned Using Heuristic Approaches for Frequency Regulation Applications of Computing, Automation and Wireless Systems in Electrical Engineering, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 553, 2019. SCOPUS
2020 Sita Ram, O. P. Rahi, Veena Sharma Performance analysis of SPRS-based induction motor drive using multi-level inverter and buck-boost chopper International Journal of Power Electronics (IJPELEC), Vol. 12, No. 1, 2020. Scopus
2020 Sita Ram, O. P. Rahi, Veena Sharma Implementation of SPRS using Chopper and PWMVSI with Voltage Control Technique to Enhance the Quality of Supply IETE Journal of Research Scopus
2021 Vineet Kumar, Veena Sharma, and R. Naresh HHO Based Model Predictive Controller for Combined Voltage and Frequency Control Problem including SMES, IETE Journal of Research SCIE,pp. 1-15, 2021. DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2021.1908180
2021 Vineet , R. Naresh, Veena Sharma GAMS Environment Based Solution Methodologies for Ramp Rate Constrained Profit Based Unit Commitment Problem Iranian Journal of Science &Technology Trans. Electrical Eng. Vol. 45, pp. 1325–1342 2021. Scopus source ID: 21100217227 ISSN:2228-6179.Web of Science: SCIE
2022 Vineet Kumar , R. Naresh, Veena Sharma Model Predictive Controller Based Voltage and Frequency Regulation in Renewable Energy Integrated Power System Coordinated with Virtual Inertia and Redox Flow Battery Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering, pp. 1-18; 2022. Scopus source ID: 21100217227ISSN:2228-6179. Web of Science: SCIE
2022 Vineet Kumar , R. Naresh, Veena Sharma Stochastic profit-based unit commitment problem considering renewable energy sources with battery storage systems and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles International Journal of Energy Research vol. 46(12), pp.16445-16460, 2022.SCOPUS source ID: 26676ISSN:0363-907X. E-ISSN:1099-114X , Web of Science: SCIE
2022 Vineet Kumar , R. Naresh, Veena Sharma Profit based unit commitment problem solution using metaheuristic optimisation approach International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics pp. 1-22, 2022. SCOPUS source ID: 21100886529 ISSN:2330-2674. E-ISSN:2330-2682 Web of Science: SCIE
2022 Vineet Kumar, Veena Sharma, Yogendra Arya, R. Naresh & Amita Singh Stochastic wind energy integrated multi source power system control via a novel model predictive controller based on Harris Hawks optimization,” Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, vol. 44(4), pp. 10694-10719, 2022.SCOPUS source ID: 4500151514 (SCI) ISSN:1556-7036E-ISSN:1556-7230 Web of Science: SCIE
2023 Vineet ., R. Naresh, Veena Sharma: Leader Harris Hawks Algorithm based Optimal Controller for Automatic Generation Control in PV-Hydro-Wind Integrated Power Network Vineet ., R. Naresh, Veena Sharma: Leader Harris Hawks Algorithm based Optimal Controller for Automatic Generation Control in PV-Hydro-Wind Integrated Power Network Electric Power Systems Research Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 214, Part B, 2023, 108924.SCOPUS source ID: 16044. ISSN:0378-7796 Web of Science: SCIE
2023 Amita Singh, Veena Sharma, Vineet Kumar, R. Naresh, O.P. Rahi, and V. Kumar, “Investigation of PBUC Problem with RES and EV in Restructured Environment” Amita Singh, Veena Sharma, Vineet Kumar, R. Naresh, O.P. Rahi, and V. Kumar, “Investigation of PBUC Problem with RES and EV in Restructured Environment” Wind Engineering, 2023. [SCOPUS/ESCI] Wind Engineering, 2023. [SCOPUS/ESCI]
2023 Ankit Aharwar, Ram Naresh, Veena Sharma, and Vineet Kumar “Unit commitment problem for transmission system, models and approaches: A review” Ankit Aharwar, Ram Naresh, Veena Sharma, and Vineet Kumar “Unit commitment problem for transmission system, models and approaches: A review” Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 223, 2023. (SCI, I.F. = 3.818) Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 223, 2023. [ISSN: ISSN:0378-7796, Scopus source ID: 16044] [SCI]
2024 Mathewos Lolamo, Rajan Kumar, Veena Sharma Mathewos Lolamo, Rajan Kumar, Veena Sharma, “Power quality improvement in renewable energy integrated grid: A review, the paper has been accepted for publication in Int. J. of Power and Energy Conversion, InderScience Publisher, [SCOPUS] Int.J. of Power and Energy Conversion Accepted for publication in Int. J. of Power and Energy Conversion, InderScience Publisher, [SCOPUS]
2024 Mathewos Lolamo, Rajan Kumar, Veena Sharma Power Quality Improvement of Grid-Tied PV Systems with Continuous-Time Adaptive LMS and FOPI Control-Based DSTATCOM International Journal of Electric Power Systems Research [SCI] Accepted for publication in Elsevier International Journal of Electric Power Systems Research. [SCI]
2024 Vineet Kumar, Veena Sharma, R. Naresh, Yogendra Arya A novel predictive control strategy for renewable penetrated interconnected power system Published in Wiley Journal Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, 2024, 1-16, DOI: 10.1002/oca.3144. [SCI] Wiley Journal Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, 2024, 1-16, DOI: 10.1002/oca.3144. [SCI]
2024 Aharwar A, Sharma RN, Sharma V, Chauhan R Exploring Optimal Power Generation Strategies under Security Constraints: Analysis of Security Constrained Unit Commitment Accepted for publication in Taylor and Francis Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems. [SCIE] Accepted for publication in Taylor and Francis Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems. [SCIE]
2011 Pankaj. A. Apte, Arvind. K. Gautam and Amol M. patil Evidence for coincidence of Kauzmann temperature and liquid-liquid transition temperature in supercooled silicon arXiv: (cond-mat.mtrl-sci) Other
2012 Pankaj A. Apte and Arvind K. Gautam Nonmonotonic dependence of the absolute entropy on temperature in supercooled Stillinger-Weber silicon, 149 Journal of Statistical Physics SCI
2015 Pankaj A. Apte, Nandlal Pingua, Arvind Kumar Gautam, Uday Kumar, Soohaeng Yoo Willow, Xiao Cheng Zeng and B. D. Kulkarni The freezing tendency towards 4-coordinated amorphous network causes increase in heat capacity of supercooled Stillinger-Weber silicon RSC Advanced SCI
2017 Arvind K. Gautam, Nandlal Pingua, Aashish Goyal and Pankaj A. Apte Dynamical Instability Causes the Demise of a Supercooled Tetrahedral Liquid Journal of Statistical Physics SCI
2018 Arvind K. Gautam, Avinash Chandra A computational study of liquid-solid interfacial free energy (y) for SW-Ge potential model Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications SCI
2018 Arvind K. Gautam, Avinash Chandra A thermodynamic study of supercooled Stillinger-Weber silicon at 0.75 GPa International Journal of Molecular Physics B SCI
2018 Arvind K. Gautam and Avinash Chandra The computation of liquid-liquid coexistence temperature for tetrahedral liquids International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Web of Science
2018 Arvind K. Gautam and Ajay K. Sahu The liquid-amorphous phase transition study on silicon and water in supercooled region International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Web of Science
2020 Arvind K. Gautam and Avinash Chandra A computational study of excess properties for mW potential model of water in super-cooled region Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications SCI
2020 Meenakshi Sheoran, Navjot Kaur, Avinash Chandra, Arvind Kumar Gautam and Raj Kumar Arya Pilot-scale soda pulping of wheat straw using continuous pulp digester Journal of Indian Chemical Society SCI
2021 Arvind K. Gautam, and Kuldeep Singh Preparation and characterization of fragrance by extracting the essential oils from different raw materials Journal of Indian Chemical Society SCI
2022 Gautam, A.K.; Sharma, A.; Srivastava, S.; Kumar, A. Temperature effects on liquid and crystalline state of SW-Germanium in supercooled region International Journal of Modern Physics B SCI
2022 Chandra, A.; Rekhi, H.; Dharmender; Gautam, A.K.; Arya, R.K. Enzyme-assisted turmeric oil extraction from turmeric rhizomes Chemical and Process Engineering SCI
2022 Sheoran, M.; Chandra, A.; Gautam, A.K.; Arya, R.K.; Bhunia, H.; Pant, H.J. Comparative Study of Two Identical Industrial Digesters Using Radiotracer-Based Residence Time Distribution Measurement Chemical Engineering and Technology SCI
2022 Gupta, R.; Sharma, M.; Jangir, V.; Gautam, A.K.; Chandra, A.; Arya, R.K. A theoretical and mathematical study on the importance of petroleum derivatives in the production of sanitizer based products Materials Today: Proceedings SCI
2024 Arvind K. Gautam, Nandlal Pingua, Avinash Chandra Molecular dynamic study to investigate the system size effects on tetrahedral materials in supercooled region Materials Today: Proceedings SCI
2024 Arvind K. Gautam, Nandlal Pingua Molecular dynamics study on relaxation of supercooled liquid water at different cooling rates Materials Today Communications SCI
2024 Arvind K. Gautam, Yashwant Shukla, Nandlal Pingua A computational analysis on thermodynamic changes in liquid and solid states of carbon at liquid-liquid phase coexistence temperature International Journal of Modern Physics B SCI
2017 A. Bhattacharyya, R. B. Pachori A multivariate approach for patient specific EEG seizure detection using empirical wavelet transform, vol. 64, No. 9, pp. 2003 - 2015 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering SCI, ISBN/ISSN No.: 00189294
2017 A. Bhattacharyya, R. B. Pachori, U. R. Acharya Tunable-Q wavelet transform based multivariate sub-band fuzzy entropy with application to focal EEG signal analysis, vol. 19 (3), 99, pp. 01-14 Entropy SCI, ISBN/ISSN No.: 10994300
2017 A. Bhattacharyya, R. B. Pachori, A. Upadhyay, U. R. Acharya Tunable-Q wavelet transform based multiscale entropy measure for automated classification of epileptic EEG signals, vol. 7(4), 385, pp. 01-18 Applied Sciences SCI, ISBN/ISSN No.: 20763417
2018 A. Bhattacharyya, L. Singh, R. B. Pachori Fourier-Bessel series expansion based empirical wavelet transform for analysis of non-stationary signals, vol. 78, pp. 185-196 Digital Signal Processing SCI, ISBN/ISSN No.: 10512004
2019 A. Bhattacharyya, R. Ranta, S. Le Cam, V. Louis-Dorr, L. Tyvaert, S. Colnat-Coulbois, L. Maillard and R. B. Pachori A multichannel approach for cortical stimulation artefact suppression in depth EEG signals using time-frequency and spatial filtering, vol. 66.7, pp 1915-1926 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering SCI, ISBN/ISSN No.: 00189294
2019 R.K. Tripathy, A. Bhattacharyya, and R. B. Pachori A novel approach for detection of myocardial infarction from ECG signals of multiple electrodes, vol. 19.12, pp. 4509-4517 IEEE Sensors Journal SCI, ISBN/ISSN No.: 1530437X
2019 P. Gajbhiye, R. K. Tripathy, A. Bhattacharyya, R. B. Pachori Novel Approaches for the Removal of Motion Artifact from EEG Recordings, vol 19, pp 10600-10608 IEEE Sensors Journal SCI, ISBN/ISSN No.: 1530437X
2019 R. K. Tripathy, A. Bhattacharyya, and R. B. Pachori Localization of Myocardial Infarction from Multi-Lead ECG Signals using Multiscale Analysis and Convolutional Neural Network, vol 19, pp 11437-11448 IEEE Sensors Journal SCI, ISBN/ISSN No.: 1530437X
2020 A. Bhattacharyya, R. K. Tripathy, L. Garg, R. B. Pachori A Novel Multivariate-Multiscale Approach for Computing EEG Spectral and Temporal Complexity for Human Emotion Recognition , vol 21, pp 3579-3591 IEEE Sensors Journal SCI, ISBN/ISSN No.: 1530437X
2021 A. Bhattacharyya, D. Bhaik, S. Kumar, P. Thakur, R. Sharma, and R. B. Pachori A Deep Learning Based Approach for Automatic Detection of COVID-19 Cases using Chest X-Ray Images, vol 71, pp 103182 Biomedical Signal Processing and Control SCI, ISBN/ISSN: 1746-8094
2021 L. D. Sharma, A. Bhattacharyya A Computerized Approach for Automatic Human Emotion Recognition using Sliding Mode Singular Spectrum Analysis IEEE Sensors Journal SCI, ISBN/ISSN No.: 1530437X
2021 V. Padhmashree, A. Bhattacharyya Human Emotion Recognition Based on Time-Frequency Analysis of Multivariate EEG Signal Knowledge-Based Systems SCI, ISSN: 0950-7051, Elsevier (Impact factor = 8.038)
2023 A. Bhattacharyya, A. Verma, R. Ranta, R. B. Pachori Ocular Artifacts Elimination fromMultivariate EEG Signal usingFrequency-Spatial Filtering IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems SCI, ISBN/ISSN No.: 2379-8920
2024 SH Karaddi, LD Sharma, A Bhattacharyya Softflatten-net: A deep convolutional neural network design for Monkeypox Classification from Digital Skin Lesions Images IEEE Sensors Journal SCI, ISBN/ISSN No.: 1530437X
2017 K. K. Shukla, A. Pal, Abhishek Singh, R. Singh, J. Saha, A. Sinha, A. K. Ghosh, S. Patnaik, A. Awasthi, and S. Chatterjee Hidden transition in multiferroic and magnetodielectric CuCrO2 evidenced by ac-susceptibility :118, 27008 (2017). Europhysics Letters SCI
2018 R. Singh, V. K. Gangwar, D. Daga, Abhishek Singh, A. Ghosh, M. Kumar, A. Lakhani,R. Singh, and S. Chatterjee Unusual negative magnetoresistance in Bi2Se3–ySy topological insulator under perpendicular magnetic field: 112, 102401 (2018). Applied Physics Letters SCI
2018 A. Pal, Abhishek Singh, Anup K. Ghosh, S.Chatterjee High temperature spin-freezing transition in Pyrochlore Eu2Ti2O7: A new observation from ac-susceptibility: 462, (1-7), (2018). Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials SCI
2019 S. Roy, Brijmohan Prajapati, A. Singh, Amish G. Joshi, S. Chatterjee and Anup K. Ghosh Identification of point defects on Co-Ni co doping in SnO2 nanocrystals and their effect on the structural and optical properties :126 , 154303 (2019). Journal of Applied Physics SCI
2019 Prince K. Gupta, Surajit Ghosh, Shiv Kumar, Arkadeb Pal, Prajyoti Singh, Mohd Alam, Abhishek Singh, Somnath Roy, Rahul Singh, Bheeshma Pratap Singh, N. Naveen Kumar, Eike F. Schwier, Masahiro Sawada, Takeshi Matsumura, Kenya Shimada, Hong- Ji Lin, Yi-Ying Chin, A. K. Ghosh and Sandip Chatterjee Room temperature exchange bias in antiferromagnetic composite BiFeO3 - TbMnO3 : 126, 243903, (2019). Journal of Applied Physics SCI
2020 Manish Kumar, Brijmohan Prajapati, Abhishek Singh, Shiv Kumar, Arvind Kumara, Srishti Mittal, Aditya Structural, optical and magneto-electric coupling analysis in ‘Y’doped double perovskite La2NiMnO6 nanoparticles : 532, 110688 (2020). Chemical physics SCI
2020 Manish Kumar, Brijmohan Prajapati, Abhishek Singh B-site ordering effect on structural and magnetic properties of ‘Y’-modified double perovskite La2NiMnO6 nanoparticles: 31, 8099 (2020). Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics SCI
2022 Manish Kumar, Arvind Kumar, Abhishek Singh, Avneesh Anshul, Subhash Sharma, Prakash Chandra Sati Low temperature magnetic study and first principle calculation in ‘Mo’ doped CoFe2O4 for magnetic information storage applications: 896, 163074 (2022). Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2022 Rahul Singh, Shiv Kumar, A. Jain, Mahima Singh, Labanya Ghosh, A. Singh, Soma Banik, Lakhani, S. Patil, E.F. Schwier, K. Shimada, S.M. Yusuf, Sandip Chatterjee Competition between axial anomaly and ferromagnetic ordering in Bi2-xFexSe3–xSx topological insulator: A study of magnetic and magnetotransport properties: 8, 669e677 (2022). Journal of Materiomics SCI
2023 Manish Kumar, Arvind Kumar, Subhash Sharma, Ritesh Kumar Chourasia, Rakesh Kumar, Samiksha Dabas, Abhishek Singh, Avneesh Anshul Investigations on low temperature magnetic and magnetoelectric properties of multiferroic-NiO nanocomposites: 965, 171353, (2023). Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2018 Abhishek Singh, A. Ghosh, and S. Chatterjee Antiferromagnetic Ordering at Room Temperature in Co-Doped Sb2Te3 Topological Insulators : 31, (299-305) (2018). Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism SCI
2018 Abhishek Singh, P. Shahi, A. Ghosh, J. Cheng, and S. Chatterjee Enhancement in power factor due to anticorrelation between electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power and induced magnetic ordering in high mobility Zn doped Bi2Te3 topological insulator: 731, (297-302) (2018). Journal of Alloys and Compounds, SCI
2018 Abhishek Singh, R. Singh, T. Patel, G. Okram, A. Lakhani, V. Ganeshan, A. Ghosh, S. Jha, S. Patil, and S. Chatterjee Tuning of carrier type, enhancement of Linear magnetoresistance and inducing ferromagnetism at room temperature with Cu doping in Bi2Te3 Topological Insulators : 98, (1-7) (2018). Materials Research Bulletin SCI
2020 Abhishek Singh, Vinod K. Gangwar, Prashant Shahi, Debarati Pal, Rahul Singh, Shiv Kumar, S. Singh, S. K. Gupta, Sudhir Kumar, Jinguang Cheng, and Sandip Chatterjee Anomalous and topological Hall effect in Cu doped Sb2Te3 topological insulator : 117, 092403 (2020). Applied Physics Letters SCI
2020 Abhishek Singh, Shiv Kumar, Mahima Singh, Prajyoti Singh, Rahul Singh, Vinod K Gangwar, Archana Lakhani, Swapnil Patil, Eike F Schwier, Takeshi Matsumura, K Shimada, A K Ghosh and Sandip Chatterjee Anomalous Hall effect in Cu doped Bi2Te3 topological insulator : 32, 305602 (2020). Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter SCI
2022 Abhishek Singh, Souvik Sasmal, Kartik K. Iyer, A. Thamizhavel and Kalobaran Maiti Evolution of extremely large magnetoresistance in a Weyl semimetal, WTe2 with Ni- doping: 6, 124202, 2022. Physical Review Materials SCI
2023 Chauhan, A., Desai Y.M., Banerjee S. and Sharma U.K 3D simulation of non-uniform corrosion induced damage in reinforced concrete exposed to real climate, Vol. 56 STRUCTURES (ELSEVIER) SCI
2021 Chauhan, A., and Sharma U.K Crack propagation in reinforced concrete exposed to non- uniform corrosion under real climate, Vol. 248 Engineering Fracture Mechanics SCI
2022 Chauhan, A., and Sharma U.K ‘Identifying Factors Influencing Corrosion Rate in Reinforced Concrete under Simulated Natural Climate, Vol. 123 Current Science SCOPUS
2019 Chauhan, A., and Sharma U.K Effect of Real Climate on Non-Uniform Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete, Vol. 116 ACI Materials Journal SCI
2019 Chauhan, A., and Sharma U.K Influence of temperature and relative humidity variations on non-uniform corrosion of reinforced concrete, Vol. 19 Structures (Elsevier) SCI
2018 Singh S.B., Chauhan A. and Munjal P. Composite Mechanics Based Design Approach for FRP Strengthened Walls Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance (Taylor and Francis) SCOPUS
2017 Vishnu B., Chauhan A., Roy D., Sharma, U.K Influence of various exposure conditions on the Structural Performance of Sandwich Wall Panels The Indian Concrete Journal SCOPUS
2016 Singh S.B., Chauhan A. and Munjal P. A parametric study on response of FRP strengthened masonry walls under blast loading, Vol. 18 Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (BHRC) SCOPUS
2015 Singh S.B. and Chauhan A. Study of the Bond Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Bars, Vol. 89 The Indian Concrete Journal SCOPUS
2020 Ajay Kumar Mallick, Susanta Mukhopadhyay Video retrieval using salient foreground region of motion vector based extracted keyframes and spatial pyramid matching, Vol-79 Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer) SCI
2022 Ajay Kumar Mallick, Susanta Mukhopadhyay Video Retrieval Framework based on Color Co-occurrence Feature of Adaptive Low Rank Extracted Keyframes and Graph Pattern Matching, Vol-59 Information Processing & Management (Elsevier) SCI
2022 Mukul Majhi, Ajay Kumar Mallick Random Projection and Hashing based Privacy Preserving for Image Retrieval Paradigm using Invariant and Clustered Feature, Vol-34 Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences(Elsevier) SCI
2018 Ajoy Debbarma and Krishna M. Pandey CFD Analysis of Rewetting Behavior in Nuclear Fuel Rod Bundle with Change in Operating Conditions, Vol. No. 83 Kerntechnik SCI
2016 Ajoy Debbarma and Krishna M. Pandey CFD analysis of rewetting of a single sector AHWR fuel cluster with changing jet directions, Vol. No. 308 Nuclear Engineering and Design SCI
2016 Ajoy Debbarma and Krishna M. Pandey Numerical analysis on the effect of flow rates and jet diameter in rewetting vertical nuclear fuel bundle with jet impingements, Vol. No. 94 Annals of Nuclear Energy SCI
2016 Ajoy Debbarma and Krishna M. Pandey Influence on rewetting temperature and wetting delay during rewetting rod bundle by various radial jet models, Vol. No. 81 Kerntechnik SCI
2017 Ajoy Debbarma and Krishna M. Pandey CFD Analysis of Rewetting Temperature and Wetting Delay during Emergency Cooling of Vertical Nuclear Fuel Rod Bundle with Water Jet Impingement, Vol. 4 Materials Today: Proceedings Scopus
2017 Ajoy Debbarma and Krishna M. Pandey CFD Study on Emergency Core Cooling of Hot Vertical Nuclear Fuel Rod Bundle by Jet Impingement, Vol. 4 Materials Today: Proceedings Scopus
2017 Gautam Choubey, K.M. Pandey, Ambarish Maji, Tuhin Deshmukhya, Ajoy Debbarma Computational Investigation of Multi-Strut Injection of Hydrogen in a Scramjet Combustor, Vol. 4 Materials Today: Proceedings Scopus
2017 Deepak Sharma, K.M. Pandey, Ajoy Debbarma, Gautam Choubey Numerical Investigation of heat transfer enhancement of SiO2-water based nanofluids in Light water nuclear reactor, Vol. 4 Materials Today: Proceedings Scopus
2016 Ajoy Debbarma and Krishna M. Pandey CFD Study of Rewetting Nuclear Fuel Rod Bundle by Zig-Zag Jet Impingement, Vol. 9 Indian Journal of Science and Technology Scopus
2013 Ajoy Debbarma and Krishna M. Pandey Numerical Analysis of Flow and Heat transfer in Sub-channel of Supercritical Water Reactor, Vol. 64 Procedia Eng., Scopus
2023 Supern SWAPNIL, Ajoy DEBBARMA Surface modification techniques for cooling by impinging jets-a review Journal of Thermal Engineering ESCI
2023 Sohan Lal Sharma, Satyendra Singh, Ajoy Debbarma, Kuber Singh Mehra Experimental Assessment of Thermal Performance and Fluid Flow Characteristics of Perforated Hollow Elliptical Insert in a Tube Heat Exchanger Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering SCIE
2023 Nitesh Kumar Jasyal, Sohan Lal Sharma, Ajoy Debbarma Performance analysis of solar air heater using triangular corrugated absorber under jet impingement Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects SCIE
2023 Shuchi Chaurasia, Varun Goel, Ajoy Debbarma Impact of hybrid roughness geometry on heat transfer augmentation in solar air heater: A review Solar Energy SCI
2023 Manmohan Chaudhari, Sohan Lal Sharma, Ajoy Debbarma Exergetic performance analysis of solar air heater with inverted L-shape ribs as roughness element Archives of Thermodynamics ESCI
2023 Mayank Rautela, Sohan Lal Sharma, Vijay Singh Bisht, Ajoy Debbarma, Rahul Bahuguna Numerical Analysis of Solar Air Heater Roughened with B-Shape and D-Shape Roughness Geometry Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Research SCOPUS
2023 Supern Swapnil, Ajoy Debbarma Experimental study of quenching progression on a heated flat dimpled surface with water jet impingement Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Research SCOPUS
2022 Sohan Lal Sharma, Ajoy Debbarma A review on thermal performance and heat transfer augmentation in solar air heater International Journal of Sustainable Energy ESCI
2022 Sohan Lal Sharma, Ajoy Debbarma Effect of P-Leg material and resistance ratio on a segmented thermoelectric generator Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2023 Ajoy Debbarma Thermal Management Systems of E-Vehicle Li-Ion Battery Modules: A Comprehensive Review Journal of Thermal Engineering ESCI
2023 Sohan Lal Sharma, Ajoy Debbarma Numerical Investigation of Reversed Flow Solar Air Heater Roughened With Circular-and Triangular-Shaped Tubes Journal of Solar Energy Engineering SCI
2024 Sohan Lal Sharma, Ajoy Debbarma Experimental Study of Reverse Flow Solar Air Heater Having Perforation and Delta Wing on Absorber Plate Energy Technology SCIE
2015 Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary, H. Chelladurai, C Kannan Optimization of combustion performance of bioethanol (water hyacinth) diesel blends on diesel engine using response surface methodology DOI 10.1007/s13369-015-1810-y (2015). Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, (Springer) SCI
2016 Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary, H. Chelladurai, C Kannan Performance Analysis of Bioethanol (Water-Hyacinth) on Diesel Engine (2016) International Journal of Green Energy (Taylor and Francis) SCI
2015 Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary, H. Chelladurai, C Kannan Performance Analysis of Diesel Engine Using Bioethanol (Water Hyacinth) by Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Vol: 737 pp 53-59 (2015) Applied mechanics and Materials SCOPUS
2019 Durwesh Jhodkar, H. Chelladurai, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary and J Ramkumar Comparison of machining performance of microwave treated WC insert with dry, wet and MQL cutting in turning operation , Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy TPEE SCI
2015 Manish Gupta and Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary An empirical study to assess the impact of various relationship dimensions on supplier relationship in Indian scenario (2015) International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management SCOPUS
2014 Manish Gupta, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary and Siraj Alam Effect of trust, satisfaction and other relationship dimensions on Supplier Relationship Management Vol: 3, Issue: 2 Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research -
2013 Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary, H. Chelladurai, Abhishek Singh Influence of some operating parameters in Emissions and Performance of biofuel Engine Vol-9.(11), (2013) International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computing Technology (IJEECT) -
2020 A Singh, S Sinha, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary, H Panchal, M Elkelawy, KK Sadasivuni Optimization of performance and emission characteristics of CI engine fueled with Jatropha biodiesel produced using a heterogeneous catalyst (CaO), Fuel 280 (118611) Fuel SCI
2020 A Singh, S Sinha, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary, H. Chelladurai, Biodiesel production using heterogeneous catalyst, application of Taguchi robust design and response surface methodology to optimise diesel engine performance fuelled with Jatropha biodiesel blends, International Journal of Ambient Energy, 1-12 International Journal of Ambient Energy, SCOPUS
2020 Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary and D A khan Introduction to Conditioning Monitoring of Mechanical Systems Soft Computing in Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics of Electrical and Mechanical Systems SCOPUS
2020 M Tripathi, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary Accelerating applications of robot’s in the supply chain management: A review M Tripathi, AK Choudhary WEENTECH Proceedings in Energy 6 (2), 102-112 WEENTECH Proceedings in Energy 6 (2), 102-112 SCOPUS
2020 Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary, Medhat Elkelawy, Hagar Alm-Eldin Bastawissi, EA El Shenawy, Mahmoud M Shams, Hitesh Panchal, Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni, Influence of lean premixed ratio of PCCI-DI engine fueled by diesel/biodiesel blends on combustion, performance, and emission attributes; a comparison study Energy Conversion and Management: X SCI
2021 Aparna Singh, Shailendra Sinha, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary, Deepak Sharma, Hitesh Panchal, Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni An Experimental Investigation Of Emission Performance of Heterogenous Catalyst Jatropha Biodiesel using RSM Case Studies in Thermal Engineering SCI
2021 Medhat Elkelawy, EA El Shenawy, Salma khalaf Abd Almonem, MH Nasef, Hitesh Panchal, Hagar Alm-Eldin Bastawissi, Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary, Deepak Sharma, Mohammad Khalid Experimental study on combustion, performance, and emission behaviours of diesel/WCO biodiesel/Cyclohexane blends in DI-CI engine Process Safety and Environmental Protection SCI
2021 Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary Effect of Bioethanol-Diesel Blends on the Vibrations of Diesel Engine Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering SCOPUS
2021 Aparna Singh, Shailendra Sinha, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary Optimization of Operating Parameters of Diesel Engine Powered with Jatropha Oil Diesel Blend by Employing Response Surface Methodology International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER) SCOPUS
2022 Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary, H Chelladurai, Hitesh Panchal Optimization and prediction of engine block vibration using micro-electro-mechanical systems capacitive accelerometer, fueled with diesel-bioethanol (water-hyacinth) blends by response surface methodology and artificial neural network Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science SCI
2022 Aparna Singh, Shailendra Sinha, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary Response Surface Methodology Approach for Combustion Analysis of Compression Ignition Engine Fueled with Jatropha Biodiesel Produced by Using Heterogeneous Catalyst Optimization of Industrial Systems SCOPUS
2023 Varun Goel, Ankur Duwedi, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary Parametric Optimization of Hybrid Artificial Roughness Used in Solar Air Heaters Using Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Techniques Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy SCI
2023 Aparna Singh, Shailendra Sinha, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary An Investigation of Performance and Emissions of Diesel Engine Using Heterogeneous Catalyst Jatropha Biodiesel: A Sustainable Model Using Taguchi and Response Surface Methodology Journal of Energy Resources Technology (ASME) SCI
2023 Aparna Singh, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary, Shailendra Sinha, Hitesh Panchal, Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni Analysis of vibrations in a diesel engine produced by Jatropha biodiesel using heterogeneous catalyst Energy & Environment SCI /SSCI
2023 Deepalika Mehra, Vijay Kumar, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary, Mamta Awasthi Performance and Emission Characteristics of CI Engine using Hydrogen Enrichment in Biodiesel Blend with Additives - A Review Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy SCI
2023 Neeraj Sonkar, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary A review of performance and emission parameters of diesel engines using bio-diesel fuel blended with hydrogen AIP Conference Proceedings SCOPUS
2023 Vijay Kumar, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary A Hybrid Response Surface Methodology and Multi-Criteria Decision Making model to investigate the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with Phenolic antioxidant additive and Biodiesel Blends Journal of Energy Resources Technology SCI
2023 Vijay Kumar, Niketan, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary A review on hydrogen and microalgae biodiesel fuel in IC engine AIP Conference Proceedings SCOPUS
2023 Vijay Kumar, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary Assessment and usability of Jatropha biodiesel blend with phenolic antioxidant to control NOx emissions of an unmodified diesel engine Environmental Science and Pollution Research SCI
2023 Vijayakumar Manivasagam, Prasanna Narayanan, Naveen Kuma Gupta, Tarang Shinde, Hitesh Panchal, Rajagopal Thangavel, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary, Vijay Kumar, Ajay Sukumaran, Investigation on 1-Propanol Electronic mode of fumigation on diesel engine performance and emission Fueled with diesel and lemongrass biodiesel blend using AHP-COPRAS Energy Conversion and Management: X SCI
2023 Deepalika, Vijay Kumar, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary A comparative review on evaluation of performance, combustion, and emission characteristics of biodiesel blends enriched with hydrogen, additives and their combined effect Thermal Science and Engineering Progress SCI
2023 Vijay Kumar, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary A sustainable model using RSM and MCDM techniques to evaluate performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with diphenylamine antioxidant and CeO2 nanoparticle additive biodiesel blends Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy SCI
2023 Aman Singh Rajpoot, H Chelladurai, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary, Balram Ambade, Tushar Choudhary Thermal and environmental assessment of Botryococcus braunii green biodiesel with nanoparticles using energy-exergy-emission-sustainability (3ES) analysis in a diesel engine Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments SCI
2024 Vijay Kumar, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary Influence of phenolic antioxidant additives on performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine fuelled with Jatropha biodiesel: A sustainable hybrid model using RSM and ANFIS Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. SCI
2024 Vijay Kumar, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary Prediction of the Performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine using diphenylamine Antioxidant and ceria nanoparticle additives with biodiesel based on machine learning Energy SCI
2019 Alok Garg, Tejasvi Singhania, Ashutosh Singh, Shilpa Sharma, Sonam Rani, Ananya Neogy, Shri Ram Yadav, Vikas Kumar Sangal, Neha Garg Photocatalytic degradation of bisphenol-a using N, Co codoped TiO 2 catalyst under solar light Vol (9:765) Scientific reports-Nature SCI
2018 Steffi Talwar, Vikas Kumar Sangal, Anoop Verma, Parminder Kaur, Alok Garg Modeling, Optimization and Kinetic Study for Photocatalytic Treatment of Ornidazole Using Slurry and Fixed-Bed Approach (Vol 43) Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering SCI
2018 Shivani Agnihotri, Parminder Kaur, Vikas Kumar Sangal, Alok Garg, Anoop Verma Parametric study for the treatment of simulated cetirizine wastewater using electrochemical methods: Optimization and cost analysis (Vol 165) Journal of The Electrochemical Society SCI
2017 Alok Garg, Vikas K Sangal, Pramod K Bajpai Photocatalytic Treatment of Binary Mixture of Dyes using UV/TiO2 Process: Calibration, Modeling, Optimization and Mineralization Study (Vol 15) International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering SCI
2017 Alok Garg, Ashutosh Singh, Vikas K Sangal, Pramod K Bajpai, Neha Garg Synthesis, characterization and anticancer activities of metal ions Fe and Cu doped and co-doped TiO2 (Vol 41) New Journal of Chemistry SCI
2015 Alok Garg, Vikas Kumar Sangal, Pramod Kumar Bajpai Decolorization and degradation of Reactive Black 5 dye by photocatalysis: Modeling, optimization and kinetic study 57 (2016) 18003-18015 Desalination and Water Treatment SCI
2019 Alok Garg, Gaganpreet Kaur, Vikas K Sangal, Pramod K Bajpai, Sushant Upadhyay Optimization methodology based on neural networks and box-behnken design applied to photocatalysis of acid red 114 dye Environmental Engineering Research SCI
2021 Vipin Soni, Varun Goel, Paramvir Singh, Alok Garg Abatement of formaldehyde with photocatalytic and catalytic oxidation: a review International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering SCI
2021 Sonam Rani, Alok Garg, Neetu Singh Photocatalytic Degradation and Mineralization of Amoxicillin and Ofloxacin Using TiO2-SiO2 Composites Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry SCI
2022 Sonam Rani, Alok Garg, Neetu Singh Highly Efficient Photo-degradation of Cetirizine Antihistamine with TiO2-SiO2 Photocatalyst under Ultraviolet Irradiation International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering SCI
2022 Sonam Rani, Alok Garg, Neetu Singh Efficient Degradation of Doxycycline and Ofloxacin in an Aqueous Environment using Fe and Cu doped TiO2-SiO2 Photocatalyst under Sunlight Environmental Engineering Research SCI
2011 Alok Garg, PK Bajpai, VK Sangal, Pooja Agrawal Oxidative degradation of phenol in waste water with the synergetic effect of UV light & H2O2 IEEE Web of Science
2022 Alok Garg Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Activities of Fe‐ and V‐Doped and Co‐Doped TiO2 Chemical Engineering & Technology SCI
2024 Mitresh Malhotra, Alok Garg, Manish Rawat Photocatalytic Degradation of Ofloxacin in Wastewater Using Mg, Ni CO-Doped TiO2 Catalyst Chemical Engineering & Technology SCI
2016 Aman Kumar and Ramesh K. Sunkaria Two-channel perfect reconstruction (PR) quadrature mirror filter (QMF) bank design using logarithmic window function and spline function, vol. 10 no. 8 Signal, Image and Video Processing SCI
2019 Aman Kumar and Ramesh K. Sunkaria A Low Delay Two Channel Quadrature Mirror Filter Bank using IIR filter, Vol 7 no. 2 Current Trends in Signal Processing Scopus
2020 Puneeta Marwaha, Ramesh K. Sunkaria and Aman Kumar Suitability of multiscale entropy for complexity quantification of cardiac rhythms in chronic pathological conditions: a similarity patterns based investigation, pp. 1-13 Multimedia Tools and Applications SCI
2021 Samritika Thakur and Aman Kumar X-Ray and CT-Scan-Based Automated Detection and Classification of Covid-19 Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN),102920. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control SCI
2022 B Mohan Rao, A Kumar Detection of heart arrhythmia based on UCMFB and deep learning technique 47(4) Sādhanā SCI
2022 K Sharma, BM Rao, P Marwaha, A Kumar Accurate detection of congestive heart failure using electrocardiomatrix technique 81 (21), 30007-30023 Multimedia Tools and Applications SCI
2022 KS Parmar, A Kumar, U Kalita ECG signal based automated hypertension detection using fourier decomposition method and cosine modulated filter banks, 76, 103629 Biomedical Signal Processing and Control SCI
2022 A Kumar, RK Sunkaria Design of uniform cosine modulated filter bank using IACOR-LS and its application in baseline wander removal from ECG signal, 154198 AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications SCI
2023 A Kumar, BM Rao, P Marwaha, A Jaiswal MSE model incorporating Fourier Decomposition Method: HRV study of ECG Signals for Atrial Fibrillation and Congestive Heart Failure, 100311 e-Prime-Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy Scopus
2023 BM Rao, A Kumar Congestive Heart Failure Detection Based on Electrocardiomatrix Method with ECG Signal Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science Scopus
2023 BM Rao, A Kumar, N Bachwani, P Marwaha Detection of atrial fibrillation based on Stockwell transformation using convolutional neural networks, 1-11 International Journal of Information Technology Scopus
2023 BM Rao, A Kumar Explainable detection of atrial fibrillation using deep convolutional neural network with UCMFB, 1-18 Multimedia Tools and Applications SCI
2016 Amit Arora, Pushpendra Kumar, Asheesh Kumar, Gaurav Bhattacharjee, Pushpendra Kumar Chandrajit Balomajumder Effect of Different Fixed Bed Media on the Performance of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate for Hydrate based Carbon dioxide capture, 90:1186-1191. Journal of Material and Design SCI (Impact factor 8.4).
2016 Amit Arora, Pushpendra Kumar, Rajnish Kumar, Chandrajit Balomajumder, Anil Kumar Singh, Swaranjit Singh Cameotra, B. Santhakumari, and Sukumar Laik, “Biosurfactant as a Promoter of Methane Hydrate Formation: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Studies”, 6( 20893): 1-13 . Scientific Reports - Nature Journal SCI (Impact factor 4.6).
2019 Anupama Kumari, Shadman Hasan Khan, A.K. Mishra, C.B. Majumder, Amit Arora Hydrates of Binary Guest Mixtures Fugacity: Model Development Model and Experimental Validation”, 45(1): 39-58. Journal of non-equilibrium thermodynamics SCI (Impact factor 6.6).
2020 Halina Pawlak-Kruczek-kruczek, Amit Arora, Krzysztof Moscicki, Krystian Krochmalny, Shalvin sharmae, Lukasz Niedzwiecki “Atransition of a domestic bolier from coal to biomass – Emission from combustion of raw and torrefied Palm Kernel shells (PKS)”,, 263(16718): 1-9 Fuel SCI (Impact factor 7.4).
2020 Halina Pawlak-Kruczek, Amit Arora, Ashish Gupta, Muhammad Azam Saeed, Lukasz Niedzwiecki , Gordon Andrews, Herodotos Phylaktou, Bernard Gibbs, Anna Newlaczyl, Penelope M. Livesey, Biocoal - Quality control and assurance” Biomass and Bioenergy, SCI (Impact factor6.0).
2020 Mateusz Jackowski, Lukasz Niedzwiecki, Magdalena Lech, Mateusz Wnukowski, Amit Arora, MonikaTkaczuk Serafin, Marcin Baranowski, Krystian Krochmalny, Vivek K Veetil, Przemysław Seruga, Anna Trusek, Halina Pawlak-Kruczek “HTC of wet residues of brewing process comprehensive characterization of produced beer, spent grain and valorized residue”, 13(2058): 1-20 Energies SCI (Impact factor 3.2).
2020 HaoLuo, Lukasz Niedzwiecki, Amit Arora, Krzysztof Mo´scicki, Halina Pawlak-Kruczek, KrystianKrochmalny , MarcinBaranowski , MayankTiwari, Anshul Sharma, Tanuj Sharma, Zhimin Lu “Influence of Torrefaction and Pelletizing of Sawdust on the Design Parameters of a Fixed Bed Gasifier”,13( 3018): 1-19 Energies SCI (Impact factor 3.2).
2020 Shadman H. Khan, A K Misra, C B Majumder, Amit Arora Hydrates dissociation using Microwaves, Radio Frequency and Ultrosonic Radiation& Plasma Techniques”, 7(4): 1-18 ChemBioEngg SCI (Impact factor 4.8).
2020 Amit Arora, Swaranjit Singh, Cameotra, Chandrajit, Balomajumder, RajnishKumar, Anil Kumar Singh, B. Santha Kumari Combination of Silica Gel and Surfactin Promoting Methane Hydrate Formation”, 143:102302-110 Journal of Energy Resources Technology,(American Society of Mechanical Engineer ) SCI (Impact factor 3.0).
2020 Anupama Kumari ,Shadman HashanKhan,C.B.Majumder, Amit Arora , Gaurav Dixit Physio-Chemical and Mineralogical Characteristics of Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediments of Andaman Basin”,, 42(2): 1-12, 2020 Marine Geophysical Research SCI (Impact factor 1.4)
2020 Shadman H.Khan, Anupama Kumari, A.K. Mishra, Chandrajit B. Majumder, Amit Arora Thermodynamic modeling and correlation of CH4, C2H6, CO2, H2S, and N2hydrates with cage occupancies”, 10: 3689-3709 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology SCI (Impact factor 2.2)
2021 Anupama Kumari , Chandrajit Balomajumder , Amit Arora , Gaurav Dixit and Sina Rezaei Gomari Physio-Chemical and Mineralogical Characteristics of Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediments of the Kerala-Konkan , Krishna-Godavari and Mahanadi Basins”, 9(808): 1-21, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, SCI (Impact factor 2.9)
2022 Parmpreet Kaur, Varinder Singh and Amit Arora, Microbial Concrete – A SustainableSolution For Concrete Construction”, 194: 1401-1416 Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, SCI (Impact factor 3.0)
2021 Shadman H. Khan, Gaurav Dixit, C.B. Majumder, Amit Arora “Energy Analysis and determination of controlling Mechanisms of Dissociation for Hydrate Reservoirs via Tracking of Dissociation Front”, 14(609): 1-18, Arabian Journal of Geosciences SCI (Impact factor 1.827)
2022 Vaishali Goyal, Arun Kumar Asati , Rajeev Kumar Garg, Amit Arora A review of the parametric study of earth air heat exchanger based on physical experimentation” Indian journal of engineering and material science SCI (Impact factor 0.9)
2022 Vishwajeet , Halina Pawlak Kruczek , Marcin Baranowski , Michal Czerep , Artur Chorązyczewski ,Krystian Krochmalny , Michal Ostrycharczyk , Pawel Ziolkowski , Pawel Madejski, Tadeusz Maczka ,Amit Arora , Tomasz Hardy , Lukasz Niedzwiecki , Janusz Badur and Dariusz Mikielewicz Entrained Flow Plasma Gasification of Sewage Sludge – Proof-of-Concept and Fate of Inorganics. 15, (1948) Energies SCI (Impact factor 3.2)
2022 Krystian Krochmalny , Halina Pawlak-Kruczek , Norbert Skoczylas, Mateusz K , Aleksandra Gajda, Renata Gnatowska , Monika Serafin Tkaczuk , Tomasz Czapka , Amit K. Jaiswal , Vishwajeet , Amit Arora , Tomasz Hardy , Mateusz Jackowski, Michal Ostrycharczyk and Lukasz Nied zwiecki Use of Hydrothermal Carbonization and Cold Atmospheric Plasma for Surface Modification of Brewer’s Spent Grain and Activated Carbon ,`15,(4396) Energies SCI (Impact factor 3.2)
2023 Halina Pawlak Kruczek, Agnieszka Urbanowska, Lukasz Niedzwiecki, Michal Czerep, MarcinBaranowski, Christian Aragon Briceno, Malgorzata Kabsch Korbutowicz, Amit Arora,Przemyslaw Seruga , Mateusz Wnukowski , Jakub Mularski,Eddy Bramer,GerritBrem and Artur Po˙zarlik Hydrothermal Carbonisation as Treatment for Effective Moisture Removal from Digestate—Mechanical Dewatering, Flashing-Off, and Condensates’ Processing ,16, 5102, 1- 9. Energies . SCI (Impact factor 3.2)
2023 Vaishali Goyal, Arun Kumar Asati, Amit Arora An Experimental and Modeling Study for a Novel Bank-Type Earth Air Heat Exchanger for the Summer Season Using Full Factorial Design,15(2): 021006 (12 pages) Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Application (American Society of Mechanical Engineer, ASME) SCI (Impact factor 2.1)
2023 Lukasz Niedzwiecki, Krzysztof Moscicki, Anton Bijl, Pawel Owczarek, Amit Arora, MateuszWnukowski, Christian Aragon-Briceno, Vishwajeet, Halina Pawlak Kruczek, Eddy Bramer,GerritBrem and Artur Pozarlik Influence of Hydrothermal Carbonization on Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Biomass,13, 4190, 1-16. Applied Sciences, SCI (Impact factor 2.7)
2021 Mateusz Jackowski , Lukasz Niedzwiecki, Krzysztof Moscicki, Amit Arora, Muhammad Azam Saeed, Krystian Krochmalny, Jakub Pawliczek, Anna Trusek, Magdalena Lech, Jan Skrinsky, Jakub Cespiva, Jan Veres, Tadeas Ochodek, Halina Pawlak-Kruczek, Synergetic co-production of beer colouring agent and solid fuel, usingBrewr’s spent Grains in the Circular Economy Preespective”, 13(10480): 1-7, Sustainability SCI (Impact factor 3.9)
2021 Tomasz Hardy , Amit Arora, Halina Pawlak Kruczek, Wojciech Rafajlowicz , Jerzy Wietrzych, Lukasz Neid zwiecki , Vishwajeet and Krzysztof Moscicki Non-Destructive Diagnostics Methods for Fire-Side Corrosion Risk Assessment of Industrial Scale Boilers, Burning Low Quality Solid Bio fuels- A Mini Review Energies SCI (Impact factor 3.2)
2021 Amit Arora, Asheesh Kumar, Gaurav Bhatta charjee, Chandrajit Balomajumder, Pushpendra Kumar, Hydrate Based Carbon Capture Process:Assessment of Various Packed Bed Systems for Boosted Kinetics of Hydrate Formation, 03090(143) : 1-7, ”, Journal of Energy Resources Technology,(American Society of Mechanical Engineer , ASME) SCI (Impact factor 3.0)
2021 Amit Arora, Swaranjit Singh Cameotra , Chandrajit Balomajumder, Rajnish Kumar, Anil Kumar Singh, B. Santhakumari,Pushpendra Kumar,Sukumar Laik “Rhamonolipids produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Promotes Methane Hydrates Formation in Fixed Bed Silica Gel Medium”, 42(5): 1-11, Marine Geophysical Research, SCI (Impact factor 1.4)
2021 Shadman H. Khan , Gaurav Dixit, C.B. Majumder, Amit Arora A numerical investigation into gas production under worst case scenario of limited heat transfer”, 42(24): 1-20, Marine Geophysical Research, SCI (Impact factor 1.4)
2022 Vaishali Goyal, Arun Kumar Asati , Rajeev Kumar Garg, Amit Arora “An Experimental Study for a investigating a novel and natural bank type heating and cooling energy saving air conditioning system”, Proceedings of the institute of mechanical engineers Part E : Journal of process mechanical Engineering SCI (Impact factor 2.4)
2019 Amit Arora, Birpal Singh, Parampreet Kaur Novel Material i.e. Magnesium Phosphate Cement (Mpc) As Repairing Material In Roads And Buildings”, , 17P1: 70-76, Materials today Proceeding SCOPUS
2018 Amit Arora, Birpal Singh, Parampreet Kaur Performance of Nano-Paricles In Stabilization of Soil: A Comprehensive”, 17P1: 124-130 Materials today Proceeding SCOPUS
2020 Jitender Paul sharma; Praveen Kumar; Kiran Sharma; Manoj Kumar; Amit Arora; Pramod Kumar Singh Optical and structural properties of drop-cast PVA/PEG polyblends” ,34(3):705-709 Materials today Proceeding SCOPUS
2021 Anupama Kumari, C B. Majumder, Amit Arora, Gaurav Dixit Application of Statistical Learning Theory for hermodynamic Modeling of Natural Gas , Hydrates”, 7(4) 502-508. Petroleum SCOPUS
2019 Amit Arora, Rohit Mehra, Rajeev Kumar Garg, Anand K. Tyagi Assessment Of Annual Effective Dose Due To The Concentration Of Indoor Radon In Bathinda District Of Punjab In India”, 18(4): 1471-1478 Nature Environment Pollution and Technology SCOPUS
2016 Amit Bage and Sushrut Das A compact, wideband waveguide bandpass filter using complementary loaded split ring resonators, vol. 64, pp. 51-59, 2016 Progress In Electromagnetics Research C Scopus
2017 Amit Bage and Sushrut Das Compact triple band waveguide bandpass filter using concentric multiple complementary split ring resonators, vol. 26, no. 6, pp.1750096-1-1750096-12, 2017. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers SCI (IF:1.33)
2017 Amit Bage and Sushrut Das Three Pole Wideband Waveguide Bandpass Filter Using Split Ring Resonator Integrated Circular Fractal Shape, vol. 71, issue (7-8), pp. 317-322, 2017. Frequenz, Journal of RF-Engineering and Telecommunications SCI (IF: 0.726)
2017 Amit Bage and Sushrut Das A frequency reconfigurable dual pole dual band bandpass filter for X-band applications, Vol. 66, 53-58, 2017. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters Sopus
2017 Amit Bage and Sushrut Das Stopband Performance Improvement of CSRR Loaded Waveguide Band-pass Filters using Asymmetric Slot Structures, Vol. 27, issue 8, pp. 697-699, 2017. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters SCI (IF: 2.862)
2018 Amit Bage, Sushrut Das and Lakhindar Murmu Quad band waveguide bandpass filter using slot ring and complementary split ring resonators, Col. 64:4, pp. 553-558, 2018. IETE Journal of Research - Taylor & Francis SCI (IF: 2.333)
2017 Amit Bage and Sushrut Das A Compact Waveguide Bandpass Filter Using Hybrid Combination of CSRR and Koch Fractal, vol. 97, issue 2, pp. 2859–2869, 2017. Wireless Personal Communications SCI (IF: 1.671)
2017 Lakhindar Murmu, Sushrut Das and Amit Bage Modeling and Susceptibility Study of Ring Resonator Bandpass Filter for Wireless Applications, vol. 41, issue 3, pp. 197-203, 2017. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering SCI (IF: 1.376)
2017 Amit Bage and Sushrut Das A Dual Band Waveguide Bandpass Filter with Adjustable Transmission Zeros Journal of Circuit System and Computers SCI (IF:1.33)
2019 Amit Bage and Sushrut Das Waveguide Bandpass Filter with Multiple Transmission Zeros Electromagnetics SCI (IF: 1.099)
2017 Lakhindar Murmu, Amit Bage and Sushrut Das Wideband Bandpass Filter Using Stepped Impedance Resonator With Susceptibility Test, vol. 62, pp. 294-298, 2017. Revue roumaine des sciences techniques SCI (IF: 0.443)
2017 Ashmi Chakraborty Das, Santanu Dwari and Amit Bage Aperture Field Estimation in E Plane and H-Plane T Junctions using Field Theoretic Analysis, vol. 98, issue 4, pp. 3477–3503, 2017. Wireless Personal Communications SCI (IF: 1.671)
2018 Amit Bage, Sushrut Das, Lakhindar Murmu, Udayabhaskar Pattapu and Sonika Biswal Waveguide Bandpass Filter with Easily Adjustable Transmission Zeros and 3–dB Bandwidth International Journal of Electronics SCI (IF: 1.336)
2018 Ashmi Chakraborty Das, Santanu Dwari and Amit Bage A Matched E-H Plane T-Junction for X-Band Applications, vol. 26, pp. 3007 – 3023, 2017 Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences SCI (IF: 0.806)
2019 Lakhindar Murmu, Santasri Koley, Amit Bage and Sushrut Das A Simple WiMAX and RFID band Notched UWB Bandpass Filter and It's susceptibility Study, 2018. Journal of Circuit System and Computers SCI (IF:1.33)
2019 Pinku Ranjan, Mihir Patil, Amit Bage, Brajesh Kumar, Sandeep Kumar P. Design and Analysis of Quadrifilar Helical Antenna for Cube-Sats Unsing C-band frequency range for Satellite Communication, Volume 32, Issue 2, Pages: 239-247, 2019 Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics Emerging Sources Citation Index
2020 Priyanshu Sadwal and Amit Bage A COMPACT LOWPASS/DUAL-BAND BANDPASS FILTER FOR MICROWAVE APPLICATION Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics Emerging Sources Citation Index
2021 Surendra Kumar Gupta and Amit Bage A Compact, Dual-Band Antenna with Defected Ground Structure for 5G Applications Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers (JCSC) SCI (IF:1.33)
2021 Param Dev, Surendra Kumar Gupta, Amit Bage and Lakhindar Murmu High Isolated MIMO Antenna for WLAN Applications Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers (JCSC) SCI (IF:1.33)
2021 SURENDRA KUMAR R. GUPTA, AMIT M. BAGE, MILKA M. POTREBIĆ, LAKHINDAR R. MURMU Ultra-Wideband Slot-Loaded Planar Antenna for Future 5G Millimeter Wave Applications TEHNIKA – ELEKTROTEHNIKA DOI: 10.5937/tehnika2105623K
2022 Surendra Kumar Gupta, Amit Bage and Pinku Ranjan A Compact, High Isolation Building Block for 8×8 MIMO Antenna Array Suitable for 5G Smartphone Applications International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering SCI
2023 Amit Bage E-Plane Dual Band Bandstop Waveguide Filter for possible X-band Applications International Journal of Electronics Letters Scopus
2023 Pinku Ranjan, Swati Yadav, Amit Bage Dual band MIMO antenna for LTE, 4G and sub-6 GHz 5G applications Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics DOI Number:
2023 Pinku Ranjan, Swati Yadav, Harshit, Amit Bage Design and Development of Machine Learning Assisted Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna EVERGREEN - Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Scopus
2024 L. Singh, P. Pareek, R. Kumar, V . Agarwal, N K Maurya and A. Bage Investigation of SPR Sensor for Immunoglobulin Detection by Using Ag-Si3N4-BP on the Sensing Layer Optical and Quantum Electronics SCI (IF:3) Accepted
2024 Amit Bage Planar Insert Loaded Triple Band Waveguide Bandpass Filter for X-Band Applications Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers SCIE (I.F 0.9) Accepted
2024 Amit Bage Second Order Triple Band Waveguide Band-pass Filter with Adjustable Centre Frequency and 3-dB Bandwidth International Journal of Electronics Letters Scopus (Accepted)
2024 RISHABH AGARWAL, SURENDRA KUMAR GUPTA, AMIT BAGE Perfect THz Absorber Based on Vanadium Dioxide Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communication (OAM-RC) Accepted (SCI)
2018 G. Jaswal, A. Kaul, and R. Nath Multiple Feature Fusion for Unconstrained Palm print Authentication,72,pp.53- 78 Computers and Electrical Engineering SCI(E)
2016 G. Jaswal, A. Kaul, and R. Nath Knuckle Print Biometrics and Fusion Schemes--Overview, Challenges, and Solutions, 49, no.2, Article no.:24. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) SCI
2012 Nisha Gautam, A. Kaul, R. Nath, A.S Arora, and Sushil Chauhan Multi-algorithmic Approach for ECG Based Human Recognition, 7, no.2, pp.399-408 Journal of Applied Security Research Scopus
2012 P. Saini, A. Kaul, and R. Nath Comparative Analysis of QRS Impulse Detection, 9, no.2,pp.177-187 International Journal of Biomedical Engineering & Technology Scopus
2022 Akhil Walia and Amit Kaul Dual Window Fourier Transform (DWFT): A Tool to Analyze Non-stationary Signals, 41, pp-6075-6097 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing SCI(E)
2021 Varan Singh Rohila, Nitin Gupta, Amit Kaul, and Deepak Kumar Sharma. Deep learning assisted COVID-19 detection using full CT-scans,14 Internet of Things SCI(E)
2019 G. Jaswal, A. Nigam, Amit Kaul,R. Nath , & Singh, A. K. Bring your own hand: how a single sensor is bringing multiple biometrics together Soft Computing SCI(E)
2023 Akhil Walia and Amit Kaul PPG based Windkessel Model Parameter Identification via Unscented Kalman Filtering, 42,pp-184-204 International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology Scopus
2023 Akhil Walia and Amit Kaul PPG and Fingerprint: Robust Bimodal Biometric System, 15, pp-665-684 International Journal of Biometrics Scopus
2023 Piyush Mahajan, and Amit Kaul Optimized multi-stage sifting approach for ECG arrhythmia classification with shallow machine learning models International Journal of Information Technology Scopus
2024 Jayaprakash Katual, and Amit Kaul Optimized Ensemble Machine Learning Approach for Emotion Detection from Thermal Images International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence SCI(E)
2010 Roy, A.K., Ahuja, A.K., & Gupta, V.K. Variation of Wind Pressure on Canopy-Roofs. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering Scopus
2017 M.M. Khan and A.K. Roy CFD Simulation of Wind Effects on Industrial RCC Chimney. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology SCOPUS
2017 S.K. Sharma, G.D.R.N. Ransinchung, P. Kumar, & A.K. Roy Comparison of Permeability and Drying Shrinkage of Self Compacting Concrete Admixed with Wollastonite Micro Fiber and Flyash International Journal of Engineering ESCI, SCOPUS
2015 Verma, S.K., Roy, A.K., Lather, S., & Sood, M. CFD Simulation for Wind Load on Octagonal Tall Buildings. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, Thomson Reuters, Cross Ref
2017 Panchal, S., Sharma, S., Khan, M. M., Sharma, A., & Roy. A.K. Effect of Glass Reinforcement and Glass Powder on the Characteristics of Concrete International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology SCOPUS
2017 5. Sharma, S. K., Panchal, S., Roy, A. K., & Khan, M. M. Performance comparison of flyash and wollastonite micro-fiber in obtaining self-compacting concrete mixes International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology SCOPUS
2019 Singh, Jagbir, and Amrit Kumar Roy 'Wind Pressure Coefficients on Pyramidal Roof of Square Plan Low Rise Double Storey Building Journal of Computational Engineering and Physical Modeling Publons (Web of Science)
2019 Singh, Jagbir, and Amrit Kumar Roy Effects of Roof Slope and Wind Direction on Wind Pressure Distribution on the Roof of a Square Plan Pyramidal Low-Rise Building Using CFD Simulation. International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering (Springer) SCOPUS
2019 Singh, Jagbir, and Amrit Kumar Roy CFD simulation of the wind field around pyramidal roofed single-story buildings SN Applied Sciences (Springer) ESCI, SCOPUS
2021 Surya Pratap Singh, Amrit Kumar Roy Numerical Study of the Behaviour of a Circular Footing On A Layered Granular Soil Under Vertical And Inclined Loading Civil And Environmental Engineering Reports SCOPUS
2021 Singh, Jagbir, and Amrit Kumar Roy Wind loads on roof of low-rise buildings Disaster Advances SCOPUS
2021 Singh, Jagbir, and Amrit Kumar Roy Wind Induced Pressure Variation on High-rise Geometrically Modified Building having Interference through CFD Simulation Journal of Computational Engineering and Physical Modeling Publons (Web of Science)
2021 Singh, Jagbir, and Amrit Kumar Roy Numerical simulation of a conical roofed low-rise building to estimate the wind pressure coefficients Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering ESCI, SCOPUS
2023 Surya Pratap Singh, Amrit Kumar Roy Application of Machine Learning to Predict the Dimensionless Bearing Capacity of Circular Footing on Layered Sand under Inclined Loads Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences SCI
2023 Himanshu Yadav, Amrit Kumar Roy, Ajay Kumar, Anoop Kumar, Nitin Chauhan, Vijay Kumar Analysis of retaining walls along the Beas River’s meandering curve Structures SCI
2024 Himanshu Yadav, Amrit Kumar Roy Study of wind-induced forces on high-rise buildings under interference conditions Asian Journal of Civil Engineering SCOPUS
2023 ALANKRIT WALIA, SURYA PRATAP SINGH, AMRIT KUMAR ROY Simulation of structure collapse in a Himachal Pradesh, India location prone to landslides Himalayan Geology SCI
2022 Surya Pratap Singh, Amrit Kumar Roy Slope stability analysis and preventive actions for a landslide location along NH-05 in Himachal Pradesh, India Journal of Mining and Environment SCOPUS, Web of Science
2022 Surya Pratap Singh, Amrit Kumar Roy Formulation of a bearing capacity equation for a circular footing with vertical and inclined loads on layered sand Journal of Mining and Environment SCOPUS, Web of Science
2022 Alankrit Walia, Amrit Kumar Roy Assessment of Slope Stability and Its Remedies in Palampur, Himachal Pradesh Journal of Mining and Environment SCOPUS, Web of Science
2023 AK Roy, Himanshu Yadav, Sai Charan Dasu, Pardeep Kumar, Arun Chanotra Wind responses on twin box girder bridge deck using a fluid–structure interaction approach Asian Journal of Civil Engineering SCOPUS
2023 Himanshu Yadav, Amrit Kumar Roy, Anoop Kumar The Influence of Interactions Between Two High-Rise Buildings on the Wind-Induced Moment Asian Journal of Civil Engineering SCOPUS
2023 Surya Pratap Singh, Amrit Kumar Roy Machine learning techniques to predict the dimensionless bearing capacity of circular footing on layered sand under inclined loads Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design ESCI, SCOPUS
2024 Mohammad Mohsin Khan, Amrit Kumar Roy Interference effect of buildings on high rise power station chimney subjected to wind: a numerical modelling approach Innovative Infrastructure Solutions SCOPUS
2024 Mohammad Mohsin Khan, Amrit Kumar Roy Numerical investigation of interference effects on tall power station chimney subjecting varying wind incident angles Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation SCOPUS
2024 Munish Kumar, Himanshu Yadav, Amrit Kumar Roy Assessment of impact loads on structures due to LPG gas leakage and explosion—a numerical modelling approach Asian Journal of Civil Engineering SCOPUS
2024 Niraj Sharma, Himanshu Yadav, Amrit Kumar Roy Wind-driven oscillation and dynamic response of a Y-plan shaped tall building under interference Structures SCI
2024 Himanshu Yadav, Amrit Kumar Roy Wind-Induced Aerodynamic Responses of Triangular High-Rise Buildings with Varying Cross-Section Areas Buildings SCI
2024 Ankit Sharma, Himanshu Yadav & Amrit Kumar Roy Wind induced vibrations and dynamic response of a balanced cantilever box girder bridge", Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies SCI
2016 S. S. Chandel, A. Sharma, and B. M. Marwaha Review of Energy Efficiency Initiatives and Regulations for Residential Buildings in India, Vol. 54 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) SCI
2015 A. Sharma, and B. M. Marwaha Development of simulation weather data for Hour wise Daily Diffused and Direct Solar Radiation from Hourly Global Radiation using statistical estimation method for Subtropical region, Vol. 5 International Journal of Renewable Energy Research Scopus
2016 A. Sharma, and B. M. Marwaha Alternative building materials analysis for different residential buildings considering embodied energy and construction cost, Vol. 31 International Journal of Ecology and Development Scopus
2017 A. Sharma, and B. M. Marwaha A Methodology for Energy Performance Classification of Residential Building Stock of Hamirpur, Vol. 13 HBRC Journal (Elsevier) Scopus
2022 Sonal Gangrade, Aniket Sharma Study of thermal comfort in naturally ventilated educational buildings of hot and dry climate - A case study of Vadodara, Gujarat, India International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development Scopus
2022 Aniket Sharma, Vandna Sharma Impact of change in the design of naturally ventilated mass housing on life cycle energy and life cycle cost International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development Scopus
2023 Rajat Nainwal, Aniket Sharma Comparison of multi linear regression and artificial neural network to predict the energy consumption of residential buildings IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Scopus
2023 Manan M, Aniket Sharma Determination of thermal comfort in residential buildings of Subtropical highland climate - A Case of Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India (Accepted) International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development Scopus
2023 Manan M, Aniket Sharma Evaluating the Effectiveness of Trombe Wall Systems in Improving Thermal Comfort in Residential Buildings of Subtropical Highland Climate Regions International Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD) -
2019 Pawan Kumar Pathak and Anil Kumar Yadav Design of battery charging circuit through intelligent MPPT using SPV system, Vol. 178 Solar Energy, Elsevier SCI
2017 Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur Speed Control of an Uncertain Heavy Duty Vehicle using Improved IMC Technique, Vol. 42 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer SCI/SCIE
2016 Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur Neuro-Fuzzy based Improved IMC for Speed Control of Nonlinear Heavy Duty Vehicles, Vol. 66 Defence Science Journal SCI
2016 Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur Improved Self-Tuning Fuzzy Proportional–Integral Derivative Versus Fuzzy-Adaptive Proportional–Integral–Derivative for Speed Control of Nonlinear Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Vol. 11 Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, ASME Transactions SCI
2016 Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur An Optimized and Improved STF-PID Speed Control of Throttle Controlled HEV, Vol. 41 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer SCI/SCIE
2015 Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur Intelligent Modified Internal Model Control for Speed Control of Nonlinear Uncertain Heavy Duty Vehicles, Vol. 56 ISA Transactions, Elsevier SCI
2014 Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur Robust Adaptive Speed Control of Uncertain Hybrid Electric Vehicle using Electronic Throttle Control with Varying Road Grade, Vol. 76 Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer SCI
2014 Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur AI based Adaptive Control and Design of Autopilot System for Nonlinear UAV, Vol. 39 Sadhana, Springer SCI
2014 Shyama Kant Jha, Anil Kumar Yadav, Prerna Gaur, J.R.P. Gupta and Harish Parthasarthy Robust and Optimal Control Analysis of Sun Seeker System, Vol. 16 Control Engineering and Applied Informatics SCI
2011 Anil Kumar Yadav, Prerna Gaur, Shyama Kant Jha, J.R.P. Gupta and A.P. Mittal Optimal Speed Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles, vol. 11 Journal of Power Electronics SCI
2016 Anil Kumar Yadav, Prerna Gaur and Piyush Saxena Robust Stability Analysis of PMSM with Parametric Uncertainty using Kharitonov Theorem, Vol. 12 Journal of Electrical Systems Web of Science, Scopus
2013 Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur Comparative Analysis of Modern control and AI based control for maintaining constant Ambient Temperature, Vol. 10 WRSTSD, Inderscience Scopus
2019 Anil Kumar Yadav, Pawan Kumar Pathak, S V Sah, and Prerna Gaur Sliding Mode-Based Fuzzy Model Reference Adaptive Control Technique for an Unstable System, Vol. 100 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B Scopus
2014 Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur Robust MRAS Speed Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicle using Sliding-Mode and Fuzzy-Logic Adaptation Mechanism International Journal of Powertrains, Inderscience Scopus
2020 Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur Modified IMC Technique for Nonlinear Uncertain Milling CNC Machine Tool System, Vol. 45 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer SCI/SCIE
2020 Pawan Kumar Pathak, Anil Kumar Yadav and P. A. Alvi Advanced solar MPPT techniques under uniform and non-uniform irradiance: A comprehensive review Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, ASME Transactions SCI
2020 Anil Kumar Yadav, Pawan Kumar Pathak, Prerna Gaur Robust Control and Stability Analysis of Computerized Numeric Controlled Machine Tool under Parametric Uncertainty, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 661-670 Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés Scopus
2021 Anil Kumar Yadav, Piyush Saxena, Prerna Gaur, and Pawan Kumar Pathak Self-Tuning Fuzzy PID Controller for Servo Control of Hard Disk Drive with Time Delay, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 109-114 International Journal of Information Technology, Springer Scopus
2021 Maloth Ramesh, Anil Kumar Yadav, Pawan Kumar Pathak Intelligent adaptive LFC via power flow management of integrated standalone micro-grid system, vol. 112, pp. 234-250, ISA Transactions, Elsevier SCI/SCIE
2021 Maloth Ramesh, Anil Kumar Yadav, Pawan Kumar Pathak An Extensive Review on Load Frequency Control of Solar-Wind based Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis SCI
2021 Pawan Kumar Pathak, Anil Kumar Yadav and PA Alvi A state-of-the-art review on shading mitigation techniques in solar photovoltaics via meta-heuristic approach Neural Computing and Applications, Springer SCI
2021 PK Pathak, S Padmanaban, AK Yadav, PA Alvi, B Khan Modified incremental conductance MPPT algorithm for SPV based grid-tied and stand-alone system IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution SCI
2023 Pramod Prabhakar Bijlwan, Lalta Prasad, Anshul Sharma, Manoj Kumar Gupta, Virendra Kumar Experimental study on the mechanical and hygroscopic properties of alkaline treated Grewia optiva / Basalt fiber reinforced polymer composites, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery SCI
2023 Pramod Prabhakar Bijlwan, Lalta Prasad, Anshul Sharma and Sanjeev Kumar Taguchi optimized sliding wear behavior and hardness of novel Grewia optiva/Basalt fiber reinforced hybrid polyester composites Journal of Applied Polymer Science SCI
2023 Tushar Adgale, Prabhakar Zainith, Niraj Kumar Mishra and Anshul Sharma Heat Transfer and Flow Analysis in a Circular Tube Equipped with Triangular Helical Strip Inserts Under Turbulent Flow Conditions for the Application of Boiler Heat Transfer and Flow Analysis in a Circular Tube Equipped with Triangular Helical Strip Inserts Under Turbulent Flow Conditions for the Application of Boiler SCI
2022 Ashwani Kumar, Prabhakar Zainith, Anshul Sharma and Niraj Kumar Mishra Numerical investigation on thermal-hydraulic performance of air preheater equipped with helical inserts Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science SCI
2022 Anshul Sharma Effect of porosity on active vibration control of smart structure using porous functionally graded piezoelectric material Composite Structures SCI
2021 Anshul Sharma Experimental Investigation of T-shaped Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Activating Coupled Transverse and Shear Mode Ferroelectrics SCI
2020 Pramod Prabhakar Bijlwan, Lalta Prasad, Anshul Sharma Recent Advancement in the Fabrication and Characterization of Natural Fiber Reinforced Composite: A Review Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2020 C. K. Susheel, Anshul Sharma A numerical study to investigate the active vibration attenuation of functionally graded carbon nano-tube reinforced composite shell Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2020 Anshul Sharma Modelling and analysis of functionally graded carbon nano-tube reinforced composite material based energy harvester Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2018 Anuruddh Kumar, Anshul Sharma, Rahul Vaish, Rajeev Kumar, and Satish Chandra Jain A numerical study on flexoelectric bistable energy harvester Applied Physics A SCI
2018 Vipin Pachouri and Anshul Sharma Active Vibration Suppression of Smart Plate Structure with Fractional-Order PID Controller International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development Non-SCI
2018 Anuruddh Kumar, Anshul Sharma, Rahul Vaish, Rajeev Kumar, and Satish Chandra Jain A numerical study on anomalous behavior of piezoelectric response in functionally graded materials Journal of Materials Science SCI
2018 C. K. Susheel, Anshul Sharma, Rajeev Kumar, and Vishal S. Chauhan Geometrical nonlinear characteristics of functionally graded structure using functionally graded piezoelectric materials Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials SCI
2018 Anuruddh Kumar, Anshul Sharma, Rajeev Kumar, and Rahul Vaish Finite Element Study on Acoustic Energy Harvesting Using Lead-Free Piezoelectric Ceramics Journal of Electronic Materials SCI
2016 Anshul Sharma, Anuruddh Kumar, C. K. Susheel and Rajeev Kumar Smart damping of functionally graded nanotube reinforced composite rectangular plates Composite Structures SCI
2016 Anuruddh Kumar, Anshul Sharma, Rajeev Kumar, Rahul Vaish and C. R. Bowen Performance of K0.5Na0.5NbO3-LiSbO3-CaTiO3 ceramics in acoustic energy harvesting exposed to sound pressure Ferroelectrics SCI
2016 Anshul Sharma, Rajeev Kumar, Rahul Vaish and V. S. Chauhan Experimental and numerical investigation of active vibration control over wide range of operating temperature Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures SCI
2015 Anshul Sharma, Rajeev Kumar, Rahul Vaish and V. S. Chauhan Active vibration control of space antenna reflector over wide temperature range Composite Structures SCI
2015 Anshul Sharma, Rajeev Kumar, Rahul Vaish and V. S. Chauhan Performance of K0.5Na0.5NbO3 (KNN) based lead‐free piezoelectric materials in active vibration control International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology SCI
2015 Anshul Sharma, Anuruddh Kumar, Rajeev Kumar, Rahul Vaish and V. S. Chauhan Finite element analysis on active vibration control using PZT-Pt based functionally graded piezoelectric material Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures SCI
2015 Anshul Sharma, Rajeev Kumar, Rahul Vaish and V. S. Chauhan Performance hierarchy of piezoelectric materials for active vibration control application Ferroelectrics SCI
2015 Anuruddh Kumar, Anshul Sharma, Rajeev Kumar, Rahul Vaish, V. S. Chauhan and C. R. Bowen Piezoelectric Materials Selection for Sensor Applications using Finite Element and Multiple Attribute Decision Making Approaches Journal of Advanced Dielectrics SCOPUS
2014 Anshul Sharma, Rajeev Kumar, Rahul Vaish and V. S. Chauhan Lead-free piezoelectric material’s performance in structural active vibration control Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures SCI
2014 Anuruddh Kumar, Anshul Sharma, Rajeev Kumar, Rahul Vaish and V.S. Chauhan Finite element analysis of vibration energy harvesting using lead-free piezoelectric materials: A comparative study Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies SCI
2014 Anshul Sharma, C. K. Susheel, Rajeev Kumar and V. S. Chauhan Active control of thermally induced vibrations in smart structure instrumented with piezoelectric materials Applied Mechanics and Materials Non-SCI
2024 Pramod Prabhakar Bijlwan, Lalta Prasad, Anshul Sharma Analysis of mechanical properties and free vibrational characteristics of novel Grewia optiva/basalt fiber reinforced hybrid polymer composite Journal of Applied Polymer Science SCI
2016 Anuradha , Shweta Rani, Sushil Kakkar An ANN solution for Generalized Sierpinski Fractal Antenna, 2016, Vol.57, pp.1-4 MATEC Web of Conferences Scopus
2015 Koch Fractal Loop Antenna using Modified Ground, 2015, pp.12-15 International Journal of Computer Application Non sci
2014 Performance enhancement of circular patch by modified ground microstrip feed design, 2014, Vol. 2, pp.84-86 International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication Non sci
2013 Reconfigurable fractal antenna for cognitive radio,2013, Vol. 3, pp.69-70 International Journal of Advances in Computer Networks and its Security Non sci
2011 Design of Custom –Made Fractal Multiband Antennas using ANN-PSO, 2011, Vol. 53, pp.94-101 IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine IEEE
2015 Arun Kumar Yadav and Divakar Yadav Wavelet Tree based Hybrid Geo-Textual Indexing Technique for Geographical Search Vol 8(33) Page: 1-7 Indian Journal of Science and Technology Scopus
2016 Arun Kumar Yadav,Divakar Yadav and Rajesh Prasad Efficient Textual Web Retrieval using Wavelet Tree, Vol 6(4) Page: 16-29 International Journal of Information Retrieval Research ESCI
2019 Arun Kumar Yadav and Divakar Yadav Wavelet Tree based Dual Indexing Technique for Geographical Search, Vol 16(4) Page:624-632 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology SCI
2019 Jay Kant Pratap Singh Yadav, Arun Kumar Yadav, Divakar Yadav, Vikash Yadav Optimization of Hopfield Networks for Storage and Recall: A Decade Review, Vol 21(3-4) Page:321-329 International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms Scopus
2020 Arun Yadav, Jay Kant Pratap Singh Yadav, Divakar Yadav Spatial Ambiguities Optimization in GIR, Vol-7(28) Page:1-8 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems ESCI, Scopus
2020 Arun Yadav, Divakar Yadav and Arti Jain An Improvised Feature-Based Method for Sentimental Analysis of Product Reviews, Vol 8(29) Page:1-8 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems ESCI, Scopus
2020 Yadav, D., Akanksha, Yadav, A.K. A novel convolutional neural network based model for recognition and classification of apple leaf diseases Vol. 37(6), pp. 1093-1101 Traitement du Signal SCI
2021 Divakar Yadav, Arun Kumar Karn, Arti Dhiman, Sakshi Sharma, Anurag Giddalur, Muskan, and Arun Kumar Yadav Microaneurysm Detection using Color Locus Detection Method, Vol 176(109084) Page:1-9 Elsevier Publication ,Measurement 176 (2021) SCI
2021 A Yerma, VK Gupta, S Goel, AK Yadav, D Yadav Modeling Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Through Transient Liveness Factor-A Person Specific Approach, Vol 38(2) Page:299-307 Traitement du Signal SCI
2021 S. Bharti, A. K. Yadav, M. Kumar, and D. Yadav Cyberbullying detection from tweets using deep learning, vol 51(9) Page:2695-2711. Kybernetes(Emeralled Publishing) SCI
2021 Kartikey Tewari, Abhijeet Shrivastava, Arun Kumar Yadav, Divakar Yadav Efficient transitive operations using binary indexed trees, Vol 13(3) Page:1155-1163. International Journal of Information Technology Scopus
2021 P Das, JKP Singh Yadav, AK Yadav An Automated Tomato Maturity Grading System Using Transfer Learning Based AlexNet, vol 26(2) Page:191-200. Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information Scopus
2022 Arun Kumar Yadav, Amit Singh, Mayank Dhiman, Vineet, Rishabh Kaundal, Ankit Verma , Divakar Yadav Extractive text summarization using deep learning approach, vol 14(5) Page:2407-2415. International Journal of Information Technology Scopus
2022 Jay Kant Pratap Singh Yadav, Arun Kumar Yadav, Divakar Yadav, Vikash Yadav Optimisation of Hopfield networks for storage and recall: a decade review, vol 21(3-4) page: 321-329. International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms Scopus
2022 Sonam Gupta, Arun Kumar Yadav, Divakar Yadav , Bharti Shukla A scalable approach for index compression using wavelet tree and LZW, Vol 14(4) Page:2191-2204. International Journal of Information Technology Scopus
2022 Arjun Singh, , Surbhi Chauhan, Sonam Gupta, and Arun Kumar Yadav intrusion Detection System Using Deep Learning Asymmetric Autoencoder (DLAA), Vol 11(2) Page:1-17. International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications (IJFSA) Scopus
2022 Sonam Gupta, Tushtee Varshney, Abhinav Verma, Lipika Goe A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Credit Card Fraud Detection, Vol 13(3) Page:1-13. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (IJITPM) Scopus
2022 Divakar Yadav, Aarushi Gupta, Arti Jain, and Arun Kumar Yadav. Plant leaf disease detection using CNN with transfer learning and XGBoos, Vol 14(3) Page:244-265. International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies Scopus
2022 Rishabh Katna, Kashish Kalsi, Srajika Gupta, Divakar Yadav , Arun Kumar Yadav Machine learning based approaches for age and gender prediction from tweets, Vol 81(19) Page:27799-27817. Multimedia Tools and Applications SCI
2022 Akhilesh Verma, Anshdha Gupta, Mohammad Akbar, Arun Kumar Yadav , Divakar Yadav Presentation Attack Detection Using Referential Quality Metrics and Minutiae Count, Vol 127(4) Page:3347-3361. Wireless Personal Communications SCI
2022 Arun Kumar Yadav, Divakar Yadav, Akhilesh Verma, Mohd. Akbar ,Kartikey Tewari Scalable thread based index construction using wavelet tree, Vol 82(9) Page:14037-14053. Multimedia Tools and Applications SCI
2022 Divakar Yadav; Rishabh Katna; Arun Kumar Yadav; Jorge Morato Feature Based Automatic Text Summarization Methods: A Comprehensive State-of-the-Art Survey, Vol 10 Page:133981-134003. IEEE Access SCI
2023 Chinmay Gupta, Mohit Kumar, Arun Kumar Yadav, and Divakar Yadav FERNET: An Integrated Hybrid DCNN Model for Driver Stress Monitoring via Facial Expression.Vol-37, No.3 Page 1-25. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence SCI
2023 Akash Verma, Arun Kumar Yadav, Mohit Kumar , Divakar Yadav Automatic image caption generation using deep learning. Vol 83(2) Page:5309-5325. Multimedia Tools and Applications SCI
2023 G Khartheesvar, Mohit Kumar, Arun Kumar Yadav , Divakar Yadav Automatic Indian sign language recognition using MediaPipe holistic and LSTM network, Vol 83(20), Page:5309-5325. Multimedia Tools and Applications SCI
2023 Arun Kumar Yadav, Mohit Kumar, Abhishek Kumar, Shivani, Kusum, Divakar Yadav Hate speech recognition in multilingual text: hinglish documents, Vol 15(3), Page:1319-1331. International Journal of Information Technology Scopus
2023 Gupta, Sonam, Bhanu Verma, Pradeep Gupta, Lipika Goel, Arun Kumar Yadav, and Divakar Yada Identification of Fake News Using Deep Neural Network-Based Hybrid Mode. Vol-4 No.5 Page:1-13. SN Computer Scienc Scopus
2023 Arun Kumar Yadav, Suraj Kumar, Dipesh Kumar, Lalit Kumar, Kapil Kumar, Sandeep Kumar Maurya, Mohit Kumar, and Divakar Yadav Fake News Detection Using Hybrid Deep Learning Method. Vol-4 No.6 Page 1-15. SN Computer Scienc Scopus
2023 Archit Dhiman, Mohit Kumar,Arun Kumar Yadav, Divakar Yadav. Pothole Detection and Localization from Images using Deep Learning, Vol 18(1). International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences Scopus
2024 Sanjeewani,Arun Kumar Yadav, Mohd Akbar, Mohit Kumar,Divakar Yadav Retinal blood vessel segmentation using a deep learning method based monmodified U-NET model, Page 1-20. Multimedia Tools and Applications SCI
2024 Divakar Yadav, Kritarth Kapoor, Arun Kumar Yadav, Mohit Kumar, Arti Jain Satellite image classification using deep learning approach, Vol 17(3) Page 2495-2508. Earth Science Informatics SCI
2024 Ashish Dhiman, Arun Kumar Yadav, Mohit Kumar, Divakar Yadav, Akash Verma Sentiment classification in Hindi text using hybrid deep learning method. International Journal of Information Technology Scopus
2024 Arun Kumar Yadav, Abhishek Kumar, Mohit Kumar, Divakar Yadav Semantic proximity assessment in Bhojpuri and Maithili: a word embedding perspective, Vol 14(130). Social Network Analysis and Mining SCI
2024 Akash Verma, Arun Kumar Yadav Residual learning for brain tumor segmentation: dual residual blocks approach Neural Computing and Applications Scopus
2024 John Wang, Arti Jain, Arun Kumar Yadav, Divakar Yadav Analyzing the Complexity of US Federal Debt: A Mathematical Approach -11(1) International Journal of Business Analytics (IJBAN) Scopus
2024 Sonam Gupta, Lipika Goel, Arun Kumar Yadav, and Pradeep Gupta Novel approach for depression detection on Reddit post 16(4) International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies Scopus
2025 Akash Verma, Arun Kumar Yadav Improved multi-class brain tumor mri classification with ds-net: a patch-based deep supervision approach Multimedia Tools and Applications Scopus
2025 Arun Kumar Yadav, Tushar Gupta, Mohit Kumar and Divakar Yadav A Hybrid Model Integrating LDA, BERT, and Clustering for Enhanced Topic Modeling Quality & Quantity, Springer Scopus
2025 Akash Verma, Arun Kumar Yadav FusionNet: Dual Input Feature Fusion Network with Ensemble Based Filter Feature Selection for Enhanced Brain Tumor Classification Brain Research, Elsevier SCI
2025 Divya Rathod, Arun Kumar Yadav, Mohit Kumar, Divakar Yadav Character-Level Encoding based Neural Machine Translation for Hindi language Neural Processing Letters, Springer SCI
2025 Mohit Kumar, Adarsh Ran, Arun Kumar Yadav, Divakar Yadav Leveraging Sentiment Analysis to Detect Fake Reviews Using Deep Learning SN Computer Science, Springer Scopus
2018 Neha Rana, Kalyan S Ghosh, Subhash Chand & Arvind K Gathania Investigation of ZnO nanoparticles for their applications in wastewater treatment and antimicrobial activity Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics Vol. 56, January 2018, pp. 19-25 SCOPUS
2017 Shashi Thakur, Naresh Dhiman, Amit Sharma and Arvind K. Gathania EFFECT OF PHOTONIC STRUCTURE ON THE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF THE YVO4-Eu3+ PHOSPHOR J. of Electronic Materials, 46 (4), 2085-2089 SCI, SCOPUS
2017 Naresh Dhiman, Dinesh Pathak, BP Singh, Arvind K. Gathania INFILTRATED SILICA PHOTONIC CRYSTAL WITH LIQUID CRYSTAL AND VARIOUS ORGANIC LIQUIDS Surface Review and Letters, 24 (4), 1750054 (1-4) SCI, SCOPUS
2016 Satinder Kumar, Arvind K. Gathania, Ankush Vij, Ravi Kumar GAMMA INDUCED THERMOLUMINESCENCE AND COLOR CENTERS STUDY OF Dy DOPED LiF MICRO-CUBES Ceramics International, 42 (13), 14511-14517 SCI, SCOPUS
2016 Satinder Kumar, Arvind K. Gathania, Ankush Vij, Ravi Kumar THERMOLUMINESCENCE STUDY OF GAMMA IRRADIATED Cr DOPED LiF PHOSPHORS Journal of Electronic Materials, 45(6), 2725-2731 SCI, SCOPUS
2016 Satinder Kumar, Arvind K. Gathania, Ankush Vij, Ravi Kumar RADIATION INDUCED COLOR CENTERS IN Cr-DOPED LiF PHOSPHOR, Materials Focus, 5(3), 281-286 Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Web of Science
2016 Shashi Thakur and Arvind K. Gathania INVESTIGATION OF OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF YVO4-Er3+ NANO-PHOSPHORS AT DIFFERENT Er3+ CONCENTRATIONS AND CALCINATION TEMPERATURES J. Of Materials Science:Materials in Electronics, 27 (2) 1988-1993 SCI, SCOPUS
2015 Satinder Kumar, Arvind K. Gathania, Ankush Vij, A. K. Sharma, R. Dogra, S. P. Lochab, Ravi Kumar ABSORPTION, PHOTOLUMINESCENCE AND THERMOLUMINESCENCE STUDIES OF ?- IRRADIATED PURE AND Eu DOPED LiF PHOSPHORS Advanced Materials Letters, 6, 162 ----
2015 Neha Rana, S. Chand, Arvind K. Gathania BAND GAP ENGINEERING OF ZnO BY DOPING WITH Mg Physica Scripta, 90 (8), 085502 SCOPUS
2015 Neha Rana, S. Chand, Arvind K. Gathania TAILORING THE STRUCTURAL AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF ZnO BY DOPING WITH Cd Ceramics International, 41(9), 12032-12037 SCI, SCOPUS
2015 Shashi Thakur, Arvind K. Gathania SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF YVO4 BASED PHOSPHOR DOPED WITH Eu3+ IONS FOR DISPLAY APPLICATIONS Journal of Electronic Materials, 44 (10), 3444-3449 SCI, SCOPUS
2015 Naresh Dhiman, Ankita Sharma, BP Singh, K.K. Raina, Arvind K. Gathania PLANAR ALIGNMENT OF LIQUID CRYSTAL IN SILICA BASED PHOTONIC STRUCTURE Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 609 (1), 40-45 SCOPUS
2014 Ankita Sharma, Naresh Dhiman, BP Singh, Arvind K. Gathania SPECTROSCOPIC INVESTIGATIONS ON METALLO-DIELECTRIC GOLD@SILICA COMPOSITES J. Of Molecular Structure,1074, 522-526, SCI, SCOPUS
2014 Ankita Sharma, B.P. Singh and Arvind K. Gathania SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF DODECANETHIOL-STABILIZED GOLD NANOPARTICLES Indian J. Of Pure and Applied Physics, 52, 93-100 SCOPUS
2012 Naresh Dhiman, Bhanu P. Singh, and Arvind K. Gathania SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF DYE-DOPED TiO2 -SiO2 CORE-SHELL COMPOSITE MICROSPHERES Journal of Nanophotonics, Vol. 6, Page 063511-063517 SCOPUS
2012 Naresh Dhiman, Bhanu P. Singh, and Arvind K. Gathania FABRICATION AND OPTICAL STUDY OF DYE DOPED TiO2 –SiO2 MULTILAYER COLLOIDAL STRUCTURES, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Volume 409, Pages 69–73 SCOPUS
2011 Arvind K. Gathania, Naresh Dhiman, and Bhanu P. Singh DEVELOPMENT AND ANNEALING OF COLLOIDAL MULTILAYER STRUCTURES OF SILICA MICROSPHERES Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 378, 34–37 SCOPUS
2004 Arvind K. Gathania, B . Singh and K.K. Raina SWITCHING DYNAMICS IN FERROELECTRIC LIQUID CRYSTAL MIXTURE Japanese J. of Applied Physics, Vol. 43, No. 12, 8168-8172 SCI, SCOPUS
2003 Arvind K. Gathania and K.K. Raina FIELD INDUCED EFFECTS IN AN EUTECTIC NEMATIC LIQUID CRYSTAL MIXTURE Canadian J. of Physics, Vol. 81, No. 12, 1427-1432 SCI, SCOPUS
2001 J.K. Ahuja, Arvind K. Gathania and K.K. Raina DIELECTRIC RELAXATION MODES IN FERROELECTRIC LIQUID CRYSTAL MIXTURES, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 66, 271-281 SCOPUS
2000 Arvind K. Gathania , J.K. Ahuja and K.K. Raina POLARIZATION SWITCHING AND DIELECTRIC RELAXATIONS IN FERROELECTRIC LIQUID CRYSTAL MIXTURES Indian J. of Engineering & Materials Sciences, 7, No. 5&6 , 429-432 ---
1999 Arvind K. Gathania, B . Singh and K.K. Raina DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF A SURFACE STABILIZED FERROELECTRIC LIQUID CRYSTAL MIXTURE – EFFECT OF DICHROIC DYE Indian J. of Pure and Applied Physics,Vol. 11, No. 37, 657-666 SCOPUS
1999 Arvind K. Gathania, B . Singh and K.K. Raina DIELECTRIC RELAXATION IN A ROOM TEMPERATURE FERROELECTRIC LIQUID CRYSTAL MIXTURE J. of Physics – Condensed Matter, Vol. 11, No.20, 3813-22 SCI, SCOPUS
2020 Himani Thakur, Bheesma Pratap Singh, Rajesh Kumar, Arvind K. Gathania, Sunil Kumar Singh, Rajesh Kumar Singh SYNTHESIS, STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS, UPCONVERSION LUMINESCENCE AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF Ho3+/Yb3+ CO-DOPED GdVO4 NANOPHOSPHOR Materials Chemistry and Physics, 253, 123333 SCI, SCOPUS
2021 Himani Thakur, Rajesh K. Singh, and Arvind K. Gathania SYNTHESIS AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF GdVO4:Eu3+ PHOSPHOR Materials Research Express, 8, 2, 026201. SCOPUS
2022 Ishant Kumar and Arvind K. Gathania PHOTOLUMINESCENCE AND QUENCHING STUDY OF THE Sm3+-doped LiBaPO4 PHOSPHOR Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 33 (1), 328-341, Jan. 2022 SCI, SCOPUS
2022 Ishant Kumar, Avinash Kumar and Arvind K. Gathania ACTIVATION OF ZIRCONIA NANOPHOSPHORS WITH Eu3+ TO DEMONSTRATE MULTIFUNCTIONAL OPTICAL APPLICATIONS Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 292, 126846, Dec. 2022 SCI, SCOPUS
2023 Himani Thakur, Arvind K. Gathania, Santosh Kachhap, Rajesh Kumar, Sunil Kumar Singh, Rajesh Kumar Singh COPRECIPITATION SYNTHESIS, STRUCTURAL, OPTICAL PROPERTIES, AND THERMOMETRY APPLICATION OF Tm3+/Yb3+ CO-DOPED YPO4 PHOSPHOR J. of Luminescence, 254, 119513, Feb. 2023 SCOPUS
2023 Himani Thakur, Sachin Singh, Arvind K. Gathania, Sunil Kumar Singh, Rajesh Kumar Singh EFFECT OF Li+/K+/Zn2+ DOPING ON THE OPTICAL AND TEMPERATURE SENSING PROPERTIES OF Tm3+ AND Yb3+ DOPED YVO4 PHOSPHOR Ceramics International, Volume 49, Issue 15, 1 August 2023, Pages 25935-25944, 2023 SCI, SCOPUS
2023 Himani Thakur, Arvind K. Gathania, Ishant Kumar, Rajesh Kumar Singh TUNABLE WHITE LIGHT PHOTOLUMINESCENCE OF A SINGLE PHASE Tm3+/Tb3+/Eu3+ CODOPED GdPO4 PHOSPHOR Materials Today Communications, 36, 106458, August 2023 SCOPUS
2023 Priscilla P, Deepanshu Varshney, Jai Prakash, Sandeep Kumar, Ashwani Singh, Praveen Malik, Supreet, Arvind K. Gathania, Riccardo Castagna, Daniele Eugenio Lucchetta, and Gautam Singh ECO-FRIENDLY CARBON DOTS INDUCED THERMALLY STABLE VERTICAL ALIGNMENT IN PLANAR ANCHORED NEMATIC LIQUID CRYSTAL Journal of Molecular Liquids, 385, 122318, 1 September 2023 SCOPUS
2023 Ishant Kumar, Avinash Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Himani Thakur, Naresh Dhiman, and Arvind K. Gathania n-UV TRIGGERED GREEN EMITTING Er3+ DOPED ZIRCONIA: A BIFUNCTIONAL MATERIAL FOR SOLID-STATE LIGHTING AND OPTICAL THERMOMETRY Ceramics International, Volume 49, Issue 22, Part B, 15 November 2023, Pages 36979-36987, 2023. SCI, SCOPUS
2023 Ishant Kumar, Avinash Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Gobind B. Nair, H.C. Swartz and Arvind K. Gathania SIMULTANEOUS REALIZATION OF FIR-BASED MULTIMODE OPTICAL THERMOMETRY AND PHOTONIC MOLECULAR LOGIC GATES IN Er3+ AND Yb3+ CO-DOPED SrTiO3 PHOSPHORS Physica Scripta, Phys. Scr. 98 (10) (2023) 105532 2023 SCOPUS
2023 Himani Thakur, S. Singh, Arvind K. Gathania, S. K. Singh, Ishant Kumar, R. K.Singh IMPACT OF VARYING Li+ CONCENTRATION ON THE UPCONVERSION EMISSION AND TEMPERATURE SENSING CHARACTERISTICS OF YVO4 : Tm3+/Yb3+ PHOSPHOR Inorganic Chemistry Communications, Volume 158, Part 1, December 2023, 111495, 2023 SCI, SCOPUS
2024 Priscilla P, Ashwani Kumar Singh , Praveen Malik, Sandeep Kumar, Supreet, Arvind K. Gathania, Jai Prakash, Riccardo Castagnai, Daniele Eugenio Lucchetta, Poonma Malik, Gautam Singh EFFECT OF DOPING OF ORGANO-SOLUBLE CARBON DOTS ON IONIC RELAXATION AND CONDUCTIVITY OF PLANAR ANCHORED CYANOBIPHENYL BASED NEMATIC LIQUID CRYSTAL Journal of Molecular Structure, Volume 1301, 5 April 2024, 137403. SCI, SCOPUS
2024 Avinash Kumar, Ishant Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Ankita Sharma, and Arvind K. Gathania CASTOR SEED-DERIVED LUMINESCENT CARBON NANOPARTICLES FOR METAL ION DETECTION AND TEMPERATURE SENSING APPLICATIONS Physica Scripta, Phys. Scr., Vol. 99, 035405, Feb. 8, 2024 DOI 10.1088/1402-4896/ad23b9 SCOPUS
2015 Ankita Sharma, Kalyan S. Ghosh, BP Singh, Arvind K. Gathania SPECTROSCOPIC INVESTIGATION OF INTERACTION BETWEEN BOVINE GAMMA GLOBULIN AND GOLD NANOPARTICLES Methods and Applications in Fluorescence, 3, 025002 1-8 SCOPUS
2024 Ishant Kumar, Avinash Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Vikas Sanglwan, Arvind K. Gathania GREEN EMISSION IN THERMALLY STABLE Er3+ i. DOPED LEAD-FREE PEROVSKITE PHOSPHOR FOR SOLID-STATE LIGHTING AND OPTICAL THERMOMETRY APPLICATIONS IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol 16, No.3, page: 1-7, Jun 2024, DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2024.3392566 SCOPUS
2024 Priscilla P, Sandeep Kumar, Arvind K Gathania, Ashwani Kumar Singh, Supreet, Jai Prakash, Sanjeev Kumar, Praveen Malik, Riccardo Castagna and Gautam Singh EFFECT OF CARBON DOTS IN TUNING MOLECULAR ALIGNMENT, DIELECTRIC AND ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF A SMECTOGENIC CYANOBIPHENYL-BASED LIQUID CRYSTAL MATERIAL Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics , Volume 57, Number 35, 355302, 6 September 2024, DOI 10.1088/1361-6463/ad4a84 SCOPUS
2025 Priscilla P, Michael R. Fisch, Harikesh Meena, Srashti Tomar, Arvind K. Gathania, Sandeep Kumar, Jai Prakash, Supreet, Sanjeev Kumar, Gautam Singh EFFECT OF DOPING WITH CARBON DOTS ON THE ALIGNMENT AND DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF NEMATIC LIQUID CRYSTAL 4-CYANO-4′-PENTYLBIPHENYL IN ITO SAMPLE CELLS WITHOUT CONVENTIONAL ALIGNMENT LAYERS FOR LOW-COST DISPLAY APPLICATIONS Journal of Molecular Structure, Vol.1321, Part 2, 139894, 5 Feb. ,2025. SCOPUS
2024 Ishant Kumar, Yashwinder, Avinash Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Himani Thakur, Arvind K. Gathania CHARGE COMPENSATION-DRIVEN DOWNCONVERSION LUMINESCENCE ENHANCEMENT IN Er3+- DOPED SrTiO3 PHOSPHORS BY CO-DOPING WITH ALKALI IONS (M+ =Li, Na, K) FOR SOLID-STATE LIGHTING APPLICATIONS Indian Journal of Physics, pp 1-10, September 2024, 10.1007/s12648-024-03432-9 SCOPUS
2024 Priscilla P, Arvind K. Gathania, Sandeep Kumar, Michael R. Fisch, Jai Prakash, Supreet, Sanjeev Kumar Harikesh Meena, Gautam Singh CARBON DOTS INDUCED HOMEOTROPIC ALIGNMENT IN A NEGATIVE DIELECTRIC NEMATIC LIQUID CRYSTAL MATERIAL Nano Express,5, 045008, Nov. 2024. DOI 10.1088/2632-959X/ad8c6f SCOPUS
2025 Priscilla P, Michael R. Fisch, Sandeep Kumar, Arvind K. Gathania, Jai Prakash, Supreet, Sanjeev Kumar, Riccardo Castagna, Gautam Singh, UNVEILING MOLECULAR ALIGNMENT, DIELECTRIC AND ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY OF AN UNALIGNED 4-octyl-4′-cyanobiphenyl LIQUID CRYSTAL DOPED WITH CARBON DOTS Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, , Volume 707, 135854, 20 February 2025. Scopus, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
2024 Ishant Kumar, Avinash Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Gobind B. Nair, H.C. Swartz and Arvind K. Gathania NIR Light‑triggered Green Emitting Perovskite‑based Phosphor for Optical Thermometry and Future Molecular Logic Gate Applications J. of Fluoresc (2024). Scopus, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
2025 Avinash Kumar, Ishant Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Anchal Sharma, Amit Sharma, Arvind K Gathania A DUAL-MODE FLUORESCENT PROBE FOR TEMPERATURE-SENSING AND METAL IONS DETECTION BASED ON CASTOR LEAVES-DERIVED CARBON QUANTUM DOTS Carbon Letters, pp-1-16, January 2025. DOI: 10.1007/s42823-024-00847-6 Scopus, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
2025 Avinash Kumar, Ritu, Ishant Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Arvind K Gathania ECO-FRIENDLY CARBON QUANTUM DOTS AS A BI-FUNCTIONAL FLUORESCENT PROBE FOR Cr (VI) DETECTION AND OPTICAL THERMOMETRY Materials Research Bulletin, Volume 187, Feb. 2025, 113394, SCOPUS
2018 Vicky Kumar and Ashok Kumar Improving reporting delay and lifetime of a WSN using controlled mobile sinks Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer Berlin Heidelberg 19400158593
2018 Vicky Kumar and Ashok Kumar Improved network lifetime and avoidance of uneven energy consumption using load factor Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer Berlin Heidelberg 19400158593
2017 Gaurav Sharma and Ashok Kumar Improved Range-Free Localization for three-dimensional Wireless sensor Networks using Genetic Algorithm Computers & Electrical Engineering, Elsevier 18159
2017 A. Goswami and A. Kumar An Inequality on Source-to-Sink Average BER and Its Application on Wireless Sensor Networks IEEE Communications Letters 18896
2017 Gaurav Sharma and Ashok Kumar Dynamic Range Normal Bisector Localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Personal Communications Springer 20725
2017 Gaurav Sharma and Ashok Kumar Modified Energy Efficient Range-Free Localization using Teaching Learning Based Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks IETE Journal of Research, Taylor & Francis 130012
2017 Gaurav Sharma and Ashok Kumar Improved DV-Hop Localization Algorithm using Teaching Learning Based Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks Telecommunication Systems, Springer 21916
2017 Gaurav Sharma and Ashok Kumar Fuzzy logic based 3D localization in wireless sensor networks using invasive weed and bacterial foraging optimization Telecommunication Systems, Springer 21916
2015 Vicky Kumar, Ashok Kumar, Gaurav Mobile sink routing and relocation strategies in wireless sensor networks: A Review International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 21100217234
2011 Ashok Kumar, Narottam Chand, Vinod Kapoor Location based Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 21100197994
2010 R. KUMAR , A. KUMAR , V. S. RANGRA A Study of Physical Properties of Ge-Se-In Glassy Semiconductors Journal of Optoelectronic and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communication 26622
2017 Gaurav Sharma and Ashok Kumar REVIN: Reduced Energy Virtuous Immune Network for WSN Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science and Engineering ISBN/ISSN No.: 2320-7639
2016 Gaurav Sharma, Ashok Kumar and Vicky Kumar Localization in wireless sensor networks: A Review International Journal of Trend in Research and Development ISBN/ISSN No.: 2394-9333
2011 Ashok Kumar, Vinod Kumar and Narottam Chand Energy Efficient Clustering and Cluster Head Rotation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications -
2011 Ashok Kumar, Narottam Chand, Vinay Kumar And Vinod Kapoor Range Free Localization Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications or Recent Researches in Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems 978-960-474-277-6
2011 Vinay kumar, Ashok Kumar and Surender Soni A New Fuzzy Based Localization Error Minimization Approach with Optimized Beacon Range International Journal of Computer Application 0975 – 8887
2012 Anish Kumar U, Anita Panwar, Ashok Kumar Energy Efficient Clustering and Routing Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING 2277 – 9043
2016 Gaurav Sharma and Ashok Kumar, Prabhleen Singh Fuzzy Logic Based Range Free Localization using Bacterial Foraging Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS) 19475500
2017 Gaurav Sharma and Ashok Kumar Improved DV-Hop Localization Algorithm using Teaching Learning Based Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks Telecommunication Systems, Springer. ISSN: 1572-9451
2017 Gaurav Sharma and Ashok Kumar Modified Energy Efficient Range-Free Localization using Teaching Learning Based Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks IETE Journal of Research, Taylor & Francis ISSN: 0974-780X
2017 Gaurav Sharma and Ashok Kumar Dynamic Range Normal Bisector Localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Personal Communications, Springer 1572-834X
2017 Gaurav Sharma and Ashok Kumar Fuzzy logic based 3D localization in wireless sensor networks using invasive weed and bacterial foraging optimization Telecommunication Systems, Springer ISSN: 1572-9451
2019 A. Goswami and A. Kumar Performance analysis of multi-hop wireless communication systems over α−η−κ−μ channel Physical Communication (ELSEVIER) ISBN/ISSN No.: 1874-4907
2019 Thakur, A, Kumar, A, Gupta, N., & Singh Secrecy outage performance analysis of MIMO underlay cognitive radio networks with delayed CSI and transmitter antenna selection. International Journal of Communication Systems (WILEY) ISBN/ISSN No.: 1074-5351 / 1099-1131
2011 Ashok Kumar, Vinod Kumar and Narottam Chand Energy Efficient Clustering and Cluster Head Rotation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications -
2020 Neeraj Sharma, Maneesh K. Singh, Siow Yong Low & Ashok Kumar Weighted Sigmoid-Based Frequency-Selective Noise Filtering for Speech Denoising Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
2020 Vivek Kanwar Ashok Kumar Multiobjective optimization‐based DV‐hop localization using NSGA‐II algorithm for wireless sensor networks Communication Systems
2020 Vivek Kanwar & Ashok Kumar DV-Hop based localization methods for additionally deployed nodes in wireless sensor network using genetic algorithm Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
2020 Ashish Goswami and Ashok Kumar New Approximate Expression for α−κ−μ Fading Channels Subjected to Inverse Gaussian Shadowing with Applications. Wireless Personal Communication vol. 9 DOI: 10.1007/s11277-020-07617-3
2020 Thakur, A, Kumar, A, Gupta, N. Secrecy analysis of multiple‐input multiple‐output underlay cognitive radio networks with energy harvesting. Trans Emerging Tel Tech. 2020
2022 Neeraj Sharma, Maneesh Kumar Singh, Ashok Kumar and Ashish Goswami Performance Analysis of Speech Transmission Over Composite Wireless Channels Electrica DOI: 10.5152/electrica.2022.22097. ISBN/ISSN No.: 2619-9831
2023 Akanksha Sangwan, Nand Kumar, Ashwani Kumar Defining the Urban Greenspaces in Indian context, Vol 19 (1) Architecture and Urban Planning Scopus
2023 Swasti Sharma, Ashutosh Saini, Bhavna Shrivastava, Ashwani Kumar Land Use Allocation Practices in India: A Systematic Review, Vol 11 (3), 1-19 International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Web of Science, Scopus
2023 Manish Sharma, Bansari Sharma, Nand Kumar, Ashwani Kumar, Establishing conceptual components for urban resilience: Taking clues from urbanization through a planner’s lens, Vol 24 (1) Natural Hazards Review (SCI) Web of Science
2023 Akanksha Sangwan, Nand Kumar, Ashwani Kumar Amorphous Nature of Green Spaces in Indian Urban planning Vol.11 ( 1) International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Web of Science
2023 Shradha Chandan, Ashwani Kumar, Satish Pipralia Challenges of Urban Conservation in the Historic City of Puri, Vol. 17 (1) Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal Scopus
2022 Ashutosh Saini, Swasti Sharma, Gireendra Kumar, Ashwani Kumar , Problems and Prospects of Urban Developments in Mandi Town of Himachal Pradesh, India, Vol 9 (5) ISVS e-journal Scopus
2022 Shipra Goswami, Ashwani Kumar, Satish Pipralia Transformations of the Traditional Residential Neighborhoods of the Walled City of Jaipur, vol 9 (4) ISVS e-journal Scopus
2022 Bansari Sharma, Swasti Sharma, Ashwani Kumar, Nand Kumar, Satish Pipralia Analysis of Urban Development Plan Formulation in India with Special Reference to Public Participation, vol 10 (4) International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Web of Science
2022 Manish Sharma, Bansari Sharma, Nand Kumar, Ashwani Kumar, Measuring urban water resilience at household level: A comparative study through a framework for developing countries, Urban Water Journal (SCI) Web of Science
2022 Swasti Sharma, Ashutosh Saini, Bhavna Shrivastava Gireendra Kumar, Ashwani Kumar Evolution of Indian Hill Stations during the British Era: Problems and Prospects of Development, Vol. 9 (2) ISVS e-Journal Scopus
2021 Richa Jagatramka, Raunak Prasad, Ashwani Kumar, Satish Pipralia Efficiency of materials in construction of buildings in rural areas of Chhattisgarh, Vol. 47 Materials Today: Proceedings Scopus
2021 Richa Jagatramka, Ashwani Kumar, Satish Pipralia Transformations of Stone Dwellings in Khudargad, Chhattisgarh, India, Vol. 8 (3) ISVS e-journal, Scopus
2021 Richa Jagatramka, Ashwani Kumar, Satish Pipralia Transformations of Vernacular Architecture of India: Problems and Prospects, , Vol. 8 (1) ISVS e-journal Scopus
2020 Richa Jagatramka, Ashwani Kumar, Satish Pipralia Sustainability Indicators for Vernacular Architecture in India, Vol. 7(4) ISVS e-journal, Scopus
2019 Shradha Chandan, Ashwani Kumar Challenges for Urban Conservation of Core Area in Pilgrim Cities of India, Vol. 8 ( 3) Journal of Urban Management Web of Science
2019 Shradha Chandan, Ashwani Kumar Review of Urban Conservation Practices in Historic Cities, International , Vol 10 (1) Journal of Emerging Technologies Scopus
2019 Neeti Garg, Ashwani Kumar, Satish Pipralia, Praveen Kumar Initiatives to achieve energy efficiency for residential buildings in India: A Review, VoL. 28 (6 ) Indoor and Built Environment, Web of Science
2018 Ashwani Kumar Review of Building Regulations for Safety Against Hazards in Indian Hill Towns, Journal of Urban Management, vol. 7 (2) Journal of Urban Management Web of Science
2018 Fuzail Jawaid, Satish Pipralia, Ashwani Kumar A., Review of Environment Responsiveness of Building Regulations in Jaipur, Journal of Urban Management vol. 7( 2) Journal of Urban Management Web of Science
2018 Ashwani Kumar, Pushplata Formulating Contextual Building Regulations For Hill Towns of India: The Case of Shimla, Vol. 33 (1) Planning Practice and Research Web of Science
2018 Nand Kumar, Ashwani Kumar, Sunil Sharma The Quest for Environmental Sustainability in Educational Institutions, Vol. 7 (1.4) International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Scopus
2017 Aman Randhawa, Ashwani Kumar Exploring Sustainability of Smart Development Initiatives In India: A Review, Vol. 6 (2) International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment Scopus
2017 Ashwani Kumar Building Regulations related to Energy and Water in Indian Hill Towns, Vol 5 (4), Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems Web of Science
2017 Fuzail Jawaid, Manish Sharma Satish Pipralia, Ashwani Kumar A., , City Profile: Jaipur, Vol. 68 Cities journal SCI Web of Science
2017 Ashwani Kumar, Pushplata Problems and Prospects of Building Regulations in Shimla, India- A Step Towards Achieving Sustainable Development, Vol. 6 (1) International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment Scopus
2016 Ashwani Kumar Impact of Building Regulations on Indian Hill Towns, Vol. 12 (3) HBRC Journal Scopus
2015 Ashwani Kumar, Pushplata Building Regulations for Hill Towns of India, Vol. 11 (2) HBRC Journal Scopus
2015 Ashwani Kumar, Pushplata City Profile: Shimla, Vol. 49 Cities journal SCI Web of Science
2015 Ashwani Kumar, Pushplata Approach to Formulate Setback Regulations for Indian Hill Towns, Vol. 4 (1) International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, Scopus
2013 Ashwani Kumar, Pushplata Building Regulations for Environmental Protection in Indian Hill Towns, vol. 2 ( 2) International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment Scopus
2013 Ashwani Kumar, Pushplata Vernacular Practices: As a Basis for Formulating Building Regulations for Hilly Areas, vol. 2 ( 2) International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment Scopus
2011 Sumant Sharma, Anoop Sharma, Ashwani Kumar New City Model to Reduce Demand for Transportation, Viol 21 Procedia Engineering Web of Science
2023 R Kolte, S Goswami, S Pipralia, A Kumar Challenges in practical implementation of the concept of urban resilience in cities, vol. 99, 104142 International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Web of Science, , Scopus
2023 A Sangwan, S Choudhary, V Anand, N Kumar, A Kumar, K Jat, Mahesh A mathematical model for temperature-reducing potential of urban greenspaces, vol. 16, pages 4199–4211 Earth Science Informatics Web of Science, Scopus
2024 Swasti Sharma, Ashutosh Saini, Bhavna Shrivastava, Ashwani Kumar Existing Practices for Land Use Planning in Hill Cities of India: A Review, vol. 12 Issue 1 International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Web of Science, Scopus
2023 Vivek Kumar Ahirwar, Rhitwik Gupta, Ashwani Kumar Impacts Of Tourism On Development Of Urban Areas In Indian Cities: A Systematic Literature Review, Volume XIV, Issue 8(72), Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism Scopus
2024 Saraswat Anjali, Pipralia Satish, Kumar Ashwani, Rapid Urbanizations of Metropolitan Cities in India: A Review, Voll 11 issue 1 ISVS e-journal Scopus
2024 Shipra Goswami, Chandan Shradha, Kumar Ashwani, Pipralia Satish Conceptualizing Heritage Based City Development In India, Volume 17, Number 3, Spring 2024, pp. 337-349 Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal Scopus
2024 Goswami Shipra, Kolte Rushikesh, Kumar Ashwani, Pipralia Satish Fire Hazard In Urban Areas: A Scoping Review To Understand Issues And Opportunities Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A. Scopus
2024 Saraswat Anjali, Pipralia Satish, Kumar Ashwani Exploring the application of ecosystems approach to urban planning: a systematic literature review International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Web of Science, Scopus
2024 Akanksha Sangwan, Sudesh Vijay Ananad, Nand Kumar, Ashwani Kumar, Mahesh Jat, Rayees Ahmed Development of Site Suitability Framework for Urban Greenspace: A case study of Sikar city, Rajasthan, India Environmental Earth Sciences Web of Science, Scopus
2024 Manish Sharma, Bansari Sharma, Nand Kumar, Ashwani Kumar Establishing A framework to assess urban water resilience in developing countries like India: Looking beyond water utilities and networked cities Water Policy Web of Science, Scopus
2023 A. B. Desai, R. Dutta, S. K. Verma, A. Dewasi, H. Agravat, V. Gupta, S. S. Mukherjee, J. S. Mishra, P. Panchal, P. A. Nayak, R. Gangradey Manifestation of Improvement in Regenerator Performance of a Low-frequency Pulse tube Cryocooler using Layered Pattern, 45, 102112 Thermal Science and Engineering Progress Both
2023 A. Dewasi, R. Gangradey, S. S. Mukherjee, V. Gupta, R. Dutta, A. B. Desai, J. S. Mishra, P. Panchal, P. A. Nayak, H. S. Agravat Development of a novel apparatus to measure emissivity of high roughness materials at 82 K, 34, 125908 Measurement Science and Technology Both
2023 V. Gupta, S. S. Mukherjee, A. Dewasi, J. S. Mishra, P. A. Nayak, P. Panchal, V. L. Tanna, Y. Paravastu, D. C. Raval, Z. Khan, R. Daniel, S. George, A. Garg, L N Srikanth, K. R. Dhanani, R. Dutta, A. B. Desai, H. S. Agravat, R. Gangradey Experience of pumping the vacuum vessel of SST-1 during the baking cycle with indigenously developed liquid nitrogen cooled sorption pump, 195, 113950 Fusion Engineering and Design Both
2022 S. Chaoudhary, A. Dewasi, R. Prakash, V. Rastogi, R. N. Pereira, A. Sinopoli, and A. Mitra Laser ablation fabrication of a p-NiO/n-Si heterojunction for broadband and self-powered UV-Visible-NIR photodetection, 33, 255202 Nanotechnology Both
2022 S. Chaoudhary, A. Dewasi, V. Rastogi, R. N. Pereira, A. Sinopoli, B. Aissa and A. Mitra Broadband self-powered photodetection with p-NiO/n-Si heterojunctions enhanced with plasmonic Ag nanoparticles deposited with pulsed laser ablation, 33, 10761 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Both
2022 R. Gangradey, S. S. Mukherjee, V. Gupta, P. M. Panchal, P. Nayak, J. S. Mishra, A. Dewasi and S. K.Verma Design and development of a liquid nitrogen cooled test cryopump for application in Steady-state Superconducting Tokamak-1, 200, 110986 Vacuum Both
2022 S. Chaoudhary, A. Dewasi, S. Ghosh, R. J. Choudhary, D. M. Phase, T. Ganguli, V. Rastogi, R. N. Pereira, A. Sinopoli, B. Aïssa and A. Mitra X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry analysis of the p-NiO/n-Si heterostructure system grown by pulsed laser deposition, 743, 139077 Thin Solid Films Both
2019 A. Dewasi, M. Arya and A. Mitra Plasmon mediated near zero-reflection of TiO2/Ag-nanoislands/Si multilayer structure, 6, 085030 Materials Research Express Both
2018 A. Dewasi and A. Mitra UV-visible light detection with TiO2 thin Film deposited on chemically textured p-Si substrate, 29, 9209 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Both
2018 M. Arya, A. Dewasi and A. Mitra Spectroscopic ellipsometer study of laser ablation wavelength dependent growth kinetics of Ag nanoislands: An insight to potential plasmonic applications, 447, 87 Applied Surface Science Both
2017 A. Dewasi and A. Mitra Effect of variation of thickness of TiO2 on the photovoltaic performance of n-TiO2/p-Si heterostructure, 28, 18075 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Both
2017 P. Kumar, P. K. Kanaujia, G. V. Prakash, A. Dewasi, I. Lahiri and A. Mitra Growth of few and multilayer graphene on different substrates using pulsed nanosecond Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, 52, 12295 Journal of Material Science Both
2022 V. Gupta, R. Gangradey, S. S. Mukherjee, J. S. Mishra, P. A. Nayak, P. Panchal, V. L. Tanna, Y. Paravastu, D. C. Raval, Z. Khan, S. George, A. Garg, L. N. Srikanth, A. Dewasi, S. K. Verma, R. Dutta, H. Agravat Performance testing of the liquid nitrogen cooled sorption cryopump for application in SST-1 Tokamak, 181, 113212 Fusion Engineering and Design Both
2022 V. Gupta, R. Gangradey, S. S. Mukherjee, S. Verma, A. Dewasi, J. Mishra, P. Panchal and P. A. Nayak Validation of 3-D non-isothermal CFD simulation with experimental results for single-screw hydrogen extruder, 124, 103471 Cryogenics Both
2022 S. S. Mukherjee, V. Gupta, P. Panchal, J. S. Mishra, P. Nayak, J. Agarwal, H. Agravat, A. Dewasi, R. Dutta, A. B. Desai, S. K. Verma, R. Swamy, P. Mokariya, N. Patel, T. Patel, S. M. Belsare, S. S. Khirwadkara, R. Gangradey Design and development of LN2 cooled cryopump for application in high heat flux test facility, 184, 113315 Fusion Engineering and Design Both
2018 B. Subba, S. Biswas, S. Karmakar "A game theory based multi layered intrusion detection framework for VANET". Vol. No. 82 Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier SCIE
2018 B. Subba, S. Biswas, S. Karmakar “False Alarm Reduction in Signature based IDS: Game Theory Approach”. Vol. No. 9(18) Security and Communication Networks, Wiley SCIE
2016 B. Subba, S. Biswas, S. Karmakar “Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks: Bayesian Game Formulation". Vol. No. 19(2) Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal (JESTECH), Elsevier, SCIE
2018 B. Subba, S. Biswas, S. Karmakar “A game theory based multi layered intrusion detection framework for wireless sensor networks.” Vol. No. 25 International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Springer, Web of Science (ESCI)
2020 B. Subba, Prakriti Gupta "A TfidfVectorizer and Singular Value Decomposition based host intrusion detection system framework for detecting anomalous system processes," Vol. No. 100 Computers & Security, Elsevier SCIE
2021 B. Subba, Simpy Kumari "A heterogeneous stacking ensemble based sentiment analysis framework using multiple word embeddings" Computational Intelligence, Wiley SCIE
2018 V. Sharma, M. K. Shukla, and B.B. Sharma Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (Elsevier Science), vol. 115, pp. 96-107 Unknown Input Observer Design for a Class of Fractional Order Nonlinear Systems SCI
2018 H. Handa, and B.B. Sharma International Journal of Dynamics and Control (Springer), May, 2018 (DOI: Controller design scheme for stabilization and synchronization of a class of chaotic and hyperchaotic systems in uncertain environment using SMC approach SCOPUS
2018 M. K. Shukla, and B.B. Sharma Asian Journal of Control (Wiley), vol. 20, issue 2, pp. 707-720 Control and Synchronization of a Class of Uncertain Fractional Order Chaotic Systems via Adaptive Backstepping Control SCI
2018 V. Garg, and B.B. Sharma International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 85-105 Complete Amplitude Scaling and Projective Synchronization of a class of Nonlinear Dynamical systems SCOPUS
2018 V. Sharma, B.B. Sharma and R. Nath International Journal of Dynamics and Control (Springer), Volume 6, Issue 3, pp. 1111–1125. Unknown input reduced order observer based synchronization framework for class of nonlinear systems SCOPUS
2017 M. K. Shukla, and B.B. Sharma Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (Elsevier Science), vol. 102, pp. 274-284 Backstepping Based Stabilization and Synchronization of a Class of Fractional Order Chaotic Systems SCI
2017 M. K. Shukla, and B.B. Sharma International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Elsevier Science), vol. 78, pp. 265-273 Investigation of chaos in fractional order generalized hyperchaotic Henon map SCI
2017 M. K. Shukla, and B.B. Sharma Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (Elsevier Science), vol. 98, pp. 56-62 Stabilization of a class of fractional order chaotic systems via backstepping approach SCI
2017 V. Sharma, B.B. Sharma and R. Nath Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (Elsevier Science), vol. 96, pp. 51-58 Nonlinear unknown input sliding mode observer based chaotic system synchronization and message recovery scheme with uncertainty SCI
2016 H. Handa, and B.B. Sharma Nonlinear Dynamics (Springer Publisher), vol.85, No. 3, pp. 1517-1532 Synchronization of a set of coupled chaotic FitzHugh–Nagumo and Hindmarsh–Rose neurons with external electrical stimulation SCI
2016 V. Sharma, V. Agarwal, B.B. Sharma and R. Nath Nonlinear Dynamics (Springer Publisher), vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 645-658 Unknown input nonlinear observer design for continuous and discrete time systems with input recovery scheme SCI
2016 H. Handa, and B.B. Sharma Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (Elsevier Science), vol. 86, pp. 50-63 Novel adaptive feedback synchronization scheme for a class of chaotic systems with and without parametric uncertainty SCI
2012 S. Singh, and B. B. Sharma International Journal of Automation and Control (IJAAC) (Inderscience), vol.6, no. 1, pp.1-20 Sliding mode control based stabilization and secure synchronization scheme for hyperchaotic systems SCOPUS
2011 B.B. Sharma, and I. N. Kar Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (Elsevier Science), vol. 44, no. 10, pp. 902-913 Stabilization and tracking controller for a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems SCI
2011 B.B. Sharma, and I. N. Kar IET Transactions on Control Theory and Application, vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 963-975 Distributed Control of a Class of Interconnected Systems in a String SCI
2011 B.B. Sharma, and I. N. Kar Nonlinear Dynamics (Springer Publisher), vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 429-445 Observer-based synchronization scheme for a class of chaotic systems using contraction theory SCI
2010 B.B. Sharma, and I. N. Kar IET Transactions on Control Theory and Application, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 1005-1018 Contraction Theory Based Recursive Design of Stabilizing Controller for a Class of Nonlinear systems SCI
2009 B.B. Sharma, and I. N. Kar Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (Elsevier Science), vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 2437-2447 Contraction theory based adaptive synchronization of chaotic systems SCI
2009 B.B. Sharma, and I. N. Kar Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (Elsevier Science), vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 1475-1483 Parametric Convergence and Control of Chaotic Systems Using Adaptive Feedback Linearization SCI
2008 B.B. Sharma, and I. N. Kar IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 1932-1937 Design of Asymptotically Convergent Frequency Estimator Using Contraction Theory SCI
2018 M.K. Shukla, and B.B. Sharma International Journal of Simulation and Process Modeling, 13(5), pp. 473–485 Secure communication and image encryption scheme based on synchronization of fractional order chaotic systems using backstepping SCOPUS
2019 S. Kelkar, and B.B. Sharma International Journal of Automation and Control, 2019 Vol.13 No.6, pp.755 - 771 Encoder-less field-oriented control of permanent magnet synchronous motor by using a full order adaptive state observer SCOPUS
2020 A. Dinesh, and B. B. Sharma Asian Journal of Control (AJC) (Wiley Online), August 2019, pp. 1-7 Synchronization of nonlinear systems with disturbances subjected to dead-zone and saturation characteristics in control input using DMVT approach SCI
2020 P. Anand and B. B. Sharma Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (Elsevier Science), Dec. 2020, pp.1-16 Simplified synchronizability scheme for a class of nonlinear systems connected in chain configuration using contraction SCI
2021 I Garg and B B Sharma Int. J. Nonlinear Dynamics and Control, ISSN online: 2050-6910; ISSN print:2050-6902; Vol. 2, No. 1, 2021, pp. 33-50 Simple adaptive control strategy for a class of systems subjected to real parametric uncertainty with application to unified chaotic system SCOPUS
2022 P. Anand and B B Sharma International Journal of Dynamics and Control; (Springer), vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-15 Generalized Finite-time Synchronization Scheme for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Using Backstepping like Control Strategy SCOPUS
2022 R. M. Bora and B B Sharma International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) IFAC Papers OnLine, Volume 55, Issue 1, 2022, pp. 253-58 LMI based Adaptive Robust Control scheme for Reduced-Order Synchronization (ROS) for a Class of Chaotic Systems Web of Science/SCOPUS
2023 Y. Chauhan and B B Sharma Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics (L &H Scientific Publication), Vol.12, Issue:3, pp-591-608 Synchronisation Results for a Interconnected Network of Nonlinear Systems with Diffusive Nonlinear Coupling using Contraction SCOPUS
2022 S, Changder and B B Sharma International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications (IJSCC); Vol.14 No.1, pp. 60-80 Synchronization among Multiple Chaotic Systems Connected in Chain and Star Configuration Using Backstepping Strategy SCOPUS
2023 R. M. Bora and B B Sharma Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics; pp. 1-15, Reduced Order Synchronization of Two Non-Identical Special Class of Strict Feedback Systems via Back-Stepping Control Technique SCI
2023 Pallav, H. Handa, B B Sharma Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics (ASME); vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 1-12 Novel Single Bounded Input Control Synchronization Criterion for a Category of Hyperchaotic and Chaotic Systems in Presence of Uncertainties SCI
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2022 S Awasthi, B Gaur Performance assessment of hybrid multiblock copolymers included with ionic liquid for fuel cell applications Journal of the Indian Chemical Society SCI
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2019 Dharmendra Prasad Mahato and Ravi Shankar Singh Load balanced scheduling and reliability modelling of grid transaction processing system using coloured petri nets, Volume 84, January 2019, Pages 225-236 ISA Transactions, Elsevier Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Current Contents - Engineering, Computing & Technology EBSCOhost Engineering Index Monthly Ei Compendex Embase Embase Gale Academic OneFile Gale Infotrac Custom GeoRef INSPEC PubMed/Medline Science Citation Index Expanded PubMed/Medline Scopus TEMA - Technik und Management Web of Science Zentralblatt MATH SCI (Impact Factor: 7.3)
2017 Dharmendra Prasad Mahato and Ravi Shankar Singh On maximizing reliability of grid transaction processing system considering balanced task allocation using social spider optimization , Volume 38, February 2018, Pages 202-217 Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Elsevier Scopus Journal Citation Reports - Science Edition Science Citation Index Expanded INSPEC (Impact Factor: 10.00)
2018 Dharmendra Prasad Mahato et al. On Scheduling Transactions in a Grid Processing System considering load through Ant Colony Optimization , Volume 61, December 2017, Pages 875-891 Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier Scopus Science Citation Index Expanded CompuMath Citation Index Current Contents - Engineering, Computing & Technology INSPEC (Impact Factor: 8.7)
2018 Dharmendra Prasad Mahato and Ravi Shankar Singh Load Balanced Transaction Scheduling using Honey Bee Optimization Considering Performability in On-demand Computing System, DOI: 10.1002/cpe.4253 Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Wiley ACM Guide to Computing Literature (ACM) COMPENDEX (Elsevier) CompuMath Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) CompuScience Database (FIZ Karlsruhe) Computer Abstracts (Emerald) Computer Science Index (EBSCO Publishing) Current Contents: Engineering, Computing & Technology (Clarivate Analytics) INSPEC (IET) Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics) Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics) SCOPUS (Elsevier) The DBLP Computer Science Bibliography (University of Trier) Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) (Impact Factor: 2.0)
2018 Dharmendra Prasad Mahato and Ravi Shankar Singh Balanced task allocation in the on-demand computing based transaction processing system using social spider optimization, DOI: 10.1002/cpe.4214 Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Wiley ACM Guide to Computing Literature (ACM) COMPENDEX (Elsevier) CompuMath Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) CompuScience Database (FIZ Karlsruhe) Computer Abstracts (Emerald) Computer Science Index (EBSCO Publishing) Current Contents: Engineering, Computing & Technology (Clarivate Analytics) INSPEC (IET) Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics) Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics) SCOPUS (Elsevier) The DBLP Computer Science Bibliography (University of Trier) Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) Impact Factor: 2.0)
2018 Dharmendra Prasad Mahato and Ravi Shankar Singh Maximizing availability for task scheduling in on-demand computing based transaction processing system using ant colony optimization, DOI:10.1002/cpe.4405 Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Wiley ACM Guide to Computing Literature (ACM) COMPENDEX (Elsevier) CompuMath Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) CompuScience Database (FIZ Karlsruhe) Computer Abstracts (Emerald) Computer Science Index (EBSCO Publishing) Current Contents: Engineering, Computing & Technology (Clarivate Analytics) INSPEC (IET) Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics) Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics) SCOPUS (Elsevier) The DBLP Computer Science Bibliography (University of Trier) Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) (Impact Factor: 2.0)
2019 Dharmendra Prasad Mahato et al. On scheduling transaction in grid computing using cuckoo search-ant colony optimization considering load Cluster Computing, Springer ACM Digital Library Baidu CLOCKSS CNKI CNPIEC Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology DBLP Dimensions EBSCO Academic Search EBSCO Applied Science & Technology Source EBSCO Computer Science Index EBSCO Computers & Applied Sciences Complete EBSCO Discovery Service EBSCO MasterFILE EBSCO STM Source EBSCO Science & Technology Collection EI Compendex Google Scholar INSPEC Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST) Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition Naver Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service Portico ProQuest Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database ProQuest-ExLibris Summon SCImago SCOPUS Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) TD Net Discovery Service UGC-CARE List (India) Wanfang (Published on 23rd November 2019) (Impact Factor: 4.4)
2021 Dharmendra Prasad Mahato and Van Huy Pham Reliability Analysis in Grid System Considering Load,, Volume:24, Issue:2. Cluster Computing, Springer ACM Digital Library Baidu CLOCKSS CNKI CNPIEC Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology DBLP Dimensions EBSCO Academic Search EBSCO Applied Science & Technology Source EBSCO Computer Science Index EBSCO Computers & Applied Sciences Complete EBSCO Discovery Service EBSCO MasterFILE EBSCO STM Source EBSCO Science & Technology Collection EI Compendex Google Scholar INSPEC Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST) Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition Naver Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service Portico ProQuest Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database ProQuest-ExLibris Summon SCImago SCOPUS Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) TD Net Discovery Service UGC-CARE List (India) Wanfang (Published on 19th May 2021) (Impact Factor: 4.4)
2022 Radha Rani, Mayak Kumar Singh and Dharmendra Prasad Mahato Game Theory based Consensus Learning in Unidirectional Rings Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) e-ISSN 1309-6591 Scopus
2022 Radha Rani and Dharmendra Prasad Mahato A randomized algorithm for the wait-free consensus problem, Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, SCI, Impact Factor: 2.557, Volume: 86, ISSN: 1573-0484, Published on 7th September 2022, DOI Journal of Supercomputing, Springer Impact Factor: 2.557, Quartile: Q2, SJR (SCImago Journal Rank): 0.684, Indexing: SCIE/SSCI
2022 Radha Rani and Dharmendra Prasad Mahato Survey on Wait Free Consensus Protocol in Distributed Systems, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems,Inderscience Publishers, ESCI, Scopus, ISSN: 1754-3924, Published, 2022. DOI: 10.1504/IJCNDS.2023.10049439 International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems,Inderscience Publishers ESCI, Scopus, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.287, Quartile: Q3, Impact Factor: 1.513
2024 Aman Verma, Sanat Thakur, Ankush Kumar, Dharmendra Prasad Mahato Routing Algorithm for Sparse Unstructured P2P Networks using Honey Bee Behaviour International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley. 2023 CiteScore (Scopus): 5.9, 2023 Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate): 1.7, 2023 Journal Citation Indicator (Clarivate): 0.48. Indexing: SCIE, SCOPUS, Web opf Science.
2018 D. S. Yadav, D. Sharma, S.Tirkey, D. G. sharma, S. Bajpai, D. Soni, S. Yadav, Mohd. Aslam and N. Sharma Hetero-material CPTFET with high-frequency and linearity analysis for ultra-low power applications, doi: 10.1049/mnl.2018.5075 Accepted on 11 July. 2018 IET, Micro Nano Letters SCI
2018 D. S. Yadav, A. Verma, D. Sharma, and N. Sharma Study of Metal Strip Insertion and its Optimization in Doping Less TFET. Vol. no. 122, pp. 577-586, Oct 2018 Superlattices and Microstructures, Elsevier SCI
2018 D. S. Yadav, D. Sharma, S. Tirkey, and V. Bajaj A systematic investigation for performance improvement by integrated effect of gate under lapping, dual work functionality and hetero gate dielectric for CPTFET vol. 17, Issue. 1, pp 118-128, Mar 2018 Journal of Computational Electronics, Springer SCI
2017 D. S. Yadav, A. Verma, D. Sharma, S. Tirkey, and B.R. Raad Comparative investigation of novel hetero gate dielectric and drain engineered charge plasma TFET for improved DC and RF performance vol. 111, pp. 123-133, Nov. 2017 Superlattices and Microstructures, Elsevier SCI
2017 D. S. Yadav, D. Sharma, A. Kumar, D. Rathor, R. Agrawal, S. Tirkey, B. R. Raad, and V. Bajaj, Performance investigation of hetero material (InAs/Si) based charge plasma TFET vol.12, no.6, pp.358–363, Jan. 2017 IET, Micro Nano Letters SCI
2016 D. S. Yadav, B. R. Raad, and D. Sharma A novel gate and drain engineered charge plasma tunnel field-effect transistor for low sub-threshold swing and ambipolar nature,” vol. no. 100, pp. 266–273, Dec. 2016 Superlattices and Microstructures, Elsevier SCI
2016 D. S. Yadav, D. Sharma, B.R. Raad, V. Bajaj, “Impactful Study of Dual Work Function, Underlap and Hetero Gate Dielectric on TFET with Different Drain Doping Profile for High Frequency Performance Estimation and Optimization,” vol. no. 96, pp. 36–46, Aug. 2016 Superlattices and Microstructures, Elsevier SCI
2018 S. Tirkey, D. Sharma, B. Raad, D. S. Yadav A Novel Approach to Improve the Performance of Charge Plasma Tunnel Field Effect Transistor" vol. 65, no.1, pp. 282-289, Jan. 2018. IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices SCI
2017 S. Tirkey, D. Sharma, D. S. Yadav, and S. Yadav Analysis of a Novel Metal Implant Junctionless Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor for Better DC and Analog/RF Electrostatic Parameters, vol. 63, no.9, pp. 3943-3950, Sep. 2017 IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices SCI
2017 M. Verma, S. Tirkey, S. Yadav, D. Sharma, and D.S. Yadav Performance Assessment of a Novel Vertical Dielectrically Modulated TFET-Based Biosensor. vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 3841-3848, Sep. 2017 IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices SCI
2016 B. R. Raad, D. Sharma, P. Kondekar, K. Nigam, and D. S. Yadav Drain work function engineered doping-Less charge plasma TFET for ambipolar suppression and RF performance improvement: A proposal design and investigation", vol. 63, no. 10, pp. 3950-3957, Oct. 2016 IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices SCI
2016 D. Singh, D. Sharma, S. Pandey, K. Nigam, D. S. Yadav and P. N. Kondekar A Charge Plasma based Dielectric Modulated Junctionless TFET for Biosensor Label Free Detection. vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 271-278, Jan. 2016 IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices SCI
2017 S. Tirkey, B. R. Raad, D. Sharma, and D. S. Yadav Introduction of a metal strip in oxide region of junctionless tunnel field-effect transistor to improve DC and RF performance,” vol. no. 16, Issue. 3, pp 714- 720 Sep. 2017. Journal of computational electronics Springer SCI
2016 D. Sharma, B. R. Raad, D.S. Yadav, P. Kondekar, and K. Nigam 2-D Potential, Electric Field and Drain Current Model of Source Pocket Hetero Gate Dielectric Triple Work Function Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor. vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 11-16, Sep. 2016 IET, Micro Nano Letters SCI
2018 A Lemtur, D Sharma, P Suman, J Patel, D S Yadav and N Sharma Performance analysis of gate all around GaAsP/AlGaSb CPTFET,” vol. no. 117, pp. 364–372, Mar. 2018 Superlattices and Microstructures, Elsevier SCI
2018 S Gupta, D Sharma , D Soni , S Yadav ; M. Aslam , D S Yadav, K Nigam, N Sharma Examination of the impingement of interface trap charges on heterogeneous gate dielectric dual material control gate tunnel field effect transistor for the refinement of device reliability. Vol. no. 13 , Issue: 8 pp: 1192 - 1196, 2018 IET, Micro Nano Letters SCI
2018 M. Aslam, D Sharma, D Soni, S Yadav , B R Raad , D S Yadav , N Sharma Effective design technique for improvement of electrostatics behaviour of dopingless TFET: proposal, investigation and optimisation. Year: 2018 , Vol. no. 13 , Issue: 10 pp 1480 - 1485, 2018 IET, Micro Nano Letters SCI
2018 S Tirkey, D S yadav, D Sharma Controlling ambipolar current of dopingless tunnel field-effect transistor Applied Physics A, Springer SCI
2019 D. Soni, A. K. Behra, D.Sharma, D.P.Samajdar, D.S.Yadav Structural Modification of Doped Tunnel Field Effect Transistor for Enhanced Conduction Current and Lower Subthreshold Swing.Year: 2019 , Vol. no. 14 , Issue: 11 pp 1539-1547, 2019 Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics SCI
2020 A. Lodhi, C. Rajan, A.K. Behera, D.P.Samajdar, D. Soni, Dharmendra Singh Yadav Sensitivity and sensing speed analysis of extended nano-cavity and source over electrode in Si/SiGe based TFET biosensor Applied Physics A, Springer SCI
2021 A.Dixit, D.P. Samajdar, N. Bagga, Dharmendra Singh Yadav Performance investigation of a novel GaAs1-xSbx-on-insulator (GASOI) FinFET: Role of interface trap charges and hetero dielectric Materials Today Communications Elsevier SCI
2018 D.A. Khan and S. Jha Synthesis of Polishing Fluid and Novel Approach for Nanofinishing of Copper using Ball End Magnetorheological Finishing Process 2018, 33(11): 1150 -1159 Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCI
2017 D.A. Khan and S. Jha, Selection of Optimum Polishing Fluid Composition for Ball End Magnetorheological Finishing (BEMRF) of Copper 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-017-1056-9 International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology SCI
2018 Z. Alam, D. A. Khan and S. Jha A Study on the Effect of Polishing Fluid Volume in Ball End Magnetorheological Finishing process 2018, 33 (11): 1197-1204 Materials and Manufacturing Process SCI
2016 D. A. Khan, J. Kumar and S. Jha, Magneto-rheological Nano-Finishing of Polycarbonate 2016; 6(2): 89-100 International Journal of Precision Technology -
2018 A. Kumar, Z. Alam, D. A. Khan and S. Jha Nanofinishing of FDM fabricated components using ball end magnetorheological finishing process 2018. DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2018.1512136. Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCI
2018 Z. Alam, D. A. Khan MR fluid based novel finishing process for nonplanar copper mirrors 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s00170-018-2998-2 International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology SCI
2018 D. A. Khan, Z. Alam, F. Iqbal, S. Jha Experimental Investigations on the Effect of Relative Particle Sizes of Abrasive and Iron Powder in Polishing Fluid Composition for Ball End MR Finishing of Copper International Journal of Precision Technology -
2011 D. A. Khan and M.Hameedullah Effect of Tool Polarity on the Machining Characteristics in Electric Discharge Machining of Silver Steel and Statistical Modelling of the Process International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology -
2019 Z. Alam, D. A. Khan, F. Iqbal, S. Jha Effect of polishing fluid composition on forces in ball end magnetorheological finishing process International Journal of Precision Technology -
2019 F. Iqbal, Z. Alam, D. A. Khan, S. Jha Constant work gap perpetuation in ball end magnetorheological finishing process International Journal of Precision Technology -
2021 F. Iqbal, Z. Alam, D. A. Khan, & S. Jha. Automated insular surface finishing by ball end magnetorheological finishing process. Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCI
2021 Irphan Ali, Divakar Yadav Question Reformulation based Question Answering Environment Model, Vol. 13, 59–67. DOI: International Journal of Information Technology, Springer ISSN: 2511-2104(Print) Scopus
2019 JKPS Yadav, A. Yadav, D. Yadav, V. Yadav Optimization of Hopfield networks for storage and recall: A decade Review. DOI:10.1504/IJAIP.2019.10026855 International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, InderScience Publication, ISSN print: 1755-0386, ISSN online: 1755-0394 Scopus
2019 Anuja Arora, Riyu Bana, Habib Shahand Divakar Yadav Artificial Bee Colony Based Influence Maximization Approach for Social Coding Portal GitHub, Vol. 10, Issue 2, Article No. 4. International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR), IGI Global, ISSN: 1947-9263 Web of Science (ESCI), Scopus
2019 Irphan Ali, Divakar Yadav, and A.K. Sharma Question Answering System for Semantic Web: A Review, DOI: 10.1504/IJAIP.2018.10042066 International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, InderScience Publication, ISSN print: 1755-0386, ISSN online: 1755-0394 Scopus
2019 Irphan Ali, Divakar Yadav, and A K Sharma SWFQA Semantic Web based Framework for Question Answering, Vol. 9, Issue 1, article 6, pp. 88-106. International Journal of Information Retrieval Research (IJIRR), IGI Global, ISSN: 2155-6377 Web of Science (ESCI)
2019 A. Yadav, D. Yadav Wavelet Tree based Dual Indexing Technique for Geographical Search, Vol 16, No. 6, pp. 624-632. International Arab Journal of Information Technology, ISSN: 1683-3198 (print), ISSN: 2309-4524 Web of Science (SCI), Scopus
2018 K. Vimal Kumar, Divakar Yadav Word Sense Based Hindi-Tamil Statistical Machine Translation, Vol 14(1), article No. 2, Pp. 17-27 International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, Idea Group publishing, USA, ISSN: 1548-3657|EISSN: 1548-3665 Web of Science (ESCI), Scopus
2018 K. Vimal Kumar and Divakar Yadav Word Sense Based Approach for Hindi to Tamil Machine Translation Using English as Pivot Language, Vol. 11, Issue 3-4. International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, InderScience, ISSN print: 1755-0386, ISSN online: 1755-0394. Scopus
2017 Mukta Goyal, Divakar Yadav, and Alka Tripathi An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Approach to Classify the User Based on an Assessment of the Learner’s Knowledge Level in E-Learning Decision-Making, Vol 13, No. 1, pp. 57-67. Journal of Information Processing Systems, ISSN: 1976-913X(Print), ISSN: 2092-805X(Online) Web of Science (ESCI), Scopus
2017 Madhulika, Bansal Abhay, Yadav Divakar A proposed quantitative approach to classify brain MRI International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, ISSN: 0975-6809, Springer, Vol. 7, PP. 1-8 Web of Science (ESCI), Scopus
2016 Mukta Goyal, Divakar Yadav, and Alka Tripathi Intuitionistic Group Decision Making to Identify the Status of Student’s Knowledge Acquisition in E-learning Systems, Vol 5, Issue 3, pp. 14-29 International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications (IJFSA), IGI Global, ISSN: 2156-177X Scopus
2016 Mukta Goyal, Divakar Yadav and Alka Tripathi Intuitionistic fuzzy genetic weighted averaging operator and its application for multiple attribute decision making in E-learning, vol 9, Issue 1, pp. 1-15. Indian Journal of Science and Technology , ISSN: 0974-6846 (print), Web of Science, Scopus
2016 A. Yadav, D. Yadav, R. Prasad Efficient Textual Web Retrieval using Wavelet Tree, DOI: 10.4018/IJIRR, Vol. 6, Issue 4, article 3, pp. 16-29 International Journal of Information Retrieval Research (IJIRR), IGI Global, ISSN: 2155-6377 Web of Science (ESCI)
2015 A Yadav, D. Yadav Wavelet Tree based Hybrid Geo-Textual Indexing Technique for Geographical Search, pp. 1-7 Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 8(33), ISSN: 0974-6846 (print) Web of Science, Scopus
2015 Madhulika, Bansal Abhay, Yadav Divakar, Gupta Priya A Proposed Stratification Approach for MRI images, Vol. 8(18), pp. 1-10 Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN: 0974-6846 (print) ISSN: 0974-5645 (Online) Web of Science, Scopus
2015 Madhulika Bhatia, Abhay Bansal, Divakar Yadav, and Priya Gupta Proposed Algorithm to Blotch Grey Matter from Tumored and Non Tumored Brain Images", Vol. 8(17),pp. 1-10. Indian journal of Science and technology, ISSN: 0974-6846 (print) ISSN: 0974-5645 (Online) Web of Science, Scopus
2016 Mukta Goyal, Divakar Yadav and Alka Tripathi Aggregating evaluation using dynamic weighted intuitionistic fuzzy approach for concept sequencing in an E-learning system, Vol.7, No.1, pp.44 – 65. International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation, Inderscience Publisher, Switzerland, ISSN: 2040-3607(print), ISSN: 2040-3615(online) Scopus
2015 Madhulika; Bansal, Abhay; Yadav, Divakar; and Madhurima Survey and Comparative Study on Statistical Tools for Medical Images, Volume 21, Number 1, January 2015, pp. 74-77(4). Advanced Science Letters, USA, ISSN: 1936-6612 (Print): EISSN: 1936-7317 (Online) Scopus
2013 Sonia sanchez cuadrado, Vicente. Palacios, Divakar yadav, Christos dimou and Jorge Morato Evaluation of Semantic Retreival Systems on The Semantic Web, Vol 31, Issue 4, pp. 638-656 Library Hi Tech, Emerald, ISSN: 0737-8831, Web of Science (SCI), Scopus
2013 Pooja Gupta, Sandeep Kr Singh, Divakar Yadav and A. K. Sharma An Improved Approach to Rank Web Document, Vol 9, No. 2, pp. 217-236. Journal of Information Processing System, ISSN: 1976-913X(Print), ISSN: 2092-805X(Online) Web of Science (ESCI), Scopus
2013 Divakar Yadav, Sonia Sánchez-Cuadrado and Jorge Morato Optical Character Recognition for Hindi Language Using a Neural-network Approach, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 117~140 Journal of Information Processing Systems, ISSN: 1976-913X(Print), ISSN: 2092-805X(Online) Web of Science (ESCI), Scopus
2012 Divakar Yadav, AK Sharma, Sonia Sanchez-Cuadrado, Jorge Morato An Approach to Design Incremental Parallel WebCrawler, Vol. 43 No.1, pp. 8-29, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, ISSN 1992-8645 Scopus
2012 Mukta Goyal, Divakar Yadav and Alka Choubey E-learning: Current State of Art and Future Prospects, Volume 9, Issue 3, No. 2, pp. 490-499, International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Softwarefirst ltd, ISSN 1694-0814 DBLP
2011 Pooja Gupta, A. K. Sharma and Divakar Yadav “A Novel Technique for Back-link Extraction and Relevance Evaluation, Vol 3, No 3, pp. 227- 238, International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), Academy and Industry Research Collaboration Center, ISSN No.0975-4660 (online), Indian Citation Index
2009 Divakar Yadav, A.K. Sharma and J.P. Gupta “Topical Web Crawling Using Weighted Anchor Text and Web Page Change Detection Techniques, Issue 2, Vo; 6, pp. 263-275 WSEAS Transaction on Information Science and Applications, Greece, ISSN:1790-0832, SCOPUS
2008 Divakar Yadav, A.K. Sharma and J.P. Gupta Parallel Crawler Architecture and Web Page Change Detection Techniques, Issue 7, Vol 7, Pp. 929-941 WSEAS Transaction on Computers, ISSN: 1109-2750 SCOPUS
2014 A. Yadav, D. Yadav A Review on Spatial Access Methods, pp. 13-19 International Journal of Software and Web Sciences, 8(1), ISSN: 2279-0063 (Print), 2279-0071 (Online) -
2010 Vishwaratana Nigam, Divakar Yadav and Manish K. Thakur A Novel Approach for Hand Analysis Using Image Processing Techniques, Vol 8, No.2, pp. 320-323 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, ISSN 1947-5500 -
2020 Prem Sagar Sharma, Divakar Yadav A Systematic Review on Page Ranking Algorithms, Vol. 12(2), pp. 329-337. International Journal of Information Technology, Springer ISSN: 2511-2104 Scopus
2020 Adarsh Kumar, Saurabh Jain, Divakar Yadav A Novel Simulation Annealing Enabled Ranking and Scaling Statistical Simulation Constrained Optimization Algorithm for Internet-of-things (IoTs), Vol. 9(4), pp. 675-693. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, Emerald Publishing, ISSN: 2046-6099 Web of Science (ESCI), Scopus
2020 Prem Sagar Sharma, Divakar Yadav Incremental Refinement of Page Ranking of Web Pages, Vol. 10(3), pp. 57-73. DOI: 10.4018/IJIRR.2020070104 International Journal of Information Retrieval Research (IJIRR), IGI Global, ISSN: 2155-6377 Web of Science (ESCI)
2020 A. Yadav, D. Yadav, A.Jain An Improvised Feature-Based Method for Sentimental Analysis of Product Reviews, , Vol. 8, pp. 1-8, 22 July 2020. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems, ISSN: 2032-9407 Web of Science (ESCI), Scopus
2020 A. Yadav, JKPS Yadav, D. Yadav Spatial Ambiguities Optimization in GIR , Vol. 7, pp. 1-8, 14 May 2020, DOI: EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems, ISSN: 2032-9407 Web of Science (ESCI), Scopus
2020 Arti Jain, Divakar Yadav, Anuja Arora Particle Swarm Optimization for Punjabi Text Summarization ,Vol. 12(3), Article 1, pp. 1-17. DOI: 10.4018/IJORIS.20210701.oa1 International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (IJORIS), IGI Global, Scopus
2020 Yadav, D., Akanksha, Yadav, A.K. A novel convolutional neural network based model for recognition and classification of apple leaf diseases, Vol. 37(6), pp. 1093-1101. Traitement du Signal, Web of Science (SCI), Scopus
2021 Arti Jain, Divakar Yadav, Anuja Arora Particle Swarm Optimization for Punjabi Text Summarization, Volume 12, Issue 3, Article 1. DOI: 10.4018/IJORIS.20210701.oa1 International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (IJORIS), IGI Global, ISSN: 1947-9328. DBLP, ACM digital library
2021 Arti Jain, Anuja Arora, Divakar Yadav, Jorge Morato, Amanpreet Kaur Novel Text Summarization Technique for Punjabi Language Using Neural Networks , Vol 18(6), Nov. 2021, pp. 807-818. International Arab Journal of Information Technology Web of Science (SCI), Scopus
2021 Divakar Yadav, Arun Kumar Karn, Arti Dhiman, Sakshi Sharma, Anurag Giddalur, Muskan, and Arun Kumar Yadav Microaneurysm Detection using Color Locus Detection Method Vol. 176, 109084, Measurement, Elsevier Web of Science (SCI), Scopus
2021 Bharti, S., Yadav, A.K., Kumar, M. and Yadav, D. Cyberbullying detection from tweets using deep learning,, ISSN: 0368-492X Kybernetes, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. Web of Science (SCI), Scopus
2021 Verma, A., Gupta, V.K., Goel, S., Akbar, Yadav, A.K., Yadav, D. Modeling fingerprint presentation attack detection through Transient Liveness Factor-A person specific approach. Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 299-307. Traitement du Signal Web of Science (SCI), Scopus
2021 Tewari, K., Shrivastava, A., Yadav, A.K. Yadav, D. Efficient transitive operations using binary indexed trees, vol. 13, 1155–1163. Int. j. inf. tecnol., Springer Scopus
2021 Kumar, D., Yadav, D.S. & Yadav, D. A comprehensive analysis of wavelet tree based indexing schemes in GIR systems. International Journal of Information Technology, Springer. Scopus
2021 Gupta, A., Yadav, D. A novel approach to perform context‐based automatic spoken document retrieval of political speeches based on wavelet tree indexing, 80, 22209–22229. (H-index: 70, Impact Factor = 2.75) Multimedia Tools Applications Web of Science (SCI), SCOPUS
2021 Rishabh Katna, Kashish Kalsi, Srajika Gupta, Divakar Yadav, Arun Kr Yadav Machine Learning based Approach for Age and Gender prediction from Tweets (revised version submitted ) Multimedia Tools and Applications Web of Science (SCI), SCOPUS
2021 Shobhit Tyagi, Divakar Yadav A Detailed Analysis of Image and Video Forgery Detection Techniques, ISSN: 0178-2789 DOI: 10.1007/s00371-021-02347-4 The Visual Computer, Springer Web of Science (SCI), SCOPUS
2022 Prem Sagar Sharma, and Divakar Yadav A Novel Architecture for Search Engine using Domain based Web Log Data International Arab Journal of Information Technology Web of Science (SCI), SCOPUS
2022 Divakar Yadav, Sonam Gupta, Arun Kumar Yadav, Neha Katiyar A Scalable approach for index compression using wavelet tree and LZW International Journal of Information Technology (Springer Singapore) Scopus
2022 Amit Singh, Mayank Dhiman, Vineet, Rishabh Kaundal, Ankit Verma, Arun Kumar Yadav, Divakar Yadav Extractive Text Summarization using Deep Learning Approach International Journal of Information Technology, (Springer Singapore) Scopus
2021 Dhingra K., Garg A., Yadav D., Pujari J. Impediments to effective utilization of assistive technology for learning disabled, Vol. 33(4), pp. 283 - 296, 2021. DOI: 10.3233/TAD-210342 Technology and Disability, ISSN: 1055-4181 Scopus
2021 Shashank Srivastav, PK Singh and Divakar Yadav A Method to Improve Exact Matching Results in Compressed Text Using Parallel Wavelet Tree, Volume 22, Issues 4, pp. 387–400, Nov 24, 2021 Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, ISSN 1895-1767 Web of Science (ESCI), SCOPUS
2022 Arti Jain, Divakar Yadav, Devendra K. Tayal, Anuja Arora Named Entity Recognition for Hindi Language Using Context Pattern Based Maximum Entropy Computer Science Journal AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow Poland, ISSN: 15082806 Web of Science (ESCI), SCOPUS
2021 Tyagi, S., Yadav, D A Comprehensive Review on Image Synthesis with Adversarial Networks: Theory, Literature, and Applications, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, ISSN: 11343060 Web of Science (SCI), SCOPUS
2020 Shashank Srivastav, P. K. Singh, Divakar Yadav An approach for fast compressed text matching and to avoid false matching using WBTC and wavelet tree EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems, ISSN: 2032-9407, Vol. 8, pp. 1-10, Oct 2020. Web of Science (ESCI), SCOPUS
2011 P. Tirupathi Rao, Talari Ganesh, P. R. S. Reddy Multi Stage Tumor Growth through Stochastic Model with Continuous Time, Vol 4 (4), pp 367-379. International Journal of Enterprise Network Management Scopus, ABDC-B
2012 Talari Ganesh, D. D. Sarma, P. R. S. Reddy Stochastic Modeling and Geological Aspects of a Gold Mineralization, Vol 3, No 4, pp 790-798. DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2012.34080 International Journal of Geosciences Web of Science
2016 B. Dayakar Rao, Mohamed Anis, K. Kalpana, K.V. Sunooj, J.V. Patil, Talari Ganesh Influence of milling methods and particle size on hydration properties of sorghum flour and quality of sorghum biscuits, Vol 67, pp 8-13. LWT – Food Science and Technology SCI
2017 Hemanth Kumar M, Venkateswaran M, Ganesh Talari and PRS Reddy Single-Server Queuing Model with Non-Homogeneous Compound Poisson Bulk Arrivals with Intervened Poisson Distribution, Vol 6(3), pp. 10–21. Research & Reviews: Journal of Statistics Web of Science
2018 Prachi Agrawal and Talari Ganesh Multi-Choice Stochastic Transportation Problem involving Logistic Distribution, Vol 18(1), pp. 45-58. Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences Web of Science
2020 M. Hemanth Kumar, Talari Ganesh, M. Venkateswaran & P. R. S. Reddy Compound intervened Poisson distribution through one server queuing model with non-homogeneous compound Poisson arrivals in bulk and its service rates, Vol 23 (8), pp. 1427-1444, Journal of Statistics and Management Systems Web of Science, ABDC-C
2020 Prachi Agrawal and Talari Ganesh Fuzzy Fractional Stochastic Transportation Problem involving Exponential Distribution, Vol 57, pp. 1093-1114, OPSEARCH Scopus, ABDC-C
2020 Arpan Garg and Talari Ganesh An Analytical Hierarchy Process approach for Covid-19 risk assessment study amid the latest Re-open and unlock phase in India, Vol. 12 (3), pp 565-576, International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process Scopus
2021 Prachi Agrawal and Talari Ganesh Solution of stochastic transportation problem involving multi-choice random parameter using Newton’s divided difference interpolation, Vol 42 (1), pp. 77-91, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences Web of Science, ABDC-C
2021 Prachi Agrawal, Talari Ganesh, Ali Wagdy Mohamed A novel Binary Gaining Sharing Knowledge based optimization algorithm for Feature Selection, Vol 33(11), pp. 5989-6008. Neural Computing and Applications SCI
2021 Prachi Agrawal, Hattan F. Abutarboush, Talari Ganesh, Ali Wagdy Mohamed Metaheuristic Algorithms on feature selection: A survey of one decade of research (2009-2019), Vol 9, pp. 26766-26791. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3056407. IEEE Access SCI
2021 Prachi Agrawal, Talari Ganesh and A. W. Mohamed Chaotic gaining sharing knowledge-based optimization algorithm: an improved metaheuristic algorithm for feature selection, Vol 25, pp 9505–9528. Soft Computing SCI
2022 Prachi Agrawal, Khalid Alnowibet, Talari Ganesh, Adel F Alrasheedi, Hijaz Ahmad, Ali Wagdy Mohamed An Artificial Intelligence Approach for Solving Stochastic Transportation Problems, Vol 70(1), pp 817–829. Doi:10.32604/cmc.2022.019685 CMC-Computers, Materials and Continua SCI
2022 Said Ali Hassan, Prachi Agrawal, Talari Ganesh, Ali Wagdy Mohamed A Novel Discrete Binary Gaining-Sharing Knowledge-Based Optimization Algorithm for the Travelling Counselling Problem for Utilization of Solar Energy, Vol 13(1), pp. 1-21. DOI: 10.4018/ijsir.2022010110 International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research Scopus
2022 Prachi Agrawal, Talari Ganesh, Ali Wagdy Mohamed Application of Water Cycle algorithm to Stochastic Fractional Programming Problem, Vol 13(1), pp. 1-21. DOI: 10.4018/IJSIR.2022010101 International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research Scopus
2022 Said Ali Hasan, Prachi Agrawal, Talari Ganesh, Ali Wagdy Mohamed Novel Multi-Objective Nonlinear Discrete Binary Gaining-Sharing Knowledge-Based Optimization Algorithm: Optimum Scheduling of Flights for Residual Stranded Citizens Due to COVID-19, Vol. 13(1), pp. 1-25, DOI: 10.4018/IJAMC.290541 International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing Scopus
2022 Prachi Agrawal, Diego Oliva, Talari Ganesh, Ali Wagdy Mohamed S-shaped and V-shaped gaining-sharing knowledge-based algorithm for feature selection, Vol 52(1), pp 81-112, Applied Intelligence SCI
2022 Prachi Agrawal, Talari Ganesh and A. W. Mohamed Solving Knapsack problems using a Binary Gaining Sharing Knowledge based optimization algorithm, Vol 8(1), pp 43-63. Complex & Intelligent Systems SCI
2023 Talari Ganesh, KK Paidipati, Christophe Chesneau Stochastic Transportation Problem with Multichoice Random Parameter Computational and Mathematical Methods Scopus
2016 G. Rawat, D. Somvanshi, H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, C. Kumar, S. Jit “Ultraviolet Detection Properties of p-Si/n-TiO2 Heterojunction Photodiodes Grown by Electron-Beam Evaporation and Sol-Gel Methods: A Comparative Study”, Vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 193 – 20. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology SCI, Impact Factor: 2.57
2017 G. Rawat, H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, C. Kumar, D. Somvanshi, S. Jit “Effective Richardson Constant of Sol-Gel Derived TiO2Films in n-TiO2/p-Si Heterojunctions”, Vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 633 - 636. IEEE Electron Device Letters SCI, Impact Factor: 4.187
2017 G. Rawat, D. Somvanshi, Y. Kumar, H. Kumar, C. Kumar, S. Jit “Electrical and Ultraviolet-A Detection Properties of E-Beam Evaporated n-TiO2 Capped p-Si Nanowires Heterojunction Photodiodes”, Vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 49 - 57. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology SCI, Impact Factor: 2.57
2018 C. Kumar, G. Rawat, H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, R. Prakash, S. Jit “Electrical and Optical Characteristics of PQT-12 Based Organic TFTs Fabricated by Floating-Film Transfer Method”, Vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1111 - 1117, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology SCI, Impact Factor: 2.57
2018 C. Kumar, G. Rawat, H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, A. Kumar, R. Prakash, S. Jit “Electrical and Ammonia Gas Sensing Properties of PQT-12/CdSe Quantum Dots Composite Based Organic Thin Film Transistors”, Vol. 18, no. 15, pp. 6085 - 6091. IEEE Sensors Journal SCI, Impact Factor: 3.301
2018 Y. Kumar, H. Kumar, G. Rawat, C. Kumar, B. N. Pal, S. Jit “Spectrum Selectivity and Responsivity of ZnO Nanoparticles Coated Ag/ZnO QDs/Ag UV photodetectors”, Vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 1147 - 1150. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters SCI, Impact Factor: 2.468
2018 C. Kumar, G. Rawat, H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, S. Ratan, R. Prakash, S. Jit “Poly (3, 3’’’-dialkylquaterthiophene) Based Flexible Nitrogen Dioxide Gas Sensor”, Vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-4. IEEE Sensors Letters ISSN: 2475-1472
2017 Y. Kumar, H. Kumar, B. Mukherjee, G. Rawat, C. Kumar, B. N. Pal, S. Jit “Visible-blind Au/ZnO Quantum dots based Highly Sensitive and Spectrum Selective Schottky Photodiode”, Vol. 64, no. 7, pp. 2874 - 2880. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices SCI, Impact Factor: 2.917
2017 H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, B. Mukherjee, G. Rawat, C. Kumar, B. N. Pal, S. Jit “Electrical and Optical Characteristics of Self-Powered Colloidal CdSe Quantum Dot-Based Photodiode”, Vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 1–8. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics SCI, Impact Factor: 2.318
2017 Y. Kumar, H. Kumar, G. Rawat, C. Kumar, A. Sharma, B. N. Pal, S. Jit "Colloidal ZnO Quantum Dots Based Spectrum Selective Ultraviolet Photodetectors", Vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 361 - 364. IEEE Photonics Photonics Technology Letters SCI, Impact Factor: 2.468
2017 H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, G. Rawat, C. Kumar, B. Mukherjee, B. N. Pal, S. Jit “Colloidal CdSe Quantum Dots and PQT-12 Based Low-Temperature Self-Powered Hybrid Photodetector”, Vol. 29, no. 20, pp. 1715 - 1718. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters SCI, Impact Factor: 2.468
2017 H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, G. Rawat, C. Kumar, B. Mukherjee, B. N. Pal, S. Jit “Heating Effects of Colloidal ZnO Quantum Dots (QDs) on ZnO QD/CdSe QD/MoOx Photodetectors”, Vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 1073-1080. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology SCI, Impact Factor: 2.57
2019 H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, B. Mukherjee, G. Rawat, C. Kumar, B. N. Pal, S. Jit “Effects of Optical Resonance on the Performance of Metal (Pd, Au)/CdSe Quantum Dots (QDs)/ ZnO QDs Optical Cavity Based Spectrum Selective Photodiodes”, Vol. 18, pp. 365 - 373. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology SCI, Impact Factor: 2.57
2014 G. Rawat, S. Kumar, E. Goel, M. Kumar, S. Dubey, S. Jit “Analytical Modeling of Subthreshold Current and Subthreshold Swing of Gaussian-Doped (GD) Strained-Si-on-Insulator (SSOI) MOSFETs”, Vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 084001-8. Journal of Semiconductors ISSN: 1674-4926
2014 G. Rawat, E. Goel, S. Kumar, M. Kumar, S. Dubey, S. Jit “Analytical Modeling of Threshold Voltage of Ion-Implanted Strained-Si-on-Insulator (SSOI) MOSFETs”, Vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 442-448. Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics SCI, Impact Factor: 1.069
2018 C. Kumar, G. Rawat, H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, R. Prakash, S. Jit “Flexible poly (3, 3'''- dialkylquaterthiophene) based interdigitated metal-semiconductor-metal ammonia gas sensor”, Vol. 255, Part 1, pp. 203-209. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical SCI, Impact Factor: 7.460
2017 H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, G. Rawat, C. Kumar, B. Mukherjee, B. N. Pal, S. Jit “Electrical and Optical Characteristics of Solution processed MoOx and ZnO QDs Heterojunction”, Vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 607-612. MRS Communications SCI, Impact Factor: 3.01
2017 C. Kumar, G. Rawat, H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, R. Prakash, S. Jit “Electrical and Ammonia Gas Sensing Properties of Poly (3, 3’’’- dialkylquaterthiophene) Based Organic Thin Film Transistors Fabricated by Floating-Film Transfer Method”, Vol. 48, pp. 53 – 60. Organic Electronics SCI, Impact Factor: 3.721
2017 S. Singh, P. K. Tiwari, H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, G. Rawat, S. Kumar, K. Singh, E. Goel, S. Jit, Si-Hyun Park “Theoretical and Experimental Study of UV Detection Characteristics of Pd/ZnO Nanorod Schottky Diodes”, Vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 1750137. Nano SCI, Impact Factor: 1.556
2017 H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, K. Singh, S. Kumar, G. Rawat, C. Kumar, B. N. Pal, S. Jit “Kink Effect in TiO2 Embedded ZnO Quantum Dot based Thin Film Transistors”, Vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 262 – 264. Electronics Letters SCI, Impact Factor: 1.316
2019 S. K. Yadav, G. Rawat, S. Pokharia, S. Jit, H. Mishra “Excited-State Dynamics of Quinine Sulfate and Its Di-Cation Doped in Polyvinyl Alcohol Thin Films Near Silver Nanostructure Islands”, Vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 5509 – 5516. ACS Omega SCI, Impact Factor: 3.512
2019 J. Talukdar, G. Rawat, K. Mummaneni "A Novel Extended Source TFET with p+-SiGe layer" Silicon SCI, Impact Factor: 2.670
2020 H. Bisht, G. Rawat, S. Jit, H. Mishra "Excitation Energy Transfer/Migration between Tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) Aluminium and Poly [2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] in Chloroform" The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, ACS Publications SCI, Impact Factor: 4.309
2020 J. Talukdar, G. Rawat, K. Singh, K. Mummaneni “Comparative analysis of effect of trap charges on single and double gate extended source Tunnel FET with ?p+ SiGe pocket layer” Journal of Electronic Materials SCI, Impact Factor: 1.938
2020 J. Talukdar, G. Rawat, K. Singh, K. Mummaneni "Low Frequency Noise Analysis of Single Gate Extended Source Tunnel FET" Silicon SCI, Impact Factor: 2.670
2020 J. Talukdar, G. Rawat, B. Choudhuri, K. Singh, K. Mummaneni “Device Physics Based Analytical Modeling for Electrical Characteristics of Single Gate Extended Source Tunnel FET (SG-ESTFET)” Superlattices and Microstructures SCI, Impact Factor: 2.658
2021 S. M. Yadav, A. Chaurasia, G. Rawat, A. Pandey, CTS Quantum Dots-ZnO Nanocomposites for Broadband Photodetection ACS Applied Electronic Materials SCI, Impact Factor: 3.314
2021 J. Talukdar, G. Rawat, K. Mummaneni Dielectrically Modulated Single and Double Gate Tunnel FET Based Biosensors For Enhanced Sensitivity IEEE Sensors Journal SCI, Impact Factor: 3.301
2021 C. Dubey, D. K. Jarwal, H. Kumar, Y. Kumar, K. Mummaneni, G. Rawat Development of Highly Efficient ZnO Nanorods based Non-Toxic Perovskite Solar Cell using AZO Buffer Layer and Lanthanide Doping IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices SCI, Impact Factor: 2.917
2022 J. Talukdar, G. Rawat, K. Mummaneni Analytical Modeling and TCAD Simulation for Subthreshold Characteristics of Asymmetric Tunnel FET Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing SCI, Impact Factor: 3.927
2019 Manisha Bal, Hammad Siddiqi, Subhrajit Mukherjee, BC Meikap Design of self priming venturi scrubber for the simultaneous abatement of HCl gas and particulate matter from the flue gas, Vol. 150 Pages 311-319. Chemical Engineering Research and Design SCI
2020 Hammad Siddiqi, Manisha Bal, Usha Kumari, B. C. Meikap In-depth physiochemical characterization and detailed thermo-kinetic study of biomass wastes to analyze its energy potential, Vol.148, pp.756-771. Renewable Energy SCI
2020 Usha Kumari, Sushanta K. Behera, Hammad Siddiqi, B. C. Meikap Facile method to synthesize efficient adsorbent from alumina by nitric acid activation: batch scale defluoridation, kinetics, isotherm studies and implementation on industrial wastewater treatment, Vol.381, pp.120917 Journal of Hazardous Materials SCI
2019 Subrata Biswas, Hammad Siddiqi, B. C. Meikap, T. K. Sen, Mehdi Khiadani Preparation and characterization of raw and inorganic acid-activated pine cone biochar and its application in the removal of aqueous-phase Pb2+ metal ions by adsorption, Vol.231, no.1, pp.3. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution SCI
2020 Usha Kumari, Hammad Siddiqi, Manisha Bal, B. C. Meikap Calcium and zirconium modified acid activated alumina for adsorptive removal of fluoride: Performance evaluation, kinetics, isotherm, characterization and industrial wastewater treatment, Vol.31, no.5, pp. 2045-2060. Advanced Powder Technology SCI
2020 Hammad Siddiqi, Usha Kumari, Subrata Biswas, Asmita Mishra, B. C. Meikap A synergistic study of reaction kinetics and heat transfer with multi-component modelling approach for the pyrolysis of biomass waste". Energy. vol.204, pp.117933. Energy SCI
2020 Asmita Mishra, Usha Kumari, V. Y. Turlapati, Hammad Siddiqi, B. C. Meikap Extensive thermogravimetric and thermokinetic study of waste motor oil based on iso-conversional methods, vol.221, pp.113194. Energy Conversion and Management SCI
2020 VNV Hima Bindu, V. K. Chandaliya, Hammad Siddiqi, P. S. Dash, S. Ray, B. C. Meikap Role of kinematic viscosity on removal of Quinoline Insolubles from coal tar using wash oil and mixed solvent, vol.56, no.12, pp.2061-2073. Separation Science and Technology SCI
2021 Subrata Biswas, Shubham Sharma, Hammad Siddiqi, B. C. Meikap, T. K. Sen, Mehdi Khiadani Semifluidized Bed Adsorption Column Studies for Simultaneous Removal of Aqueous Phase Pb2+ and Cd2+ by Composite Adsorbents: an Experimental and Mass Transfer Dynamic Model–Based Approach, vol.232, no.1, pp.8, 2021. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution SCI
2020 Hammad Siddiqi, V. K. Chandaliya, A Suresh, P. S. Dash, B. C. Meikap A scale-up approach to produce highly reactive iron ore catalyzed coke for blast furnace operation, vol.41, no.6, pp.370-380. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review SCI
2021 Usha Kumari, Asmita Mishra, Hammad Siddiqi, B. C. Meikap Effective defluoridation of industrial wastewater by using acid modified alumina in fixed-bed adsorption column: experimental and breakthrough curves analysis, vol.279, pp.123645. Journal of Cleaner Production SCI
2021 Subhrajit Mukherjee, Soumendu Boral, Hammad Siddiqi, Asmita Mishra, B. C. Meikap Present cum future of SARS-CoV2 virus and its associated control of virus laden air pollutants leading to potential environmental threat–A global review, vol.9, no.2, pp.104973. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering SCI
2021 Hammad Siddiqi, Subrata Biswas, Usha Kumari, VNV Hima Bindu, Subhrajit Mukherjee, B. C. Meikap A comprehensive insight into devolatilization thermo-kinetics for an agricultural residue: Towards a cleaner and sustainable energy, vol. 310, pp.127365. Journal of Cleaner Production SCI
2021 Asmita Mishra, Hammad Siddiqi, Usha Kumari, I. D. Behera, Subhrajit Mukherjee, B. C. Meikap Pyrolysis of waste lubricating oil/waste motor oil to generate high-grade fuel oil: A comprehensive review, vol.150, pp.111446. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCI
2021 Hammad Siddiqi, Asmita Mishra, Usha Kumari, Payal Maiti, B. C. Meikap Utilizing Agricultural Residue for the Cleaner Biofuel Production and Simultaneous Air Pollution Mitigation Due to Stubble Burning: A Net Energy Balance and Total Emission Assessment, vol.9, no.47, pp.1596315972. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering SCI
2022 Daryl Luvane Reddy,David Lokhat, Hammad Siddiqi, B. C. Meikap Modelling and simulating CO and CO2 methanation over Ru/γ-Al2O3 catalyst: An integrated approach from carbon capture to renewable energy generation, vol.314, pp.123095. Fuel SCI
2022 Hammad Siddiqi, Asmita Mishra, Payal Maiti, I. D. Behera, B. C. Meikap In-situ and ex-situ co-pyrolysis studies of waste biomass with spent motor oil: Elucidating the role of physical inhibition and mixing ratio to enhance fuel quality, vol.358, pp.127364. Bioresource Technology SCI
2022 Payal Maiti, Hammad Siddiqi, Usha Kumari, Abesh Chatterjee, B. C. Meikap Adsorptive remediation of azo dye contaminated wastewater by ZnCl2 modified bio-adsorbent: Batch study and life cycle assessment, Vol. 415, pp.118153. Powder Technology SCI
2024 Payal Maiti, Mona Mangsatabam, Abesh Chatterjee, Hammad Siddiqi, Asmita Mishra, B.C. Meikap In-situ synthesis of efficient ZnCl2 doped pyrolyzed biochar for adsorptive remediation of organic dyes: Performance evaluation, mass transfer and mechanism, Vol. 329, pp. 125096. Separation and Purification Technology SCI
2024 Abesh Chatterjee, Payal Maiti, Hammad Siddiqi, Asmita Mishra, G Durga Prasad, BC Meikap Interpreting crystallographic and microcrystalline structural effect for demineralization of low-grade thermal coal in multi-stage chemical leaching: A cleaner combustion approach, Vol. 435, pp. 119435 Powder Technology SCI
2024 Madhav P Chavhan, Václav Slovák, Hammad Siddiqi, Martin Mucha Pyrolysis of household coffee vis-à-vis tea waste: A detailed insight into physicochemical properties, kinetics, and thermodynamics study, Vol. 17, pp. 100587 Chemical Engineering Journal Advances SCOPUS
2024 Asmita Mishra, Hammad Siddiqi, Mayuri Sonowal, Abesh Chatterjee, Payal Maiti, BC Meikap A cumulative study on pyrolysis of waste motor oil exploring the design and development of a fixed-bed laboratory scale setup with emphasis on process parameter optimization, COMSOL simulation and preliminary risk assessment, Vol. 185, pp. 1219-1231. Process Safety and Environmental Protection SCI
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2013 Suresh Kumar Walia, Raj Kumar Patel, Hemant Kumar Vinayak, Raman Parti Joint discrepancy evaluation of an existing steel bridge using time-frequency and wavelet-based approach Vol 5, Iss 1 International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering Scopus
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2018 Gupta Harish, Sharma Sanjay, Singh IP “ Sustainable Development: A Key to achieve Slum free Cities in India” VOLUME 5 ISSUE 4 OCT. – DEC. 2018 eISSN 2348 –1269, Print ISSN 2349-5138. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews -
2018 Gupta Jit, Singh IP “Strategies and Options for Promoting Conservation of Built Heritage in the Indian Urban Context” Vol. 1 (1) April 2018 page 3-11 page 87 – 99. International Journal of Planning And Architectural Science (IJPAS A Journal published by School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada) issue Heritage Conservation and Built Environment -
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2016 Yadav Sachin, Singh IP, Jain Minakshi “Socio-Economic Impact of Land Acquisition Act on Tribal Household of Jajpur District Orissa” Vol. 2: Issue 2 page 42-50 ISSN:2395-5309 Nov 2016. International Journal of Habitat Design & Environment -
2015 Yadav Sachin, Singh IP, Jain Minakshi “Land Acquisition in Developing and Developed Countries: An Overview” Vol. 1: Issue 2 1–7 © Journals Pub 2015 International Journal of Rural and Regional Planning -
2015 Singh I.P. Jain Minakshi “Failure of Slopes and their Stabilization Methods” ABACUS India. ISSN: 0973-8339 International Journal on Architecture, Conservation and Urban Studies -
2015 Singh IP, Jain Minakshi “Hill Slope Failures and Bio-Engineering Stabilization Methods” Vol 1, No 1 (2015) International Journal of Environmental Planning & Development -
2015 Singh IP, Jain Minakshi “Effective Site Planning for Sustainable Development” Vol 1, No 1 (2015) eISSN 2456-5091 International Journal of Landscape Planning and Architecture -
2008 Jain Pradeep, Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P., “Sustainability, Hill Architecture and Architectural Curriculum”ABACUS India winter 2008 vol 2 no. 2. ISSN: 0973-8339 International Journal on Architecture, Conservation and Urban Studies -
2007 Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P., Sood Y.R “Sustainable Development through Micro & Mini Hydro Plants – Case Study : Hill region” Journal of International Association for Small Hydro, New Delhi -
2014 Singh I.P “Exploring Ecotourism in Himachal Pradesh” February 2014 Vol 79, Issue 02, p – 32-36. ISSN -0019-4913 Journal of Indian Institute of Architects Mumbai -
2013 Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P. “Norbulinga: Dharamshala, HP” June 2013 Vol 78, Issue 06, p – 51-55. ISSN 0019-4913 Journal of Indian Institute of Architects Mumbai -
2010 Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P. Aggarwal Sanjeev, ‘Eco Planning approach for Tourism’ May, 2010, Vol XXVII no. 5, p – 54-60. Indian Journal of Architecture (A+D),New Delhi -
2008 Jain P.K., Singh I.P., Jain Minakshi ‘Leadership Through Competing and Caring’ Sept. – Oct. 08, Vol 1 no. 1, p – 34-35. Indian Journal of Management: Prabandhan, New Delhi -
2007 Jain Pradeep, Singh I.P. “Sustainable Management Through Micro & Mini Hydro Power Plants – A Case Study: Hill Region” Sept-Nov. 2007 vol-5 Issue-3 p – 69-76. Journal of Environment Science & Engineering -
2007 Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P. “Sustainability and Traditional Buildings” July, 2007 Vol VII, Issue VII, p – 18-24. Time Space People and Architecture – The Magazine of Council of Architecture. New Delhi -
2007 Jain Pradeep, Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P., “Ecological forces Landscape Expressions and the Mindset” June, 2007 Vol 72, Issue 06, p – 20-22. ISSN 0019-4913 Journal of Indian Institute of Architects Mumbai, -
2006 Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P. ‘Managing Land for Sustainable Development in the Hill Region’ April, 2006 Vol 71 Issue 04, p – 09-13. ISSN 0019-4913 Journal of Indian Institute of Architects, Mumbai, -
2006 Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P., Dr. S.C Sharma ‘Material and Construction Techniques for Sustainable Development’ Journal of Indian Institute of Architects, Mumbai, February, 2006 Vol 71 Issue 02, p – 24-27. ISSN 0019-4913 -
2005 Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P. “Tourism Potential in Brahmaur” October 2005, Vol XXII No. 10, p – 62 – 68. Journal of Architecture + Design, New Delhi -
2005 Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P., Dr. S.C Sharma ‘Assessment and Causes of Fragility in the Hill Areas Case Study: Brahmaur Block (Distt. Chamba) Journal of Indian Institute of Town Planning New Delhi, July – September, 2005 Vol. 2 No.3 ISSN 0537-9679 -
2005 Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P. "Traditional Architecture And Planning Techniques Of Himachal Pradesh" October 2005, Vol 86 Journal of Institute of Engineers, Kolkatta. -
2005 Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P. "Tourism & Environment: A Case Study Brahmaur Block (distt. Chamba) Himachal Pradesh" April, 2005 Vol 70 Issue 03, p – 15-18. ISSN 0019-4913 Journal of Indian Institute of Architects, Mumbai, -
2004 Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P. "Energy Conservation in buildings in context to landscape design" Sept, 2004, Vol. 69 p-22-25. ISSN 0019-4913 Journal of Indian Institute of Architects, -
2004 Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P. "Sustainable Development of Eco-fragile areas of Himachal Pradesh May, 2004, Vol. 8939-45. ISSN 0019-4913 Journal of Indian Institute of Architects -
2020 Bhola Vikas, Singh Inderpal, Jain Minakshi “Importance of Water at Pilgrimage Holy Town, Mata Vaishno Devi Katra”. Vol. 6: Issue 1 ISSN:2456-5091 1–12 International Journal of Landscape Planning and Architecture -
2020 Bhola Vikas, Singh Inderpal, Jain Minakshi “Waste Management Model for Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra Pilgrimage Holy Town, Jammu, India”. International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology -
2020 Jain Priyank, Jain Minakshi, Singh I. P. “Effect of Urbanization on Hill Town of Nainital”. VOLUME 7 ISSUE 1 JUNE- 2020 ISSN 2349 –6002, page 87 – 103 Journal of Urban Governance & Management Scopus
2020 Gangwar Gaurav, Kaur Prabhjot, Singh Inderpal “Principles of Design for Sustainable Group Housing Projects in India”. VOLUME 8(6): 2020 ISSN 2332-1121 (Online), page 1234-1250. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture Scopus
2020 Gangwar Gaurav, Kaur Prabhjot, Singh Inderpal “A Study of Passive and Active Strategies through Case Studies for the Composite Climate Zone of India”. VOLUME 8(6): 2020 ISSN 2332-1121 (Online), page 1370-1389. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture Scopus
2021 P. Jain, I. Singh, M. Jain “Urbanization and Land-Use change in the Hill Town of Nainital”. 2214-7853/2021 Materials Today Elsevier Ltd proceedings Scopus
2021 K. V. Hemanth, Minakshi Jain, Inderpal Singh & Faiz Ahmed Chundeli "An Assessment of Turahalli Mountain Biking Trail Using Sustainable Trailing Design Guidelines of IMBA". Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, 1-9. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) Scopus
2022 C. Bai, P. Klimkowski, C. Jin, J. Kuchlyan, A-H. El-Sagheera, and T. Brown. new phosphoramidite enables orthogonal double labelling to form combination oligonucleotide probes. 2022, 20, 8618-8622 Org. Biomol. Chem. SCI
2022 S. Mahale, M. Setia, B. Prajapati, S. Subhash, M. P. Yadav, S. T. Kosalai, A. Deshpande, J. Kuchlyan, M. D. Marco, F. Westerlund, L. M. Wilhelmsson, C. Kanduri, and M. Kanduri. HnRNPK maintains single strand RNA through controlling double-strand RNA in mammalian cells. 2022, 13, 4865−4885. Nat. Commun. SCI
2021 A. Tavakoli, D. Paul, H. Mu, J. Kuchlyan, S. Baral, A. Ansari, S. Broyde and J-H Min. Light-induced modulation of DNA recognition by the Rad4/XPC damage sensor protein.2021, 2, 523−536 RSC Chem. Biol. SCI
2020 J. Kuchlyan, L. Martinez-Fernandez, M. Mori, K. Gavvala, S. Ciaco, C. Boudier, L. Richert, P. Didier, Y. Tor, R. Improta, and Y. Mely. What makes thienoguanosine an outstanding fluorescent DNA probe? 2020, 142, 16999−17014. J. Am. Chem. Soc. SCI
2020 P. Didier, J. Kuchlyan, L. Martinez-Fernandez, P. Gosset, J. Le´onard, Y. Tor, R. Improta, and Y. Mely. Deciphering the pH-dependence of ground-and excited-state equilibria of thienoguanine. 2020, 22, 7381–739 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. SCI
2017 A. Pyne, J. Kuchlyan, C. Maiti, D. Dhara, and N. Sarkar. Cholesterol based surface active ionic liquid that can form microemulsions and spontaneous vesicles. 2017, 33, 5891–5899 Langmuir SCI
2017 J. Kuchlyan, S. Basak, D. Dutta, A. K. Das, D. Mal, and N. Sarkar. A new rhodamine derived fluorescent sensor: Detection of Hg2+ at cellular level. 2017, 673, 84–88 Chem. Phys. Lett. SCI
2016 J. Kuchlyan, N. Kundu, and N. Sarkar. Ionic liquids in microemulsions: formulation and characterization. 2016, 25, 27–38. Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. SCI
2016 R. K. Saini, J. Kuchlyan, and N. Sarkar. Effect of viscosity on photoinduced electron transfer reaction: An observation of the Marcus inverted region in homogeneous solvents. 2016, 660, 81–86. Chem. Phys. Lett. SCI
2016 J. Kuchlyan, A. Roy, R. Dutta, S. Sen, and N. Sarkar. Effect of the submicellar concentration of bile salts on structural alterations of β-casein micelles. 2016, 6, 71989–71998 RSC Adv. SCI
2015 J. Kuchlyan, N. Kundu, D. Banik, A. Roy, and N. Sarkar. Spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy to probe the interaction of bovine serum albumin with graphene oxide. 2015, 31, 13793−13801. Langmuir SCI
2015 J. Kuchlyan, D. Banik, A. Roy, N. Kundu, and N. Sarkar. Vesicles Formation by Zwitterionic Micelle and Poly-l-lysine: Solvation and Rotational Relaxation Study. 2015, 119, 8285−8292. J. Phys. Chem. B SCI
2015 S. Ghosh, A. Roy, D. Banik, N. Kundu, J. Kuchlyan, A. Dhir, and N. Sarkar. How does the surface charge of ionic surfactant and cholesterol forming vesicles control rotational and translational motion of rhodamine 6G perchlorate (R6G ClO4)? 2015, 31, 2310–2320 Langmuir SCI
2015 D. Banik, J. Kuchlyan, A. Roy, N. Kundu, and N. Sarkar. Stimuli-sensitive breathing of cucurbit [7] uril cavity: monitoring through the environment responsive fluorescence of 1′-hydroxy-2′-acetonaphthone (HAN). 2015, 119, 2310−2322 J. Phys. Chem. B SCI
2015 N. Kundu, D. Banik, A. Roy, J. Kuchlyan, and N. Sarkar. Modulation of the aggregation properties of sodium deoxycholate in presence of hydrophilic imidazolium based ionic liquid: water dynamics study to probe the structural alteration of the aggregates. 2015, 17, 25216−25227. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. SCI
2015 N. Kundu, A. Roy, D. Banik, J. Kuchlyan, and N. Sarkar. Graphene oxide and pluronic copolymer aggregates–possible route to modulate the adsorption of fluorophores and imaging of live cells. 2015, 119, 25023−25035. J. Phys. Chem. C SCI
2015 A. Roy, N. Kundu, D. Banik, J. Kuchlyan, and N. Sarkar. How does bile salt penetration affect the self-assembled architecture of pluronic P123 micelles? light scattering and spectroscopic investigations. 2015, 17, 19977−19990. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. SCI
2015 D. Banik, N. Kundu, J. Kuchlyan, A. Roy, C. Banerjee, S. Ghosh, and N. Sarkar. Picosecond solvation dynamics-A potential viewer of DMSO−Water binary mixtures. 2015, 142, 054505–0545015. J. Chem. Phys. SCI
2014 J. Kuchlyan, D. Banik, N. Kundu, S. Ghosh, C. Banerjee, and N. Sarkar. Effect of Confinement on Excited-State Proton Transfer of Firefly’s Chromophore D-Luciferin in AOT Reverse Micelles. 2014, 118, 3401–3408 J. Phys. Chem. B SCI
2014 J. Kuchlyan, D. Banik, A. Roy, N. Kundu, and N. Sarkar. Excited-State Proton Transfer Dynamics of Firefly’s Chromophore D-Luciferin in DMSO–Water Binary Mixture. 2014, 118, 13946−13953. J. Phys. Chem. B SCI
2014 J. Kuchlyan, D. Banik, N. Kundu, A. Roy, and N. Sarkar Interaction of fluorescence dyes with 5-fluorouracil: A photoinduced electron transfer study in bulk and biologically relevant water. 2014, 613, 115–121 Chem. Phys. Lett. SCI
2014 J. Kuchlyan, C. Banerjee, S. Ghosh, N. Kundu, D. Banik, and N. Sarkar. Effect of room temperature surface active ionic liquids on aggregated nanostructures of γ-Cyclodextrins: A picosecond fluorescence spectroscopic study. 2014, 601, 174−180 Chem. Phys. Lett. SCI
2014 S. Ghosh, J. Kuchlyan, S. Roychowdhury, D. Banik, N. Kundu, A. Roy, and N. Sarkar. Unique Influence of Cholesterol on Modifying the Aggregation Behavior of Surfactant Assemblies: Investigation of Photophysical and Dynamical Properties of 2,2′-Bipyridine-3,3′-diol, BP(OH)2 in Surfactant Micelles, and Surfactant/Cholesterol Forming Vesicles. 014, 118, 9329–9340. J. Phys. Chem. B SCI
2014 S. Ghosh, J. Kuchlyan, D. Banik, N. Kundu, A. Roy, C. Banerjee, and N. Sarkar Organic Additive, 5-Methylsalicylic Acid Induces Spontaneous Structural Transformation of Aqueous Pluronic Triblock Copolymer Solution: A Spectroscopic Investigation of Interaction of Curcumin with Pluronic Micellar and Vesicular Aggregates. 2014, 118, 11437–11448. J. Phys. Chem. B SCI
2014 S. Mandal, J. Kuchlyan, S. Ghosh, C. Banerjee, N. Kundu, D. Banik, and N. Sarkar. Vesicles Formed in Aqueous Mixtures of Cholesterol and Imidazolium Surface Active Ionic Liquid: A Comparison with Common Cationic Surfactant by Water Dynamics. 2014, 118, 5913–5923. J. Phys. Chem. B SCi
2014 S. Mandal, J. Kuchlyan, D. Banik, S. Ghosh, C. Banerjee, V. Khorwal, and N. Sarkar. Ultrafast FRET to Study Spontaneous Micelle‐to‐Vesicle Transitions in an Aqueous Mixed Surface‐Active Ionic‐Liquid System. 2014, 15, 3544–3553. ChemPhysChem SCI
2014 C. Banerjee, J. Kuchlyan, D. Banik, N. Kundu, A. Roy, S. Ghosh, and N. Sarkar. Interaction of gold nanoclusters with IR light emitting cyanine dyes: a systematic fluorescence quenching study. 2014, 16, 17272–17283. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. SCI
2014 C. Banerjee, S. Ghosh, S. Mandal, J. Kuchlyan, N. Kundu, and N. Sarkar. Exploring the Photophysics of Curcumin in Zwitterionic Micellar System: An Approach to Control ESIPT Process in the Presence of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids (RTILs) and Anionic Surfactant. 2014, 118, 3669–3681. J. Phys. Chem. B SCI
2014 C. Banerjee, S. Maiti, M. Mustafi, J. Kuchlyan, D. Banik, N. Kundu, D. Dhara, and N. Sarkar. Effect of encapsulation of curcumin in polymeric nanoparticles: how efficient to control ESIPT process? 2014, 30, 10834−10844. Langmuir SCI
2014 S. Ghosh, D. Banik, A. Roy, N. Kundu, J. Kuchlyan, and N. Sarkar. Spectroscopic investigation of the binding interactions of a membrane potential molecule in various supramolecular confined environments: contrasting behavior of surfactant molecules in relocation or release of the probe between nanocarriers and DNA surface. 2014, 16, 25024–25038. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. SCI
2013 C. Banerjee, S. Mandal, S. Ghosh, J. Kuchlyan, and N. Sarkar. Is it possible to apply dynamics of solvent to locate metal nanoparticles inside an ionic liquids-containing microheterogeneous system? A comparative study. 2013, 580, 88–93. Chem. Phys. Lett. SCI
2013 S. Mandal, S. Ghosh, C. Banerjee, J. Kuchlyan, D. Banik, and N. Sarkar. A novel ionic liquid-in-oil microemulsion composed of biologically acceptable components: an excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence resonance energy transfer study. 2013, 117, 3221–3231. J. Phys. Chem. B SCI
2013 S. Mandal, S. Ghosh, C. Banerjee, J. Kuchlyan, and N. Sarkar. Roles of Viscosity, Polarity, and Hydrogen-Bonding Ability of a Pyrrolidinium Ionic Liquid and Its Binary Mixtures in the Photophysics and Rotational Dynamics of the Potent Excited-State Intramolecular Proton-Transfer Probe 2,2′-Bipyridine-3,3′-diol. 2013, 117, 6789–6800. J. Phys. Chem. B SCI
2013 S. Mandal, S. Ghosh, C. Banerjee, J. Kuchlyan, and N. Sarkar. Unique Photophysical Behavior of 2,2′-Bipyridine-3,3′-diol in DMSO–Water Binary Mixtures: Potential Application for Fluorescence Sensing of Zn2+ Based on the Inhibition of Excited-State Intramolecular Double Proton Transfer. 2013, 117, 12212–12223. J. Phys. Chem. B SCI
2013 C. Banerjee, S. Mandal, S. Ghosh, J. Kuchlyan, N. Kundu, and N. Sarkar. Unique characteristics of ionic liquids comprised of long-chain cations and anions: a new physical insight. 2013, 117, 3927–3934. J. Phys. Chem. B SCI
2013 S. Mandal, C. Banerjee, S. Ghosh, J. Kuchlyan, and N. Sarkar. Modulation of the Photophysical Properties of Curcumin in Nonionic Surfactant (Tween-20) Forming Micelles and Niosomes: A Comparative Study of Different Microenvironments. 2013, 117, 6957–6968. J. Phys. Chem. B SCI
2013 V. G. Rao, C. Banerjee, S. Ghosh, S. Mandal, J. Kuchlyan, and N. Sarkar. A step toward the development of high-temperature stable ionic liquid-in-oil microemulsions containing double-chain anionic surface-active ionic liquid. 2013, 117, 7472–7480. J. Phys. Chem. B SCI
2013 C. Banerjee, N. Kundu, S. Ghosh, S. Mandal, J. Kuchlyan, and N. Sarkar. Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer in Microemulsions Composed of Tripled-Chain Surface Active Ionic Liquids, RTILs, and Biological Solvent: An Excitation Wavelength Dependence Study. 2013, 117, 9508–9517. J. Phys. Chem. B SCI
2013 C. Banerjee, C. Ghatak, S. Mandal, S. Ghosh, J. Kuchlyan, and N. Sarkar. Curcumin in reverse micelle: An example to control excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) in confined media. 2013, 117, 6906–6916. J. Phys. Chem. B SCI
2013 S. Mandal, S. Ghosh, D. Banik, C. Banerjee, J. Kuchlyan, and N. Sarkar. An Investigation into the Effect of the Structure of Bile Salt Aggregates on the Binding Interactions and ESIHT Dynamics of Curcumin: A Photophysical Approach to Probe Bile Salt Aggregates as a Potential Drug Carrier. 2013, 117, 13795–13807. J. Phys. Chem. B SCI
2013 S. Ghosh, C. Ghatak, C. Banerjee, S. Mandal, J. Kuchlyan, and N. Sarkar. Spontaneous Transition of Micelle–Vesicle–Micelle in a Mixture of Cationic Surfactant and Anionic Surfactant-like Ionic Liquid: A Pure Nonlipid Small Unilamellar Vesicular Template Used for Solvent and Rotational Relaxation Study. 2013, 29, 10066–10076. Langmuir SCI
2024 H-N. Le, J. Kuchlyan, T. Baladi, B. Albinsson, A. Dahlén, M. Wilhelmsson. Synthesis and photophysical characterization of a pH‐sensitive quadracyclic uridine (qU) analogue. Chem. Eur. J SCI
2018 Jai Prakash, Shuhui sun, Hendrik Swart, Raju K. Gupta Noble metals-TiO2 nanocomposites: From fundamental mechanisms to photocatalysis, surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and antibacterial applications, Vol. 11, pp 82-135 (Impact factor: 8.1) Applied Materials Today Scopus
2018 Jai Prakash et al. Embedded Polystyrene Nanocomposite Thin Films for Solid-State Lighting Applications, Vol. 1 pp 977 ACS Applied Nano Materials Scopus
2019 Jai Prakash, H. C. Swart, G. Zhang, S. Sun Emerging applications of atomic layer deposition for the rational design of novel nanostructures for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Vol. 7, pp 1447-1471, (IF: 6.641) J. Materials Chemistry C Scopus/Web of science
2019 Jai Prakash Fundamentals and applications of recyclable SERS substrates, Vol. 38, pp 201-242 (IF: 10.17) Int. Rev. in Phys. Chem Scopus/Web of science
2019 N. Komba, G. Zhang, Q. Wei, X. Yang, Jai Prakash, R. Chenitz, F. Rosei, S. Sun Iron (II) phthalocyanine/N-doped graphene: a highly efficient non-precious metal catalyst for oxygen reduction, Vol.44, pp 18103 (IF: 4.084) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Scopus/Web of science
2019 X. Yang. G. Zhang, Jai Prakash, S. Sun, chemical vapor deposition of graphene: the layercontrol, transfer process, characterization and related applications. Vol. 38, pp 149-199 (IF: 10.17) Int. Rev. in Phys. Chem. Scopus/Web of science
2019 B. Balasubarmaniam, N. Singh, P. Kar, A. Tyagi, Jai Prakash, R. K. Gupta, Engineering of transition metal dichalcogenide-based 2D nanomaterials through doping for environmental applications (Impact factor :2.708) Molecular System Design and Engineering Scopus
2019 M. Wu, G. Zhang, M. Wu, Jai Prakash, S. Sun, Rational design of multifunctional air electrodes for rechargeable Zn–Air batteries: Recent progress and future perspectives, (IF: 16.23) Energy Storage Materials Scopus
2019 C. Zhangsen, G. Zhang, Jai Prakash, S. Sun, Rational design of novel catalysts with atomic layer deposition for the reduction of carbon dioxide, (IF: 25.25) Adv. Energy Materials Scopus/Web of science
2019 R. A. Harris, Jai Prakash, Surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) with methyl-orange on Ag-TiO2 nanocomposites: A computational investigation, Vol. 87, pp 220-226. (IF: 1.863) J. Mol. Graphics and Modelling Scopus/Web of science
2018 Jai Prakash, A. Singh, G. Sathiyan, R. Ranjan, Anand Singh, Ashish Garg, Raju K. Gupta, Progress in tailoring perovskite based solar cells through compositional engineering: materials properties, photovoltaic performance and critical issues, Vol. 9, pp 440-486 Materials Today Energy Scopus
2018 P. Kumar, M. C. Mathpal, Jai Prakash, S. Hamd, S. V. Rao, B. C. Viljoen, MM Duvenhage, E. G. Njorge, W. T. Roos, H. C. Swart, Study of Tunable plasmonic, photoluminscence and Nonlinear Optical behavior of Ag Nanoclusters Embedded in a Glass Matrix for multifunctional applications, pp 1800768 (IF: 3.03) Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science Scopus
2017 N. Singh, Jai Prakash, M. Mishra, A. Sharma, Raju Kumar Gupta Dual functional Ta doped electrospun TiO2 nanofibers with enhanced photocatalysis and SERS detection for organic compounds, Vol. 9, pp 28495-28507. (IF: 8.456) . ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces Scopus/Web of science
2017 V. Kumar, Jai Prakash, J. P. Singh, KH Chae, C. Swart, OM, Ntwaeaborwa, .H. C Swart, V. Dutta, Role of silver doping on the defects related photoluminescence and antibacterial properties of zinc oxide nanoparticles, Vol. 159, pp191-199. (IF: 3.99) Colloids and Surfaces B:Biointerfaces Scopus/Web of science
2017 N. Singh, Jai Prakash, Raju K Gupta, Design and Engineering of high performance photocatalysis system based on metal oxide-graphene-noble metal nanocomposites, Vol. 2, pp 422-439. (IF: 2.708) Molecular Systems Design & Engineering Scopus
2017 N. Gilis, Jai Prakash, S. V. Lambeets, E. Genty, C. Barroo, T. Visart, Chiral Asorption Studied by Field Emission Techniques: The Case of Alanine on Platinum, Vol. 41 pp 6638-6645. (IF: 3.2) New Journal of Chemistry Scopus/Web of science
2016 Jai Prakash, P. Kumar, R A Harris, Chantel Swart, J H Neethling, A Janse van Vuuren, H .C. Swart, Synthesis, Characterization and Multifunctional Properties of Plasmonic Ag-TiO2 Nanocomposites. Vol. 27, pp 355707 (IF: 3.4) Nanotechnology Scopus/web of science
2016 Jai Prakash, Vinod Kumar, R. E. Kroon, K. Asokan, V. Rigato, S. Gautam, K. H. Chae, , H. C. Swart. Optical properties and surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) application of Au nanostructures on the surface and embedded in carbonaceous matrix, Vol. 18, pp 2468 (IF: 3.9) Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Scopus/web of scienc
2020 P. Kumar, M. C Mathpal, Jai Prakash, B. C. Viljoen, W. D. Roos, H. C. Swart Band gap tailoring of cauliflower-shaped CuO nanostructures by Zn doping for antibacterial applications, Vol. 832 pp 154968 (IF: 4.65) J. of Alloys and Compounds, Scopus/web of scienc
2020 P. Kumar, M. C. Mathpal, Jai Prakash, G. Jagannath, W.D. Roos, H.C. Swart Plasmonic and nonlinear optical behavior of nanostructures in glass matrix for photonics application, Pol. 125 pp 110799. (IF: 3.36) Mat. Res. Bull. Scopus/web of scienc
2021 Pratibha Sharma, J. Kherb, Jai Prakash, Raj Kaushal A novel and facile green synthesis of SiO2 nanoparticles for removal of toxic water pollutants Applied Nanoscience Scopus
2021 Jai Prakash et al. Novel rare earth metal doped one dimensional TiO2 nanostructures: Fundamentals and multifunctional applications Materials Today Sustainability Scopus
2021 Tanya Gupta, Samriti, J. Cho, Jai Prakash Hydrothermal synthesis of TiO2 nanorods: formation chemistry, growth mechanism, and tailoring of surface properties for photocatalytic activities Materials Today Chemistry Scopus
2021 D. Mathivanan, K. S. Devi, G. Sathiya, A. Tyagi, V. Silva, B. C. Janegitz, Jai Prakash, R. K. Gupta Novel polypyrrole-graphene oxide-gold nanocomposite for high performance hydrogen peroxide sensing application Sensors and Actuators A: Physical Scopus/SCI
2021 Promod Kumar, M C Mathpal, G. Jagannath, Jai Prakash, J. Maze, W. D. Roos, H. C. Swart Optical limiting applications of resonating plasmonic Au nanoparticles in a dielectric glass medium Nanotechnology Scopus/SCI
2021 W. Fernandes-Junior, P. R de Oliveira, Jai Prakash, Bruno Campos Janegitz Electrochemical sensor based on nanodiamonds and manioc starch for detection of tetracycline Journal of Sensors Scopus/SCI
2022 S Verma, Dipendra Mal, BC Janegits, Jai Prakash, RK Gupta A facile synthesis of novel polyaniline/graphene nanocomposite thin films for enzyme-free electrochemical sensing of hydrogen peroxide Molecular Systems Design & Engineering Scopus/SCI
2022 Z. Chen, G. Zhang, H. Chen, Jai Prakash, Y. Zheng, Shuhui Sun Multi-metallic catalysts for the electroreduction of carbon dioxide: Recent advances and perspectives Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCI
2022 Samriti, V. Rajput, R. K. Gupta, Jai Prakash Engineering metal-oxide semiconductor nanostructures for enhanced charge transfer: Fundamentals and emerging SERS applications J. Materials Chemistry C SCI
2022 Samriti, Prateek, Manish, Raju Gupta, Jai Prakash Hydrothermal synthesis and Ta doping of TiO2 nanorods: Effect of soaking time and doping on optical and charge transfer properties for enhanced SERS activity Materials Chemistry and Physics, 278 (2022) 125642 SCI
2022 Jai Prakash, J Cho, YK Mishra Photocatalytic TiO2 nanomaterials as potential antimicrobial and antiviral agents: Scope against blocking the SARS-COV-2 spread Micro and Nano Engineering, 14 (2022) 100100 Scopus
2022 Samriti, Manisha, Z.Chen, S. Sun, Jai Prakash Design and engineering of graphene nanostructures as independent solar-driven photocatalysts for emerging applications in field of energy and environment Molecular System Design and Engineering, 7 (2022) 213 – 238 SCI/Scopus
2022 Fernando C. Vicentini, Luiz R. G. Silva, Jéssica S. Stefano, Alan R. F. Lima, Jai Prakash, Juliano A. Bonacin & Bruno C. Janegitz Starch-Based Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors: A Review Biomedical Materials & Devices, 1 (2022) 1-20 Scopus
2022 Jai Prakash et al. Nanomaterial-based surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy for sensing and diagnostics gas molecules in environment and healthcare Sensors and Diagnostics 1 (2022) 1143 Scopus
2022 Jai Prakash et al. Recent Advances on Metal Oxide Based Nano-Photocatalysts as Potential Antibacterial and Antiviral Agents Catalysts 12 (2022) 1047 Scopus/SCI
2022 Pratibha, …Jai Prakash An insight into the green synthesis of SiO2 nanostructures as a novel adsorbent for removal of toxic water pollutants Environmental Research 212, (2022) 113328 Scopus/SCI
2022 Pratibha, …Jai Prakash Surface functionalization of green synthesized SiO2 nanoparticles: Study of adsorption mechanism, isotherms and enhanced adsorption capacity for removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous solution Environmental Research, 214, ( 2022) 113761 Scopus/SCI
2022 Samriti, K Shukla, R Gupta, RK Gupta, J Prakash Highly efficient visible light active doped metal oxide photocatalyst and SERS substrate for water treatment Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30 (2022) 34054 SCI
2022 A. Chakroborty, ..Jai Prakash TiO2 nanoflower photocatalysts: Synthesis, modifications and applications in wastewater treatment for removal of emerging organic pollutants Environmental Research, 212, ( 2022) 113550 SCI
2023 R Gupta, R Verma, …Jai Prakash A Critical Review on Recent Progress, Open Challenges, and Applications of Corrosion-resistant Superhydrophobic Coating Materials Today Communications, 34 (2023) 105201 SCI
2023 Samriti, A Ojha, Jai Prakash Water challenges in South Asian countries: A focused review on emerging nanomaterials and technological processes in wastewater treatment ACS ES&T Water 3 (2023) 1463 Scopus
2023 LRG Silva, JHS Carvalho, JS Stefano, GG Oliveira, Jai Prakash, Bruno C. Janegitz Electrochemical sensors and biosensors based on nanodiamonds: A review, Materials Today Communications, 35 (2023) 106142 SCI
2023 B Huang, X Tong, X Zhang, Q Feng, MN Rumyantseva, Jai Prakash, X. Li, MXene/NiO Composites for Chemiresistive-Type Room Temperature Formaldehyde Sensor Chemosensors 11 (2023) 2258 SCI
2023 O Ruzimuradov, R Xasanov, I Gonzalo-Juan, D Fang, Jai Prakash, R Riedel Facile Tailoring of Photoluminescence Properties of Surface-Modified TiO2 Nanocrystal Materials Today Communications, 35 (2023) 106233 SCI
2023 Samriti, R. Pal, Jai Prakash Fabrication Methods and Mechanisms for Designing Highly-Efficient Photocatalysts for Energy and Environmental Applications Materials Chemistry and Physics, 307 (2023) 128108 SCI
2023 Jai Prakash et al. CdS based 3D Nano/Micro-Architectures: Formation Mechanism, Tailoring of Visible Light Activities and Emerging Applications in Photocatalytic H2 Production, CO2 Reduction and organic pollutant degradation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 11 (2023) 10015 SCI
2023 Jai Prakash, H. C. Swart Plasmonic photocatalysts as emerging multifunctional nanomaterials for energy and environmental applications Physica B: Condensed Matter 669 (2023) 415297 SCI
2023 Samriti, M Rumyantseva, S Sun, A Kuznetsov, J Prakash Emerging Nanomaterials in the Detection and Degradation of Air Pollutants Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 35 (2023) 100497 SCI/Scopus
2023 Badis Kahoudji, ..Jai Prakash, H. C. Swart, Flexible and luminescent polymer nanocomposite films (YPO4:Pr3+/polystyrene): Investigation of structural, morphological and photoluminescence properties for solid-state, Optical Materials 143 (2023) 114251 SCI
2024 F. Mushtaq, Jai Prakash, S.S.Katoch Microplastics in complex soil matrix: Recovery, identification and removal using micro nano techniques Micro Nano Engineering (2024). Scopus
2015 Chandrashekar Jatoth, G.R. Gangadharan, and Rajkumar Buyya Computational intelligence based QoS-aware web service composition: a systematic literature review, Vol.10,No.03,PP.475-492 IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, IEEE (IF:8.216) SCI
2017 Chandrashekar Jatoth, G.R. Gangadharan, Fiore, Ugo and Rajkumar Buyya QoS-aware Big service composition using Map-Reduce based evolutionary algorithm with guided mutation, Vol.86,PP.1008-1018. Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier (IF:7.187) SCI
2017 Chandrashekar Jatoth, G.R. Gangadharan, and Fiore, Ugo Evaluating the efficiency of cloud services using modified data envelopment analysis and modified super-efficiency data envelopment analysis, Vol. 21, No. 23, PP. 7221-7234 Soft Computing, Springer (IF:3.643) SCI
2018 Chandrashekar Jatoth, G.R. Gangadharan, Fiore, Ugo, and Rajkumar Buyya SELCLOUD: a hybrid multi-criteria decision-making model for selection of cloud services, DOI: Soft Computing, Springer (IF:3.643) SCI
2019 Chandrashekar, Jatoth, G Siva Kumar, Gangadharan, G.R., and Rajkumar, Buyya QoS-aware cloud service composition using eagle strategy, Vol. 90, PP. 273-290 Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier (IF:7.187) SCI
2019 Chandrashekar, Jatoth, Gangadharan, G.R., and Rajkumar, Buyya Optimal Fitness Aware Cloud Service Composition using an Adaptive Genotypes Evolution based Genetic Algorithm, Vol. 94, PP. 185-198 Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier (IF:7.187) SCI
2019 Chandrashekar Jatoth, G.R. Gangadharan, and Fiore, Ugo Optimal fitness aware cloud service composition using modified invasive weed optimization, Vol. 44, PP. 1073-1091 Swarm and evolutionary computation, Elsevier (IF:7.177) SCIE
2019 B Bhaskar, Chandrashekar Jatoth, G.R. Gangadharan, U Fiore A MapReduce-based modified Grey Wolf optimizer for QoS aware big service composition, Vol.32, No.8, PP.e5351. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (IF:1.536) SCI
2020 Narayana P, Chandrashekar Jatoth, Prem Chand Optimizing Resource Scheduling based on Extended Particle Swarm Optimization in Fog Computing Environment, DOI: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (IF:1.536) SCI
2021 Avik Dutta, Chandrashekar Jatoth, G.R. Gangadharan, U Fiore QoS-aware Big Service Composition using Distributed Co-Evolutionary Algorithm, DOI: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (IF:1.536) SCI
2021 Rekha G, Krishna Reddy V, Chandrashekar Jatoth, U Fiore An Efficient Chaotic Salp Swarm Optimization Approach Based on Ensemble Algorithm for Solving Class Imbalance Problem (In-press) Soft Computing (IF:3.643) SCI
2023 Jeetendrasingh Maan, E. R. Negrín and B. J. González Abelian theorems for the index ${ }_2 F_1$-transform over distributions of compact support and generalized functions, 37(30):10229–10236 Filomat SCIE
2023 Jeetendrasingh Maan, E. R. Negrín and B. J. González On the Generalized Lambert Transform over Lebesgue and Boehmian Spaces, 9 (5), 103 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics Scopus
2023 Jeetendrasingh Maan and Akhilesh Prasad A pair of pseudo-differential operators involving index Whittaker transform in $L_2^a(\mathbb{R}_+;m_a(x)dx)$ Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series SCIE
2023 Jeetendrasingh Maan and Akhilesh Prasad Wave packet transform and wavelet convolution product involving the index Whittaker transform , DOI: The Ramanujan Journal SCIE
2023 Jeetendrasingh Maan and Akhilesh Prasad Index Whittaker transform for Boehmians, DOI: Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics SCIE
2022 Jeetendrasingh Maan and E. R. Negrín On the generalized Stieltjes transform over weighted Lebesgue spaces and distributions of compact support, DOI: 10.1007/s12215- 022-00842-8 Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 ESCI
2022 Jeetendrasingh Maan and E. R. Negrín Abelian theorems for Laplace, Mellin and Stieltjes transforms over distributions of compact support and generalized functions, 72 (3), 2213-2229 Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 ESCI
2022 Jeetendrasingh Maan and Akhilesh Prasad Weyl operator associated with index Whittaker transform, 13 (3), 1-12 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications SCIE
2022 Jeetendrasingh Maan and Akhilesh Prasad Abelian theorems in the framework of the distributional index Whittaker transform, 27, 1-9 Mathematical Communications SCIE
2021 Akhilesh Prasad, Jeetendrasingh Maan and SK Verma Wavelet transforms associated with the index Whittaker transform, 43(13), 10734-10752 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences SCIE
2023 Jeetendrasingh Maan and E. R. Negrín Exchange formulae for the generalized Stieltjes transform over weighted Lebesgue spaces, DOI: Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 ESCI
2024 Jeetendrasingh Maan and E. R. Negrín Parseval-Goldstein type theorems for the index ${ }_2 F_1$-transform, DOI: International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics Scopus
2024 Jeetendrasingh Maan and E. R. Negrín A Comprehensive Study of Generalized Lambert, Generalized Stieltjes, and Stieltjes–Poisson Transforms, 13(5), 283 Axioms SCIE
2024 Jeetendrasingh Maan and E. R. Negrín Parseval-Goldstein type theorems for the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform and the Mehler-Fock transform of general order Filomat SCIE
2024 Jeetendrasingh Maan, B. J. González and E. R. Negrín Operators with complex Gaussian kernels over Lebesgue spaces, DOI: Bulletin institute of mathematics academia sinica ESCI
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2021 Lin Peng; Liu Peicheng, Ankit Garg, Jitendra Singh Yadav Deformation monitoring analysis and numerical simulation in a deep foundation pit 58(1): 56-62 Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering SCI
2019 J.S.Yadav*, S. Hussain, S.K.Tiwari, A. Garg Geotechnical Properties of Rubber Reinforced Cemented Clayey Soil Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology Scopus
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2020 LIN Peng, LI Zhi-xiang, Ankit Garg, Jitendra Singh Yadav* Simplified analyses of stress induced anisotropy in remoulded soft clay under undrained conditions Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Scopus
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2022 Hussain Shaik, YADAV JITENDRA SINGH A study on the carbonation of binary and ternary blended cement mortar and concrete Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance Scopus
2021 Jitendra Singh Yadav, Rakesh Kumar Dutta, The Impact of Variation of Gypsum and Water Content on the Engineering Properties of Expansive soil Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology Scopus
2021 Rakesh Kumar Dutta, Jitendra Singh Yadav, Vishwas Nandkishor Khatri, Gayathri Venkataraman, A Study on Suitability of Fly Ash-Lime-Alccofine Mixtures in Construction of Road Pavement Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology Scopus
2021 Yadav Jitendra Singh, Kumar Keshav, Dutta Rakesh Kumar, Garg Ankit Influence of positions of the geotextile on the load-settlement behaviour of circular footing resting on single stone column JAMME/AMSE International OCSCO World Press Scopus
2021 Vikram Singh Kashyap, Gaurav Sancheti, Jitendra Singh Yadav Mechanical and Microstructural Behavior of Concrete Containing Marble and Nano SilicaMechanical and Microstructural Behavior of Concrete Containing Marble and Nano Silica Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology Scopus
2021 Rakesh Kumar Dutta, Jitendra Singh Yadav The impact of alccofine inclusion on the engineering properties of bentonite Cleaner Engineering and Technology Scopus
2022 Rakesh Kumar Dutta, Jitendra Singh Yadav Reply to the Discussion: The Impact of Variation of Gypsum and Water Content on the Engineering Properties of Expansive Soil Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology Scopus
2021 Vikram Singh Kashyap, Gaurav Sancheti, Jitendra Singh Yadav Durability and Microstructural Behavior of Nano Silica-Marble Dust Concrete JAMME/AMSE International OCSCO World Press Scopus
2021 Hussain Shaik, YADAV JITENDRA SINGH Evaluation of Mechanical Strength and Durability of Alkali Resistant Glass Fibre Reinforced Concrete JAMME/AMSE International OCSCO World Press Scopus
2022 Das, Pragyan ; Khatri, Vishwas ; Doley, Rahul ; Dutta, Rakesh; YADAV, JITENDRA SINGH Estimation of Bearing Capacity of Shallow Footings on Layered Sand Using Finite Elements Analysis Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology Scopus
2023 T. Debela, J. Singh, and V. K. Sood Evaluation of a grid‐connected reduced‐component boost multilevel inverter (BMLI) topology, " vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 2075–2107, Jun. 2022 Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl., Wiley SCI
2023 T. Debela Awas and J. Singh “High‐gain nine‐level switched‐capacitor multilevel inverter featuring less number of devices and leakage current,” Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl. Wiley, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.1002/cta.3603. Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl., Wiley SCI
2023 T. Debela Awas and J. Singh “An assessment of H-bridge less grid-tied multilevel inverter with minimum device count and lesser total standing voltage (Accepted) IET Power Electronics SCI
2023 S. S. Roy, A. Paramane, J. Singh, A. K. Das, S. Chatterjee and X. Chen “Automated Space Charge Classification Inside ±500-kV HVDC Cable Insulation Using Fusion of Superpixel and Deep Features for Remote Condition Assessment,” vol. 72, pp. 1-8, 2023, Art no. 2510108, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3266523. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement SCI
2023 S. Roy, A. Paramane, J. Singh, S. Chatterjee, Z. Hong and X. Chen “Characterization and Identification of Electrical Tree Growth Stages Inside High-Voltage Cable Insulation,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 1-9, 2023, Art no. 6007809, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3295017 IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement SCI
2023 S. S. Roy, A. Paramane, J. Singh, S. Chatterjee and A. K. Das Accurate Sensing of Insulator Surface Contamination Using Customized Convolutional Neural Network,” in IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1-4, Jan. 2023, Art no. 7000204, doi: 10.1109/LSENS.2022.3232506. IEEE Sensors Letters SCI
2023 Debela, Tamiru and Singh, Jiwanjot Performance evaluation of seven level grid-tied PV inverter employs seven switches with the triple gain” International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 2023 (accepted on 6th Jan 2023) International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems Scopus
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2018 J. Singh, R. Dahiya and L. M. Saini “Recent research on transformer based single DC source multilevel inverter: A review”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), vol. 83, pp. 3207-3224, 2018 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) SCI
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2022 Phukan, Hillol, Debela, Tamiru and Singh, Jiwanjot “A modified seven-level cross-connected PUC boost multilevel inverter with reduced cost factor and device count” International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 2022. International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems Scopus
2021 Debela, Tamiru and Singh, Jiwanjot. “Switched capacitor based single DC source boost multilevel inverter (S2-MLI) featuring isolation based soft charging with minimum device count” International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, vol. , no. , 2021, pp. 000010151520210110. International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems Scopus
2022 Chakraborty, Sudipta, Jiwanjot Singh, Asim K. Naskar, and Sandip Ghosh “A New Analytical Approach for Set-point Weighted 2DOF-PID Controller Design for Integrating Plus Time-Delay Processes: an Experimental Study.” IETE Journal of Research (2022): 1-15. IETE Journal of Research SCI
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2023 Ramudu Ganji, Jiwanjot Singh A novel submodule-based modular multilevel converter to minimize the magnitude of circulating current and to balance the capacitor voltage," Electrical Engineering, Springer SCI
2024 Ramudu Ganji, Jiwanjot Singh A Modified Modular Multilevel Converter to reduce the Second Order Ripples in the Submodule Capacitor Voltage: Design and Analysis, 2024; 1-28. doi:10.1002/cta.3908 International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Wiley SCI
2024 D. Tiwari, Abhishek K Singh, NB Choudhary, Jiwanjot Singh Isolation Based Bidirectional Generalized Step-Up Multilevel Converter with Optimized Device Count (Accepted) In Production International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications SCI
2024 Abhishek K Singh, D. Tiwari, NB Choudhary, Jiwanjot Singh A Multi-Objective Low Voltage Ride-Through Control Strategy for Three-Phase Grid-Interfaced Solar Power Plant During Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Faults (Accepted) In Production International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications SCI
2024 D. Tiwari, Abhishek K Singh, NB Choudhary, Jiwanjot Singh Isolation Based Reduced Switch 9-level High Gain Multilevel Inverter (accepted in Aug 2024) IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics SCI
2024 Abhishek K Singh, D. Tiwari, NB Choudhary, Jiwanjot Singh Efficient Peak Current Limit Strategy and Active Power Oscillation Reduction in a Three-Phase Grid-Interfaced PV-Battery System (GIPVBS) with Low Voltage Ride-Through Control (accepted in Sep 2024) Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (AJSE), Springer-Nature SCI
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2007 K.Nallasivam, Anjan Dutta and S.Talukdar, "Dynamic Analysis of a Horizontally Curved Thin-Walled Box-Girder Bridge due to Moving Vehicle"(2007),14(3), pp.229-248. Journal of Shock and Vibration SCI (Hindawai) ~~Q3~~
2008 K.Nallasivam, S.Talukdar and Anjan Dutta "Fatigue life Prediction of Horizontally Curved Thin Walled Box Girder Steel Bridges"(2008), 28(4), pp.387-410. Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechanics SCI (Techno) ~~Q3~~
2007 K.Nallasivam, S.Hopeful, Anjan Dutta and S.Talukdar "Static Analysis of Horizontally Curved Thin-Walled Box-Girder Bridge"(2007), 76, pp.117-127. Highway Research Bulletin, Indian Road Congress(IRC) Scopus (IRC)
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2021 Virajan Verma and K. Nallasivam "Free vibration behaviour of thin-walled concrete box-girder bridge using Perspex sheet experimental model", (2021) ,pp.56-76. Doi: Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Scopus (OCSCO) ~~Q3~~
2021 Virajan Verma and K. Nallasivam "Static response of curved steel thin-walled box-girder bridge subjected to Indian railway loading",(2021),108,(2). Doi: 10.5604/01.3001.0015.5065 Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Scopus (OCSCO) ~~Q3~~
2021 Virajan Verma ,Abhilash Malloth and K. Nallasivam " Modal analysis of a thin-walled box-girder Bridge and Railway track using finite element framework",(2021), 4(16). Doi:10.22115/CEPM.2021.278798.1165 Computational Engineering and Physical Modeling Google Scholar/Publons (Pouyan)
2022 Mitresh Kaul and K.Nallasivam "Response of Elevated Water Tanks Subjected to LateralLoads"(2022), 32 (2):01_10.218-0131 478/ceer-2022-0022 Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports Scopus (Sciendo)
2022 K. Kavin Mathi and K.Nallasivam "Dynamic and Fatigue Life Prediction Analysis of Rigid Airfield Runway Pavement Using Finite Element Method", (2022),5(3), Computational Engineering and Physical Modeling Google Scholar/Publons (Pouyan)
2022 Mohammad Farhan Shaikh and Nallasivam .K "Static Analysis of Box-Girder Bridge Under TheInfluence of Indian Railway Vehicle Loading Using ANSYS Finite Element Model", (2022),3(25). Advances in Bridge Engineering Scopus(Springer) ~~Q2~~
2023 Surbhi Aswal andK.Nallasivam "Static response of a multi-span suspension bridgesubjected to highway vehicle loading",(2023), Asian Journal of Civil Engineering Scopus(Springer) ~~Q3~~
2023 Mohammad Farhan Shaikh and Nallasivam .K "Dynamic Response of a Box-Girder Bridge Using theFinite Element Technique",(2023), Asian Journal of Civil Engineering Scopus (Springer) ~~Q3~~
2023 Surbhi Aswal andK.Nallasivam "Dynamic response of a multi-span suspension bridge subjected to highway vehicle loading".(2023), Asian Journal of Civil Engineering Scopus (Springer) ~~Q3~~
2023 Kashyap Shukla and Nallasivam .K Dynamic Response of High-Rise Buildings with Shearwalls due to Seismic Forces".(2023), Asian Journal of Civil Engineering Scopus (Springer) ~~Q3~~
2023 K. Kavin Mathi and K.Nallasivam "Static Analysis of Rigid Airfield Pavement Using FiniteElement Method Vs Closed-Form Solution" , (2023),5(4)20,doi:10.22115/CEPM.2023.354941.1219. Computational Engineering and Physical Modeling Google Scholar/Publons (Pouyan)
2023 Abhishek Sharma and Nallasivam .K "Static Analysis of a Concrete Gravity Dam using theFinite Element Technique",(2023), Asian Journal of Civil Engineering Scopus (Springer) ~~Q3~~
2023 Ishan Shankar Vats and Nallasivam .K "Response of a Natural Draught Hyperbolic CoolingTower Tower Using the Finite Element Technique" (2023), Asian Journal of Civil Engineering Scopus (Springer) ~~Q3~~
2024 Khair Ul Faisal Wani and Nallasivam K Modal analysis of rigid pavement resting on two-parameter soil foundation model using finite element framework", Vol. 21 No. 4, pp. 793-806. World Journal of Engineering Scopus (Emerald) ~~Q3~~
2023 Virajan Verma and K.Nallasivam "Dynamic interaction analysis of a high-speed trainvehicle and a thin-walled curved box-girder bridge witha sub-track system by finite element method", (2023), Asian Journal of Civil Engineering Scopus (Springer) ~~Q3~~
2023 Mohammad Farhan Shaikh and Nallasivam .K "Static and Free Vibration Response of a Box-GirderBridge Using the Finite Element Technique" ,Doi.10.1108/MMMS-12-2022-0277 Multidiscipline Modelling in Materials and Structures Scopus (Emerald) ~~Q3~~
2023 Abhishek Sharma and Nallasivam .K "Comparison of bearing capacity behaviour of stripfooting resting on sand-admixed pond ash reinforced with Natural natural fiber and Geogrid" , Indian Geotechnical Journal SCIE, Scopus (Springer) ~~Q2~~
2023 Sandeep Bharti,Nallasivam .K, and Khair Ul Faisal Wani "Static analysis of rigid pavement runway under theinfluence of aircraft loading by finite elementsTechnique", (2023),5(4),pp.79–101. Computational Engineering and Physical Modeling Google Scholar/Publons (Pouyan)
2024 Kashyap Shukla and Nallasivam .K "Effective Location of Shear Walls in High-Rise RCC Buildings Subjected to Lateral Loads",2024, 57(1): 103-117 DOI:10.22059/CEIJ.2023.350020.1879 Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal Scopus (University of Tehran) ~~Q4~~
2023 Sougata Mukherjee and K. Nallasivam "Stability Analysis of a Concrete Arch Gravity Dam by 3D Finite Element Technique", (2023),36 (2), 35-59,DOI: 10.31534/engmod.2023.2.ri.03a International Journal of Engineering Modelling Scopus(University of Split)~~Q4~~
2024 Ashutosh Ranjan and Nallasivam.K "Response of railway sub-track system subjected to railway trains loading by finite element technique",(2024),9(34),pp.1-19, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions SCIE, Scopus (Springer) ~~Q2~~
2023 Virajan Verma , K. Nallasivam and Khair Ul Faisal Wani "Forecasting Fatigue Life of Horizontally Curved Thin-Walled Box-Girder Railway Bridge Exposed to Cyclic High-Speed Train Loads",(2024), 23(3), pp. 335–342. Structural Integrity and Life Scopus (Society for Structural Integrity and Life and IMS Institute,Serbia) ~~Q3~~
2023 Khair Ul Faisal Wani and K.Nallasivam "Static Analysis of Rigid Pavement Subjected to Aircraft Load Using Finite Element Technique",(2024),6(2).Doi.22.10.22115/CEPM.2024.418199.1248 Computational Engineering and Physical Modeling Google Scholar/Publons (Pouyan)
2024 Mohd Ibrar and Nallasivam.K "Free Vibration Analysis of Airfield Runway Rigid Pavement by Finite Element Technique" , (2024),9(127),pp.1-20, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions SCIE, Scopus (Springer) ~~Q2~~
2024 Khair Ul Faisal Wani and K.Nallasivam "Static and Free Vibration Analysis of Rigid Pavement Based On Winkler and Pasternak Foundation, (2024),24(1),pp. 49–60. Structural Integrity and Life Scopus (Society for Structural Integrity and Life and IMS Institute,Serbia) ~~Q3~~
2024 Aniket Chaudhary and Nallasivam.K "Modal Analysis of a Coupled Ballastless Railway Track Surrounding a Horse Shoe Shape Shield Tunnel Linked to a Box-Girder Bridge with Substructure Using Finite Element Method",(2024),9(211), pp.1-23, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions SCIE, Scopus (Springer) ~~Q2~~
2024 Sougata Mukherjee and K. Nallasivam "The Free Vibration Characteristics of a Concrete Arch Gravity Dam Using Finite Element Technique", Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal Scopus (University of Tehran) ~~Q4~~
2024 Mitresh Kaul and K.Nallasivam " Prediction of the free vibration characteristics of liquid-storage elevated tanks using finite element techniques", . Asian Journal of Civil Engineering Scopus (Springer) ~~Q3~~
2024 Khair Ul Faisal Wani and Nallasivam .K "Finite Element Algorithm for Rigid Pavement Resting on Pasternak Elastic Foundation Model under Aircraft Loading", World Journal of Engineering Scopus (Emerald) ~~Q3~~
2025 Saket Kumar and K.Nallasivam "Dynamic Response of Double Deck Cable-Stayed Bridge Subjected to Train Load on Lower Deck", 13, 20 (2025). Journal of Vibration Engineering &Technologies SCIE, Scopus (Springer) ~~Q2~~
2025 Sandeep Bharti and Nallasivam .K "Modal Analysis of Multi-Panelled Concrete Pavement Airport Runway Using Finite Element Technique", 13, 13 (2025). Journal of Vibration Engineering &Technologies SCIE, Scopus (Springer) ~~Q2~~
2024 Sougata Mukherjee and Nallasivam .K "Dynamic Analysis of Concrete Arch Dam due to Earthquake Force", Journal of Rehabilitation in Civil Engineering Scopus (Semnan University Press) ~~Q3~~
2024 Abhishek Sharma and Nallasivam .K "Modal analysis of concrete gravity dam incorporating pre-stress condition along with soil structure interaction", World Journal of Engineering Scopus (Emerald) ~~Q3~~
2024 Saket Kumar and Nallasivam .K “Modal analysis of natural dynamic frequency for a double deck cable-stayed steel bridge by using finite element method”, (2024) 1:115 , Discover Civil Engineering Scopus (Emerald) ~~Q3~~
2025 Sahil Kumar and Nallasivam .K "Dynamic response of a PSC box-girder bridge impacted by high-speed train load using the finite element approach",10, 22 (2025). Innovative Infrastructure Solutions SCIE, Scopus (Springer) ~~Q2~~
2025 Surbhi Aswal andK.Nallasivam "Evaluation of modal performance in a multi-span suspension bridge implementing a finite element approach", Innovative Infrastructure Solutions SCIE, Scopus (Springer) ~~Q2~~
2025 Mitresh Kaul and Nallasivam.K "Modal and Dynamic Response of Elevated Water Tanks of Different Shapes to Earthquakes", Journal of Vibration Engineering &Technologies SCIE, Scopus (Springer) ~~Q2~~
2025 Aniket Chaudhary and Nallasivam.K "Dynamic Analysis of a Coupled Ballastless Railway Track and Horse Shoe Shape Shield Tunnel Linked to a Box-Girder Bridge with Substructure Using Finite Element Method", Innovative Infrastructure Solutions SCIE, Scopus (Springer) ~~Q2~~
2018 Dolai, B., Bhaumik, A., Pramanik, N., Ghosh, K. S., Atta, A. K. Naphthaldimine-based simple glucose derivative as a highly selective sensor for colorimetric detection of Cu2+ ion in aqueous media J. Mol. Structure (Elsevier) SCI
2018 Babu, M. S., Reddy, K. S., Ghosh, K. S., Sahoo, B. K., Himasekar, Ch., Mustafa, S. Design, Synthesis, Single X-Ray Crystal Structure, DFT and Molecular Docking Studies of Novel Clip Type-Pyridyltetrazole Analogues Asian J. Chem. Scopus
2018 Rana, N., Ghosh, K. S., Chand, S., Gathania, A. K. Investigation of ZnO nanoparticles for their applications in wastewater treatment and antimicrobial activity Ind. J. Pure Appl. Phys. SCI
2017 Sharma, V., Ghosh, K. S. Inhibition of amyloid fibrillation and destabilization of fibrils of human ?D-crystallin by direct red 80 and orange G Intl. J. Biol. Macromol. (Elsevier) SCI
2017 Chauhan, P., Velappan, A. B., Sahoo, B. K., Debnath, J., Ghosh, K. S. Studies on molecular interactions between Schiff bases and eye lens chaperone human ?A-crystallin J. Lumin. (Elsevier) SCI
2017 Chauhan, P., Muralidharan, S. B., Velappan, A. B., Datta, D., Pratihar, S., Debnath, J., Ghosh, K. S. Inhibition of copper-mediated aggregation of human ?D-crsytallin by Schiff bases J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. (Springer) SCI
2016 Sivaramakrishnan, V., Ilamathi, M., Ghosh, K. S., Sathish, S., Gowda, T. V., Vishwanath, B. S., Rangappa, K. S., Dhananjaya, B. L. Virtual analysis of structurally diverse synthetic analogs as inhibitors of snake venom secretory phospholipase A2 J. Mol. Recognit. (Wiley) SCI
2015 Thakur, R., Das, A., Sharma, V., Adhikari, C., Ghosh, K.S., Chakraborty, A. Interaction of different prototropic species of an anticancer drug Ellipticine with HSA and IgG proteins: multispectroscopic and molecular modeling studies Phy. Chem. Chem. Phys. (Royal Soc. of Chemistry, RSC) SCI
2015 Sharma, A., Ghosh, K. S., Singh, B. P., Gathania, A. K. Spectroscopic investigation of interaction between bovine gamma globulin and gold nanoparticles Methods Appl. Fluoresc. (IOP) SCI
2014 Sharma, V., Ghosh, K. S. Involvement of non-polyalanine (polyA) residues in aggregation of polyA proteins: Clue for inhibition of aggregation Comp. Biol. Chem. (Elsevier) SCI
2013 Ghosh, K. S. Inherent aggregation propensity of flanking residues attached to polyglutamines: implication to aggregation inhibition Prot. Pept. Lett. (Bentham Science) SCI
2013 Roy, A. S., Ghosh, K. S., Dasgupta, S. An investigation into the altered binding mode of green tea polyphenols with human serum albumin on complexation with copper J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. (Taylor & Francis) SCI
2012 Roy, D., Dutta, S., Maity, S. S., Ghosh, S., Roy, A. S., Ghosh, K. S., Dasgupta, S. Spectroscopic and docking studies of the binding of two stereoisomeric antioxidant catechins to serum albumins J. Lumin. (Elsevier) SCI
2011 Ghosh, K. S., Pande, A., Pande, J. Binding of gamma crystallin substrate prevents the binding of copper and zinc ions to the molecular chaperone alpha crystallin Biochemistry (American Chemical Soc., ACS) SCI
2010 Pande, A., Ghosh, K. S., Banerjee, P. R., Pande, J. Increase in surface hydrophobicity of the cataract-associated, P23T mutant of human gammaD-crystallin is responsible for its dramatically lower, retrograde solubility Biochemistry (American Chemical Soc., ACS) SCI
2010 Chandra, G., Ghosh, K. S., Dasgupta, S., Roy, A. Evidence of conformational changes in adsorbed lysozyme molecule on silver colloids Intl. J. Biol. Macromol. (Elsevier) SCI
2010 Mukhopadhyay, S., Maity, S. S., Roy, A., Chattopadhyay, D., Ghosh, K. S., Dasgupta, S., Ghosh, S. Characterization of the structure of the phosphoprotein of chandipura virus, a negative stranded RNA virus probing intratryptophan energy transfer using single and double tryptophan mutants Biochimie (Elsevier) SCI
2009 Sahoo, B. K., Ghosh, K. S., Dasgupta, S. An Investigation of the molecular interactions of diacetylcurcumin with ribonuclease A Prot. Pept. Lett. (Bentham Science) SCI
2009 Ghosh, K. S., Sen, S., Sahoo, B. K., Dasgupta, S. A spectroscopic investigation into the interactions of 3´-O-carboxy esters of thymidine with Bovine Serum Albumin Bioploymers (Wiley) SCI
2009 Sahoo, B. K., Ghosh, K. S., Dasgupta, S. Molecular interactions of isoxazolcurcumin with human serum albumin: spectroscopic and molecular modeling studies Bioploymers (Wiley) SCI
2008 Ghosh, K. S., Debnath, J., Pathak, T., Dasgupta, S. Using Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to study the mode of Ribonuclease A inhibition by competitive and noncompetitive inhibitors Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. (Elsevier) SCI
2008 Ghosh, K. S., Sahoo, B.K., Jana, D., Dasgupta, S. Studies on interaction of copper complexes of (-)-epicatechin gallate and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate with calf thymus DNA J. Inorg. Biochem.(Elsevier) SCI
2008 Sahoo, B.K., Ghosh, K. S., Dasgupta, S. Studies on the interaction of diacetylcurcumin with calf thymus DNA Chem. Phys. (Elsevier) SCI
2008 Ghosh, K. S., Debnath, J., Dutta, P., Sahoo, B. K., Dasgupta, S. Exploring the potential of 3´-O-Carboxy esters of thymidine as inhibitors of ribonuclease A and angiogenin Bioorg. Med. Chem. (Elsevier) SCI
2008 Ghosh, K. S., Sahoo, B. K., Dasgupta, S. Spectrophotometric studies on the interaction between (-)-epigallocatechin gallate and lysozyme Chem. Phys. Lett. (Elsevier) SCI
2008 Sahoo, B. K., Ghosh, K. S., Dasgupta, S. Investigating the binding of curcumin derivatives to bovine serum albumin Biophys. Chem. (Elsevier) SCI
2008 Bera, R., Sahoo, B. K., Ghosh, K. S., Dasgupta S. (2008) Studies on the interaction of isoxazolcurcumin with calf thymus DNA Int. J. Biol. Macromol.(Elsevier) SCI
2008 Maiti, T. K., Ghosh, K. S., Samanta A., Dasgupta S. The interaction of silibinin with human serum albumin: a spectroscopic investigation J. Photochem. Photobiol. A (Elsevier) SCI
2007 Mandal, C., Gayen, S., Basu, A., Ghosh, K. S., Dasgupta, S., Maiti, M., Sen, S. Prediction based protein engineering of domain I of Cry2A entomocidal toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis resulted enhancement of toxicity against lepidopteran insects Protein Eng. Des. Sel. (Oxford Univ Press) SCI
2007 Ghosh, K. S., Maiti, T.K., Debnath, J., Dasgupta, S. Inhibition of ribonuclease A by polyphenols present in green tea Proteins : Structure, Functions & Bioinformatics (Wiley) SCI
2006 Ghosh, K. S., Maiti, T.K., Mandal, A., Dasgupta, S. Copper complexes of (?)-epicatechin gallate and (?)-epigallocatechin gallate act as inhibitors of ribonuclease A FEBS Lett. (Wiley) SCI
2006 Maiti, T. K., Ghosh, K. S., Dasgupta, S. Interaction of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate with human serum albumin: fluorescence, fourier transform infrared, circular dichroism and docking studies Proteins: Structure, Functions & Bioinformatics (Wiley) SCI
2006 Maiti, T. K., Ghosh, K. S., Debnath, J., Dasgupta, S. Binding of all-trans retinoic acid to human serum albumin: fluorescence, FT-IR and circular dichroism studies Int. J. Biol. Macromol. (Elsevier) SCI
2004 Ghosh, K. S., Maiti, T. K., Dasgupta, S. Green tea polyphenols as inhibitors of ribonuclease A Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (Elsevier) SCI
2019 Sharma, V. and Ghosh, K. S. Inhibition of amyloid fibrillation by small molecules and nanomaterials: strategic development of pharmaceuticals against amyloidosis, Vol. 26, pp. 315 – 323. Prot. Pept. Lett. (Bentham Science) SCI
2019 Chauhan, P. and Ghosh, K. S. Inhibition of copper-induced aggregation of human gammaD-crystallin by rutin and studies on its role in molecular level for enhancing the chaperone activity of human ?A-crystallin by using multi-spectroscopic techniques, Vol. 218, pp. 229-236. Spectrochim. Acta A (Elsevier) SCI
2020 S. Rana, A. B. Velappan, J. Debnath, K. S. Ghosh Inhibition of copper-induced aggregation of human gammaD-crystallin by a diimine molecule and investigations on their molecular interactions J. Biomol. Strcture Dynamics ((Taylor & Francis) SCI
2020 S. Rana and K. S. Ghosh Protective role of hesperetin against posttranslational oxidation of tryptophan residue of human ?D-crystallin: A molecular level study Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (Elsevier) SCI
2020 Rana, S., K.S. Ghosh Explication of human gammaD-crystallin interactions with its aggregation inhibitor Schiff base at molecular level J. Mol. Struct. (Elsevier) SCI
2021 Rana, S., K.S. Ghosh Inhibition of fibrillation of human gammaD-crystallin by a flavonoid morin J. Biomol. Strcture Dynamics (Taylor & Francis)) SCI
2021 Rana, S., Sarmah, S., Roy, A. S., Ghosh, K. S. Elucidation of molecular interactions between human gammaD-crystallin and quercetin, an inhibitor against tryptophan oxidation J. Biomol. Strcture Dynamics (Taylor & Francis) SCI
2020 Sharma, V., Sharma, S., Rana, S., Ghosh, K. S. Inhibition of amyloid fibrillation of human gammaD-crystallin by gold nanoparticles: Studies at molecular level Spectrochimica Acta A (Elsevier) SCI
2020 Sharma, A., Ghosh, K. S. Studies on molecular interactions between bovine beta-lactoglobulin and silver nanoparticles Prot. Pept. Lett. (Bentham Science) SCI
2020 Velappan, A.B., Datta, D., Ma, R. Rana, S., Ghosh, K.S., Hari, N., Franzblau, S.G., Debnath, J. 2-Aryl benzazole derived new class of anti-tubercular compounds: Endowed to eradicate Mycobacterium tuberculosis in replicating and non-replicating forms Bioorg. Chem. (Elsevier) SCI
2021 S. Rana, M. Panwar, K. S. Ghosh Docking studies with multiple molecular targets associated with SARSCoV-2 for drug repurposing Coronaviruses (Bentham Science) Scopus
2021 Sharma, S., K.S. Ghosh Recent advances (2017-20) in the detection of copper ion by using fluorescence sensors working through transfer of photo-induced electron (PET), excited-state intramolecular proton (ESIPT) and Förster resonance energy (FRET) Spectrochimica Acta A (Elsevier) SCI
2021 Sharma, S., K.S. Ghosh Overview on recently reported fluorometric sensors for the detection of copper ion based on internal charge transfer (ICT), paramagnetic effect and aggregation induced emission (AIE) mechanisms J. Mol. Struct. (Elsevier) SCI
2021 S. Rana, P. Kumar, A. Sharma, S. Sharma, R. Giri , K. S. Ghosh Identification of naturally occurring antiviral molecules for SARS-CoV-2 mitigation The Open COVID Journal ----
2022 A Sharma, S Sarmah, AS Roy, KS Ghosh Multispectroscopic studies on the molecular interactions between bovine γ‐globulin and borohydride‐capped silver nanoparticles Luminescence 37 (7), 1200-1207 (Wiley) SCI
2022 J Prakash, SBN Krishna, P Kumar, V Kumar, KS Ghosh, HC Swart, S Bellucci, J Cho Recent advances on metal oxide based nano-photocatalysts as potential antibacterial and antiviral agents Catalysts 12 (9), 1047 (MDPI) SCI
2022 A Sharma, H Rastogi, KS Ghosh Enhancement in chaperone activity of human αA-crystallin by nanochaperone gold nanoparticles: Multispectroscopic studies on their molecular interactions Spectrochim Acta A 279, 121344 (Elsevier) SCI
2023 S Sharma, Chayawan, A Jayaraman, J Debnath, KS Ghosh Highly Selective Aminopyrazine‐Based Colorimetric Probe for “Naked‐Eye” Detection of Al3+: Experimental, Computational Studies and Applications in Molecular Logic Circuits ChemistrySelect 8 (2), e202203695 (Wiley) SCI
2023 A Sharma, D Kesamsetty, J Debnath, KS Ghosh Inhibition of lysozyme amyloid fibrillation by curcumin-conjugated silver nanoparticles: A multispectroscopic molecular level study J. Mol. Liq. 372, 121156 (Elsevier) SCI
2023 S Sharma, J Debnath, KS Ghosh 2-Hydroxy-naphthalene hydrazone based dual-functional chemosensor for ultrasensitive colorimetric detection of Cu2+ and highly selective fluorescence sensing and bioimaging of Al3+ Methods 217, 27-35 (Elsevier) SCI
2023 A Sharma, KS Ghosh Inhibition of Amyloid Fibrillation of Bovine Serum Albumin by Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles BioNanoScience 13 (3), 1243-1249 (Springer) SCI
2023 S Sharma, A Jayaraman, J Debnath, KS Ghosh A highly selective 2-hydroxybenzhydrazone based dual sensor for Cu2+ and Fe2+ ions: Spectroscopic, computational, cell imaging studies and logic gate construction J. Mol. Struct. 287, 135683 (Elsevier) SCI
2023 S Sharma, A Jayaraman, J Debnath, KS Ghosh 2-Hydroxy-naphthalene hydrazone based dual-functional chemosensor for ultrasensitive colorimetric detection of Cu2+ and highly selective fluorescence sensing and bioimaging of Al3+ J. Photochem. Photobiol. A 437, 114408 (Elsevier) SCI
2024 Sushma, S Sharma, KS Ghosh Applications of Functionalized Carbon-Based Quantum Dots in Fluorescence Sensing of Iron (III) Journal of Fluorescence, 1-18 (Springer) SCI
2024 Sushma, S Sharma, KS Ghosh Fluorescence chemosensing and bioimaging of metal ions using schiff base probes working through photo-induced electron transfer (PET) Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 1-32 (Taylor & Francis) SCI
2021 Katam Nishanth, BS Rajanikanth "Plasma Catalysis of Diesel Exhaust for NOX Abatement: A Feasibility Study With Red Mud Industrial Waste"; 10.1109/TPS.2021.3092338 Electronic ISSN: 1939-9375 IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science SCI
2021 Katam Nishanth, BS Rajanikanth "Red Mud Packed Surface Discharge Reactor for Nox/THC Removal: Exploring Plasma Catalysis of Diesel Exhaust", 10.1007/s11090-021-10191-6 Electronic ISSN 1572-8986 Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing SCI
2021 Katam Nishanth, BS Rajanikanth "Plasma catalysis of diesel exhaust for NOXremoval: a case study with industrial wastes", 10.1080/00207233.2021.1971463 Online ISSN: 1029-0400 International Journal of Environmental Studies SCOPUS
2019 K Mahajan, NR Velaga, A Kumar, A Choudhary, P Choudhary Effects of driver work-rest patterns, lifestyle and payment incentives on long-haul truck driver sleepiness, Vol 60 Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 4.914
2020 K Mahajan, NR Velaga, Effects of partial sleep deprivation on braking response of drivers in hazard scenarios; Vol 142 Accident Analysis & Prevention 5.9
2024 K Mahajan, SSB Masud, A Kondyli Navigating the landscape of automated truck platooning: A systematic review on stakeholder perspectives, employment implications, and regulatory challenges, Vol. 23 Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 6.3
2016 Krishan Kumar, Arun Prakash, Rajeev Tripathi Spectrum Handoff in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Classification and Comprehensive Survey Journal of Network and Computer Applications (By Elsevier Publication) SCI [Impact Factor: 8.7]
2017 Krishan Kumar, Ganesh Prasad Mishra, Arun Prakash, Rajeev Tripathi A proactive spectrum handoff scheme with efficient spectrum utilization for cognitive radio ad hoc networks International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (By Inderscience Publication) Emerging SCI and Scopus
2019 Mani Shekhar Gupta, Krishan Kumar Progression on spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks: A survey, classification, challenges and future research issues Journal of Network and Computer Applications (By Elsevier Publication) SCI [Impact Factor: 8.7]
2017 Krishan Kumar, Arun Prakash, Rajeev Tripathi Spectrum handoff scheme with multiple attributes decision making for optimal network selection in cognitive radio networks Digital Communications and Networks (By Elsevier & KeAi Publication) SCI [Impact Factor: 7.9]
2020 Amandeep Kaur, Krishan Kumar A comprehensive survey on machine learning approaches for dynamic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (By Taylor & Francis Publication) SCI [Impact Factor: 2.85]
2020 Ashok Kumar, Krishan Kumar Relay sharing with DF and AF techniques in NOMA assisted Cognitive Radio Networks Physical Communication ( By Elsevier Publication) SCI [Impact Factor: 2.2]
2017 Krishan Kumar, Arun Prakash, Rajeev Tripathi A Spectrum Handoff Scheme for Optimal Network Selection in Cognitive Radio Vehicular Networks: A Game Theoretic Auction Theory Approach Physical Communication ( By Elsevier Publication) SCI [Impact Factor: 2.2]
2017 Krishan Kumar, Arun Prakash, Rajeev Tripathi A Spectrum Handoff Scheme for Optimal Network Selection in NEMO based Cognitive Radio Vehicular Networks Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (By joint Wiley and Hindawi Publishing Corporation) SCI [Impact Factor: 2.336]
2017 Krishan Kumar, Arun Prakash, Rajeev Tripathi Context Aware Spectrum Handoff Scheme in Cognitive Radio Vehicular Networks International Journal of Adhoc and Ubiquitous Computing (By Inderscience Publication) SCI [Impact Factor: 0,613]
2020 Mani Shekhar Gupta, Krishan Kumar Application Aware Networks’ Resource Selection Decision Making Technique using Group Mobility in Vehicular Cognitive Radio Networks Vehicular Communications ( By Elsevier Publication) SCI [Impact Factor: 6.91]
2020 Monish Bhatia, Krishan Kumar Network selection in Cognitive Radio Enabled Wireless Body Area Networks Digital Communications and Networks (By KeAi Publication, available on sciencedirect) SCI [Impact Factor: 7.9]
2020 Ashok Kumar, Krishan Kumar Multiple access schemes for Cognitive Radio networks: A survey Physical Communication ( By Elsevier Publication) SCI [Impact Factor: 2.2]
2020 Amandeep Kaur, Krishan Kumar A Reinforcement Learning based evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithm for spectrum allocation in Cognitive Radio networks Physical Communication ( By Elsevier Publication) SCI [Impact Factor: 2.2]
2020 Amandeep Kaur, Krishan Kumar Intelligent spectrum management based on reinforcement learning schemes in cooperative cognitive radio networks Physical Communication ( By Elsevier Publication) SCI [Impact Factor: 2.2]
2018 Krishan Kumar A Spectrum Handoff Scheme for Optimal Network Selection in NEMO based Cognitive Radio Vehicular Networks: A Cost Function MADM Method based on Grey Theory based Approach Procedia Computer Science ( By Elsevier Publication) Scopus
2018 Krishan Kumar, Ranjan Kumar Gupta Signal to Noise Ratio Based Wi-Fi Offloading Decision Algorithm in Vehicular Networks Procedia Computer Science ( By Elsevier Publication) Scopus
2021 Nidhi Sharma, Krishan Kumar Resource allocation trends for ultra dense networks in 5G and beyond networks: A classification and comprehensive survey Physical Communication ( By Elsevier Publication) SCI [Impact Factor: 2.2]
2020 Amandeep Kaur, Krishan Kumar Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation Radio Networks Under Cooperative Multi-Agent Model-Free Reinforcement Learning Schemes IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management SCI Indexed [Impact Factor = 5.91]
2021 Amandeep Kaur, Krishan Kumar Imperfect CSI based Intelligent Dynamic Spectrum Management using Cooperative Reinforcement Learning Framework in Cognitive Radio Networks IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing SCI Indexed [Impact Factor = 7.9]
2022 Mani Shekhar Gupta, Krishan Kumar AFSOS: An Auction Framework and Stackelberg Game oriented Optimal Network’s Resource Selection Technique in Cognitive Radio Networks IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management SCI Indexed [Impact Factor = 5.91]
2021 Ashok Kumar, Krishan Kumar A Game Theory based Hybrid NOMA for Efficient Resource Optimization in Cognitive Radio Networks IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. SCI Indexed [Impact Factor = 5.213]
2021 Mani Shekhar Gupta, Krishan Kumar Group Mobility Assisted Network Selection Framework in 5G Vehicular Cognitive Radio Networks   Physical Communication ( By Elsevier Publication) SCI [Impact Factor: 2.2]
2022 Amandeep Kaur, Krishan Kumar A Reinforcement Learning based Green Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Services in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management SCI Indexed [Impact Factor = 5.91]
2024 Nidhi Sharma, Krishan Kumar Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm for Resource Allocation using Deep Neural Network in Ultra-Dense Networks IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management SCI Indexed [Impact Factor = 5.91]
2023 Amandeep Kaur,Jaismin Thakur, Mukul Thakur, Krishan Kumar, Arun Prakash, Rajeev Tripathi Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning-Based Distributed Dynamic Spectrum Access in Multichannel Wireless Networks With Imperfect Feedback IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking SCI Indexed [Impact Factor = 8.6]
2023 Amandeep Kaur, Krishan Kumar, Arun Praksah, Rajeev Tripathi Imperfect CSI based Resource Management in Cognitive IoT Networks: A Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Framework IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking SCI Indexed [Impact Factor = 8.6]
2022 Ashok Kumar, Krishan Kumar Deep Learning-Based Joint NOMA Signal Detection and Power Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking SCI Indexed [Impact Factor = 8.6]
2022 Nidhi Sharma, Krishan Kumar Energy Efficient Clustering and Resource Allocation Strategy for Ultra-Dense Networks: A Machine Learning Framework IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management SCI Indexed [Impact Factor = 5.91]
1997 K. K. Sharma and R. C. Verma SU(3) flavor analysis of two-body weak decays of charmed baryons, Vol 55, 7067-7074. Physical Review D SCI
1997 K. K. Sharma, A. C. Katoch and R. C. Verma Nonfactorizable contributions to weak D-->PV decays, 75, 253-264 Z. Phys. C SCI
1997 K. K. Sharma, A. C. Katoch and R. C. Verma Nonfactorizable contributions to charm meson (D--> PP) decays,76, 311-318 Z. Phys. C SCI
1999 K. K. Sharma and R. C. Verma A study of weak mesonic decays of Lambda C and Cascade C baryons on the basis of HQET results, 7, 217-224 Eur. Phys. J. C SCI
1999 K. K. Sharma and R. C. Verma Rare decays of ? and Upsilon 14, 937-945 Int. J. Mod. Phys. A SCI
1999 K. K. Sharma and A. C. Katoch An isospin analysis of nonfactorizable contributions to hadronic decays of bottom mesons, 14, 1841-1853 Mod. Phys. Letts. A SCI
1999 K. K. Sharma, R. C. Verma and A. Sharma A QbarQ-potential extracted from quarkonium spectroscopic data, 37, 75-86 Ind. J. of Pure & Applied Phys SCI
1997 A. C. Katoch , K. K. Sharma and R. C. Verma Isospin analysis of nonfactorizable contributions to hadronic decays of charm mesons, 23, 807-822 J. Phys. G : Nucl. Part SCI
1997 A.C. Katoch and K. K. Sharma Nonfactorizable contributions to hadronic decays of charm mesons in the Cabibbo- suppressed modes, 75, 651-656 Z. Phys. C SCI
2008 A. C. Katoch and K. K. Sharma CKM-favored and -suppressed B^- and B^0bar meson decays to a pseudoscalar and a tensor meson, 46, 685-694 Ind. J. of Pure & Applied Phys SCI
2009 J. N. Sharma, N. K. Sharma and K. K. Sharma Disturbance due to thermal and mass load in generalized elasto-thermodiffusive solids, 30, 1697-1723 International Journal of Thermo Physics SCI
2010 J. N. Sharma, K. K. Sharma and Ashwani Kumar Surface waves in a piezoelectric-semiconductor composite structure, 47, 816-826 International Journal of Solids and Structures, SCI
2010 J. N. Sharma, N. K. Sharma and K. K. Sharma Transient Waves Due to Mechanical Loads in Elasto-thermo-diffusive Solids, 03, 87-108 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, SCI
2011 Hardeep Thakur, P. Thakur, Ravi Kumar, N. B. Brookes, K. K. Sharma, A. P. Singh, Yogesh Kumar, S. Gautam and K. H. Chae Irradiation induced ferromagnetism at room temperature in TiO2 thin films: x-ray magnetic circular dichroism characterizations, 98, 192512 Applied Physics Letters SCI
2011 Hardeep Thakur, P. Thakur, Ravi Kumar, N. B. Brookes, K K Sharma, Abhinav Pratap Singh, Yogesh Kumar, S. Gautam and K. H. Chae Orbital anisotropy in SnO2 thin films and its modification by swift heavy ion irradiation 511, 322-325 Chemical Physics Letters SCI
2011 J. N. Sharma, K. K. Sharma and Ashwani Kumar Modelling of acousto-diffusive surface waves in piezoelectric-semiconductor composite structures, 6, 791-812 Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures SCI
2011 J. N. Sharma, K. K. Sharma and Ashwani Kumar Acosto-diffusive waves in a piezoelectric-semiconductor-piezoelectric sandwich structure, 1, 247-255 World Journal of Mechanics SCI
2011 Hardeep Thakur, Ravi Kumar, P. Thakur, N. B. Brookes, K. K. Sharma, Abhinav Pratap Singh, Yogesh Kumar, S. Gautam, and K. H. Chae Modifications in structural and electronic properties of TiO2 thin films using swift heavy ion Irradiation, 110, 083718 Journal of Applied Physics SCI
2011 J. N. Sharma, K. K. Sharma and Ashwani Kumar Surface wave characteristics at the interface of welded elastic half spaces, 01, 01-08 Open Journal of Acoustics SCI
2012 Hardeep Thakur, K K Sharma, Ravi Kumar, P. Thakur, Yogesh Kumar, Abhinav Pratap Singh, S. Gautam and K. H. Chae, On the optical properties of Ag Ag+15 ion beam irradiated TiO2 and SnO2 thin films, 61, 10, 1609 Journal of Korean Physical Society SCI
2012 K K Sharma and A. C. Katoch Nonfactorizable Contributions to Weak D??? Decay Modes, 6(12), 1635-1638 International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, SCI
2013 J. N. Sharma, Nisha Kumari and K. K. Sharma Diffusion in generalized thermoelastic solid in an infinite body with a cylindrical cavity, 54, No. 5, pp. 819–831 Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics SCI
2014 Minaxi Sharma, K.K. Sharma, Ravi Kumar, and R.J. Choudhary Electrical and magneto-transport properties of ferromagnet/superconductor/ ferromagnet based Heterostructure,497, 30-33 Physica C 497, 30-33 SCI
2014 Rabia Pandit, K. K. Sharma, Pawanpreet Kaur, R.K. Kotnala, Jyoti Shah, Ravi Kumar Effect of Al3+substitution on structural, cation distribution, electrical and magnetic properties of CoFe2O4 Rabia Pandit, K. K. Sharma, Pawanpreet Kaur, R.K. Kotnala, Jyoti Shah, Ravi Kumar, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 75, 558-569 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids SCI
2014 Minaxi Sharma, Pankaj K. Pandey, K. K. Sharma, Ravi Kumar, R. J. Choudhary, D. Venkateshwarlu,and V. Ganesan Effect of superconducting spacer layer thickness on magneto-transport and magnetic properties of La0.7 Sr0.3MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7/La0.7 Sr0.3 MnO3 heterostructures,115, 013901 Journal of Applied Physics SCI
2014 Rabia Pandit, K. K. Sharma, Pawanpreet Kaur, V.R. Reddy, Ravi Kumar, Jyoti Shah Spin canting observation and cation distribution in CoFe2-x Inx O4 (0.0?x?1.0) ferrites through low temperature-high field M?ssbauer spectral study, 596, 39-47 Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2014 Pawanpreet Kaur, K. K. Sharma, Rabia Pandit, R. J. Choudhary, and Ravi Kumar Structural, electrical, and magnetic properties of SrRuO3 thin films, 104, 081608 Applied Physics Letters SCI
2014 Pawanpreet Kaur, K. K. Sharma, Rabia Pandit, Ravi Kumar, R. K. Kotnala and Jyoti Shah Temperature dependent dielectric and magnetic properties of GdFe1-xNix O3 (0.0???x???0.3) Orthoferrites, 115, 224102 Journal of Applied Physics SCI
2014 Joginder Paul, Sumit Bhardwaj, K. K. Sharma, R. K. Kotnala and Ravi Kumar, Room temperature multiferroic properties and magnetoelectric coupling in Sm and Ni substituted Bi4-x Smx Ti3-x Nix O12±? (x?=?0, 0.02, 0.05, 0.07) ceramics, 115, 204909 Journal of Applied Physics SCI
2014 Joginder Paul, Sumit Bhardwaj, K. K. Sharma, R. K. Kotnala and Ravi Kumar Room-temperature multiferroic properties and magnetoelectric coupling in Bi4-x Smx Ti3-x CoxO12-? ceramics, 49, 6056 Journal of Material Science SCI
2014 Rabia Pandit, K. K. Sharma, Pawanpreet Kaur and Ravi Kumar Cation distribution controlled dielectric, electrical and magnetic behavior of In3+ substituted cobalt ferrites synthesized via solid-state reaction technique,148, 988-999 Materials Chemistry and Physics SCI
2014 Minaxi Sharma, K. K. Sharma, Rohan Choudhary, Ravi Kumar Superconductivity suppression in YBa2Cu3O7-?/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 bilayer films, 116, 233905 Journal of Applied Physics SCI
2015 Joginder Paul, Sumit Bhardwaj, K. K. Sharma, R. K. Kotnala, and Ravi Kumar Room temperature multiferroic behaviour and magnetoelectric coupling in Sm/Fe modified Bi4Ti3O12 ceramics synthesized by solid state reaction method,” 634, 58-64 Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2016 Pawanpreet Kaur, K. K. Sharma, Rabia Pandit, R. J. Choudhary, Ravi Kumar, Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on structural and magnetic properties of GdFe1-xNixO3(x ? 0.2) thin films”, 398, 220-229 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials SCI
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2018 Rabia Pandit, K.K Sharma, Pawanpreet Kaur, Mohd. Hashim, Ravi Kumar Investigation of Room Temperature MÖssbauer Spectroscopic and Initial Permeability Properties Al3+ Substituted Cobalt Ferrites, 08, 1840005 (1-8) SPIN SCI
2018 A. Kumar, K K Sharma, S. Chand, and Ashwani Kumar Investigation of barrier inhomogeneities in I-V and C-V characteristics of Ni/ n –TiO 2 / p –Si/Al heterostructure in wide temperature range, 122, 304-315 Super Lattices and Microstructures SCI
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2022 A. Kumar, Ashwani Kumar, K. K. Sharma Investigation of Dielectric Properties of Ni/n-TiO2/p-Si/Al Heterojunction in Wide Range of Temperature and Voltage, Vol. 36, No.4, 698-705. International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A : Basics ESCI
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2024 Rajat, Priyanka Sharma, Rahul Goel, Arun Kumar Singh, O. P. Thakur, K. K. Sharma and S. Kumar Modified process engineering at morphotropicphase boundary for enhanced grain sizeand piezoelectric response in lead free BZT‑BCT, Vol 35, 1976 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics SCOPUS
2024 Nitesh Dogra, Sunil SIngh Kushvaha, K. K. Sharma and Sandeep Sharma Phase engineered MoSe2/MoO3 composite with improved hydrogen evolution reaction, Vol 7, 13, 5338 ACS Applied Energy Materials Web of Science
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2018 K Borse, R Sharma, D Gupta, A Yella Interface engineering through electron transport layer modification for high efficiency organic solar cells, RSC Advances 8 (11), 5984- 5991, 2018 RSC Advances Y
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2017 R Sharma, H Lee, K Borse, V Gupta, AG Joshi, S Yoo, D Gupta Ga-doped ZnO as an electron transport layer for PffBT4T-2OD: PCBM organic solar cells, Organic Electronics 43, 207- 213, 2017 Organic Electronics Y
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2023 Singh, M., Jain, V. K., Ramkumar, J. Numerical Simulation and Experimentation to Investigate the Performance of Powder Mixed Dielectric in Electric Discharge Micromachining, 238 (1-2), 286-301 Proc IMechE Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture SCI
2022 Singh, M., Tripathi, P., Ramkumar, J. Enhancing the Hydrophobicity of Ti-6Al-4V through Multi-level Electrical Discharge Texturing, 38 (6) Surface Engineering SCI
2022 Singh, M., Tripathi, P., Ramkumar, J. Electrical Discharge Micro-texturing using Compound Tool Electrodes for Tribological and Wettability Applications, , 38 (4) Surface Engineering SCI
2022 Singh, M., Jain, V. K., Ramkumar, J. 3-D Fabrication using Electrical Discharge-Milling: An Overview, 37(11) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCI
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2024 Dwivedi, A., Singh, M., Ramkumar, J., Gangolu, S., Influence of Soaking Time on Microstructural, Machinability, and Mechanical Properties of Al-10Si-0.3Mg Alloy Fabricated by Direct Powder Forging Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance SCI
2024 Gupta G. A.*, Singh M.*, Ramkumar, J., Gupta, T., Patil, S. * Equal contributions Comprehensive Analysis of Heavy Metal Aerosol Emissions and Health Risk from the Electrical Discharge Machining Process: A control and Mitigation Approach for Green Manufacturing International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology SCI
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2022 R. Kumari, M.Angira FEM Simulation and Material Selection for Enhancing the Performance of RF-MEMS Capacitive Switch Journal of Computational Electronics SCIE
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2021 Malik, P., Awasthi, M., & Sinha, S. Biomass-based gaseous fuel for hybrid renewable energy systems: an overview and future research opportunities. Int J Energy Res. 2020;1–31. (SCI Indexed), Impact factor:3.741 International Journal of Energy Research, Wiley SCI
2021 Malik, P., Awasthi, M., & Sinha, S. Techno-economic analysis of decentralized biomass energy system and CO2 reduction in the Himalayan region, IF:1.87 International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Springer SCI
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2021 M Dhiman, R Gupta, KA Reddy Drag on Janus Sphere in a channel: effect of particle position ASME-Journal of Fluids Engineering SCI
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2018 Ashutosh Bhadoria, Vikram Kumar Kamboj, Manisha Sharma and S.K. Bath “ A Solution to Non-convex/ Convex and Dynamic Economic Load Dispatch Problem Using Moth Flame Optimizer”, volume 3, Issue 2, pp 65-86. INAE Letters, Springer --
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2015 Manisha Sharma, Manjaree Pandit and Laxmi Srivastava Environmental Economic Dispatch in multi-area power system employing improved differential evolution with fuzzy selection”, vol.28,pp.498-510. Applied soft computing, Elsevier Science SCI
2014 Manjaree Pandit, Laxmi Srivastava, Manisha Sharma, Hari Mohan Dubey, Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi Large-scale multi-zone optimal power dispatch using hybrid hierarchical evolution technique”, pp 10,DOI:10.1049/joe.2013.0262, online ISSN 2051-3305. The Journal of Engineering , IET Scopus
2011 Manisha Sharma, Manjaree Pandit and Laxmi Srivastava “Reserve Constrained Multi-Area Economic Dispatch Employing Differential Evolution with Time-Varying Mutation ” ,vol.33, pp 753-766. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (IJEPES), Elsevier Science SCI
2010 Manisha Sharma, Manjaree Pandit and Laxmi Srivastava “Particle Swarm Optimization Based Approaches for Large Scale Multi-area Power Dispatch”, vol.2, no.1,pp.63-73. International journal on power system optimization and control --
2011 Manisha Sharma, Manjaree Pandit and Laxmi Srivastava “Multi-Area Economic Dispatch with Tie-Line Constraints Employing Evolutionary Approach”, Vol.2,no.3, pp132-149. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), (Special Issue on Application of Computational Intelligence in Emerging Power Systems) --
2010 Manisha Sharma and Manjaree Pandit Reserve Constrained Multi-Area Economic Dispatch Employing Evolutionary Approach” ,vol.1, no.3 , pp 49-69. International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computing (IJAEC) ---
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2014 Manoj Kumar Nigam and Manisha Sharma “Distributed Generation and its Impacts on Modern Power System”, India, 2014. International journal JITSPT in RKDF university Bhopal --
2014 Manisha Sharma, Manjaree Pandit “Distributed Power Generation Option for Rural Area”, India, 2014. International journal JITSPT in RKDF university Bhopal ---
2014 Ritesh Sadiwala and Manisha Sharma “SECURITY THREATS OF VOIP” , India, 2014. International journal JITSPT in RKDF university Bhopal --
2017 Priyanka Raichand and Manisha Shrama “Whale Algorithm for Constrained Numerical Optimization” , vol. 9, issue.1, PP. 30-36. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology (IJAST) --
2018 Manoj Kumar Sinha, Rajeshkumar Madarkar, Sudarsan Ghosh, Venkateswara Rao Paruchuri Some investigations in grindability improvement of Inconel 718 under ecological grinding Journal of Engineering Manufacture (Part B) SCI
2017 Manoj Kumar Sinha, Sudarsan Ghosh, Venkateswara Rao Paruchuri Modelling of specific grinding energy for Inconel 718 superalloy Journal of Engineering Manufacture (Part B) SCI
2017 Manoj Kumar Sinha, Rajeshkumar Madarkar, Sudarsan Ghosh, P. Venkateswara Rao Application of Eco-Friendly Nanofluids during Grinding of Inconel 718 through Small Quantity Lubrication, Vol.141 Journal of Cleaner Production SCI
2016 Manoj Kumar Sinha, Dinesh Setti, Sudarsan Ghosh, P. Venkateswara Rao, An investigation on surface burn during grinding of Inconel 718, Vol. 21 Journal of Manufacturing Processes SCI
2015 Dinesh Setti, Manoj Kumar Sinha, Sudarsan Ghosh, P. Venkateswara Rao Performance evaluation of Ti–6Al–4V grinding using chip formation and coefficient of friction under the influence of nanofluids, Vol. 88 International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture SCI
2016 Manoj Kumar Sinha, Dinesh Setti, Sudarsan Ghosh, P. Venkateswara Rao An alternate method for optimization of Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) parameters in surface grinding, Vol. 18 International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials Scopus
2009 Manoj Kumar Sinha, S. Deb, R. Das, U. S. Dixit Theoretical and experimental investigations on multi-hole extrusion process, Vol. 30 Materials and Design SCI
2008 Manoj Kumar Sinha, S. Deb, U. S. Dixit Design of a multi-hole extrusion process, Vol. 30 Materials and Design SCI
2020 A.Singh, Manoj Kumar Sinha Multi-Response Optimization during Dry Turning of Bio-implant Steel (AISI 316L) Using Coated Carbide Inserts Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering SCI
2020 A. Singh, J. Singh, Manoj Kumar Sinha, R. Kumar, V. Verma Investigations on microstructural and microhardness developments in sintered iron–coal fly ash composites, , Vol. 45 Sādhanā SCI
2014 Dinesh Setti, Manoj Kumar Sinha, Sudarsan Ghosh, P. Venkateswara Rao An investigation into the application of Al2O3 nanofluid-based minimum quantity lubrication technique for grinding of Ti-6Al-4V, Vol. 4 International Journal of Precision Technology -
2017 First Translating Kabir: Textualizations, Interpretations and Appropriations in the Colonial Context, 6(1) Drishti: The Sight UGC CARE
2018 First Munshi Premchand in Translation: A Case Study of Satyajit Ray's Telefilm 'Sadgati', 3(1) Caesurae: Poetics of Cultural Translation UGC CARE
2019 First Early 19th Century Translations in Hindustani/Hindi/Urdu and the Question of 'National Language', 13(1) Translation Today UGC CARE
2021 Second Disability and Mental Health: Reflections on Contemporary Hindi Cinema Media Watch Scopus & UGC CARE
2021 First Early Nineteenth Century Hindi /Urdu/ Hindustani Translations and the Politics of Emerging Linguistic Categories Translation Studies (Taylor & Francis) Scopus & SSCI
2022 First Intruders Caesurae: Poetics of Cultural Translation UGC CARE
2024 Second Enduring Places and Excavating Memories: Biographical Narratives of Delhi in Malvika Singh’s Perpetual City (2013) Life Writing (Taylor & Francis) Scopus, SSCI & AHCI
2019 Manoj Sharma and 56 other authors Trust and Power as Determinants of Tax Compliance across 44 Nations; Vol. 74(2019) 102191 Economic Psychology Scopus
2019 Manoj Sharma & Ritu Rana Dynamic Causality Testing for EKC Hypothesis, Pollution Haven Hypothesis and International Trade in India; Vol. 28(3) The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development Scopus, ABDC
2019 Manoj Sharma & Ritu Rana Electricity Generation and Environment: the Causal Linkages Prevailing in India; 16(2019) WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS Scopus, ABDC
2017 Manoj Sharma & Rahul Dhiman Export Competitiveness of Indian Textile Industry: Revealed Comparative Advantage Analysis; 15(9) International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research Scopus
2019 Manoj Sharma & Rahul Dhiman Relation between Labour Productivity and Export Competitiveness of Indian Textile Industry: Cointegration and Causality Approach; Vol. 23(1) Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective Scopus
2020 Manoj Sharma & Ritu Rana Dynamic causality among FDI, economic growth and CO2 emissions in India: with open markets and Technology gap; Vol. 11(3) International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management Scopus
2017 Manoj Sharma & Rahul Dhiman Productivity Trends and Determinants of Indian Textile Industry: A Disaggregated Analysis; Vol. 15 (22P2) International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research Scopus
2018 Manoj Sharma & Vinod Kumar Apple Farming in Himachal Pradesh: An Assessment of Marketing Problems of Apple Growers; Vol. V(2) Administrative Development UGC CARE
2006 Manoj Sharma & R. K. Kaundal Agricultural Exports of India in the New Economic Environment; Vol. XLI (2) Foreign Trade Review UGC CARE
2019 Manoj sharma Volatility in Apple Production and Productivity in Himachal Pradesh: An Empirical Analysis; Vol. VI(1) Administrative Development UGC CARE
2019 Manoj Sharma & Ritu Rana International trade, foreign direct investment, economic growth and CO2 emissions: a study of India Vol. 20 (1) Interdisciplinary Environmental Review ABDC
2019 Manoj Sharma, Ravinder Kumar & Rajeev Bansal Drinking Water and Sanitation facilities in Schools of Himachal Pradesh: A Study of Hamirpur District; Vol VI(2) Administrative Development UGC CARE
2015 Manoj Sharma & Rahul Dhiman Determinants Affecting Indian Textile Exports: A Review; Vol. 6(2) Biz and Bytes A Journal of Management & Technology Peer Reviewed
2010 Manoj Sharma & R K Koundal Agricultural Exports of India: An Analysis of Growth and Instability; Vol. XIC (360) Indian Journal of Economics UGC CARE
2015 Manoj Sharma An Assessment of Land Utilization and Farm Size in Himachal Pradesh; Vol. 2(5) International Journal of Management and Social Development Peer Reviewed
2015 Manoj Sharma Indo-Canadian Trade relations in post reforms Era; Vol. 4(2) International Journal of Management and Development Studies Peer Reviewed
2013 Manoj Sharma Changing Cropping Pattern and Farm Harvest Prices: A Study of Himachal Pradesh; Vol. 5 (2) Kegees Journal of Social Science Peer Reviewed
2012 Manoj Sharma & Ram Lal Bhardwaj Economic Analysis of Off-Season Vegetable Marketing in Himachal Pradesh: A Study of Peas and Tomato; Vol. 2(1) Commerce and Management Explorer Peer Reviewed
2011 Manoj Sharma & Rajneesh Kumar Sharma Rural Banking in Himachal Pradesh: A Comparative Study of Himachal Gramin Bank and Parvatiya Gramin Bank; Vol. 20 (1&2) Political Economy Journal of India Peer Reviewed
2012 Manoj Sharma & Ram Lal Bhardwaj Agriculture Situation in Himachal Pradesh: A Study of Maize Cultivation; Vol. 4 (1) Kegees Journal of Social Science Peer Reviewed
2011 Manoj Sharma, Vinod Kumar & L R Verma Rural Poverty Alleviation Programmes: A Study of Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana in Himachal Pradesh; Vol. 20(3) Political Economy Journal of India Peer Reviewed
2010 Manoj Sharma & Sikander Kumar Foreign Investment in India in New Economic Environment; Vol. XXVII Anusilana Peer Reviewed
2011 Manoj Sharma, Sapna K Sharma & Vinod Kumar Economic Transition in the Economy of Himachal Pradesh since Economic Reforms; Vol. 1(1) Commerce and Management Explorer Peer Reviewed
2018 Manoj Sharma & Vinod Kumar Apple farming in Himachal Pradesh : Identification and examination of production problem of Apple Growers; Vol. 8(1) Himachal Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences Peer Reviewed
2010 Manoj Sharma, Sikander Kumar & Rajneesh Kumar Sharma Impact of Globalisation on Farm Harvest Prices: A Case Study of Himachal Pradesh; Vol. XXVIII Anusilana Peer Reviewed
2011 Rohit Sharma and Manoranjan Rai Bharti Adaptive Resource Allocation with Proportional Rate Constraints for OFDMA Based Next Generation Networks, No.10, pp. 40-43. IJCA Special Issue on Communication and Networks comnetcn (1) Google Scholar, ProQuest, ISSN: 0975 – 8887
2012 Rohit Sharma, Manoranjan Rai Bharti and Kamal Singh Fairness based improved subcarrier allocation algorithms for OFDMA based next generation networks, Vol. 47, No.7, pp. 41-45. International Journal of Computer Applications Google Scholar, ProQuest, ISSN: 0975 – 8887
2013 Sandeep Kumar Jain, Manoranjan Rai Bharti and Amardip Kumar Distance based an Efficient Transmit Power Control Scheme in Cognitive Radio System with Multiple Antennas, Vol. No. 72, No. 21, pp. 32-37. International Journal of Computer Applications Google Scholar, ProQuest, ISSN: 0975 – 8887
2013 Amardip Kumar, Manoranjan Rai Bharti and Sandeep Kumar Jain An Adaptive and Efficient Local Spectrum Sensing Scheme in Cognitive Radio Networks, Vol. No. 72, No. 23, pp. 38-45. International Journal of Computer Applications Google Scholar, ProQuest, ISSN: 0975 – 8887
2014 Anil Kumar and Manoranjan Rai Bharti An LP based fair subcarrier allocation algorithm for cooperative OFDMA systems with grouped users, Vol. No. 96, No. 9, pp. 36-41 International Journal of Computer Applications Google Scholar, ProQuest, ISSN: 0975 – 8887
2017 Manoranjan Rai Bharti and Debashis Ghosh Spectrum efficient power allocation schemes for OFDM cognitive radio with statistical interference constraints, Vol. No. 24, pp. 169-181. Physical Communication (Elsevier) SCI and Scopus, ISSN: 1874-4907
2018 Manoranjan Rai Bharti and Debashis Ghosh Power allocation for multiuser precoded OFDM cognitive radio, Vol. No. 30, pp. 193-203. Physical Communication (Elsevier) SCI and Scopus, ISSN: 1874-4907
2022 Tanuja Dogra and Manoranjan Rai Bharti User pairing and power allocation strategies for downlink NOMA-based VLC systems: An overview, Vol. 149, 154184. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Elsevier) SCI, Web of Science, and Scopus, ISSN: 1434-8411
2023 Anushka Srivastava and Manoranjan Rai Bharti Hybrid Machine Learning Model for Anomaly Detection in Unlabelled Data of Wireless Sensor Networks, Vol. 129, pp. 2693–2710. Wireless Personal Communications (Springer) SCI and Scopus, ISSN: 0929-6212
2023 Parmila Devi and Manoranjan Rai Bharti Physical layer security for IoT over Nakagami-m and mixed Rayleigh–Nakagami-m fading channels, Vol. 29, pp. 3479–3491. Wireless Networks (Springer) SCI and Scopus, ISSN: 1022-0038
2023 Ishmit Bamel, Parmila Devi and Manoranjan Rai Bharti Physical Layer Security for MIMO Wireless System Using MRC over Rayleigh Fading Channels, Vol. 4, Article Number 529. SN Computer Science (Springer) Scopus, ISSN: 2661-8907
2024 Tanuja Dogra and Manoranjan Rai Bharti A Clustering-based User Pairing Scheme for Downlink 3D Non-orthogonal Multiple Access-based Visible Light Communication Systems, Vol. 37, Issue 7, e5717. International Journal of Communication Systems (Wiley) SCI, Web of Science, and Scopus, ISSN:1074-5351
2025 Tanuja Dogra and Manoranjan Rai Bharti An Improved Power Allocation Scheme for Downlink NOMA‐Based MIMO Visible Light Communication Systems, Vol. 38, Issue 4, e6135. International Journal of Communication Systems (Wiley) SCI, Web of Science, and Scopus, ISSN:1074-5351
2025 Parmila Devi and Manoranjan Rai Bharti Enhancing the physical layer security in IoT over mixed Rayleigh-Nakagami-m fading channels with untrustworthy relays, Annals of Telecommunications (Springer) SCI and Scopus, ISSN: 0003-4347
2025 Parmila Devi, Manoranjan Rai Bharti and Dikshant Gautam A Survey on Physical Layer Security for 5G/6G Communications over Different Fading Channels: Approaches, Challenges, and Future Directions, Vol.53, 100891. Vehicular Communications (Elsevier) SCI and Scopus, ISSN: 2214-2096
2024 Meghna Sharma Potential of Bio-mediated Calcite Precipitation Methods for Heavy Metal Immobilization and Strength Enhancement of Contaminated Soils Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer (Q2) SCI
2023 Tanmoy Das, Meghna Sharma, Deepankar Choudhury Bearing Capacity and Liquefaction Assessment of Shallow Foundations Resting on Vibro-stone Column Densified Soil in Vallur Oil Terminal, India, 53 (6), 1392-1413, 2023, DOI: 10.1007/s40098-023-00758-9. (Impact Factor – 1.4) Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer (Q2) SCI
2022 Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam, Krishna R. Reddy Large-scale spatial characterization and liquefaction resistance of sand by hybrid bacteria induced biocementation, 302C, 106635, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2022.106635. (Impact Factor – 7.4) Engineering Geology, Elsevier (Q1) SCI
2022 Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam, Krishna R. Reddy, Maria Chrysochoou Multiple heavy metal immobilization and strength improvement of contaminated soil using bio-mediated calcite precipitation technique, 29, 51827-51846, 2022, DOI:10.1007/s11356-022-19551-x. (Impact Factor- 5.8) Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer (Q1) SCI
2022 5. Monika Dagliya, Neelima Satyam, Meghna Sharma, Ankit Garg Experimental study on mitigating wind erosion of calcareous desert sand using spray method for MICP, 14, 5, 1556-1567, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.jrmge.2021.12.008 (Impact Factor – 7.3) Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Elsevier (Q1) SCI
2022 Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam, Krishna R. Reddy Liquefaction resistance of biotreated sand before and after exposing to weathering conditions, 52, 2, 328-340, 2022, DOI: 10.1007/s40098-021-00576-x (Impact Factor – 1.4) Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer (Q2) SCI
2021 Meghna Sharma and Neelima Satyam Strength and durability of biocemented sands: wetting-drying cycles, ageing effects, and liquefaction resistance, 402, 115359, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115359 (Impact Factor – 6.1) Geoderma, Elsevier (Q1) SCI
2021 Nitin Tiwari, Neelima Satyam, Meghna Sharma Micro-mechanical performance evaluation of expansive soil biotreated with indigenous bacteria using MICP method, 11, 10324, 2021, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-89687-2 (Impact Factor – 4.6) Scientific Reports, Springer Nature (Q1) SCI
2021 Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam, Krishna R. Reddy Effect of freeze-thaw cycles on engineering properties of biocemented sand under different treatment conditions, 284, 106022, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2021.106022 (Impact Factor – 7.4) Engineering Geology, Elsevier (Q1) SCI
2021 Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam, Krishna R. Reddy Hybrid bacteria mediated cemented sand: Microcharacterization, permeability, strength, shear wave velocity, stress- strain, and durability, 30, 4, 618-645, 2021, DOI: 10.1177/1056789521991196 (Impact Factor – 4.2) International Journal of Damage Mechanics, Sage Journals (Q1) SCI
2021 Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam, Krishna R. Reddy Rock-like behavior of biocemented sand treated under non-sterile environment and various treatment conditions, 13, 3, 705-716, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.jrmge.2020.11.006 (Impact Factor – 7.3) Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Elsevier (Q1) SCI
2021 Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam, Krishna R. Reddy Comparison of improved shear strength of biotreated sand using different ureolytic strains and sterile conditions, 38, 1, 771-789, 2021, DOI: 10.1111/sum.12690 (Impact Factor – 3.8) Soil Use and Management, Wiley (Q1) SCI
2021 Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam, Krishna R. Reddy State of the art review of emerging and biogeotechnical methods for liquefaction mitigation in sands, 25, 03120001, 2021, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153-5515.0000557 (Cite Score – 2.7) Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, ASCE (Q2) Scopus
2020 Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam, Krishna R. Reddy Strength enhancement and lead immobilization of sand using consortia of bacteria and blue-green algae, 24, 04020049, 2020, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153- 5515.0000548 (Cite Score – 2.7) Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, ASCE (Q2) Scopus
2019 Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam, Krishna R. Reddy Investigation of various gram-positive bacteria for MICP in Narmada sand, India, 15, 2, 220-234, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/19386362.2019.1691322 (Impact Factor – 1.9) International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Taylor & Fransis (Q2) SCI
2021 8. Meghna Sharma, Neelima Satyam, Nitin Tiwari, Shubham Sahu, Krishna R. Reddy Simplified biogeochemical numerical model to predict pore fluid chemistry and calcite precipitation during biocementation of soil, 14, 9, 807, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s12517-021-07151-x Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer UGC Care
2022 Mohammad Khalid Pandit, RN Mir, MA Chishti Learning Sparse Neural Networks Using Non-Convex Regularization 6(2) IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence SCIE
2022 Mohammad Khalid Pandit, Mahroosh Banday Variance-Guided Structured Sparsity in Deep Neural Networks IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence SCIE
2023 O Shafi, Mohammad Khalid Pandit, A Saini, Gayathri A, R Sen Repercussions of Using DNN Compilers on Edge GPUs for Real Time and Safety Critical Systems: A Quantitative Audit ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems SCIE
2020 SA Banday, Mohammad Khalid Pandit, A R Khan Achieving a reversible lower dimensionality transformation for picture archiving and communication system in healthcare IET Electronics Letters SCIE
2021 SA Banday, Mohammad Khalid Pandit Texture maps and chaotic maps framework for secure medical image transmission Multimedia Tools and Applications SCIE
2020 Mohammad Khalid Pandit, SA Banday, RN Mir, MA Chishti Automatic detection of COVID-19 from chest radiographs using deep learning Radiography (Elsevier) SCI
2021 Sadiq, M., Mohd. Adil, & Paul, J. An Innovation Resistance Theory Perspective on Purchase of Eco-friendly Cosmetics Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (Elsevier) A in ABDC, SSCI (IF 7.135), Q2, ABS 2
2021 Sadiq, M. & Mohd. Adil Ecotourism Related Information Search over the Internet: A Technology Acceptance Model Perspective Journal of Ecotourism, T&F (Routledge) B in ABDC, ESCI, SCOPUS
2021 Sadiq, M. Mohd. Adil, & Paul, J. Does social influence turn pessimistic consumers green? Business Strategy and the Environment (Wiley) A in ABDC, SSCI (IF 10.302), Q1, ABS 3
2022 Sadiq, M., Dogra, N., Mohd. Adil, & Bharti, K. Predicting Online Travel Purchase Behavior: The Role of Trust and Perceived Risk Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism (Routledge) B in ABDC, ESCI, SCOPUS
2021 Sadiq, M. & Mohd. Adil The Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction and its Effect on Service Quality-Customer Loyalty Link International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management SCOPUS
2020 Nasir, M. & Mohd. Adil Exploring the Applicability of SERVPERF Model in Indian Two-wheeler Industry: A CFA Approach International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management SCOPUS
2020 Mohd. Adil, Nasir, M.,Sadiq, M. & Bharti, K. SSTQUAL Model: Assessment of ATM Service Quality in an Emerging Economy International Journal of Business Excellence SCOPUS
2019 Sadiq, M., Mohd. Adil & Khan, M.N. Automated Banks’ Service Quality in Developing Economy: Empirical Evidences from India International Journal of Services and Operations Management SCOPUS
2015 Juned, M. & Mohd, Adil Factors Influencing Adoption of Ubiquitous Internet amongst Students International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IGI Global, USA) SCOPUS, ESCI
2021 Sadiq, M., Bharti, K., Mohd. Adil, & Singh, R. Why do consumers buy green apparel? The role of dispositional traits, environmental orientation, environmental knowledge and monetary incentive Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (Elsevier) A in ABDC, SSCI (IF 7.135), Q2, ABS 2
2022 Nasir, M., Mohd Adil & Kumar, M. Phobic COVID-19 Disorder Scale: Development, Dimensionality, and Item-Structure Test International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction (Springer) SCOPUS, SSCI (IF 3.836)
2022 Mohd. Adil Influence of Religiosity on Ethical Consumption: The Mediating Role of Materialism and Guilt Journal of Islamic Marketing (Emerald) B in ABDC, SCOPUS
2013 Mohd, Adil Modelling effect of perceived service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction in Indian bank settings International Journal of Services and Operations Management SCOPUS, C in ABDC
2013 Mohd, Adil, Khan, MN & Akhtar, A. Refinement of internet banking service quality scale: a confirmatory factor analysis approach International Journal of Services and Operations Management SCOPUS, C in ABDC
2013 Mohd. Adil & M. Naved Khan Exploring Relationship between Service Quality and Positive Word of Mouth at Retail Banks in Rural India International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management (IGI Global, USA) SCOPUS
2016 Asad Ullah & Mohd. Adil Service quality in supply chain: a case of Indian automotive industry Innovative Solutions for Implementing Global Supply Chains in Emerging Markets (IGI Global, USA) SCOPUS
2013 M. Naved Khan & Mohd. Adil Data analysis techniques in service quality literature: Essentials and advances Serbian Journal of Management SCOPUS
2021 Mohd. Nasir, Mohd. Adil, & Aruna Dhamija The synergetic effect of after sales service, customer satisfaction, loyalty and repurchase intention on word of mouth International Journal of Quality & Service Sciences (Emerald) B in ABDC, SCOPUS
2022 Mohd. Sadiq, Mohd. Adil, & Justin Paul Eco-friendly hotel stay and environmental attitude: A value-attitude-behaviour perspective International Journal of Hospitality Management (Elsevier) A* in ABDC, SSCI (IF 9.237)
2022 Nikhil Dogra, Mohd. Adil, Aruna Dhamija, Mukesh Kumar, Mohd. Nasir What makes a community sustainably developed? A review of 25 years of sustainable community tourism literature Community Development (Routledge) Web of Science, SCOPUS
2021 Mohd. Adil, Jei-Zheng Wu, Ripon K. Chakrabortty, Ahmad Alahmadi, Mohd Faizan Ansari, Michael J. Ryan Attention‐Based STL‐BiLSTM Network to Forecast Tourist Arrival Processes SCI (IF 2.847)
2021 Mohd. Adil, Mohd Faizan Ansari, Ahmad Alahmadi, Jei-Zheng Wu, R.K. Chakrabortty Solving the Problem of Class Imbalance in the Prediction of Hotel Cancelations: A Hybridized Machine Learning Approach Processes SCI (IF 2.847)
2021 Mohd. Adil, Mohd Nasir, Mukesh Kumar Decoding tourist satisfaction and loyalty at hotels: a Confirmatory Factor Analytic approach International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management SCOPUS
2022 F Rafiq, S.K. Chishty, Mohd Adil Explanatory or Dispositional Optimism: Which Trait Predicts Eco-Friendly Tourist Behavior? Sustainability SCI (IF 3.889)
2022 F Rafiq, Mohd Adil, M Sadiq Does Contextual Factor Influence Travelers’ Towel Reuse Behavior? Insights from Circular Economy Sustainability SCI (IF 3.889)
2022 D Kirmani, N Shehzad, A Ahmad, SM Fatehuddin, S Ayyub, Mohd Adil Socio-Environmental Considerations and Organic Food Consumption: An Empirical Investigation of The Attitude of Indian Consumers Food Quality and Preference (Elsevier) A in ABDC, SSCI (IF 6.345)
2022 S Ansari, Mohd Adil, N Dogra, M Sadiq How psychological and contextual factors influence green hotel stay? An empirical evidence from young Indians NMIMS Management Review ESCI, Web of Science
2022 N Dogra, Mohd Adil Determinants of Sustainable Growth in Indian Banking Industry: An ISM Approach International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management SCOPUS
2022 F Rafiq, N Dogra, Mohd Adil, JZ Wu Examining Consumer’s Intention to Adopt AI-Chatbots in Tourism Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling Method Mathematics SCI (IF 2.592)
2022 F Rafiq, Mohd Adil, JZ Wu Examining Ecotourism Intention: The Role of Tourists’ Traits and Environmental Concerns Frontiers in Psychology SCI (IF 4.232)
2024 N Dogra, Mohd Adil Should we or should we not? Examining travelers' perceived privacy, perceived security and actual behavior in online travel purchases Journal of Vacation Marketing (Sage) A in ABDC, SSCI (IF 5.100)
2022 Mohd Adil, M Sadiq, C Jebarajakirthy, HI Maseeh, D Sangroya, K Bharti Online service failure: Antecedents, moderators and consequences Journal of Service Theory and Practice (Emerald) A in ABDC, SSCI (IF 4.600)
2022 HI Maseeh, D Sangroya, C Jebarajakirthy, Mohd Adil Anti‐consumption behavior: A meta‐analytic integration of attitude behavior context theory and well‐being theory Psychology & Marketing (Wiley) A in ABDC, SSCI (IF 5.507)
2023 Sana, S Chakraborty, Mohd Adil, M Sadiq Ecotourism Experience: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda International Journal of Consumer Studies (Wiley) A in ABDC, SSCI (IF 7.09)
2023 M Uddin, MF Ansari, M Adil, RK Chakrabortty, MJ Ryan Modeling Vehicle Insurance Adoption by Automobile Owners: A Hybrid Random Forest Classifier Approach Processes SCI (IF 3.3.52)
2023 N Dogra, Mohd Adil, M Sadiq, G Dash, J Paul Unraveling customer repurchase intention in OFDL context: An investigation using a hybrid technique of SEM and fsQCA Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (Elsevier) A in ABDC, SSCI (IF 10.90)
2023 N Dogra, Mohd Adil, M Sadiq, F Rafiq, J Paul Demystifying tourists’ intention to purchase travel online: the moderating role of technical anxiety and attitude Current Issues in Tourism (Routledge) A in ABDC, SSCI (IF 7.57)
2023 A Guleria, R Joshi, Mohd Adil The Impact of Memorable Tourism Experiences on Customer-Based Destination Brand Equity: The Mediating Role of Destination Attachment and Overall Satisfaction Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights (Emerald) SCOPUS
2023 M Sadiq, M Adil, J Paul Organic food consumption and contextual factors: An attitude–behavior–context perspective Business Strategy and the Environment (Wiley) A in ABDC, SSCI (IF 13.400)
2023 N Dogra & Mohd Adil Factors Influencing Travellers’ Decision-Making Behaviour Towards Online Travel Purchases: A Fuzzy-DEMATEL Approach Current Issues In Tourism (Routledge) A in ABDC, SSCI (IF 7.90)
2023 N Dogra & Mohd Adil Does shopping values influence consumers’ well-being? Empirical evidence from e-retail International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management (Emerald) A in ABDC, SSCI (IF 5.23)
2024 N Dogra, Mohd Adil & Ullah, A Using sustainability as a way to shape insurance industry: Development of a conceptual framework International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management SCOPUS
2024 Archana, R Shankar, Mohd Adil Customer acceptance of smart grid technology: A bibliometric literature review International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management SCOPUS
2023 ES Parthiban & Mohd Adil Trends in the AI based Banking conversational agents literature: A bibliometric review International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies SCOPUS
2023 ES Parthiban & Mohd Adil Investigating the factors leading to the adoption of Indian AI-based banking chatbots. A Task-Technology Fit and Network Externalities perspective International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies SCOPUS
2024 Shahid, S; Mohd. Adil; & Sadiq, M. Why do consumers consume masstige products? A cross-cultural investigation through the lens of self-determination theory Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (Elsevier) A in ABDC, SSCI (IF 10.90)
2024 Rafiq, Eden, Yaisna, Mohd. Adil From Thinking Green to Riding Green: A Study on Influencing Factors in Electric Vehicle Adoption Sustainability SCI (IF 3.9)
2024 Guleria, A., Joshi, R. & Mohd. Adil Impact of memorable tourism experiences on tourists’ storytelling intentions: An empirical investigation International Journal of Tourism Cities (Emerald) C in ABDC, SCOPUS
2024 Mohd. Adil, ES Parthiban, HA Mahmoud, JZ Wu, M Sadiq, F Suhail Consumers’ Reaction to Greenwashing in the Saudi Arabian Skincare Market: A Moderated Mediation Approach Sustainability SCI (IF 3.9)
2024 Fazal-e-Hasan, S., Mortimer, G.; Ahmadi, H.; Mohd Adil & Sadiq, M. Examining the impact of tourists’ hope, knowledge and perceived value on online hotel booking intentions Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (Routledge) A in ABDC, SSCI (IF 5.1)
2024 Fazal-e-Hasan; Gary Mortimer; Adapa, S.; Mohd Adil; Balaji; Mohd Sadiq, Ali R. Amrollahi Examining Human Interactions with Smart Retail Technology: A Hybrid SEM- fsQCA Investigation International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction Q1, SSCI (IF 4.2); B in ABDC
2024 Nasir, M; Kumari, Y. & Mohd. Adil After-sales service and brand reputation: A case of kitchen appliance industry International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences WoS (IF 3.4), B in ABDC
2024 ES Parthiban & Mohd Adil Seeing Through the Mystique Surrounding the Task-Technology-Organization Fit: A Mixed-Method Exploration of Consumers’ Intention to Use Banking Conversational Agents Communications of the Association for Information Systems A in ABDC; WoS (IF 1.7)
2025 Mohd Adil, Hasan, S.M.F., Hormoz, A., Sadiq, M., Sekhon, H., Amrollahi, A. Fostering Managers’ Hope: A Multi-analysis Perspective on How Green Initiatives Drive Organizational Performance Journal of Cleaner Production A in ABDC; SSCI (IF 10); Q1
2025 Hasan, S.M.F., Mohd Adil, Hormoz, A., Abid, M., Gary Mortimer, Amrollahi, A. Fostering Love for Innovative Sustainable Brands: A Multi-Study, Multi-Method Approach Journal of Consumer Behaviour A in ABDC; SSCI (IF 4.4); Q1
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2023 Chinmay Gupta, Mohit Kumar, Arun Kumar Yadav, and Divakar Yadav FERNET: An Integrated Hybrid DCNN Model for Driver Stress Monitoring via Facial Expression.Vol-37, No.3 International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence SCI
2023 Akash Verma, Arun Kumar Yadav, Mohit Kumar , Divakar Yadav Automatic image caption generation using deep learning. Vol-83 Multimedia Tools and Applications SCI
2023 G Khartheesvar, Mohit Kumar, Arun Kumar Yadav , Divakar Yadav Automatic Indian sign language recognition using MediaPipe holistic and LSTM network Multimedia Tools and Applications SCI
2023 Arun Kumar Yadav, Mohit Kumar, Abhishek Kumar, Shivani, Kusum, Divakar Yadav Hate speech recognition in multilingual text: hinglish documents International Journal of Information Technology Scopus
2023 Arun Kumar Yadav, Suraj Kumar, Dipesh Kumar, Lalit Kumar, Kapil Kumar, Sandeep Kumar Maurya, Mohit Kumar, and Divakar Yadav Fake News Detection Using Hybrid Deep Learning Method. Vol-4 No.6 SN Computer Science Scopus
2023 Archit Dhiman, Mohit Kumar,Arun Kumar Yadav, Divakar Yadav Pothole Detection and Localization from Images using Deep Learning International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences Scopus
2024 Sanjeewani, Arun Kumar Yadav, Mohd Akbar, Mohit Kumar, Divakar Yadav Retinal blood vessel segmentation using a deep learning method based on modified U-NET model Multimedia Tools and Applications SCI
2018 Mohit Pant, Sahil Garg Accelerated Element Free Galerkin Method for Analysis of fracture problems Journal of Brazilian society of Mechanical Sciences & Engineering SCIE
2017 Mohit Pant, Sahil Garg Meshfree Methods: A Comprehensive Review of Applications International Journal of Computational Methods SCIE
2017 Mohit Pant, Sahil Garg Numerical Simulation Of Adiabatic And Isothermal Cracks In Functionally Graded Materials Using Optimized Element Free Galerkin Method Journal of Thermal Stresses SCI
2016 Mohit Pant, Somnath Bhattacharya Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis of Functionally Graded Materials by EFGM and XFEM International Journal of Computational Methods SCIE
2017 Mohit Pant, Sahil Garg Numerical simulation of thermal fracture in functionally graded materials using element free Galerkin method Sadhana (springer) SCIE
2022 Mohit Pant, Ayush Awasthi A Revamped Element-Free Galerkin Algorithm for Accelerated Simulation of Fracture and Fatigue Problems in Two-Dimensional Domains Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering SCIE
2022 Mohit Pant , Ayush Awasthi Thermoelastic fracture analysis in orthotropic media using optimized element free Galerkin algorithm Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures SCI
2023 Mohit Pant , Ayush Awasthi Numerical Investigation of Thermoelastic Crack Interactions in Various Materials using a Novel Enrichment Approach International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences Scopus
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2015 Nagendra Pratap Singh, Rajeev Srivastava "Segmentation of retinal blood vessels by using a matched filter based on second derivative of Gaussian" International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, DOI: Scopus Indexed
2011 Mrinal Kanti Debbarma, Nagendra Pratap Singh, Amit Kumar. Shrivastava, and Rishi Mishra "Analysis of Software Complexity Measures for Regression Testing" Volume 1– No.2 ACEEE Int. J. on Information Technology ACEEE
2011 Nagendra Pratap Singh, Rishi Misra, Rajit Ram Yadav "Analytical review of test redundancy detection techniques", (0975 – 8887) Volume 27– No.1 International Journal of Computer Applications IJCA
2012 Shivendu Mishra, Ritika Yaduvanshi, Anjani Kumar Rai, Nagendra Pratap Singh "An ID-Based Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairing Based on Ex-K-Plus Problem", Vols. 408, pp. 929-934 Advanced Materials Research Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland
2013 Nagendra Pratap Singh, Rishi Mishra, Sailesh Tiwari, A. K. Misra "An Approach to Filter the Test Data for Killing Multiple Mutants in Different Locations" Vol. 5, No. 2 International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering IJCTE
2010 Rishi Misra, Nagendra Pratap Singh "Analysis of Unit Testing using Petri Net", Vol. 2, No. 3, pp 501-506 International Journal of Information Sciences and application IJISA
2019 Dharmendra Prasad Mahato, Jasminder Kaur Sandhu, Nagendra Pratap Singh, Vishal Kaushal "On scheduling transaction in grid computing using cuckoo search-ant colony optimization considering load" Cluster Computing SCI Impact factor 1.851
2020 Sushil Kumar Saroj, Rakesh Kumar, Nagendra Pratap Singh "Fréchet PDF based Matched Filter Approach for Retinal Blood Vessels Segmentation" Vol-194 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Elsevier. DOI SCI Impact Factor 3.424
2020 Nagendra Pratap Singh , Vibhav Prakash Singh "Efficient Segmentation and Registration of Retinal Image Using Gumbel Probability Distribution and BRISK Feature" Traitement du Signal SCIE Impact factor 1.541 , Scopus
2020 Sushil Kumar Saroj, Vikas Ratna, Rakesh Kumar, Nagendra Pratap Singh "Efficient Kernel based Matched Filter Approach for Segmentation of Retinal Blood Vessels" Solid State Technology Scopus
2021 K. Susheel Kumar, Nagendra Pratap Singh "Segmentation of retinal blood vessel structure using Birnbaum-Saunders (fatigue life) probability distribution function" International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics Inderscience (Scopus)
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2007 Narottam Chand, R.C. Joshi and Manoj Misra Narottam Chand, R.C. Joshi and Manoj Misra, “Energy Efficient Cache Invalidation in a Disconnected Wireless Mobile Environment,” International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), Vol. 2, No. 1/2, pp. 83-91, 2007 International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing SCI
2007 Narottam Chand, R.C. Joshi and Manoj Misra Narottam Chand, R.C. Joshi and Manoj Misra, “Supporting Cooperative Caching in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Clusters,” International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC) special issue on Pervasive Computing through Networked Sensing Devices, Vol. 2, No. 1/2, pp. 58-72, 2007 International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing SCI
2007 Narottam Chand, R.C. Joshi and Manoj Misra Narottam Chand, R.C. Joshi and Manoj Misra, “Cooperative Caching Strategy in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Based on Clusters,” International Journal of Wireless Personal Communications special issue on Cooperation in Wireless Networks, Vol. 43, Issue 1, pp. 41-63, Oct 2007 International Journal of Wireless Personal Communications SCI
2007 Narottam Chand, R.C. Joshi and Manoj Misra Narottam Chand, R.C. Joshi and Manoj Misra, “Cooperative Caching in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Based on Data Utility,” International Journal of Mobile Information Systems, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 19-37, 2007 International Journal of Mobile Information Systems SCI
2007 Narottam Chand, R.C. Joshi and Manoj Misra Narottam Chand, R.C. Joshi and Manoj Misra, “Exploiting Caching in Heterogeneous Mobile Environment,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal (WCMC) Special Issue on Advances in Resource-Constrained Device Networking, Vol. 7, Issue 7, pp. 835-848, September 2007 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal SCI
2009 Narottam Chand, R.C. Joshi and Manoj Misra Narottam Chand, R.C. Joshi and Manoj Misra, “Energy Efficient Cache Replacement in Mobile Computing Environment,” Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal, pp. 1-12, 2009 Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal -
2009 Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor, “Trap Assisted Tunneling Model for Gate Current in Nano Scale MOSFET with High-K Gate Dielectrics,” International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 7, pp. 400-407, 2009 International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering -
2009 Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor, “Gate Tunnel Current Calculation for NMOSFET Based on Deep Sub-Micron Effects,” International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 7, pp. 424-432, 2009 nternational Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering -
2009 Surender Soni and Narottam Chand Surender Soni and Narottam Chand, “Energy Efficient Multi-Level Clustering to Prolong the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks,” Journal of Computing, Vol. 2, Issue 5, pp. 158-165, May 2010 Journal of Computing -
2010 Prashant Kumar, Naveen Chauhan, Lalit Awasthi and Narottam Chand Prashant Kumar, Naveen Chauhan, Lalit Awasthi and Narottam Chand, “Proactive Approach for Cooperative Caching in Mobile Adhoc Networks,” International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, No. 8, pp. 21-27, May 2010 International Journal of Computer Science Issues -
2010 Vishal Kumar and Narottam Chand Vishal Kumar and Narottam Chand, “Data Scheduling in VANETs: A Review,” International Journal of Computer Science & Communication, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 399-403, July 2010 International Journal of Computer Science & Communication -
2010 Vaibhav Pandey, Amarjeet Kaur and Narottam Chand Vaibhav Pandey, Amarjeet Kaur and Narottam Chand, “A Review on Data Aggregation Techniques in Wireless Sensor Network,” Journal of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 1-8, 2010 Journal of Electronic and Electrical Engineering -
2010 Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor, “A Compact Gate Tunnel Current Model for Nano Scale MOSFET with Sub-1nm Gate Oxide,” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 175-193, 2010 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research -
2010 Vishal Kumar and Narottam Chand Vishal Kumar and Narottam Chand, “Efficient Data Scheduling in VANETs,” Journal of Computing, Vol. 2, Issue 9, pp. 33-37, Sep 2010 Journal of Computing -
2010 Naveen Chauhan, Lalit K. Awasthi, Narottam Chand, R.C. Joshi and Manoj Misra Naveen Chauhan, Lalit K. Awasthi, Narottam Chand, R.C. Joshi and Manoj Misra, “Global Cluster Cooperation Strategy in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 7, pp. 2268-2273, Oct 2010 International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering -
2010 Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor, “Analytical Gate Current Modelling in Nano Scale MOSFET with High-k Gate stack Structure,” Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 169-174, Oct 2010 Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Scopus
2010 Vivek Katiyar, Narottam Chand and Surender Soni Vivek Katiyar, Narottam Chand and Surender Soni, “Clustering Algorithms for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network: A Survey,” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 273-287, Oct 2010 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research -
2010 Vivek Katiyar, Narottam Chand and Naveen Chauhan Vivek Katiyar, Narottam Chand and Naveen Chauhan, “Recent Advances and Future Trends in Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 330-342, Nov 2010 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research -
2010 Naveen Chauhan, Lalit K. Awasthi, Narottam Chand, R.C. Joshi and Manoj Misra Naveen Chauhan, Lalit K. Awasthi, Narottam Chand, R.C. Joshi and Manoj Misra, “Energy Efficient Cooperative Caching in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 360-371, Nov 2010 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research -
2010 Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor, “Impact of Gate Engineering on Gate Leakage Behavior of Nano Scale MOSFETs with High-k Dielectrics,” International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 343-348, 2010 International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics SCI
2010 Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor, “Gate Current Modeling and Optimization of High-k Gate Stack MOSFET Structure in Nano Scale Regime,” International Journal of Micro-Nano Scale Transport, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 253-268, 2010 International Journal of Micro-Nano Scale Transport -
2010 Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor, “Gate Leakage Reduction Through the use of Source/Drain-to-Gate Non-overlapped MOSFET Structure,” Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems, Vol. 224, No. 4, pp. 173-181, 2010 Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems Scopus
2018 Prashant Kumar, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand, Lalit K. Awasthi IGI Global International Journal of Web Services Research SCIE, SCOPUS
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2017 Prashant Kumar, Naveen Chauhan and Narottam Chand SCRSC International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing SCOPUS
2016 Brij Bihari Dubey, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand, Lalit K. Awasthi Springer Wireless Networks SCI
2016 Rajesh Sharma, Lalit Kumar Awasthi and Naveen Chauhan IJNGC International Journal of Next Generation Computing DBLP
2015 Brij Bihari Dubey, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand, Lalit K. Awasthi Springer Wireless Networks SCI
2023 Himanshu Verma, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand and Lalit Kumar Awasthi Modeling Buffer-Overflow in 6LoWPAN- Based Resource-Constraint IoT-Healthcare Network, 2023. Springer Journal of Wireless Personal Communications, SCI
2023 Nishant Sharma, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand and Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Secure authentication and session key management scheme for Internet of Vehicles,” Wiley Transaction on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies SCI
2022 Himanshu Verma, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand and Lalit Kumar Awasthi Buffer-loss estimation to address congestion in 6LoWPAN based resource-restricted ‘Internet of Healthcare Things’ network, , Vol. 181, pp. 236-256, 2022 Elsevier Computer Communication SCI
2023 Himanshu Verma, Naveen Chauhan, and Lalit Kumar Awasthi A Comprehensive review of 'Internet of Healthcare Things': Networking Aspects, technologies,services, applications, challenges, and security concerns. Elsevier Computer Science Review SCI
2023 Deepa Rani, Rajeev Kumar, Naveen Chauhan A secure framework for IoT-based healthcare using blockchain and IPFS Wiley Security and Privacy SCI
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2018 Nisha Kodan, Aadesh P Singh, Matthias Vandichel, Björn Wickman, BR Mehta Favourable band edge alignment and increased visible light absorption in β-MoO3/α-MoO3 oxide heterojunction for enhanced photoelectrochemical performance, 43, 15773-15783 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Both
2021 Nisha Kodan, Mujeeb Ahmad, BR Mehta Charge carrier separation and enhanced PEC properties of BiVO4 based heterojunctions having ultrathin overlayers, 46, 189-196 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Both
2020 Nisha Kodan, Mujeeb Ahmad, BR Mehta Enhanced photoelectrochemical response and stability of hydrogenated ZnO nanorods decorated with Fe2O3 nanoparticles, 845, 155650 Journal of Alloys and Compounds Both
2020 Mujeeb Ahmad, Nisha Kodan, Abhishek Ghosh, BR Mehta The nature of 2D: 3D SnS: Bi2Te3 interface and its effect on enhanced electrical and thermoelectric properties, 847, 156233 Journal of Alloys and Compounds Both
2019 Rishabh Sharma, Nisha Kodan, Vinod Singh, Shailesh Narayan Sharma, Om Prakash Sinha Enhanced photoelectrochemical performance of TiO2 photoanode decorated with Pd-carbon core shell nanoparticles, 134, 1232-1239 Renewable Energy Both
2022 Mujeeb Ahmad, Khushboo Agarwal, Sergio Gonzalez Munoz, Abhishek Ghosh, Nisha Kodan, Oleg Victor Kolosov, Bodh Raj Mehta Engineering Interfacial Effects in Electron and Phonon Transport of Sb2Te3/MoS2 Multilayer for Thermoelectric ZT Above 2.0, 32, 2206384 Advanced Functional Materials Both
2022 Narinder Kaur, Abhishek Ghosh, Prashant Bisht, Arvind Kumar, Vishakha Kaushik, Nisha Kodan, Rajendra Singh, BR Mehta Enhanced photodetection and a wider spectral range in the In2S3–ZnO 2D–3D heterojunction: combined optical absorption and enhanced carrier separation at the type-II heterojunction, 10, 14220-14231 Journal of Materials Chemistry C Both
2023 Nikita Malhotra, Narinder Kaur, Abhishek Ghosh, Manan Mehta, Nisha Kodan Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Response of the ZnO/V2O5 Heterojunction Via Improved Visible-Light Absorption and Charge Carrier Separation, ACS Applied Energy Materials Both
2024 Nisha Kodan, BR Mehta DFT study of electronic and optical properties of Cu2ZnSiS4 chalcogenide compound and experimental investigation of improved PEC response of α-MoO3/Cu2ZnGeS4 nanocomposite, 970, 172496 Journal of Alloys and Compounds Both
2014 AK Singh, N Kumar, A Dwivedi, A Subramaniam A geometrical parameter for the formation of disordered solid solutions in multi-component alloys, 53, 112-119 Intermetallics
2014 N Kumar, A Subramaniam Orientational high-entropy alloys, 94 (12), 749-754 Philosophical Magazine Letters
2016 S Verma, N Kumar, V Verma Role of paclitaxel on critical nucleation concentration of tubulin and its effects thereof, 478 (3), 1350-1354 Biochemical and biophysical research communications
2017 N Kumar, V Verma, L Behera Magnetic navigation and tracking of multiple ferromagnetic microrobots inside an arterial phantom setup for MRI guided drug therapy, 37 (3), 347-356 Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
2017 N Kumar, K Kulkarni, L Behera, V Verma Preparation and characterization of maghemite nanoparticles from mild steel for magnetically guided drug therapy, 28 (8), 116 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine
2018 N Kumar, S Tyeb, N Manzar, L Behera, B Ateeq, V Verma Entropically driven controlled release of paclitaxel from poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) coated maghemite nanostructures for magnetically guided cancer therapy, 14, 6537-6553 RSC: Soft Matter
2018 K Jahan, N Kumar, V Verma Removal of hexavalent chromium from potable drinking water by polyaniline coated bacterial cellulose mat, 4, 1589-1603 Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology
2018 S Tyeb, N Kumar, A Kumar, V Verma Flexible agar-sericin hydrogel film dressing for chronic wounds, 200, 572-582 Carbohydrate polymers
2020 K Jahan, S Tyeb, N Kumar, V Verma Bacterial Cellulose-Polyaniline Porous Mat for Removal of Methyl Orange and Bacterial Pathogens from Potable Water Journal of Polymers and the Environment
2020 S Tyeb, N Kumar, A Kumar, V Verma Agar–Iodine Transdermal Patches for Infected Diabetic Wounds ACS Applied Bio Materials
2021 K Jahan, N Kumar, Vivek Verma Bacterial cellulose/PANi mat for Cr (VI) removal at acidic pH Journal of Applied Polymer Science
2021 N Kumar, L Pradhan, B K Jena Recent progress on novel current collector electrodes for energy storage devices: Supercapacitors Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment
2019 Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher, Nitin Gupta, and Petros Nicopolitdis Contract Theory based Medium Access Contention Resolution in TDMA Cognitive Radio Networks Digital Object Identifier: Vol. 68, Issue 8, 8026-8035 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology SCI (I.F. 6.1) (SJR 2023: Q1)
2020 Nitin Gupta, Sanjay K Dhurandher, Aarushi Sehgal A Contract Theory Approach Based Scheme to Encourage Secondary Users for Cooperative Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks IEEE Systems Journal CI (I.F. 4) (SJR 2023: Q1)
2020 Anshu Thakur, Ashok Kumar and Nitin Gupta, Puspita Chatterjee Secrecy Analysis of Reconfigurable Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks with SWIPT and Imperfect CSI , Early Access, 10.1109/TNSE.2020.3040531 IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering SCI (I.F. 6.7) (SJR 2023: Q1)
2021 Deepak Kumar Sharma, Kartik Krishna Bhardwaj, Siddhant Banyal, Riyanshi Gupta, Nitin Gupta, and Lewis Nkenyereye An Opportunistic Approach for Cloud Service based IoT Routing Framework Administering Data, Transaction, and Identity Security , Early Access IEEE Internet of Things Journal SCI (I. F. 8.2) (SJR 2023: Q1)
2021 Nitin Gupta, Jagdeep Singh, Sanjay K Dhurandher, Zhu Han Contract Theory based Incentive Design Mechanism for Opportunistic IoT Networks IEEE Internet of Things Journal SCI (I. F. 8.2) (SJR 2023: Q1)
2020 Riya, Nitin Gupta, Sanjay K. Dhurandher Efficient Caching Method in Fog Computing for Internet of Everything Peer to Peer Networking and Applications, Springer SCI (IF 3.3) (SJR 2023: Q2)
2020 Anshu Thakur, Ashok Kumar, Nitin Gupta, Secrecy Analysis of MIMO Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks with Energy Harvesting Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Wiley SCI (I.F. 2.5) (SJR 2023: Q1)
2018 Nitin Gupta, Sanjay K. Dhurandher and Isaac Woungang Sub-Carriers Assignment Scheme for Multiple Secondary Users in OFDMA Based IEEE 802.22 WRAN: A Game Theoretic Approach Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Wiley SCI (I.F. 2.5) (SJR 2023: Q1)
2021 Sejal Gupta, Ritu Garg, Nitin Gupta, Waleed S Alumany, Uttam Ghosh and Pradip K. Sharma Energy-ecient Dynamic Homomorphic Security Scheme for Fog Computing in IoT Networks, 58(102768) Journal of Information Security and Applications, Elsevier SCI (I.F. 3.8) (SJR 2023: Q1)
2019 Anshu Thakur, Ashok Kumar, Nitin Gupta, Ajay Singh Secrecy Outage Performance Analysis of MIMO Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks with Delayed CSI and Transmitter Antenna Selection International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley SCI (I.F. 1.7) (SJR 2023: Q2)
2021 Vidyotma Thakur, Gaurav Indra, Nitin Gupta, Pushpita Chatterjee, Omar Said, Amr Tolba Cryptographically Secure Privacy-preserving Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for an IoT Network: A Step Towards Critical Infrastructure Protection Peer to Peer Networking and Applications, Springer SCI (IF 3.3) (SJR 2023: Q2)
2019 Nitin Gupta, Sanjay K. Dhurandher Cross-layer Perspective for Channel Assignment in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey e4261. International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley SCI (I.F. 1.7) (SJR 2023: Q2)
2020 Shushant Sharma, Nitin Gupta Federated Learning Based Caching in Fog Computing for Future Smart Cities Internet Technology Letters, Wiley E-SCI, Web of Science, (I.F. 0.9)
2019 Nitin Gupta, Sanjay K. Dhurandher, Isaac Woungang and Joel j.P.C. Rodrigues On the Target Channel Sequence Selection for Multiple Handoffs in Cognitive Radio based Wireless Regional Area Networks Vol:8, No.:4 International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing, Inderscience E-SCI, Web of Science, DBLP
2021 Varan Singh Rohila, Nitin Gupta, Amit Kaul, Deepak Kumar Sharma Deep Learning Assisted Covid-19 Detection using full CT-scans  Volume 14, June 2021, 100377 Internet of Things, Elsevier SCI (I.F. 6) (SJR 2023: Q1)
2023 M. Sreenu, Nitin Gupta, Chandrashekar Jatoth and Deepak Gupta Reinforcement Learning and Blockchain-based Intelligent and Secure Vaccine Recommender System Expert Systems, Wiley SCI (I.F. 3) (SJR 2023: Q2)
2022 Kartik Saxena, Nitin Gupta, Jahnvi Gupta, Deepak K. Sharma, Kapal Dev Trajectory Optimization for the UAV assisted Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Networks, Springer SCI (I.F. 2.1) (SJR 2023: Q2)
2022 Robin Singh Rana and Nitin Gupta Efficient Task Scheduling in Cloud Environment International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley SCI (I.F. 1.7) (SJR 2023: Q2)
2022 Ritwik Duggal, Nitin Gupta, Aarya Pandyaa, Poorvansh Mahajan, Kanak Sharma, Tarush kaundal, and Pragya Angra a, “Building Structural Analysis based Internet of Things Network Assisted Earthquake Detection" Internet of Things, Elsevier with Reproducibility Badge certified by CodeOcean SCI (I.F. 6) (SJR 2023: Q1)
2022 Yash Prakash Gupta, Mukul and Nitin Gupta Deep Learning Model based Multimedia Retrieval and its Optimization in Augmented Reality Applications Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer SCI (I.F. 3) (SJR 2023: Q1)
2023 Mehul Sharma, Shrid Pant, Priety, Deepak Kumar Sharma, Nitin Gupta, Gautam Srivastava Advancing Security in the Industrial Internet of Things Using Deep Progressive Neural Networks Mobile Networks and Applications, Springer SCI (I.F. 2.3) (SJR 2023: Q2)
2023 Archit Jain, Nitin Gupta, M. Sreenu, Blockchain Based Smart Contract for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks for Sustainable Beyond 5G Wireless Communicatio Green Technologies and Sustainability, Elsevier Scopus
2022 M Sreenu, Nitin Gupta, Chandrashekar Jatoth, Aldosary Saad, Abdullah Alharbi and Lewis Nkenyereye Blockchain based Secure and Reliable Cyber Physical Ecosystem for Vaccine Supply Chain Computer Communications, Elsevier SCI (I.F. 4.5) (SJR 2023: Q1)
2024 Moulik Bhardwaj, Jagdeep Singh, Nitin Gupta, Kuldeep Jadon and Sanjay K. Dhurandher A Novel Federated Learning Approach for Routing Optimization in Opportunistic IoT Networks International Journal of Sensor Networks SCI (I.F. 1.1) (SJR 2023: Q3)
2024 Phani Krishna Bulasara, Somya Ranjan Sahoo, Nitin Gupta, Zhu Han, Neeraj Kumar The Internet of Bio-Nano Things with Insulin-Glucose, Security and Research Challenges: A Survey ACM Computing Surveys SCI (I.F. 23.8) (SJR 2023: Q1)
2011 O.P. Rahi, A.K. Chandel, and M.G. Sharma Fuzzy Logic Based Approach for Condition Monitoring of Hydro Generator International Journal of Soft Computing (SCOPUS)18169503
2011 Amit Kumar Yadav, O. P. Rahi, Hasmat Malik, and Abdul Azeem Design Optimization of High-Frequency Power Transformer by Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) (SCOPUS) 20888708
2012 O. P. Rahi, A. K. Chandel, and M. G. Sharma Refurbishment of Indian Hydro Power Plants International Water Power and Dam Construction (SCOPUS) 29340
2015 O. P. Rahi and A. K. Chandel Refurbishment and Uprating of Hydro Power Plants - A Literature Review,Vol. 48 Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI) 13640321
2016 O. P. Rahi and Ashwani Kumar Economic Analysis for Refurbishment and Uprating of Hydro Power Plants, Vol. 86 Renewable Energy (SCI) 09601481
2017 K. S. R. Murthy and O.P. Rahi A Comprehensive Review of Wind Resource Assessment, vol. 72 Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI) 13640321
2017 Sita Ram, O. P. Rahi, and Veena Sharma A Comprehensive Review on Slip Power Recovery Drives, vol. 73, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI) 13640321
2018 Preeti Sonkar and O. P. Rahi Load Frequency Control of Multi Area Interconnected System Comprising DFIG Based Wind Turbine Equipped with Coordinated Control, Vol. 42, Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering SCI
2018 Sita Ram, O. P. Rahi, and Veena Sharma Comparative Analysis of Induction Motor Drive with Chopper Controlled SPRS Employing Various Inverter Configurations,vol. 73 IETE Journal of Research (SCI) 130012
2016 K. S. R. Murthy and O.P. Rahi Preliminary Assessment of Wind Power Potential over the Coastal Region of Bheemunipatnam in Northern Andhra Pradesh, India, vol. 99 Renewable Energy (SCI) 09601481
2020 Sita Ram, O. P. Rahi, and Veena Sharma Performance Analysis of SPRS based Induction Motor Drive using Multi-level Inverter and Buck-Boost Chopper, Vol.12, No.1, pp.85-100 International Journal of Power Electronics (SCOPUS) 21100202505
2019 Preeti Sonkar and O. P. Rahi Enhanced performance of modified PID load frequency controller with frequency control techniques of WU for two area interconnected system, Vol. 8 Issue 6, 2019, 8 pp. 431-439. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (SCOPUS)
2021 Preeti Sonkar and O. P. Rahi Contribution of Wind Power Plants in Grid Frequency Regulation: Current Perspective and Future Challenges, 2021 Wind Engineering (SCOPUS)
2019 Deepak Kanumuri, Veena Sharma, and O.P Rahi Analysis using Various Approaches for Residual Life Estimation of Power Transformer, Vol. 11, No. 2, June 2019 International Journal for Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI) (SCOPUS)
2022 A. Singh, V. Sharma,V Kumar, R. Naresh, and O.P. Rahi AOA based optimal control of combined AVR-LFC model in wind integrated power system Wind Engineering (SCOPUS)
2023 Abhishek Saini and O. P. Rahi Optimal power flow analysis including stochastic renewable energy sources using modified ant lion optimization algorithm Wind Engineering (SCOPUS)
2023 A. Singh, V. Sharma,V Kumar, R. Naresh, O.P. Rahi and V. Kumar Investigation of PBUC problem with RES and EV in restructured environment,” in Wind Engineering Wind Engineering (SCOPUS)
2024 Abhishek Saini and O. P. Rahi Optimal power flow approaches for a hybrid system using metaheuristic techniques: a comprehensive review International Journal of Ambient Energy
2020 Pamita Awasthi ∗, Anjali Sharma , Manu Vatsal Spectroscopic, viscometric and computational binding study of 1 and 2 substituted anthraquinone analogs to be potential anti-cancer agents 1223 (2021) 129293 Journal of Molecular Structure Elsevier SCI
2020 Manpreet Singh Pamita Awasthi Virender Singh Iodine Catalysed Synthesis of Luminescent β‐Carboline Tethered Thiazolo[4,5‐c]carbazole and Naphtho[2,1‐d]thiazole Derivatives and Estimation of their Light Emitting Properties Eur. Journal of Organic Chemistry Wiley SCI
2019 Pamita Awasthi, Kirna Devi Structural characterization, photoluminescence, computational studies and bioassay of newly synthesized N-(3-oxo-3-morpholino-1-phenyl-propyl) benzo sulfonamide with multifunctional application Research on Chemical Reaction Intermediates Springer SCI
2019 Kirna Devi and Pamita Awasthi Sulfonamide phenylalanine (SPA) series of analogues as an antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer agents along with p53 tumor suppressor-DNA complex inhibitor – part 1 Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, TAYLOR & FRANCIS SCI
2021 Devi, K., & Awasthi, P. Isoleucine with secondary sulfonamide functionality as anticancer, antibacterial and antifungal agents. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1-19. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, T&F SCI
2022 Vandna Devi, Pamita Awasthi • Synthesis, structural, DFT and bio-assay of novel ethyl 3-(2-(4-chlorophenoxy)acetamido) propanoate on Galleria mellonela (wax moth) –a juvenile hormone mimic as potential insect growth regulator (IGR) (1248)2022 131464 ournal of Molecular Structure Elsevier SCI
2021 Sharma, P., & Awasthi, P. Synthesis, Characterization, In vivo, Molecular Docking, ADMET and HOMO-LUMO study of Juvenile Hormone Analogues having sulfonamide feature as an Insect Growth Regulators. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1231, 129945. Journal of Molecular Structure SCI
2021 Awasthi, P., Sharma, A., & Vatsal, M. Spectroscopic, viscometric and computational binding study of 1 and 2 substituted anthraquinone analogs to be potential anti-cancer agents. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1223, 129293. Journal of Molecular Structure SCI
2023 M Patel, J Behera, and P Kumar Parametric approach for multi-objective enhanced interval linear fractional programming problem Engineering Optimization Web of Science
2023 J Behera, AK Pasayat, H Behera, and P Kumar Prediction based mean-value-at-risk portfolio optimization using machine learning regression algorithms for multi-national stock markets, 120. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Web of Science
2022 S Haque, AK Bhurjee, P Kumar Multi-objective non-linear solid transportation problem with fixed charge, budget constraints under uncertain environments, 10. Systems Science & Control Engineering Web of Science
2022 P Kumar, AK Bhurjee Multi-objective enhanced interval optimization problem, 311. Annals of Operations Research Web of Science
2022 P Kumar, J Behera, AK Bhurjee Solving mean-VaR portfolio selection model with interval-typed random parameter using interval analysis, 59. Opsearch Web of Science
2021 P Kumar, AK Bhurjee An efficient solution of nonlinear enhanced interval optimization problems and its application to portfolio optimization, 25. Soft Computing Web of Science
2018 P Kumar, G Panda, UC Gupta Stochastic programming technique for portfolio optimization with minimax risk and bounded parameters, 43. Sādhanā Web of Science
2018 P Kumar, G Panda, UC Gupta Multiobjective efficient portfolio selection with bounded parameters, 43 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering Web of Science
2017 P Kumar, G Panda Solving nonlinear interval optimization problem using stochastic programming techniques, 54. Opsearch Web of Science
2017 AK Bhurjee, P Kumar, SK Padhan Solid transportation problem with budget constraints under interval uncertain environments, 7. International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking Scopus
2016 P Kumar, G Panda, UC Gupta An interval linear programming approach for portfolio selection model, 27. International Journal of Operational Research Scopus
2015 P Kumar, G Panda, UC Gupta Portfolio rebalancing model with transaction costs using interval optimization Opsearch Web of Science
2015 A K Bhurjee, P Kumar, G Panda Optimal range of sharpe ratio of a portfolio model with interval parameters, 36. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences Web of Science
2012 R Bhattacharyya, P Kumar, S Kar, S Sarkar Portfolio Selection of Interdependent R&D Projects, 3. Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Scopus
2011 R Bhattacharyya, P Kumar, S Kar Fuzzy R&D portfolio selection of interdependent projects, 62. Computers & Mathematics with Applications Web of Science
2024 B.R.B Sahu and P Kumar Portfolio Rebalancing Model Utilizing Support Vector Machines for Optimal Asset Allocation Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering Web of Science
2024 B.R.B. Sahu , A.K. Bhurjee, P. Kumar Efficient solutions for vector optimization problem on an extended interval vector space and its application to portfolio optimization Expert Systems with Applications Web of Science
2024 Thakur Ranjan Kumar, Agrawal Nawin Kumar, KumarP. A practical approach to college time table scheduler MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND COMPUTING Scopus
2024 J Behera and P Kumar Implementation of machine learning in $\ell_{\infty}$-based sparse Sharpe ratio portfolio optimization: A case study on Indian stock market Operational Research Web of Science
2024 Ajay Kumar Bhurjee, Pankaj Kumar, Pavan Kumar Solution of a bi-level linear programming problem with uncertain parameters and its application Operations Research and Decisions Web of Science
2021 P. K. Mishra, N. K. Dhar and N. K. Verma Adaptive neural network control of MIMO nonaffine nonlinear systems with asymmetric time-varying state constraints, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 2042-2054 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics SCI
2022 P. K. Mishra and N. K. Verma On Controller Design for Nonlinear Systems with Pure State Constraints, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 2236-2240 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs SCI
2023 P. K. Mishra and P. Jagtap Approximation-free Prescribed Performance Control with Prescribed Input Constraints vol. 7, pp. 1261-1266 IEEE Control Systems Letters SCI
2019 A. Kar, N. K. Dhar, P. K. Mishra and N. K. Verma Relative vehicle displacement approach for path tracking adaptive controller with multisampling data transmission, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 322-336 IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence SCI
2024 P. K. Mishra and P. Jagtap Approximation-free control for unknown systems with performance and input constraints IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control SCI
2024 P. K. Mishra and P. Jagtap Approximation-and Chattering-free Quasi Sliding Mode Control for Unknown Systems IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs SCI
2017 Param Singh, Vinod Yadava and Audhesh Narayan Comparison of Machining Performance of Hole-Sinking Micro-EDM Without and With Ultrasonic Vibration on Titanium Alloy, Vol. 7 International Journal of Precision Technology -
2018 Param Singh, Vinod Yadava and Audhesh Narayan Parametric Study of Ultrasonic Assisted Hole Sinking Micro EDM on Titanium Alloy, Vol. 94 International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology SCI
2018 Param Singh, Vinod Yadava and Audhesh Narayan Machining Performance Characteristics of Inconel 718 Superalloy due to Hole-Sinking Ultrasonic Assisted Micro-EDM, Vol. 17 Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems Scopus
2019 Param Singh, Vinod Yadava and Audhesh Narayan Comparative Study of Machining Characteristics of Inconel 718 Superalloy due to Drilling Micro-EDM Without and With Ultrasonic Vibration, Vol. 8 International Journal of Precision Technology -
2023 Param Singh, Vinod Yadava and Audhesh Narayan Performance Study of Ultrasonic‑Assisted Micro‑Electrical Discharge Machining of Inconel 718 Superalloy Using Rotary Tool Electrode, Vol. 104, No. 1, pp. 149–162; Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C Scopus
2023 Param Singh, Vinod Yadava and Audhesh Narayan Machining Performance Characteristics of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Due to Ultrasonic Assisted Micro-EDM Using Rotating Tool Electrode, DOI: 10.1007/s40033-023-00460-3 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D Scopus
2024 Roopak Varshney and Param Singh A Comparative Experimental Study of Different Magnetic Field Intensities on Electrical Discharge Turning of EN24 Steel Alloy Journal of Micromanufacturing Scopus
2024 Roopak Varshney and Param Singh Performance Evaluation with Metallurgical Aspects on Groove Formation During Magnetic Field-Assisted Electrical Discharge Turning of EN24 Steel alloy Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance SCI
2024 Roopak Varshney, Saridi Ajay kumar and Param Singh PARAMETRIC STUDY OF ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE TURNING PROCESS OF AL7075/ZRO2-MMC Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems Scopus
2024 Roopak Varshney and Param Singh The Effect of Different Magnet Intensities on EDM Turning of Al7075/Zro2 MMCs: A Comprehensive Investigation Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D Scopus
2024 Roopak Varshney and Param Singh Performance evaluation of electrical discharge turning of inconel-825 under influence of different magnetic field intensities Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies ESCI/Scopus
2024 Roopak Varshney and Param Singh Machining of Inconel-825 superalloy with Magnetic Field Assisted Electrical Discharge Turning: A Optimization Approach using Response Surface Methodology and Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Surface Review and Letters SCI
2024 Roopak Varshney and Param Singh Optimizing of Novel Magnetic Field Assisted Electrical Discharge Turning Parameters for Machining EN24 Steel Alloy Using Response Surface Methodology and MCDM-Based CRITIC-TOPSIS Method Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering SCI
2005 Pardeep Kumar and N M Bhandari Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Masonry Arches for Prediction of Collapse Load Structural Engineering International SCI
2006 Pardeep Kumar and N M Bhandari Mechanism Based Assessment of Masonry Arch Bridges Structural Engineering International SCI
2007 B. Harvey, P. Kumar and N. M. Bhandari Mechanism Based Assessment of Masonry Arch Bridges Structural Engineering International SCI
2012 Dubey Rahul and Kumar Pardeep Effect of Superplasticiser Dosage on Compressive strength of Self Compacting Concrete International journal of civil and Structural Engineering N/A
2013 Dubey Rahul and Kumar Pardeep An Experimental Study for Optimization of High range Water Reducing Superplasticiser in Self Compacting Concrete Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering SCOPUS
2013 Dubey Rahul and Kumar Pardeep Effect of Flyash on Water/Powder ratio and Superplasticiser Dosage in Self Compacting Mortars International journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction N/A
2014 Dubey R. and Kumar Pardeep An Empirical Approach to Design Optimized Self-Compacting Concrete Mixes Advances in Civil Engineering Materials SCOPUS
2016 Dubey R. and Kumar Pardeep Experimental Study of the Effectiveness of Retrofitting RC Cylindrical Columns using Self-Compacting Concrete Jackets Construction and Building Materials SCI
2017 Bavita Bhardwaj and Pardeep Kumar Waste Foundry Sand in Concrete: A Review of Latest Developments Construction and Building Materials SCI
2006 Pardeep Kumar and N M Bhandari Structural Properties of Brick, Mortar and Masonry Indian Concrete Journal SCOPUS
2008 Pardeep Kumar and N M Bhandari Assessment of Masonry Arch Bridges Highway Research Journal N/A
2019 Pardeep Kumar and Sandeep Petwal Seismic Performance of Secondary Systems Housed in Isolated and Non Isolated Building Earthquakes and Structures, An International Journal SCI
2019 Bavita Bhardwaj and Pardeep Kumar Comparative Study of Geopolymer and Alkali Activated Slag Concrete Comprising Waste Foundry Sand Construction and Building Materials SCI
2020 Sharma, A., Kumar, P., Vinayak, H.K., S K walia, Condition assessment of retrofitted steel truss bridge through fused Hilbert transform and frequency resolution enhancing techniques Innovative Infrastructure Solutions SCOPUS
2021 Sharma, A., Kumar, P., Vinayak, H.K., S K Walia Identification of joint discrepancy in steel truss bridge using Hilbert transform with root-MUSIC and ESPRIT techniques International Journal of Civil Engineering SCIE
2021 Sharma, A., Kumar, P., Vinayak, H.K., S K Walia Condition Evaluation in Steel Truss Bridge with Fused Hilbert Transform, Spectral Kurtosis, and Bandpass Filter Structural Durability & Health Monitoring SCOPUS
2021 Bavita Bhardwaj and Pardeep Kumar Performance assessment of graphene oxide reinforced sustainable geopolymer concrete Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE publications SCI
2021 Sharma, A., Kumar, P., Vinayak, H.K., Patel, R.K. and Walia, S.K. Steel truss bridge vibration-based condition monitoring using Savitzky-Golay filter, Hilbert transform, MUSIC and ESPRIT Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology SCOPUS
2021 Sharma Anshul; Kumar, Pardeep ; Vinayak, Hemant ; Walia, Suresh ; Patel, Raj Hilbert transform and spectral kurtosis based approach in identifying the health state of retrofitted old steel truss bridge World Journal of Engineering, SCOPUS
2022 V. K. Bansal, Pardeep Kumar and V. Suresh Kumar Location and Structural Optimization of Transmission Tower in Hilly Region International Journal of Scientific Research in Civil Engineering ASI, Google Scholar
2022 Vivek Sharma, Ravi Kumar Sharma, Pardeep Kumar, Site response analysis and empirical correlations between N-values and Shear modulus for sub-Himalayan district Hamirpur using ProShake Journal of Mining and Environment, SCOPUS
2022 Vivek Sharma, Ravi Kumar Sharma, Pardeep Kumar, Estimation of Ground Motion Amplification for sub Himalayan Strata due to Hypothetical Earthquake Motions Journal of Mining and Environment, SCOPUS
2023 Japneet Sidhu, Pardeep Kumar Comprehensive review on hydrophobic modification of concrete: Progress and Perspectives Advances in Civil and Architectural Engineering ESCI
2023 Japneet Sidhu, Vinay Kumar, Pardeep Kumar & Rahul Dubey, Applicability of confinement models for SCC jacketed reinforced concrete columns Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, SCOPUS
2023 Himanshu Yadav, A K Roy, Sai Charan Dasu, Pardeep Kumar, Arun Chanotra, Wind Responses on Twin Box Girder Bridge Deck Using a Fluid- Structure Interaction Approach Asian Journal of Civil Engineering SCOPUS
2023 Japneet Sidhu, Pardeep Kumar, Development of hydrophobicity in geopolymer composites-Progress and Perspectives Construction and Building Materials, SCI
2023 Nisha Saharan, Pardeep Kumar and Joy Pal Convolutional neural network–based structural health monitoring framework for wind turbine blade Journal of Vibration and Control SCI
2017 Sood, P.K.; Sehgal, R.; Dwivedi, D.K. Machinability of Hypereutectic cast Al-Si alloys processed by SSM processing technique Sadhana SCI
2013 Machinability Study of Stir Cast Hypoeutectic Aluminum-Silicon Alloys During Turning. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance SCI
2017 Nilanshi Chauhan and Pardeep Singh Identifying the Opinion Orientation of Online Product Reviews at Feature Level: A Pruning Approach International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design Scopus
2015 Pardeep Singh and Kamlesh Dutta Automation and Validation of Annotation for Hindi Anaphora Resolution International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) Scopus
2019 Namrata Kumari, Ankit Guleria, Radhika Sood and Pardeep Singh A Supervised Approach for Keyphrase Extraction using SVM International Journal of Control and Automation Scopus
2020 Namrata Kumari, Pardeep Singh. Automated Hindi Text Summarization Using TF-IDF and Textrank Algorithm, 7(17): pp 2547-2555, 2020;, doi: 10.31838/jcr.07.17.315 Journal of Critical Reviews Scopus
2020 Kususm Lata, Pardeep Singh, Kamlesh Dutta A comprehensive review on feature set used for anaphora resolution Artificial Intelligence Review SCI
2022 Kususm Lata, Pardeep Singh, Kamlesh Dutta Mention detection in coreference resolution: survey, Vol- 58 Applied Intelligence SCI
2023 Kususm Lata, Pardeep Singh, Kamlesh Dutta Semi‑automatic Annotation for Mentions in Hindi Text SN Computers Scopus
2023 Namrata Kumari, Pardeep Singh Hindi Text Summarization using Sequence to Sequence Neural Network The ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP) SCI
2019 Parnika Shrivastava and Puneet Tandon Microstructure and texture based analysis of forming behavior and deformation mechanism of AA1050 sheet during Single Point Incremental Forming Journal of Materials Processing Technology SCI
2019 Parnika Shrivastava and Puneet Tandon Effect of preheated microstructure vis-à-vis process parameters and characterization of orange peel in incremental forming Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance SCI
2018 Parnika Shrivastava, Pavan Kumar, Alexander Pesin and Puneet Tandon Improvement in formability and geometrical accuracy of incrementally formed AA1050 sheets by microstructure and texture reformation through preheating, and their FEA and experimental validation Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering SCI
2018 Parnika Shrivastava and Puneet Tandon Enhancement of process capabilities and numerical prediction of geometric profiles and global springback in incrementally formed AA 1050 sheets Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals SCI
2020 Parnika Shrivastava and Puneet Tandon Revisiting Micro-Mechanical Damage Characterization for Single Point Incremental Forming Process Special Issue of the International Journal of Materials Forming on NUMIFORM 2019 SCI
2021 A. K. Mittal, P. Shrivastava, and M. K. Panda Time–space Jacobi pseudospectral simulation of multidimensional Schrödinger equation Numer. Methods Partial Differ. Equ. SCI
2021 A. K. Mittal, L. K. Balyan, M. K. Panda, P. Shrivastava, and H. Singh Pseudospectral analysis and approximation of two-dimensional fractional cable equation Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences SCI
2023 Geetanjali Geetanjali, P. K. Sharma Impact of fractional strain on medium containing spherical cavity in the framework of generalized thermoviscoelastic diffusion”, Journal of Thermal Stresses, (ISSN: 0149-5739 (print version), ISSN: 1521-074X (online version)) Journal of Thermal Stresses SCI
2023 Ankit Bajpai, Rajneesh Kumar, P. K. Sharma Axisymmetric half space Problem in Thermoelastic Diffusion Under phase lag and hyperbolic two temperature”, Journal of Thermal Stresses, (ISSN: 0149-5739 (print version), ISSN: 1521-074X (online version)) Journal of Thermal Stresses SCI
2023 Ankit Bajpai, Rajneesh Kumar, P. K. Sharma Modeling of hyperbolic two temperature fractional thermodiffusive elastic circular plate”, Mechanics of Solids, 2023. (Springer, SCIE), (Impact factor 0.549), (ISSN: 0025-6544 (print version), ISSN: 1934-7936 (online version)), Mechanics of Solids SCIE
2022 Geetanjali Geetanjali, Ankit Bajpai, P. K. Sharma Memory response of hyperbolic two-temperature thermoelastic diffusive half-space with variable material properties, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 1-19, 2022. (Springer, SCI), (Impact factor 2.467), (ISSN: 0939-1533 (print version), ISSN: 1432-0681 (online version)), Archive of Applied Mechanics SCI
2022 Geetanjali Geetanjali, Ankit Bajpai, P. K. Sharma “Impact of variable thermal conductivity and diffusivity on two temperature fractional thermodiffusive elastic half space with dual phase lags”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, 1-23, 2022. (Taylor and Francis, SCI), (Impact factor 4.853), (ISSN: 1745-5030 (print version), ISSN: 1745-5049 (online version)), Waves in Random and Complex Media, (Taylor and Francis) SCI
2022 Geetanjali Gilhotra, P. K. Sharma “Visco-thermodiffusive elastic interactions in plate within the framework of two temperature fractional thermoelastic models”, Indian J Phys, DOI: Indian J Phys SCI
2021 Geetanjali Gilhotra, P. K. Sharma “A spherical cavity problem with nonlocal elastic effect considering memory-dependent thermoelastic diffusion and laser pulse heat source”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, DOI: 10.1080/17455030.2021.1976436 Waves in Random and Complex Media, (Taylor and Francis) SCI
2021 P. K. Sharma, Ankit Bajpai, Rajneesh Kumar “Analysis of two temperature thermoelastic diffusion plate with variable thermal conductivity and diffusivity”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, 1-19, 2021. (Taylor and Francis, SCI), (ISSN: 1745-5030 (print version), ISSN: 1745-5049 (online version)), Waves in Random and Complex Media, (Taylor and Francis) SCI
2021 Ankit Bajpai, P. K. Sharma Variable thermal conductivity and diffusivity impact on forced vibrations of thermo-diffusive elastic plate”, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 44 (9):1169-1190, (ISSN: 0149-5739 (print version), ISSN: 1521-074X (online version)). Journal of Thermal Stresses SCI
2021 Ankit Bajpai, P. K. Sharma, Rajneesh Kumar “Transient response of a thermo-diffusive elastic thick circular plate with variable conductivity and diffusivity”, Acta Mech., 232(9): 3343–3361, (ISSN: 0001-5970 (print version), ISSN: 1619-6937 (electronic version)), Acta Mechanica SCI
2021 Ankit Bajpai, P. K. Sharma, Rajneesh Kumar “Modeling of thermoelastic diffusion plate under two temperature, fractional-order, and temperature-dependent material properties”, Z Angew Math Mech., 101(10): e202000321. (Wiley, (ISSN: 0044-2267 (print version), ISSN: 1521-4001 (online version)), Z Angew Math Mech., 101(10): e202000321, 2021. (Wiley ) SCIE
2021 Ankit Bajpai, Rajneesh Kumar, P. K. Sharma “Analysis of Wave Motion and Deformation in Elastic Plate Based on Two Temperature Theory of Thermoelasticity’’, Waves in Random and Complex Media, 1-22, (Taylor and Francis ), , (ISSN: 1745-5030 (print version), ISSN: 1745-5049 (online version)), https://doi: 10.1080/17455030.2021.1887545 Waves in Random and Complex Media, (Taylor and Francis) SCI
2016 P K Sharma, K C Mishra Analysis of thermoelastic response in functionally graded hollow sphere without load”, J Thermal stresses< 40(2), 185-197 Journal of Thermal Stresses SCI
2016 K C Mishra, J N Sharma, P K Sharma “Analysis of Vibrations in a Non-homogeneous Thermoelastic Thin Annular Disk Under Dynamic Pressure”, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines (An Int. Journal), 45(2), 207-218, 2016 Design of Structures and Machines (An International Journal) SCI
2016 J N Sharma, P K Sharma and Krishan C Mishra “Dynamic response of functionally graded cylinder due to time dependent heat flux”, Mechanica (An Int. J. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 51, 139-154, ISBN/ISSN No.: 0025-6455 Mechanica (An International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SCI
2014 J. N. Sharma, P. K. Sharma & Krishan C Mishra “Analysis of free vibrations in axisymmetric functionally graded thermoelastic cylinders”, Acta Mechanica, 225, 1581-1594. ISBN/ISSN No.: 0001-5970 Acta Mechanica SCI
2011 J. N. Sharma, P. K. Sharma, S. K. Rana Extensional and transversal wave motion in transversely isotropic thermoelastic plates by using asymptotic method, ASME, J. Applied Mechanics, 78, 061022.1 -061022.11, 2011 ISBN/ISSN No.:0021-8936 ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics SCI
2011 J. N. Sharma, P. K. Sharma, S. K. Rana Generalized thermoelastic extensional and flexural wave motions in homogenous isotropic plate by using asymptotic method, J. Sound and Vibration, 330, 510-525, 2011. ISBN/ISSN No.: 0022 460X Journal of Sound and Vibration SCI
2012 J. N. Sharma, P. K. Sharma, S. K. Rana Extensional wave motion in homogenous isotropic thermoelastic plate by using asymptotic method, J. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35, 317–327, 2011. ISBN/ISSN No.:0307904X Journal of Applied Mathematical Modelling SCI
2010 J. N. Sharma, P. K. Sharma, S. K. Rana Flexural and transversal wave motion in homogeneous isotropic thermoelastic plates by using asymptotic method, J. Sound and Vibration, 329, 804–818, 2010. . ISBN/ISSN No.: 0022 460X Journal of Sound and Vibration SCI
2009 J. N. Sharma. R. Sharma, P. K. Sharma Rayleigh waves in a thermo-viscoelastic solid loaded with viscous fluid of varying Temperature. Int. J. Theoretical and Applied Sciences, 2, 60-70, 2009. ISSN NO. Print : 0975-1718, Online: 2249-3247 International Journal Theoretical and Applied Sciences, SCI
2009 V Walia, J. N. Sharma, P. K. Sharma Effect of rotation on waves propagation in piezotherrnoelastic rotating plate with open circuit boundary, European J. of Mechanics A/Solids, 28, 569 - 581, 2009. ISSN 0997-7538 European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids SCI
2008 P. K. Sharma, D. K. Kaur, J. N. Sharma Three-dimensional vibration analysis of a thermoelastic cylindrical panel with voids. Int. J. Solids and Structures, ISSN 0020-7683, IF 2.076, 45, 5049 - 5058, 2008. International Journal of Solids and Structures SCI
2004 J. N. Sharma, P. K. Sharma, S. K. Gupta Steady state response of thermoelastic media to moving loads, J. Thermal Stresses, (ISSN 0149-5739), 931- 951, 2004 Journal of Thermal Stresses SCI
2004 J. N. Sharma, P. K. Sharma, R. L. Sharma Behavior of thermoelastic thick plate under lateral loads, J. Thermal Stresses, (ISSN 0149-5739), 27, 171 - 191 Journal of Thermal Stresses SCI
2004 J. N. Sharma. P. K. Sharma Free vibration analysis of homogeneous transversely isotropic thermoelastic cylindrical panel, J. Thermal Stresses, (ISSN 0149-5739), 24, 169 - 182, 2002 Journal of Thermal Stresses SCI
2001 J. N. Sharma, P. K. Sharma On the transient waves in the thermoelastic half space, Int. J. Applied Mechanics and Engineering,(ISSN 1425-1655) 6, 923 - 946. J. Applied Mechanics and Engineering SCOPUS
2003 J. N. Sharma, P. K. Sharma On the wave propagation in generalized thermoelastic media, Int. J. Applied Mechanics and Engineering, (ISSN 1425-1655) 8, 299 - 316. Int. J. Applied Mechanics and Engineering SCOPUS
2011 P K Sharma, S. Pathania Circular Waves in Thermoelastic Plates Bordered with Viscous liquid layers, Int. J. Production and Industrial Engineering, Int. J. Production and Industrial Engineering SCOPUS
2013 J N Sharma, P K Sharma, S. Pathania “Circular crested waves in thermoelastic plates bordered with viscous liquid”, Int. J. of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 17, 513-534, 2012, Int. J. of Applied Mechanics and Engineering SCOPUS
2024 S Saxena, A Gupta, P Daniel Efficient Data Augmentation via lexical matching for boosting performance on Statistical Machine Translation for Indic and a Low-resource language 1-15 Multimedia Tools and Applications SCI\SCOPUS
2023 S Chauhan, P Daniel, A Mishra, A Kumar Adableu: A modified bleu score for morphologically rich languages 69 (8), 5112-5123 IETE Journal of Research SCI\SCOPUS
2023 S Chauhan, R Kumar, S Saxena, A Kaur, P Daniel SemSyn: Semantic-Syntactic Similarity Based Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation Metric 1-12 IETE Journal of Research SCI\SCOPUS
2022 S Chauhan, P Daniel, S Saxena, A Sharma Fully unsupervised machine translation using context-aware word translation and denoising autoencoder 36 (1), 2031817 Applied Artificial Intelligence SCI\SCOPUS
2022 S Chauhan, S Saxena, P Daniel Enhanced unsupervised neural machine translation by cross lingual sense embedding and filtered back-translation for morphological and endangered Indic languages 1-14 Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence SCI\SCOPUS
2022 S Saxena, S Chauhan, P Arora, P Daniel Unsupervised SMT: an analysis of Indic languages and a low resource language 1-20 Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence SCI\SCOPUS
2022 S Saxena, U Chaurasia, N Bansal, P Daniel Improved Unsupervised Statistical Machine Translation via Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation for a Low-Resource and Indic Languages 1-11 IETE Journal of Research SCI\SCOPUS
2022 S Saxena, S Chauhan, P Daniel Kinnauri-Pahari (version_0. 1): parallel, monolingual dataset and word-embeddings 47(3), 123 Sādhanā SCI\SCOPUS
2022 S Saxena, S Chauhan, P Arora, P Daniel Explicitly unsupervised statistical machine translation analysis on five Indian languages using automatic evaluation metrics 47 (2), 106 Sādhanā SCI\SCOPUS
2022 S Chauhan, S Saxena, P Daniel Improved unsupervised neural machine translation with semantically weighted back translation for morphologically rich and low resource languages 54(3), 1707-1726 Neural Processing Letters SCI\SCOPUS
2022 S Chauhan, P Daniel A comprehensive survey on various fully automatic machine translation evaluation metrics 1-55 Neural Processing Letters SCI\SCOPUS
2022 S Chauhan, S Saxena, P Daniel Fully unsupervised word translation from cross-lingual word embeddings especially for healthcare professionals 13, 28-37 International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management SCI\SCOPUS
2022 S Chauhan, S Saxena, P Daniel Analysis of neural machine translation KANGRI language by unsupervised and semi supervised methods IETE Journal of Research SCI\SCOPUS
2021 S Chauhan, S Saxena, P Daniel Monolingual and parallel corpora for Kangri low resource language arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.11596 NA
2019 K Manoharan, P Daniel Autonomous lane detection on hilly terrain for perception-based navigation applications, 67(8), 453-463 The Imaging Science Journal SCI\SCOPUS
2018 K Manoharan, P Daniel Survey on various lane and driver detection techniques based on image processing for hilly terrain, 12(9), 1511-1520 IET Image Processing SCI\SCOPUS
2022 S Babu, M Krishnan, M Chinnaiyan, P Daniel, A Solomon MiR-205-5P AS POTENTIAL BIOMARKER AND THERAPEUTIC TARGET IN HEAD AND NECK SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA, 44(4), 337-338 Experimental Oncology SCI\SCOPUS
2018 Kodeeswari Manoharan, Philemon Daniel Detection of unstructured roads from a single image for autonomous navigation applications, 27(4), 043049-043049 Journal of Electronic Imaging SCI\SCOPUS
2017 Kodeeswari Manoharan, Philemon Daniel Image processing-based framework for continuous lane recognition in mountainous roads for driver assistance system, 26(6), 063011-063011 Journal of Electronic Imaging SCI\SCOPUS
2014 Philemon Daniel, Rajeevan Chandel Dynamic Ruleset Based Online Concurrent Testing of Functional Faults for Embedded Controllers, 90(1), 111-114 Przegląd Elektrotechniczny SCI\SCOPUS
2012 M Pitchaiah, Philemon Daniel Praveen,“Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm”, 3(3), 1-6 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research SCI\SCOPUS
2012 Philemon Daniel, Rajeevan Chandel Reconfigurable Test Architecture for Online Concurrent Fault Detection, Diagnosis and Repair, 3(1) International Journal of Design, Analysis & Tools for Integrated Circuits & Systems SCI\SCOPUS
2011 Rajesh Adluri, SG Babu, Philemon Daniel FPGA implementation of multi-alphabet arithmetic coding using rotating intervals, 10-14 IJCA Special Issue on Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering ICEICE SCI\SCOPUS
2010 Philemon Daniel, Rajeevan Chandel A Flexible Programmable Memory BIST Architecture, 51(2-3), 67-74 IETE Journal of Education SCI\SCOPUS
2011 Philemon Daniel and Rajeevan Chandel A Novel Output Vector Monitoring Online Concurrent BIST Architecture for VLSI Circuits, 1(2), 22-23 i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering SCI\SCOPUS
2016 P. Thakur, S. Mittal, N. Tiwari and R. P. Chhabra The motion of a rotating circular cylinder in a stream of Bingham plastic fluid, 235 (2016), 29-46 J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics SCI
2018 P. Thakur, N. Tiwari and R. P. Chhabra Flow of a power-law fluid across a rotating cylinder in a confinement, 251(2018), 145-161 J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics SCI
2019 P. Thakur, N. Tiwari and R. P. Chhabra Momentum and heat transfer from an asymmetrically confined rotating cylinder in a power-law fluid,Int.,137 (2019) 410–430 Journal of Thermal Science SCI
2019 P. Thakur, N. Tiwari and R. P. Chhabra Forced convection in a Bingham plastic fluids from a heated rotating cylinder, 52 (2019), 730–742 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan SCI
2018 P. Thakur, N. Tiwari and R. P. Chhabra Studies on H2-assisted liquefied petroleum gas reduction of NO over Ag/Al2O3catalyst, 13 (2) (2018), 227-235 Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis SCOPUS
2021 P. Thakur, N. Tiwari and R. P. Chhabra Flow of Power-Law Fluids Past a Rotating Cylinder at High Reynolds Numbers, 143 (2021), 101301-16. Journal of Fluids Engineering SCI
2023 S. Gautam, S. Majumder, P. Thakur Numerical study on the flow of Bingham plastic fluids around an array of cylinders Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2023 J. Rani, P. Thakur, S. Majumder A Holistic Analysis of Chemical Process Performance using Pinch Technology (Accepted) Indian Chemical Engineer ESCI
2023 J. Rani, P. Thakur, S. Majumder Energy Integration of Hydrodealkylation (HDA) of Toluene (Accepted) Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2016 Prakash Choudhary and Neeta Nain A Four-Tier Annotated Urdu Handwritten Text Image Dataset for Multidisciplinary Research on Urdu Script, Vol. 15(4) ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP) SCI
2018 PK Bhagat and Prakash Choudhary Image Annotation: Then and Now, Vol. 80(3) Image and Vision Computing SCI
2018 Sanasam Inunganbi and Prakash Choudhary Recognition of Handwritten Meitei Mayek Script Based on Texture Feature 7(5) International Journal of Natural Language Computing(IJNLC) Other
2019 S. inunganbi, Prakash Choudhary and K. Mangalem Singh Local Texture Descriptors and Projection Histogram based Handwritten Meitei Mayek Character Recognition Multimedia Tools and Applications SCI
2019 Prakash Choudhary and Abhishek Hazra Chest Disease Radiography in Twofold: Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning, Evolving Systems SCI
2020 Sanasam Inunganbi, Prakash Choudhary and Khumanthem Manglem Meitei Mayek handwritten dataset: compilation, segmentation, and character recognition The Visual Computer SCI
2020 Prakash Choudhary and Neeta Nain CALAM: Model-Based Compilation and Linguistic Statistical Analysis of Urdu Corpus Vol. 45(20) Sadhana SCI
2020 Abhishek Hazra, Prakash Choudhary, Sanasam Inunganbi & Mainak Adhikari Bangla-Meitei Mayek Scripts Handwritten Character Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network Applied Intelligence SCI
2020 Sanasam Inunganbi, Prakash Choudhary and Khumanthem Manglem Singh Line and word segmentation of handwritten text document by mid-point detection and gap trailing Multimedia Tools and Applications SCI
2021 PK Bhagat and Prakash Choudhary A Novel Approach based on Fully Connected Weighted Bipartite Graph for Zero-Shot Learning Problems (68) Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing SCI
2020 Sanasam Inunganbi, Prakash Choudhary and Kh. Singh Handwritten Meitei Mayek recognition using three‐channel convolution neural network of gradients and gray 37(6) Computational Intelligence SCI
2009 Anoop Kumar, Varun, Prashant Kumar, S Singal Performance of a venturi scrubber in intermediate drop Reynolds number regime for small particles at different throat length and throat gas velocity Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution SCi
2011 Prashant Dhiman, N.S. Thakur, Anoop Kumar, Satyender Singh An Analytical Model to Predict The Thermal Performance of a Novel Parallel Flow Packed Bed Solar Air Heater Applied Energy SCI and SCOPUS
2012 Prashant Dhiman, N.S. Thakur, S. R. Chauhan Thermal and Thermohydraulic Performance of Counter and Parallel Flow Packed Bed Solar Air Heaters Renewable Energy SCOPUS
2012 Satyender Singh, Prashant Dhiman A Numerical Evaluation of Thermal Performance of Double Flow Packed Bed Solar Air Heaters International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology SCOPUS
2013 Avdhesh Sharma, Varun, Prashant Kumar, Gaurav Bharadwaj Heat Transfer And Friction Characteristics of Double Pass Solar Air Heater Having V-Shaped Roughness on the Absorber Plate Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy SCI
2014 Prashant Dhiman Performance Modelling And Analysis of Double-Pass Packed-Bed Solar Air Heaters: An Analytical Framework International Journal of Sustainable Energy SCI and SCOPUS
2014 Satyender Singh, Prashant Dhiman Thermal and Thermohydraulic Performance Evaluation of A Novel Type Double Pass Packed Bed Solar Air Heater Under External Recycle Using An Analytical and RSM Technique Energy (Elsevier) SCI and SCOPUS
2015 Satyender Singh, Prashant Dhiman Using an Analytical Approach to Investigate Thermal Performance of Double-Flow Packed-Bed Solar Air Heaters with External Recycle Journal of Energy Engineering – ASCE SCI and SCOPUS
2015 Prashant Dhiman, Satyender Singh Recyclic Double Pass Packed Bed Solar Air Heaters International Journal of Thermal Sciences SCI and SCOPUS
2015 Maneesh Kaushal, Prashant Dhiman, Satyender Singh, Hariram Patel Finite Volume and Response Surface Methodology Based Performance Prediction and Optimization of A Hybrid Earth to Air Tunnel Heat Exchanger Energy and Buildings SCI and SCOPUS
2016 Satyender Singh, Prashant Dhiman Thermal Performance of Double Pass Packed Bed Solar Air Heaters – A Comprehensive Review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCOPUS
2016 Satyender Singh, Prashant Dhiman Exergoeconomic Analysis of Recyclic Packed Bed Solar Air Heater-Sustained Air Heating System For Buildings Journal of Energy Storage SCOPUS
2016 Satyender Singh, Prashant Dhiman Thermal and Thermohydraulic Efficiency of Recyclic-Type Double-Pass Solar Air Heaters With Fins and Baffles Heat Transfer Engineering SCI and SCOPUS
2016 Satyender Singh, Prashant Dhiman Thermal Performance Analysis of a Rectangular Longitudinal Finned Solar Air Heater With Semicircular Absorber Plate ASME-Journal of Solar Energy Engineering SCI and SCOPUS
2016 Satyender Singh, Prashant Dhiman Double Duct Packed Bed Solar Air Heater Under Combined Single and Recyclic Double Air Pass ASME-Journal of Solar Energy Engineering SCI and SCOPUS
2017 Prashant Dhiman, Satyender Singh Thermal and Thermo-Hydraulic Performance Investigation of Double-Pass Packed Bed Solar Air Heaters under External Recycle International Journal of Sustainable Energy SCI and SCOPUS
2017 Prashant Dhiman, Satyender Singh Thermal Performance Assessment of Recyclic Double-Pass Flat and V-Corrugated Plate Solar Air Heaters International Journal of Sustainable Energy SCI and SCOPUS
2018 Krishan Kant, Satyender Singh, Prashant Dhiman Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics within A Rectangular Microchannel Array of Different Manifold Shapes – Modelisation and Optimisation Using CFD and RSM Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics SCI and SCOPUS
2018 Satyender Singh, Prashant Dhiman Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Packed Bed Solar Air Heaters under the Collective Effect of Recycle Ratio and Fractional Mass Flow Rate Journal of Energy Storage SCOPUS
2018 Tejaswi Josyula, Satyender Singh, Prashant Dhiman CFD Investigation of a Solar Air Heater Comprising Longitudinally Finned Absorber Plate and Thermal Energy Storage System Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy SCI and SCOPUS
2021 Ajay Kumar, Shubham Silswal, Prashant Dhiman Photovoltaic Thermal Solar Air Heater under External Recycle: A performance study Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects SCI and SCOPUS
2021 Geeta Verma, Satyender Singh, Subhash Chander, Prashant Dhiman Numerical investigation on transient thermal performance predictions of phase change material embedded solar air heater Journal of Energy Storage SCOPUS
2021 Ajay Kumar, Prashant Dhiman Analytical investigation of photovoltaic thermal system under external recycle: A Comparative Study Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2022 Satyender Singh, Geeta, Prashant Kumar, Subhash Chander Numerical investigation on transient thermal performance predictions of phase change material embedded solar air heater Journal of Energy Storage SCOPUS
2022 Ajay Kumar, Prashant Dhiman Analytical and experimental investigations of recyclic double pass photovoltaic thermal system Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects SCI
2022 Amitesh Kumar, Sushant Thakur, Prashant Dhiman Jet impingement in a V-rib roughened solar air heater: an experimental approach Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects SCI
2023 Ajay Kumar, Prashant Dhiman Modeling and optimization of photovoltaic thermal system under recyclic operation by response surface methodology Renewable Energy SCI
2022 Amitesh Kumar, Sushant Thakur, Prashant Dhiman An integrated active-passive solution for strengthening the functionality of a solar air heater Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects SCI
2023 Amitesh Kumar, Sushant Thakur, Prashant Dhiman Effect of jet-impingement and surface roughness on performance of solar air heater: Experimental study and its optimization Expert Systems with Applications SCI
2023 Shubham Chouhan, Ajay Kumar, Prashant Dhiman Investigation of heat transfer augmentation and friction factor in twisted tape-based earth-to-air heat exchanger: a CFD-based analysis Journal of Ambient Energy SCI
2024 Ajay Kumar, Prashant Dhiman A Comparative Study of Double-Pass Recycle Type Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal Designs Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects SCI
2020 Dr Preeti Puri and Ms. Shefali Title: Rhizomatous Identity in the "Yellow Wall Paper": A Deleuzo-Guattarian Perspective. Volume:12 Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities WOS/ESCI: Q3 and Scopus
2023 Ms. Ujjwal Kaur and Dr Preeti Puri Title: Murder of the Eye (I): Disruption of Circumscription in “The Tell-Tale Heart” Volume No:37, Issue No: 3, Page: 371-380 ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews WOS/AHCI: Q1 and Scopus
2024 Ms. Shefali and Dr Preeti Puri Title: Traversing the (In)Visible Territory of Schizophrenia in HOAX Psychosis Blues: An Intersection of Life Writing and Graphic Medicine in Comics, Volume No: 22, Issue No:1, Page: 138-157 Life Writing WOS/AHCI: Q1 and Scopus
2025 Ms. Shefali and Dr. Preeti Puri Title: The Distinctive Reality of Schizophrenia in Swallow Me Whole and HOAX Psychosis Blues: Exploring Comics and their Narrative Space Visual Studies WOS/AHCI: Q1 and Scopus
2019 Preeti Soni, Arup Kumar Pal, SK Hafizul Islam An improved three-factor authentication scheme for patient monitoring using WSN in remote health-care system, volume 182 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine SCIE
2021 Preeti Soni, Arup Kumar Pal, SK Hafizul Islam, Aadarsh Singh, Priyanshu Kumar Provably secure and biometric-based secure access of E-Governance services using mobile devices, volume 63 Journal of Information Security and Applications SCIE
2022 Preeti Soni, Jitesh Pradhan, Arup Kumar Pal, SK Hafizul Islam, Cybersecurity attack-resilience authentication mechanism for intelligent healthcare system, volume 19 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics SCIE
2024 Preeti Soni, SK Hafizul Islam, Arup Kumar Pal, Nimish Mishra, Debabrata Samanta Blockchain-based User Authentication and Data-sharing Framework for Healthcare Industries, volume 11 IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering SCIE
2018 P.B. Kumar, C. Sahu, D.R. Parhi A Hybridized Regression-Adaptive Ant Colony Optimization Approach for Navigation of Humanoids in a Cluttered Environment, 68, 565-585. Applied Soft Computing SCI
2020 P.B. Kumar, D.R. Parhi Navigational Analysis of a Humanoid using Genetic Algorithm with Vision Assistance, 79, 8125–8144. Multimedia Tools & Applications SCI
2019 P.B. Kumar, S. Mohapatra, D.R. Parhi An intelligent navigation of humanoid NAO in the light of classical approach and computational intelligence, 30(2), e1858. Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds SCI
2019 P.B. Kumar, C. Sahu, D.R. Parhi, K.K. Pandey, A. Chhotray Static and Dynamic Path Planning of Humanoids using an Advanced Regression Controller, 26(1), 375-393. Scientia Iranica SCI
2018 P.B. Kumar, C. Sahu, D.R. Parhi Navigation of humanoids by a hybridized regression-adaptive particle swarm optimization approach, 28(3), 349-378. Archives of Control Sciences SCI
2019 P.B. Kumar, M. Sethy, D.R. Parhi An Intelligent Computer Vision Integrated Regression based Navigation Approach for Humanoids in a Cluttered Environment, 78(9), 11463-11486. Multimedia Tools & Applications SCI
2019 P.B. Kumar, H. Rawat, D.R. Parhi Path Planning of Humanoids based on Artificial Potential Field Method in Unknown Environments, 36(2), e12360. Expert Systems SCI
2019 P.B. Kumar, D.R. Parhi, C. Sahu An approach to optimize the path of humanoid robots using a hybridized regression-adaptive particle swarm optimization-adaptive ant colony optimization method, 46(1), 104-117. Industrial Robot SCI
2020 P.B. Kumar, C. Sahu, D.R. Parhi Intelligent Navigation of a Self-Fabricated Biped Robot using a Regression Controller, 27(1), 262-272. Scientia Iranica SCI
2020 P.B. Kumar, D.R. Parhi Intelligent Hybridization of Regression Technique with Genetic Algorithm for Navigation of Humanoids in Complex Environments, 38(4), 565-581. Robotica SCI
2018 A. Kumar, P.B. Kumar, D.R. Parhi Intelligent Navigation of Humanoids in Cluttered Environments using Regression Analysis and Genetic Algorithm, 43(12), 7655-7678. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering SCI
2019 D.R. Parhi, P.B. Kumar Smart Navigation of Humanoid Robots using DAYKUN-BIP Virtual Target Displacement and Petri-Net Strategy, 37(4), 626-640. Robotica SCI
2018 C. Sahu, P.B. Kumar, D.R. Parhi An Intelligent Path Planning Approach for Humanoid Robots using Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimisation, 27(5), 1850015. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools SCI
2018 C. Sahu, D.R. Parhi, P.B. Kumar An Approach to Optimize the Path of Humanoids using Adaptive Ant Colony Optimization, 15(4), 623-635. Journal of Bionic Engineering SCI
2017 D.R. Parhi, C. Sahu, P.B. Kumar Navigation of Multiple Humanoid Robots using Hybrid Adaptive Swarm-Adaptive Ant Colony Optimisation Technique, 29(2), e1802. Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds SCI
2018 A.K. Rath, D.R. Parhi, H.C. Das, M.K. Muni, P.B. Kumar Analysis and use of Fuzzy Intelligent Technique for Navigation of Humanoid Robot in Obstacle Prone Zone, 14(6), 677-682. Defence Technology SCI
2017 S. Sahu, P.B. Kumar, D.R. Parhi Design and Development of 3-Stage Determination of Damage Location using Mamdani-Adaptive Genetic-Sugeno Model, 55(4), 1325-1339. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SCI
2017 S. Sahu, P.B. Kumar, D.R. Parhi Intelligent Hybrid Fuzzy Logic System for Damage Detection of Beam-Like Structural Elements, 55(2), 509-521. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SCI
2018 S. Sahu, P.B. Kumar, D.R. Parhi A Hybridised CSAGA Method for Damage Detection in Structural Elements, 19(407). Mechanics & Industry SCI
2019 S. Sahu, P.B. Kumar, D.R. Parhi Analysis of hybrid CSADEA method for fault detection of cracked structures, 57(2), 369-382. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SCI
2019 P.B. Kumar, N.K. Verma, D.R. Parhi, D. Priyadarshi Design and Control of a 7 DOF Redundant Manipulator Arm. Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering SCOPUS
2017 P.B. Kumar, D.R. Parhi Vibrational Characterization of a Human Femur Bone and its Significance in the Designing of Artificial Implants, 14(3), 222-226. World Journal of Engineering SCOPUS
2017 P.B. Kumar, D.R. Parhi Vibrational Characteristics and Stress Analysis in a Human Femur Bone, 4, 10084-10087. Materials Today Proceedings SCOPUS
2018 A.K. Rath, D.R. Parhi, H.C. Das, P.B. Kumar Behaviour based navigational control of humanoid robot using genetic algorithm technique in cluttered environment, 91(1), 32-36. Modelling, Measurement and Control A SCOPUS
2018 A.K. Rath, H.C. Das, D.R. Parhi, P.B. Kumar Application of artificial neural network for control and navigation of humanoid robot, 12(2), 3529-3538. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences SCOPUS
2019 A.K. Rath, H.C. Das, D.R. Parhi, P.B. Kumar, M.K. Muni, K. Salony Path Optimization for Navigation of a Humanoid Robot using Hybridized Fuzzy-Genetic Algorithm, 7(3), 112-119. International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems SCOPUS
2020 P.B. Kumar, M.K. Muni, D.R. Parhi Navigational Analysis of Multiple Humanoids using a Hybrid Regression-Fuzzy Logic Control Approach in Complex Terrains, 89, 106088. Applied Soft Computing SCI
2020 M.K. Muni,D.R. Parhi, P.B. Kumar Improved Motion Planning of Humanoid Robots Using Bacterial Foraging Optimization. Robotica SCI
2020 M.K. Muni,D.R. Parhi, P.B. Kumar Implementation of Grey Wolf Optimization Controller for Multiple Humanoid Navigation, 31(3), e1919. Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds SCI
2020 M.K. Muni, D.R. Parhi, P.B. Kumar, A.K. Rath Navigational Analysis of Multiple Humanoids using a Hybridized Rule Base-Sugeno Fuzzy Controller. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics SCI
2020 M.K. Muni, D.R. Parhi, P.B. Kumar, S. Kumar Motion Control of Multiple Humanoids Using a Hybridized Prim’s Algorithm-Fuzzy Controller. Soft Computing SCI
2020 A.K. Rath, D.R. Parhi, H.C. Das, P.B. Kumar, M.K. Mahto Design of a Hybrid Controller Using Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network for Path Planning of a Humanoid Robot. International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems SCOPUS
2020 P.B. Kumar, D.R. Parhi, M. K. Muni, K. K. Pandey, A. Chhotray, D. Pradhan Dynamic Strategy Planning of Humanoid Robots using Glowworm based Optimization. Robotica SCI
2020 P.B. Kumar, D.R. Parhi, M. Sethy Humanoid Navigation: A Firefly Based Approach. Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds SCI
2016 Rathee Priyanka, Singh, R . and Kumar, S . "Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11p in the Presence of Hidden Terminals." Wireless Personal Communications: 89(1), 61-78 Wireless Personal Communication SCI
2019 Priyanka Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11p using continuous time Markov Chain, , 152, 309-315. Procedia Computer Science SCI
2019 Priyanka, Singh, R . and Kumar, S . Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11 p Protocol with Retry Limit in VANETs: An Analytical study. Procedia Computer Science, 152, 195-203. Procedia Computer Science SCI
2017 Priyanka, Singh, R. and Kumar, S. Analytical Modelling of Back-off Process of IEEE 802.11p using Continuous Markov Chain in VANETs. International Journal of Computer Applications 172(9):14-20, August 2017. ISSN 0975 - 8887 UGC Listed
2023 Rathee, P., Shirsath, M., Awasthi, L. K., & Chauhan, N. A Novel Deep Convolutional Neural Network based Classification of Arrhythmia, Vol. 14, No. 2, March 2023. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing Scopus
2023 Ishana Atri, Lalit Awasthi, Ph.D; Dr.Teek Sharma, Ph.D; Dr. Priyanka Rathee, Ph.D A review of Deep Learning techniques used in agriculture,2023 Ecological Informatics, Elsevier SCI
2015 Venu Shree, Puneet Sharma Tira sujanpur: An adobe of Katoch Dynasty Journal of Institute of Engineer India Series A Scopus
2019 Puneet Sharma, Dharmendra, Sumit Gandhi Route and Mode Choice Analysis for Sustainable Transport Through Multimodal Mobility Pattern In Hill Town of Shimla, 5(1) JUET Research Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN: 2321-6026
2016 Puneet Sharma,Bhanu. M. Marwaha, Dharmendra, Investigating the role of multimodal transport in smart city planning - case of Shimla, Issue 11-Spring15-16 pp 29-37 Spandrel, SPA Bhopal International
2015 Puneet Sharma,Bhanu. M. Marwaha, Dharmendra, Integration of new transport modes in urban form of hill town for sustainable development, Vol.80, Issue-9 pp 38 - 42 The journal of the Indian institute of architects International
2012 Ranjan Alok, Puneet Sharma, Sharma Sandeep, Venu Shree Reminiscences of bygone, Haroli mandal, Vol 77, Issue 10 pp 7- 10 The journal of the Indian institute of architects International
2011 Puneet Sharma, Venu Shree Exploring the Role of River as Seam within City Structure, CASE Of Gomti River Precinct, Lucknow, Issue 2, Spring , pp 29-34. Spandrel, SPA Bhopal International
2013 Sandeep Sharma, Puneet Sharma Traditional and Vernacular buildings are Ecological Sensitive, Climate Responsive Designs- Study of Himachal Pradesh, International Journal of Chemical, Environmental & Biological Sciences (IJCEBS) ISSN 2320-4079; EISSN 2320–4087
2022 Anindya Dutta, Puneet Sharma Feasibility Study of Tourist Destinations in Barak Valley, Volume 37 Number 3, 2022, ISSN No.: 0827 3383 International journal of special education Scopus
2022 Nandit Pastariya, Puneet Sharma Factors Influencing Residential Satisfaction in Non-Gated Individual Housing; Case of Central India Volume 37 Number 3, 2022, ISSN No.: 0827 3383 International journal of special education Scopus
2023 Akansha Soni, Puneet Sharma, Analysis of urban intervention processes carried out in core cities in India Volume 16 Number 3, 2023, ISSN No.: 1752-9646 Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal Scopus
2024 Akansha Soni, Puneet Sharma, A recent review of influential factors for core city area development processes, Volume 17 Number 3, 2024, ISSN No.: 1752-9646 Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal Scopus
2024 Kalpna Thakur, Inderpal Singh & Puneet Sharma A systematic review of integrated urban water management (IUWM) Environment, Development and Sustainability SCIE
2024 Gitika Kaundal, Puneet Sharma, Inderpal Singh "Climate-Resilient Traditional Architecture: A Case of Dharamshala, India". Journal of Architectural/Planning Research and Studies (JARS)- Accepted Scopus
2019 Singh P., Joshi S.D. Some studies on multidimensional Fourier theory for Hilbert transform, analytic signal and AM-FM representation, pp. 1--28; Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing SCI
2018 Singh P. Novel Fourier Quadrature Transforms and Analytic Signal Representations for Nonlinear and Non-stationary Time Series Analysis, R. Soc. open sci. 5: 181131, pp. 1--26 Royal Society Open Science SCI
2018 Gupta A., Singh P., Karlekar M. A novel Signal Modeling Approach for Classification of Seizure and Seizure-free EEG Signals, vol. 26, issue 5, pp. 925--935. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering SCI
2018 Singh P. Discussion of ``An orthogonal Hilbert-Huang transform and its application in the spectral representation of earthquake accelerograms'' by Tian-Li Huang, Meng-Lin Lou, Hua-Peng Chen, Ning-Bo Wanga [Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng. 104 (2018), 378--389], 108C, pp. 196 Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng. SCI
2017 Singh P., Joshi S.D., Patney R.K., Saha K. The Fourier Decomposition method for nonlinear and non-stationary signal analysis, 473 (2199), pp.1--27, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences SCI
2017 Singh P. Breaking the Limits: Redefining the Instantaneous Frequency, vol. 37, issue 8, pp. 3515--3536 Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing SCI
2017 Singh P., Pachori R.B. Classification of focal and nonfocal EEG signals using features derived from Fourier-based rhythms, vol. 17, no. 7 (2017) 1740002, pp. 1--16, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology SCI
2016 Singh P., Joshi S.D. Patney R.K., Saha K. Fourier-Based Feature Extraction for Classification of EEG Signals Using EEG Rhythms, 35 (10), pp. 3700--3715 Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing SCI
2014 Singh P., Joshi S.D. Patney R.K., Saha K. Some studies on nonpolynomial interpolation and error analysis, 244, pp. 809--821 Applied Mathematics and Computation SCI
2012 Mishra A., Awasthi S. K., Singh P., Malaviya U., Ojha S. P. Filter performance of reduced sized defect photonic crystals based on single-negative materials, 59 (7), 601--610 Journal of Modern Optics SCI
2012 Singh P., Sircar P. Time delays and angles of arrival estimation using known signals, 6 (2), 171--178 Signal, Image and Video Processing SCI
2018 Gupta A., Joshi SD, Singh P. On the Approximate Discrete KLT of Fractional Brownian Motion and Applications, vol. 355, issue 17, 8989--9016 Journal of the Franklin Institute SCI
2020 Singhal A., Singh P., Fatimah B., Pachori R.B. An efficient removal of power-line interference and baseline wander from ECG signals by employing Fourier decomposition technique, vol. 57, 101741, 2020 Biomedical Signal Processing and Control SCI
2020 Fatimah B., Singh P., Singhal A., Pachori R.B. Detection of apnea events from ECG segments using Fourier Decomposition Method, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 61 (2020) 102005. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control SCI
2020 A. Singhal, P. Singh, B. Lall, SD Joshi Modeling and prediction of COVID-19 pandemic using Gaussian mixture model Chaos, Solitons & Fractals Volume 138, September 2020, 110023 SCI
2020 Singh P. Novel Generalized Fourier Representations and Phase Transforms Digital Signal Processing (2020),102830, doi: SCI
2020 VK Mehla, A Singhal, P Singh A novel approach for automated alcoholism detection using Fourier decomposition method Journal of Neuroscience Methods (2020) 108945 SCI
2020 Singh P., Singhal A., Fatimah B., Gupta A., Joshi S.D. AF-MNS: A Novel AM-FM Based Measure of Non-Stationarity IEEE Communications Letters (2020) , doi: 10.1109/LCOMM.2020.3041722 SCI
2021 Singh P., Gupta A. Generalized SIR (GSIR) epidemic model: An improved framework for the predictive monitoring of COVID-19 pandemic ISA Transactions (2021), SCI
2021 Fatimah B., Singh P., Singhal A., Pramanick D., Pranav S., Pachori R.B. Efficient detection of myocardial infarction from single lead ECG signal Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 68, July 2021, 102678, SCI
2021 Fatimah B., Singh P., Singhal A., Pachori R.B. Hand movement recognition from sEMG signals using Fourier decomposition method Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 41 (2), 690-703 SCI
2021 VK Mehla, A Singhal, P Singh, RB Pachori An efficient method for identification of epileptic seizures from EEG signals using Fourier analysis Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine SCI
2021 NK Mishra, P Singh, SD Joshi Automated Detection of COVID-19 from CT scan using Convolution Neural Network   Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering SCI
2001 R. K. Vats Common fixed point for four mappings satisfying rational inequality Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society Scopus
2002 R. K. Vats Weakly compatible maps in metric spaces Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society Scopus
2003 R. Chugh, S. Kumar and R. K. Vats A generalization of Banach contraction principle in probabilistic D-metric Spaces-I Mathematical Sciences Research Journal (USA) Scopus
2005 S. Mudgal and R. K. Vats Common fixed point for intimate maps South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Scopus
2005 S. Kumar, R. Chugh and R. K. Vats Common fixed point theorem for weakly compatible maps satisfying a general contractive condition of integral type in D-metric spaces Studii Sii Cercetari Scientific Seria. Math., Renamed as (Scientific Studies and Research. Series Mathematics and Informatics) NA
2006 R. K. Vats Common fixed point theorem for compatible maps in probabilistic metric space Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Renamed as (Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences Section A) NA
2006 R. K. Vats and R. Chugh Fixed point theorem for mapping satisfying a general contractive condition of integral type in D-metric spaces Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Renamed as (Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences Section A) NA
2006 S. Kumar, R. Chugh and R. K. Vats Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of fixed points for continuous self-mappings Studii Sii Cercetari Scientific Seria. Math., Renamed as (Scientific Studies and Research. Series Mathematics and Informatics) NA
2006 S. Kumar, R. Chugh and R. K. Vats Fixed point theorems for expansion mappings theorems in various space Studii Sii Cercetari Scientific Seria. Math., Renamed as (Scientific Studies and Research. Series Mathematics and Informatics) NA
2007 S. Kumar, R. Chugh and R. K. Vats Fixed point theorem for compatible mappings satisfying a general contractive condition of integral type Soochow Journal of Mathematics NA
2007 R. K. Vats and R. Chugh Compatible mappings for integral type contractive condition in fuzzy metric space Pure and Applied Mathematika Sciences NA
2007 R. Chugh and R. K. Vats Common fixed point theorem for integral type mappings in metric space South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Scopus
2009 S. Kumar and R. K. Vats Common fixed points for weakly compatible maps in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics NA
2010 S. Kumar, S. K. Garg and R. K. Vats Fixed point theorems for coincidence maps in intuitionistic fuzzy metric space International Journal of Mathematical Analysis Scopus
2010 S. Kumar, R. K. Vats, V. Singh and S. K. Garg Some common fixed point theorems in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Metric Spaces International Journal of Mathematical Analysis Scopus
2010 S. Kumar, R. K. Vats and V. Singh E.A. Property in Intuitionistic fuzzy metric space International Journal of Applied Mathematics (IJAM) Scopus
2010 S. Kumar and R. K. Vats Common fixed points for weakly compatible maps in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces Journal of Advanced Studies in Topology NA
2011 A. Sharma, P. Sharma and R. K. Vats Analysis of adjacency matrix and neighborhood associated with zero divisor graph of finite commutative rings International Journal of Computer Applications NA
2011 R. K. Vats and V. Sihag Common fixed point theorems for OWC maps in symmetric fuzzy metric spaces International Journal of Computer Applications NA
2011 V. Sihag, R. K. Vats and C. Vetro Fixed point theorems for contractive maps in weak non-Archimedean fuzzy metric spaces and application International Journal of Computer Applications NA
2011 R. K. Vats, S. Kumar and V. Sihag Fixed point theorems in complete G-metric space, 47, 127–139 Fasciculi Mathematici (Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics) NA
2011 R. K. Vats, S. Kumar and V. Sihag Some common fixed point theorem for compatible mappings of type (A) in complete G-metric space, 6(1), 27–38. Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics (Research India Publications) NA
2011 R. K. Vats, D. Gopal, S. Kumar and V. Sing Common fixed point theorems for hybrid Pairs of OWC mappings satisfying generalized contractive condition of integral type in symmetric spaces, 6(2), 199–208. Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics (Research India Publications) NA
2012 V. Sihag and R. K. Vats Coupled coincidence point result in partially ordered generalized metric spaces, 43(4), 609–619. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics (Tamkang University) Scopus
2013 R. K. Vats, M. L. Lo Cicero, V. Sihag and C. Vetro J H-operators and occasionally weakly g-biased pairs in fuzzy symmetric spaces, 2013, 1–10. Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Application ( Semnan University) Scopus
2013 R. K. Vats, V. Sihag and Y. J. Cho Coupled fixed point theorems without continuity and mixed monotone property, ,2013, (Article No: 217), 1–10. Journal of Inequalities and Applications (Springer) SCI
2013 R. K. Vats, S. Kumar and V. Singh Coupled fixed point theorem in intuitionistic fuzzy metric space using E.A. property, , 65(3), 1–5. International Journal of Computer Applications (Foundation of Computer Science) NA
2013 B. Samet, V. Sihag, R. K. Vats and C. Vetro Some common fixed point theorem in fuzzy metric spaces,, 20(3), 285–299. Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series: A Mathematical Analysis Scopus
2013 A. Kumar and R. K. Vats Common fixed point theorem in fuzzy metric space using control function, 283, 517–526. Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society (Korea Science) Scopus
2013 R. K. Vats, S. Kumar and V. Sihag Common fixed point theorem for expansive mappings in G-metric spaces, 6(1), 60–71. Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science (International Scientific Research Publications ) Scopus
2013 M. Grewal, M. Jain, R. K. Vats and S. Kumar Coupled fixed point theorem for weakly compatible mappings in menger spaces, 4(12), 1714–1719. Applied Mathematics (Scientific Research) Web of Science
2014 R. K. Vats and A. Kumar Fixed point theorem for set valued maps in G-metric space ,4(1), 60–68, Advances in Fixed Point Theory (SCIK Publishing Corporation) Scopus
2014 V. Sihag, C. Vetro and R. K. Vats A fixed point theorem in G-metric space via alpha−series, 37(3), 429–434. Quaestiones Mathematicae(Taylor and Francis) Scopus
2014 R. K. Vats, K. Tas, V. Sihag and A. Kumar Triple fixed point theorems via alpha−series in partially ordered metric spaces, , 2014, (Article No: 176), 1–12. Journal of Inequalities and Applications (Springer) SCI
2015 R. K. Vats, B. S. Choudhary, A. Kumar and P. Saha Coincidence point theorems through weak contractions in partially ordered fuzzy metric spaces, 9(2), 325–340. Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics (South Korea) NA
2015 A. Kumar and R. K. Vats Fixed point theorem using control function in intuitionistic fuzzy metric space, , 18(5), 599–615. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics (Taylor and Francis) Scopus
2016 R. K. Vats, M. Grewal and A. Kumar, Some fixed point theorem in generalized metric spaces, 6(3), 254–261. Advances in Fixed Point Theory (SCIK Publishing Corporation) Scopus
2016 A. Gupta, H. K. Nashine, R. P. Dubey and R. K. Vats Common fixed point theorems for admissible mappings with weaker control functions, 2(1), 11–25. International Journal of Engineering, Contemporary Mathematics and Sciences (MUK Publications & Distributions) NA
2016 R. K. Vats and M. Grewal Fixed point theorems for weak contraction in intuitionistic fuzzy metric space, 38(2), 337-357 . Honam Mathematical Journal (Korea Science) ESCI
2017 M. Grewal, R. K. Vats and A. Kumar, n-tupled common fixed point theorems via alpha-series in ordered metric spaces, 10(2), 295-311, European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (New York Business Global, USA.) Scopus
2017 R. K. Vats, V. Sihag and C. Vetro Common fixed point theorems of integral type for OWC mappings under relaxed condition, 15(1), 153-166, Thai Journal of Mathematics Scopus
2018 S. Kumar, R. K. Vats and H. K. Nashine Existence and uniqueness results for three-point nonlinear fractional (arbitrary order) boundary value problem, 70(4), 314–325. MATEMATICKI VESNIK Scopus
2018 R. K. Vats, S. K. Verma, A. K. Nain and V. Sihag Existence and uniqueness of solutions for fractional differential equations with three-point fractional integral boundary conditions, 18(1), 181-195. Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences (Mili Publications) NA
2018 A. K. Nain, R. K. Vats, S. K. Verma and V. Sihag Existence of solutions of a nonlinear fractional differential equation with fractional derivative and fractional integral boundary conditions, 18(1), 75-84. Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences (Mili Publications) NA
2019 H. K. Nashine, R. K. Vats and Z. Kadelburg Fixed point theorems under w-distance functions and applications to nonlinear integral and fractional differential equations, 43(3), 371–392. Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics Scopus
2019 A. K. Nain, R. K. Vats and S. K. Verma Existence and uniqueness results for positive solutions of Hadamard type fractional BVP, 22(5), 697-710. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics (Taylor and Francis) Scopus
2020 A. Kumar, R. K. Vats, A. Kumar Approximate controllability of second-order non-autonomous system with finite delay, 26, 611–627. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems (Springer) SCIE
2020 A. Kumar, R. K. Vats, A. Kumar and D. N. Chalishajar Numerical approach to the controllability of fractional order impulsive differential equations, 53(1), 193–207. Demonstration Mathematica SCIE
2021 A. K. Nain, R. K. Vats and A. Kumar Coupled fractional differential equations involving Caputo-Hadamard derivative with nonlocal boundary conditions, 44(5), 4192–4204. Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences (Wiley) SCIE
2021 A. K. Nain, R. K. Vats and A. Kumar Caputo-Hadamard fractional differential equation with impulsive boundary conditions, 9(1), 93-106. Journal of Mathematical Modeling Scopus
2021 A. K. Nain, R. K. Vats and S. K. Verma Existence of solutions for non-linear Hadamard type fractional differential equation with mixed fractional boundary conditions, 28(3), 193-206. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series A: Mathematical Analysis Scopus
2022 S. K. Verma, R. K. Vats and A. K. Nain Existence and uniqueness results for a fractional differential equation with nonlocal boundary conditions, (3s.) 40, 1–7. Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica (Universidade Estadual de Maringa - UEM) SCI
2022 S. K. Verma, R. K. Vats, H. K. Nashine and H. M. Srivastava Existence results for a fractional differential inclusion of arbitrary order with three-point boundary conditions, 47(6), 935–945, Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics Scopus
2022 A. Kumar, K. Jeet and R. K. Vats Controllability of Hilfer fractional integro-differential equations of Sobolev-type with a nonlocal condition in a Banach space, 11(2), 605–619. Evolution Equations and Control Theory (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences) SCI
2022 A. Kumar, A. Kumar, R. K. Vats and P. Kumar Approximate controllability of neutral delay integro-differential inclusion of order alpha in (1, 2) with non-instantaneous impulses, 11(5), 1635-1654. Evolution Equations and Control Theory (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences) SCI
2022 S. K. Verma, R. K. Vats, A. Kumar, V. Vijayakumar, A. Shukla A discussion on the existence and uniqueness analysis for the coupled two-term fractional differential equations, 46(2), 516-532. Turkish Journal of Mathematics SCIE
2022 K. Dhawan, R. K. Vats, R. P. Agarwal Qualitative analysis of coupled fractional differential equations involving Hilfer derivative, 30(1) 191–217. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius din Constanta, Math. Series ( Sciendo) SCIE
2022 A. Kumar, R. K. Vats, K. Dhawan and A. Kumar Approximate controllability of delay non-autonomous integro-differential system with impulses, 45(12), 7322–7335. Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences (Wiley) SCIE
2023 K. Dhawan, R. K. Vats, S. K. Verma and A. Kumar Existence and stability analysis for nonlinear boundary value problem involving Caputo fractional derivative, 30(2), 107–121. Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series B: Applications & Algorithms Scopus
2023 K. Dhawan, R. K. Vats and V. Vijayakumar Analysis of neutral fractional differential equation via the method of upper and lower solution, 22 (Article No. 93), 1–15. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems (Springer) SCIE
2023 P. Kumar, R. K. Vats and A. Kumar Result on controllability of Hilfer fractional integro differential equations of Sobolev-type with non-instantaneous impulses, 37(29) , 10033–10053. Filomat SCIE
2023 V. Yadav, R. K. Vats, A. Kumar and K. Jeet Results on the existence and approximate controllability of neutral-type delay integro-differential system with noninstantaneous impulse, 47(16), 16992–17009. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (Wiley) SCIE
2023 H. M. Srivastava, A. K. Nain, R. K. Vats and P. Das A theoretical study of the fractional-order p-Laplacian nonlinear Hadamard type turbulent flow models having the Ulam–Hyers stability, 117 (Article No. 160), 1-19. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, F´ısicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matematicas (Springer) SCIE
2023 O. P. K. Sharma, R. K. Vats and A. Kumar A Note on existence and exact controllability of fractional stochastic system with finite delay, 12, 180–189. International Journal of Dynamics and Control (Springer) Scopus
2023 O.P. K. Sharma, R. K. Vats and A. Kumar Existence and exact controllability results of nonlocal integro-differential neutral stochastic system with finite delay, 32, 573–595 The Journal of Analysis (Springer) Scopus
2023 K. Dhawan, R. K. Vats and E. Karapinar Qualitative analysis of nonlinear Hilfer fractional implicit differential equations in a Banach space, 7(5), 141-154. Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and Its Application Scopus
2024 O. P. K. Sharma, R. K. Vats and A. Kumar New exploration on approximate controllability of fractional neutral-type delay stochastic differential inclusions with non-instantaneous impulse, 47(6), 5161–5190. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (Wiley) SCIE
2024 K. Dhawan, R. K. Vats, A. K. Nain and A. Shukla Well-posedness and Ulam-Hyers stability of Hilfer fractional differential equations of order (1,2] with nonlocal boundary conditions,191, 103401–103422. Bulletin des Sciences Math´ematiques (Elsevier) SCIE
2024 A. Rao, R. K. Vats and Sanjeev Yadav Analytical solution for time-fractional cold plasma equations via novel computational method, 10(Article No. 2), 1-20. International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics (Springer) Scopus
2024 S. Yadav, R. K. Vats and A. Rao Constructing the fractional series solutions for time-fractional K-dV equation using Laplace residual power series technique, 56(Article No. 721), 1–19. Optical and Quantum Electronics (Springer) SCIE
2024 H. M. Srivastava, K. Dhawan, R. K. Vats and A. K. Nain Well-posedness of a nonlinear Hilfer fractional derivative model for the Antarctic circumpolar current, 75(Article No. 45), 1–19. Zeitschrift f¨ur angewandte Mathematik und Physik (Springer) SCIE
2024 K. Jeet, A. Kumar and R. K. Vats Approximate controllability of neutral Hilfer fractional differential equations of Sobolev-type in a Hilbert space, 14(2), 493-512. Mathematical Control and Related Fields (MCRF) (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences) SCIE
2024 R. K. Vats, K. Dhawan and V. Vijayakumar Analyzing single and multi-valued nonlinear Caputo two-term fractional differential equation with integral boundary conditions, 23(Article No. 174) 1–30. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems (Springer) SCIE
2024 A. Rao, R. K. Vats and S. Yadav Numerical study of nonlinear time-fractional Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon-Sawada-Kotera equation arising in propagation of waves, 184, 114941–114956. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (Elsevier) SCI
2024 P. Kumar, R. K. Vats and A. Kumar Approximate Controllability of Non-autonomous Evolution System with Infinite Delay, 42, 1–14. Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica (Universidade Estadual de Maringa - UEM) Scopus
2011 Amit Kumar Dhiman and Radhe Shyam Unsteady heat transfer from an equilateral triangular cylinder in the unconfined flow regime , Vol 2011, ID 932738 ISRN Mechanical Engineering (Hindwani Publication) -
2013 Radhe Shyam and R. P. Chhabra Effect of Prandtl number on heat transfer from tandem square cylinders immersed in power-law fluids in the low Reynolds number regime, 57 742-755 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer SCI
2013 Radhe Shyam and R. P. Chhabra Natural convection in power-law fluids from two square cylinders in tandem arrangement at moderate Grashof numbers, 49 (6) Heat and Mass Transfer SCI
2013 Radhe Shyam, C. Sasmal and R. P. Chhabra Natural convection heat transfer from two vertically aligned circular cylinders in power-law fluids, 64, 1127-1152 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer SCI
2013 Radhe Shyam, M. Sairamu, N. Nirmalkar and R. P. Chhabra Free convection from a heated circular cylinder in confined power-law fluids, 74, 156-173 International Journal of Thermal Sciences SCI
2013 C. Sasmal, Radhe Shyam and R.P. Chhabra Laminar flow of power-law fluids past a hemisphere: Momentum and forced convection heat transfer characteristics, 63, 51-64. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer SCI
2014 Radhe Shyam and R. P. Chhabra Low Reynolds number flow of power-law fluids over two square cylinders in tandem, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31(11), 1954-1963 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering SCI
2024 Sonam Gopaldasji Rajpuriya, Sachin Kumar Dhiman and Radhe Shyam CFD study of heat transfer in power‐law fluids over a corrugated cylinder , DOI: 10.1002/htj.23108 Heat Transfer Scopus
2019 Rahul Saha, Ramgopal V. S. Uppaluri and Pankaj Tiwari Impact of Natural Surfactant (Reetha), Polymer (Xanthan Gum) and Silica Nanoparticles to Enhance Heavy Crude Oil Recovery, 33 (5), 4225-4236 Energy and Fuels SCI
2018 Rahul Saha, Ramgopal V. S. Uppaluri and Pankaj Tiwari Silica nanoparticle assisted polymer flooding of heavy crude oil: emulsification, rheology, and wettability alteration characteristics, 57 (18), 6364-6376 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research SCI
2018 Rahul Saha, Ramgopal V. S. Uppaluri and Pankaj Tiwari Effects of interfacial tension, oil layer break time, emulsification and wettability alteration on oil recovery for carbonate reservoirs, 559, 92-10 Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects SCI
2018 Rahul Saha, Ramgopal V. S. Uppaluri and Pankaj Tiwari Influence of emulsification, interfacial tension, wettability alteration and saponification on residual oil recovery by alkali flooding, 59, 286-296 Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry SCI
2017 Rahul Saha, Ramgopal V. S. Uppaluri and Pankaj Tiwari Effect of mineralogy on the adsorption characteristics of surfactant—Reservoir rock system, 531, 121-132 Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects SCI
2017 Rahul Saha, Aditi sharm, Ramgopal V. S. Uppaluri and Pankaj Tiwari Interfacial interaction and emulsification of crude oil to enhance oil recovery International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology SCI
2015 Rahul Saha and Vaibhav V Goud Ultrasound assisted transesterification of high free fatty acids karanja oil using heterogeneous base catalysts, 5 (2), 195-207 Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery SCI
2014 Swapan K. Achar, Swaroopa Rani Dasari, Rahul Saha, Vaibhav V. Goud Studies on Thermal, Oxidative and Cold Flow Properties of Ethyl Esters prepared from High FFA Karanja Oil, 14 (1), 15-24 International Energy Journal SCI
2022 Ranjan Phukan and Rahul Saha Low salinity surfactant alternating gas/CO2 flooding for enhanced oil recovery in sandstone reservoirs, 212, 110253 Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering SCI
2023 Rahul Saha and Ranjan Phukan Retention of Surfactant by Solid–Liquid Interaction and the Process of Improving Oil Recovery by Inducing Hydrophilic Particles, 37 (18), 13734-13750 Energy & Fuels SCI
2023 Ranjan Phukan, Rahul Saha and Pritam Mazumdar Adsorption behavior of surfactants on sandstone reservoir rocks with carbonate cements and its influence on wettability alteration, 1-16 Journal of Surfactant and Detergent SCI
2017 Raj Bahadur Singh, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry, and R. Manna Recovery of ductility in ultrafine-grained low-carbon steel processed through equal-channel angular pressing followed by cold rolling and flash annealing, V0l 48 issue 3 Metallurgical and Material Transactions A Yes
2017 Raj Bahadur Singh, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry, and R. Manna Development of High-Strength Bulk Ultrafine-Grained Low Carbon Steel Produced by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, Vol 48A Metallurgical and Material Transactions A Yes
2019 Raj Bahadur Singh, Deepa Verma, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry, and R. Manna Development of texture in ultrafine-grained low carbon steel processed through equal channel angular pressing, Vol . 28 Materials Engineering and Performance Yes
2019 Sanjeev Kumar and Raj Bahadur Singh Corrosion behavior of newly developed heat treated 10Mn-2Ni-3.5Cr-1.5Cu alloy. Vol. 6 Materials Research Express Yes
2018 Raj Bahadur Singh, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry, and R. Manna Effect of flash annealing on ultrafine-grained low carbon steel processed through equal-channel angular pressing followed by cryo rolling. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd Yes
2020 Raj Bahadur Singh, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry, and R. Manna Development of Single Phase Bimodal Microstructure in Bulk Ultrafine-Grained Low Carbon Steel (Published online) Materials Today Proceedings Yes
2021 Sandeep Bhoi, Raj Bahadur Singh, A. P. Harsha & R. Manna Effect of Grain Refinement on Tribological Study of Low Carbon Steel, Transactions of IIM Yes
2021 Khemraj Sahu, Raj Bahadur Singh Development of Fine-Grained Complex A356 Aluminum Alloy through Converging Die Compression. Transactions of IIM Yes
2021 Khemraj Sahu, Dhiraj Narayane, Manvandra Kumar Singh, Raj Bahadur Singh, Ashish Srivastava Microstructural analysis of forged Al-11Si-2.5Cu-0.6Fe alloy at different processing conditions, Materials Today Proceedings Yes
2023 Raj Bahadur Singh, Sanjeev Kumar, and Khemraj Sahu Development of Graphitic 2024 Al Alloy by Mechanical Alloying, vol. 962, Key Engineering Materials Yes
2022 Sunil Kumar, Vinay Kumar, Raman Devi, Avnish Kumar Sisodia, Anushree Jatrana, Raj Bahadur Singh, Rita Dahiya, Ajay Kumar Mishra Sustainable and Scalable Approach for Enhancing the Electrochemical Performance of Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2), Vol. 2022 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Yes
2024 Sunil Kumar, Vinay Kumar, Mamta Bulla, Raman Devi, Rita Dahiya, Avnish Kumar Sisodiya, Raj Bahadur Singh, Ajay Kumar Mishra Hydrothermally reduced graphene oxide based electrodes for high-performance symmetric supercapacitor Materials Letters Yes
2024 Anil Kumar and Raj Bahadur Singh Development of Low-Density Steel Nanocomposite Using Mechanical Alloying Followed by Spark Plasma Sintering Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Yes
2024 Rohit Kumar Singh Gautam, Vivek Mani Tripathi, Jitendra Kumar Gautam, Subhash Mishra3, Hemant Nautiyal, Raj Bahadur Singh, Pushkar Jha and Sudesh Singh Tribological behavior of Ni-based composite coatings produced by cold spray Proc IMechE Part E: J Process Mechanical Engineering Yes
2024 Manvandra Singh, Avnish Ravi, Rakesh Kumar Gautam, Raj Bahadur Singh, Rajeev Nayan Gupta, VINEET KUMAR, Gopal Ji Development and Characterizations of Microwave Sintered (Al2O3+MoS2) Reinforced Copper-Based Metal Matrix Hybrid composites DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2024.10066301 International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation Yes
2025 Mamta Bulla. Vinay Kumar, Raman Devi, Sunil Kumar, Sarita Sindhu, Rita Dahiya, Anushree Jatrana Ajay Kumar Mishra· Raj Bahadur Singh Electrochemical Performance of V2O5//f-CNT Asymmetric Flexible Device for Supercapacitor Application. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials Yes
2020 M. Kaur and Raj Kaushal synthesis, characterization, and α‐amylase and α‐glucosidase inhibition studies of novel vanadyl chalcone complexes, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 34, page 1-17, 2020 DOI: 10.1002/aoc.6042 Applied Organometallic Chemistry SCI
2020 Raj Kaushal, Archana Thakur , Astha Bhatia , Saroj Arora , Kiran Nehra Synthesis, characterization, DNA-binding and biological studies of novel titanium (IV) complexes, Journal of Chemical Sciences, 132(1) 2020 Journal of Chemical Sciences SCI, SCI(E)
2020 Archana Thakur, Kiran Nehra, Saroj Arora, Raj Kaushal Synthesis, characterization, DNA-interactions, antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer studies of mixed-ligand titanocene dichloride complexes, Vol 12 (3), 1180-89, 2020 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Scopus
2020 Archana Thakur and Raj Kaushal Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, DNA interactions, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Titanium (II) indole complexes, Res. J. Chem. Environ. Vol. 24 (7), 126-145, 2020. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment Scopus
2019 Nitesh Kumar, Raj Kaushal, Anshun Chaudhary, Saroj Arora, and Pamita Awasthi Titanium based mixed ligand complexes: synthesis, spectroscopic and in vitro antiproliferative studies, Inorganic and nano metal Chemistry, 2019, 1-10 DOI: 10.1080/24701556.2019.1569690 Inorganic and nano metal Chemistry Scopus
2018 Raj Kaushal, Nitesh Kumar, Archana Thakur, Kiran Nehra, Pamita Awasthi, Rajeev Kaushal and Saroj Arora Synthesis, spectral characterization, antibacterial and anticancer activity of some titanium complexes, Anti cancer agents in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 18, 2018, 739-746. DOI : 10.2174/1871520618666171219122431. Anti cancer agents in Medicinal Chemistry SCI(E)
2016 Raj Kaushal, Sheetal Thakur and Kiran Nehra ct-DNA Binding and Anti-bacterial Activity of Octahedral Titanium (IV) Heteroleptic (Benzoylacetone and Hydroxamic Acids) Complexes, International journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 2361214, 11 pages International journal of Medicinal Chemistry web of science (Scopus)
2016 Sheetal, Kiran Nehra, Rajeev Kaushal, Saroj Arora, Davinder Kaur, Raj Kaushal Octahedral Titanium (IV) Complexes with Five Novel Hydroximates Ligands: Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization And In Vitro Activities On IMR-32 And CHO Cell Line And Ten Bacterial Strains, Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2016, vol 86, issue 1, 154–160. Russian journal of General Chemistry SCI
2016 Sheetal and Raj Kaushal In vitro Anticancer and Antibacterial Activities of Octahedral Ruthenium(III) Complexes with Hydroxamic Acids Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization, Russian journal of General Chemistry, 2016, vol 86, issue 2. Russian journal of General Chemistry SCI
2015 Pamita Awasthi, Nitesh Kumar, Raj Kaushal, Mohan Kumar and Shrikant Kukreti Comparative In Vitro Binding Studies of TiCl2(dpme)2,Ti(ada)2(bzac)2, and TiCl2(bzac)(bpme) Titanium Complexes with Calf-Thymus DNA, Biochemistry Research International,Volume 2015, Article ID 836928, 7 pages Biochemistry Research International Scopus
2014 Nitesh Kumar, Raj Kaushal, Ashun Chaudhary, Saroj Arora and Pamita Awasthi, synthesis, structure elucidation and in vitro antiproliferative activities of mixed ligand titanium complexes, Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2014, vol 23(5) page 1-12 DOI 10.1007/s00044-014-0963-7. Medicinal Chemistry Research SCI (E)
2014 Raj Kaushal, Sheetal, Rajeev Kaushal and Kiran Nehra synthesis, characterization and biological screening of titanium(IV) complexes derived from antibiotic drugs, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2014 Vol 6, Issue 2, 374-378 International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Scopus
2014 Raj Kaushal, Nitesh Kumar, Ashun Chaudhary, Saroj Arora and Pamita Awasthi Synthesis, spectral characterization and Antiproliferative studies of mixed ligand titanium complexes of adamantylamine , Bioinorganic Chemistry and applications, Volume 2014, Article ID 142828, 1-12 2014 Bioinorganic Chemistry and applications Scopus, SCI(E)
2013 Raj Kaushal, Nitesh Kumar, Pamita Awasthi and Kiran Nehra Syntheses, characterization and antibacterial study of titanium complexes, Turkish journal of Chemistry, vol 37, issue 6 ,936-945,2013. Turkish journal of Chemistry SCI (E)
2013 Raj Kaushal & Sheetal Thakur Syntheses and biological screening of Schiff base complexes of titanium (IV), Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol 32, page1801-1806, 2013 . Chemical Engineering Transactions Scopus
2012 Raj Kaushal & S.S. Bhatt Mono(acetylacetonato) zirconium(iv) aryloxides : synthesis, reactivity and thermoanalytical investigation, Journal of Modern Chemistry & Chemical Technology , Volume 3, Issue 1, April 2012, Pages 6–16. Journal of Modern Chemistry & Chemical Technology -
2011 Raj Kaushal, Nitesh Kumar, Rajeev Kaushal and Pamita Awasthi An insight into metal based anti-cancer drugs, International Journal of Current Research & Review, vol 03 , issue 7 , page, 2011. International Journal of Current Research & Review Scopus
2009 SS Bhatt, Kumari R, Sharma N and Chaudhry SC New aryloxide derivatives of monochlorotris (acetylacetonato) zirconium(IV). International Journal of theoretical and applied Sciences, Vol 1(1), 2009, 57-63. International Journal of theoretical and applied Sciences ESCI
2007 Chaudhry SC Kumar A, Bhatt SS, Kumari R, and Sharma N Synthesis, characterization and reactivity of tin(II) 2, 4-dinitrophenoxide J. Indian chemical Society, Vol. 84, 2007, 230-235. J. Indian chemical Society SCI (E)
2005 Bhatt SS, Kumari R, Sharma N and Chaudhry SC Mixed ligand (acetylacetonate) (chlorophenoxo) zirconium (IV) complexes and their reactivity, J. Indian chemical Society, Vol. 82, 2005, 354-356. J. Indian chemical Society SCI (E)
2004 Bhatt SS, Kumari R, Sharma N and Chaudhry SC Synthesis of new bis(2,4-pentanedionato)zirconium(IV) aryloxides and their thermal studies, Indian Journal of Chemistry, 43 A, 778-781(2004). Indian Journal of Chemistry SCI (E)
2021 Raj Kaushal and M. Kaur Bio-medical potential of chalcone derivatives and their metal complexes as antidiabetic agents: a review Journal of Coordination Chemistry SCI
2021 Pratibha Sharma, Jaibir Kherb, Jai Prakash· Raj Kaushal A novel and facile green synthesis of SiO2 nanoparticles for removal of toxic water pollutants Applied Nanoscience SCI
2022 Mandeep Kaur and Raj Kaushal Synthesis and in-silico molecular modelling, DFT studies, antiradical and antihyperglycemic activity of novel vanadyl complexes based on chalcone derivatives, 1252 (2022) 132176, Journal of Molecular Structure SCI
2022 Pratibha Sharma • Jai Prakash,• Raj Kaushal An insight into the green synthesis of SiO2 nanostructures as a novel adsorbent for removal of toxic water pollutants, 212 (2022) 113328, 1-21, Environmental Research SCI
2022 Pratibha Sharma, Jai Prakash , Tapas Palai, Raj Kaushal, Surface functionalization of bamboo leave mediated synthesized SiO2 nanoparticles: Study of adsorption mechanism, isotherms and enhanced adsorption capacity for removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous solution, 214 (2022) 113761, Environmental Research SCI
2022 Mandeep Kaur and Raj Kaushal Spectroscopic investigations, ab-initio DFT calculations, molecular docking and in-vitro assay studies of novel oxovanadium(V)chalcone complexes as potential antidiabetic agents, Journal of Molecular Structure,1271 (2023) 133994 (Published online 21 August 2022). Journal of Molecular Structure SCI
2022 Raj Kaushal and Mandeep Kaur Antidiabetic Potential of Ruthenium(III) hydroxamate Complexes: Spectrophotometric Investigations. Current Enzyme Inhibition, 2022 DOI: 10.2174/1573408018666220825152849 Current Enzyme Inhibition WOS
2023 Nitesh Kumar, Raj Kaushal, Pamita Awasthi, Non-covalent binding studies of transition metal complexes with DNA: A review, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1288(2023), 135751. Journal of Molecular Structure SCI
2023 Nitesh Kumar, Raj Kaushal , Ashun Chaudhary, Saroj Arora and Pamita Awasthi, Titanium Complexes: Cytotoxic and Antiproliferative Effects on HeLa, C6, and CHO Cell Lines, Current Chinese Chemistry, 3 (2023), page 6, ID:e150823219704 , DOI: 10.2174/2666001603666230815105107 Current Chinese Chemistry SCI
2024 Raj Kaushal, Mandeep Kaur , Sheetal, Jyoti Sharma, Kiran Nehra Raj Kaushal, Mandeep Kaur , Sheetal, Jyoti Sharma, Kiran Nehra , Antibacterial and ct-DNA binding studies of new synthesized ruthenium (III) hydroxamate complexes: Design, synthesis, DFT calculations and in-vitro study, Journal of Molecular Structure 1295 (2024) 136788, j.molstruc. 2023.136788 Journal of Molecular Structure SCI
2024 Raj Kaushal, Mandeep Kaur , Jatin Kumar , Pratiksha Gupta1, Ravikant , Jyoti Sharma Antidiabetic and antioxidant studies of novel synthesized titanium (IV) complex: Design, synthesis, in-silico docking and in-vitro studies, , Appl Organomet Chem 2024, e7443, Page1-15. 1002/aoc.7443 Applied Organimetallic Chemistry SCI
2019 S.K. Bhalla, R.K Jarial , Y.R. Sood Mitigation of Flicker and Harmonics in connected DFIG for Power Quality Improvement & 4 Journal of Power Electronics & Power Systems SCI and/or Scopus
2019 S. N. Mughal, Y. R. Sood, R.K. Jarial Design and Techno-Financial Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic Plant for School of Engineering and Technology at BGSB University, Rajouri (J&K) Springer, Singapore, Applications of Computing, Automation and Wireless Systems in Electrical Engineering 978-981-13-6771-7
2019 K. Chatterjee, S. Dawn, V. K. Jadoun, R. K. Jarial Novel Prediction-Reliability Based Graphical DGA Technique Using Multi-Layer Perceptron Network & Gas Ratio Combination Algorithm & 13 IET Science, Measurement & Technology Scopus
2017 A. S. Negi, V. S. Meena, R. Panwar, R.K. Jarial Advancements in Efficiency Optimization & Speed Control of Induction Motor Drives & 4 International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research ISSN: 2394 – 3386
2015 A. Kumar, S. K. Singh, S. Singh, Z. Husain, R. K. Jarial Field Experience with Sweep Frequency Response Analysis for Power Transformer Diagnosis & 4 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering Scopus
2014 S. K. Bisoyi, R.K. Jarial, R.A. Gupta Modeling and Analysis of Variable Speed Wind Turbine equipped with PMSG & 2 International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN/ P-ISSN 2277 – 4106/2347 - 5161
2013 S. K. Bisoyi, R.K. Jarial, R.A. Gupta A Review of the State of the Art of Generators And Power Electronics Converter Topologies for Wind Energy Conversion System & 3 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering ISBN/ISSN: 2250–2459
2008 Atanasova-Hoehlein, J. Aubin, S. Bahadoorsingh, R. Bodega, S. Boggs, SA Boggs, R. Bristol, R. Brutsch, JP Calame, AJ Carreira, S. Deipino, J. Densley, LA Dissado, A. Drobyshevski, M. Duval, D. Fabiani, C. Fletcher, K. Frohlich, K. Fukunaga, E. Gockenbach, C. Green, H. Gao, S. Hall, R.N. Hampton, R. Harp, N. Hayakawa, J. Ho, E. Ildstad, R. K. Jarial, C. Katz, W. R. Kegerise, F. Kuchta, D. Kung, C. Laurent, M. Levin, L. Wang, L. An, L. Lundgaard 2008 Index IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine & 24 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine ISSN: 0883-7554
2007 J. Singh, Y. R. Sood, R. K. Jarial, P. Verma Earthing of High Voltage Laboratory & 1 International Journal of Electrical and Power Engineering, Medwell Journals ISSN : 1990-7958
2017 V. Dubey, R.K. Jarial Prospective View of Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey & 4 International Journal of Electrical and Power Engineering ISSN: 2328-5583
2011 K. Vaid, Y. R. Sood, R. K. Jarial Condition Identification of Harmonic Sources in Deregulated Power Sector & 3 International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology ISBN: 1823-4690
2012 N.C. Joshi, Y. R. Sood, R. K. Jarial, R. Thapliyal Transformer Internal Winding Faults Diagnosis Methods: A Review & 2 MIT International Journal of Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering ISBN: 0973-7006
2011 U. M. Rao, R. K. Jarial and D. V. Kumar MIT International Journal of Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering & 5 International Journal of Electrical and Power Engineering ISBN: 1993-6001
2012 K. Gandhi, Y. R. Sood, R. K. Jarial Health Diagnostics of Transformers Using Oil Testing & 2 MIT International Journal of Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering ISBN: 2230-7656
2017 R. Panwar, V. S. Meena, A. S. Negi, R. K. Jarial A Review on the Ranking of Power Transformers on the Basis of Their Health Index & 6 International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System ISBN: 2348-117X
2018 S. N. Mughal, Y. R. Sood and R. K. Jarial A Review on Solar Photovoltaic Technology and Future Trends & 4 International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology ISBN: 2229-5518
2017 A. K. Burman, A. Richariya, R. K. Jarial A Review Towards the Advancement of Sweep Frequency Response Analysis for Interpretation of Winding Deformations & International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences ISBN: 2349-4476
2017 R. Panwar, V. S. Meena, A. S. Negi, R. K. Jarial Ranking of Power Transformers on the Basis of their Health Index and Fault Detection on the Basis of DGA Results Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) & 5 : International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences ISBN: 2349-4476
2017 V. S. Meena, R. Panwar, A. S. Negi, R. K. Jarial Performance Analysis of an Induction Motor Drive By SVM- Direct torque Control Method Using MATLAB Simulation & 6 International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System ISBN: 2347 – 8616
2012 H. Malik, R. K. Jarial, H. M. Rai Fuzzy-Logic Applications in Transformer Diagnosis Using Individual and Total Dissolved Key Gas Concentrations & 1 International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology ISBN: 2278-5299
2011 Y. R. Sood , R. K. Jarial, K. Gandhi Condition Monitoring of Power Transformers Using Sweep Frequency Response Analysis & 1 MIT International Journal of Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering ISBN: 0974-2174
2014 S. K. Bhalla, S. S. Matharu, R. K. Jarial Power Quality Improvement of Grid Connected to DFIG by Active Shunt Filter & 4 International Journal Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research ISBN: 1694- 2310
2013 P. Shukla, Y. R. Sood, R. K. Jarial Experimental Evaluation of Water Content in Transformer Oil & 2 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ISBN: 2347-6710
2014 P. K. Pandey, Z. Hussain, R. K. Jarial ANFIS Based Approach to Estimate Remnant Life of Power Transformer by Predicting Furan Contents & 4 International Journal of Electrical and computer Engineering (IJECE) ISBN: 2088-8708
2012 G. Singh, R. K. Jarial, A. Agarwal, S. Prakashram, M. Mondal, S. K. Dogra Sequence Control of Grain Dryer Machine Using PLC & 3 IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE) ISBN: 2278-1676
2013 D. Vatsal, Y. R. Sood, R. K. Jarial Condition Monitoring of Transformer by Insulation Analyzer & 2 International Journal for Research in Science &Advanced Technology (IJRSAT) ISBN: 2319-2690
2011 U. M. Rao, R. K. Jarial A Novel Fuzzy Logic Based Technique to find the Criticality of Power Transformer & 2 International Journal of Computer and Communication Technology ISBN: 2010-3743
2011 K. Gandhi, Y. R. Sood, R. K. Jarial Effect of Stress on Transformer Insulation & 1 International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering ISBN: 2277-1956
2020 A. K. Verma, C. Subramanian, R. K. Jarial A Robust Open-Loop Frequency Estimation Method for Single-Phase Systems Springer, Singapore, Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems Scopus
2021 A. K. Verma, R. K. Jarial, P. Roncero-Sánchez, U. M. Rao , J. M. Guerrero An Improved Hybrid Prefiltered Open-Loop Algorithm For Three-Phase Grid Synchronization & 68 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics SCI
2021 A. K. Verma, C. Subramanian, R. K. Jarial, P. Roncero-Sánchez, U. M. Rao A Robust Lyapunov’s Demodulator for Tracking of Single-/Three-Phase Grid Voltage Variables & 70 IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement SCI
2020 A. K. Verma, R. K. Jarial, U. M. Rao Modified Non-Adaptive Bandpass Filter Based Phase Locked Loop & 56 Electronics Letters SCI
2020 A. K. Verma, R. K. Jarial, P. Roncero-Sanchez, M. R. Ungarala Improved Fundamental Frequency Estimator for Three-Phase Application IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics SCI
2021 A. K. Verma, R. K. Jarial, U. M. Rao, P. Roncero-Sanchez A Robust Three-Phase Pre-Filtered Phase Locked-Loop for the Sub-Cycle Estimation of Fundamental Parameters IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications SCI
2021 A. K. Verma, C. Subramanian, R. K. Jarial An Error Demodulation Technique for Single-Phase Grid Synchronization/LVRT Applications IEEE Systems Journal SCI
2021 A. K. Verma, C. Subramanian, R. K. Jarial, P. Roncero-Sanchez An Enhanced Discrete Time Oscillator-Based PLL-Less Estimation Of Single-Phase Grid Voltage Parameters IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics SCI
2021 Shafqat Nabi Mughal, Yog Raj Sood, RK Jarial Design and optimization of photovoltaic system with a week ahead power forecast using autoregressive artificial neural networks Materials Today: Proceedings SCI
2022 Mughal, S.N., Sood, Y.R. & Jarial, R.K A novel hybrid model for predicting hourly global solar radiations on the tilted surface. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology SCI
2022 Bhumaiah Jula, Raj Kumar Jarial, Anant Kumar Verma, Pedro Roncero-Sánchez, Josep M Guerrero, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Hafiz Ahmed An enhanced fast fundamental frequency estimator for three-phase electric aircraft grid. Measurement SCI
2022 Manish Kumar, Raj Kumar Jarial, Anant Kumar Verma, Chandrasekaran Subramanian, Ravindra Nath, Panos C Kotsampopoulos, Claudio Burgos Mellado Leveraging half-cycle orthogonal signal generation approach for PLL-less tracking of single-phase grid Measurement SCI
2023 Manish Kumar, Raj Kumar Jarial, Anant Kumar Verma, Ravindra Nath, Miguel Torres, Catalina González-Castaño, Pedro Roncero-Sánchez Enhanced PLL-less grid synchronization algorithm amidst unbalanced and distorted three-phase grid conditions International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems SCI
2016 Rajan Kumar and Bhim Singh BLDC Motor-Driven Solar PV Array-Fed Water Pumping System Employing Zeta Converter, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 2315-2322. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications SCI
2017 Rajan Kumar and Bhim Singh Single Stage Solar PV Fed Brushless DC Motor Driven Water Pump, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1377-1385. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics SCI
2019 Rajan Kumar and Bhim Singh Grid Interactive Solar PV-Based Water Pumping Using BLDC Motor Drive, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 5153-5165. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications SCI
2017 Rajan Kumar and Bhim Singh Solar PV Powered BLDC Motor Drive for Water Pumping Using Cuk Converter, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 222-232. IET Electric Power Applications SCI
2018 Rajan Kumar and Bhim Singh Brushless DC motor-driven grid-interfaced solar water pumping system, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 1875-1885. IET Power Electronics SCI
2019 Rajan Kumar and Bhim Singh Solar PV Powered-Sensorless BLDC Motor Driven Water Pump, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 389-398. IET Renewable Power Generation SCI
2016 Bhim Singh and Rajan Kumar Solar photovoltaic array fed water pump driven by brushless DC motor using Landsman converter, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 474-484. IET Renewable Power Generation SCI
2016 Bhim Singh and Rajan Kumar Simple brushless DC motor drive for solar photovoltaic array fed water pumping system, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 1487-1495. IET Power Electronics SCI
2016 Bhim Singh, Anjanee Kumar Mishra and Rajan Kumar Solar Powered Water Pumping System Employing Switched Reluctance Motor Drive, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 3949-3957. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications SCI
2017 Rajeev Kumar, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand Energy Efficient Entropy Based Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing (IJGDC) Scopus
2017 Rajeev Kumar, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand Predicting Missing Values in Wireless Sensor Network using Spatial-Temporal Correlation International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC) DOAJ
2017 Rajeev Kumar, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand Adaptive Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (IJMUE) Scopus
2017 Pushpender Kumar, Rajeev Kumar, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand Enhancing the Lifetime of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network Through Image Fusion International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing (IJGDC) Scopus
2014 Jaideep Lakhotia and Rajeev Kumar Cluster Based Routing Protocols for Mobile Wireless Sensor Network: A Review International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Open Access
2013 Sushil Sarwa, Rajeev Kumar Selective Forwarding Attack and Its Detection Algorithms: A Review International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering International Science Index
2019 Rajeev Kumar, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand Energy Map Generation in Wireless Sensor Network using Grey System Theory International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) Scopus
2020 Rajeev Kumar, Vibha Jain, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand An Adaptive Prediction Strategy with Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network pp 575 - 587 International Journal of Wireless Information Networks. Volume 27, Issue 4 ESCI
2023 Deepa Rani, Rajeev Kumar, Naveen Chauhan A secure framework for IoT-based healthcare using blockchain and IPFS Security and Privacy SCI
2023 Tanuj Wala, Rajeev Kumar, Naveen Chauhan, Ajay K. Sharma DDC-OMDC: Deadline-based data collection using optimal mobile data collectors in Internet of Things International Journal of Communication Systems SCI
2023 Deepa Rani, Tanuj Wala, Rajeev Kumar, Naveen Chauhan Fuzzy Logic-Based Delay Efficient Data Collection Technique for IoT Environment International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems SCI
2024 Deepa Rani, Rajeev Kumar, Naveen Chauhan Study Influencing Factors of Maternal Health and the Role of Internet of Things (IoT) to Improve Maternal Care SN Computer Science Scopus
2006 R. K. Sharma and R. K . Pandey An Investigation into the Validity of the Temperature Profile Approximations across the Film Thickness in THD Analysis of Infinitely Wide Slider Bearing, Vol. 1, pp. 19-24 Tribology Online Scopus
2008 R. K. Sharma and R. K . Pandey Thermohydrodynamic Analysis of Infinitely Wide Cycloidal Profiled Pad Thrust Bearing with Rough Surface and a Comparison to Plane Profiled pad, Vol. 20, pp.183-203 Lubrication Science Scopus
2008 R. K. Sharma and R. K . Pandey Influence of Surface Profile on Slider Bearing Performance, Vol. 2, pp. 265-280 Int. Journal of Surface Science and Engineering Scopus
2009 R. K. Sharma and R. K . Pandey Experimental studies of pressure distributions in finite slider bearing with single continuous surface profiles on the pads, Vol 42, pp. 1040-1045 Tribology International SCI
2010 S. Kango and R. K. Sharma Studies on the influence of surface texture on the performance of hydrodynamic journal bearing using power law model, Vol. 4 pp.505-524 Int. Journal of Surface Science and Engineering Scopus
2010 Amit Chauhan, Rakesh Sehgal, and R. K. Sharma Thermohydrodynamic Analysis of Elliptical Journal Bearing With Different Grade Oils, Vol. 43 pp. 1970-77 Tribology International SCI
2011 Amit Chauhan, Rakesh Sehgal, and R. K. Sharma A Study of Thermal Effects in an Offset Halves Journal Bearing Profile Using Different Grade Oils, Vol. 23 pp. 233-248 Lubrication Science Scopus
2011 Amit Chauhan, Rakesh Sehgal, and R. K. Sharma Thermohydrodynamic Studies Based on Different Oils in Offset Halves Journal Bearings, Vol 23, pp. 375-392 Lubrication Science Scopus
2011 Amit Chauhan, Rakesh Sehgal, and R. K. Sharma Investigations on the Thermal Effects in Non Circular Journal Bearings, Vol. 44, pp. 1765-1773 Tribology International SCI
2012 S. Kango , D. Singh and R. K. Sharma Numerical Investigation on the Influence of Surface Texture on the Performance of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing, Vol. 47, 469–482 Meccanica SCI
2013 Rakesh Sehgal , Amit Chauhan and R. K. Sharma An Experimental Investigation of Oil Film Temperatures in Elliptical Profile Journal Bearings, Vol. 8, pp. 1-6 Tribology online Scopus
2014 Sushant Negi, S. Dhiman and R. K. Sharma Basics and applications of rapid prototyping medical models, Vol. 20 pp. 256 to 267 Rapid Prototyping Journal Scopus
2014 S. Kango , R. K. Pandey and R. K. Sharma Thermal Analysis of Microtextured Journal Bearing using non? Newtonian Rheology of Lubricant and JFO Boundary Conditions, Vol. 69, 19-29 Tribology International SCI
2014 S. Kango , R. K. Pandey and R. K. Sharma Comparative analysis of textured and grooved hydrodynamic journal bearing, Vol. 228, pp. 82 to 95 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology Scopus
2014 Nitin Sharma, S. Kango , R. K. Sharma, and Sunil Investigations on the effects of surface texture on the performance of a porous journal bearing operating with couple stress fluids, Vol. 8, pp. 392-407 International Journal of Surface Science & Engineering Scopus
2014 Sushant Negi, S. Dhiman and R. K. Sharma Investigating the Surface Roughness of SLS Fabricated Glass?Filled Polyamide Parts Using Response Surface Methodology, Vol 39, pp.9161-9179 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering Scopus
2015 Sushant Negi, S. Dhiman and R. K. Sharma Experimental investigation of SLS process for flexural strength improvement of PA? 3200GF parts, 30, pp. 644 to 653 Materials and Manufacturing Processes Scopus
2015 Sushant Negi, S. Dhiman and R. K. Sharma Influence of Processing variables on dynamic mechanical response of Laser?Sintered Glass?Filled Polyamide, 30, pp. 1431 to 1441 Materials and Manufacturing Processes Scopus
2015 Sushant Negi and R. K. Sharma Determining the effect of sintering conditions on mechanical properties of laser sintered glass filled polyamide parts using RSM, 68, pp. 205-218 Measurement Scopus
2016 Sushant Negi and R. K. Sharma Study on shrinkage behaviour of laser sintered PA 3200GF specimens using RSM and ANN, 22, pp. 645-659 Rapid Prototyping Journal Scopus
2016 D. Priyadarshi and R.K. Sharma Optimization for Turning of Al-6061-SiC-Gr Hybrid Nanocomposites Using Response Surface Methodologies, 31, pp. 1342-1350 Materials and Manufacturing Processes Scopus
2016 D. Priyadarshi and R.K. Sharma Effect of type and percentage of reinforcement for optimization of the cutting force in turning of Aluminium matrix nanocomposites using response surface methodologies, 30, pp. 1095-1101 Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology Scopus
2016 Nitin Sharma, S. Kango , A. Tayal, R. K. Sharma, and Sunil Investigations on the influence of surface texturing on a couple stress fluid based journal bearing by using JFO boundary conditions, 59, pp. 579 - 584 Tribology Transactions SCI
2016 Nitin Sharma, R. K. Sharma, Sunil , and , S. Kango A comparative study for lubrication of surface textured porous journal bearing with two different non?Newtonian fluid models, 10, pp. 485 - 502 International Journal of Surface Science & Engineering Scopus
2016 S Sharma and R. K. Sharma Performance improvement of Savonius rotor using multiple quarter blades – A CFD investigation, 127, pp. 43 - 54 Energy Conversion and Management Scopus
2017 S Sharma and R. K. Sharma CFD investigation to quantify the effect of layered multiple miniature blades on the performance of Savonius rotor, 144, pp. 275 - 285 Energy Conversion and Management Scopus
2018 V. Jagota and R. K. Sharma Interpreting H13 steel wear behavior for austenitizing temperature, tempering time and temperature, 40, pp. 219 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering Scopus
2019 Nitin Sharma, S. Kango , and R. K. Sharma, Adiabatic analysis of microtextured porous journal bearings functioned with power law fluid model, 233, pp. 1541-1553 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology Scopus
2020 V. Jagota and R. K. Sharma Impact of austenitizing temperature on the strength behavior and scratch resistance of AISI H13 Steel (Accepted/ Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D Scopus
2020 V. Jagota and R. K. Sharma Wear volume prediction of AISI H13 die steel using response surface methodology and artificial neural network (Accepted) Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences Scopus
2021 Vishal Jagota , Rajesh Kumar Sharma and Rakesh Sehgal Impact of austenitizing temperature on the wear behaviour of AISI H13 steel, 235 issue: 3, page(s): 564-574 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology Scopus
2022 S Kango, N Sharma, RK Sharma, RK Pandey Experimental Investigations on Temperature and Frictional Behaviors of Textured Journal Bearings Tribology in Industry 44 (3), 508 Scopus
2024 Vivek Singh, Rajesh Kumar Sharma , Rakesh Sehgal An experimental investigation on nanomechanical and nanotribological behavior of tantalum nitride coating deposited on Ti6Al7Nb alloy Tribology International 194 (2024) 109461 SCI
2023 S. Negi, Vishal Mishra, Ch. Kapil Ror, and Rajesh Kumar Sharma Laser powder bed fusion of glass-filled polyamide-composite with enhanced physical properties Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2023, Volume 42, Issue 23-24 Scopus
2024 Vivek Singh, Rajesh Kumar Sharma , Rakesh Sehgal and M. F. Wani The effect of RF sputtering power on structural, nanomechanical and tribological properties of single layered TaN coatings Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 12 (2024) 035003 Web of Science SCIE, Scopus,
2024 Vivek Singh, Rajesh Kumar Sharma , Rakesh Sehgal A Comprehensive Investigation on Nanomechanical, Scratch, and Tribological Characteristics of TaN-Ag Nanocomposite Coating on Ti6Al7Nb Alloy, J. of Materi Eng and Perform (2024). SCIE, Scopus,
2024 Vivek Singh, Rajesh Kumar Sharma , Rakesh Sehgal "Impact of Deposition Pressure on the Structural, Nanomechanical, and Tribological Properties of δ-TaN Coatings Deposited via Magnetron Sputtering on Ti6Al7Nb Alloy Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, Part-E SCI
2014 N.E. Rajeevan, Vinod Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, Ravi Kumar and S.D. Kaushik ISBN/ISSN No.: ISSN: 0304-8853 Year of Publication: 2014 Neutron diffraction studies of magnetic ordering in Ni-doped LaCoO3, Vol. No.: 393 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials SCI
2014 Vinod Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, D.K.Shukla, S.K.Arora, I.V.Shvets, Kiran Singh and Ravi Kumar Spin States and Glassy magnetism in LaCo1-xNixO3 (0 = x = 0.5) Vol. No.: 147 Materials Chemistry and Physics SCI
2014 Vinod Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, Kiran Singh, S. K. Arora, I. V. Shvets and Ravi Kumar Evidence of Spin glass State in NdCo1-xNixO3 (0.3 = x = 0.5. Vol. No.: 116 Journal of Applied Physics SCI
2013 Vinod Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, D.K.Shukla, Sanjeev Gautam, Keun Hwa Chae and Ravi Kumar Electronic Structure and Electrical Transport Studies of LaCo1-XNixO3 (0 = x = 0.5). Vol. No.: 114, Journal of Applied Physics SCI
2013 Vinod Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, D.K.Shukla, and Ravi Kumar Disorder controlled electrical transport properties of NdCo1-xNiO3. Vol. No.: 574 Journal of Alloys & Compounds SCI
2013 Vinod Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Rajesh Kumar,D.K.Shukla, S.K.Arora, I.V.Shvets and Ravi Kumar Structural, Magnetic and x-ray absorption studies of NdCo1-xNixO3 (0 ? x ? 0.5) Vol. No.: 113 Journal of Applied Physics SCI
2013 Shagun Thakur, Rajesh Kumar, K. R. Vijayraghavan and M.Balasubramaniam Alpha accompanied ternary fission of superheavy nuclei Vol. No.: 22 International Journal of Modern Physics E SCI
2014 Shagun Thakur, Sushil Kumar and Rajesh Kumar Study of alpha decay chains of superheavy nuclei and magic number beyond Z=82 and N=126. Vol. No.: 43 Brazilian Journal of Physics SCI
2009 Sushil Kumar, Shagun Thakur and Rajesh Kumar Decay studies of 288?287 115 alpha-decay chains. Vol. No.: 36 Journal of Phys. G: Nuclear and Particle Physics SCI
2008 Sushil Kumar, Ramna Rani and Rajesh Kumar Shell closure effects studied via cluster decay in heavy nuclei. Vol. No.: 36 Journal of Phys. G: Nuclear and Particle Physics SCI
2006 R.K. Gupta, M. Balasubramaniam, R. Kumar D. Singh, S.K. Arun and W. Greiner The dynamical cluster-decay model of preformed clusters for a hot and rotating 116Ba* nucleus produced in the low- energy58Ni+58Ni reaction. Vol. No. 32 Journal of Phys. G: Nuclear and Particle Physics SCI
2005 R.K. Gupta, M. Balasubramaniam, R. Kumar, N. Singh, M. Manhas, and W. Greiner Optimum orientations of deformed nuclei forcold synthesis of superheavy elements and the role of higher multipole deformations. Vol. No. 31 Journal of Phys. G: Nuclear and Particle Physics SCI
2005 R.K. Gupta, M. Balasubramaniam, R. Kumar, D. Singh, C. Beck, and W. Greiner Dynamical cluster-decay model for hot and rotating light-mass nuclear systems applied to low-energy 32S+24Mg --->56Ni* reaction. Vol. No. 71 Physical Review C SCI
2004 R.K. Gupta, M. Balasubramaniam, R. Kumar, D. Singh and C. Beck Collective clusterization effects in light heavy ion reactions Vol. No. 738 Nuclear Physics A SCI
2003 R.K. Gupta, R. Kumar, N.K. Dhiman, M. Balasubramaniam, W. Scheid and C. Beck Cluster-decay of hot {56}Ni* formed in {32}S+{24}Mg reaction. Vol. No. 68 Physical Review C SCI
2002 R.K. Gupta, S. Kumar, R. Kumar, M. Balasubramaniam, and W. Scheid, J. Structure effects in the region of superheavy elements via the alpha-decay chain of {293}118. Vol. No. 28 Journal of Phys. G: Nuclear and Particle Physics SCI
2003 M. Balasubramaniam, R. Kumar, R.K. Gupta, C. Beck and W. Scheid Emission of intermediate mass fragments from hot 116Ba* formed in low-energy 58Ni+58Ni reaction. Vol. No. 29 Journal of Phys. G: Nuclear and Particle Physics SCI
2003 R.K. Gupta, S. Dhauta, R. Kumar, M. Balasubramaniam, G. Munzenberg and W. Scheid Closed-shell effects from the stability and instability of nuclei, against cluster decays in the mass regions 130-158 and 180-198. Vol. No. 68 Physical Review C SCI
2019 Jarnail Singh, Vikram Verma, Rajesh Kumar, Ravi Kumar Influence of Mg2+-substitution on the Optical Band Gap Energy of Cr Mg O Nanoparticles Results in Physics SCI
2019 Jarnail Singh, Vikram Verma, Rajesh Kumar, Sandeeo Sharma, Ravi Kumar Effect of structural and thermal disorder on the optical band gap energy of Cr2O3 nanoparticles Materials Research Express SCI
2019 Jarnail Singh, Vikram Verma, Rajesh Kumar, Ravi Kumar Structural, optical and electrical characterization of epitaxial Cr2O3 thin film deposited by PLD Materials Research Express SCI
2019 Ashok Kumar, Vinod Kumar, D. K. Shukla, Rajesh Kumar, Ram Janay Choudhary, Ravi Kumar Structural, electronic, transport and magnetic studies of LaCo 1 − x Ni x O 3 (x = 0, 0.3) thin films Journal of Applied Physics SCI
2020 Jarnail Singh, Rajesh Kumar, Vikram Verma, Ravi Kumar Role of Ni2+ substituent on the structural, optical and magnetic properties of chromium oxide (Cr Ni O ) nanoparticles Ceramics International SCI
2020 Ashok Kumar, Vinod Kumar, D. K. Shukla, Rajesh Kumar, Ram Janay Choudhary, Ravi Kumar 200 MeV Ag+15 ion irradiation-induced modification in structural, magnetic and electrical properties of LaCoO3 thin film Applied Physics A SCI
2020 Jarnail Singh, Rajesh Kumar, Vikram Verma, Ravi Kumar Comparative studies on optoelectronic properties of epitaxial Mg Cr O and Al Cr O (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) thin films deposited on sapphire substrates Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2021 Jarnail Singh, Rajesh Kumar, Vikram Verma, Ravi Kumar Structural and optoelectronic properties of epitaxial Ni-substituted Cr2O3 thin films for p-type TCO applications Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing SCI
2021 Leelavati, Rajesh Kumar and Ravi Kumar Structural and optical studies of Mn2+ substituted CdO nano-particles Applied Physics A, Materials Science & Processing SCI
2021 Pankaj Bhardwaj, Jarnail Singh, Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, Ravi Kumar, Vikram Verma Structural, optical and magnetic characterization of Ni2+ions doped chromium oxide (Cr2O3) nanoparticles Solid State Sciemces SCI
2022 Pankaj Bhardwaj, Jarnail Singh, Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, Dinesh Kumar, Ravi Kumar, Vikram Verma Oxygen defects induced tailored optical and magnetic properties of FexCr2-xO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.1) nanoparticles Applied Physics A, Materials Science & Processing SCI
2022 Leelavati, Rajesh Kumar, Ravi Kumar Origin of Ferromagnetism in Cd1-xMnxO Nanoparticles Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism SCI
2023 Pankaj Bhardwaj, Rajesh Kumar, Jarnail Singh, Vikram Verma, Ravi Kumar A comparative study on the structural, optical, and magnetic behavior of transition metal (Co and Mn) ions substituted Cr2O3 nanoparticles Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials SCI
2023 Leelavati, Rajesh Kumar, Ravi Kumar Effect of Ni-doping on structural, dielectric, and magnetic properties of CdO nanoparticles Applied Physics A Materials Science & Processing SCI
2020 Rajesh Kumar & Arun Kumar "Optimal scheduling for solar wind and pumped storage systems considering imbalance penalty", DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2020.1841854 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects SCI
2021 Rajesh Kumar & Arun Kumar "Optimal scheduling of variable speed pumped storage, solar and wind energy system", DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2021.1892243 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects SCI
2021 Rajesh Kumar & Arun Kumar "Application of differential evolution for wind speed distribution parameters estimation", DOI:10.1177/0309524X21999964 Wind Engineering Scopous
2023 Akshita Dhiman, Rajesh Kumar "Fault Diagnosis of a Transformer using Fuzzy Model and Unsupervised Learning" Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology DOI:
2016 Kumar Rajesh, Parashar A Atomistic modeling of BN nanofillers for mechanical and thermal properties: a review. 8:22-49. (IF-7.8, Q1) Nanoscale (RCS) SCI, (IF-7.8, Q1)
2016 Kumar Rajesh, G Rajasekaran, Parashar A Optimized cut-off function for Tersoff-like potentials for a BN nanosheet: a molecular dynamics study. 27:085706. (IF-3.9, Q1) Nanotechnology (IOP) SCI, (IF-3.9, Q1)
2016 Rajasekaran G, Kumar Rajesh, Parashar A Tersoff potential with improved accuracy for simulating graphene in molecular dynamics environment.18:035011. (IF-1.7, Q2) Materials Research Express (IOP) SCI, (IF-1.7, Q2)
2016 Kumar Rajesh, Mertiny P, Parashar A Effects of Different Hydrogenation Regimes on Mechanical Properties of h-BN: A Reactive Force Field Study. 120: 21932-38. (IF-4.5, Q1) The Journal Physical Chemistry C (ACS) SCI, (IF-4.5, Q1)
2017 Kumar Rajesh, Parashar A Kumar Rajesh, Parashar A. Fracture toughness enhancement of h-BN monolayers via hydrogen-passivation of crack edge. 28:16. (IF-3.9, Q1) Nanotechnology (IOP) SCI, (IF-3.9, Q1)
2017 Kumar Rajesh, Parashar A Dislocation assisted crack healing in h-BN nanosheets. 19:21739-47.(IF-3.7, Q1) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (RSC) SCI, (IF-3.7, Q1)
2018 Kumar Rajesh, Mertiny P, Parashar A Displacement thresholds and knock-on cross sections for hydrogenated h-BN monolayers.142: 82-88. (IF-3.3, Q1) Computational Materials Science (Elsevier) SCI, (IF-3.3, Q1)
2018 Kumar Rajesh, Parashar A Effect of geometrical defects and functionalization on the interfacial strength of h-BN/polyethylene-based nanocomposite. 146:82- 90. (IF- 4.4, Q1) Polymer (Elsevier) SCI, (IF- 4.4, Q1)
2019 Verma A, Kumar Rajesh, Parashar A Enhanced thermal transport across a bi- crystalline graphene–polymer interface: an atomistic approach. 21: 6229-37. (IF-3.7, Q1) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics SCI, (IF-3.7, Q1)
2009 R. Bhargava, R. Sharma and O. A. Beg Transient chemically-reacting MHD free convection heat and mass transfer in a porous medium with Soret and Dufour effects: Finite element modeling, 5(6) (2009) 15 – 37. International Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics Nil
2010 Rajesh Sharma, R. Bhargava and I. V. Singh Combined effect of magnetic field and heat absorption on unsteady free convection and heat transfer flow in a micropolar fluid past a semi-infinite moving plate with viscous Dissipation using Element free Galerkin method, 217 (2010) 308-321. Applied Mathematics and Computation SCI and Scopus
2010 Rajesh Sharma, R. Bhargava and Peeyush Bhargava A Numerical Solution of Unsteady MHD Convection Heat and Mass Transfer Past a Semi-infinite Vertical Porous Moving Plate Using Element Free Galerkin Method, 48(3) (2010) 537-543. Computational Materials Science SCI and Scopus
2012 R. Sharma, R. Bhargava and I. V. Singh A numerical solution of MHD convection heat transfer over an unsteady stretching surface embedded in a porous medium using Element Free Galerkin Method, 8(10) (2012), 83-103. International Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics Nil
2012 Rajesh Sharma Effect of viscous dissipation and heat source on unsteady boundary layer flow and heat transfer past a stretching surface embedded in a porous medium using element free Galerkin method, 219 (2012) 976-987. Applied Mathematics and Computation SCI and Scopus
2013 Rajesh Sharma, Anuar Ishak and Ioan Pop Partial slip flow and heat transfer over a stretching sheet in a CuO-water nanofluid, vol. 2013, Article ID 724547, 7 pages. Mathematical Problems in Engineering SCIE and Scopus
2013 Rajesh Sharma and Anuar Ishak Numerical Simulation of Transient Free Convection Flow and Heat Transfer in a Porous Medium, vol. 2013, Article ID 371971, 9 pages. Mathematical Problems in Engineering SCIE and Scopus
2014 Rajesh Sharma, Anuar Ishak, Roslinda Nazar and Ioan Pop Boundary layer flow and heat transfer over a permeable exponential shrinking sheet in presence of thermal radiation and partial slip, 7 (2014) 125-134. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics SCIE and Scopus
2014 Rajesh Sharma and Anuar Ishak Second order slip flow of Cu-Water nanofluid over a stretching sheet with heat transfer, 9 (2014) 26-34. WSEAS Transaction on Fluid Mechanics Scopus
2014 Rajesh Sharma, Anuar Ishak and Ioan Pop Stability analysis of magnetohydrodynamic stagnation-point flow toward a stretching/shrinking sheet, 102 (2014) 94-98. Computers & Fluids SCI and Scopus
2014 Rajesh Sharma Element free Galerkin modeling of radiative hydromagnetic micropolar flow saturated Darcy medium with heat transfer over a stretching sheet with Joule heating, 9 (2014) 50-62. ASIA-Pacific Journal Of Chemical Engineering SCIE and Scopus
2015 Rajesh Sharma and Rama Bhargava Numerical Simulation of MHD Hiemenz Flow of a Micropolar Fluid towards a Non-Linear Stretching Surface through a Porous Medium, 16 (2015) 234-245. International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics Scopus
2016 Rajesh Sharma, Anuar Ishak and Ioan Pop Stagnation point flow of a micropolar fluid over a stretching/shrinking sheet with second-order velocity slip, 29 (5), 04016025 Journal of Aerospace Engineering SCI and Scopus
2017 Rajesh Sharma, Anuar Ishak and Ioan Pop Boundary layer slip flow and heat transfer over an exponential shrinking sheet, 55 (2017)275-283. Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics SCIE and Scopus
2018 Rajesh Sharma Boundary Layer Slip Flow and Heat Transfer over an Exponential Shrinking Sheet, 13 (2018)18-25. WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics Scopus
2019 Ankita Bisht and Rajesh Sharma Non-similar solution of Casson nanofluid with variable viscosity and variable thermal conductivity, 22(2019) 3919-3938. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow SCIE and Scopus
2020 Rajesh Sharma and Ankita Bisht Effect of buoyancy and suction on Sisko nanofluid over a vertical stretching sheet in a porous medium with mass flux condition, 58(2020) 178-188. Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics SCIE and Scopus
2020 Ankita Bisht and Rajesh Sharma Comparative Analysis of Sisko nanofluid over a Stretching Cylinder through Porous Medium, 49(6) (2020) 3477-3488. Heat Transfer Scopus
2020 Ankita Bisht and Rajesh Sharma Non-similar solution of Sisko nanofluid flow with variable thermal conductivity:A finite difference approach (Accepted) International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow SCIE and Scopus
2020 Ankita Bisht and Rajesh Sharma Entropy Generation Analysis in MHD Sisko Nanofluid Flow with Chemical Reaction and Convective Boundary Conditions (Accepted) Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences SCIE and Scopus
2020 Banshtu, R.S., Versain, L.D. & Pandey, D.D Risk assessment using quantitative approach: Central Himalaya, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, India, 13 Arabian Journal of Geosciences SCI & SCOPUS
2019 Laxmi Devi Versain, Banshtu, R.S. & Pandey, D.D Bi-Variate Statistical Approach In Landslide Hazard Zonation, District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, India, Vol. No.: 14(2) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research SCOPUS
2019 Laxmi Devi Versain , Rajeshwar Singh Banshtu , Desh Deepak Pandey Comparative Evaluation of GIS Based Landslide Hazard Zonation Maps Using Different Approaches. Vol. No.: 93(6) Journal of Geological Society of India, SCI & SCOPUS
2020 Desh Deepak Pandey, Rajeshwar Singh Banshtu , Laxmi Devi Versain Landslide Hazard Assessment using Frequency Ration: A case study of southwestern part of Chamba District Himachal Pradesh India, Vol. 7(12) GIS Science-Die Zeitschrift fur Geoinformatik Journal SCOPUS
2011 V.K.Sarda, R.K, Calay and R.S.Banshtu Landslide Studies- Indian Perspectives, 3(2) International Journal of Geotectonics and Environment SCI
2005 Arun Sharma, Naval Kishore, H.R.Dandi, Naresh Tuli and R.S.Banshtu A logical framework approach towards environment as applicable to small scale mining in hilly region- A case study of a mine in Himachal Pradesh. Bulletin of Indian Geologists’ Association WoS
2003 Naval Kishore and R.S.Banshtu Structural and Metamorphic history of the rocks of Badiyara –Tikri area, Shimla Himalaya Bulletin of Indian Geologists’ Association WoS
2000 Naval Kishore, R.S.Banshtu, R.C.Kanwar and Bimal Rai Petrochemistry of the Magyari and Khanyara Granitoid, District Shimla, Lesser Himalaya, India Indian Journal of Geochemistry WoS
2005 Sharma R.K , Kumar D and kumar Systematic Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) using Fuzzy Linguistic Modeling Vol. 22 (9), pp 986-1004 International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management Scopus and Emerging Sources Citation Index
2005 Sharma R.K , Kumar D and kumar FLM to Select Suitable Maintenance Strategy in Industries Using MISO Model Vol.11 (4), pp 359-374. International Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering Scopus and Emerging Sources Citation Index
2006 Sharma R.K , Kumar D and kumar Manufacturing Excellence through TPM Implementation–Practical analysis Vol.106 (2), pp.256-280 International Journal of Industrial Management and Data Systems SCIE and Scopus 1.278
2007 Sharma R.K , Kumar D and kumar A Framework to Implement QCS through Process Cost modeling Vol. 19 (1), pp 18-36. Total Quality Management Journal Scopus
2007 Sharma R.K , Kumar D and kumar Behavior Analysis and Resource Optimization for an Industrial System Vol. 2(4), pp 413- 443. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering Scopus
2007 Sharma R.K , Kumar D and kumar FM – A Pragmatic Tool to Model, Analyze and Predict Complex Behavior of Industrial Systems Vol 24 (4) pp.319-346 Engineering Computations- International Journal for Computer-Aided Engineering and Software 0.698 Scopus
2007 Sharma R.K , Kumar D and kumar Quality Costing in process industries through QCAS-A Practical Case vol. 45, pp. 3381-3403 International Journal of Production Research, Taylor and Francis 1.693 Scopus, SCIE
2007 Sharma R.K , Kumar D and kumar Modeling System Behavior for Risk and Reliability Analysis Using KBARM Vol.23 pp973-998. Quality Reliability Engineering International, Wiley Interscience Scopus, SCIE
2007 Sharma R.K , Kumar D and kumar An Integrated Approach to Analyze System Behavior Using Knowledge Based ARMS Vol 1 (3) pp313-338. International Journal of Reliability and Safety Scopus
2008 Sharma R.K , Kumar D and kumar Application of Fuzzy Methodology to Build Process Reliability -A Practical Case, Vol.5 (2) pp125-152. International Journal of Product Development Scopus
2008 Sharma R.K , Kumar D and kumar Fuzzy modeling of system behavior for risk and reliability analysis Volume 39, Issue 6 , 2008 , pages 563 - 581 International Journal of System Science, Taylor and Francis 1.947 Scopus, SCIE
2008 Sharma R.K , Kumar D and kumar Predicting Uncertain Behavior of Industrial System Using FM – A Practical case, Vol.8 pp96-109. Applied Soft Computing 3.288 Scopus, SCIE
2008 Rajiv Kumar Sharma Performance modeling in critical engineering systems using RAM analysis, Volume 93, Issue 6, June 2008, Pages 913-919 Reliability Engineering & System Safety 2.83 Scopus, SCIE
2010 Rajiv Kumar Sharma A framework for system failure behavior analysis using FM, RCA and FMEA, Vol 16 (1) (2010) Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering Scopus
2011 Sharma R.K , Pratima Mishra Reengineering The Supply Chain Human Dimensions Using Six-Sigma Framework, Volume 5 - 2011- 3 pp 192-303 International Journal for Quality Research Scopus
2012 Sharma R.K Conceptual Framework For Improving Business Performance With Lean Manufacturing And Successful Human Factors Interventions –A Case Study, , Volume 6 - 2012 - 3 pp 259-270 International Journal for Quality Research Scopus
2012 Sharma R.K & Sharma Pooja Computing RAM Indices for Reliable Operation of Production Systems, Volume 7 (2012) Issue 4 (December 2012) Advances in Production Engineering & Management Journal Scopus, SCIE
2014 Sharma R.K & Sharma Pooja Integrated framework to optimize RAM and cost decisions in a process plant, Volume 25, 6, 2012, Pages 883-904 Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 1.521 Scopus, SCIE
2014 Sharma R.K and Rajan Gopal Sharma Integrating Six Sigma Culture and TPM Framework to Improve Manufacturing Performance in SMEs, Volume 30, Issue 5July 2014 Pages 745–765 Wiley Interscience Quality Reliability Engineering International 1.457 Scopus, SCIE
2014 Mishra P. and Sharma, R. K. A hybrid framework based on SIPOC & Six Sigma DMAIC for improving process dimensions in supply chain network, 31 (5), 522-546. (Emerald) International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management Scopus, SCIE
2014 Mishra P. and Sharma R. K. Bench-marking SCM performance and Empirical analysis- A case from paint industry, 7(1), 113-118 Logistics Research (Springer) Scopus, SCIE
2015 Mishra P. and Sharma R. K. Impact of key human dimensions on SCM performance-qualitative and empirical analysis.volume 8.5 : 632-661. International Journal of Business Excellence (InderScience) Scopus, SCIE
2015 Mishra P. and Sharma R. K Integration of Six Sigma and ISM to improve Supply Chain Coordination–A conceptual framework. Vol. 3. No. 1. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering Scopus
2015 Sharma, R.K and Manjeet Sharma, Rajiv Kumar, and Manjeet Kharub. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of barriers hindering the growth of MSMEs. 8.6 (2015): 724-747. International Journal of Business Excellence, Scopus
2014 Kumar S, Sharma, R.K and Chauhan, P ISM Approach to Model Offshore Outsourcing Risks, Vol 2, No 2 (2014) International Journal of Production Management and Engineering Scopus
2014 Kumar S, Sharma RK and Chauhan P Systems Engineering for Effective Supply Chain Coordination for Knowledge Process Outsourcing, . Vol.75. pp 189-195 International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research Scopus
2015 Kumar S, Sharma RK and Chauhan P Qualitative and quantitative approach to model offshore outsourcing barriers due to cultural differences, Volume 4, Issue 2-3 International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances Scopus
2014 Sharma, R.K and Manjeet Attaining competitive positioning through SPC an experimental investigation from SME, Volume: 18 Issue: 4, 2014 Measuring Business Excellence Scopus, SCIE
2014 Mishra P. and Sharma R. K Investigating the impact of perfect order fulfilment on quality level and SCM performance. 4.1-2 (2014): 95-115. inernational Journal of Modelling in Operations Management Scopus, SCIE
2014 Sharma R.K and Jagdeep Singh Sharma, Rajiv, and Jagdeep Singh. "Effect of Powder Mixed Electrical Discharge Machining (PMEDM) on Difficult-to-machine Materials–a Systematic Literature Review.14.4 (2014): 233-255. Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production Scopus
2015 Sharma R.K and Ashok Gaula Analyzing the effect of maintenance strategies on throughput of a typical Flexible Manufacturing Cell, 6.2 (2015): 183-190 Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management Scopus, SCIE
2016 Sharma R.K and Jagdeep Singh Determination of multi-performance characteristics for powder mixed electric discharge machining of tungsten carbide alloy, February 2016 vol. 230 no. 2 303-312 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 0.939Scopus, SCIE
2016 Sharma R.K and Jagdeep Singh Assessing the effects of different dielectrics on environmentally conscious powder-mixed EDM of difficult-to-machine material (WC-Co).11.4 (2016): 374-387. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering Scopus, SCIE
2016 Sharma R.K and Jagdeep Singh Implementation of Taguchi method with hybrid decision making tools for prediction of surface characteristics for powder-mixed EDM of WC, Volume 8, September 2016, Pages 455–458 Perspectives in Science Scopus
2017 Mishra P. and Sharma, R. K Measuring business performance in a SCN using Six Sigma methodology – a case study, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2017 International Journal Industrial and Systems Engineering Scopus
2016 Kharub, Manjeet, and Rajiv Kumar Sharma. INVESTIGATING THE ROLE OF PORTER DIAMOND DETERMINANTS FOR COMPETITIVENESS IN MSMEs. vol 10.3 (2016). International Journal for Quality Research Scopus
2015 Kumar Shailendra, and Rajiv Kumar Sharma An ISM based framework for structural relationship among various manufacturing flexibility dimensions. vol 6.4 (2015): 511-521. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management Scopus
2014 Kumar Shailendra, and Rajiv Kumar Sharma Cell formation heuristic procedure considering production data vol 2.2 (2014): 75-84. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering Scopus
2017 Mishra, Pratima, and Rajiv Kumar Sharma Measuring business performance in a SCN using Six Sigma methodology-a case study vol 25.1 (2017): 76-109. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering Scopus
2017 Pandey Ajay Kumar, and Rajiv Kumar Sharma FMEA-based interpretive structural modelling approach to model automotive supply chain risk.vol 27.4 (2017): 395-419. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management Scopus
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2007 Rajiv Kumar Sharma , Dinesh Kumar and Pradeep kumar Reliability Analysis of Repairable Systems Using NHPPP Models, Vol 36(2) pp 25-33. Industrial Engineering Journal, IIIE Scopus
2005 Rajiv Kumar Sharma Reduction of process defects in chrome plated cylinder liners of Diesel locomotives using TQM tools, Vol 34(3) pp 17-20 industrial Engineering Journal, IIIE Scopus
2006 Rajiv Kumar Sharma Off line quality control using taguchi parameteric design-A case study, Vol 35(9) pp 19-23. industrial Engineering Journal, IIIE Scopus
2007 Rajiv Kumar Sharma, Sunand Kumar Simulated availability of CO2 Cooling System in a Urea Fertilizer Plant, , Vol 36(10) pp 19-24. industrial Engineering Journal, IIIE Scopus
2010 Rajiv Sharma, Pooja Sharma Integration of reliability and maintainability aspects for improved performance in process industry, Vol 2 (9) pp22-27, 2010 industrial Engineering Journal, IIIE Scopus
2011 Rajiv Kumar Sharma , Ajay Chaddha COQ-Cost of quality –A case from Medium Scale Packaging Industry,Vol-II Issue 22 industrial Engineering Journal, IIIE Scopus
2012 Rajiv Kumar Sharma, Ankit Sood, Adheesh Gupta, Prashant Sharma OEE for performance Analysis of Machines,Vol 5 Issue 10 industrial Engineering Journal, IIIE Scopus
2018 Manjeet Kharub and Rajiv Kumar Sharma Quantifying the Relationship between Latent variables after Successful Implementation of QM practices in MSMEs,Vol 35 Issue 4, 2018 pp.875-896 International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management Scopus
2018 Ankur and Rajiv Kumar Sharma Modelling and analysis of enablers for successful implementation of cellular manufacturing system, Vol 8,(1) pp 103-123 Source record id 4700152455 International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking Scopus
2017 Manjeet Kharub and Rajiv Kumar Sharma Framework to assess competitive positioning in manufacturing industries, , Vol. 12, No. 2, 2017 pp 139-174 International Journal of Business Excellence (IJBEX) Scopus
2017 Jagdeep Singh and Rajiv Kumar Sharma Experimental investigation of processing parameters for conductive graphite abrasive mixed EDM of WC alloy, 8(1), pp. 25–43 Source record id 19700186834 International Journal of Abrasive Technology Scopus
2018 Manjeet Kharub and Rajiv Kumar Sharma The application of quality tools in effective implementation of HACCP: an empirical study of food and pharmaceutical industries, Vol 35 issue 9 (In Production) Source record id 144740 International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management SSCI and Scopus
2018 Manjeet Kharub and Rajiv Kumar Sharma The Relationship between Cost Leadership Competitive Strategy and Firm Performance: A Mediating Role of Quality Management The Relationship between Cost Leadership Competitive Strategy and Firm Performance: A Mediating Role of Quality Management sci
2019 Manjeet kharub, Rajiv Kumar Sharma, An Integrated Structural Model of QMPs, QMS and Firm’s Performance for Competitive Positioning in MSMEs. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence ISSN: 1478-3363, 2020. SCI and Scopus
2020 Manjeet kharub, Rajiv Kumar Sharma, The Relationship between Cost Leadership Competitive Strategy and Firm Performance: A Mediating Role of Quality Management Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management SSCI
2021 Rajiv Kumar Sharma ISM and fuzzy logic approach to model and analyze the variables in downstream supply chain for perfect order fulfillment", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 38 No. 8, pp. 1722-1746. ISSN 0265-671X International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management SSCI and Scopus
2021 Rajiv Kumar Sharma Conceptual Framework To Model And Analyse The Distribution Structure Decisions In Logistics, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management Web of Science and Scopus
2022 Rajat Latt, Rajiv Kumar Sharma A Hybrid Approach To Examine The Potential Of Additive Manufacturing To Cope With Supply Chain Disruptions During Covid-19 Pandemic International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management Web of Science and Scopus
2022 Rajiv Kumar Sharma Examining interaction among supplier selection strategies in an outsourcing environment using ISM and fuzzy logic approach. Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag SSCI and Scopus
2023 Love Kumar, Rajiv Kumar Sharma A taxonomy study on key dimensions which may help SMEs for industry 4.0 implementation. Journal of Industrial Integration and Management SSCI and Scopus
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2023 Manish Kumar Panday, Ram Niwash Mahia, Sukriti Tiwari, and Om Prakash Mahela Review of Robust and Metaheuristic Load Frequency Control Techniques and Comparative Analysis of PID and FOPID Controllers (Revision to be submitted) International Journal of Ambient Energy, Taylor & Francis SCI
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2014 Naveen Gaur, Ram Niwash Mahia, and Om Prakash Mahela Analysis of circuit breaker pole reclosing of 765 kV transmission line & 3 International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering ---
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2020 Shampy Kamboj, Richa Joshi Examining the factors influencing smartphone apps use at tourism destinations: A UTAUT model perspective International Journal of Tourism Cities (Emerald) ABDC Indexed -"C" & SCOPUS Indexed Journal
2022 Rashmi Sharma, Richa Joshi The effect of bank reputation on loyalty–the moderating role of bank type South Asian Journal of Business Studies (Emerald) ABDC Indexed -"C" & SCOPUS Indexed Journal
2021 Richa Joshi, Rajan Yadav Captivating brand hate using contemporary metrics: a structural equation modelling approach Vision (Sage Publications) ABDC Indexed -"C" & SCOPUS Indexed Journal
2022 Richa Joshi, Prerna Garg Assessing brand love, brand sacredness and brand fidelity towards halal brands Journal of Islamic Marketing (Emerald) ABDC Indexed -"B" & SCOPUS Indexed Journal
2023 Richa Joshi, Prerna Garg, Shampy Kamboj Examining the effects of brand authenticity and brand identification on consumers' willingness to pay premium International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising ABDC Indexed -"C" & SCOPUS Indexed Journal
2023 Sachin Kumar, Neeraj Dhiman, Honey Kanojia, Richa Joshi What resists millennials to adopt hotel booking apps? An empirical analysis based on extended innovation resistance theory foresight (Emerald) ABDC Indexed -"C" & SCOPUS Indexed Journal
2023 Ayush Guleria, Richa Joshi, Mohd Adil The impact of memorable tourism experiences on customer-based destination brand equity: the mediating role of destination attachment and overall satisfaction Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights (Emerald) ABDC Indexed -"C" & SCOPUS Indexed Journal
2024 Ayush Guleria, Richa Joshi, Mohd Adil Impact of memorable tourism experiences on tourists’ storytelling intentions: an empirical investigation International Journal of Tourism Cities (Emerald) ABDC Indexed -"C" & SCOPUS Indexed Journal
2024 Richa Joshi, Shampy Kamboj Exploring the effect of brand love on brand advocacy: the mediating role of brand sacredness and fidelity International Journal of Technology Marketing ABDC Indexed -"C" & SCOPUS Indexed Journal
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2017 Rifaqat Ali and Arup Kumar Pal A Secure and Robust Three-Factor Based Authentication Scheme Using RSA Cryptosystem & 13 International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, IGI Global Journal SCOPUS
2019 Preeti Chandrakar, Sonam Sinha and Rifaqat Ali Cloud-based authenticated protocol for healthcare monitoring system &11 Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer Journal SCIE
2021 Pallavi Bhuarya, Preeti Chandrakar, Rifaqat Ali and Aakanksha Sharaff An enhanced authentication scheme for Internet of Things and cloud based on elliptic curve cryptography & 34 International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley Journal SCIE
2023 Neeraj Kumar and Rifaqat Ali A smart contract-based robotic surgery authentication system for healthcare using 6G-Tactile Internet & 238 Computer Networks, Elsevier Journal SCIE
2024 Neeraj Kumar and Rifaqat Ali Blockchain-enabled authentication framework for Maritime Transportation System empowered by 6G-IoT & 244 Computer Networks, Elsevier Journal SCIE
2024 Neeraj Kumar and Rifaqat Ali A smart contract-based 6G-enabled authentication scheme for securing Internet of Nano Medical Things network Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier Journal SCIE
2024 Sourav and Rifaqat Ali Lattice-based ring signcryption scheme for smart healthcare management Cluster Computing, Springer Journal SCIE
2024 Vipin Kumar, Rifaqat Ali and Pawan Kumar Sharma A secure blockchain‑assisted authentication framework for electronic health records & 16 International Journal of Information Technology, Springer Journal SCOPUS
2024 Vipin Kumar, Rifaqat Ali and Pawan Kumar Sharma IoV-6G+: A secure blockchain-based data collection and sharing framework for Internet of vehicles in 6G-assisted environment & 47 Vehicular Communications, Elsevier Journal SCIE
2024 Vipin Kumar, Rifaqat Ali and Pawan Kumar Sharma IoEPM+: A secured and lightweight 6G-enabled pollution monitoring authentication framework using IoT and blockchain technology Computer Networks, Elsevier Journal SCIE
2024 Sunil Prajapat, Neeraj Kumar, Ashok Kumar Das, Pankaj Kumar, Rifaqat Ali Quantum-safe blockchain-assisted data encryption protocol for internet of things networks Cluster Computing, Springer Journal SCIE
2024 Neeraj Kumar and Rifaqat Ali A consortium blockchain-edge enabled authentication scheme for underwater acoustic network (UAN) Internet of Things, Elsevier Journal SCIE
2023 Krushna Chandra Sahoo, Ramesh Athe, Debdutta Bhattacharya, Rinshu Dwivedi, Rakesh Kumar Sahoo, Lanu Wanboy Aimol, Shalu Jain, Kavitha Rajsekhar, Sanghamitra Pati Use of Portable Automated Auditory Brainstem Responses in Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening: A Mixed-Method Study in Odisha, India Indian Journal of Pediatrics SCI
2022 P George, M Chittem, R Dwivedi, C Pal, Y Guntupalli, S Pati The empathy factor: The role of empathy in knowledge, attitude, and practice of organ donation in India-A crossectional, observational study Indian Journal of Transplantation Scopus
2022 R Athe, R Dwivedi, KC Sahoo, D Bhattacharya, S Jain, S Pati A systematic review and meta-analysis of screening and diagnostic accuracy for hearing loss among under-five children in South-Asian region International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare SSCI
2021 R Dwivedi, J Pradhan, R Athe Measuring catastrophe in paying for healthcare: A comparative methodological approach by using National Sample Survey, India The International Journal of Health Planning and Management SSCI
2021 R Dwivedi, J Pradhan Revisiting equity in healthcare spending through capability-approach: assessing the effectiveness of health-insurance schemes in reducing OOPE and CHE in India International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare SSCI
2023 R Athe, R Dwivedi, K Singh, SB Hulmani, N Karadi, C Boraiah, S Vasu Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Healthcare Workers and Job Loss From a Gender Perspective in India: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Cureus 15 (11) Scopus
2023 S Negi, K Sharma, A Acharya, A Prabhu, R Dwivedi, R Athe Impact of medical, surgical and expectant management on spontaneous miscarriage/abortion on first trimester: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials Qeios ESCI/WoS
2023 A Acharya, A Prabhu, S Negi, K Sharma, R Dwivedi, R Athe Spontaneous miscarriage/abortion in the first trimester and expectant management–a meta-analysis approach Menopause Review/Przegląd Menopauzalny 22 (1) Scopus
2021 KC Sahoo, R Dwivedi, R Athe, D Bhattacharya, K Rajsekhar, S Pati Stakeholders’ perspective for improved universal newborn hearing screening uptake in Odisha, India Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 67 (3), fmaa062 SCI
2021 S Pati, P Mahapatra, R Dwivedi, R Athe, KC Sahoo, M Samal, RC Das Multimorbidity and its outcomes among patients attending psychiatric care settings: an observational study from Odisha, India Frontiers in Public Health 8, 616480 SCI
2021 R Dwivedi, R Athe, M Kavi, PK Modem The incubation period of coronavirus disease (COVID-19): A tremendous public health threat—Forecasting from publicly available case data in India Journal of Public Affairs 10 (DOI: 10.1002/pa.2619), DOI: 10.1002/pa.2619 Scopus
2020 R Dwivedi, R Athe, S Pati, KC Sahoo, D Bhattacharya Mapping of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) teaching and training initiatives: Landscape for evidence-based policy decisions in India Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 9 (11), 5458 WoS
2020 R Dwivedi, J Pradhan Does affordability matter? Examining the trends and patterns in health care expenditure in India Health Services Management Research 33 (4), 207-218 SSCI
2020 R Athe, R Dwivedi, S Pati, A Mazumder, U Banset Meta-analysis approach on iron fortification and its effect on pregnancy and its outcome through randomized, controlled trials Journal of family medicine and primary care 9 (2), 513 WOS
2019 S Pati, R Dwivedi, R Athe, PK Dey, S Swain Minimum data set (MDS) based trauma registry, is the data adequate? An evidence-based study from Odisha, India Journal of family medicine and primary care 8 (1), 7 WOS
2017 J Pradhan, R Dwivedi, S Pati, SK Rout Does spending matters? Re-looking into various covariates associated with Out of Pocket Expenditure (OOPE) and catastrophic spending on accidental injury from NSSO 71st round data Health economics review 7, 1-16 SSCI
2017 R Dwivedi, J Pradhan Does equity in healthcare spending exist among Indian states? Explaining regional variations from national sample survey data International journal for equity in health 16, 1-12 SSCI
2017 J Pradhan, R Dwivedi, P Banjare Relying on whom? correlates of out of pocket health expenditure among the rural elderly in Odisha, India Ageing International 42 (3), 306-323 SCOPUS
2017 P Banjare, J Pradhan, R Dwivedi, SS Mahapatra, BR Debata Concern and maintenance during twilight years: Perception and observation of elderly towards the younger generation in rural Odisha Journal of Health Management 19 (2), 214-223 SCOPUS
2017 J Pradhan, R Dwivedi Do we provide affordable, accessible and administrable health care? An assessment of SES differential in out of pocket expenditure on delivery care in India Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 11, 69-78 SCI
2017 R Dwivedi, J Pradhan Publically financed health insurance for poor: understanding Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna (RSBY) in Odisha Indian Journal of Economics and Development 13 (2), 281-294 SCOPUS
2016 R Dwivedi, P Banjare, J Pradhan Healthcare Utilization and Financing Pattern among the Rural Elderly in Bargarh District of Odisha Indian Journal of Economics and Development 12 (1), 91-102 SCOPUS
2015 P Banjare, R Dwivedi, J Pradhan Factors associated with the life satisfaction amongst the rural elderly in Odisha, India Health and quality of life outcomes 13, 1-13 SCI
2015 J Pradhan, R Dwivedi Why unmet need for family planning remains high in Bangladesh: a community level analysis Journal of women’s health care 4 (8), 1-7 Scopus
2012 R Dwivedi, SK Dhaliwal Growth and performance of services sector of India Indian Journal of Economics and Development 8 (4), 61-70 Scopus
2015 P. Trivedi, A. K. Patel, R. Maurya, R. Jayaganthan, K. Balani Nanomechanical Characterization and Protein Adsorption of Cold Rolled Zirconium Alloy Journal of Minerals, Metals, and Materials Yes
2016 R. Maurya, B. Kumar, S. Ariharan, J. Ramkumar, K. Balani Effect of Carbonaceous Reinforcements on the Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Friction Stir Processed Al6061 Alloy Materials & Design Yes
2016 R. Maurya, A. Gupta, S. Omar, K. Balani Effect of Sintering on Mechanical Properties of Ceria Reinforced Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Ceramics International Yes
2017 S. Awasthi, R. Maurya, C. P. Pandey, K. Balani Interfacial Mechanics of Carbonaceous Reinforcements in Electrophoretically Deposited Nickel Coatings Surface and Coatings Technology Yes
2017 A. R. Siddiqui, R. Maurya, K. Balani Superhydrophobic Self-floating Carbon Nanofiber Coating for Efficient Gravity-directed Oil/Water Separation Journal of Materials Chemistry A Yes
2017 R. Maurya, A. R. Siddiqui, K. Balani In vitro Degradation and Biomineralization Ability of Hydroxyapatite Coated Mg-9Li-7Al-1Sn and Mg-9Li-5Al-3Sn-1Zn Alloys Surface and Coatings Technology Yes
2017 P. K. Singh, A. L. Kumar, P. K. Katiyar, R. Maurya, Agglomeration Behavior of Steel Plants Solid Waste and its Effect on Sintering Performance Journal of Materials Research and Technology Yes
2018 A. Pandey, S. Midha, R. K. Sharma, R. Maurya, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Hydroxyapatite-based Biocomposite for Orthopedic Applications Materials Science & Engineering: C Yes
2018 R. Maurya, A. R. Siddiqui, K. Balani An Environment-Friendly Phosphate Chemical Conversion Coating on Novel Mg-9Li-7Al-1Sn and Mg-9Li-5Al-3Sn-1Zn Alloys with Remarkable Corrosion Protection Applied Surface Science, Yes
2019 R. Maurya, A. R. Siddiqui, P. K. Katiyar, K. Balani Mechanical, Tribological and Anti-corrosive Properties of Polyaniline/Graphene Coated Mg-9Li-7Al-1Sn and Mg-9Li-5Al-3Sn-1Zn Alloys Journal of Materials Science and Technology Yes
2020 R. Maurya, D. Mittal, K. Balani, Effect of heat-treatment on microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of Mg-Li-Al based alloy Journal of Materials Research and Technology Yes
2020 S. Ariharan, R. Maurya, R. K. Sharma, V. K. Sharma, S. Lohia, K. Balani Damage mechanics of polypropylene-based composites using progressive-and constant-load scratching Polymer Composites Yes
2020 A. R. Siddiqui, R. Maurya, P. K. Katiyar, K. Balani Superhydrophobic, self-cleaning carbon nanofiber CVD coating for corrosion protection of AISI 1020 steel and AZ31 magnesium alloys Surface and Coatings Technology Yes
2021 S. Ariharan, R. Maurya Assessment of plasma sprayed carbon nanotube reinforced Al2O3-based nanocomposite with micro-scratching Surface and Coatings Technology Yes
2021 P. K. Katiyar, R. Maurya, P.K. Singh Failure Behavior of Cemented Tungsten Carbide Materials: A Case Study of Mining Drill Bits Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Yes
2022 P. Priyadarshi, P.K. Katiyar, R. Maurya A review on mechanical, tribological and electrochemical performance of ceramic particle-reinforced Ni-based electrodeposited composite coatings J Mater Sci Yes
2022 R. Maurya, S. Panwar, K. Balani Heat-Treatment Design of LATZ9531 Alloy and Ensuing Structure–Properties Correlation Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Yes
2023 D. Mishra, R. Maurya, V. Verma, K. Balani, K.V. M. Krishna, D. Srivastava, GN Ganesha, U. Singha, A. Mukhopadhyay Understanding the influence of graphene-based lubricant/coating during fretting wear of zircaloy Wear Yes
2022 P. Priyadarshi, K.Kishore, R. Maurya Electrodeposited Ni on copper substrate: an experimental and simulation comparative study. Interact Des Manuf, Yes
2022 P.K. Katiyar, R. Maurya, P.K. Singh Highlighting the corrosion mechanisms of corroded plain carbon steels using the atomic force microscopy”, International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology & Urban Development Yes
2022 P.K. Katiyar, R. Maurya, P.K. Singh Corrosion behavior of plain carbon steel under different heat treatment conditions in freely aerated 35% NaCl solution International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology & Urban Development, Yes
2022 P. Priyadarshi, A.Yadav, R. Maurya, Deposition of Cu-based composite coatings on mild steel substrate via electrodeposition method”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Yes
2023 Sandeep Rathor, Subhas Chandra Agrawal, Robin Singh Bhadoria, Praphula Kumar Jain Secure and Embedded Processing Framework for Payload Scattering in Image Steganography with Low Computation Time, Vol. 130, pp. 2679–2695, 2023. Wireless Personal Communication (Springer) SCI
2023 Ajay Rawat, Rama Sushil, Amit Agarwal, Afzal Sikander, Robin Singh Bhadoria A New Adaptive Fault Tolerant Framework in the Cloud, Vol. 69, Issue 5, pp. 2897-2909, 2023 IETE Journal of Research (Taylor & Francis) SCI
2023 Kumar Debasis, Lakhan Dev Sharma, Vijay Bohat, Robin Singh Bhadoria An Energy‑Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Maximizing Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks using Machine Learning, Vol. 28, pp. 853–867, 2023 Mobile Networks & Applications (Springer) SCI
2023 Robin Singh Bhadoria, Yash Gupta, Ivan Perl Outbreak Trends of Fatality Rate into Coronavirus Disease - 2019 using Deep Learning, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp.70–83, 2023. International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics (Inder Science) SCOPUS
2022 Naman Bhoj, Robin Singh Bhadoria, Time-Series based Prediction for Energy Consumption of Smart Home Data Using Hybrid Convolution-Recurrent Neural Network, Vol. 75, p.101907, 2022. Telematics & Informatics (Elsevier) SCI
2023 Robin Singh Bhadoria, Naman Bhoj, "Manoj Kumar Srivastav, Rahul Kumar, Balasubramanian Raman A Machine Learning Framework for Security and Privacy Issues in Building Trust for Social Networking, Vol. 26, pp. 3907–3930, 2023. Cluster Computing (Springer) SCI
2022 Robin Singh Bhadoria, Hatim G. Zaini, Manzer Nezami,Md. Danish Equbal, Elfatih Elmubarak Mustafa, Sherif S. Ghoneim "Cone Model in Resource Provisioning for Service-Oriented Architecture System: An Effective Network Management to the Internet of Things, Vol. 10, pp.61385-61397, June 2022 IEEE ACCESS SCI
2022 Robin Singh Bhadoria, Sovan Samanta, Yadhunath Pathak, Piyush Kumar Shukla, Ahmad Ali Zubi, Manjit Kaur "Bunch graph based dimensionality reduction using auto-encoder for character recognition, Vol.81, No. 22, pp. 32093–32115, 2022. Multimedia Tools & Applications (Springer) SCI
2021 Robin Singh Bhadoria, Manish Kumar Pandey, Pradeep Kundu "RVFR: Random Vector Forest Regression Model for Integrated & Enhanced Approach in Forest Fires Predictions, Vol. 66, p.101471, 2021. Ecological Informatics (Elsevier) SCI
2021 Pradeep Singh Rawat, Robin Singh Bhadoria, Puneet Gupta and G. P. Saroha Performance Evaluation of an Adopted Model based on Big-Bang Big-Crunch and Artificial Neural Networks for Cloud Applications, Vol. 48, No. 04, pp. 1-13, 2021. Kuwait Journal of Science SCI
2021 Law Kumar Singh, Pooja, Hitendra Garg, Munish Khanna, and Robin Singh Bhadoria An Enhanced Deep Image Learning Model for Glaucoma Diagnosis using Feature based Detection in Retinal Fundus, Vol. 59, No. 02, pp. 333-353, 2021. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (Springer) SCI
2019 Robin Singh Bhadoria and Dhananjai Bajpai Stabilizing Sensor Data Collection for Control of Environment-Friendly Clean Technologies using Internet of Things, Vol. 108, Issue 1, pp. 493-510, 2019. Wireless Personal Communication (Springer) SCI
2019 Robin Singh Bhadoria and Narendra S Chaudhari Pragmatic Sensory Data Semantics with Service-Oriented Computing, Vol. 31, No. 02, pp. 22-36, 2019 Journal of Organisational and End User Computing (IGI Global) SCI
2018 Robin Singh Bhadoria, Narendra S. Chaudhari, Tharinda Nishantha Vidanagama Analyzing the Role of Interfaces in Enterprise Service Bus: A Middleware Epitome for Service-Oriented Systems, Vol. 55, pp. 146-155, 2018 Computer Standards & Interface (Elsevier) SCI
2018 Robin Singh Bhadoria, Narendra S Chaudhari, Sovan Samanta Uncertainty in Sensor Data Acquisition for SOA System, Vol. 30, No. 10, pp. 3177–3187, 2018 Neural Computing and Applications (Springer) SCI
2017 Robin Singh Bhadoria, Narendra S Chaudhari, & Geetam Singh Tomar The Performance Metric for Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) in SOA System: theoretical underpinnings and empirical illustrations for information processing, Vol. 65, pp. 158-171, 2017 Information Systems (Elsevier) SCI
2019 Ashish Singh and Rohit Dhiman Proposal and analysis of mixed CNT bundle for sub-threshold interconnects IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology SCI
2019 Anchal Thakur and Rohit Dhiman SiGe/ Si hetero nanotube JLFET for improved performance: Proposal and investigation IET Electronics Letters SCI
2021 Ashish Singh, Rajeevan Chandel and Rohit Dhiman Proposal and analysis of relative stability in mixed CNT bundle for sub-threshold interconnects INTEGRATION, the VLSI Journal (Elsevier) SCI
2021 Anchal Thakur and Rohit Dhiman Temperature assessment of Si1−xGex source/ drain heterojunction NT JLFET for gate induced drain leakage–A compact model Superlattices and Microstructures (Elsevier) SCI
2023 Ajay Kumar and Rohit Dhiman Frequency response and transient analysis of through glass packaging vias using matrix-rational approximation (MRA) technique for three-dimensional ICs , vol. 141, pp. 105941, 2023. Microelectronics Journal (Elsevier) SCIE
2023 Anchal Thakur and Rohit Dhiman Comprehensive study of gate induced drain leakage in nanowire and nanotube junctionless FETs using Si1-xGex source/drain AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications SCIE
2018 Rohit Dhiman and Rahul Kumar Design and analysis of operational amplifier with FGMOS transistor IEEE VLSI Circuits and Systems Letter IEEE
2022 Ajay Kumar and Rohit Dhiman Proposal and analysis of carbon nanotube based differential multibit through glass vias Microelectronics Journal (Elsevier) SCIE
2020 Anchal Thakur and Rohit Dhiman Impacts of core gate thickness and Ge content variation on the performance of Si1-xGex source/drain Si-nanotube JLFET Journal of Computational Electronics SCIE
2017 Rohit Dhiman and Rajeevan Chandel Delay analysis of buffer inserted sub-threshold interconnects, vol. 90, pp. 435-445 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing SCIE
2017 Y. Agrawal, R. Chandel, and Rohit Dhiman Variability analysis of stochastic parameters on the electrical performance of on-chip current-mode interconnect system, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 268-280 IETE Journal of Research SCIE
2024 K. Madhu Kiran, B.K. Kaushik, and Rohit Dhiman Proposal and Analysis of Coaxial-Through-Glass Vias in 3-D Integration Using Multiresolution Time-Domain (MRTD) Technique IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology SCIE
2015 Dr. B. Singh and Sachin Kumar A Study on Current Status of Green Marketing in North India Vol. 7 Pacific Business Review International Web of Science
2021 Shikha Singh, Sachin Kumar, Vishal Dagar, Monika Saxena & Showkat Rashid INDIA’S AGRICULTURAL FOOD PROCESSING AND INDUSTRY SPECIFIC TRADE PATTERN WITH EU AND ASEAN Vol. 17 Int. J. Agricult. Stat. Sci Scopus
2021 Deepika Joshi , Sarita, Shikha Singh , Sachin Kumar and Showkat Rashid EMBRACING INDUSTRY 4.0 MANUFACTURING SECTOR WITH SKILL DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES IN INDIA Int. J. Agricult. Stat. Sci Scopus
2022 Singh, V., Kumar, V., Sachin Kumar, & Singh, A. Gillette: Shaving Gender Stereotype. Thunderbird Case Series (Harvard). (Harvard Case Product No.: TB0658-PDF-ENG)
2022 Sachin Kumar Emerging trends for reshaping digital entertainment: Role of demographics, consumer, and technological innovations. Das, S., & Gocahait, S(Ed.) Digital Entertainment as Next Evolution in Service Sector Springer (Palgrave Macmillan Scopus
2022 Sachin Kumar, Gupta, K., Kumar, A., Singh, A., & Singh, R. K. Applying the theory of reasoned action to examine consumers' attitude and willingness to purchase organic foods. 47 International Journal of Consumer Studies ABDC-A, SSCI, Scopus, Q1
2022 Sachin Kumar & Singh, B. What drives students to adopt m-learning apps? The role of e-WOM in signalling theory perspective 42 Behaviour & Information Technology ABDC-A, Scopus
2022 Singh, B., Sachin Kumar, & Yadav, S. India-foreign migration for job: an opinion of professional skilled youths’ of India. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management. Special Issue on: NCEDTI 2019 Business and Government Policies and Frameworks Scopus (Accepted, in press)
2023 Dhiman, N., Sachin Kumar, Nagpal, T. Employee’s intentions to use HR analytics: Technology acceptance model with job relevance and self-efficacy Vision: The Journal of Business Perspectives ABDC-C, Scopus
2023 Sachin Kumar, Kumar, V., Vandana, & Batra, D.K. Impact of Online Service Convenience on Adoption of Electronic Information Resources. 21 International Journal of Information Science and Management (IJISM) Scopus
2023 Sachin Kumar, Zia, A., Vandana, & Kumar, V. Investigating the Impact of Value Co-Creation on Satisfaction and Intention to adopt E-Resources. 11 Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice Scopus
2023 Vandana, Sachin Kumar, Kumar, V., & Goyal, P. Investigating the Impact of Online Service Convenience on Customer Engagement, Attitude and Intention to Use Food Delivery Apps. International Journal of Food System Dynamics Scopus
2023 Sachin Kumar, Dhiman, N., Kanojia, H. & Joshi, R. What resists millennials to adopt hotel booking apps? An empirical analysis based on extended innovation resistance theory Foresight ABDC-C, Scopus
2024 S Kumar, B Singh, V Kumar, R Chaudhuri, S Chatterjee, D Vrontis Taking flight with food: Investigating the determinants of user acceptance towards drone-based food delivery services in India. Vol. 126(3) British Food Journal ABDC-B, Scopus, Q1
2024 U Sivarajah, S Kumar, V Kumar, S Chatterjee, L J. A study on big data analytics and innovation: From technological and business cycle perspectives (Forthcoming) Technological Forecasting and Social Change ABDC-A, Scopus, Q1
2024 V. Kumar, S. Kumar, S. Chatterjee, M. Mariani Optimizing the digital transformation capability for enhancing economic sustainability of entrepreneurial venture: The moderating role of entrepreneurial orientation IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management ABDC-A, Scopus, Q1
2024 V. Kumar, S. Kumar, S. Chatterjee, M. Mariani Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities and the R&D performance of organizations: The moderating role of environmental dynamism IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management ABDC-A, Scopus, Q1
2024 V. Kumar, S. Kumar, R. Chaudhuri, S. Chatterjee, D. Vrontis Mapping business ethics and society: A systematic journey into research and way forward Wiley ABDC-B, Scopus, SSCI
2024 Kumar, Sachin ; Kumar, Vinod; Mehta, Vandana; Ivanová, Eva ; Chatterjee, Sheshadri Assessing the impact of consumption values on satisfaction and usage intentions of millet-based food products (Forthcoming) British Food Journal ABDC-B, Scopus, Q1
2024 , Vandana; Kumar, Sachin; Kumar, Vinod Examining the Impact of Online Service Convenience on User Engagement and Intention to Continuously Use E-resources: Mediating Role of Attitude Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication ABDC-B, Scopus
2024 Dhiman, N. Kanojia, H., Jamwal, M., & Kumar, S. A Systematic Review on Employee Happiness: Three-Decade Review, Synthesis, and Research Propositions. Forthcoming Journal of Management History ABDC-B, Scopus, Q1
2024 KUMAR, V; Kumar, Sachin; Chaudhuri, R; Chatterjee, Si; Vrontis, D; Rezaee V S Innovation capability and R&D performance of organizations: Moderating role of industry-academic knowledge transfer Journal of Knowledge Management ABDC-A, Scopus, SSCI, Q1
2025 V Kumar, Sachin Kumar, S Chatterjee, R Chaudhuri, D Vrontis, M Ferri Bridging the Gap: Understanding and Enhancing Organizational Readiness for Generative AI Integration Kybernetes Scopus, Q1
2025 V Kumar, S Kumar, R Chaudhuri, S Chatterjee, A Thrassou, G Sakka From insight to impact: Unravelling the dynamics of big data-backed growth hacking Journal of Business Research ABDC-A, Scopus, SSCI, Q1
2017 Sandeep Kumar Singh, Ranjan Bose, Anupam Joshi Entropy-based electricity theft detection in AMI network, volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 99 - 105 IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications Scopus
2018 Sandeep Kumar Singh, Kush Khanna, Ranjan Bose, Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi, Anupam Joshi Joint-transformation-based detection of false data injection attacks in smart grid, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp. 89-97 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics SCI
2019 Sandeep Kumar Singh, Ranjan Bose, Anupam Joshi Energy theft detection for AMI using principal component analysis based reconstructed data, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 179-185 IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications Scopus
2013 Ar. Sandeep Sharma and Ar. Rita Ahuja TRADITIONAL CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES IN HIMACHAL PRADESH. Vol. No. 78, Issue-12 Indian Institute of Architects -
2012 Prof. Alok Ranjan, Ar. Puneet Charma, Ar. Sandeep Sharma and Ar. Venu Shree REMINISCENECES OF BYGONE Hroli Mandal. Vol. No. 77, Issue-10 Indian Institute of Architects -
2011 Ar. Puneet Sharma, Ar. Venu Shree, and Ar. Sandeep Sharma Concept of New Urbanism in Contemporary City. Vol. No. 1 Descripto An International Journal of Design -
2011 Amitava Sarkar, Sandeep Sharma CLIMATE RESPONSIVE FEATURES IN THE TRADITIONAL SHELTER DESIGN IN HIGH ALTITUDE- An approach towards sustainable design in hilly regions ARCHITECTURE TIME SPACE & PEOPLE -
2010 Sandeep Sharma, Puneet Sharma New Urbanism- An Approach towards Developing Indian Contemporary Cities. IABSE Symposium on “Large Structures for Environmentally Constrained and Urbanised Areas” Venice 2010, Italy -
2010 Venu Shree, Puneet Sharma and Sandeep Sharma Design for Disaster- Earthquake Resistant Construction ARCHITECTURE TIME SPACE & PEOPLE -
2010 Venu Shree, Puneet Sharma and Sandeep Sharma PHOTOGRAPHIC Composition Techniques ARCHITECTURE TIME SPACE & PEOPLE -
2009 Venu Shree and Sandeep Sharma Unfolding Histry of Kangra Fort. ARCHITECTURE TIME SPACE & PEOPLE -
2019 Sharma, S., Khare, D., and Mukherjee, M. Impact of annual rainfall trends on water management in hill towns: A case of Dharamshala (Himachal Pradesh), India. "INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE, ENGINEERING, AND CONSTRUCTION" (IJAEC) -
2020 Sandeep Sharma, Mahua Mukherjee, Deepak Khare Sustainable Strategies for Water Management Challenges in Hill-towns INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WATER (IJW) SCI Scopus Journal
2009 S. Sharma, A. Barman, M. Sharma, L. R. Shelford, W. Kruglyak and R. J. Hicken Structural and magnetic properties of electro-deposited Cobalt nanowires arrays, 149, 1650 Solid State Communications Both
2009 S. P. Dash, S. Sharma, R. S. Patel, M. P. de Jong and Ron Jansen Electrical creation of spin polarization in silicon at room temperature, 462, 491-494 Nature Web of Science
2010 R. Jansen, B. C. Min, S. P. Dash, S. Sharma, Electrical spin injection into moderately doped Silicon enabled by tailored interfaces”, 82, 241305 Phys. Rev. B Both
2011 S. P. Dash, S. Sharma, J. C. Le Breton, J. Peiro, H. Jaffrès, J.-M. George, A. Lemaître, and R. Jansen Spin precession and inverted Hanle effect in a semiconductor near a finite-roughness ferromagnetic interface, 84, 054410 Phys. Rev. B Both
2011 H. Saito, S. Watanabe, Y. Mineno, S. Sharma, R. Jansen, S. Yuasa, and K. Ando Electrical creation of spin accumulation in p-type Germanium. 151, 1159-1161 Solid State Communications Both
2012 R. Jansen, S. P. Dash, S. Sharma, and B. C. Min. Silicon spintronics with ferromagnetic tunnel devices 27, 083001. Semicond. Sci. Technol Web of Science
2012 S. Sharma, S. P. Dash, H. Saito, S. Yuasa, Bart J. van Wees and Ron Jansen Anisotropy of spin polarization and spin accumulation in Si/Al2O3/Ferromagnet tunnel devices, 86, 165308 Phys Rev B Both
2013 S. Sharma, A. Spiesser, H. Saito, S. Yuasa, B. J. van Wees and R. Jansen Crystal-induced anisotropy of spin accumulation in Si/MgO/Fe and Si/Al2O3/Ferromagnet tunnel devices, 87, 085307 Phys Rev B Both
2014 S. Sharma, A. Spiesser, S. P. Dash, H. Saito, S. Yuasa, B. J. van Wees and R. Jansen Anomalous scaling of spin accumulation in ferromagnetic tunnel devices with silicon and germanium, 89, 075301 Phys Rev B Both
2016 Virpal, Anita Hastir, Sandeep Sharma and Ravi Chand Singh Structural, optical and dielectric properties of lead doped ZnS nanoparticles, 372, 57-62 Applied Surface Science Both
2017 Virpal, J Kumar, G Singh, M. Singh, S.Sharma and R.C. Singh Room temperature synthesis of wurtzite phase nanostructured ZnS and accompanied enhancement in dielectric constant, 121, 134303 Journal of Applied Physics Web of Science
2017 Virpal, J. Kumar, R. Thangaraj, S. Sharma and R. C. Singh Enhanced dielectric permittivity and photoluminescence in Cr doped ZnS nanoparticles, 416, 296-301 Applied Surface Science Both
2017 Shivani Sharma, Shubham Bhagat, Jasvir Singh, Ravi Chand Singh and Sandeep Sharma Excitation dependent photoluminescence from WS2 nanostructures, 52:11326–11336 J Mater Sci Both
2018 Shivani Sharma, Shubham Bhagat, Jasvir Singh and Sandeep Sharma Size tunable photoluminescence from WS2 nanostruuctures, 5 (4), 045047 Mater. Res. Express Web of Science
2018 Arun Kumar, Arvind Kumar, Rakesh Dogra, Mohit Manhas, Sandeep Sharma, Ravi Kumar Investigation of thermoluminescence and kinetic parameters of gamma ray exposed LiF: Sm3+, Eu3+ Nanophosphors for Dosimetric applications, 44, 15535-15541 Ceramics International Web of Science
2018 Shivani Sharma, Shubham Bhagat, Jasvir Singh, Manzoor Ahmad, Sandeep Sharma Temperature dependent photoluminescence from WS2 nanostruuctures, 29,23,20064–20070 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Both
2011 J. C. Le Breton, S. Sharma, H. Saito, S. Yuasa and Ron Jansen Thermal Spin Transfer from Ferromagnet to Silicon by Tunnel Spin-Seebeck effect, 475, 82-85 Nature Web of Science
2019 Jasvir Singh, Shivani Sharma, Sandeep Sharma, Ravi Chand Singh Effect of tungsten doping on structural and optical properties of rutile TiO2 and band gap narrowing, 182, 538-547 Optik Scopus
2019 Jasvir Singh, Shivani Sharma, Sumedha Soni, Sandeep Sharma, Ravi Chand Singh, 98,29-38 Influence of different milling media on structural, morphological and optical properties of the ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by ball milling process Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Both
2019 Jarnail Singh, Vikram Verma, Rajesh Kumar, Sandeep Sharma and Ravi Kumar Effect of structural and thermal disorder on the optical band gap energy of Cr2O3 nanoparticles, 6 ,085039 Mater. Res. Express Web of Science
2020 Arun Kumar Arvind Kumar Rakesh Dogra Mohit Manhas Sandeep Sharma Ravi Kumar Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Thermoluminescence Studies of LiF: Sm3+, Dy3+ Nanophosphor, 9 (1) 1-9 Emerging Materials Research Both
2020 Arun Kumar Arvind Kumar, Rakesh Dogra, Mohit Manhas, Sandeep Sharma, Narain Singh, Ravi Kumar. Effect of europium concentration on gamma ray exposed thermoluminescence behaviour of LiF: Sm3+, Dy3+, Eu3+ nanophosphor 216, 164965 Optik Scopus
2020 Shivani Sharma, Sukhwinder Singh, Ravi Chand Singh and Sandeep Sharma Structural transformation and room temperature ammonia sensing properties of TiS2 nanostructures, 2, 887 SN Applied Sciences Web of Science
2020 Sukhwinder Singh, Shivani Sharma, Ravi Chand Singh and Sandeep Sharma Hydrothermally synthesized MoS2 -multi-walled carbon nanotube composite as a novel room-temperature ammonia sensing platform, 532, 1473733 Applied Surface Science Web of Science
2020 Sukhwinder Singh, Jyotirmoy Dev, Utpal Sarkar and Sandeep Sharma MoSe2 Crystalline Nanosheets For Room-Temperature Ammonia Sensing, 3, 9 9375-9384 ACS Applied Nano Materials Web of Science
2021 Sukhwinder Singh, Jyotirmoy Deb, Utpal Sarkar and Sandeep Sharma MoS2/WO3 Nanosheets for Detection of Ammonia, 4 3 2594-2605 ACS Applied Nano Materials Web of Science
2021 Sukhwinder SIngh, Jyotirmoy Deb Sukhwinder SIngh, Raghottam M Sattigeri, Suresh Kumar, Prafulla K Jha and Sandeep Sharma Superior Room-Temperature Ammonia Sensing Using a Hydrothermally Synthesized MoS2/SnO2 Composite, 6 17 11602 ACS Omega Web of Science
2021 Sukhwinder Singh, Jyotirmoy Deb, Utpal Sarkar and Sandeep Sharma MoS2/MoO3 Nanocomposite for Selective NH3 Detection in a Humid Environment, 9 21 7328-7340 ACS Sustainable Chem and Eng Web of Science
2021 Satvir Singh, Sandeep Sharma, B. S. Bajwa, Inderpreet Kaur Tungsten disulfde (WS2) nanosheets: synthesis, characterization, adsorption studies and application for remediation of groundwater samples with high prevalence of uranium from Faridkot district of SW‑Punjab, , 330,1425–1436 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Web of Science
2022 Satvir Singh, Sandeep Sharma B S Bajwa and Inderpreet kaur Hydrothermally synthesized carboxylic acid functionalized Multiwalled carbon nanotubes grafted MoS2 based hybrid composites: Efficient uranium (VI) scavenging sorbents in columns, fabric and matrix membrane systems, 10,108883 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering Web of Science
2022 Shailja, K.J. Singh and Sandeep Sharma Selective xylene sensor employing europium doped nickel oxide, nanoparticles. 33, 26243–26262 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron Web of Science
2023 Imtej Singh Saggu, Sukhwinder Singh, Kaiwen Chen, Zhengxi Xuan, Mark T. Swihart, and Sandeep Sharma Ultrasensitive Room-Temperature NO2 detection Using SnS2/MWCNT Composite with Substantially Improved UV-Activated Recovery 8, 1, 243–253 ACS Sensor. 2023, Web of Science
2022 Sukhwinder Singh and Sandeep Sharma Temperature dependent selective detection of ethanol and methanol using MoS2/TiO2 composite, 350, 1, 130798 Sensors and Actuators B, Chemical both
2022 Sukhwinder Singh, Jyotirmoy Deb, Suresh Kumar, Utpal Sarkar, and Sandeep Sharma Selective N,N-Dimethylformamide Vapor Sensing Using MoSe2/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composites at Room Temperature, 5, 3, 3913–3924 ACS Applied Nano Materials Web of Science
2022 Sukhwinder Singh and Sandeep Sharma Temperature based selective detection of hydrogen sulfide and ethanol with MoS2/WO3 composite, 7, 7, 6075–6085 ACS Omega Web of Science
2022 Sukhwinder Singh, Jyotirmoy Deb, Jatinder Vir Singh, Utpal Sarkar, and Sandeep Sharma Highly Selective Ethyl Mercaptan Sensing Using a MoSe2/SnO2 Composite at Room-Temperature, 14, 20, 23916–23927 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces Web of Science
2022 Sukhwinder Singh, Jyotirmoy Deb, Utpal Sarkar, Sandeep Sharma MoSe2/multiwalled carbon nanotube composite for ammonia sensing in natural humid environment, 435, 128821 Journal of Hazardous Materials Web of Science
2022 Sukhwinder Singh, Imtej Singh Saggu, Kaiwen Chen, Zhengxi Xuan, Mark T. Swihart, and Sandeep Sharma Humidity-Tolerant Room-Temperature Selective Dual Sensing and Discrimination of NH3 and NO Using a WS2/MWCNT Composite, 14, 35, 40382–40395 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces Web of Science
2023 Nitesh Dogra, Mandeep Singh, Arun Kumar and Sandeep Sharma, 5. Selective room-temperature ammonia sensing using CeO2-multiwalled carbon nanotube composite 129:24 Applied Physics A Web of Science
2023 Swati Verma, Anupinder Singh, Sandeep Sharma, Paramjit Kaur, Sachin Kumar Godara, Parambir Singh Malhi, Jahangeer Ahmed, P.D. Babu, Mandeep Singh Magnetic and Structural Analysis of BaZnxZrxFe12-2xO19 (x = 0.1 - 0.7) Hexaferrite Samples for Magnetic Applications 930, 167410 Journal of Alloys and Compounds Web of Science
2023 Imtej Singh Saggu, Sukhwinder Singh, Kaiwen Chen, Zhengxi Xuan, Mark T. Swihart, and Sandeep Sharma Ultrasensitive Room-Temperature NO2 Detection Using SnS2/MWCNT Composites and Accelerated Recovery Kinetics by UV Activation,8, 1, 243–253 ACS Sensors Web of Science
2023 Ajay Sharma, Sonika Kumari, Sandeep Sharma, Tej Singh, Satish Kumar, Abhinay Thakur, Shashi Kant Bhatia, Anil Kumar Sharma. Layered Double Hydroxides: An insight into the role of Hydrotalcite-type Anionic Clays in Energy and Environmental applications with Current Progress and Recent Prospects, 100399 Materials Today Sustainability Web of Science
2023 Nitesh Dogra and Sandeep Sharma Selective Room-Temperature Dimethylformamide Vapor Sensing Using MoSe2-rGO Composite Synthesized via Facile Hydrothermal Method, 35, 106106 Materials Today Communications Web of Science
2023 Nitesh Dogra, Paras Agrawal, Sachin Pathak, Rajan Saini and Sandeep Sharma Hydrothermally Synthesized MoSe2/ZnO Composite with enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, 48, 67, 26210-26220 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Web of science
2023 Nitesh Dogra, Sunil Singh Kushvaha, and Sandeep Sharma Phase Dependent Dual-Discrimination Of MoSe2/MoO3 Composites Towards N,N-Dimethylformamide and Triethylamine at Room-Temperture, 8, 8, 3146–3157 ACS Sensors Web of Science
2023 Sukhwinder Singh, Imtej Singh Saggu, Kaiwen Chen, Zhengxi Xuan, Mark T. Swihart, and Sandeep Sharma, Communicated Humidity-Tolerant Room-Temperature Selective Dual Sensing and Discrimination of NH3 and NO Using a WS2/MWCNT Composite ACS Applied nanomaterials Web of Science
2023 Imtej Singh Saggu, Sukhjinder Singh, Sukhwinder Singh, Sandeep Sharma Improved N,N-Dimethylformamide vapor sensing using WSe2/MWCNTs composite at room-temperature, 42, 103403 Surfaces and Interfaces Web of Science
2024 Nitesh Dogra and Sandeep Sharma Hydrothermally obtained MoSe2/Reduced graphene oxide based composite with superior electrocatalytic performance, 55, 78-87 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Web of Science
2024 Vishnu Aggarwal, Rahul Kumar, Urvashi Varshney, Sudhanshu Gautam, Bipul Kumar Pradhan, Brajesh S. Yadav, Sandeep Sharma, Ramakrishnan Ganesan, Govind Gupta, Muthusamy Senthil Kumar, Sunil Singh Kushvaha High responsive UV photodetector on epitaxial non-polar GaN nanostructures grown on sapphire (10-10) using laser-MBE Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical both
2024 Swati Verma, Anupinder Singh, Sachin Kumar Godara, Surinder Singh, Paramjit Kaur, Sandeep Sharma, Jahangeer Ahmed, Saad M. Alshehri, Sajjad Hussain, and Mandeep Singh Structural and magnetic property modification of strontium hexaferrite system using A‑site Ca doping J Mater Sci: Mater Electron Web of Science
2024 Nitesh Dogra, Sahil Gasso, Ankush Sharma, K. K. Sharma, Sandeep Sharma TiO2 decorated MXene nanosheets for high-performance ammonia gas sensing at room-temperature Surfaces and Interfaces Web of Science
2024 Nitesh Dogra, Sunil SIngh Kushvaha, Kuldeep Kumar Sharma and Sandeep Sharma Phase engineered MoSe2/MoO3 composite with improved hydrogen evolution reaction ACS Applied Energy Materials Web of Science
2024 Imtej Singh Saggu, Mandeep Singh and Sandeep Sharma Phase Dependent Dual Discrimination of WSe2 Toward Dimethylformamide and Aniline ACS Applied Engineering Materials Web of Science
2024 Garima Sharda, Pawandeep Kaur, Sandeep Sharma, Anupinder Singh, Paramjeet Kaur, Sachin Kumar Godara, Jahangeer Ahmed, Saad M. Alshehri, Mandeep Singh Enhanced X-band performance and analysis of physical characteristics of solid state route synthesized Ba1-xGdxFe12O19 (0.00≤x≤0.50) compositions MaterialToday Communications SCOPUS
2016 SANGEETA SHARMA, MEENU CHAWLA A three phase optimization method for precopy based vm live migration, vol. 5, no. 1 Springer Plus Scopus
2017 NITESH BHAROT, PRIYANKA VERMA, SANGEETA SHARMA, AND VEENADHARI SURAPARAJU Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack Detection and Mitigation Using Feature Selection and Intensive Care Request Processing, Volume 43, No. 2 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering SCI and Scopus
2023 Vishal Kaushal, Nishant Singh Hada, Sangeeta Sharma Sangeeta Sharma Eye Disease Detection Through Image Classification Using Federated Learning SN Computer Science Springer Scopus
2019 Sankalita Biswas, S. D. Roy, A. Chandra Single CCA cross-layer energy and throughput comparison with double CCA case for beacon enabled 802.15.4 networks, Online only (DOI: 10.1049/iet-net.2018.5108); pp.--1-9 Special issue on Traffic Engineering and Optimization in Next Generation Networks, IET Networks SCI
2018 Sankalita Biswas, S. D. Roy, and A. Chandra Cross-layer energy model for beacon-enabled 802.15. 4 Networks, Vol. -10; Issue - 11; pp. - 1--16 Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing SCI
2017 Sankalita Biswas, B. Ghosh, A. Chandra, S. D. Roy Frame Error Rate for Single Hop and Dual Hop Transmissions in 802.15.4 WPANs, Vol. - 104; Issue - 8; pp. - 1413--1426 International Journal of Electronics SCI
2016 B. Ghosh, Sankalita Biswas, A. Chandra, A.K. Mal Energy Efficient DF Relay Placement in ?-? Fading Channel with Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Schemes, Vol. - 25; Issue - 4; pp. - 749--756 Radio Engineering ESCI
2013 A. Chandra, Sankalita Biswas, B. Ghosh, N. Biswas, G. Brante, R.D. Souza et al Energy efficient relay placement in dual hop 802.15.4 networks, Vol. - 75; Issue - 4; pp. - 1947--1967 Wireless Personal Communication (Springer) SCI
2020 Sankalita Biswas, SD Roy, A Chandra Cross-layer energy model for non-beacon-enabled IEEE 802.15. 4 networks, Vol. - 9; Issue - 7; pp. - 1084--1088 IEEE Wireless Communications Letters SCI
2020 Sankalita Biswas, D Bepari, S. Mondal Relay selection and performance analysis of wireless energy harvesting networks, Vol. - 114; Issue - 4; pp. - 3157--3171 Wireless Personal Communications SCI
2018 Paramvir Singh, SR Chauhan, Varun Goel Assessment of diesel engine combustion, performance and emission characteristics fuelled with dual fuel blends Renewable Energy SCI and Scopus
2018 Paramvir Singh, Varun Goel, SR Chauhan Effect of phyllanthus emblica biodiesel based lubricant on cylinder liner and piston ring Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology SCI and Scopus
2019 Paramvir Singh, Varun Goel, SR Chauhan,Dr.Ashwani K.Gupta Impact of binary Biofuel Blend on lubrication oil degradation in a compression Ignition Engine Journal of Energy Resource Technology SCI and Scopus
2019 Paramvir Singh, SR Chauhan,Varun Goel, Dr.Ashwani K.Gupta Binary Biodiesel Endurance Characteristics in a Compression Ignition Engine Journal of Energy Resource Technology SCI and Scopus
2017 Paramvir Singh,Varun,S. R. Chauhan Feasibility of a new non-edible feedstock in diesel engine: Investigation of performance, emission and combustion characteristics Journal of Intellectual Capital Scopus
2017 K Dass, SR Chauhan, B Gaur Study on the effects of nanoparticulates of SiC, Al2O3, and ZnO on the mechanical and tribological performance of epoxy-based nanocomposites Particulate Science and Technology Scopus
2017 Paramvir Singh, Varun GoelS.R.Chauhan Influence of temperature on tribological performance of dual biofuel Fuel SCI and Scopus
2017 Kali Dass, SR Chauhan, Bharti Gaur Study on the effects of nano-aluminum-oxide particulates on mechanical and tribological characteristics of chopped carbon fiber reinforced epoxy composites Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications SCI and Scopus
2017 Paramvir Singh, Varun Goel, SR Chauhan Effects of dual biofuel approach for total elimination of diesel on injection system by reciprocatory friction monitor Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology SCI and Scopus
2017 Paramvir Singh, Varun GoelS.R.Chauhan Impact of dual biofuel approach on engine oil dilution in CI engines Fuel SCI and Scopus
2016 Paramvir Singh, SR Chauhan, Niraj Kumar A review on methodology for complete elimination of diesel from CI engines using mixed feedstock Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCI and Scopus
2016 Paramvir Singh, SR Chauhan Carbonyl and aromatic hydrocarbon emissions from diesel engine exhaust using different feedstock: a review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCI and Scopus
2016 Niraj Kumar, Varun, Sant Ram Chauhan Evaluation of the effects of engine parameters on performance and emissions of diesel engine operating with biodiesel blend International Journal of Ambient Energy SCI and Scopus
2015 R Kumar, S Chauhan Study on surface roughness measurement for turning of Al 7075/10/SiCp and Al 7075 hybrid composites by using response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural networking … Measurement SCI and Scopus
2015 Niraj Kumar, Sant Ram Chauhan Evaluation of endurance characteristics for a modified diesel engine runs on jatropha biodiesel Applied Energy SCI and Scopus
2015 Kiran Kumar Ekka,S. R. Chauhan,Varun Dry Sliding Wear Characteristics of SiC and Al2O3 Nanoparticulate Aluminium Matrix Composite Using Taguchi Technique Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering Scopus
2015 Pardeep Kumar,S. R. Chauhan Machinability Study on Finish Turning of AISI H13 Hot Working Die Tool Steel With Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) Cutting Tool Inserts Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering Scopus
2015 K Dass, SR Chauhan, B Gaur Evaluation of Mechanical, Friction, and Wear Characteristics of Nano?SiC Filled Ortho Cresol Novalac Epoxy Composites under Dry Sliding Condition Advances in Polymer Technology SCI and Scopus
2015 Kiran Kumar Ekka, SR Chauhan,varun Effect of different reinforcements on sliding wear of aluminium matrix composites using Taguchi design of experimental technique Indian journal of engineering and materials sciences(NISCAIR-CSIR, India) SCI and Scopus
2015 P Kumar, SR Chauhan, A Aggarwal Hard turning and machine tool: a review International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Managemen SCI and Scopus
2015 Sunil Thakur, SR Chauhan Experimental investigation of cenosphere particulate filled E-glass fiber reinforced vinylester composites under dry and water lubricated sliding conditions Indian Journal of engg. and materials sciences SCI and Scopus
2015 Kiran Kumar Ekka, SR Chauhan, Varun Study on the sliding wear behaviour of hybrid aluminium matrix composites using Taguchi design and neural network Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications SCI and Scopus
2014 N Kumar, Varun, S Chauhan Analysis of tribological performance of biodiesel Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology SCI and Scopus
2014 Kali Dass, SR Chauhan, Bharti Gaur Study on mechanical and dry sliding wear characteristics of meta-cresol novalac epoxy composites filled with silicon carbide, aluminum oxide, and zinc oxide particulates Tribology Transactions SCI and Scopus
2014 Sunil Thakur, SR Chauhan Friction and sliding wear characteristics study of submicron size cenosphere particles filled vinylester composites using Taguchi design of experimental technique Journal of Composite Materials SCI and Scopus
2014 S Thakur, SR Chauhan Tribological Behavior of Micrometer- and Submicrometer-Size Cenosphere Particulate-Filled Glass Fiber–Reinforced Vinylester Composites Under Dry and Water-Lubricated Sliding Conditions Tribology transactions SCI and Scopus
2014 K Dass, SR Chauhan, B Gaur Mechanical and dry sliding wear characterization of microsize silicon carbide and aluminum oxide–filled ortho cresol novalac epoxy composites Journal of Composite Materials SCI and Scopus
2014 K Dass, SR Chauhan, B Gaur Effects of microsize SiC, Al2O3, and ZnO particulates on mechanical and tribological properties of synthesized ortho- and meta-cresol novolac epoxy composites Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology SCI and Scopus
2014 Sunil Thakur, Santram Chauhan Effect of micron and submicron size cenosphere particulate on mechanical and tribological characteristics of vinylester composites Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology SCI and Scopus
2014 S Thakur, SR Chauhan Taguchi method to optimize the micron and submicron size cenosphere particulates filled E?glass fiber?reinforced vinylester composites Polymer Composites SCI and Scopus
2014 Kiran K Ekka, SR Chauhan, Varun Study on the effects of micro size ceramic particulates (SiC, Al2O3 and cenosphere) on mechanical, friction and sliding wear behaviour of aluminium matrix composites under dry sliding condition Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology SCI and Scopus
2014 Bhaskar Naithani, Santram Chauhan Optimisation of machining parameters for CNC turned cylindrical components using genetic algorithms International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology Scopus
2013 SR Chauhan, Sunil Thakur Effects of particle size, particle loading and sliding distance on the friction and wear properties of cenosphere particulate filled vinylester composites Materials & Design SCI and scopus
2013 Niraj Kumar, Sant Ram Chauhan Performance and emission characteristics of biodiesel from different origins: a review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCI and SCopus
2013 SR Chauhan, Kali Dass Dry sliding wear behavior of titanium (Grade 5) alloy by using response surface methodology Advances in Tribology SCI and Scopus
2013 Atul Choudhary, Sant Ram Chauhan Application of response surface methodology to evaluate the effect of cutting tool inserts on machining of aluminium 7075 alloy on CNC turning centre International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials Scopus
2013 Sunil Thakur, SR Chauhan Study on mechanical and tribological behavior of cenosphere filled vinylester composites–A Taguchi method Indian Journal of engg. and materials sciences SCI and Scopus
2012 SR Chauhan, Kali Dass Optimization of machining parameters in turning of titanium (Grade-5) alloy using response surface methodology Materials and manufacturing processes SCI and Scopus
2012 S Kumar, SR Chauhan, PK Rakesh, I Singh, JP Davim Drilling of glass fiber/vinyl ester composites with fillers Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCI and Scopus
2012 SR Chauhan, Sunil Thakur Effect of micro-size cenosphere content on friction and dry sliding wear behavior of vinylester composites–A Taguchi method Advanced Materials Research SCI and Scopus
2012 Sunil Thakur, SR Chauhan Optimisation of cutting parameters using Taguchi design of experiment for titanium alloy (grade-5) on CNC turning centre International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials Scopus
2012 Bhaskar Naithani, Santram Chauhan Mathematical modelling approach for determining optimal machining parameters in turning with computer numerical control (CNC) machines International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology Scopus
2020 Sunil Setia, Sant Ram Chauhan Comparative Analysis and Optimization of FEM and RSM Based Regression Model with Experimental Results for the Dry Turning of SiCp- Al7075 Composite Silicon SCI
2022 Sunil Setia, Sant Ram Chauhan Experimental Investigation and Comparison of Output Cutting Regimes with Finite Element Machining Models for SiCp Based Al7075 Composite Silicon SCI
2019 Pardeep Kumar, Sant Ram Chauhan, Catalin Iulian Pruncu, Munish Kumar Gupta, Danil Yurievich Pimenov, Mozammel Mia, Harjot Singh Gill Influence of different grades of CBN inserts on cutting force and surface roughness of AISI H13 die tool steel during hard turning operation Materials Scopus and SCI
2020 Paramvir Singh, SR Chauhan, Varun Goel, Ashwani K Gupta Enhancing diesel engine performance and reducing emissions using binary biodiesel fuel blend Journal of Energy Resources Technology Scopus and SCI
2020 Saurabh Sharma, Kuldeep Kumar, Naveen Thakur, S Chauhan, MS Chauhan The effect of shape and size of ZnO nanoparticles on their antimicrobial and photocatalytic activities: a green approach Bulletin of Materials Science Scopus and SCI
2021 Pardeep Kumar, SR Chauhan, Aman Aggarwal Effects of cutting conditions, tool geometry and material hardness on machinability of AISI H13 using CBN tool Materials Today: Proceedings Scopus
2021 Sunil Setia, Sant Ram Chauhan Comparative analysis and optimization of FEM and RSM based regression model with experimental results for the dry turning of SiCp-Al7075 composite Silicon Scopus and SCI
2022 Sunil Setia, Sant Ram Chauhan Experimental Investigation and Comparison of Output Cutting Regimes with Finite Element Machining Models for SiCp Based Al7075 Composite Silicon Scopus and SCI
2023 Kamal Kishore, Manoj Kumar Sinha, Sant Ram Chauhan A comprehensive investigation of surface morphology during grinding of Inconel 625 using conventional grinding wheels Journal of Manufacturing Processes Scopus and SCI
2023 Sunil Setia, Sant Ram Chauhan Investigating the machinability behaviour of Al7075/SiC5CS5 hybrid composite with the variation of tool geometry Materials Today: Proceedings Scopus and SCI
2023 Kamal Kishore, Sant Ram Chauhan, Manoj Kumar Sinha Application of machine learning techniques in environmentally benign surface grinding of Inconel 625 Tribology International SCI
2023 Saurabh Thakur, Sant Ram Chauhan Development of a Critical Edge-Based Adaptive Toolpath Strategy to Improve Geometrical Accuracy of Incrementally Formed Titanium Implants Journal of Manufacturing Processes Scopus and SCI
2016 S. Kumar and D. K. Vishwakarma “Miniaturization of Microstrip Patch Antenna using an Artificial Planar Magneto-Dielectric Meta-Substrate,” Vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 1235-1241, August 2016. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation SCI
2016 S. Kumar and D. K. Vishwakarma Compact Fan Shaped Circularly Polarized Microstrip Patch Antenna,” Vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 882–886, April 2016. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters SCI
2017 S. Kumar and D. K. Vishwakarma “Miniaturized Curved Slotted Patch Antenna over a Fractalized EBG Ground Plane,” Vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 599-605, April 2017. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies SCI
2016 S. Kumar and D. K. Vishwakarma “Miniaturized bent slotted patch antenna over a reactive impedance surface substrate,” Vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 347-352, March 2016. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies SCI
2016 S. Kumar and D. K. Vishwakarma “Miniaturized Dual Broadband Hexagonal Slot Monopole Antenna,” vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 671-678, April 2016. IETE Journal of Research SCI
2022 M.V. Yadav, S. Baudha, Y. Bansal, S. Kumar , “A Novel Compact Rectangular Slot Antenna with Ladder Structure for Ultra-Wideband Applications,” Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Vol. 81, no. 1, pp. 21-32, 2022, DOI: 10.1615/TelecomRadEng.2022038178 Telecommunications and Radio Engineering SCOPUS
2023 S. Kumar, A. Choudhary, S. Baudha Performance Enhancement of Thin Film Solar Cell Using Swastika-Shaped Plasmonic Nanoantenna." Plasmonics 18.6 (2023): 1993-2000. Plasmonics SCI
2024 Kumar, Sunil, and Saurabh Kumar. "Sub-THz pyramidal horn antenna for 6G wireless communication." Frequenz 0 (2023) Frequenz SCI
2019 Singh, S.K., Gupta, S, Busso, D and Kamboj, S Top Management Knowledge Value, Knowledge Sharing Practices, Open Innovation and Organizational Performance Journal of Business Research SSCI and ABDC (A)
2019 Kamboj, S Applying Uses and Gratifications Theory to Understand Customer Participation in Social Media Brand Communities: Perspective of Media Technology Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics SSCI and ABDC
2019 Behera, R., Gunasekaran, A., Gupta, S., Kamboj, S and Bala, PK Personalised Digital Marketing Recommender Engine Journal of Retailing and Consumer Service SSCI and ABDC (A)
2019 Gupta, S., Kumar, S, Kamboj, S., Bhushan, B. and Luo, Z. Impact of IS agility and HR systems on job satisfaction: An organizational information processing theory perspective Journal of Knowledge Management SSCI and ABDC (A)
2020 Kamboj, S., Rana, S. and Drave, V.A. Factors driving consumer engagement and intentions with gamification of mobile apps: An empirical study Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations ABDC and Scopus
2018 Kamboj, S and Sarmah, B., Gupta, S., Dwivedi, Y. Examining branding co-creation in brand communities on social media: Applying paradigm of Stimulus-Organism-Response International Journal of Information Management SSCI and ABDC (A)
2018 Kamboj, S and and Sarmah, B Construction and validation of customer social participation in brand communities scale Internet Research SSCI and ABDC (A)
2018 Jain, N., Kamboj, S., Kumar, V. and Rahman, Z. Examining consumer-brand relationshipson social media platforms Marketing Intelligence and Planning SSCI and ABDC (A)
2018 Kamboj, S. and Gupta, S Use of smart phone apps in co-creative hotel service innovation: Anevidence from India Current Issues in Tourism SSCI and ABDC (A)
2018 Sarmah, B., Kamboj, S and Kandampully, J Social media and co-creative service innovation:an empirical study Online Information Review SSCI and ABDC
2018 Kamboj, S., Yadav, M and Rahman, Z Impact of social media and customer centrictechnology on performance outcomes: The mediating role of social CRM capabilities InternationalJournal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing ABDC and Scopus
2018 Kamboj, S and Rahman, Z Reconceptualizing service firm marketing capability: Scale development and validation International Journal of Business Information System ABDC and Scopus
2017 Sarmah, B., Kamboj, S and Rahman, Z Co-creation in hotel service innovation using smartphone: An empirical study International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management SSCI and ABDC (A)
2017 Kamboj, S and Rahman, Z Customer participation in brand communities on social media: A systematic literature review International Journal of Web based Communities ABDC and Scopus
2017 Kamboj, S., Kumar, V and Rahman, Z Social media usage and firm performance: Themediating role of social capital Social Network analysis and Mining ESCI and Scopus
2017 Kamboj, S and Rahman, Z Measuring customer social participation in online travel communities: Scale development and validation Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology ABDC and Scopus
2017 Kamboj, S., Yadav, M and Rahman, Z BHARAT to INDIA: A case of connecting IFFCObrand with generation Y International Journal of Business Excellence ABDC and Scopus
2017 Kamboj, S and Rahman, Z Understanding customer participation in online brandcommunities: Literature review and future research agenda Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal ABDC and Scopus
2017 Kamboj, S and Rahman, Z Market orientation, marketing capabilities and sustainableinnovation: The mediating role of sustainable consumption and competitive advantage Management Research Review ABDC and Scopus
2017 Sarmah, B., Rahman, Z and Kamboj, S Customer co-creation and adoption intentiontowards newly developed services: An empirical study International Journal of Culture, Tourism,and Hospitality Research ESCI and Scopus
2016 Kamboj, S and Rahman, Z The influence of participation in social media based brandcommunities on brand loyalty: Age and gender as moderators Journal of Brand Management SSCI and ABDC (A)
2016 Kamboj, S., Yadav, M and Rahman, Z Impact of social CRM capabilities on firmperformance: Examining the mediating role of co?created customer experience International Journalof Information Systems in the Service Sector ESCI and Scopus
2016 Yadav, M., Kamboj, S and Rahman, Z Customer co-creation through social media: The caseof crash the PEPSI IPL-2015 Journal of Direct, Data & Digital Marketing Practice ABS and Scopus
2015 Kamboj, S., Rahman, Z and Goyal, P A resource based view on marketing capability,operations capability and financial performance: An empirical examination of mediating role Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences Scopus
2015 Kamboj, S and Rahman, Z Marketing capabilities and firm performance : Literaturereview and future research agenda International Journal of Productivity and PerformanceManagement ABDC and Scopus
2019 Arvind Dhaka, Siddhartha Chauhan, Vidhyacharan Bhaskar and Amita Nandal Improving Bounds on Outage Probability in Correlated Rayleigh Fading Environment Sadhana- Springer SCI
2019 Shashi Gurung and Siddhartha Chauhan A Dynamic Threshold based Algorithm for Improving Security and Performance of AODV Under Black-hole Attack in MANET Wireless Networks-Springer SCI
2019 Shashi Gurung and Siddhartha Chauhan Performance Analysis of Black-hole Attack Mitigation protocols under Gray-hole Attacks in MANET Wireless Networks-Springer SCI
2018 Arvind Dhaka, Siddhartha Chauhan, and Vidhyacharan Bhaskar Analysis and Simulation of Second-Order Statistics with Modified Characteristic Wireless Personal Communications-Springer SCIE/ SCOPUS
2018 Arvind Dhaka, Siddhartha Chauhan, and Vidhyacharan Bhaskar Effect of Matrix Partitioning on Second Order Statistics of Fading Channels Wireless Personal Communications-Springer SCIE/ SCOPUS
2018 Arvind Dhaka, Siddhartha Chauhan, Vidhyacharan Bhaskar and Amita Nandal Statistical Approach for Performance Analysis of Multipath Scattering Environment Wireless Personal Communications-Springer SCIE/ SCOPUS
2018 Shashi Gurung and Siddhartha Chauhan A novel Approach for Mitigating Gray Hole Attack in MANET Wireless Networks-Springer SCI
2018 Shashi Gurung and Siddhartha Chauhan A Dynamic Threshold based Approach for Mitigating Black-Hole Attack in MANET Wireless Networks-Springer SCI
2018 Shashi Gurung and Siddhartha Chauhan A Novel Approach for Mitigating Route Request Flooding Attack in MANET Wireless Networks-Springer SCI
2018 Arvind Dhaka and Siddhartha Chauhan Statistical Analysis of Modified Fading Simulator in Rayleigh Fading Environment International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing SCOPUS
2018 Deepshikha and Siddhartha Chauhan Succinct Review on MAC Protocols for Wireless Body Area Networks International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing SCOPUS
2014 Siddhartha Chauhan and Lalit Kumar Awasthi An energy efficient cycle stealing algorithm for best effort services in wireless sensor networks International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems- InderScience SCOPUS
2012 Siddhartha Chauhan and Lalit Kumar Awasthi Adaptive time synchronization for homogeneous WSNs International Journal of Engineering Business Management SCOPUS
2020 Anamika Sharma and Siddhartha Chauhan Sensor fusion for Distributed Detection of Passive Targets in Surveillance Wireless Sensor Network IEEE Sensor Journal SCI
2020 Anamika Sharma and Siddhartha Chauhan A Distributed Reinforcement Learning based Sensor Node Scheduling Algorithm for Coverage and Connectivity Maintenance in Wireless Sensor Network Wireless Networks SCI
2020 Anamika Sharma and Siddhartha Chauhan Analytic Evaluation of Non-uniformities for Coverage Probability Computation of Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Network International Journal of Sensor Networks SCI
2020 Anamika Sharma and Siddhartha Chauhan Information Fusion based Intruder Detection Techniques in Surveillance Wireless Sensor Network Advances in Intelligent System and Computing SCOPUS
2019 Anamika Sharma and Siddhartha Chauhan Target Coverage Computation Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Comprehensive Review International Journal of Computers and Applications SCOPUS
2019 Deepshikha and Siddhartha Chauhan Multi-Stage Context-Aware Data Filtering Technique for Body Sensor Networks (BSNs) Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems SCOPUS
2019 A Sai Venkateshwar Rao and Siddhartha Chauhan Two-Step Verification Technique for Isolation of Black Hole Attack in MANETs International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering SCOPUS
2020 Piyush Rawat and Siddhartha Chauhan A Novel Heterogeneous Clustering Protocol for Lifetime Maximization of Wireless Sensor Network Wirel. Pers. Commun. SCI
2020 Piyush Rawat and Siddhartha Chauhan Energy Efficient Clusterhead Selection Scheme in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network J. Circuits, Syst. Comput., SCI
2020 Piyush Rawat and Siddhartha Chauhan Probability based cluster routing protocol for wireless sensor network J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Computing SCI
2021 Piyush Rawat and Siddhartha Chauhan Performance Analysis of RNC Clustering Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network Int. J. Sensors, Wirel. Commun. Control SCOPUS
2021 Piyush Rawat and Siddhartha Chauhan Clustering protocols in wireless sensor network: A survey, classification, issues, and future directions Comput. Sci. Rev., SCI
2018 Piyush Rawat and Siddhartha Chauhan Performance Analysis of RN-LEACH Protocol over LEACH Protocol Int. J. Futur. Gener. Commun. Netw., ESCI
2021 Nilanshi Chauhan and Siddhartha Chauhan A novel area coverage technique for maximizing the wireless sensor network lifetime Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering SCI
2021 Nilanshi Chauhan and Siddhartha Chauhan Partly Centralized Partly Distributed Energy Efficient Sleep/Wake Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks for Applications Requiring Continuous Sensing IETE TECHNICAL REVIEW SCI
2022 Pranjal Kumar and Siddhartha Chauhan Study on temperature (τ) variation for SimCLR-based activity recognition Signal, Image and Video Processing SCI
2022 Pranjal Kumar, Piyush Rawat and Siddhartha Chauhan Contrastive self-supervised learning: review, progress, challenges and future research directions International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval SCI
2023 Pranjal Kumar, Siddhartha Chauhan and Lalit Kumar Awasthi Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Review, Ethics, Trust Challenges & Future Research Directions Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence SCI
2022 Pranjal Kumar, Siddhartha Chauhan and Lalit Kumar Awasthi Human pose estimation using deep learning: review, methodologies, progress and future research directions International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval SCI
2024 Piyush Rawat, Gopal Singh Rawat, Harish Rawat, Siddhartha Chauhan Energy‑efficient cluster‑based routing protocol for heterogeneous wireless sensor network Annals of Telecommunications SCIE, SCOPUS
2024 Aschalew Tirulo, Siddhartha Chauhan and Biju Issac Ensemble LOF-based detection of false data injection in smart grid demand response system Computers and Electrical Engineering SCI
2019 Anant K Pun, Siddhartha and Akant Kr. Singh Thermo-mechanical and erosion wear peculiarity of hybrid composites filled with micro and nano Silicon Dioxide fillers-A comparative study; DOI: 10.1007/s12633-018-0007-x SILICON SCI
2018 Akant Kumar Singh & Siddhartha An investigation on the mechanical and thermal performance of a novel functionally graded materials based thermoplastic composites; DOI: 10.1177/0892705718805124 Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials SCI
2018 Akant Kr Singh & Siddhartha Mechanical and thermo-mechanical peculiarity of functionally graded materials based glass fiber filled PBT composites; Vol. 37 Journal of Reinforced Plastics & Composites SCI
2018 Ananat K Pun & Siddhartha A comparative study for the leverage of micro and nano SiC fillers on thermo- mechanical and erosion wear peculiarity of woven glass fiber based vinyl ester composites; Vol.12 Int. Journal of Surface Science & Engg. SCI
2018 Akant Kr Singh & Siddhartha A novel technique for in-situ manufacturing of functionally graded materials based polymer composite spur gears; DOI:10.1002/pc.24682 Polymer Composites SCI
2018 Prashant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha, Akant Kr. Singh An investigation on the thermal and wear behavior of polymer based spur gears; Vol no. 118 Tribology International SCI
2017 Akant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha Thermal and wear behavior of glass fiber filled functionally graded materials based polyamide 66 spur gears manufactured by a novel technique; Vol. 140(2) ASME Journal of Tribology (Transactions of ASME) SCI
2018 Akant Kumar Singh & Siddhartha A novel technique for manufacturing of polypropylene based functionally; Vol 33(2) International Polymer Processing Journal of the Polymer Processing Society SCI
2017 Akant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha and Prashant Kr Singh Polymer spur gears behaviors under different loading conditions: A review; Vol: 232(2) IMechE: Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology SCI
2017 Akant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha and Sanjay Yadav Investigation of sub-micron size cenosphere fillers and filler loading on the mechanical and tribological peculiarity of polyester composites; DOI:10.1002/pat.4060 Polymers for Advanced Technologies SCI
2016 Akant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha Mechanical and tribological peculiarity of nano-TiO2 augmented polyester based homogeneous nanocomposites and their functionally graded materials; DOI 10.1002/adv.21710 Advances in Polymer Technology (Willey Blackwell) SCI
2016 Akant Kumar, Siddhartha, Deepak Assessment of mechanical and three body abrasive wear peculiarity of TiO2 and ZnO filled bi-directional E-glass fiber based polyester composites; Vol. 39(4) Bulletin of Material Science (Springer) SCI
2016 Akant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha, Sanjay Yadav, Prashant Kumar Repercussion of manufacturing techniques on mechanical and wear peculiarity of ZnO particulate filled polyester composites; DOI 10.1002/pc.23982 Polymer Composites SCI
2018 Akant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha, Prabhaker Gupta and Prashant Kumar Evaluation of Mechanical and Erosive wear characteristics of TiO2 and ZnO filled bidirectional E-glass fiber based vinyl ester composites SILICON SCI
2015 Siddhartha, Akant Kr. Singh & Sanjay Yadav Exploring the possibility of utilization of Red mud-epoxy based Functionally Graded Materials as wear resistant materials using Taguchi design of experiments; Vol. no. 36(1) Advances in Polymer Technology SCI
2015 Akant Kumar Singh & Siddhartha Repercussion of cenosphere filler size on mechanical and dry sliding wear peculiarity of glass fiber-reinforced polyester composites using Taguchi analysis and neural network; Vol. 30 (3) International Polymer Processing SCI
2015 Akant Kumar Singh & Siddhartha Leverage of cenosphere filler size on mechanical and dry sliding wear peculiarity of polyester composites; Vol.49 (22) Journal of Composites Materials SCI
2015 Siddhartha & Akant Kumar Singh Mechanical & Dry sliding wear characterization of short glass fiber reinforced polyester based homogenous and their functionally graded composite materials; Vol. 229(4) Proceedings of IMech-E, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design & Applications SCI
2013 Siddhartha & Renu Bisht A modified approach for better prediction of erosion wear of materials: redefining the paradigms; Vol no. 47 Material & Design SCI
2012 Siddhartha & Kuldeep Gupta Mechanical and Abrasive wear characterization of Bidirectional and chopped E-glass fiber reinforced composite materials; vol. no. 35 Material & Design SCI
2012 A.D Bhatt, M.S Quireshi & Siddhartha Validation of Medial Axis Transform Objects; Vol. no. 9(4) CAD & A SCOPUS
2011 Siddhartha, Amar Patnaik, Alok Satapathy, Amba D. Bhatt A Study on Modified Mechanical and Wear Characteristics of Epoxy-Particulate Filled homogenous composites and their Functionally Graded Materials; Vol.133 ASME Journal of Tribology(Transactions of ASME) SCI
2011 Siddhartha, Amar Patnaik, Amba D. Bhatt Mechanical and Dry Sliding Wear Characterization of Epoxy –TiO2 Particulate filled functionally Graded Composites Materials using Taguchi Design of Experiment; Vol. no.32 (2) Materials & Design SCOPUS
2010 Siddhartha, Amar Patnaik, Amba D. Bhatt Friction and Wear analysis of a Cement Kiln dust reinforced Epoxy based Functionally Graded Materials; Vol. no.224 IMechE: Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology SCI
2010 Varun & Siddhartha Thermal Performance Prediction of a flat plate solar air heater using genetic algorithm; Vol. no. 87(5) Applied Energy SCI
2009 Varun, Amar Patnaik, S.K Singhal, R.P Saini & Siddhartha Performance Prediction of solar air heater having roughened duct provided with transverse and inclined ribs as artificial roughness; Vol. no. 34 Renewable Energy SCI
2012 Naveen Sharma, Varun & Siddhartha Stochastic techniques used for optimization in solar systems: A review; Vol. no.16(3) Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews SCI
2012 Siddhartha, NaveenSharma and Varun A particle swarm optimization algorithm for optimization of thermal performance of a smooth flat plate solar air heater; Vol. no. 38(1) Energy SCI
2011 A.F Sherwani, J.A Usmani, Varun & Siddhartha Life cycle assessment of 50 kWp grid connected solar photovoltaic (SPV) system in India; Vol. no. 2 (1) Journal of Energy & Environment SCOPUS
2009 Siddhartha, Amar Patnaik & Amba D. Bhatt A review on functionally graded materials manufacturing techniques;Vol. no. 5(4) Material science: an Indian Journal SCOPUS
2013 Sanjay Yadav, Maneesh Kaushal, Varun, Siddhartha Nusselt number and friction factor correlations for solar air heater duct having protrusions as roughness elements on absorber plate; Vol. no. 44 Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science SCOPUS
2012 S.Yadav, Maneesh Kaushal, Varun, Siddhartha Heat Transfer and Frictional Characteristics of Rectangular Channel Air Heater Duct Having Protrusion as Roughness Elements; Vol. no. 93(4) Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C SCOPUS
2014 Anil P. Singh, Varun, Siddhartha Heat transfer and friction factor correlations for multiple arc shape roughness elements on the absorber plate used in solar air heaters; Vol. no.54 Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science SCOPUS
2014 Sanjay Yadav, Maneesh Kaushal, Varun Siddhartha Exergetic performance evaluation of solar air heater having arc shape oriented protrusions as roughness element; Vol. no. 105 Solar Energy SCI
2014 Anil P. Singh, Varun and Siddhartha Effect of artificial roughness on heat transfer and friction characteristics having multiple arc shaped roughness element; Vol. no. 105 Solar Energy SCI
2016 Anil P. Singh, Varun and Siddhartha and Amit Kumar Heat transfer enhancement in a solar air heater with roughened duct having arc-shaped elements as roughness element on the absorber plate; Vol. no. 97 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series C SCI
2019 Akant Kr. Singh, Siddhartha and Sanjay Yadav Mechanical and Fracture peculiarity of polypropylene-based functionally graded materials manufactured via injection molding’ International Polymer Processing SCI
2020 Akant Kr. Singh and Siddhartha Development and investigation on transmission efficiency of functionally graded materials based polybutylene terephthalate spur gears Journal of Engineering Tribology SCI
2020 Prashant Singh, Akant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha Vashishtha, Prabir Sarkar Optimizing the Performance Parameters of Injection Molded Polymer Spur Gears Journal of Materials: Design and Applications SCI
2018 Akant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha,Prashant Kumar Singh Noise Emission from ABS, POM and HDPE Spur Gears - A Comparative Study Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2018 Akant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha Noise Emission form Functionally Graded Materials based Polypropylene Spur Gears - A Tribological Investigation Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2015 Akant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha, Sabir Hussain Wear Peculiarity of TiO2 Filled Polyester-Based Homogeneous Composites and their Functionally Graded Materials Using Taguchi Methodology and ANN Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2019 Akant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha, Prashant Kumar Singh Transmission Efficiency of Functionally Graded Material Based HDPE Spur Gears Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2020 Akant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha, Sanjay Yadav Mechanical peculiarity of nano BN filled polyester based homogeneous nanocomposites and their FGMs – A comparative study Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2017 Prashant Kumar Singh, Siddhartha, Akant Kumar Singh An investigation on the effects of the various techniques over the performance and durability of polymer gears Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2021 Singh, Prashant Kumar ; Singh, Akant Kumar ; Siddhartha; Sarkar, Prabir Optimizing the performance parameters of injection-molded polymer spur gears PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART L-JOURNAL OF MATERIALS-DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS SCI
2022 Singh, Akant Kumar ; Siddhartha ; Yadav, Sanjay Investigations on noise emission from functionally graded materials based polymer spur gears Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2022 Yogesh Kumar Yadav ; Mayank Kumar ; Siddhartha A treatise on retrofitting of hydro-turbine materials Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2022 Mayank Kumar ; Yogesh Kumar Yadav ; Siddhartha Mechanisms of slurry erosion in coatings of hydro-turbines Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2023 Yadav, Yogesh Kumar ; Singh, Akant Kumar ; Siddhartha Insights to improve the tribo-performance of materials used under slurry erosion applications: A review PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART L-JOURNAL OF MATERIALS-DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS SCI
2023 Yadav, Yogesh Kumar ; Sehgal, Rakesh ; Siddhartha Prediction of erosive wear - A novel mathematical model TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL SCI
2024 Yadav Yogesh Kumar, Patnaik Amar, Sehgal Rakesh, Singh Akant Kumar, Siddhartha Tribological Models for Erosive Wear in Slurry Flow: A Review Johnson Matthey Technology Review SCI
2016 K. Sitara and B. M. Mehtre Digital video tampering detection: An overview of passive techniques, 18 Digital Investigation, Elsevier SCI Expanded
2018 K. Sitara and B. M. Mehtre Detection of Inter-Frame Forgeries in Digital Videos, 289 Forensic Science International, Elsevier SCI
2019 K. Sitara and B. M. Mehtre Automated Camera Sabotage Detection for Enhancing Video Surveillance Systems, 78 Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer SCI Expanded
2019 K. Sitara and B. M. Mehtre Differentiating Synthetic and Optical Zooming for Passive Video Forgery Detection: An Anti-Forensic Perspective, 30 Digital Investigation, Elsevier SCI Expanded
2019 S Mondal, H Malviya, P Biswas Kinetic modelling for the hydrogenolysis of bio-glycerol in the presence of a highly selective Cu–Ni–Al 2 O 3 catalyst in a slurry reactor4 (3), 595-609 Reaction Chemistry & Engineering SCI
2017 Mondal, S, and Biswas P Production of 1, 2-propanediol from renewable glycerol over highly stable and efficient Cu–Zn (4: 1)/MgO catalyst 147 (11), 2783-2798 Catalysis Letters SCI
2017 Mondal, S., Janardhan, R., Meena, M.L. and Biswas, P. Highly active Cu-Zn-Mg-Al-O catalyst derived from layered double hydroxides (LDHs) precursor for selective hydrogenolysis of glycerol to 1, 2-propanediol 5 (6), 5695-5706 Journal of environmental chemical engineering SCI
2018 Pandhare, N.N., Pudi, S.M., Mondal, S., Pareta, K., Kumar, M. and Biswas, P Development of kinetic model for hydrogenolysis of glycerol over Cu/MgO catalyst in a slurry reactor 57 (1), 101-110 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research SCI
2017 Mondal, S., Pudi, S.M., Pandhare, N.N. and Biswas, P Liquid phase hydrogenolysis of glycerol over highly active 50% Cu-Zn (8: 2)/MgO catalyst: reaction parameter optimization by using response surface methodology 31 (8), 8521-8533 Energy & Fuels SCI
2021 Sharma A and Sharma S.K. Analysing the role Multi Agent Technology in preventing Airplane Crash using AHP and DEMATEL approach, DOI: International Journal of Crashworthiness (Taylor and Francis) SCI (Impact Factor : 1.95)
2021 Sunil DuttBaloni, Somesh K. Sharma, Jagroop Singh and SushantNegi SLS Process Parameter Optimization to Improve Surface Quality and Accuracy of Polyamide Parts, 2021, vol. 11, issue 4, 57-74. International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME). SCI (Impact Factor : 0.74)
2020 Thakur V. and Sharma S. Assessment of healthcare solid waste management practices for environmental performance: a study of hospitals in Himachal Pradesh, India, DOI:10.1108/meq-08-2020-0168 Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal of Emerald Publishing. SCI (Impact Factor : 4.21)
2019 Singh, V., Sharma, S. K., Chaddha, I., Singh, T. Investigating the moderating effects of multi group on safety performance: The case of civil aviation, Accepted, In Press Case Studies on Transport Policy (Elsevier) SCOPUS
2019 Singh, J.,Sharma, S.K. and Srivastava, R. What drives Indian Airlines operational expense: An econometric model, 77 (2019), 32-38 Journal of Air Transport Management (Elsevier). SSCI (Impact Factor : 2.111)
2019 Singh, J.,Sharma, S.K. and Srivastava, R. AHP-Entropy based priority assessment of factors to reduce aviation fuel consumption, 10 (2) , 212–227 International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management SCOPUS (Impact Factor : 1.14)
2019 Acharya, V., Sharma, S.K.and Gupta, S. Measuring Constructs useful for studying industrial automation: assessment in terms of performance, In Press International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management SCOPUS
2018 Acharya, V., Sharma, S.K.and Gupta, S. Analyzing the factors in Industrial Automation using Analytic Hierarchy Process, 17 (2018) Computers and Electrical Engineering (Elsevier) SCI (Impact Factor : 3.181)
2018 Singh, V., Vaibhav, S. and Sharma, S.K. Using Structural Equation Modelling to assess the extent of sustainable competitive advantage provided by Low Cost Carrier Model: The Case of Indian Airlines, Journal of Indian Business Research. SCOPUS (Impact Factor : 1.18)
2018 Singh, J.,Sharma, S.K. and Srivastava, R. Managing fuel efficiency in the aviation sector: challenges, accomplishments and opportunities, 7 (4), 244-251 FIIB Business Review, Sage Scopus
2017 Sharma, S.K., Vishwakrma, S. and Jha, N Prognosis agent technology: influence on manufacturing organizations, 92 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Springer). SCI (Impact Factor : 3.32)
2017 Singh, J.,Sharma, S.K. and Srivastava, R. Evolving constructs and measurements of Aviation Fuel Consumption: An analytical view, 22(7), 2578-2592 KSCE Journal of Civil Aviatiobn, SCI (Impact Factor : 3.32)
2016 Das, D.J., Sharma, S.K., Pati, R., and Singh, J. Analyzing the effect of aviation infrastructure over aviation fuel consumption reduction, 57 Journal of Air Transport Management (Elsevier). SSCI (Impact Factor : 4.658)
2016 Singh, V. and Sharma, S.K. Analyzing the moderating effects of respondent type and experience on the fuel efficiency improvement in air transport using structural equation modeling, 8(2), 1-20. European Transport Research Review (Springer) SCI (Impact Factor : 2.41)
2016 Rana S. and Sharma, S.K. A review on the state of methodological trends in international marketing literature,9 (1) Journal of Global Business Advancement (Inder Science) SCOPUS
2016 Singh, V., Vaibhav, S. and Sharma, S.K. Transport aircraft conceptual design optimization using real cpoded genetic algorithm, 16, 1-11 International Journal of Aerospace Engineering SCOPUS (Impact Factor : 1.158)
2015 Singh, V. and Sharma, S.K. Fuel Consumption Optimization in Air Transport: a review, classification, critique, simple meta analysis and future research implications, 7(2), 1-24 European Transport Research Review (Springer) SCI (Impact Factor : 2.995)
2015 Rana S. and Sharma, S.K. A literature review, classification, and simple meta-analysis on the conceptual domain of International marketing: 1990-2012, Advances in International Marketing, 25. Advances in International Marketing (Emerald). SCOPUS
2015 Rana, S. and Sharma, S.K. The State of Topics and Methodological Trends in International Marketing Literature: 1990 – 2012, 7 (1), 35 - 53 Indore Management Journal. Web of Science
2015 Rana, S. and Sharma, S.K. Topics, Trends and Methodological Practices: Synthesizing International Marketing Literature 50 (2), , 37 – 57 Malaysian Management Review. SCOPUS
2014 Singh, V. and Sharma, S.K. Evolving Base for Fuel Consumption Optimization in Indian Air transport: Application of Structural Equation Modelling, 6(3), 315-332 European Transport Research Review (Springer) SCI
2014 Rana, S., Sharma, S.K., Kumar, A .and Kumar , A. Drawing Modelling Canvas For The International Positioning Of Indian Beverage Products, 4 (7) Industrial Engineering Letters Web of Science
2014 Kushwaha, M. and Sharma, S.K. Impact of Environmental Factors on Aviation Safety, 4 (1), 73-78 Advances in Aerospace Science and Applications. SCOPUS
2014 Rana, S. and Sharma, S.K. Investigation of International Marketing Process: Classification and Assessment 8 (2), 131-151 AIMS International Journal of Management -
2013 Sharma, S.K Maintenance Re-engineering Framework- A Case Study, 19 Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering (Emerald Publishing), Scopus SCOPUS (Impact Factor : 2.4)
2013 Sharma, S. K. and Jha, N. and Kumar, L. Exploring the Scope of Prognosis Agent Technology in Digital Manufacturing, 4 (1) Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems Scopus
2013 Indubala, Sharma, S.K. and Gupta, S. Exploring Raw Safety Aspects in Aviation Industry Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems Scopus
2013 Sharma, S. et al Developing Model for Automation Implementation in Indian Industries”, Industrial Engineering Letters, 3 (1), 83-95 Industrial Engineering Letters Web of Science
2012 Singh, V., Sharma, S.K. and Vaibhav, S. Modeling the Civil Aircraft Operations for the Optimization of Fuel Consumption in Indian Air Transport Industry , 2 (7), 20-30 Industrial Engineering Letters Web of Science
2012 Singh, V., Sharma, S.K. and Vaibhav, S. Identification of Dimensions of the Optimization of Fuel Consumption in Air Transport Industry, 2 (7), 24-34 Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy -
2012 Singh, V., Sharma, S.K. and Vaibhav, S. A Classification and Assessment of Research Streams on Low Cost Modeling in Civil Aviation Transportation Industry, 4 (16), European Journal of Business and Management. Web of Science
2012 Singh, D, Sharma , A., and Sharma , S.K. Developing Model for Fuel Consumption Optimization in Aviation Industry., 3 (10), Innovative Systems Design and Engineering Scopus
2012 Rana, S. and Sharma, S.K. Synthesizing the latest Configurational Contents of International Marketing , 4 (20) European Journal of Business and Management. Web of Science
2012 Vaibhav, S. and Sharma, S.K. A classification and assessment of Research streams on Low Cost Modeling in Civil Aviation Transportation Industry, 16(4), 107-121 European Journal of Business and Management. Web of Science
2012 Sharma , S. et at Synthesizing and Reviewing the Research Trends in Automation”, 2 (9), 25-33 Journal of Information Engineering and Applications -
2011 Acharya,V. Sharma S.K. Exploring the parameters of Automation in Manufacturing Enterprises,11 (5), 114-119 Review of Business Research. SCOPUS
2011 Vaibhav, S. and Sharma, S.K. Reviewing Strategies of Low Cost carriers and their impact on aviation industry, 11(1), 120-128 International Journal of Strategic Management. SCOPUS
2011 Vaibhav, S. and Sharma, S.K. Exploring variables for assessing the competition provided by low cost carriers to Indian civil aviation industry,11 (1), 128-132 European Journal of Management SCOPUS
2011 Sharma, S.K. and Srinivasan, R. Developing international positioning model for DefenceGoods ,11 (4), 139-145 Journal Of Academy Of Business And Economics SCOPUS
2010 Singh, V. and Sharma, S.K. Exploring parameters for optimization of fuel consumption in aviation industry : a literature review, 10 (3), 204-210 Review of Business Research SCOPUS
2008 Sharma, S.K. and Srinivasan, R. Perceptions of foreign players for effective positioning in India, 46 (10), 1465-1481 Management Decision, Emerald SCI (Impact Factor : 4.65)
2008 Sharma, S.K. and Srinivasan, R. Evaluating relative importance of information for international positioning process: a quantitative study, 8 (2), 132 – 145 Review of Business Research SCOPUS
2008 Sharma, S.K. and Srinivasan, R. Differentiating International Positioning Process across industries: a comparative study, 8 (1), 22 – 37 Review of Business Research SCOPUS
2008 Sharma, S.K. and Srinivasan, R. Modeling of International Positioning Process for new trade endeavors: a radically succinct approach”, 8 (1), 34 –38. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics SCOPUS
2022 Akshay Sharma and Somesh Sharma Analyzing the role of multiagent technology in preventing airplane crash using AHP and DEMATEL approach International Journal of Crashworthiness SCI (Impact Factor : 1.9)
2023 Vikram Singh and Somesh Sharma Critical factors of multi-agent technology influencing manufacturing organizations: an AHP and DEMATEL-oriented analysis International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing SCI (Impact Factor : 4.1)
2023 Vikram Singh and Somesh Sharma Applying Hybrid Approach of AHP, DEMATEL, and TOPSIS to Study the Impact of Multiagent Technology on the Performance of Manufacturing Organizations IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management SCI (Impact Factor : 6.198)
2023 Vikram Singh, Nirbhey Sharma and Somesh Sharma Analyzing the role of Multi-Agent Technology in minimizing breakdown probabilities in Manufacturing Industries Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering scopus (Impact Factor : 3.5)
2023 Vikram Singh, Prakhar Shukla and Somesh Sharma Impact of Multi-agent Technology on the Manufacturing organizations: A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Analysis International Journal of Industrial and system Engineering Scopus
2023 Vikram Singh and Somesh Sharma Analyzing the Role of Multi-Agent Technology on High-tech Manufacturing using AHP, DEMATEL, and TOPSIS International Journal of Industrial and system Engineering Scopus
2023 Chaudhary, S., & Mulay, S. S. Propagation of shear waves in viscoelastic layered structure Materials Today: Proceedings Scopus
2022 Chaudhary, S., & Mulay, S. S. A mathematical modelling of multiphysics-based propagation characteristics of surface wave in piezoelectric-hydrogel layer on an elastic substrate, 103, 493–515. Applied Mathematical Modelling SCI
2021 Singhal, A., Sahu, S. A., & Chaudhary, S. Study of surface wave vibration in rotating human long bones of cylindrical shape under the magnetic field influence, 31(6), 1570–1586 Waves in Random and Complex Media SCI
2020 Singhal, A. and Chaudhary, S., Mechanics of 2D elastic stress waves propagation impacted by concentrated point source disturbance in composite material bars, 6(4), pp.788-800 Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics SCOPUS
2020 Singhal, A., Sahu, S.A., Chaudhary, S. and Sultana, M., Scattering and Backscattering Study of Mechanical Plane Wave in Composite Materials Plates (Earth model 1066B and LiNbO3), Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics SCOPUS
2019 Chaudhary, S., Sahu, S.A., Singhal, A. and Nirwal, S., Interfacial imperfection study in pres-stressed rotating multiferroic cylindrical tube with wave vibration analytical approach, 6(10), p.105704 Materials Research Express, SCI
2019 Chaudhary, S., Sahu, S.A., Dewangan, N. and Singhal, A., Stresses produced due to moving load in a prestressed piezoelectric substrate, 26(12), pp.1028-1041 Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures SCI
2019 Chaudhary, S., Sahu, S.A. and Paswan, B., Transference of SH waves through irregular interface between corrugated piezoelectric layer and prestressed viscoelastic substrate, 26(2), pp.156-169 Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures SCI
2019 Sahu, S.A., Chaudhary, S. and Paswan, B., Scattering phenomenon of qP wave at the interface of FGPM and piezoelectric medium, 29(3), pp.435-455. Waves in Random and Complex Media SCI
2019 Singhal, A., Sahu, S.A., Chaudhary, S. and Baroi, J., Initial and couple stress influence on the surface waves transmission in material layers with imperfect interface, Materials Research Express SCI
2019 Singhal, A., Sahu, S.A., Nirwal, S. and Chaudhary, S., Anatomy of flexoelectricity in micro plates with dielectrically highly/weakly and mechanically complaint interface, 6(10), p.105714 Materials Research Express SCI
2018 Chaudhary, S., Sahu, S.A. and Singhal, A., On secular equation of SH waves propagating in pre-stressed and rotating piezo-composite structure with imperfect interface, 29(10), pp.2223-2235 Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures SCI
2018 Singh, M.K., Sahu, S.A., Singhal, A. and Chaudhary, S., Approximation of surface wave velocity in smart composite structure using Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin method, 29(18), pp.3582-3597 Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures SCI
2018 Singhal, A., Sahu, S.A. and Chaudhary, S., Approximation of surface wave frequency in piezo-composite structure, 144, pp.19-28 Composites Part B: Engineering SCI
2018 Sahu, S.A., Singhal, A. and Chaudhary, S., Surface wave propagation in functionally graded piezoelectric material: an analytical solution, 29(3), pp.423-437 Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, SCI
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2017 Chaudhary, S., Sahu, S.A. and Singhal, A., Analytic model for Rayleigh wave propagation in piezoelectric layer overlaid orthotropic substratum, 228(2), pp.495-529 Acta Mechanica SCI
2017 Sahu, S.A., Chaudhary, S., Saroj, P.K. and Chattopadhyay, A., Rayleigh waves in liquid layer resting over an initially stressed orthotropic half-space under self-weight., 10(5), p.120. Arabian Journal of Geosciences SCI
2015 Saroj, P.K., Sahu, S.A., Chaudhary, S. and Chattopadhyay, A., Love-type waves in functionally graded piezoelectric material (FGPM) sandwiched between initially stressed layer and elastic substrate., 25(4), pp.608-627. Waves in Random and Complex Media SCI
2023 A Singhal, SA Sahu, S Chaudhary, S Nirwal Study of Surface Waves Transmission in Orthotropic Bilateral Structure International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics Scopus
2024 Soniya Chaudhary, Anshul Rana, Anshil Choudhary, Ashuti Mittal Detecting Mix-Case Human Language Model with Zero-Shot Approach , DOI: 20.14118/v72.2024.102094 Journal of Engineering and Technology Management Scopus
2024 Issam Ben Salah, Cherif Othmani, Anouar Njeh, Soniya Chaudhary, Bo Zhang Acoustoelastic guided modes with multiple zero-group-velocity points in monoclinic, trigonal, tetragonal, orthorhombic and triclinic plates Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures SCI
2024 Soniya Chaudhary, Diksha, Pawan Kumar Sharma Crack dynamics in rotating, initially stressed material strip: a mathematical approach Applied Mathematical Modelling SCI
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2022 Dutta, S., Khajuria, A., Kumar, S. and Gupta, V. An Insight into Himalayan Vernacular Architecture: The Kath-Khuni Style of the Kullu Region, India, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 319-333 Journal of the International Society for the Study of Vernacular Settlements Scopus
2022 Dutta, S., Sharma, A., Kaur, A., Hazarika, A.K., Dutta, S., Koduru, S., Mohan, K., Kumar, S. and Prashar, N. A Methodology to Delineate Peri-Urban Settlement Typology in the Context of Chandigarh Region, Vol. 55, Issue 6, pp. 615-629. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/SJVQB Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology Scopus
2022 Mathavan, G., Sharma, A., Kaur, A., Hazarika, A.K., Dutta, S., and Hussain, M. Design Proposal for Cultural Cluster: Case of Katra Town, India, Vol. 55, Issue 6, pp. 565-580. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/TQ3MP Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology Scopus
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2019 T. S. Sreeram and S. Krishna Managing false data injection attacks during contingency of secured meters, vol. 10 IEEE Trans. Smart Grid SCI
2021 T. S. Sreeram and S. Krishna Protection against false data injection attacks considering degrees freedom in attack vectors, vol. 12 IEEE Trans. Smart Grid SCI
2023 T. S. Sreeram and S. Krishna A novel vulnerability index to select measurements for defense against false data injection attacks, vol. 145 Int. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst. SCI
2023 T. S. Sreeram and S. Krishna Graph-based Assessment of Vulnerability to False Data Injection Attacks in Distribution Networks IEEE Trans. Power Sys. SCI
2020 Biswas, S., Chandra, S. and Ghosh, I. An Advanced Approach for Estimation of PCU Values on Undivided Urban Roads under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions Vol 12(3), 172-181. DOI: 10.1080/19427867.2018.1563268 Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research SCI
2017 Biswas, S., Chakraborty, S., Chandra, S. and Ghosh, I. Kriging-based Approach for Estimation of Vehicular Speed and Passenger Car Units on an Urban Arterial Vol 143 (3) DOI: 10.1061/JTEPBS.0000031 Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems (ASCE) SCI
2017 Biswas, S., Chandra, S. and Ghosh, I. Estimation of Vehicular Speed and Passenger Car Equivalent under Mixed Traffic Condition Using Artificial Neural Network Vol 42(9), 4099-4110 DOI: 10.1007/s13369-017-2597-9 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering SCI
2017 Biswas, S., Chandra, S. and Ghosh, I. Use of Lambert W Function in Determining Speed for Macroscopic Traffic Flow Models Vol: 63(3) European Transport / Trasporti Europei Scopus
2017 Biswas, S., Chandra, S. and Ghosh, I. Effects of On-street Parking in Urban Context: A Critical Review Vol 3 DOI: 10.1007/ s40890-017-0040-2 Transportation in Developing Economics NA
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2021 Thakur, S., Maurya, S., Chandra, S. and Biswas, S. Lambert W Based Speed Reduction Model in Presence of Pedestrian Movements: Case Studies on Undivided Streets, Vol 82, DOI: 10.48295/ET.2021.82.3 European Transport / Trasporti Europei Scopus
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2016 Subhajit Majumder, Vedansh Gupta, Smita Raghuvanshi, Suresh Gupta Simultaneous sequestration of ternary metal ions (Cr6+, Cu2+ and Zn2+) from aqueous solution by an indigenous bacterial consortium, 102: 786-798 Process Safety and Environmental Protection SCI
2016 Majumder Subhajit, Raghuvanshi Smita, Gupta Suresh Application of a hybrid biofilter column for the removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution using an indigenous bacterial strain Pseudomonas taiwanensis, 20(1): 10-23 Bioremediation Journal SCI
2015 Subhajit Majumder, Gayathri Gangadhar, Smita Raghuvanshi, Suresh Gupta A Comprehensive Study on the Behavior of a Novel Bacterial Strain Acinetobacter guillouiae for Bioremediation of Divalent Copper, 38(9), 1749-1760 Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering SCI
2015 Subhajit Majumder, Gayathri Gangadhar, Smita Raghuvanshi, Suresh Gupta Biofilter column for removal of divalent copper from aqueous solutions: performance evaluation and kinetic modeling, 6: 136-143 Journal of Water Process Engineering SCI
2014 Majumder Subhajit, Raghuvanshi Smita, Gupta Suresh Estimation of Kinetic Parameters for Bioremediation of Cr(VI) from Wastewater using Pseudomonas taiwanensis an isolated strain from Enriched Mixed Culture, 18(3): 236-247 Bioremediation Journal SCI
2024 Jyoti Rani, Pooja Thakur, Subhajit Majumder A Holistic Analysis of Chemical Process Performance using Pinch Technology, 66(2): 164-183 Indian Chemical Engineer ESCI
2024 Jyoti Rani, Pooja Thakur, Subhajit Majumder Energy Integration of Hydrodealkylation (HDA) of Toluene, 111(2024): 60-68 Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2022 Rahul Gupta, Hasan Uslu, Subhajit Majumder Production of Styrene from Dehydrogenation of Ethylbenzene, 45(5): 817-823 Chemical engineering & Technology SCIE
2023 Shruti Gautam, Subhajit Majumder, Pooja Thakur Numerical Study on the Flow of Bingham Plastic Fluids Around an Array of Cylinders Materials Today: Proceedings SCOPUS
2009 Atul Kapil, Manish Taunk and Subhash Chand Low Temperature Charge Transport Study in p-Toluenesulfonic Acid Doped Polyaniline Asian Journal of Chemistry 21 p s138 to s142 SCOPUS-22703
2010 Atul Kapil, Manish Taunk and Subhash Chand Preparation and charge transport studies of chemically synthesized polyaniline Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 21, p 399 to 404 SCI-2188 and SCOPUS- 21177
2010 Manish Taunk, Atul Kapil, Subhash Chand Hopping and tunneling transport over a wide temperature range in chemically synthesized doped and undoped polypyrrole Solid State Communications 150 p 1766 to 1769 SCI- 3462 and SCOPUS - 29886
2011 Manish Taunk, Atul Kapil and Subhash Chand Chemical synthesis and low temperature electrical transport in polypyrrole doped with sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 22 p 136 to 142 SCI-2188 and SCOPUS- 21177
2011 Atul Kapil, Subhash Chand Study of Synthesis and Temperature Dependence of DC Conductivity in the Low Temperature Range for Poly(N-Methylaniline) Journal of Electronic Materials 40 p 1364 to 1368 SCI-2039 and SCOPUS-26620
2012 Subhash Chand, Priyanka Kaushal and Jozef Osvald Effect of inverse doped surface layer in Schottky barrier modification: A numerical study Journal of Electronic Materials 41 p 3387 to 3392 SCI-2039 and SCOPUS-26620
2013 Priyanka Kaushal, Subhash Chand and Jozef Osvald Current voltage characteristics of Schottky diode simulated using semiconductor device equations International Journal of Electronics 100 p 686 to 696 SCI- 1708 and SCOPUS- 26145
2013 Subhash Chand, Priyanka Kaushal and Jozef Osvald Numerical simulation study of Schottky diode characteristics with inverse doped surface layer Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 16 p 454 to 460 SCI-2618 and SCOPUS- 26675
2014 Manish Taunk, Subhash Chand Bias and temperature dependent charge transport in flexible polypyrrole devices Journal of Applied Physics 115 p 074507 SCI-1888 and SCOPUS-28132
2014 Subhash Chand and Rajender Kumar Electrical characterization of Ni/n-ZnO/p-Si/Al heterostructure fabricated by pulsed laser deposition technique Journal of Alloys and Compounds 613, p 395 to 400 SCI- 1861 and SCOPUS- 12325
2014 Rajender Kumar and Subhash Chand Growth and temperature dependent characterization of pulsed laser deposited Ag/n-ZnO/p-Si/Al heterojunction Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 25 p 4531 to 4537 SCI-2188 and SCOPUS- 21177
2014 Sumit Bhardwaj, Joginder Paul, Subhash Chand, K. K. Raina and Ravi Kumar Oxygen vacancy induced dielectric relaxation studies in Bi42xLaxTi3O12 (x 5 0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0) ceramics Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 25 p 4568 to 4576 SCI-2188 and SCOPUS- 21177
2015 Rajender Kumar and Subhash Chand Structural, optical and electrical characterization of Al/n-ZnO/p-Si/Al heterostructures Journal of Electronic Materials 44 p 194 to 201 SCI-2039 and SCOPUS-26620
2015 Manish Taunk and Subhash Chand Chemical synthesis and charge transport mechanism in solution processed flexible polypyrrole films Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 39 p 659 to 664 SCI-2618 and SCOPUS- 26675
2015 N. Rana, Subhash Chand and Arvind K. Gathania Tailoring the structural and optical properties of ZnO by doping with Cd Ceramics International 41 p 12032 to 12037 SCI-745 and SCOPUS-21522
2015 N Rana, Subhash Chand and Arvind K Gathania Band gap engineering of ZnO by doping with Mg Physica Scripta 90 p 085502 (1) to (6) SCOPUS-29122
2015 Rajender Kumar and Subhash Chand Structural, Electrical and Red Emission Properties of Pd/n-ZnO/p-Si/Al Heterostructures Electronic Materials Letters 11 p 973 to 981 SCOPUS-13300154705
2015 Sumit Bhardwaj, Joginder PauL, Subhash Chand, K.K. Raina, and Ravi Kumar Electroactive Phase Induced Bi4Ti3O12–Poly (Vinylidene Difluoride) Composites with Improved Dielectric Properties Journal of Electronic Materials 44 p 3710 to 3723 SCI-2039 and SCOPUS-26620
2016 Priyank Kaushal and Subhash Chand Numerical analysis of inhomogeneous Schottky diode with discrete barrier height patches International Journal of Electronics 103 p 937 to 949 SCI- 1708 and SCOPUS- 26145
2016 N. Rana, Subhash Chand and Arvind K. Gathania Synthesis and characterization of flower-like ZnO structures and their applications in photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B dye Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27 p 2504 to 2510 SCI-2188 and SCOPUS- 21177
2016 Rajender Kumar, Subhash Chand Fabrication and electrical characterization of nickel/p-Si Schottky diode at low temperature Solid State Sciences 58 p 115 to 121 SCI- 3466 and SCOPUS- 25326
2017 Arvind Kumar, K. K. Sharma, Rajender Kumar, Subhash Chand, Ashwani Kumar Structural and Electrical Properties of Ag/n-TiO2/p-Si/Al Heterostructure Fabricated by Pulsed Laser Deposition Technique Journal of Electronic Materials 46 p 6422-6429 SCI-2039 and SCOPUS-26620
2018 Neha Rana, Kalyan S Ghosh, Subhash Chand & Arvind K Gathania Investigation of ZnO nanoparticles for their applications in waste water treatment and antimicrobial activity Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 56 p 19 to 25 SCOPUS-28036
2002 Subhash Chand An accurate approach for analyzing inhomogeneous Schottky diodes with a Gaussian distribution of barrier heights Semiconductor Science & Technology 17 p L36-L40 SCI-3402 and SCOPUS-27191
2004 Subhash Chand On intersecting behaviour of current-voltage characteristics of inhomogeneous Schottky diodes at low temperatures Semiconductor Science & Technology 19 p 82-86 SCI-3402 and SCOPUS-
2005 Subhash Chand and Saroj Bala A comparative study of numerical and analytical approaches of simulating inhomogeneous Schottky diodes characteristics Semiconductor Science & Technology 20 p 1143-1148 SCI-376 and SCOPUS-28983
2006 Subhash Chand Theoretical evidence for random variation of series resistance of elementary diodes in inhomogeneous Schottky contacts Physica B 373 p 284-290 SCI-3071 and SCOPUS-29118
2007 Subhash Chand and Saroj Bala Simulation studies of current transport in metal-insulator-semiconductor Schottky barrier diodes Physica B 390, p 179-184 SCI-3071 and SCOPUS-29118
2009 Atul Kapil, Manish Taunk and Subhash Chand Preparation and characterization of chemically synthesized poly(N-methylaniline) Synthetic Metals 159 p 1267 SCI-3537 and SCOPUS-18375
2005 Subhash Chand and Saroj Bala Analysis of current-voltage characteristics of inhomogeneous Schottky diodes at low temperatures Applied Surface Science 252 p 358-363 SCI-376 and SCOPUS-28983
1995 Subhash Chand and Jitendra Kumar Current-voltage characteristics of Pd2Si based Schottky diodes on p-type (111) silicon and evaluation of their barrier heights Solid State Electronics 38 p 1103-1104 sse
1995 Subhash Chand and Jitendra Kumar Current-voltage characteristics and barrier parameters of Pd2Si/p-Si(111) Schottky diodes in a wide temperature range Semiconductor Science & Technology 10 p 1680-1688 SCI-3402 and SCOPUS-27191
1996 Subhash Chand and Jitendra Kumar Current-transport in Pd2Si/n-Si(100) Schottky barrier diodes at low temperatures Applied Physics A 63 p 171-178 apa
1996 Subhash Chand and Jitendra Kumar On the Existence of a barrier heights distribution in Pd2Si/Si Schottky diodes Journal of Applied Physics 80 p 288-294 SCI-1888 and SCOPUS-28132
1996 Subhash Chand and Jitendra Kumar Evidence for the double distribution of barrier heights in Pd2Si/n-Si Schottky diodes from I-V-T measurements Semiconductor Science & Technology 11 p 1203-1208 SCI-3402 and SCOPUS-27191
1997 Subhash Chand and Jitendra Kumar Electron transport and barrier inhomogeneities in palladium silicide Schottky diodes Applied Physics A 65 p 497-503 apa
1997 Subhash Chand and Jitendra Kumar Simulation and analysis of current-voltage characteristics of Schottky diodes containing barrier inhomogeneities Semiconductor Science & Technology 12 p 899-906 SCI-3402 and SCOPUS-27191
1997 Subhash Chand and Jitendra Kumar Effects of barrier height distribution on the behavior of a Schottky diode Journal of Applied Physics 82 p 5005-10 SCI-1888 and SCOPUS-28132
2018 Arvind Kumar, K.K. Sharma, Subhash Chand and Ashwani Kumar Investigation of barrier inhomogeneities in I-V and C-V characteristics of Ni/n-TiO2/p-Si/Al heterostructure in wide temperature range Superlattices and Microstructures, 122, p 304-315 SCI - SCOPUS -
2019 Arvind Kumar, Ashwani Kumar, K.K. Sharma and Subhash Chand Analysis of anomalous transport mechanism across the interface of Ag/p-Si Schottky diode in wide temperature range Superlattices and Microstructures, 128 p373-381 SCI - SCOPUS -
2020 Naveen Kumar and Subhash Chand Effects of temperature, bias and frequency on the dielectric properties and electrical conductivity of Ni/SiO2/p-Si/Al MIS Schottky diodes Journal of Alloys and Compounds 817 p153294 (6 pages) SCI - SCOPUS -
2020 Anjali, Balbir, Singh Patial, Subhash Chand and Nagesh Thakur On high-field conduction and I–V measurements in quaternary Se–Te–In–Pb nano-chalcogenide thin films Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 31:p 2741–2756 SCI - SCOPUS -
2020 Naveen Kumar and Subhash Chand Analysis of rectifying metal-semiconductor interface using impedance spectroscopy at low temperatures Physica B, 599 p412547 (8 pages) SCI-3071 and SCOPUS-29118
2021 Sumit Bhardwaj, J.D. Sharma, Subhash Chand, K.K. Raina, Ravi Kumar Enhanced Electroactive Phases in Bi3⋅3La0⋅7Ti3O12-poly (vinylidene fluoride) composites with Improved Dielectric Properties Solid State Communications 326 p114176 (11 pages) SCI- 3462 and SCOPUS – 29886
2021 Naveen Kumar and Subhash Chand Scrutinization of non‒saturation behaviour of reverse current‒ voltage characteristics in Ni/SiO2/p-Si/Al diodes Superlattices and Microstructures 160 p107088 (7 pages) SCI- 3511 and SCOPUS-21959
2021 Narinder Singh, Subhash Chand and Manish Taunk Facile in-situ synthesis, microstructural, morphological and electrical transport properties of polypyrrole-cuprous iodide hybrid nanocomposites Journal of Solid State Chemistry 303 p122501 (9 pages) SCI- 2382 and SCOPUS - 26972
2022 Seema Azad, Naveen Kumar, and Subhash Chand Effect of Mg2+ ions substitution on phase formation, structural, morphological, and optical properties of Zn0.1-xMgxO structure Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 33 p861-870 SCI-2188 and SCOPUS-21177
2022 Naveen Kumar, Seema Azad and Subhash Chand Fabrication and electrical characterization of solution processed Ni/ MgO/p Si/Al MIS diodes Applied Physics A 128 p226 (10pages) SCI-368 and SCOPUS-27027
2023 Seema Azad, Naveen Kumar, and Subhash Chand Structural, morphological, optical and dielectric properties of Ti1-xFexO2 nanoparticles synthesized using sol-gel method Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology105 p163-175 SCI- 2380 and SCOPUS- 21188
2023 Seema Azad and Subhash Chand Synthesis and characterization of doped ZnO thin films over wide temperature range for applications as a transparent conducting material Applied Physics A 129 p686 (17pages) SCI-368 and SCOPUS-27027
2023 Seema Azad and Subhash Chand Synthesis and investigation of pure and doped-ZnO nanoparticles as efficient material for photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue under solar radiations Indian J Phys SCI- SCOPUS-
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2019 Subit K. Jain, Rajendra K. Ray and Arnav Bhavsar A Non-Linear Coupled Diffusion System for Image Despeckling and Application to Ultrasound Images Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (Publisher: Springer) SCI
2019 Subit K. Jain and Rajendra K. Ray Non-Linear Diffusion Models For Despeckling of Images: Achievements And Future Challenges IETE Technical Review (Publisher: Taylor & Francis) SCI
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2020 Sudeb Majee, Subit K. Jain, Rajendra K. Ray and Ananta K. Majee On the Development of a Coupled Non-linear Telegraph-Diffusion Model for Image Restoration Computers and Mathematics with Applications (Publisher: Elsevier) SCI
2021 Arpan Garg, Y. D. Sharma, and Subit Kumar Jain An AHP Based Optimal Distribution Model And Its Application In Covid-19 Vaccination International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (Publisher: Creative Decisions Foundation) Scopus
2021 Subit K. Jain, Swati Tyagi, Neeraj Dhiman and Jehad Alzabut Study of dynamic behaviour of psychological stress during COVID-19 in India: A mathematical approach Results in Physics (Publisher: Elsevier) SCI
2022 Sudeb Majee, Subit K. Jain, Rajendra K Ray and Ananta K Majee A Fuzzy Edge Detector Driven Telegraph Total Variation Model For Image Despeckling Inverse Problems and Imaging (Publisher: American Institute of Mathematical Sciences) SCI
2022 Ankit Kumar and Subit K. Jain Deformable models for image segmentation: A critical review of achievements and future challenges Computers & Mathematics with Applications (Publisher: Elsevier) SCI
2023 Arpan Garg, Y. D. Sharma, and Subit K. Jain Stability analysis of thermo bioconvection flow of Jeffrey fluid containing gravitactic microorganism into an anisotropic porous medium Forces in Mechanics (Publisher: Elsevier) Scopus
2023 Arpan Garg, Y. D. Sharma and Subit K. Jain Instability investigation of Thermo-bioconvection of oxytactic microorganism in Jeffrey nanoliquid with effects of internal heat source and porous medium Journal of Porous Media (Publisher: Begell House) SCI
2023 Ankit Kumar, Sudeb Majee and Subit K. Jain CDM: A Coupled Deformable Model for Image Segmentation with Speckle Noise and Severe Intensity Inhomogeneity Chaos, Solitons and Fractals (Publisher: Elsevier) SCI
2023 Arpan Garg, Y. D. Sharma, and Subit K. Jain Onset of triply diffusive thermo-bio-convection in the presence of gyrotactic microorganisms and internal heating into an anisotropic porous medium: Oscillatory convection Chinese Journal of Physics (Publisher: Elsevier) SCI
2023 Subit K. Jain, Sudeb Majee and Rajendra K Ray On the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions of a coupled diffusion system related to image restoration Inverse Problems and Imaging (Publisher: American Institute of Mathematical Sciences) SCI
2023 Arpan Garg, Y. D. Sharma, and Subit K. Jain Impact of an Anisotropic Porous media on Thermo-bio-convection instability in presence of Gyrotactic microorganisms and heating from below Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media - An International Journal (Publisher: Begell House) SCI
2024 Arpan Garg, Y.D. Sharma, Subit K. Jain, and Sanjalee Maheshwari Numerical study of the influence of magnetic field and throughflow on the onset of thermo-bio-convection in a Forchheimer‑extended Darcy-Brinkman porous nanofluid layer containing gyrotactic microorganisms Journal of Porous Media (Publisher: Begell House) SCI
2024 Ankit Kumar and Subit K. Jain ECDM: Enhanced Edge based Coupled Deformable Model for Image Segmentation in the Presence of Speckle Noise and Severe Intensity Inhomogeneity Applied Mathematical Modelling (Publisher: Elsevier) SCI
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2023 First A Microscopic look into the Occupational Stress and Quality of Life: Insightful Study between Blue and White Collar Shoe Employees of Agra Journal of Namibian Studies (Special Issue on Business and Management) Scopus
2023 Third Virtual Teams, Academic Resilience and Mental Wellbeing: A Study of International Students in Virtual Teams in India FIIB Business Review Scopus
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2018 Manjeet Singh, Surender Kumar Soni Spatial Correlation-Based Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation 21100406800
2019 Nithin Varma Malathkar, Surender Kumar Soni Low complexity image compression algorithm based on hybrid DPCMfor wireless capsule endoscopy Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 4700152237
2019 Jyoti Bhola, Surender Soni, Gagandeep Kaur Cheema Genetic algorithm based optimized leach protocol for energy efficient wireless sensor networks Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 19400158593
2019 Jyoti Bhola, Surender Soni, Jagadeesh Kakarla A scalable and energy?efficient MAC protocol for sensor and actor networks International Journal of Communication System 17964
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2019 Vinith Chauhan, Surender Soni Mobile sink-based energy efficient cluster head selection strategy for wireless sensor networks Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 19400158593
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2020 Nithin Varma Malathkar, Surender Kumar Soni Low cost image compression algorithm with colour reproduction algorithm for transmitting video frame of Capsule endoscopy using low power Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 4700152237
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2021 Rahul Kumar, Surender Kumar Soni On effective rate and energy detection based spectrum sensing over cascaded FTR fading channel AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 153862
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2024 Gyanendra Kumar Chaturvedy & Umesh Kumar Pandey Investigating the effect of graphene oxide on the physical and mechanical properties of high-strength rubberized concrete using RStudio Journal of Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling (Springer),Vol-7(3), 1605-1623 SCOPUS/EmergingSCI/SCImago/ProQuest
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2023 Rahul Bharmoria Vandna Sharma Urban sustainable intervention to address the physical factor for degradation of visual place quality in the hilly urban region: A case of Manali town, Himachal Pradesh IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1279 Scopus
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2024 Rahul Bharmoria Vandna Sharma Analyzing the urban sustainable development impact of degraded visual quality on streetscape causing visual variation: a case of Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh Environment, Development and Sustainability SCIE
2019 Paramvir Singh, Varun Goel, SR Chauhan, AK Gupta Impact of Binary Biofuel Blend on Lubricating Oil Degradation in a Compression Ignition Engine Transactions of ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology Science Citation Index
2019 Kumar R, Kumar A,Varun Goel Simulation of flow and heat transfer in triangular cross-sectional solar assisted air heater Transactions of ASME J Solar Energy Engineering Science Citation Index Expanded/Web of Science
2019 Kumar R, Kumar A, Varun Goel Performance improvement and development of correlation for friction factor and heat transfer using computational fluid dynamics for ribbed triangular duct solar air heater Renewable Energy (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2018 Kumar R, Kumar A,Varun Goel Effect of Rounded Corners on the Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow through Triangular Duct Transactions of ASME J Heat Transfer Science Citation Index Expanded
2018 Paramvir Singh, Varun Goel, Effect of bio-lubricant on wear characteristics of cylinder liner-piston ring and cam-tappet combination in simulated environment Fuel (Elsevier) SciSearch/Science Citation Index Expanded
2018 Paramvir Singh, VarunGoeland Chauhan SR Effects of Dual Biofuel Approach for total elimination of Diesel on injection system by reciprocatoryfrequency monitor Proceedings IMechE Part J: Engineering Tribology Science Citation Index Expanded
2018 Bordoloi N, Sharma A, Nautiyal H, Varun Goel An Intense Review on the Latest Advancements of Earth Air Heat Exchangers Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) SciSearch/Science Citation Index Expanded
2018 Kumar R, Varun Goel, Kumar A Investigation of heat transfer augmentation and friction factor in triangular duct solar air heater due to forward facing chamfered rectangular ribs: A CFD based analysis Renewable Energy (Elsevier) SciSearch/Science Citation Index Expanded
2018 Varun Goel, Naresh Kumar,Paramvir Singh Impact of modified parameters on diesel engine characteristics using biodiesel: a review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) SciSearch/Science Citation Index Expanded
2018 Kumar R, Varun Goel, Kumar A, Khurana S, Singh P and Bopche SB Numerical investigation of heat transfer and friction factor in ribbed triangular duct solar air heater using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (Springer) Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch)
2018 Paramvir Singh, VarunGoeland Chauhan SR , Assessment of diesel engine combustion, performance and emission characteristics fuelled with dual fuel blends Renewable Energy (Elsevier) SciSearch/Science Citation Index Expanded
2018 Rajneesh Kumar, Varun and Anoop Kumar A parametric study of the 2D model of solar air heater with elliptical rib roughness using CFD Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (Springer) Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch)
2017 Avdhesh Sharma, GauravBhardwaj, Varun Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Correlation Development for Double Pass Solar Air Heater Having V-Shaped Ribs as Roughness Elements Experimental Heat Transfer (Taylor & Francis) Science Citation Index Expanded
2017 Paramvir Singh, Varun and Chauhan SR Feasibility of a new non-edible feedstock in diesel engine: Investigation of performance, emissions and combustion characteristics Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (Springer) Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch)
2017 Rajneesh Kumar, Varun and Anoop Kumar Numerical simulation of flow through equilateral triangular duct under constant wall heat flux boundary condition Institution of Engineers India Series-C Scopus
2017 GauravBhardwaj, Varun,Rajneesh Kumar, Avdhesh Sharma Heat transfer augmentation and flow characteristics in ribbed triangular duct solar air heater: An experimental analysis International Journal of Green Energy (Taylor & Francis) Science Citation Index Expanded
2017 Rajneesh Kumar, Varun,Anoop Kumar Experimental and CFD study on fluid flow and heat transfer in triangular passage solar air heater of different configurations Transactions of ASME J Solar Energy Engineering Science Citation Index Expanded/Web of Science
2017 Varun Goel, PankajGuleria, Rajneesh Kumar Effect of apex angle variation on thermal and hydraulic performance of roughened triangular duct International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer Science Citation Index
2017 Varun, Paramvir Singh, Samaresh Kumar Tiwari, Rituparn Singh and Naresh Kumar Modification in combustion chamber geometry of CI engines for suitability of biodiesel: a review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) SciSearch/Science Citation Index Expanded
2017 Paramvir Singh, Varun and Sant Ram. Chauhan Influence of temperature on tribological performance of dual biofuel Fuel (Elsevier) SciSearch/Science Citation Index Expanded
2017 Paramvir Singh, VarunGoelandSant Ram Chauhan Impact of dual biofuel approach on engine oil dilution in CI engines Fuel (Elsevier) SciSearch/Science Citation Index Expanded
2017 Kumar R, Kumar A, Varun Goel A parametric analysis of rectangular rib roughened triangular duct solar air heater using computational fluid dynamics Solar Energy (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2017 Banerjee A, Rai A, Mohanty B, Varun Simulation of combustion space heat transfer of glass melting furnace Heat Transfer-Asian Research (Wiley) Scopus
2016 A. P. Singh, Varun, Siddhartha, Kumar A Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Solar Air Heater with Roughened Duct having Arc-Shaped Elements as Roughness Element on the Absorber Plate Institution of Engineers India Series-C (Springer) Scopus
2016 Paramvir Singh, Varun, SR Chauhan and N Kumar A Review on Methodology For Complete Elimination of Diesel from CI Engines Using Mixed Feedstock Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) SciSearch/Science Citation Index Expanded
2016 Kumar N, Varun and Chauhan SR Evaluation of the effects of engine parameters on performance and emissions of diesel engine operating with biodiesel blend International Journal of Ambient Energy (Taylor & Francis) Scopus
2016 Rajneesh Kumar, Varun and Anoop Kumar Thermal and Fluid dynamic characteristic of flow through triangular cross-sectional duct: A Review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) SciSearch/Science Citation Index Expanded
2016 Ekka K, SR Chauhan, Varun Study on the Sliding Wear Behaviour of Hybrid Aluminium Matrix Composites Using Taguchi Design and Neural Network IMechE Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications (Sage) Science Citation Index Expanded
2016 Pandey NK, Bajpai VK, Varun Experimental investigation of heat transfer augmentation using multiple arcs with gap on absorber plate of solar air heater Solar Energy (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2016 Varun, SourabhKhurana, HimanshuNautiyal, Garg MO and Shukla M Heat Transfer Augmentation Using Twisted Tape Inserts: A Review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) SciSearch/Science Citation Index Expanded
2016 SourabhKhurana, Varun, Anoop Kumar Silt erosion study on the performance of an impulse turbine in small hydropower International Journal of Ambient Energy (Taylor & Francis) Scopus
2016 Paramvir Singh, Varun,Chauhan SR Carbonyl and aromatic hydrocarbon emissions from diesel engine exhaust using different feedstock: A review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) SciSearch/Science Citation Index Expanded
2016 Pandey NK, Bajpai VK, Varun Heat transfer and friction factor study of a solar air heater having multiple arcs with gap shaped roughness element on absorber plate Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering (Springer) Science Citation Index Expanded
2015 AbhishekSaxena, Varun, Al-Sebaii AA A thermodynamic review of solar air heaters Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2015 NitinAgarwal, Anoop Kumar and Varun Multi Objective Optimization of Hybrid Power Generation System for a Commercial market in Moradabad District of Uttar Pradesh, India International Journal of Sustainable Energy (Taylor & Francis) Scopus
2015 KiranEkka, Chauhan SR, Varun Dry Sliding Wear Characteristics of SiC and Al2O3NanoparticulateAluminium Matrix Composite Using Taguchi Technique Arabian Journal of Science and Technology (Springer) Science Citation Index Expanded
2015 Niraj Kumar, Varun, Chauhan SR Evaluation of endurance characteristics for a modified diesel engine runs on jatropha biodiesel Applied Energy (Elsevier) Science Citation Index
2015 Varun Heat transfer and friction factor study for triangular duct solar air heater having discrete v shaped ribs World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology International Science Index
2015 Aashish Sharma, Ajay Chauhan, HimanshuNautiyal, Varun, Sharma PK Improvement in thermal efficiency of a CI engine using a waste heat recovery technique ELK- Asia Pacific Journals Indian Science
2015 Ekka K, Chauhan SR, Varun Effect of Different Reinforcements on Sliding Wear of Aluminium Matrix Composites Using Taguchi Design of Experimental Technique Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Science Indian Science
2015 TanmayAgarwal, Varun, Anoop Kumar Solar Absorption refrigeration system for air-conditioning of a classroom building in a northern India Institution of Engineers India Series-C (Springer) Scopus
2014 NitinAgarwal, Varun and Anoop Kumar Unit Sizing and cost analysis of renewable energy based hybrid power generation system-A case study Walailak Journal of Science and Technology Scopus
2014 Anil P. Singh, Varun and Siddhartha Heat Transfer and Friction Factor correlations for Multiple Arc Shape Roughness elements on the Absorber Plate used in Solar Air Heaters Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (Elsevier) Scopus
2014 Harshdeep Sharma, Varun, Anoop Kumar and SourabhKhurana A review of researches on thermal exhaust heat recovery with radiation recuperators in high temperature applications Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (Springer) Science Citation Index Expanded
2014 SourabhKhurana, Varun, Khushmeet Kumar, MuneeshSethi, Sourabh Kumar Particle Impaction and Flow through an Infinite Array of Cylinders Walailak Journal of Science and Technology Scopus
2014 Sanjay Yadav, ManeeshKaushal, Varun, Siddhartha Exergetic performance evaluation of solar air heater having arc shape oriented protrusions as roughness element Solar Energy (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2014 Anil P. Singh, Varun and Siddhartha Effect of artificial roughness on heat transfer and friction characteristics having multiple arc shaped roughness element Solar Energy (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2014 Niraj Kumar, Varun and Chauhan SR Analysis of tribological performance of biodiesel IMechE Part J: Engineering Tribology (Sage) Science Citation Index Expanded
2014 Kiran Ekka, Chauhan SR, Varun Comparison of micro size ceramic particulate filler (SIC, AL2O3andCenospehere) composites on mechanical, sliding wear and seizure behaviour IMechE Part J: Engineering Tribology (Sage) Science Citation Index Expanded
2014 SourabhKhurana, Varun and Anoop Kumar Effect of Silt Particles on Erosion of Turgo Impulse Turbine Blades International Journal of Ambient Energy (Taylor & Francis) Scopus
2014 ManeeshKaushal, Varun Effective Efficiency of Solar Air Heaters of Different Types of Roughness Geometries over Absorber Plate Walailak Journal of Science and Technology Scopus
2014 SourabhKhurana, Varun Effect of Jet Diameter on Erosion of Turgo Impulse Turbine runner Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (Springer) Science Citation Index Expanded
2014 Sunil, Varun and Naveen Sharma Experimental investigation of the performance of an indirect mode natural convection solar dryer for drying Fenugreek Leaves Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (Springer) Science Citation Index Expanded
2013 SanjayYadav, ManeeshKaushal, Varun and Siddhartha Nusselt Number and Friction Factor Correlations for Solar Air Heater Duct having Protrusions as Roughness Elements on Absorber plate Thermal and Fluid Science (Elsevier) Scopus
2013 Niraj Kumar, Varun and Sant Ram Chauhan Performance and Emission Characteristics of Biodiesel from different Origins: A Review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2013 SourabhKhurana, Varun and AnoopKumar Effect of nozzle angle on erosion and performance of Turgo impulse turbine International Journal of Hydropower and Dams Scopus
2013 Suneel Kumar, Manish Kumar Chauhan and Varun Numerical modeling of compression ignition engine: A review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2013 Avdhesh Sharma, Varun, Prashant Kumar and Gaurav Bhardwaj Heat transfer and friction characteristics of double pass solar air heater having V-shaped roughness on the absorber plate Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (AIP) Science Citation Index Expanded
2013 SourabhKhurana, Varun and Anoop Kumar Experimental Investigation of Erosion and Performance of Turgo Impulse Turbine Hydro Nepal Scopus
2013 NitinAgarwal, Anoop Kumar, Varun Optimization of grid independent hybrid PV–diesel–battery system for power generation in remote villages of Uttar Pradesh, India Energy for Sustainable Development (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2013 SourabhKhurana, Varun and Anoop Kumar FEM Analysis of Turgo Impulse TurbineBlade Walailak Journal of Science and Technology Scopus
2013 SourabhKhurana, Varun, Khushmeet Kumar, MuneeshSethi Effect of silt size, concentration on erosion of turgo turbine blades Hydro Nepal Scopus
2013 Varun Effect of Head and Scheme on GHG Emissions from Mini Hydropower system in India World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Science Index
2012 AbhishekSaxena, Agarwal N, Varun, and Srivastava G Energy saving parameters in household sectors of Uttar Pradesh, India TERI Information Digest on Energy and Environment Science Citation Index Expanded
2012 Naveen Sharma, Varun and Siddhartha Stochastic Techniques Used for Optimization in Solar Systems: a Review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2012 Siddhartha, Naveen Sharma and Varun A particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Optimization of Thermal Performance of a Smooth flat plate solar air heater Energy (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2012 NitinAgarwal, Anoop Kumar and Varun Optimal Design of Hybrid PV-Diesel-Battery System for Power Generation in Moradabad District of Uttar Pradesh India International Journal of Ambient Energy (Taylor & Francis) Scopus
2012 HimanshuNautiyal and Varun Progress in Renewable Energy under Clean development mechanism in India Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2012 Varun, AashishSharma,Venu Shree and HimanshuNautiyal Life Cycle Environmental Assessment of a Building in northern India - A case study Sustainable Cities and Society (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2012 MuneeshSethi, Thakur NS and Varun Heat transfer and friction characteristics of dimple-shaped roughness element arranged in angular fashion (arc) on the absorber plate of solar air heater Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (AIP) Science Citation Index Expanded
2012 NitinAgarwal, Varun and Anoop Kumar Sizing analysis and cost optimization of hybrid solar-diesel-battery based electric power generation system using simulated annealing technique Distributed Generation and Alternate Energy (Taylor & Francis) Scopus
2012 Varun, Ravi Prakash and Bhat IK Life Cycle GHG Emissions Estimation from different types of SHP schemes in India Energy (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2012 Muneesh Sethi, Varun, Thakur NS Correlations for Solar Air Heater Duct with Dimpled Shape Roughness Elements on Absorber Plate Solar Energy (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2012 Harshdeep Sharma, Varun and Anoop Kumar Performance analysis of metallic concentric tube recuperator in parallel flow arrangement International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Elsevier) Science Citation Index
2012 Sanjay Yadav, Varun, Siddhartha and ManeeshKaushal Heat transfer and frictional characteristics of rectangular channel air heater duct having protrusion as roughness elements Journal of Institution of Engineers India – Series C (Springer) Scopus
2011 Aashish Sharma, AbhishekSaxena, MuneeshSethi, Venu Shree andVarun Life cycle Assessment of Buildings: A Review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2011 HimanshuNautiyal, Varun,Singal SK and Aashish Sharma Small Hydropower for sustainable energy development in India Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2011 HimanshuNautiyal, Varun, Anoop Kumar and Sanjay Yadav Experimental investigation of centrifugal pump working as turbine for small hydropower systems Energy Science and Technology Science Citation Index Expanded
2011 AbhishekSaxena, Varun, Pandey SP and Srivastav G A Thermodynamic Review on Solar Box Type Cookers Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2011 Manish Kumar Chauhan, Varun, SachinChaudhary, Suneel Kumar and Samar Life cycle Assessment of Sugar Industry: A Review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2011 Varun,Naveen Sharma,Bhat IK and Grover D Optimization of smooth flat plate solar air heater using stochastic iterative perturbation technique Solar Energy (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2010 AayushKaushal and Varun Solar Stills: A Review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews(Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2010 Sherwani, AF, Usmani, JA and Varun Life Cycle Assessment of Solar PV based Electricity Generation Systems: A Review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews(Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2010 Varun and Siddhartha Thermal Performance Optimization of a Flat Plate Solar Air Heater Using Genetic Algorithm Applied Energy (Elsevier) Science Citation Index
2010 Harshdeep Sharma, Anoop Kumar and Varun Performance Analysis of Metallic Radiation Recuperator with Counter Flow Arrangement Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Springer) Science Citation Index Expanded
2010 Varun, Ravi Prakash and Bhat IK A Figure of Merit for Evaluating Sustainability of Renewable Energy Systems Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2010 HimanshuNautiyal, Varun, and Anoop Kumar Reverse Running Pumps Analytical, Experimental and Computational Study: A Review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2010 Varun, Ravi Prakash and Bhat IK Life Cycle Energy and GHG Analysis of Hydro Electric Power Development in India International Journal of Green Energy (Taylor & Francis) Science Citation Index Expanded
2009 Varun,Bhat IK and Ravi Prakash LCA of Renewable Energy for Electricity Generation Systems-A Review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2009 Anoop Kumar, Varun, Prashant Kumar and Singal SK Performance of A Venturi Scrubbers in Intermediate Drop Reynolds Number Regime for Small Particles at Different Throat Length and Throat Gas Velocity Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution Scopus
2009 Varun, Amar Patnaik, SainiRP,Singal SK and Siddhartha Performance Prediction of Solar Air Heater having roughened duct provided with Transverse and Inclined Ribs as artificial roughness Renewable Energy (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2009 Varun, Ravi Prakash and Bhat IK Energy, economics and environmental analysis of Renewable Energy Systems Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews(Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2008 Varun, Saini RP and Singal SK Investigation of thermal performance of solar air heater having roughness elements as a combination of inclined and transverse ribs on the absorber plate Renewable Energy (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2008 Prashant Verma, Varun and Singal SK Review on mathematical modeling of latent thermal energy storage system using phase change materials Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2007 Varun and Singal, SK Review of Augmentation of Energy Needs Using Renewable Energy Sources in India Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2007 Mittal MK, Varun, Saini RP and Singal SK Effective Efficiency of Solar Air Heaters Having Different Roughness Geometry on Absorber Plate Energy (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2007 Varun, Saini RP and Singal SK A Review on roughness geometry used in solar air heaters Solar Energy (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2007 Singal SK, Varun and Singh RP Rural electrification of a remote island with renewable energy sources Renewable Energy (Elsevier) Science Citation Index Expanded
2019 P Singh, SR Chauhan, Varun Goel, AK Gupta Binary Biodiesel Blend Endurance Characteristics in a Compression Ignition Engine Journal of Energy Resources Technology SCI
2019 R Kumar, S Khurana, A Kumar, Varun Goel Effect of dimple intrusions and curvature radius of rounded corner triangular duct on Fluid flow and heat transfer Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications SCIE
2019 R Kumar, Varun Goel, P Singh, A Saxena, AS Kashyap, A Rai Performance evaluation and optimization of solar assisted air heater with discrete multiple arc shaped ribs Journal of Energy Storage SCIE
2020 P Singh, SR Chauhan, Varun Goel, AK Gupta Enhancing diesel engine performance and reducing emissions using binary biodiesel fuel blend Journal of Energy Resources Technology SCI
2020 R Kumar, Varun Goel, A Kumar A note on the comparative analysis between rectangular and modified duct heat exchanger Journal of Heat Transfer SCI
2020 H Nautiyal, Varun Goel Sustainability assessment of hydropower projects Journal of Cleaner Production SCIE
2020 H Sharma, Varun Goel A Comparison of Simplified One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Analytical Models for Predicting Metallic Recuperator Performance Journal of Heat Transfer SCI
2021 A S Kashyap, R Kumar, P Singh, Varun Goel Solar air heater having multiple V-ribs with Multiple-Symmetric gaps as roughness elements on Absorber-Plate: A parametric study Sustainable Energy Technology and Assessments SCIE
2021 R Kumar, Varun Goel, Unconventional solar air heater with triangular flow-passage: A CFD based comparative performance assessment of different cross-sectional rib-roughnesses Renewable Energy SCIE
2021 S K Pathak, A Nayyar, Varun Goel, Optimization of Effects of EGR on Performance and Emission Parameters of a Dual Fuel (Diesel + CNG) CI Engine: An Experimental Investigation Fuel SCIE
2021 V Goel, R Kumar, S Bhattacharyya, VV Tyagi, AM Abusorrah A comprehensive parametric investigation of hemispherical cavities on thermal performance and flow-dynamics in the triangular-duct solar-assisted air-heater Renewable Energy SCIE
2021 V Goel, VS Hans, S Singh, R Kumar, SK Pathak, M Singla et al. A comprehensive study on the progressive development and applications of solar air heaters Solar Energy SCIE
2022 SK Pathak, V Sharma, SS Chougule, V Goel Prioritization of barriers to the development of renewable energy technologies in India using integrated Modified Delphi and AHP method Sustainable Energy Technology and Assessments SCIE
2022 R Kumar R, AK Pandey, M Samykano, B Aljafari, Z Ma, S Bhattacharyya, V Goel et al. Phase change materials integrated solar desalination system: An innovative approach for sustainable and clean water production and storage Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews(Elsevier) SCIE
2022 S Bhattacharyya, DK Vishwakarma, A Srinivasan, MK Soni, V Goel, et al. Thermal performance enhancement in heat exchangers using active and passive techniques: a detailed review Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (Springer) SCIE
2022 R Kumar, S Kumar, R Nadda, K Kumar, V Goel Thermo-hydraulic efficiency and correlation development of an indoor designed jet impingement solar thermal collector roughened with discrete multi-arc ribs Renewable Energy SCIE
2022 A Saxena, E Cuce, AE Kabeel, M Abdelgaied, V Goel A thermodynamic review on solar stills Solar Energy SCIE
2022 SK Pathak, R Kumar, V Goel, AK Pandey, VV Tyagi Recent advancements in thermal performance of nano-fluids charged heat pipes used for thermal management applications: A comprehensive review Applied Thermal Engineering SCIE
2022 A Saxena, B Norton, V Goel, DB Singh Solar cooking innovations, their appropriateness, and viability Environmental Science and Pollution Research SCIE
2022 V Goel, N Kumar, P Singh, MA Fazal, MM Quazi Tribological analysis of novel Jasminum officinale biodiesel blends by using four-ball tribotester Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering SCIE
2022 A Dwivedi, A Kumar, V Goel Selection of nanoparticles for battery thermal management system using integrated multiple criteria decision‐making approach International Journal of Energy Research SCIE
2022 V Goel, N Kumar, P Singh, SK Pathak The preparation and optimization of novel jasminum officinale biodiesel blends performance in CI engine: An experimental study Energy SCIE
2023 S Bhattacharyya, DK Vishwakarma, MK Soni, V Goel Thermo-hydraulic performance of spring tape inserts in a circular channel in transitional flow regime Heat Transfer Engineering SCIE
2023 N Arya, V Goel, B Sunden Solar air heater performance enhancement with differently shaped miniature combined with dimple shaped roughness: CFD and experimental analysis Solar Energy SCIE
2023 V Goel, A Saxena, M Kumar, A Thakur, A Sharma, V Bianco Potential of phase change materials and their effective use in solar thermal applications: A critical review Applied Thermal Engineering SCIE
2023 A Dwivedi, A Kumar, V Goel A consolidated decision-making framework for nano-additives selection in battery thermal management applications Journal of Energy Storage SCIE
2023 S Bhattacharyya, AK Sharma, DK Vishwakarma, V Goel, AR Paul Influence of magnetic baffle and magnetic nanofluid on heat transfer in a wavy minichannel Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments SCIE
2023 KS Mehra, J Pal, V Goel A comprehensive review on the atomization and spray characteristics of renewable biofuels Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments SCIE
2023 A Dwivedi, V Goel, SK Pathak, A Kumar Prioritization of potential barriers to the implementation of solar drying techniques using MCDM tools: A case study and mapping in INDIA Solar Energy SCIE
2023 K Chopra, VV Tyagi, SK Pathak, RK Sharma, M Mansor, V Goel, A Sari 5E analysis of a novel designed hot water storage header integrated vacuum tube solar water heater Thermal Science and Engineering Progress SCIE
2023 R Kumar, A Sharma, V Goel, R Sharma, M Sethi, VV Tyagi An experimental investigation of innovative new roughness patterns (dimples with alternative protrusions) for the performance enhancement of solar air heater Renewable Energy SCIE
2023 A Thakur, R Kumar, A Dwivedi, V Goel Solar cooking technology in India: Identification and prioritization of potential challenges Renewable Energy SCIE
2024 V Goel, A Dwivedi, KS Mehra, SK Pathak, VV Tyagi, S Bhattacharyya et al. Solar drying systems for Domestic/Industrial Purposes: A State-of-Art review on topical progress and feasibility assessments Solar Energy SCIE
2024 DK Vishwakarma, S Bhattacharyya, MK Soni, V Goel, JP Meyer Evaluating the heat transfer and pressure drop in the transitional flow regime for a horizontal circular tube fitted with wavy-tape inserts International Journal of Thermal Sciences SCIE
2024 P Singh, D Balasubramanian, IP Venugopal, VV Tyagi, V Goel et al. A comprehensive review on the applicability of hydrogen and natural gas as gaseous fuel for dual fuel engine operation Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects SCIE
2011 Aashish Sharma, Abhishek Saxena, Muneesh Sethi, Venu Shree Life cycle Assessment of Buildings: A Review, 15(1) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCI
2012 Varun, Aashish Sharma, Venu Shree and Himanshu Nautiyal Life Cycle Environmental Assessment of a Building in northern India - A case study, Sustainable Cities and Society (Elsevier) SCI
2012 Puneet Sharma, Venu Shree Defining the impact of urban Structure on energy Consumption for Developing Sustainable City Spendral --
2012 Alok Ranjan, Puneet Sharma, Sandeep Sharma, Venu Shree Reminiscences of Bygone Haroli Mandal The Journal of Indian Institute of Architecture --
2011 Puneet Sharman, Venu Shree Exploring the Role of River as Seam within City Structure, Case of Gomti River Precinct, Lucknow Spendral --
2012 Puneet Sharma, Venu Shree Defining the impact of urban Structure on energy Consumption for Developing Sustainable City Spendral --
2015 Venu Shree, Puneet Sharma Tira Sujanpur: An Adobe of Katoch Dynasty Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India) Scopus
2019 Venu Shree, Bhanu M Marwaha, Pamita Awasthi Indoor Air Quality Investigation at Primary Classrooms in Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India Hydro Nepal Journal of Water Energy and Environment --
2019 Venu Shree, Bhanu M Marwaha, Pamita Awasthi Assessment of Indoor Air Quality in Building using CFD: A Brief Review. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences Scopus
2019 Farhan Asim, Venu Shree The impact of Biophilic Built Environment on Psychological Restoration within student hostels Visions for Sustainability Scopus
2019 Venu Shree, Bhanu M Marwaha, Pamita Awasthi Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) investigation in primary schools at Hamirpur (India) Journal of The Indian Chemical Society SCI
2019 Farhan Asim, Venu Shree Biophilic Architecture for Restoration and Therapy within the Built Environment Visions for Sustainability Scopus
2020 Shreya Rai, Farhan Asim, Venu Shree Investigation study of relationship between built environment and perceived restrictiveness: Cases of Colonial churches of Dalhousie Visions for Sustainability Scopus
2021 Farhan Asim, P S Chani, Venu Shree Impact of COVID-19 containment zone built-environments on students’ mental health and their coping mechanisms Building and Environment SCI
2023 Shree, V., Goyal, N., Saxena, A., Bhattacharyya, S., Dwivedi, A., & Goel, V. Assessment of thermal loading in energy-efficient buildings: parametric review on the window design aspects Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry SCI
2023 F Asim, PS Chani, V Shree, S Rai Restoring the mind: A neuropsychological investigation of university campus built environment aspects for student well-being. Building and Environment SCI
2023 S Rai, V Shree, PS Chani, F Asim Enhancing cognitive performance and emotional well-being via Nature-induced learning environments. Visions for Sustainability Scopus
2023 SD Singh, V Shree, H Kaur Sustainable practices in Keylong's vernacular architecture. Visions for Sustainability Scopus
2024 V Shree, H Kaur, KS Mehra, V Goel, H Goel A comprehensive assessment of IAQ role in ensuring environment quality and health in schools and plan for future school environment: a systematic review Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health SCI
2017 Bansal, V.K. Extended GIS for Integrated CAD and GIS-based framework to support construction planning: a case study. ASCE Journal of Architecture Engineering, 23(3), 05017005-1-13. Scopus & ESCI
2016 Bansal, V.K. Potential application areas of GIS in pre-construction planning ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 142(1), 06015002-1-7 Scopus & SCIE
2014 Bansal, V.K. Use of Geographic Information Systems in spatial planning: a case study of an institute campus ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 28(4), 05014002-1-12. SCI
2011 Bansal, V.K. Use of GIS and topology in the identification and resolution of space conflicts. ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil. Engineering, 25(2), 159-171. SCI
2010 Bansal, V.K Discussion of ‘Areas of application for 3D and 4D models on construction projects ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(8), 931-934. SCI
2008 Bansal, V.K. and Pal, M. Generating, evaluating, and visualizing construction schedule with Geographic Information Systems ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 22(4), 233-242. SCI
2008 Bansal, V.K. and Pal, M. Discussion of ‘Application of Support Vector Machines in assessing conceptual cost estimates’. ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil. Engineering, 22(5), 332-333. SCI
2007 Bansal, V.K. and Pal, M. Discussion of ‘Construction scheduling and progress control using Geographical Information Systems’ ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 21(6), 478-479. SCI
2016 Kumar, S., and Bansal, V.K. A GIS-based methodology for safe site selection of a building in a hilly region. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 5(1), 39-51. Scopus
2011 Bansal, V.K Application of Geographic Information Systems in construction safety planning. International Journal of Project Management, 29(1), 66-77. Scopus
2009 Bansal, V.K. and Pal, M. Construction schedule review in GIS with a navigable 3D animation of project activities International Journal of Project Management, 27(5), 532-542 Scopus
2007 Bansal, V.K. and Pal, M. Potential of Geographic Information Systems in building cost estimation and visualisation Automation in Construction, 16(3), 311-322. SCI
2019 Kumar, S., and Bansal, V.K. Use of GIS in locating TFs safely on a construction site in hilly regions International Journal of Construction Management, 19(4), 341-353. Scopus
2016 Sharma, S., Bansal, V.K., and Parti, R. Location-based highway construction planning using Geographic Information Systems International Journal of Construction Management, 16(4), 299-314. Scopus
2012 Bansal, V.K Application areas of GIS in construction projects and future research directions. International Journal of Construction Management, 12(4), 17-36. Scopus
2011 Bansal, V.K., and Pal, M. (2011) Construction projects scheduling using GIS tools. International Journal of Construction Management, 11(1), 1-18. Scopus
2009 Bansal, V.K., and Pal, M. Extended GIS for construction engineering by adding direct sunlight visualisations on buildings. Construction Innovation, 9(4), 406- 419. Scopus
2018 Sharma, S., and Bansal, V.K. Location-based planning and scheduling of highway construction projects in hilly terrain using GIS Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 45(7), 570–582. SCI
2014 Sharma, S., Bansal, V.K., and Parti, R. Current state of highway projects planning and scheduling. Int. J. of Information Technology Project Management, 5(4), 50-67. Scopus
2015 Kumar, S., and Bansal, V.K. Construction safety of infrastructural facilities in hilly regions: review of building codes Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6(4), 4-10. -
2015 Kumar, S., and Bansal, V.K. Framework for safe site layout planning in hilly regions. European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, 2(4), 14-19. -
2014 Kumar, S., and Bansal, V.K. GIS in assessing topographical aspects of hilly regions. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 3(10), 327-332. -
2013 Bansal, V.K., and Pal, M. Visualisation of execution schedule to facilitate construction project planning NICMAR Journal of Construction Management, 18(3), 5-13. -
2013 Kumar, S., and Bansal, V.K. Construction safety knowledge for practitioners in the construction industry Frontier in Construction Engineering, 2(2), 34-42. -
2011 Bansal, V.K. and Pal, M. Geographic Information Systems based quantity takeoffs in buildings construction ACEEE Int. J. on Transportation and Urban Development, 1(1), 53-55. -
2007 Aggarwal, P. and Bansal, V.K. Spreadsheet-based solution for Critical Path Method NICMAR Journal of Construction Management, 22(2), 1-5. -
2006 Bansal, V.K., and Pal, M. GIS-based projects information system for construction management. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Building and Housing), 7(2), 115-124. Scopus
2006 Bansal, V.K., and Pal, M. Geographic Information Systems for construction industry: a review. NICMAR Journal of Construction Management, 21(2), 1-12. -
2006 Bansal, V.K., and Pal, M. Geographic Information Systems for construction industry: a methodology to generate 3-D view of buildings. Geoenseñanza, 11(1), 17-28. Scopus
2013 Bansal, V.K., and Pal, M. Geographic Information Systems based quantity takeoffs and detailed buildings cost estimation Int. J. of Information Technology Project Management, 4(3), 66-80. Scopus
2019 Tomar, A., and Bansal V.K. Scheduling of repetitive construction projects using geographic information systems: an integration of critical path method and line of balance. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Building and Housing), 20(4), 549-562. Scopus
2018 Kumar, A, Sharma, R.K., and Bansal, V.K. Landslide hazard zonation using analytical hierarchy process along National Highway-3 in mid Himalayas of Himachal Pradesh, India. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77:719, 1-19. SCI
2019 Kumar, A, Sharma, R.K., and Bansal, V.K. GIS-based comparative study of information value and frequency ratio method for landslide hazard zonation in a part of mid-Himalaya in Himachal Pradesh Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 4(28). Scopus
2020 Kapoor, N., Bansal, V.K., and Jain, M. Development of creative problem solving-based framework for site planning in hill areas. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 9(2), 450-466. Scopus
2020 Tomar, A., and Bansal V.K. Generation, visualization, and evaluation schedule of repetitive construction projects using GIS. International Journal of Construction Management, Scopus
2020 Kumar, S., and Bansal, V.K. GIS-Based locational evaluation of infrastructural facilities in hilly regions: a case study of an institute campus. International Journal of Construction Management Scopus
2020 Bansal, V.K. Use of GIS to consider spatial aspects in construction planning process. International Journal of Construction Management, 20(3), 207-222. Scopus
2020 Tomar, A., and Bansal V.K. A novel step towards repetitive projects scheduling using geographic information systems. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Scopus & SCIE
2019 Kapoor, N., Jain, M., and Bansal, V.K. GIS-based methodology for sustainable spatial planning at site level for hill areas: case study of a University Campus. Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 8(4) -
2019 Kapoor, N., Jain, M., and Bansal, V.K. GIS-based framework for local spatial planning in hill area. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 7(4), 113-130 Scopus
2020 Kapoor, N., Jain, M., and Bansal, V.K. A methodological approach for weighting factors in land suitability assessment: a tool for facilitating spatial planning Journal of Mountain Science, 17(3), 724-739 Scopus & SCIE
2021 Bansal, V.K. Integrated framework of BIM and GIS applications to support building lifecycle: a move toward nD modeling. ASCE Journal of Architecture Engineering, 27(4), 05021009-1-18, Scopus
2021 Kapoor, N., Bansal, V. K. Spatial suitability assessment for planning infrastructure facilities at site level in hill areas. Journal of Urban Management, 10, 27-45. Scopus
2020 Kapoor, N., Bansal, V. K., and Jain, M. Development of creative problem solving-based framework for site planning in hill areas. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 9(2), 450-466. Scopus
2022 Tomar, A., and Bansal V. K. Generation, visualization, and evaluation schedule of repetitive construction projects using GIS. International Journal of Construction Management, 22(6), 1104-1119. Scopus
2021 Kumar, S., and Bansal, V.K. GIS-Based locational evaluation of infrastructural facilities in hilly regions: a case study of an institute campus. International Journal of Construction Management, 21(11), 1165-1184. Scopus
2023 Kapoor, N., and Bansal, V.K. Planning at site-level in hill regions using geodesign-based approach. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 11(4), 1-18,. Scopus
2023 Bansal, V.K. A road-based 3D navigation system in GIS, a case study of an institute campus. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research (IJAGR), 14(1), 1-20. Scopus
2023 Kumar, A, Sharma, R.K., and Bansal, V.K. Spatial prediction of landslide hazard using GIS-multicriteria decision analysis in Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh, India. Journal of Mining and Environment, 13(4), 943-956. Scopus
2022 Bansal, V.K., Kumar, P. and Kumar, V.S. Location and structural optimization of transmission tower in hilly region. International Journal of Scientific Research in Civil Engineering, 6(4), 67-85. -
2014 Vijay Kumar, Jitender Kumar Chhabra and Dinesh Kumar Variance based Harmony Search Algorithm for Unimodal and Multimodal Optimization Problems with Application to Clustering Vol. 45(6), pp. 486-511 Cybernetics and Systems, Taylor and Francis (IF=1.879) SCI
2014 Vijay Kumar, Jitender Kumar Chhabra and Dinesh Kumar Parameter Adaptive Harmony Search Algorithm for Unimodal and Multimodal Optimization Problems, Vol. 5, pp. 144-155 Journal of Computational Science, Elsevier (IF=3.976) SCI
2014 Vijay Kumar, Jitender Kumar Chhabra and Dinesh Kumar Automatic Cluster Evolution Using Gravitational Search Algorithm and its Application on Image Segmentation. Vol. 29, pp. 93-103 Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier (IF=6.212) SCI
2015 Vijay Kumar, Jitender Kumar Chhabra and Dinesh Kumar Automatic Unsupervised Feature Selection Using Gravitational Search Algorithm, Vol. 61, pp. 22-31 IETE Journal of Research, Taylor and Francis (IF=2.333) SCI
2016 Vijay Kumar, Jitender Kumar Chhabra and Dinesh Kumar An Automated Parameter Selection Approach for Simultaneous Clustering and Feature Selection, Vol. 4(2), pp.65-85 Journal of Engineering Research, Springer (IF=0.620) SCI
2017 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar Dehazing of Remote Sensing Images using Improved Restoration Model based Dark Channel Prior, Vol. 65(5), pp. 282-292 Imaging Science Journal, Taylor and Francis (IF=0.871) SCI
2017 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar Modified Gain Intervention Filter based Dehazing Technique, Vol. 64(20), pp. 2165-2178 Journal of Modern Optics, Taylor and Francis (IF=1.464) SCI
2017 Gaurav Dhiman, Vijay Kumar Spotted Hyena Optimizer: A Novel Bio-inspired based Metaheuristic Technique for Engineering Applications, Vol. 114, pp. 48-70 Advances in Engineering Software, Elsevier (IF=4.141) SCI
2017 Vijay Kumar, Dinesh Kumar An Astrophysics-inspired Grey Wolf Algorithm for Numerical Optimization and its Application to Engineering Design Problems. Vol. 112, pp. 231-254 Advances in Engineering Software, Elsevier (IF=4.141) SCI
2018 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar Defogging of road images using gain coefficient based trilateral filter, Vol. 27(1), pp. 1-14 Journal of Electronic Imaging, SPIE (IF=0.945) SCI
2018 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar Single image haze removal using integrated dark and bright channel prior, Vol. 32(4), pp. 1-9 Modern Physics Letters B, World Scientific (IF=1.668) SCI
2018 Ashish Gridhar, Vijay Kumar A Comprehensive Survey of 3D Image Steganography Techniques, Vol. 12(1), pp. 1-10 IET Image Processing, IET (IF=2.373) SCI
2018 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar Comprehensive Survey on Haze Removal Techniques, Vol. 77(8), pp. 9595-9620 Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer (IF=2.757) SCI
2018 Vijay Kumar, Dinesh Kumar A Modified DWT-based Image Steganography Technique, Vol. 77(11), pp. 13279-13308 Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer (IF=2.757) SCI
2018 Sahil Sharma, Vijay Kumar Performance evaluation of 2D face recognition techniques under image processing attacks, Vol. 32(19), pp. 1-10 Modern Physics Letters B, World Scientific (IF=1.668) SCI
2018 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar Dehazing of Remote Sensing Images using Fourth-order Partial Differential Equations Based Trilateral Filter, Vol. 12(2), pp. 208-219 IET Computer Vision, IET (IF=1.950) SCI
2018 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar Fourier-Mellin moments based intertwining map for image encryption, Vol. 32(9), pp. 1-17 Modern Physics Letters B, World Scientific (IF=1.668) SCI
2018 Manjit Kaur, Vijay Kumar An efficient image encryption method based on improved Lorenz chaotic system, Vol. 54(9), pp. 562-564 Electronics Letters, IET (1.343) SCI
2018 Vijay Kumar, Dinesh Kumar Gene Expression Data Clustering using Variance-based Harmony Search Algorithm IETE Journal of Research, Taylor and Francis (IF=0.793) SCI
2018 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar Dehazing of outdoor images using notch based integral guided filter, Vol. 77(20), pp. 27363-27386 Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer (IF=2.757) SCI
2018 Ashish Gridhar, Vijay Kumar A RGB Image Encryption Technique using Lorenz and Rossler Chaotic System on DNA Sequences. Vol. 77(20), pp. 27017-27039 Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer (IF=2.757) SCI
2018 Manjit Kaur, Vijay Kumar Parallel Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II based Image Encryption Technique, Vol. 66(8), pp. 453-462 Imaging Science Journal, Taylor and Francis (IF=0.871) SCI
2018 Manjit Kaur, Vijay Kumar Color Image Encryption Technique using Differential Evolution in Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform Domain, Vol. 12(7), pp.1273 –1283 IET Image Processing, IET (IF=2.373) SCI
2018 Manjit Kaur, Vijay Kumar Beta Chaotic Map based Image Encryption Using Genetic Algorithm, Vol. 28(11), pp. 1850132 (1–26) International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, IET (IF=2.836) SCI
2018 Manjit Kaur, Vijay Kumar Adaptive Differential Evolution based Lorenz Chaotic System for Image Encryption, Vol. 43(12), pp. 8127-8144 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer (IF=2.334) SCI
2018 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar A novel dehazing model for remote sensing images, Vol. 69, pp. 14-27 Computer & Electrical Engineering, Elsevier (IF=3.818) SCI
2018 Manjit Kaur, Vijay Kumar, Li Li Color Image Encryption Approach based on Memetic Differential EvolutionColor Image Encryption Approach based on Memetic Differential Evolution Neural Computing and Applications, Springer (IF=5.606) SCI
2018 Vijay Kumar, Dinesh Kumar Automatic Clustering and Feature Selection using Gravitational Search Algorithm and its Application to Microarray Data Analysis Neural Computing and Applications, Springer (IF=5.606) SCI
2018 Gaurav Dhiman, Vijay Kumar Astrophysics inspired multi-objective approach for automatic clustering and feature selection in real-life environment, Vol. 32 (31) , pp. 1-12 Modern Physics Letters B, World Scientific (IF=1.668) SCI
2018 Vijay Kumar, Dinesh Kumar Binary Whale Optimization Algorithm and its Application to Unit Commitment Problem Neural Computing and Applications, Springer (IF=5.606) SCI
2019 Gaurav Dhiman, Vijay Kumar KnRVEA: A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm based on Knee Points and Reference Vector Adaptation Strategies for Many-objective Optimization, Vol. 49(7), pp.2434-2460 Applied Intelligence, Springer (IF=5.086) SCI
2019 Gaurav Dhiman, Vijay Kumar Emperor Penguin Optimizer: A Bio-inspired Algorithm for Engineering Problems, Vol. 159, pp. 20-50 Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier (IF=8.038) SCI
2018 Gaurav Dhiman, Vijay Kumar Multi-objective Spotted Hyena Optimizer: A Novel Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm for Engineering Problems, Vol. 150, pp.175-197 Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier (IF=8.038) SCI
2019 Gaurav Dhiman, Vijay Kumar Seagull Optimization Algorithm: Theory and its Applications for Large Scale Industrial Engineering Problems, Vol. 165, pp. 169-196 Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier (IF=8.038) SCI
2019 Manjit Kaur, Vijay Kumar A comprehensive review on image encryption techniques Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Springer (IF=7.302) SCI
2019 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar A comprehensive review of computational dehazing techniques Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Springer (IF=7.302) SCI
2019 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar Image Dehazing using Moore neighborhood-based Gradient Profile Prior Signal Processing: Image Communication, Elsevier (IF=3.256) SCI
2019 Dinesh Kumar, Vijay Kumar, Rajani Automatic Clustering using Quantum based Multi-objective Emperor Penguin Optimizer and its Applications to Image Segmentation, Vol. 34, No. 24, pp. 1950193:1-19 Modern Physics Letters A, World Scientific (IF=2.066) SCI
2019 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar, Manjit Kaur Single Image Dehazing using Gradient Channel Prior, Vol. 49, pp. 4276-4293 Applied Intelligence, Springer (IF=5.086) SCI
2019 Ashish Gridhar, Vijay Kumar A reversible and affine invariant 3D data hiding technique based on difference shifting and logistic map, Vol. 10, pp. 4947-4961 Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer (IF=7.104) SCI
2020 Vijay Kumar, Avneet Kaur Binary Spotted Hyena Optimizer and its Application to Feature Selection, Vol. 11, pp. 2625-2645 Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer (IF=7.104) SCI
2020 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar, Manjit Kaur Image Dehazing using Window-based Integrated Means Filter, Vol. 79, pp. 34771–34793 Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer (IF=2.757) SCI
2020 Manjit Kaur, Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar, Kehui Sun Color Image Dehazing using Gradient Channel Prior and Guided L0 Filter, Vol. 521, pp. 326-342 Information Sciences, Elsevier (IF=6.795) SCI
2020 Sahil Sharma, Vijay Kumar Voxel-based 3D face reconstruction and its application to face recognition using sequential deep learning, Vol. 79, pp. 17303-17330 Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer (IF=2.757) SCI
2020 Rajesh Kondabala, Vijay Kumar, Amjad Ali, Manjit Kaur A novel astrophysics-based framework for prediction of binding affinity of glucose binder, Vol. 32 (31) , pp. 1-12 Modern Physics Letters B, World Scientific (IF=1.668) SCI
2020 Gaurav Dhiman, Meenakshi Garg, Atulya Nagar, Vijay Kumar, Mohammad Dehghani A novel algorithm for global optimization: Rat Swarm Optimizer Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer (IF=7.104) SCI
2020 Aayush Jaiswal, Neha Gianchandani, Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar, Manjit Kaur Classification of the COVID-19 infected patients using DenseNet201 based deep transfer learning Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Taylor and Francis (IF=3.310) SCI
2020 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar, Manjit Kaur Color image encryption using minimax differential evolution based 7D hyper-chaotic map Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, Springer (IF=2.070) SCI
2020 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar, Vaishali Yadav, Manjit Kaur Deep Convolutional Neural Networks based Classification model for COVID-19 Infected Patients using Chest X-ray Images International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Springer (IF=1.373) SCI
2020 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar, Vaishali Yadav, Manjit Kaur Classification of COVID-19 patients from chest CT images using multi-objective differential evolution based convolutional neural networks, Vol. 39(7), pp. 1379-1389 European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Springer (IF=3.726) SCI
2020 N. Narayan Das, N. Kumar, Majit Kaur, Vijay Kumar, Dilbag Singh Automated deep transfer learning-based approach for detection of COVID-19 infection in chest X-rays, Innovation and Research in Biomedical Engineering, Elsevier (IF=1.856) SCI
2020 Vijay Kumar , Kamlinder Kaur, Avneet Kaur Spiral-inspired Spotted Hyena Optimizer and its Application to Constraint Engineering Problems Wireless Personal Communications, Springer (IF=1.671) SCI
2020 Ashish Girdhar, Himani Kapur, Vijay Kumar, Manjit Kaur, Dilbag Singh, Robertas Damaševičius Effect of COVID-19 Outbreak on Urban Health and Environment Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, Springer (IF=3.763) SCI
2020 Sahil Sharma, Vijay Kumar Voxel-based 3D occlusion-invariant face recognition using game theory and simulated annealing Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer (IF=2.757) SCI
2020 Ashish Girdhar, Vijay Kumar, A 2D logistic map and Lorenz-Rossler chaotic system based RGB image encryption approach Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer (IF=2.757) SCI
2020 Vijay Kumar, Dinesh Kumar A Systematic Review on Firefly Algorithm: Past, Present, and Future Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Springer (IF=7.302) SCI
2020 Sahil Sharma, Vijay Kumar 3D Landmark-based Face Restoration for Recognition using Variational Autoencoder and Triplet Loss IET Biometrics, IET (IF=1.821) SCI
2020 Sourabh Katoch, Sumit Singh Chauhan, Vijay Kumar A Review on Genetic Algorithm: Past, Present, and Future Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer (IF=2.757) SCI
2020 Rajesh Kondabala, Vijay Kumar, Amjad Ali Design a Synthetic Glucose Receptor using Computational Intelligence Approach Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, Elsevier (IF=2.518) SCI
2020 Dilbag Singh, Manjit Kaur, Vijay Kumar Rapid COVID-19 diagnosis using ensemble deep transfer learning models from chest radiographic images Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer (IF=7.104) SCI
2020 Dilbag Singh, Manjit Kaur, Vijay Kumar Drug Synergy Prediction Using Dynamic Mutation based Differential Evolution Current Pharmaceutical Design, (IF=3.116) SCI
2021 Neeraj Kumar, Vijay Kumar, Sunil Singla Single Image Defogging using Deep Learning Techniques: Past, Present and Future Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Springer (IF=7.302) SCI
2021 Dilbag Singh, Manjit Kaur, Vijay Kumar Densely connected convolutional networks-based COVID-19 screening model Applied Intelligence, Springer (IF=5.086) SCI
2021 Ashish Girdhar, Himani Kapur, Vijay Kumar A novel Grayscale image encryption approach based on chaotic maps and image blocks Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, Springer (IF=2.070) SCI
2021 Sahil Sharma, Vijay Kumar Performance evaluation of machine learning based face recognition techniques Wireless Personal Communications, Springer (IF=1.671) SCI
2021 Manjit Kaur, Vijay Kumar , Vaishali Yadav, Dilbag Singh, Naresh Kumar, Nripendra Narayan Das Metaheuristic-based Deep COVID-19 Screening Model from Chest X-Ray Images Journal of Healthcare Engineering (IF=2.682) SCI
2021 Mahima Dubey, Vijay Kumar, Manjit Kaur, Than-Pan Dao A Systematic Review on Harmony Search Algorithm: Theory, Literature, and Applications Mathematical Problems in Engineering (IF=1.305) SCI
2021 Minkashi Kalra, Shobhit Tyagi, Vijay Kumar, Manjit Kaur, Wali Khan Mashwani, Habib Shah, Kamal Shah A Comprehensive Review on Scatter Search: Techniques, Applications, and Challenges Mathematical Problems in Engineering (IF=1.305) SCI
2021 Vijay Kumar, Dilbag Singh, Manjit Kaur, Robertas Damasevicius Overview of current state of research on the application of artificial intelligence techniques for COVID-19 PeerJ Computer Science. (IF=3.09) SCI
2021 Vijay Kumar, Nitin Dogra A Comprehensive Review on Deep Synergistic Drug Prediction Techniques for Cancer Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Springer (IF=7.302) SCI
2019 Dilbag Singh, Vijay Kumar Single image defogging by gain gradient image filter, Vol. 62(7), pp.079101:1-079101:3 Science China Information Sciences, Springer (IF=4.380) SCI
2021 Vijay Kumar, Dinesh Kumar, Dilbag Singh, Manjit Kaur, Sahar Ahmed Idris, Hammam Alshazly A novel binary seagull optimizer and its application to feature selection problem IEEE Access, IEEE (IF=3.367) SCI
2021 Akshay Juneja, Vijay Kumar, Sunil Singla A Systematic Review on Foggy Datasets: Applications and Challenges Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Springer (IF=7.302) SCI
2021 Minakshi Kalra, Vijay Kumar, Manjit Kaur, Sahar Ahmed Idris, Şaban Öztürk, Hammam Alshazly A Novel Binary Emperor Penguin Optimizer for Feature Selection Tasks Computers, Materials & Continua (IF=3.772) SCI
2021 Gundeep Singh, Sahil Sharma,Vijay Kumar,  Manjit Kaur, Mohammed Baz, Mehedi Masud Spoken Language Identification using Deep Learning Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (IF=3.633) SCI
2021 Ashish Girdhar, Vijay Kumar, Himani Kapur Classification of White Blood Cell using Convolution Neural Network Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Elsevier (IF=3.88) SCI
2021 Vijay Kumar, Dilbag Singh, Manjit Kaur Screening of COVID-19 Suspected Subjects using Multi-Crossover Genetic Algorithm based Dense Convolutional Neural Network IEEE Access, IEEE (IF=3.367) SCI
2021 Vijay Kumar, Tarun Agarwal A Systematic Review on Bat Algorithm: Theoretical Foundation, Variants, and Applications Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Springer (IF=7.302) SCI
2021 Rajani, Vijay Kumar, Dilbag Singh, Manjit Kaur Early Diagnosis of COVID-19 Patients Using Deep Learning-based Deep Forest Model Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, Taylor and Francis (IF=2.340) SCI
2021 Vijay Kumar, Sahar Ahmed Idris, Sami Bourouis, Hammam Alshazly Impact of COVID-19 on Society, Environment, Economy and Education Sustainability (IF=3.251) SCI
2021 Sahil Sharma, Vijay Kumar 3D Face Reconstruction in Deep Learning Era: A Survey Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Springer (IF=7.302) SCI
2007 C. S. P Ojha, Vijay Shankar and N. S. Chauhan Ojha, C. S. P., Vijay Shankar and Chauhan, N. S., (2007). “Analysis of flow over horizontal transverse bottom racks”, Journal of Indian Society for Hydraulics, Vol. 18, 2007, pp. 41-50. Journal of Indian Society for Hydraulics SCI and SCOPUS
2008 Vijay Shankar, Paul Eckert, CSP Ojha, Christoph König Vijay Shankar, Paul Eckert, Chandra Ojha, Christoph König, (2008). “Transient 3-D Modelling of Riverbank Filtration at Grind Well Field, Germany. Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 17, No 2, 321-326. Hydrogeology Journal SCI and SCOPUS
2009 M. K. Jat, D. Khare, P. K. Garg and V. Shankar M. K. Jat, D. Khare, P. K. Garg and V. Shankar (2009). “Remote sensing and GIS-based assessment of urbanisation and degradation of watershed health”. Urban Water Journal (Taylor & Francis), Vol. 6, No. 3, 251-263. Urban Water Journal SCI and SCOPUS
2009 C.S.P. Ojha, K.S.Hari Prasad, Vijay Shankar, C.A. Madramootoo Ojha, C.S.P., Hari Prasad, K.S., Vijay Shankar, C.A. Madramootoo, (2009). “Evaluation of a non-linear root water uptake model”. ASCE Journal of Irrigation & Drainage, Vol. 135 No. 3, 302-312. ASCE Journal of Irrigation & Drainage Engineering SCI and SCOPUS
2009 Vijay Shankar, K.S. Hari Prasad and C.S.P.Ojha Shankar, V., Hari Prasad, K.S. and Ojha, C.S.P., (2009). “Crop Coefficient Calibration of Maize and Indian Mustard in a Semi-Arid Region” ISH Journal of Hydraulics, Vol. 15, No. 1, 64-80. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering SCOPUS
2012 Vijay Shankar, K.S. Hari Prasad, CSP Ojha and R.S.Govindaraju Vijay Shankar, K.S. Hari Prasad, Ojha, CSP, Govindaraju, R.S., (2012). “Model for Non-Linear Root Water Uptake Parameter”. ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. Vol. 138, No. 10, 905-917. ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering SCI and SCOPUS
2012 Rohitashw Kumar, Mahesh Kumar Jat and Vijay Shankar Kumar R., Shankar V., Jat, M.K. (2013). Soil moisture dynamics modeling considering multi-layer root zone. Water Science and Technology, IWA Vol. 67 (8), 1778-85. Doi:10.2166/wst.2013.054. Water Science and Technology SCI and SCOPUS
2013 Vijay Shankar, K.S. Hari Prasad, CSP Ojha and R.S. Govindaraju Vijay Shankar, K.S. Hari Prasad, CSP Ojha and Govindaraju, R.S., (2013). “Optimizing Water Use in Irrigation – A review”, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science Vol. 93:2 Apr.–Jun. 2013, 209-226. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science SCI and SCOPUS
2013 Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and Mahesh Kumar Jat Kumar R., Shankar V., Jat, M.K. (2013). Soil moisture dynamics modeling considering multi-layer root zone. Water Science and Technology, IWA Vol. 67 (8), 1778-85. Doi:10.2166/wst.2013.054. Water Science and Technology SCI and SCOPUS
2013 Rohitashw Kumar, Mahesh Kumar Jat and Vijay Shankar Rohitashw Kumar, Mahesh K. Jat, Vijay Shankar, (2013). “Soil moisture dynamics modeling enabled by hydraulic redistribution in multi-layer root zone” Current Science, Vol. 105, No. 10, 1373-1382. Current Science SCI and SCOPUS
2013 Rohitashw Kumar, Mahesh Kumar Jat and Vijay Shankar Kumar, R, Jat, M. and Shankar, V. (2013). Evaluation of modeling of water eco-hydrologic dynamics in soil-root system. Ecological Modelling, 269, 51-60, doi: 10.1016/j.ecomodel.2013.08.019. Ecological Modelling SCI and SCOPUS
2013 Vijay Shankar, Govindraju RS, Ojha CSP, Hari Prasad K.S Vijay Shankar, Rao, S. Govindraju, Ojha CSP, Hari Prasad K.S. (2013). A non-dimensional relationship for root water uptake parameter, ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 11, ISSN 0733-9437/2013/11-961-964, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000632. ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering SCI and SCOPUS
2013 Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and Mahesh Kumar Jat Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and Mahesh Kumar Jat (2013), Efficacy of Nonlinear Root Water Uptake Model for Multi-Layer Crop Root Zone, ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, Vol. 139, No. 11, ISSN 0733- 9437/2013/11-898-910, Doi: 10.1061 / (ASCE) IR. 1943-4774. 0000626. ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering SCI and SCOPUS
2014 Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and Mahesh Kumar Jat Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and M.K. Jat (2014). “Sensitivity analysis of non-linear model parameters in multi-layer root zone”, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 2, ISSN 1084-0699/ 2014/2-462-471, doi 10.1061/ (ASCE) HE. 1943-5584. 0000804. ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering SCI and SCOPUS
2014 Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and Mahesh Kumar Jat Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and M.K. Jat (2014). “Evaluation of Nonlinear Root Uptake Model for Uniform Root Zone vis-à-vis Multilayer Root Zone”. ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 140, No. 2, 04013010 (2014)/ 1 – 9; ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering SCI and SCOPUS
2014 Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and Mahesh Kumar Jat Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and Mahesh Kumar Jat (2014). Evaluation of root water uptake models – a review, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,, 1-10. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering SCOPUS
2016 Devatha, C.P., Shankar, V., and Ojha, C.S.P. Devatha, C.P., Shankar, V., and Ojha, C.S.P. (2016). “Assessment of Soil Moisture Uptake under Different Salinity Levels for Paddy Crop”. ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001009, 1-10. ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering SCI and SCOPUS
2018 Rajat Kango, M. A. Alam and Vijay Shankar Kango, R., Alam, M. A., & Shankar, V. (2018). Investigations of wall effect on permeability through porous media at low flow rates. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 18(1), 233-239. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply SCI and SCOPUS
2019 Rajat Kango, Vijay Shankar and M. A. Alam Kango, R., Shankar, V., & Alam, M. A. (2019). Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity based on grain size distribution parameters using power function model. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 19 (2), 596-602. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply SCI and SCOPUS
2019 Lalit Goel, Vijay Shankar and R. K. Sharma Goel, L., Shankar, V., & Sharma, R. K. (2019). Investigations on effectiveness of wheat and rice straw mulches on moisture retention in potato crop (Solanum tuberosum L.). International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, 8(1), 345-356. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture SCOPUS
2020 Navsal Kumar, Arunava Poddar, Vijay Shankar, CSP Ojha, Adebayo Johnson Adeloye Kumar, N., Poddar, A., Shankar, V., Ojha, C. S. P., & Adeloye, A. J. (2020). Crop water stress index for scheduling irrigation of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) based on water use efficiency considerations. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 206(1), 148-159. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science SCI and SCOPUS
2020 Arunava Poddar, Navsal Kumar, Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and M. K. Jat Poddar, A., Kumar, N., Kumar, R., Shankar, V., & Jat, M. K. (2020). Evaluation of non-linear root water uptake model under different agro-climates. Current Science, 119(3), 485-496. Current Science SCI and SCOPUS
2020 Navsal Kumar, Adebayo J. Adeloye, Vijay Shankar, Rabee Rustum Kumar, N., Adeloye, A. J., Shankar, V., & Rustum, R. (2020). Neural computing modelling of the crop water stress index. Agricultural Water Management, 239, 106259. Agricultural Water Management SCI and SCOPUS
2020 Navsal Kumar, Vijay Shankar, Arunava Poddar Kumar, N., Shankar, V. and Poddar, A., (2020). Investigating the effect of limited climatic data on evapotranspiration-based numerical modeling of soil moisture dynamics in the unsaturated root zone: A case study for potato crop. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 6, pp.2433-2449 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment SCOPUS
2020 Lalit Goel, Vijay Shankar and R. K. Sharma Goel, L., Shankar, V. and Sharma, R., 2020. Effect of organic mulches on agronomic parameters–a case study of tomato crop (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). International journal of recycling organic waste in agriculture, 9(3), pp.297-307. International journal of recycling organic waste in agriculture SCOPUS
2020 Lalit Goel, Vijay Shankar and R. K. Sharma Goel, L., Shankar, V., & Sharma, R. K. (2020). Influence of different organic mulches on soil hydrothermal and plant growth parameters in potato crop (Solanum tuberosum L.). Journal of Agrometeorology, 22(1), 56-59. Journal of Agrometeorology SCOPUS
2021 Arunava Poddar, Navsal Kumar and Vijay Shankar Poddar, A., Kumar, N., Shankar, V. (2021) Estimating crop water requirements for irrigation scheduling in different crops in humid subtropical agro-climate of Western Himalayas. Journal of Agrometeorology, 23(3), pp 147-153. Journal of Agrometeorology SCOPUS
2021 Navsal Kumar, Vijay Shankar, Rabee Rustum and Adebayo Johnson Adeloye Kumar, N., Shankar, V., Rustum, R., & Adeloye, A. J. (2021). Evaluating the Performance of Self-Organizing Maps to Estimate Well-Watered Canopy Temperature for Calculating Crop Water Stress Index in Indian Mustard (Brassica Juncea). ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 147(2), 04020040 ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering SCI and SCOPUS
2021 Arunava Poddar, Navsal Kumar and Vijay Shankar Poddar, A., Kumar, N., & Shankar, V. (2021). Evaluation of two irrigation scheduling methodologies for potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in north-western mid-hills of India. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 27(1), 90-99. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering SCOPUS
2021 Arunava Poddar, Paras Gupta, Navsal Kumar, Vijay Shankar, CSP Ojha Poddar, A., Gupta, P., Kumar, N., Shankar, V., & Ojha, C.S. (2021). Evaluation of Reference Evapotranspiration Methods and Sensitivity Analysis of Climatic Parameters for Sub-Humid Sub-Tropical Locations in Western Himalayas (India). ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 27(3), 336-346. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering SCOPUS
2021 Abhishish Chandel, V. Shankar, and M. A. Alam Chandel, A., Shankar, V. and Alam, M. A., (2021). Experimental investigations for assessing the influence of fly ash on the flow through porous media in Darcy regime. Water Science and Technology, 83(5), 1028-1038. Water Science and Technology SCI and SCOPUS
2021 Arunava Poddar, Navsal Kumar, Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar Poddar, A., Kumar, N., Kumar, R., Shankar, V. (2021) Application of regression modeling for the prediction of field crop coefficients in a humid sub-tropical agro-climate: a study in Hamirpur district of Himachal Pradesh (India). Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 8, 2369–2381. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment SCOPUS
2021 Navsal Kumar, Rabee Rustum, Vijay Shankar and Adebayo Johnson Adeloye Kumar, N., Rustum, R., Shankar, V., & Adeloye, A. J. (2021). Self-organizing map estimator for the crop water stress index. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 187, 106232. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture SCI and SCOPUS
2021 Suman Kumari, Aakriti Chauhan and Vijay Shankar Kumari, S., Chauhan, A. & Shankar, V., (2021). Assessment of climate change implications on landslides in mid and high hills of Himachal Pradesh, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14, 1323, pp. 1-15. Arabian Journal of Geosciences SCOPUS
2022 Abhishish Chandel and Vijay Shankar Chandel, A. and Shankar, V., 2022. Evaluation of empirical relationships to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of borehole soil samples. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 28, no. 4, pp.368-377. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering SCOPUS
2022 Navsal Kumar, Vijay Shankar, Rabee Rustum, and Adebayo J. Adeloye. Kumar, N., Shankar, V., Rustum, R., & Adeloye, A. J. (2022). Closure to “Evaluating the Performance of Self-Organizing Maps to Estimate Well-Watered Canopy Temperature for Calculating Crop Water Stress Index in Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea)” by Navsal Kumar, Vijay Shankar, Rabee Rustum, and Adebayo J. Adeloye. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 148(8), 07022009. ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering SCI and SCOPUS
2022 Navsal Kumar, Vijay Shankar and Arunava Poddar, Kumar, N., Shankar, V., & Poddar, A. (2022). Agro-hydrologic modelling for simulating soil moisture dynamics in the root zone of Potato based on crop coefficient approach under limited climatic data. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 28(sup1), 310-326. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering SCOPUS
2022 Suman Kumari, Arunava Poddar, Navsal Kumar and Vijay Shankar Kumari, S., Poddar, A., Kumar, N., & Shankar, V. (2022). Delineation of groundwater recharge potential zones using the modeling based on remote sensing, GIS and MIF techniques: a study of Hamirpur District, Himachal Pradesh, India. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 8(2), 1759-1770. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment SCOPUS
2022 R. Grabowski, K. Vercruysse, I. Holman, A. Azhoni, B. Bala, V. Shankar, J. Beale, S. Mukate, Arunava Poddar, Jian Peng, J. Meersmans Grabowski, C. R., Vercruysse, K., Holman, I., Adani, A., Bala, B., Shankar, V., Beala, J., Mukate, S., Poddar, A., Peng, J., & Meersmans, J. (2022). The land-river interface: a conceptual framework of environmental process interactions to support sustainable development. Sustainability Science, 17(4), 1677-1693. Sustainability Science SCI and SCOPUS
2022 K. Vercruysse, R. Grabowski, I. Holman, A. Azhoni, B. Bala, J. Meersmans, Jian Peng, V. Shankar, S. Mukate, Arunava Poddar, Xiaoyu Vercruysse, K., Grabowski, C. R., Holman, I., Adani, A., Bala, B., Shankar, V., Mukate, S., Poddar, A., Peng, J., & Meersmans, J. (2022). Placed-based interpretation of the Sustainable Development Goals for the land-river interface. Sustainability Science, 17(4), 1695-1714. Sustainability Science SCI and SCOPUS
2022 Arunava Poddar, Navsal Kumar and Vijay Shankar Poddar, A., Kumar, N., & Shankar, V. (2022). An empirical model for estimation of capillary rise from a shallow groundwater table in cropped soil. Sādhanā, 47(4), 236. Sādhanā SCI and SCOPUS
2022 Abhishish Chandel, Shivali Sharma and Vijay Shankar Chandel, A., Sharma, S. and Shankar, V., 2022. Prediction of hydraulic conductivity of porous media using a statistical grain-size model. Water Supply, 22(4), 4176-4192. Water Supply SCI and SCOPUS
2022 Abhishish Chandel, Faizan Fayaz and Vijay Shankar Chandel, A., Fayaz, F., & Shankar, V. (2022). Assessment of column to particle diameter ratio on the hydraulic conductivity of porous media: Wall effect in Darcy Regime. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 1-9. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering SCOPUS
2022 Abhishish Chandel and Vijay Shankar Chandel, A., & Shankar, V. (2022). Grain-size model for hydraulic conductivity estimation of porous media. Water Practice & Technology, 17(9), 1836-1848. Water Practice & Technology SCI and SCOPUS
2022 Divya Thakur, Abhishish Chandel and Vijay Shankar Thakur D., Chandel A. and Shankar V. (2022). “Estimation of hydraulic conductivity of porous media using data-driven techniques”. Water Practice & Technology, 17(12), 2625-2638. Water Practice & Technology SCI and SCOPUS
2023 Navsal Kumar, Arunava Poddar and Vijay Shankar Kumar, N., Poddar, A., & Shankar, V. (2023). Evaluation of an empirical equation to compute the nonlinearity parameter of a root water uptake model. Irrigation and Drainage, 72(2), 408-421. Irrigation and Drainage SCOPUS
2023 Suman Kumari, Ankush Chaudhary and Vijay Shankar Kumari, S., Chaudhary, A., & Shankar, V. (2023). Modelling of rainfall threshold for the initiation of landslides in lesser Himalayan region using THRESH. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 9, 3207–3215. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment SCOPUS
2023 Shuying Yu, Jian Peng, Pei Xia, Qi Wang, Robert C Grabowski, Adani Azhoni, Brij Bala, Vijay Shankar, and Jeroen Meersmans Yu, S., Peng, J., Xia, P., Wang, Q., Grabowski, R. C., Azhoni, A., Bala, B., Shankar, V., & Meersmans, J. (2023). Network analysis of water-related ecosystem services in search of solutions for sustainable catchment management: A case study in Sutlej-Beas River systems, India. Ecosystem Services, 63, 101557. Ecosystem Services SCI and SCOPUS
2023 Sonu Singh, Vijay Shankar and Joseph Tripura Singh, S., Shankar, V., & Tripura, J. (2023). An Overview of Relationship between Hydro-Thermo-Mechanical Soil Parameters and Electrical Resistivity. Journal of Mining and Environment, 14(1), 97-112. Journal of Mining and Environment SCOPUS
2023 Sonu Singh, Vijay Shankar and Joseph Tripura Singh, S., Shankar, V., & Tripura, J. (2023). Hydrogeophysical Survey for Assessment of Groundwater Budget and Aquifer Protection in Hilly Terrain. Journal of Mining and Environment, 14(4), 1061-1079. Journal of Mining and Environment SCOPUS
2023 CSP Ojha, Vijay Shankar, Navsal Kumar and N. S. Chauhan Ojha, C. S. P., Shankar, V., Kumar, N., & Chauhan, N. S. (2023). Evaluation of discharge coefficients for bottom rack flow under constant and variable specific energy. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 29(2), 103-114. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering SCOPUS
2023 Abhishish Chandel, Vijay Shankar and Navsal Kumar Chandel, A., Shankar, V., & Kumar, N. (2023). Neural computing techniques to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of porous media. Water Supply. 23(6), 2586–2603. Water Supply SCI and SCOPUS
2018 Vimal Kumar, M.A. Iqbal, A.K. Mittal, Experimental investigation of prestressed and reinforced concrete plates under falling weight impactor. 126 (2018) 106-116 Thin-Walled Structures SCOPUS , WoS
2018 Vimal Kumar, M.A. Iqbal, A.K. Mittal, Study of induced prestress on deformation and energy absorption characteristics of concrete slabs under drop impact loading. 188 (2018) 656-675 Construction & Building Materials SCOPUS , WoS
2019 M.A. Iqbal, V. Kumar, A.K. Mittal Experimental and numerical studies on the drop impact resistance of prestressed concrete plates, 123 (2019) 98-117 International Journal of Impact Engineering SCOPUS , WoS
2020 V. Kumar, K.V. Kartik, M. A. Iqbal, Experimental and numerical investigation of reinforced concrete slabs under blast loading, 206 (2020) 110125 Engineering Structures SCOPUS , WoS
2017 V. Kumar, M. A. Iqbal, A. K. Mittal, Behaviour of prestressed concrete under drop impact loading, 173 (2017) 403 – 408 Procedia Engineering SCOPUS , WoS
2017 M. A. Iqbal, V. Kumar, A. K. Mittal, Behaviour of prestressed and reinforced concrete plates subjected to impact loads induced by free falling indenter. 173 (2017) 397 – 402 Procedia Engineering SCOPUS , WoS
2017 V Kumar, MA Iqbal, AK Mittal Impact resistance of prestressed and reinforced concrete slabs under falling weight indenter, Procedia Structural Integrity 6, 95-100 Procedia Structural Integrity SCOPUS , WoS
2017 V Kumar, MA Iqbal, AK Mittal Energy absorption capacity of prestressed and reinforced concrete slabs subjected to multiple impacts, Procedia Structural Integrity 6, 11-18 Procedia Structural Integrity SCOPUS , WoS
2022 Vimal Kumar, Mohd. Ashraf Iqbal and Achal Kumar Mittal Progressive damage in pretensioned and reinforced concrete plates against repeated impacts International Journal of Protective Structures SCOPUS , WoS
2023 Chandesh Palsara, Vimal Kumar, Joy Pal, Maloth Naresh Structural Health Monitoring of ASCE Benchmark Building Using Machine Learning Algorithms Asian Journal of Civil Engineering SCOPUS , WoS
2023 Maloth Naresh, Vimal Kumar, Joy Pal A machine learning approach for health monitoring of a steel frame structure using statistical features of vibration data Asian Journal of Civil Engineering SCOPUS , WoS
2023 V. Kumar, M. A. Iqbal, A. K. Mittal Influence of prestressing force on performance of concrete plates International Journal of Protective Structures SCOPUS , WoS
2023 Suhaib Rasul, Vimal Kumar Finite Element Analysis of Interlocking Masonry Subjected to Static Loading Asian Journal of Civil Engineering SCOPUS , WoS
2023 P Dhiman, V Kumar Numerical investigation of reinforced concrete beams under impact loading Asian Journal of Civil Engineering SCOPUS , WoS
2023 Maloth Naresh, Vimal Kumar, Joy Pal A convolutional neural network-based architecture for health monitoring of joint damages in a steel plane frame structure under temperature variability Asian Journal of Civil Engineering SCOPUS , WoS
2006 Vimal Sharma, Nagesh Thakur, D. R. Sharma, V. S. Rangra, N.S Negi Dielectric relaxation studies of binary mixtures of Ethanol and Tetramethylurea in benzene solution from microwave absorption data. Z. Phys. Chem. -- SCOPUS
2007 Vimal Sharma, Nagesh Thakur, Dhani Ram Sharma, Nainjeet Singh Negi, and Vir Singh Rangra Dielectric relaxation study of Ethanol in benzene from microwave absorption data Z. Naturforsch A -- SCI
2007 Vimal Sharma, Nagesh Thakur, Dhani Ram Sharma, Nainjeet Singh Negi, and Vir Singh Rangra Dielectric relaxation study of binary mixtures of Ethyl alcohol and N, N-Dimethylforamide in benzene solution from microwave absorption data Indian J. Pure & Appl. Physics -- SCI(E)
2008 Vimal Sharma and Nagesh Thakur Dielectric relaxation studies of binary mixtures of Ethanol and Chlorobenzene in benzene solution from microwave absorption data Z. Naturforsch A -- SCI
2008 Vimal Sharma, Nagesh Thakur, D. R. Sharma, V. S. Rangra, N.S Negi , Dielectric relaxation studies of binary mixtures of Ethyl alcohol and N, N-Dimethylacetamide in benzene solution from microwave absorption data Indian J. Pure & Appl. Phys -- SCI(E)
2009 Vimal Sharma, Mathur, P. Thakur, A.; Singh, M. A study of low temperature sintered Mg-Mn nano-Ferrites International Journal of Modern Physics B -- SCI
2010 Vimal Sharma and Nagesh Thakur Molecular association of Tetramethylurea and Chlorobenzene molecules in microwave frequency range Z. Naturforsch A -- SCI
2011 K. Kumar, V. Sharma, P. Sharma, N. Thakur Electrical and Dielectric Properties of Te15(Se100-xBix)85 Amorphous Glassy Alloys Defect & Diffusion Forum --
2012 Hemant Pal, Vimal Sharma, Rajesh Kumar & Nagesh Thakur Facile synthesis & electrical conductivity of carbon Nanotube reinforced nanosilver composite Z. Naturforsch A -- SCI
2013 Rohan Samkaria & Vimal Sharma Effect of Y3+ substitution on the structural, dielectric, and electrical properties of nanosized ZnAl2O4 spinel Applied Physics A Materials science & processing Springer -- SCI
2013 Rohan samkari & Vimal Sharma Effect of rare earth yttrium substitution on the structural, dielectric and electrical properties of nano sized Nickel aluminate Materials Science & Engineering B, Elsevier -- SCI
2013 Rohan Samkaria & Vimal Sharma Structural, dielectric and electrical studies of MgAl2-2xY2xO4 (x = 0.00-0.05) cubic spinal nano aluminate Journal of electro-ceramics, Springer SCI
2013 Rohan Samkaria and Vimal Sharma Structural and dielectric properties of MgAl2-2xy2xO4 nanoparticles, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B Conf. Ser. --
2014 Hemant Pal & Vimal Sharma Thermal expansion behavior of CNT/Ag nanocomposite International Journal of Materials Research -- Scopus
2014 Hemant Pal & Vimal Sharma Meachalical, electrical and thermal expansion properties of carbon nanotube-based silver and silver-palladium alloy composites International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials -- Scopus
2014 Hemant Pal, Vimal Sharma and Manjula Sharma Influence of functionalization on mechanical and electrical properties of carbon nanotube-based silver composites Philosophical Magazine -- SCI
2015 Hemant Pal, and Vimal Sharma Effect of sintering on mechanical and electrical properties of CNT based silver nanocomposites Indian Journal of Physics -- Scopus
2015 Hemant Pal, and Vimal Sharma Thermal conductivity of carbon nanotube-silver composite Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China -- Scopus
2015 Manjula Sharma and Vimal Sharma Investigation of Thermal Expansion and Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Nanocrystalline Aluminum Nanocomposite Z. Naturforsch A -- SCI
2016 Manjula Sharma and Vimal Sharma Chemical, mechanical, and thermal expansion properties of a carbon nanotube-reinforced aluminum nanocomposite International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials -- Scopus
2017 Manjula Sharma and Vimal Sharma Effect of carbon nanotube addition on the thermite reaction in the Al/CuO energetic nanocomposite PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE -- SCI
2021 Priya Thakur, Vimal Sharma and Nagesh Thakur Study of energy release in Fe2O3/Al nano-thermite with graphene as an additional fuel Physica B: Condensed Matter SCI
2021 Priya Thakur, Vimal Sharma and Nagesh Thakur Exothermic behaviour of aluminium and graphene as a fuel in Fe2O3 based nano-thermite Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A SCI
2022 Priya Thakur, Vimal Sharma and Nagesh Thakur Role of multi-layered graphene as an additional fuel on energy release of Al/MoO3 nano-thermite Philosophical Magazine SCI
2023 Priya Thakur, Vimal Sharma and Nagesh Thakur Effect of Heating Rates on the Energy Release Application of Al/MLG/Fe2O3 Nanothermite. Philosophical Magazine SCI
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2020 A. Kaushal and V. Singh Melt-Processed Graphite-Polypropylene Composites for EMI Shielding Applications Journal of Electronic Materials Scopus/SCI
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2020 L. Singh and V. Singh Synthesis of Ag@PANI nanocomposites by complexation method and their application as label-free chemo-probe for detection of mercury ions Journal of Polymer Engineering Scopus
2020 P. Chand, A. Joshi and V. Singh Impact of phase segregation on optical and electrochemical property of BiPO4 nanostructures for energy storage applications Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics Scopus
2020 L. Singh and V. Singh Study of structural and functional properties of fluorescent EDTA@CQDs synthesized from peanut shells via pyrolysis technique Materials today: proceedings Scopus
2020 L. Singh and V. Singh Synthesis of Au@PANI nanocomposites by complexation method and their application as label-free chemo probe for detection of mercury ions Bulletin of Materials Science Scopus
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2020 A. Kaushal and V. Singh Effect of filler loading on the shielding of electromagnetic interference of reduced graphene oxide reinforced polypropylene nanocomposites prepared via a twin-screw extruder Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics SCI
2021 P. Chand, A. Joshi and V. Singh High performance of facile microwave-assisted BiPO4 nanostructures as electrode material for energy storage applications Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Scopus
2021 S. Saini, P. Chand, A. Joshi, S. Lal and V. Singh Effect of Hydrothermal Temperature on Structural, Optical and Electrochemical Properties of α-MnO2 Nanostructures for Supercapacitor Application Chemical Physics Letters Scopus
2021 A. Kaushal and V. Singh Analysis of mechanical, thermal, electrical and EMI shielding properties of graphite/carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene composites prepared via a twin screw extruder Journal of Applied Polymer Science SCI
2022 P. Sharma, K. Kishore, M. K. Sinha, and V. Singh Electrical discharge machining of nickel-based superalloys International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation Scopus
2022 L. Singh, P. K. Singh and V. Singh Synthesis and characterization of carbon nanotube reinforced hydroxyapatate ceramics proposed for biomedical applications Materials Today: Proceedings Scopus
2022 A. Kaushal and V. Singh Excellent electromagnetic interference shielding performance of polypropylene/carbon fiber/multiwalled carbon nanotube nanocomposites Polymer Composites SCI
2022 L. Singh and V. Singh CQDs/PANI nanocomposites based sensing probe for the sensitive and selective detection of mercury ions via Raman spectroscopy Applied Physics A SCI
2022 M. K. Sharma, M. Sharma and V. Singh Structural and Optical Properties of Ce1-xGdxO2 Nanoparticles Materials Today: Proceedings Scopus
2023 P. Sharma, K. Kishore, V. Singh and M. K. Sinha Optimization of Process Parameters for Better Surface Morphology of Electrical Discharge Machining-Processed Inconel 825 Using Hybrid Response Surface Methodology-Desirability Function and Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm Approaches Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance SCIE
2023 P. Sharma, V. Singh and M. K. Sinha Surface Morphology Investigations during Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes and Nanographene Mixed Electrical Discharge Machining of Inconel 825 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance SCIE
2023 A. Paul, V. Singh et al Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Nano Clay/PMMA Composites Extruded with a Twin-Screw Extruder Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Part E Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering Scopus
2024 P. Sharma, K. Kishore, V. Singh and M. K. Sinha Surface Morphology Analysis of Inconel 625 through Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes-Based Electric Discharge Machining Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance SCIE
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2017 Nonlinear unknown input sliding mode observer based chaotic system synchronization and message recovery scheme with uncertainty 96 (2017): 51-58 Chaos, Solitons & Fractals SCI
2016 Unknown input nonlinear observer design for continuous and discrete time systems with input recovery scheme.85 (2016): 645-658 Nonlinear Dynamics SCI
2020 Vivek Tiwari & Shivani Thakur Environment Sustainability Through Sustainability Innovations, Vol-23, issue-5 Environment, Development and Sustainability (Springer) SCIE (Web of Science), SCOPUS
2016 Vivek Tiwari & S K Singh Role of Occupational Stress to the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Purushartha (SMS) SCOPUS
2019 Vivek Tiwari Developing Sustainable Relationships Through Organizational Citizenship Behavior: An Indian Context International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IGI Global) SCOPUS
2014 Vivek Tiwari & S K Singh Moderation effect of job involvement on the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction Sage Open (Sage) SSCI (Web of Science)
2020 Vivek Tiwari Countering Effects of Technostress on Productivity: Moderating Role of Proactive Personality, Vol. 28 No. 2, pp. 636-651 Benchmarking: an International Journal (Emerald) SCOPUS and B in ABDC
2020 Vivek Tiwari Relationship Among Technostress Productivity and Role Stress. Vol no.: 13. No. 1. Purushartha (SMS) SCOPUS
2024 Shubham Sharma & Vivek Tiwari Does emotional intelligence contribute to career success? Evidence from a systematic literature review Global Business and Organizational Excellence (Wiley) SCOPUS and C in ABDC
2022 Shubham Sharma & Vivek Tiwari Modelling the Impact of Emotional Intelligence, Career Success and Happiness on Turnover Intention Among Managerial-level Employees in the Information Technology Industry FIIB Business Review (Sage) SCOPUS and C in ABDC
2023 Shubham Sharma & Vivek Tiwari Emotional intelligence and career success: Does resilience matter? Global Business and Organizational Excellence (Wiley) SCOPUS and C in ABDC
2022 Shubham Sharma & Vivek Tiwari Emotional Intelligence in the Field of Business and Management: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Last Two Decades Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective (Sage) SCOPUS and C in ABDC
2023 Indu Sharma, Vivek Tiwari A Bibliometric Analysis of Turnover Intention in the Field of Business and Management:(2002–2022) Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective (Sage) SCOPUS and C in ABDC
2023 Indu Sharma, Vivek Tiwari Review of work–life interface: a systematic literature analysis Journal of Asia Business Studies (Emerald) SCOPUS
2023 Indu Sharma, Vivek Tiwari Modeling the impact of techno-stress and burnout on employees’ work-life balance and turnover intention: A job demands-resources theory perspective Global Business and Organizational Excellence (Wiley) SCOPUS and C in ABDC
2024 Indu Sharma, Vivek Tiwari, Shivam Gupta, N Rana Examining the nexus between technostress and turnover intention: the moderating influence of PsyCap in Indian information management contexts Journal of Enterprise Information Management (Emerald) SSCI, SCOPUS, A in ABDC
2024 Shubham Sharma & Vivek Tiwari Unravelling Happiness at Work: How Moderating and Mediating Variables Shape Employee Happiness (Accepted) Review of Management Literature (Emerald) SCOPUS
1992 Yogesh Gupta “Performance of Agricultural credit cooperative societies in Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh”., Vol.XXIX,No.3, Jan.1992 p-241-253 Indian Cooperative Review NA
2005 Piar Chand and Yogesh Gupta “An Analytical Study of Women in Science and Technical Education in Himachal Pradesh”, Vol. No. XVIII: No.4 April 2005, 72nd. Issue p-8-19 The Journal of Engineering Education Peer reviewed
2007 Piar Chand and Yogesh Gupta , “The Philosophy of Total Quality Management”, Vol. No. XX: No.4 & Vol. No. XXI April & July 2007, pp-13-19 The Journal of Engineering Education Peer reviewed
2007 Piar Chand, Yogesh Gupta, Meenakshi Sooden and Sanjeev Kumar Impact of Globalization on Higher Education" University News, A Weekly Journal of Higher Education, Vol.45, No.46, November 12-18,2007 pp 1-3 University News Peer reviewed
2008 Piar Chand and Yogesh Gupta “Expansion of Technical Education in Himachal Pradesh-A Case Study”, Vol. No. 1: No.1 November, 2008, pp-29-34 SRDE’s Journal of Higher Education Peer reviewed
2008 Yogesh Gupta and Sanjeev Kumar “A Comparative Study of Priority Sector Lending in India by Public and Private Sector Banks” Vol. No. LXXXIX, No.353 Part II, October,2008, pp-193-204 The Indian Journal Of Economics Peer reviewed
2009 Piar Chand and Yogesh Gupta ,"SOME HUMAN INDICATORS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH" Vol No.2, No1, January-June,2009 pp-1-13 , Himalyan Studies Journal Peer reviewed
2010 Piar Chand and Yogesh Gupta ,"Knowledge , Belief & Attitude about HIV/AIDS among students of National Institute of Technology" Vol No.27, No2, July,2010, pp-260-273 Journal of Community Guidance and Research Peer reviewed
2011 Piar Chand and Yogesh Gupta ,"HIV/AIDS: A challenge to Humanity" Vol No.XXXI, 2011, pp-1-10 Anusilana Peer reviewed
2011 Yogesh Gupta and Jyoti Thakur Priority Sector Lending in India, VolXXXVIII,2011, pp 61-68 Anusilana Peer reviewed
2011 Piar Chand and Yogesh Gupta “Knowledge, Belief & Attitude about HIV/AIDS among Engineering and Non Engineering Students in Himachal Pradesh” Indian Journal of Public Health, Research and Development-An International Journal, 2(2), pp.128-135 Indian Journal of Public Health, Research and Development Peer reviewed
2012 Vikas Thakur and Yogesh Gupta “Evaluation of Telecommunication sector in India and Liberalisation”, Academicia, 2(7), PP.53-74 Academicia,South Asian Academic Research Journal. Scopus
2016 Yogesh Gupta and Nisha Kumari Investigation of Role and Relevance of Marketing for Micro Industries: A Case Study of Hamirpur District in Himachal Pradesh”, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHS), Vol.1 Issue. 1, July- 2016, pp. 40-51 International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHS), Peer reviewed
2016 Yogesh Gupta and Nisha Kumari EXPLORING IMPACT OF PRODUCT AND CONSUMER CHARACTERISTICS OF E-COMMERECE ADOPTION “, SAJMMR: South Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research, Vol. 6 Issue 6-7, June-July 2016, pp. 12-26 SAJMMR: South Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research Scopus
2018 Shivang Dogra, Rajneesh Parkash Verma and Yogesh Gupta FDI and its Determinants: Evidence from Emerging Nations”, IJETSR, Volume5, Issue5, May 2018, Pp583-600. IJETSR Peer reviewed
2023 Sukhwinder Singh, Manoj Sharma and Yogesh Gupta A systematic review of environmental sustainability and economic growth WREMSD Scopus
2023 Imran Ali Baig, Shan Mohammad, Vasim akram , Abbas Ali Chandio and Yogesh Gupta Examining the impacts of climatological factors and technological advancement on wheat production: Aroad framework for sustainable grain production in India Environment, Development and Sustainability. Scopus
2023 Shah Husain, Imran Ali Baig, Mohammad Asif and Yogesh Gupta Does twin deficit hypothesis exist in India? A structural break Co-integration analysis Millennial Asia Scopus
2024 Sukhwinder Singh, Manoj Sharma and Yogesh Gupta Factors affecting indviduals willingness to pay for the reduction of industrial pollution: Empirical findings from the Indian Himalyan region. Pollution Scopus
2018 Zakir Husain Fuzzy Logic Expert System for Incipient Fault Diagnosis of Power Transformers, Volume 10, Number 2 International Journal on Electrical Engineering and InformaticsInternational Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics Scopus
2014 Zakir Husain et al. Estimation of Harmonics in Three-phase and Six-phase (Multiphase) Load Circuits, Vol. 5, No. 2, International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS) 2088-8694 Scopus
2014 Zakir Husain et al. ANFIS Based Approach to Estimate Remnant Life of Power Transformer by Predicting Furan Contents, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Scopus
2014 Zakir Husain Remediation of Old Substations for Arc Flash Hazard International Journal of Applied Power Engg. (IJAPE) Scopus
2014 Zakir Husain Challenges for Holistic Engineering Education Development in India International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Scopus
2013 Zakir Husain A Comparative Study of Z-Source Inverter Fed Three-Phase IM Drive with CSI and VSI fed IM International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS) Scopus
2013 Zakir Husain Modeling and Analysis of Twelve-phase (Multi-phase) DSTATCOM for Unbalanced Multi-phase Load Circuits International. Journal (special Issue) of World Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology Scopus
2013 Zakir Husain Recent Trends in Power Transformer Fault Diagnosis and Condition Assessment Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Scopus ISSN: 2089-3191 Scopus
2012 Zakir Husain et al. Analysis of Discontinuous Space Vector PWM Techniques for a Seven-Phase Voltage Source Inverter International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPED) Scopus
2012 Zakir Husain et al. Z- Source Inverter Simulation and Harmonic Study Global Journal of Advanced Engineering Technologies Scopus
2009 Zakir Husain A Novel Algorithm for four-phase (Multi-phase) Source Side Load Balancing and Power Factor Correction International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering Scopus
2007 Zakir Husain Multi-phase (6-phase and 12-phase.) Transmission Lines: Performance Characteristics International Journal of Mathematics and Computer in Simulation Scopus
2021 Zareena. J. M Tertiary Level Indian ESL Teachers’ Research Engagement: An Exploratory Study The IUP Journal of English Studies Scopus
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2017 Zareena. J. M Report on the national conference on English language teaching-learning in rural areas and English as medium of instruction at NCERT Fortell: Journal of teaching English language and literature UGC Care
2008 Rajeevan Chandel, Y. Natraj and Gargi Khanna Performance analysis of voltage-scaled static and dynamic CMOS circuits, vol.3, no.2, pp. 171-176 Journal of Nanoelectronics & Optoelectronics (JNO) ASP USA, SCI
2009 Gargi Khanna, Rajeevan Chandel, Ashwani K. Chandel and S. Sarkar Analysis of non-ideal effects in coupled VLSI interconnects with active and passive load variation, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 3-9 Microelectronics International, Emerald UK. SCI
2010 Sunil Jadav, Gargi Khanna and Ashok Kumar High speed energy efficient signal transmission on global VLSI interconnect, vol 1, pp 52-56 SRISTE publications -
2010 Gargi Khanna, Rajeevan Chandel, and Ashwani Chandel Variation of crosstalk with transition time and slew on Global VLSI Interconnects, vol.1 , pp. 15-20 i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering Scopus
2011 D. Singh, Rajeevan Chandel and Gargi Khanna Impact of Width Variation of Global Inductive VLSI Interconnect Line, vol. 6, pp.1-4 International Journal of Computer Applications on Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering (ICEICE) ISSN 0975- 8887 -
2012 Tarun Chaudhary and Gargi Khanna Performance Evaluation of MISISFET- TCAD Simulation, vol. 47, pp. 45-49 International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 888) -
2013 Sanjeev Kumar and Gargi Khanna Performance Enhancement of MISISFET Structure using SOI (Silicon on Insulator), vol. 71 International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 –8887) -
2014 Tarun Chaudhary and Gargi Khanna Performance Analysis of Vertical Slit Field Effect Transistor, vol. 3 IJERT -
2014 Porag Jyoti Ligira and Gargi Khanna Review on different types of Junctionless Transistors, vol. 4, pp. 404-408 IJETCAS -
2014 Syed Ateequr and Gargi Khanna Design and Simulation of Ripple and Carry Save Multiplier Circuits using 2PASCL Logic, vol. 2. Int. Journal of Research in Information Technology (IJRIT), ISSN: 2001-5569 -
2015 Apoorva Dwivedi and Gargi Khanna Performance Evaluation of MEMS Based Capacitive Pressure Sensor for Hearing Aid Application, vol. 2, pp. 59-63. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) ISSN: 2349-6495 -
2016 Tarun Chaudhary and Gargi Khanna Compact 2-D threshold voltage model based comparative analysis of junctionless double gate VeSFET, vol. 6(2), pp. 109-113. Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanomanufacturing ASP Scopus
2016 Tarun Chaudhary and Gargi Khanna Analytical modeling of drain current and short channel effects of junctionless double gate vertical slit field effect transistor, vol. 11(6), pp. 738-744. Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics SCI
2016 Komal Kumari and Gargi Khanna Design and simulation of vibration based MEMS piezoelectric energy harvester, vol-6 ,pp. 29-36 IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing Google Scholar
2014 Porag Jyoti Ligira and Gargi Khanna Performance Analysis of BPJLT with Different Gate and Spacer Materials, vol. 8(8), pp. 1378-1382 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering Google Scholar
2017 Tarun Chaudhary and Gargi Khanna Performance analysis of junctionless double gate VeSFET considering the effects of thermal variation- An explicit 2-D analytical model, vol. 103, pp. 102-112 Super lattices and Microstructures SCI
2017 Tarun Chaudhary and Gargi Khanna Analytical modeling of surface potential and threshold voltage for junctionless double gate VeSFET, vol. 12, pp. 1-7. Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics SCI
2017 Tarun Chaudhary and Gargi Khanna A 2-D potential based threshold voltage analysis and comparison of junctionless symmetric double gate vertical slit FET, vol. 63(4), pp 451-460. IETE Journal of Research SCI
2018 Apoorva Dwivedi and Gargi Khanna Sensitivity enhancement of a folded beam MEMS capacitive accelerometer-based microphone for fully implantable hearing application, vol. 63 (6), pp. 699-708. Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik SCI
2017 Tarun Chaudhary and Gargi Khanna Analysis and impact of process variability on performance of junctionless double gate VeSFET, vol. 38(10), pp. 104003-1 to 104003-7 Journal of Semiconductors SCI
2018 Prateek Asthana and Gargi Khanna Finite-element modeling of piezoelectric energy harvesters using lead-based and lead-free materials for voltage generation, vol. 6(4), pp.394-400. Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies SCIE, Impact Factor:-2.35
2019 Prateek Asthana and Gargi Khanna A broadband piezoelectric energy harvester for IoT based applications. Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier SCIE, Impact Factor:-1.28
2020 Prateek Asthana and Gargi Khanna Power amplification interface circuit for broadband piezoelectric energy harvester Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier SCIE, Impact Factor:-1.28
2020 Prateek Asthana and Gargi Khanna Characterization and optimization of piezoelectric bimorph cantilever structure using for ambient vibration-based energy harvesting application Integrated Ferroelectric Taylor and Francis Journal SCIE, Impact Factor:-0.468
2020 Prateek Asthana and Gargi Khanna Modeling and optimization of a wideband piezoelectric energy harvester for smart building structures International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing Scopus
2020 Prateek Asthana and Gargi Khanna Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Methodologies using Ambient Mechanical Vibration: Design perspective and challenges International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control Scopus
2021 Priya Kaushal, Tarun Chaudhary and Gargi Khanna, "Effect of Tensile Strain on Performance Parameters of Different Structures of MoS2 Monolayer" Silicon, 10.1007/s12633-021-01256-4, Springer SCIE, IF=2.941
2021 Sadhana Singh, Tarun Chaudhary, and Gargi Khanna, "Recent Advancements in Wide Band Semiconductors (SiC and GaN) Technology for Future Devices, Silicon, Springer SCIE, IF=2.941
2022 Priya Kaushal and Gargi Khanna The role of 2-Dimensional Materials for Electronic Devices, Vol. 143, pp. 106546, Journal of Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (Elsevier) SCI, IF=4.644
2022 Priya Kaushal and Gargi Khanna MoS2 based Thickness Engineered Tunnel field-effect Transistors for RF/analog Applications”, Vol. 151, pp.107016, Journal of Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (Elsevier), SCI, IF=4.644
2022 Anudita Gaur, Gargi Khanna, and Prateek Asthana Designing Peak Detector and Zero Crossing Detector for Asymmetric Synchronous Electric Charge Extraction, vol.17(13).,225094, Nano, World Scientific Publication SCIE, IF=1.2
2023 Priya Kaushal and Gargi Khanna High Performance Sub-10nm MoS2 Based Step Structure Engineered DG-TFET, Vol. 158, pp. 115888, Journal of Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures (Elsevier) SCI, IF=3.6
2023 Sachindra Bharti, Rohit Dhiman and Gargi Khanna Performance Investigations of Novel Hybrid Junctionless Double Gate Transistor with Gate Engineering, vol. 17(4), pp. 329-345 Journal of active and passive electronic devices Web of Science Core Collection ESCI
2023 Priya Kaushal and Gargi Khanna Comparative Analysis of Silicon based TFET and MoS2 based TFET International Journal of Microsystems and IoT Scopus
2024 Priya Kaushal and Gargi Khanna Breast Cancer Detection Using Si-Doped MoS2 Channel-Based Thickness Engineered TFET Biosensor, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 1-4, 2024 IEEE Sensors Letters SCIE IF=2.2
2025 Priya Kaushal and Gargi Khanna The role of interface trap charges in MoS2 thickness engineered TFET," in Journal of Computational Materials Science (Elsevier), vol. 246, pp. 113386 Journal of Computational Materials Science (Elsevier) SCIE, IF=3.1
2010 Kamlesh Dutta, Nupur Prakash, Saroj Kaushik Probabilistic neural network approach to the classification of demonstrative pronouns for indirect anaphora in Hindi Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 37, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 5607-5613, ISSN 0957-4174,, Elsevier Scopus and SCI Impact Factor 8.665 2023 Q1
2011 Kamlesh Dutta, Siddhant Sarthak Architectural space planning using evolutionary computing approaches: A review Artificial Intelligence Review, Volume 36, pages 311–321, (2011), Springer Scopus SCI Impact Factor 9.588 2023 Q1
2013 Varun Gupta, Durg Singh Chauhan, Kamlesh Dutta, Chetna Gupta Requirement Reprioritization: A Multilayered Dynamic Approach International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications ESCI and Scopus (2016)
2013 Varun Gupta, Durg Singh Chauhan, Kamlesh Dutta Incremental development revolutions of E-learning software systems in education sector: a case study approach Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences,Volume 3, article number 8, (2013), Springer Scopus SCI Impact Factor 3.9 (2024) Q1
2013 Varun Gupta, Durg Singh Chauhan, Chetna Gupta, Kamlesh Dutta Regression testing based requirement prioritization of desktop software applications approach International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications Scopus (2016)
2014 Vachik S. Dave, Kamlesh Dutta Neural network based models for software effort estimation: A review Artificial Intelligence Review, Volume 42, pages 295–307, (2014), Springer Scopus SCI Impact Factor 9.588 2023 Q1
2014 Varun Gupta, Durg Singh Chauhan, Chetna Gupta, Kamlesh Dutta Current prioritisation and reprioritisation practices: A case study approach International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Volume 6, Issue 22014, pp 159-170, InderScience Scopus
2014 Varun Gupta, Durg Singh Chauhan, Kamlesh Dutta Requirement reprioritisation for pairwise compared requirements International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology,pp 29-47, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2014 Scopus
2015 Varun Gupta, Durg Singh Chauhan, Kamlesh Dutta Hybrid regression testing technique: Based on requirement priorities, fault and modification history International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology ESCI 1.2 (2024) and Scopus Q3
2015 Varun Gupta, Durg Singh Chauhan, Kamlesh Dutta Exploring prioritization through systematic literature surveys and case studies SpringerPlus, Volume 4, article number 539, (2015), Springer SCI Impact factor 0.982 (2015)
2016 Priyanka Dadhich, Kamlesh Dutta, M.C. Govil Detection of slanders through Euclidean distance similarity assessment for securing e-commerce agents in P2P decentralised electronic communities International Journal of Security and Networks Scopus 1.4 (2023) Q4
2016 Sunil Kumar, Kamlesh Dutta Intrusion detection in mobile ad hoc networks: techniques, systems, and future challenges Security and Communication Networks, Vol 9, issue 14, September 2016, Wiley SCI 1.06 (2016) and Scopus
2016 Varun Gupta, Durg Singh Chauhan, Kamlesh Dutta Historical prioritisation and reprioritisations using hierarchical historical R-tree International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Inderscience ESCI 1.2 (2024) and Scopus Q3
2017 Mukesh Kumar, Kamlesh Dutta Detecting wormhole attack on data aggregation in hierarchical WSN International Journal of Information Security and Privacy ESCI 0.5 (2023) and Scopus Q4
2017 Sunil Kumar, Kamlesh Dutta Direct trust-based security scheme for RREQ flooding attack in mobile ad hoc networks International Journal of Electronics SCI 1.1 (2023) and Scopus Q3
2018 Poonam Tanwar, T.V. Prasad, Kamlesh Dutta Natural language processing for hybrid knowledge representation International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, Volume 10, Issue 3, pp 223-235, 2018 Scopus
2018 Sunil Kumar, Kamlesh Dutta Trust Based Intrusion Detection Technique to Detect Selfish Nodes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Wireless Personal Communications Scopus and SCIE Impact factor 1,9 (2023) Q2
2018 Sunil Kumar, Kamlesh Dutta, Anjani Garg FJADA: Friendship Based JellyFish Attack Detection Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Wireless Personal Communications Scopus and SCIE Impact factor 1,9 (2023) Q2
2019 Kamlesh Dutta, Varun Gupta and Vachik S. Dave Analysis and Comparison of Neural Network Models for Software Development Effort Estimation Journal of Cases on Information Technology (JCIT) SCOPUS, Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Impact Factor 0.7 (2023) Q3
2019 Parnika Bhat and Kamlesh Dutta A Survey on Various Threats and Current State of Security in Android Platform ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) Scopus and SCI Impact Factor 23.8 (2023) Q1
2009 Kamlesh Dutta, Nupur Prakash, Saroj Kaushik Application of Pronominal Divergence and Anaphora Resolution in English-Hindi Machine Translation POLIBITS ISI Thomson / Clarivate Web of Science SciELO collection
2011 Kamlesh Dutta, Saroj Kaushik, Nupur Prakash Machine Learning Approach for the Classification of Demonstrative Pronouns for Indirect Anaphora in Hindi News Items The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics ERIH PLUS, Genamics JournalSeek
2020 Kaushik Adhikary, Shashi Bhushan, Sunil Kumar, Kamlesh Dutta Hybrid Algorithm to Detect DDoS Attacks in VANETs Wireless Personal Communications Scopus and SCIE Impact factor 1,9 (2023) Q2
2019 Poonam Tanwar, T.V. Prasad, Kamlesh Dutta Hybrid technique for effective knowledge representation in normal life International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology Scopus
2019 Kaushik Adhikary, Shashi Bhushan, Sunil Kumar, and Kamlesh Dutta Evaluating the Performance of Various Machine Learning Algorithms for Detecting DDoS Attacks in VANETs International Journal of Control and Automation Scopus
2019 Kaushik Adhikary, Shashi Bhushan, Sunil Kumar and Kamlesh Dutta Decision Tree and Neural Network Based Hybrid Algorithm for Detecting and Preventing DDoS Attacks in VANETS International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering Scopus
2020 Triveni Lal Pal and Kamlesh Dutta CNN-based Embedding Learning for Sentence Classification International Journal of Control and Automation Scopus
2021 Parnika Bhat and Kamlesh Dutta CogramDroid- An approach towards malware detection in Android using opcode ngrams Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume33, Issue20, pages 14, Wiley Scopus Citescore 5.0 and SCIE Impact factor 1.5 2023 Q2
2021 Kusum Lata, Pardeep Singh and Kamlesh Dutta A comprehensive review on feature set used for anaphora resolution Artificial Intelligence Review Scopus and SCI Impact Factor 10.7 (2023) Q1
2020 Kaushik Adhikary, Shashi Bhushan, Sunil Kumar, Kamlesh Dutta Evaluating the impact of DDos Attacks in Vehicular Adhoc Networks International Journal of Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing (IJSPPC) -
2021 चेतन अग्रवाल एवं कमलेश दत्ता मशीन आधारित भाषा अनुवाद में संदर्भ निराकरण का महत्व. भारतीय वैज्ञानिक एवं औद्योगिक अनुसंधान पत्रिका, 29 अंक (1) जून 2021 पृ. 49-54 -
2022 Kusum Lata, Pardeep Singh and Kamlesh Dutta Mention detection in Coreference Resolution: Survey Applied Intelligence, 52, 9816–9860 (2022). , Springer SCIE Impact factor 3.4 (2023) Q2
2022 Kaushik Adhikary, Shashi Bhushan, Sunil Kumar, Kamlesh Dutta Evaluating the performance of various SVM Kernel functions based on basic features extracted from KDDCUP'99 dataset by Random Forest method for detecting DDoS Attacks Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 123, pages 3127–3145, Springer Scopus and SCIE Impact factor 1,9 (2023) Q2
2022 Parnika Bhat and Kamlesh Dutta A multi-tiered feature selection model for android malware detection based on Feature discrimination and Information Gain Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences Volume 34, Issue 10, Part B, November 2022, Pages 9464-9477, Elsevier SCIE Impact factor 5.2 (2023) Q1
2015 Rakesh Kumar Dutta, Kamlesh Dutta and S. Jeevanandham Prediction of Deviator Stress of Sand Reinforced with Waste Plastic Strips Using Neural Network International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering, Volume 1, article number 11, (2015), Springer SCIE Impact factor 2.3 (2023) Q2
2016 Mukesh Kumar and Kamlesh Dutta LDAT: LFTM based data aggregation and transmission protocol for wireless sensor networks Journal of Trust Management, Volume 3, article number 2, (2016) Spinger -
2023 Arun Kumar, Kamlesh Dutta, Abhishek Srivastava Generating Automated Layout Design Using a Multi-Population Genetic Algorithm Journal of Web Engineering, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 357-384, March 2023, doi: 10.13052/jwe1540-9589.2227 SCIE Impact factor 0.7 (2023) Q3
2023 Arun Kumar, Kamlesh Dutta, Abhishek Srivastava Topological and Dimensional constraints based optimal placement of Layout Entities using Clustering and Genetic Algorithm Applied Soft Computing, Volume 132, January 2023, 109867, Elsevier SCIE Impact factor 8.57 (2024) Q1
2024 Pooja Rani, Kamlesh Dutta, Vijay Kumar Performance evaluation of drug synergy datasets using computational intelligence approaches Multimedia Tools and Applications., 83(3), 8971-‌8997, 2024/‌1 Springer SCIE Impact factor 4.53 (2024) Q1
2023 Pooja Rani, Kamlesh Dutta, Vijay Kumar Drug synergy model for malignant diseases using deep learning Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 22 Jun 2023, 21(3):2350014,, world Scientific SCIE Impact factor 0.9 (2023) Q3
2023 Parnika Bhat, Sunny Behal, Kamlesh Dutta A System Call-based Android Malware Detection Approach with Homogeneous & Heterogeneous Ensemble Machine Learning Computers & Security, Volume 130, July 2023, 103277, ISSN 0167-4048, Elsevier SCIE Impact factor 4.8 2023 Q1
2023 Parnika Bhat, Sunny Behal, Kamlesh Dutta Machine learning and deep learning techniques for detecting malicious android applications: An empirical analysis Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, Volume 89, pages 429–444, (2023), Springer ESCI Impact factor 1.31 (2024) Q3
2023 Kusum Lata, Pardeep Singh and Kamlesh Dutta Semi-automatic Annotation for Mentions in Hindi Text SN Computer Science, 4(5), DOI: 10.1007/s42979-023-01885-z Springer (SCOPUS) Web of Science’s Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), 4.34 (2024) Impact Factor, SCOPUS Q2
2023 Kunal Vermani, Amandeep Noilya, Sunil Kumar, Kamlesh Dutta Ensemble Learning Based Malicious Node Detection in SDN-based VANETs Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence, Vol.9, No.2, October 2023 SCOPUS
2024 Shubhkirti Sharma, Vijay Kumar and Kamlesh Dutta Multi-objective Optimization Algorithms for Intrusion Detection in IoT Networks: A Systematic Review Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, Volume 4, 2024, Pages 258-267,, Elsevier SCOPUS 13.8 citescore Q1
2022 Pooja Rani, Kamlesh Dutta, and Vijay Kumar Artificial intelligence techniques for prediction of drug synergy in malignant diseases: Past, present, and future Computers in Biology and Medicine, Volume 144, 2022, 105334, ISSN 0010-4825, Elsevier SCIE Impact factor 7.0 (2023) Q1
2024 Shubhkirti Sharma, Vijay Kumar and Kamlesh Dutta Multi-objective Prairie Dog Optimization Algorithm for IoT-based Intrusion Detection Internet Technology Letters, Wiley, 10.1002/itl2.516 Scopus and ESCI Impact factor 0.9 Q3
2024 Upinder Kaur, Aparna N. Mahajan, Sunil Kumar, and Kamlesh Dutta Jellyfish Search Chimp Optimization Enabled Routing and Attack Detection in SDN based VANETs Wireless Personal Communications, Scopus and SCIE Impact factor 1,9 (2023) Q2
2024 Kusum Lata, Pardeep Singh, Kamlesh Dutta SMDDH: Singleton Mention Detection using Deep Learning in Hindi Text, ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, SCI Impact factor 1.8 (2023) Q2
2024 Aschalew Tirulo, Siddhartha Chauhan, Kamlesh Dutta Machine learning and deep learning techniques for detecting and mitigating cyber threats in IoT-enabled smart grids: a comprehensive review International Journal of Information and Computer Security, Volume 24, Issue 3-4, Pages 284-321 (InderScience) Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus (Elsevier) Q3
2024 Pooja Rani, Kamlesh Dutta, and Vijay Kumar Autoencoder-based Drug Synergy Framework for Malignant Diseases   Computational Biology and Chemistry SCI Impact factor 2.6 (2023) Q2
2017 Gagnesh Kumar & Sunil Agrawal Carbon Allotropes: Material for the Future Electronics, Vol. 12, pp. 1–20, 2017 Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics h-index 18
2021 Gagnesh Kumar & Sunil Agrawal Ant Lion Optimizer for Suppression of Ambipolar Conduction in Schottky Barrier Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors Silicon, Springer 1.8(SCI)
2014 Niranjan & Gagnesh Kumar Performance analysis of sub-22nm metal gate fully depleted SOI MOSFET with High-K Gate Dielectric. ISSN 2277-6591, pp. B161-B168, Mar. 2014 Volume 3, Issue 1, IJGTI (International Journal of Global Technology Initiatives) --
2019 BHAVNA Mishra, Aalekh Srivastava, Laxmikant Yadav PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF COOLING TOWER USING DESICCANT, Heat and Mass Transfer, 56 (4), 1153-1169 Heat and Mass Transfer, Springer SCI
2019 Amarjeet Kumar Prasad, Laxmikant Yadav, Avadhesh Yadav Comparative analysis of different design of rotary dehumidifier, 48 Heat Transfer- Asian Research, Wiley ESCI/SCOPUS
2018 Laxmikant Yadav, Avadhesh Yadav Parametric analysis of desiccant wheel for air conditioning application, 47 Heat Transfer- Asian Research, Wiley ESCI/SCOPUS
2018 Laxmikant Yadav, Avadhesh Yadav Effect of different arrangements of sector on the performance of desiccant wheel, 54 Heat and Mass Transfer, Springer SCI
2017 Laxmikant Yadav, Avadhesh Yadav Effect of desiccant isotherm on the performance of a desiccant wheel at different operating conditions, 46 Heat Transfer- Asian Research, Wiley ESCI/SCOPUS
2016 Laxmikant Yadav, Avadhesh Yadav Mathematical investigation of purge sector angle for clockwise and anticlockwise rotation of desiccant wheel, 93 Applied Thermal Engineering, Elsevier SCI
2015 Avadhesh Yadav, Laxmikant Yadav Comparative performance of different sector arrangement in a desiccant wheel using a mathematical model, 44 Heat Transfer- Asian Research, Wiley ESCI/SCOPUS
2014 Avadhesh Yadav, Laxmikant Yadav Comparative performance of desiccant wheel with effective and ordinary regeneration sector using mathematical model, 50 Heat and Mass Transfer, Springer SCI
2014 Laxmikant Yadav, Ankit Yadav, Vishal Dabra, Avadhesh Yadav Effect of desiccant isotherm on the design parameters of desiccant wheel, 50 Heat and Mass Transfer, Springer SCI
2013 Vishal Dabra, Laxmikant Yadav, Avadhesh Yadav The effect of tilt angle on the performance of evacuated tube solar air collector: experimental analysis, 5 International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology -
2018 Amarjeet Kumar Prasad, Laxmikant Yadav Advanced Technology in Desiccant Wheel Air Conditioning System: A Review, 404 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering IOP Publishing
2020 Sanjay, Ashutosh Kumar Verma, Aamrjeet Kumar Prasad, Laxmikant Yadav, Avadhesh Yadav Performance Analysis of Cooling Tower Using Reciprocating Desiccant Mesh Heat and Mass Transfer, Springer SCI
2021 Saurabh Pandey, Shubham Kumar Mishra, Ajay Sharma, Ashutosh Kumar Verma, Laxmikant Yadav Performance analysis of evacuated tube type solar air heater with parabolic trough type collector International Journal of Energy and Water Resources SCOPUS
2022 AK Verma, L Yadav, D Agrawal, A Dhamija, Rajneesh, G Bijalwan Mathematical investigation of two-stage dehumidification from single rotary dehumidifier with and without precooling, 82 (3), 82-108 Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications SCI
2023 L Yadav, AK Verma, V Dabra, A Yadav Performance Comparison of Different Desiccant Material Based Wheels for Air Conditioning Application, Volume 10 Transdisciplinary Research and Education Center for Green Technologies SCOPUS
2023 AK Verma, L Yadav, N Kumar, A Yadav Mathematical investigation of different parameters of the passive desiccant wheel, Pages 1-20 Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications SCI
2023 SK Mishra, A Sharma, AK Verma, L Yadav Thermoeconomic Analysis of Novel Vapor Compression-Absorption Multi-Target-Temperature Cascade Refrigeration System, 15 (4), 041005 Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, ASME SCIE
2023 AK Verma, L Yadav Investigation of angular aspects of a novel four-sector rotary dehumidifier configuration for HVAC applications, 71, 106490 Journal of Building Engineering SCIE
2023 L Yadav, A Sharma, R Pratap, SK Mishra, AK Verma Performance Evaluation of Different Desiccant Matrix Materials Coated with Silica Gel, Pages 1-13 Heat Transfer Engineering SCI
2024 Shubham Kumar Mishra, Amrit Rehalia, Ashutosh Kumar Verma, Laxmikant Yadav Thermo-Economic Analysis of Solar-Powered Trigeneration System with Integrated Ejector-Absorption Recompression and Modified Organic Rankine Cycle Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, ASME SCIE
2024 Ashutosh Kumar Verma & Laxmikant Yadav Experimental study of parabolic trough collector in series having a concentric copper tube in evacuated tube for Air heating, Vol. No. 46 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis SCI
2005 Rajeevan Chandel, S. Sarkar and R.P. Agarwal Performance Controlling Parameters of Voltage-Scaled Repeaters for Long Interconnections, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 107-113 IETE Journal of Research, Taylor & Francis SCIE
2005 Rajeevan Chandel, S. Sarkar and R.P. Agarwal Transition Time Considerations in Voltage-Scaled Repeaters, vol. 22, no. 3, pp.39-40 Microelectronics International, Emerald, UK. SCI
2000 Rajeevan Chandel and Ashwani Kumar Design and Development of Dielectric based Electrostatic Microactuators, vol.46, no. 4, pp. 261-264 IETE Journal of Research Taylor & Francis SCIE
2005 Rajeevan Chandel, S. Sarkar and R.P. Agarwal Delay Analysis of a Single Voltage-Scaled-Repeater driven Long Interconnect, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 28-33 Microelectronics International, Emerald, UK. SCI
2005 Rajeevan Chandel, S. Sarkar and R.P. Agarwal Repeater insertion in global interconnects in VLSI circuits, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 43-50 Microelectronics International, Emerald Pub. UK. SCI
2006 Rajeevan Chandel, S. Sarkar and R.P. Agarwal Repeater stage timing analysis for VLSI resistive interconnects, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 19-25 Microelectronics International, Emerald UK. SCI
2007 Rajeevan Chandel, S. Sarkar and R.P. Agarwal An Analysis of Interconnect Delay Minimization by Low-Voltage Repeater Insertion, vol. 38, no. 4-5, pp 649-655 Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier Science SCI
2007 Rajeevan Chandel, S. Sarkar, and Ashwani K. Chandel Investigations on Short-Circuit Power Dissipation in Repeater Loaded VLSI Interconnects, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 337–344 Journal of Low Power Electronics, ASP, USA. Scopus
2007 Rajeevan Chandel, S. Sarkar and R.P. Agarwal Delay and Power Management of Voltage-Scaled Repeaters for Long Interconnects, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 333-339 International Journal of Modelling & Simulation, Taylor & Francis. Scopus
2008 Rajeevan Chandel, Y. Nataraj, G. Khanna Performance Analysis of Voltage-Scaled Static and Dynamic CMOS Circuits, vol.3, no.2, pp. 171-176 Journal of Nanoelectronics & Optoelectronics (JNO), ASP, USA SCI
2009 Gargi Khanna, Rajeevan Chandel, Ashwani K. Chandel, S. Sarkar Analysis of non-ideal effects in coupled VLSI interconnects with active and passive load variation, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 3-9 Microelectronics International, Emerald UK. SCI
2010 Ashutosh Nandi, Rajeevan Chandel Design and Analysis of Sub-DT Sub-Domino Logic Circuits for Ultra Low Power Applications, vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 513-520 Journal of Low Power Electronics, ASP, USA Scopus
2010 Kiran K. Chaddha, Rajeevan Chandel Design and Analysis of a Modified Low Power CMOS Full Adder Using Gate-Diffusion Input Technique, vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 482-490 Journal of Low Power Electronics, ASP, USA Scopus
2011 Sandeep Singh Gill, Rajeevan Chandel, Ashwani K. Chandel Efficient Clustering and Simulated Annealing Approach for Circuit Partitioning, vol.16, No. 6, pp. 708-712 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. (Science), Elsevier Scopus
2012 Rohit Dhiman, Rajeevan Chandel Delay Analysis of a CMOS Buffer Driven RLC Interconnect Load for Sub-Threshold Applications, vol. 32, no.1, pp. 18-23 International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Taylor & Francis. Scopus
2012 Rohit Dhiman, Rajeevan Chandel Sub-Threshold Delay and Power Analysis of CMOS Buffer Driven Interconnect Load for Ultra Low Power Applications, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 39-46 Journal of Low Power Electronics, ASP, USA Scopus
2014 Rohit Dhiman, Rajeevan Chandel Crosstalk analysis of CMOS buffer driven interconnects for ultra-low power applications, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 360-369 Journal of Computational Electronics, Springer. SCI
2015 Rohit Dhiman and Rajeevan Chandel Dynamic crosstalk analysis in coupled interconnects for ultra-low power applications, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 21–40 Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Springer, USA. SCI
2015 Rohit Dhiman, Rohit Sharma and Rajeevan Chandel Compact models and delay computation of sub-threshold interconnect circuits, vol. 84, no.1, pp. 53-65 Analog Integrated Circuits & Signal Processing, Springer, USA. SCI
2015 Sunil Jadav, Munish Vashistah, Rajeevan Chandel RLC equivalent RC delay model for global VLSI interconnect in current mode signalling, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 27–34 International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Taylor & Francis, Scopus
2015 Rohit Dhiman and Rajeevan Chandel Compact models and computation of crosstalk for sub-threshold interconnect circuits, vol. 82, no.3, pp. 637–652 Analog Integrated Circuits & Signal Processing, Springer , USA. SCI
2016 Yash Agrawal and Rajeevan Chandel Crosstalk Analysis of Current-Mode Signalling-Coupled RLC Interconnects Using FDTD Technique**, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 148-159 IETE Technical Review, Taylor & Francis. **(IETE- KS KRISHNAN MEMORIAL AWARD - 2017 awarded to Er. Yash Agrawal & Prof. Rajeevan Chandel for Best System Oriented Paper in IETE Annual Convention held in Kochi) SCIE
2017 Yash Agrawal, M. Girish Kumar and Rajeevan Chandel A Novel Unified Model for Copper and MLGNR Interconnects Using Voltage- and Current-Mode Signaling Schemes, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 217-227 IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. SCI
2017 M. Girish Kumar, Y. Agrawal, and Rajeevan Chandel Modelling and Performance Analysis of Dielectric Inserted Side Contact Multilayer Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnects, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 232-240, May 2017 IET Circuits, Devices and Systems SCI
2018 M. Girish Kumar, Rajeevan Chandel, and Y. Agrawal An Efficient Crosstalk Model for Coupled Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Interconnects, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 487 – 496 IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility SCI
2018 Yash Agrawal, M. G. Kumar, and Rajeevan Chandel A Unified Delay, Power and Crosstalk Model for Current Mode Signaling Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Interconnects,” Paper Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Springer SCIE
2018 Yash Agrawal, M. Girish, and Rajeevan Chandel An efficient and novel FDTD method based performance investigation in high-speed current-mode signaling SWCNT bundle interconnect, vol. 43, no. 175, pp.1-12 Sadhana, Springer Nature SCIE
2019 Sunil Jadav, Rajeevan Chandel High performance 9T adiabatic SRAM and novel stability characterization using pole zero placement, vol. 98, no.2, pp. 347–355, February 2019 (SCI, Impact factor: 0.982) Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer SCI
2020 Sunil Jadav, Rajeevan Chandel, M. Vashishath Modeling the Impact of Fundamental and Quantum Resistance on the Performance of SWCNT Based RLC Interconnects International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Wiley, 33:e2698. https://doi. org/10.1002/jnm.2698 Scopus
2021 Neha Sharma, Rajeevan Chandel Variation tolerant and stability simulation of low power SRAM cell analysis using FGMOS, 2150029 International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing Scopus
2022 Animesh Srivastava, Rajeevan Chandel A Novel Co-planar Five Input Majority Gate Design in Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata**, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 850-864, DOI: 10.1080/02564602.2021.1914205. **(IETE- SK MITRA MEMORIAL AWARD - 2023 awarded to Er. Animesh Srivastava & Prof. Rajeevan Chandel for Best Research Oriented Paper in IETE Annual Convention held in Pune) IETE Technical Review, Taylor & Francis Publication SCIE
2021 Ashish Singh, Rajeevan Chandel, Rohit Dhiman Proposal and analysis of relative stability in mixed CNT bundle for sub-threshold interconnects, online 20 May Integration- the VLSI Journal, Elsevier SCIE
2021 Sunil Jadav, Shubham Tayal, Rajeevan Chandel, M. Vashishath High speed RLC equivalent RC delay model using normalized asymptotic function for global VLSI interconnects,, vol. 107, pp. 104941 Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier SCIE, Scopus
2020 C. Ranga, A. Kumar, Rajeevan Chandel Influence of electrical and thermal ageing on the mineral insulating oil performance for power transformer applications, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 222-231, 2020. Insight-Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring Scopus
2019 Sunil Jadav, Munish Vashistah, Rajeevan Chandel High speed RLC equivalent RC delay model for global VLSI interconnects, First Online: 22 January 2019. Doi:10.1007/s10470-019-01398-x, vol. 100, no.1, pp. 109–117, July 2019. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer USA SCI
2017 C. Ranga, Ashwani Kumar, and Rajeevan Chandel Condition assessment of power transformers based on multi-attributes using fuzzy logic, vol.11, no.8, pp. 983–990, 2017, July 2017 IET Science Measurements and Technology SCI
2017 Rohit Dhiman and Rajeevan Chandel Delay analysis of buffer inserted sub-threshold interconnects, vol. 90, no. 2, pp. 435-445, 2017. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing SCI
2017 Yash Agrawal, Rajeevan Chandel, and Rohit Dhiman Variability Analysis of Stochastic Parameters on the Electrical Performance of On-Chip Current-Mode Interconnect System, vol. 63, no.2, pp. 268-280, 2017. IETE Journal of Research, Taylor & Francis SCI
2018 C. Ranga, Ashwani Kumar, and R. Chandel Performance analysis of alternative solid dielectrics of transformers with a blend of mineral and silicon oils, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 331-341, 2018 IETE Technical Review, Taylor & Francis SCIE
2016 V. Basetti, Ashwani Kumar Chandel, and Rajeevan Chandel Power system dynamic state estimation using prediction based evolutionary technique, vol. 107, pp. 29-47, 2016. Energy SCI
2016 Yash Agrawal, M. Girish Kumar, and Rajeevan Chandel A comprehensive model for high-speed current-mode signaling in next generation MWCNT bundle interconnect using FDTD technique, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 590-598, 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TNANO.2016.2558475 IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology SCI
2015 Rohit Dhiman, Rohit Sharma and Rajeevan Chandel Compact models and delay computation of sub-threshold interconnect circuits, DOI 10.1007/s10470-015-0557-4, vol. 84, no.1, pp. 53-65, 2015 Analog Integrated Circuits & Signal Processing, Springer, USA SCI
2015 Sunil Jadav, Munish Vashistah, Rajeevan Chandel RLC equivalent RC delay model for global VLSI interconnect in current mode signalling, 10.1080/02286203.2015.1077009, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 27–34, 2015. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Taylor & Francis Scopus
2021 Mekala Girish Kumar, Yash Agrawal, Vobulapuram Ramesh Kumar, Rajeevan Chandel A prominent unified crosstalk model for linear and sub-threshold regions in mixed CNT bundle interconnects,”, vol. 118, no.105294, pp. 1-11, 2021. Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier SCIE, Scopus, IF=1.609
1994 Ashwani Kumar Chandel, Rajeevan Chandel and J.S. Saini Enhancement of Placement Activities in Remotely Located Technical Institutes, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 32-36, July-September, 1994. ISTE Journal of Education, ISTE Pub.
2001 Rajeevan Chandel “VLSI Micro-fabrication Technologies and MEMS, vol. 42, nos. 1-4, pp. 33-41, January-December 2001. IETE Journal of Education Taylor & Francis Pub.
2007 Rajeevan Chandel Design Techniques for VLSI and Communication DTVC-2007, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 25, August 2007. VSI Vision, vsi/activities/events.html VSI Pub.
2017 Chilaka Ranga, Ashwani Kumar and Rajeevan Chandel Expert system for condition monitoring of power transformers using fuzzy logic, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1-16, July 2017. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, AIP Publishing SCI
2016 M. Girish Kumar, Yash Agrawal, and Rajeevan Chandel Carbon nanotube interconnects—A Promising Solution for VLSI Circuits, DOI: 10.1080/09747338.2016.1158129, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 46-64, 2016. IETE Journal of Education, Taylor & Francis T&F Publication
2016 Chilaka Ranga, Ashwani Kumar, and Rajeevan Chandel Fuzzy logic expert system for optimum maintenance of power transformers, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, IJEEI, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 836-850, September 2016. International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics SCOPUS
2017 Chilaka Ranga, Ashwani Kumar, and Rajeevan Chandel Performance analysis of cellulose and Nomex impregnated oil filled power transformers, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 394-406, July 2017. International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, IJEEI SCOPUS
2014 Philemon Daniel and Rajeevan Chandel Dynamic Ruleset Based Online Concurrent Testing of Functional Faults for Embedded Controllers, ISSN 0033-2097, vol. 90, no. 1, pp. 111-114, 2014. Polish Journal of Electrical Review Przegląd Elektrotechniczny Polish J.
2013 Viveka Paliwal, Rajeevan Chandel, S. Sarkar New Noise Tolerance Improvement Techniques for Dynamic Logic Circuits, Vol.8, No.1, pp. 65-77, 2013. Journal of Active and Passive Electronic Devices (JAPED) Old City Pub.
2012 Sandeep Singh Gill, Rajeevan Chandel, Ashwani K. Chandel Netlist Bipartitioning using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp.1-15, 2012. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (IJAISC) Inderscience Pub.
2022 Ajay Kumar, Rajeevan Chandel, Rohit Dhiman Proposal and Analysis of Carbon Nanotube based Differential Multibit Through Glass Vias, vol. 126, pp. 105500, Aug 2022. Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier [IF=1.609]. SCIE, Scopus
2023 Deepanshu Kaushal and Rajeevan Chandel A Proposal, Design, and Analysis of Planar Feed Gasket Antennas with Modified Substrate for Multiband Vehicular Applications, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 268-283, 2023, DOI: 10.1080/02564602. 2022.2088630. [SCIE]. IETE Technical Review, Taylor & Francis Pub. SCIE
2023 Girish K. Mekala, Rajeswari Malothu, Yash Agrawal, Rajeevan Chandel Signal Integrity Assessment of GNRFET-based Ternary Logic for Multi Layered GNR Interconnects with Dielectric Insertion, vol. 12, no. 4, March 2023. DOI: 10.1149/2162-8777/acc68b. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Scopus
2023 Dilip Singh and Rajeevan Chandel FPGA-Based Hardware-Accelerated Design of Linear Prediction Analysis for Real-Time Speech Signal, vol. 48, pp. 14927-941, 2023., 2023. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer SCIE
2023 Bushra Fatima, Rajeevan Chandel and Rohit Dhiman Design and Analysis of a High-Performance N-Bit Digital Comparator Using a Novel EX-OR-NOR Gate, vol.17, no.4, pp. 287-305, 2023. Journal of Active and Passive Electronic Devices (JAPED), Old City Publication SCOPUS, Web of Science
2023 Deepanshu Kaushal and Rajeevan Chandel Towards Expediting the Customized Multiband Antenna Design, vol. 48, pp. 14957-976, 2023., 2023. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer SCIE
2023 Dilip Singh and Rajeevan Chandel An Efficient FPGA-Based Accelerator for Perceptual Weighting Filter in Speech Coding, Online, 28 Dec 2023, DOI: [SCIE]. IETE Technical Review, Taylor & Francis Publication SCIE
2024 Vandana Boora, Ajay Kumar, Madhukiran K., Rajeevan Chandel, and Rohit Dhiman Electrical Characterization and Performance Analysis of Coaxial Through-Glass Vias, vol. 49, no. 44, pp. 1-5, 2024. Sādhanā, Springer Nature, Indian Academy of Sciences SCIE
2024 Deepanshu Kaushal and Rajeevan Chandel Inverse Artificial Neural Network Assisted Rapid Multiband Antenna Design for Multiple Custom Requirements, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer SCIE
2000 Rajeevan Chandel and Ashwani Kumar Design and Development of Dielectric based Electrostatic Microactuators IETE Journal of Research SCI
2004 Ashwani Kumar, B. Das, and J.D. Sharma Determination of Location of Multiple Harmonic Sources in a Power System International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier) SCI
2005 Ashwani Kumar, B. Das, and J.D. Sharma A simple technique for placement of meters for estimation of harmonics in the electric power system IEE Proceedings Generation, Transmission and Distribution Part C SCi
2005 Ashwani Kumar, B. Das, and J.D. Sharma Genetic Algorithm Based Meter Placement for Monitoring of Harmonic Sources IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery SCI
2005 Ashwani Kumar, B. Das, and J.D. Sharma Dynamic State Estimation of Power System Harmonics with Bad Data International Journal of Electrical Power Components & Systems SCI
2006 Ashwani Kumar, B. Das, and J.D. Sharma Robust Dynamic State Estimation of Power System Harmonics International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier) SCI
2007 Rajeevan Chandel, S. Sarkar, and Ashwani Kumar Investigations on Short-Circuit Power Dissipation in Repeater Loaded VLSI Interconnects Journal of Low Power Electronics Scopus
2007 Rajeevan Chandel and Ashwani Kumar SPICE for Nano-regime VLSI Design- A Simulation Study IETE Journal of Education Ulrich's Periodicals
2009 Gargi Khanna, Rajeevan Chandel, Ashwani Kumar, and Sankar Sarkar Analysis of non-ideal effects in coupled VLSI interconnects with active and passive load variations Microelectronics Internationa Scopus
2010 Sandeep Gill, Rajeevan Chandel, and Ashwani Kumar Genetic Algorithm Based approach to Circuit Partitioning International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering EI (INSPEC, IET)
2011 P. Srikanth, Ashwani Kumar , and Anil Naik Inverse S-Transform Based Decision Tree for Power System Faults Identification TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control Scopus
2011 Sandeep Gill, Rajeevan Chandel and Ashwani Kumar Efficient Clustering and Simulated Annealing Approach for Circuit Partitioning Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) (Scopus, SCimago)
2011 M. Sujith and Ashwani Kumar Transient Stability Enhancement of the Power System with Wind Generation TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control Scopus
2011 O. P. Rahi, Ashwani Kumar, and M.G. Sharma Fuzzy Logic Based Approach for Condition Monitoring of Hydro Generator International Journal of Soft Computing Scopus
2012 O. P. Rahi, Ashwani Kumar, and M.G. Sharma Refurbishment of Indian Hydro Power Plants International Water Power and Dam Construction SCImago
2012 O. P. Rahi, Ashwani Kumar, and M.G. Sharma Hydro Scenario in India International Water Power and Dam Construction SCImago
2012 Sanjay Agrawal, Ashwani Kumar, S. R. Mohanty, and Vineeta Agrawal Transformer Winding Fault Classification Based on Pattern Recognition Technique International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE) Scopus
2013 Ashwani Kumar and Raj Kumar Patel Bearing Fault Classification based on Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Network IETE Journal of Research SCI, Scopus
2013 M. Sujith and A. K. Chandel Transient Stability Enhancement of a Grid with HVDC Interconnected offshore Wind Farm Using STATCOM Springer-Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering SCI, Scopus
2013 Ashwani Kumar Chandel and P. Srikanth Inverse S-transform based identification of nonlinear loads Springer-Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering SCI, Scopus
2015 B. Vedik and Ashwani Kumar Simultaneous Placement of PMUs and Communication Infrastructure in WAMS using NSGA-II IETE Journal of Technical Review SCI, SCOPUS
2015 B. Vedik and Ashwani Kumar Hybrid Power System State Estimation using Taguchi Differential Evolution Algorithm IET proceedings Science, Measurement and Technology SCI, SCOPUS
2015 B. Vedik and Ashwani Kumar A robust LWS estimator including anomaly detection and identification in power system Neurocomputing - Journal - Elsevier SCI, SCOPUS
2015 O. P. Rahi and Ashwani Kumar Refurbishment and uprating of hydro power plants—A literature review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCI, SCOPUS
2016 B. Vedik and Ashwani Kumar Chandel and Rajeevan Chandel Power system dynamic state estimation using prediction based re-initialisation technique Energy, Elsevier Publication SCI, SCOPUS
2017 B. Vedik and Ashwani Kumar Optimal PMU placement for power system observability using Taguchi binary bat algorithm Measurement (Elsevier Publication) Scopus
2017 Vedik Basetti, Ashwani Kumar Chandel, K. B. V. S. R. Subramanyam Power System Static State Estimation using JADE-Adaptive Differential Evolution Technique Soft Computing (Springer Publication) SCOPUS
2017 Chilaka Ranga, Ashwani Kumar Chandel, and Rajeevan Chandel Performance analysis of alternative solid dielectrics of transformers with a blend of mineral and silicon oils IETE Technical Review SCI, SCOPUS
2017 Chilaka Ranga, Ashwani Kumar, and Rajeevan Chandel Performance analysis of cellulose and Nomex impregnated oil filled power transformers International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, IJEEI SCOPUS
2017 Chilaka Ranga, Ashwani Kumar, and Rajeevan Chandel Expert System for Condition Monitoring of Power Transformers using Fuzzy Logic Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (JRSE SCI, SCOPUS
2017 Chilaka Ranga, Ashwani Kumar, and Rajeevan Chandel Chilaka Ranga, Ashwani Kumar, and Rajeevan Chandel Condition assessment of power transformers based on multi-attributes using fuzzy logic, IET Science Measurements and Technology SCI
2017 Chilaka Ranga and Ashwani Kumar Expert System for Health Index Assessment of Power Transformer International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, IJEEI SCOPUS
2019 Chilaka Ranga and Ashwani Kumar Influence of accelerated thermal aging on performance of alternative solid dielectrics for power transformers Insight-Journal of the British Institute of Non Destructive testing SCI
2016 Chilaka Ranga, Ashwani Kumar Chandel, and Rajeevan Chandel Fuzzy Logic Expert System for Optimum Maintenance of Power Transformers International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics SCOPUS
2016 B. Vedik and Ashwani Kumar Chandel Power system static state estimation using a least winsorized square robust estimator Neurocomputing - Journal - Elsevier SCI, SCOPUS
2016 Chilaka Ranga, Ashwani Kumar, and R. Chandel Effect of Ambient conditions on performance of power transformers i-Managers Journal of Electrical Engineering UGC
2014 B. Vedik and Ashwani Kumar Chandel Optimal Multi-Objective Hybrid Measurement Placement using NSGA-II i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Power Systems Engineering Ulrich’s Periodicals
2012 O. P. Rahi, A. K. Chandel, and M.G. Sharma Optimization of Hydro Power Plant Design by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Procedia Engineering SCOPUS
1994 Ashwani Kumar, Rajeevan Chandel and J.S. Saini Enhancement of Placement Activities in Remotely Located Technical Institutes ISTE Journal of Education --
2007 Ashwani Kumar and Rajeevan Chandel SPICE Simulation a Case Study IETE Journal of Education British Library
2010 O. P. Rahi, A. K. Chandel and M.G. Sharma Refurbishment and Uprating of Old Hydro Power Plants Indian Journal of Power and River Valley Development --
2012 S. Mahajan, A. K. Chandel and R. Chandel Group Harmonics Identification Using Empirical Mode Decomposition Electrical India Magazine Magazine
2017 Chilaka Ranga, Ashwani Kumar, and R. Chandel Experimental effectiveness estimation of inhibitors on oxidation degradation of oil impregnated paper insulation in power transformers i-Managers Journal of Power System Proquest
2019 Chilaka Ranga, and Ashwani Kumar Influence of accelerated thermal aging on performance of alternative solid dielectrics for power transformers British Journal of Non-Destructive Testing SCOPUS
2020 Panigrahy S., Chandel A.K. A Hybrid Framework for Fault Classification and Location in Power Distribution System Using Wavelet and Support Vector Machine Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Book Chapter SCOPUS
2020 C Ranga, Ashwani Kumar and R Chandel Influence of electrical and thermal ageing on the mineral insulating oil performance for power transformer applications British Journal of Non-Destructive Testing SCOPUS
2020 Nimish Bhatt, Ashwani Kumar A Passive Islanding Detection Algorithm Based on Modal Current and Adaptive Boosting Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering SCI
2020 Sukriti Tiwari, Ashwani Kumar Reconfiguration and Optimal Micro Phasor Unit Placement in a Distribution System using Taguchi-Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering SCI
2021 Sukriti Tiwari, Ashwani Kumar Advances and bibliographic analysis of particle swarm optimization applications in electrical power system: concepts and variants Springer• Evolutionary Intelligence SCOPUS
2021 Nimish Bhatt, Ashwani Kumar A Random Under-Sampling based Passive Approach for Fast and Accurate Detection of Islanding in Electrical Distribution System IETE Technical Review SCIE
2021 Sukriti Tiwari, Ashwani Kumar Hybrid Taguchi-based Technique for Micro-phasor Measurement Units Placement in the Grid-connected Distribution System IETE Journal of Research SCIE
2022 Nimish Bhatt, Ashwani Kumar An Intelligent Water Drop Approach for Simultaneous Reconfiguration and DG integration in Distribution System Energy Systems Springer Scopus
2022 Sukriti Tiwari, Ashwani Kumar, V.Bedik Multi-Objective Micro Phasor Measurement Unit Placement and Performance Analysis in Distribution System using NSGA-II and PROMETHEE-II Measurement Elsevier SCIE
2022 Sukriti Tiwari, Ashwani Kumar Optimal Micro-PMUs Placement with Channel Limits using Dynamically Controlled Taguchi Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Electrical Power Components Systems, Taylor & Francis SCI
2003 Bhanu M. Marwaha & Rajeev Garg Selection of Building Materials, an Eco friendly Approach, February 2003 Construction Journal of India ---------
2009 D. Vijay Kishore & Bhanu M. Marwaha Role of ICT in the Development of New Functions, Activities and Changing Urban form in Urban areas, Vol-XXVII Urban India ISSN: 0970-9045
2015 Puneet Sharma, Bhanu M. Marwaha & Dharmendra Integration of new transport modes in urban form of hill towns for sustainable development, Vol-80 Journal of The Indian Institute of Architects ISSN-0019-4913
2016 Bhanu M. Marwaha, Puneet Sharma, & Dharmendra Investigating The Role of Multimodal Transport in Smart City Planning – Case of Shimla, Issue 11 Spandrel ISSN: 2231-4601
2015 Vandna Sharma, Bhanu M. Marwaha & Hemant K. Vinayak Enhancing compressive strength of soil using natural fibres, Vol-93 Construction and Building Materials Scopus
2015 Vandna Sharma, Bhanu M. Marwaha & Hemant K. Vinayak Enhancing sustainability of rural adobe houses of hills by addition of vernacular fiber reinforcement, Vol-4 International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment Scopus
2015 Aniket Sharma & Bhanu M. Marwaha Development of simulation weather data for Hour wise Daily Diffused and Direct Solar Radiation from Hourly Global Radiation using statistical estimation method for Subtropical region, Vol-5 International Journal of Renewable Energy Research Scopus
2015 Aniket Sharma & Bhanu M. Marwaha A methodology for energy performance classification of residential building stock of Hamirpur, Vol-13 HBRC Crossref
2016 S.S.Chandel, Aniket Sharma & Bhanu M. Marwaha Review of energy efficiency initiatives and regulations for residential buildings in India, Vol-54 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCI
2016 Vandna Sharma, Bhanu M. Marwaha & Hemant K. Vinayak Enhancing durability of adobe by natural reinforcement for propagating sustainable mud housing, Vol-5 International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment Scopus
2016 S.S.Chandel, Vandna Sharma & Bhanu M. Marwaha Review of energy efficient features in vernacular architecture for improving indoor thermal comfort conditions, Vol-65 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCI
2016 Aniket Sharma & Bhanu M. Marwaha Alternative Building Materials Analysis for Different Residential Buildings Considering Embodied Energy and Material Cost, Vol-31 International Journal of Ecology & Development Web of Science
2019 Venu Shree, Bhanu M. Marwaha & Pamita Awasthi Indoor Air Quality Investigation at Primary Classrooms in Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India, Issue-24 Hydro Nepal ISSN 1998-5452 eISSN 2392-4101
2019 Venu Shree, Bhanu M. Marwaha & Pamita Awasthi Assessment of Indoor Air Quality in Buildings using CFD: A Brief Review, Vol-4 International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences Scopus
2019 Venu Shree, Bhanu M. Marwaha & Pamita Awasthi Indoor air quality (IAQ) Investigation in primary schools at Hamirpur, (India), Vol-96 Journal of Indian Chemical Society ISSN 00194522
2023 Shahzeb Khan , Bhanu M. Marwaha Achieving Energy Efficiency in High-Rise Residential Buildings in Composite Climate through Fenestrations: A Case Study of Hyderabad INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NOVEL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ISSN: 2456-4184
2023 S. Monika, Bhanu M. Marwaha Impact of courtyard on indoor thermal environment in vernacular row houses of ward and humid climate: case study of Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu Advances in Building Energy Research SCI
2023 Rohit Singh, Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Kp Sharma EEDF: Enhanced Encryption Decryption Framework for Device Authentication in IoT. Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 163-184. Adhoc & Sensor Wireless Networks -
2023 Himanshu Verma, Naveen Chauhan, Lalit Kumar Awasthi A Comprehensive review of ‘Internet of Healthcare Things’: Networking aspects, technologies, services, applications, challenges, and security concerns Vol. 50 pp.1-26. DOI: Computer Science Review -
2023 Himanshu Verma, Naveen Chauhan, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Schema generation for document stores using workload-driven approach Vol.4 pp. 1-49. DOI: The Journal of Supercomputing -
2023 Pranjal Kumar, Siddhartha Chauhan, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Human Activity Recognition (HAR) Using Deep Learning: Review, Methodologies, Progress and Future Research Directions Vol. 3 pp. 1-41. DOI: Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering -
2023 Neha Agarwal, Geeta Sikka, Lalit Kumar Awasthi WGSDMM+ GA: A genetic algorithm-based service clustering methodology assimilating dirichlet multinomial mixture model with word embedding Vol. 145 pp. 254-266. DOI: Future Generation Computer Systems -
2023 Neha Bansal, Shelly Sachdeva, Lalit K Awasthi Are NoSQL Databases Affected by Schema? Vol.3 pp. 1-22. DOI: IETE Journal of Research -
2023 Ishana Attri, Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Teek Parval Sharma, Priyanka Rathee A review of deep learning techniques used in agriculture Vol.77 pp.1-22. DOI: Ecological Informatics -
2023 Pankaj Sharma, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Next-generation Digital Forensics Challenges and Evidence Preservation Framework for IoT Devices. Vol. 14 pp.1-3. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing -
2023 Ishana Attri, Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Teek Parval Sharma Machine learning in agriculture: a review of crop management applications Vol.2 pp. 1-41. DOI: Multimedia Tools and Applications -
2023 Prashant Kumar, Naveen Chauhan, Mohit Kumar, Lalit K Awasthi Clustering based opportunistic traffic offloading technique for device-to-device communication Vol. 14 pp. 827-839. DOI: International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management -
2023 Shailza Kanwar, Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Vivek Shrivastava Candidate project selection in cross project defect prediction using hybrid method Vol. 218 pp. 1-11. DOI: Expert Systems with Applications -
2023 Shailza Kanwar, Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Vivek Shrivastava Efficient Random Forest Algorithm for Multi-objective Optimization in Software Defect Prediction Vol.4 pp. 1-13. DOI: IETE Journal of Research -
2023 Raj Mohan Singh, Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Geeta Sikka Towards Metaheuristic Scheduling Techniques in Cloud and Fog: An Extensive Taxonomic Review, Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 1-43. ACM Computing Surveys -
2023 Pranjal Kumar, Siddhartha Chauhan, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Review, Ethics, Trust Challenges & Future Research Directions Vol. 120 pp. 1-58. DOI: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence -
2023 Urvashi, Geeta Sikka, Lalit K Awasthi, Bharat Bhargava Quantitative evaluation of extensive vulnerability set using cost benefit analysis Vol. 3 pp. 1 - 11. DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2023.3253121 IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing -
2023 Himanshu Verma, Naveen Chauhan, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Modelling Buffer-Overflow in 6LoWPAN-Based Resource-Constraint IoT-Healthcare Network Vol.129 pp.1113-1128. DOI: Wireless Personal Communications -
2023 Md Sarfaraj Alam Ansari, Kunwar Pal, Prajjval Govil, Mahesh Chandra Govil, Lalit Kumar Awasthi A statistical analysis of SAMPARK dataset for peer-to-peer traffic and selfish-peer identification Vol. 82 pp. 8507-8535. Multimedia Tools and Applications -
2023 Amitoj Bir Singh, Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Mohammad Shorfuzzaman, Abdulmajeed Alsufyani, Mueen Uddin Chained Dual-Generative Adversarial Network: A Generalized Defense Against Adversarial Attacks. Vol. 74, No. 2, pp. 2541-2555. Computers, Materials & Continua -
2023 Monika Chaudhary, Nitin Goyal, Abderrahi Benslimane, Lalit Kumar Awasthi,  Ayed Alwadain, Aman Singh Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: Enabling Technologies for Node Deployment and Data Collection Challenges. Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 3500-3524. International Journal of Communication Systems -
2022 Nitin Goyal, Ashok Kumar, Renu Popli, Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Nonita Sharma, Gaurav Sharma Priority based data gathering using multiple mobile sinks in cluster based UWSNs for oil pipeline leakage detection Vol. 25, pp.1341–1354. DOI: Springer: Cluster Computing -
2022 Mamta Nain, Nitin Goyal, Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Amita Malik A range-based node localization scheme with hybrid optimization for underwater wireless sensor network Vol. 35, pp.1-55. DOI: International Journal of Communication Systems -
2022 Himanshu Verma, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Buffer-loss estimation to address congestion in 6LoWPAN based resource-restricted ‘Internet of Healthcare Things’ network Vol. 181, pp. 236-256. DOI: Computer Communications -
2022 Nishant Sharma, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Secure authentication and session key management scheme for Internet of Vehicles Vol. 33, pp. 1-5. DOI: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.: Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies -
2022 Mamta Nain, Nitin Goyal, Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Amita Malik A range based node localization scheme with hybrid optimization for underwater wireless sensor network Vol. 35 pp. 1-10 DOI: Computer Networks -
2022 Pranjal Kumar, Siddhartha Chauhan & Lalit Kumar Awasthi Human pose estimation using deep learning: review, methodologies, progress and future research directions Vol. 11 pp. 489-521 DOI: International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval -
2022 Md Ansari, Sarfaraj Alam, Kunwar Pal, Prajjval Govil, Mahesh Chandra Govil, Lalit Kumar Awasthi A statistical analysis of SAMPARK dataset for peer-to-peer traffic and selfish-peer identification Vol. 10, pp. 1-10. DOI: Multimedia Tools and Applications -
2022 Neha Agarwal, Geeta Sikka, Lalit Kumar Awasthi A systematic literature review on web service clustering approaches to enhance service discovery, selection and recommendation Vol. 45, pp. 1-22. DOI: Computer Science Review -
2022 Anita Choudhary, Mahesh Chandra Govil, Girdhari Singh, Lalit K Awasthi, Emmanuel S Pilli Energy-aware scientific workflow scheduling in cloud environment Vol. 25, pp. 3845-3874. DOI: Cluster Computing -
2022 Abhilasha Sharma, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Ob-EID: Obstacle aware event information dissemination for SDN enabled vehicular network Vol. 216, pp. 1-25. DOI: Computer Networks -
2021 Aridaman Singh Nandan, Samayveer Singh, Lalit K Awasthi An efficient cluster head election based on optimized genetic algorithm for movable sinks in IoT enabled HWSNs Vol. 107, pp. 1-78. DOI: Applied Soft Computing -
2021 Samayveer Singh, Aridaman Singh Nandan, Aruna Malik, Rajeev Kumar, Lalit K Awasthi, Neeraj Kumar A GA-Based Sustainable and Secure Green Data Communication Method Using IoT-Enabled WSN in Healthcare Vol. 9, pp. 7481 - 7490. DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3108875 Internet of Things Journal -
2021 Amit Nayyer, Aman Kumar Sharma, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Learning-based hybrid routing for scalability in software defined networks Vol. 198, pp.252-267. DOI: Computer Networks -
2021 Abhilasha Sharma, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Pr-CAI: Priority Based-Context Aware Information scheduling for SDN-based vehicular network Vol. 193, pp. 10-31. DOI: Computer Networks -
2021 Prashant Kumar, Naveen Chauhan, Mohit Kumar, Lalit K Awasthi Clustering based opportunistic traffic offloading technique for device-to-device communication Vol. 185, pp. 0976-4348. DOI: International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management -
2021 Urvashi Garg, Geeta Sikka, Lalit K Awasthi An ensemble approach for optimization of penetration layout in wide area networks Vol. 174, pp. 61-74. DOI: Computer Communications -
2021 Urvashi Garg, Geeta Sikka, Lalit K Awasthi Empirical risk assessment of attack graphs using time to compromise framework Vol. 16, pp. 192-206. DOI: International Journal of Information and Computer Security -
2021 Amit Nayyer, Aman Kumar Sharma, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Unified model towards Scalability in Software Defined Networks Vol. 12 No. 1 pp. 1-35 DOI: International Journal Next Gener. Comput -
2021 Satnam Kaur, Lalit K Awasthi, Amrit L Sangal A Review on Software Refactoring Opportunity Identification and Sequencing in Object-oriented Software Vol. 14 No. 3 pp. 252-267 DOI: Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Formerly Recent Patents on Electrical & Electronic Engineering) -
2020 Satnam Kaur, Lalit K Awasthi, AL Sangal, Gaurav Dhiman Tunicate Swarm Algorithm: A new bio-inspired based metaheuristic paradigm for global optimization Vol. 90, pp. 1-18. DOI: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence -
2020 Satnam Kaur, Lalit K Awasthi, AL Sangal HMOSHSSA: a hybrid meta-heuristic approach for solving constrained optimization problems Vol. 37, pp. 3167–3203. DOI: Engineering with Computers -
2020 Neha Agarwal, Geeta Sikka, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Enhancing web service clustering using Length Feature Weight Method for service description document vector space representation Vol. 161, pp. 11-36. DOI: Expert Systems with Applications -
2020 Neha Agarwal, Geeta Sikka, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Evaluation of web service clustering using Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture model-based approach for Dimensionality Reduction in service representation Vol. 57, pp. 1-22. DOI: Information Processing & Management -
2020 Abhilasha Sharma, Lalit Kumar Awasthi AdPS: Adaptive Priority Scheduling for Data Services in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks Vol. 159, pp. 71-82. DOI : Computer Communications -
2020 Amit Nayyer, Aman Kumar Sharma, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Game Theory-based Routing for Software-Defined Networks Vol. 12, pp. 1-48. DOI: IJRASET, XII (8) (2020) -
2019 Amit Nayyer, Aman Kumar Sharma, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Laman: A supervisor controller based scalable framework for software defined networks Vol. 159, pp. 125-134. DOI : Computer Networks -
2019 Anita Choudhary, Mahesh Chandra Govil, Girdhari Singh, Lalit K Awasthi, Emmanuel S Pilli Energy-efficient fuzzy-based approach for dynamic virtual machine consolidation Vol. 10, pp. 1741-88. DOI: International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing -
2019 Ashok Kumar Nanda, V. Sankiran, Vindya Gandam, and Lalit Kumar Awasthi ECDSA Security Protocol for WSBNs, Vol. 8, pp. 138-145. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) -
2018 Urvashi Garg, Geeta Sikka, Lalit K Awasthi Empirical analysis of attack graphs for mitigating critical paths and vulnerabilities Vol. 77, pp. 349-359. DOI : Computers & Security -
2018 Prashant Kumar, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand, Lalit K Awasthi SF-APP: A Secure Framework for Authentication and Privacy Preservation in Opportunistic Networks Vol. 15, pp. 1-20. DOI : 10.4018/IJWSR.2018040103 International Journal of Web Services Research (IJWSR) -
2017 Brij Bihari Dubey, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Incentive based scheme for improving data availability in vehicular ad-hoc networks. Vol. 23, pp. 1-36. DOI: Wireless Networks -
2017 Anita Choudhary, Mahesh Chandra Govil, Girdhari Singh, Lalit K Awasthi, Emmanuel S Pilli, Divya Kapil A critical survey of live virtual machine migration techniques Vol. 6, pp. 1-44. DOI: Journal of Cloud Computing -
2016 Brij Bihari Dubey, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Priority based efficient data scheduling technique for VANETs, Vol. 22, pp 1641–1657. DOI: Wireless Networks -
2016 Rajesh Sharma, Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Naveen Chauhan Minimal marking of trap-regions for efficient greedy forwarding in wsns, Vol. 7, pp. 58-68. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing -
2016 Rajesh Sharma, Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Naveen Chauhan: GRAB: Greedy Forwarding with Routing Along Boundaries in Wireless Sensor Networks. Vol. 7 No. 3 pp. 46-78 International Journal of Next-Generation Computing -
2015 Brij Bihari Dubey, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Analyzing and reducing impact of dynamic obstacles in vehicular ad-hoc networks Vol. 21, pp. 15-26. DOI: Wireless Networks -
2015 Jawahar Thakur, Dr Arvind Kalia, & Dr. Lalit Kumar Awasthi Checkpointing and Roll back Recovery Protocols in Wireless Ad hoc Networks: A Review, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 140–152. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing -
2015 Rakesh Nayak, Ashok Kumar Nanda, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Multiple Private Keys with NTRU Cryptosystem, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 250-255. International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology (IJRCCT) -
2013 Siddhartha Chauhan, Lalit Kumar Awasthi An energy efficient cycle stealing algorithm for best effort services in wireless sensor networks. Vol. 45 pp. 75-96. DOI : International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems -
2013 Ankur Gupta, Lalit K Awasthi Peer enterprises: design and implementation of a cross-organisational peer-to-peer framework Vol. 11, pp. 347-375. DOI : International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems -
2014 Prashant Kumar, Naveen Chauhan, LK Awasthi, Narottam Chand Cooperative Cache Replacement Policy for MANETs Vol. 6 No. 6 pp 1-12 DOI: 10.4018/ijapuc.2014040103 International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAPUC) -
2014 Lalit K. Awasthi, Manoj Misra, R.C. Joshi Minimum mutable checkpoint-based coordinated checkpointing protocol for mobile distributed systems. Vol. 12 No. 4 pp. 356-380 DOI: International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems -
2012 Abhishek Mohta, Ravi Kant Sahu, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Robust data security for cloud while using third party auditor Vol. 3, pp. 1-20. DOI: International journal of advanced research in computer science and software engineering -
2012 Abhishek Mohta, Lalit Kumar Awasti Cloud data security while using third party auditor Vol.3, pp. 2229-5518. DOI: International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research -
2012 Manju Bala, Lalit Awasthi Proficient D-SEP protocol with heterogeneity for maximizing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks Vol. 25, pp. 1341-54. DOI : 10.5815/ijisa.2012.07.01.07 International Journal of Intelligent systems and applications -
2012 Ashok Kumar Nanda, Lalit Kumar Awasthi XTR Cryptosystem for SMS security Vol. 4, pp. 836-839. International Journal of Engineering and Technology -
2012 Rajesh Sharma, Lalit Kumar Awasthi A log-based recovery protocol for mobile distributed computing systems Vol. 1, pp. 138-147. DOI: Journal of Bioinformatics and Intelligent Control -
2012 Ajay Guleria, Narottam Chand, Mohinder Kumar, Lalit Awasthi Request Analysis and Dynamic Queuing System for VANETs Vol. 3, pp. 1-7. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications -
2012 Lalit K Awasthi, Manoj Misra, Ramesh C Joshi An efficient coordinated checkpointing approach for distributed computing systems with reliable channels Vol. 34, pp. 11-25. DOI: ACTA: International Journal of Computers and Applications -
2012 Ashok Kumar Nanda, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Secure SMS Encryption Using NTRU Cryptosystem. Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 182-198. Journal of Information Assurance & Security -
2012 Ajay Guleria, Narottam Chand, Mohinder Kumar, Lalit Awasthi Request Analysis and Dynamic Queuing System for VANETs Vol. 3, pp. 192-198. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications -
2012 Ajay Guleria, Narottam Chand Kaushal, Lalit Kumar Awasthi: Integrated Push Pull Algorithm with Accomplishment Assurance in VANETs Vol. 3 No. 3 pp 1-25 DOI: International Journal. Next Gener. Comput. -
2012 Lalit K Awasthi, Manoj Misra, Ramesh C Joshi An efficient coordinated checkpointing approach for distributed computing systems with reliable channels Vol. 3, pp. 1341-54. DOI: International Journal of Computers and Applications -
2012 Siddhartha Chauhan, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Adaptive Time Synchronization for Homogeneous WSNs Vol. 14, pp. 1-18. DOI: International Journal of Engineering Business Management -
2012 Naveen Chauhan, Lalit K Awasthi, Narottam Chand Cache replacement in mobile adhoc networks Vol. 02, pp. 22-38. DOI: 10.4018/jdst.2012040102 International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) -
2011 Amit Nayyer, Meenakshi Nayyer, Lalit Kr Awasthi A comparative study of time synchronization protocols in wireless sensor network Vol. 36, pp. 1341-54. International Journal of Computer Applications -
2011 Siddhartha Chauhan, Lalit Awasthi TBEE: Tier based energy efficient protocol providing sink and source mobility in wireless sensor networks Vol. 8, pp. 281-291. International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) -
2011 Siddhartha Chauhan, Lalit Kumar Awasthi Cluster based task scheduling in wireless sensor network Vol. 33, pp. 38-43. International Journal of Computer Applications -
2011 Naveen Chauhan, Lalit K Awasthi, Narottam Chand, Ramesh Chandra Joshi, Manoj Misra Cooperative Caching in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Vol. 3, pp. 1-16 DOI: 10.4018/jmcmc.2011070102 International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC) -
2011 Computing and Informatics Peer-to-Peer Networks and Computation: Current Trends and Future Perspectives Vol. 30, pp. 559 - 594. A Gupta, Lalit Awasthi -
2011 Naveen Chauhan, Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Narottam Chand, Vivek Katiyar, Ankit Chugh A Distributed Weighted Cluster Based Routing Protocol for MANETs Vol. 3 No.2 pp. 54-60 DOI: 10.4236/wsn.2011.32006  Wireless Sensor Network -
2011 Ankur Gupta, Lalit K Awasthi Peers-for-peers (P4P): an efficient and reliable fault-tolerance strategy for cycle-stealing P2P applications Vol. 6, pp. 202 - 228 DOI: International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems -
2011 Manju Bala, Lalit Awasthi Performance tradeoff with routing protocols for radio models in wireless sensor networks Vol. 2, pp. 53-59. DOI: Wireless Engineering and Technology -
2011 Prashant Kumar, Naveen Chauhan, Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Narottam Chand Enhancing Data Availability in MANETs with Cooperative Caching. Vol. 3 No .4 pp. 1-14 DOI: International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC) -
2010 Lalit K. Awasthi, Manoj Misra R.C. Joshi A weighted checkpointing protocol for mobile distributed systems. Vol.5 No.3 pp.137-149 DOI: International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing -
2010 Prashant Kumar, Naveen Chauhan, L K Awasthi, Narottam Chand Proactive approach for cooperative caching in mobile adhoc networks Vol. 7, pp. 21-27. International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) -
2010 Kamal Kant, Lalit K Awasthi Unicast and Multicast Routing Protocols for MA-NETs: A Comparative Survey Vol. 101, pp. 1-8. International Journal of IT & Knowledge Management (IJITKM), Special issue -
2010 Naveen Chauhan, Lalit K Awasthi, Narottam Chand, RC Joshi, Manoj Misra Global cluster cooperation strategy in mobile ad hoc networks Vol. 115, pp. 16. International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering -
2010 Naveen Chauhan, Lalit K Awasthi, Narottam Chand, RC Joshi, Manoj Misrah Energy efficient cooperative caching in mobile ad hoc networks Vol. 7, pp. 21-28. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research -
2010 Lalit K Awasthi, Manoj Misra, Ramesh C Joshi A weighted Check pointing protocol for mobile distributed systems Vol. 5, pp. 137-149. DOI: International Journal of ad hoc and ubiquitous Computing -
2010 Ankur Gupta, Lalit K Awasthi Ind Net: towards a peer-to-peer community network that connects the information technology industry and academia in India Vol. 7, pp. 63-79. DOI: International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations -
2010 Ankur Gupta, Lalit K Awasthi PArch: a cross-organisational peer-to-peer framework supporting the aggregation and exchange of storage for efficient e-mail archival Vol. 5, pp. 102-110 .DOI: International Journal of Business Information Systems -
2010 Kamal Kant Lalit K. Awasthi, Unicast And Multicast Routing Protocols for Manets: A Comparative Survey” Vol. 11, pp. 1-8. International Journal of IT & Knowledge -
2010 Ankur Gupta, Lalit K. Awasthi Toward a Quality-of-Service Framework for Peer-to-Peer Applications. Vol.1 No.3 pp.1-23 DOI: 10.4018/jdst.2010070101 International Journal Distributed Syst. Technol. -
2010 Ankur Gupta, Lalit K. Awasthi IndNet: towards a peer-to-peer community network that connects the information technology industry and academia in India. Vol.7 No.1 pp.63-79 DOI: International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations -
2010 Ankur Gupta, Lalit K Awasthi A containment-based security model for cycle-stealing P2P applications Vol. 19, pp. 191-203. DOI: Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective -
2007 Lalit Kumar Awasthi, Prashant Kumar A synchronous checkpointing protocol for mobile distributed systems: probabilistic approac h Vol. 3, pp. 298-314 DOI: International Journal of Information and Computer Security -
2006 Parveen Kumar, Lalit Kumar, RK Chauhan A Nonintrusive Hybrid Synchronous Checkpointing Protocol for Mobile Systems Vol. 52, pp. 247-54. IETE Journal of Research -
2006 Parveen Kumar, Lalit Kumar, RK Chauhan A hybrid coordinated checkpointing protocol for mobile computing systems Vol. 52, pp. 247-254 DOi: IETE journal of research -
2006 RK Chauhan, Parveen Kumar, Lalit Kumar A coordinated checkpointing protocol for mobile computing systems Vol. 52, pp. 1341-54. International Journal of information and computing science, Accepted for Publication -
2006 RK Chauhan, Parveen Kumar, Lalit Kumar Checkpointing Distributed Applications on Mobile Computers Vol. 34, pp. 40-51. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering and Technologies -
2006 RK Chauhan, Parveen Kumar, Lalit Kumar Hybrid and intrusive synchronous checkpointing protocols for mobile distributed systems Vol. 52, pp. 247-54. ACCST Journal of Research -
2006 RK Chauhan, Parveen Kumar, Lalit Kumar Non-intrusive C coordinated C heck pointing Protocol for Mobile C omputing Systems: A Critical Survey Vol. 51, pp. 485-490. ACCST Journal of Research -
2005 Lalit Kumar, Parveen Kumar, RK Chauhan Logging based coordinated check pointing in mobile distributed computing systems Vol. 51, pp. 485-490. DOI: ACCST Journal of research -
2005 Parveen Kumar, Lalit Kumar, RK Chauhan A low overhead Non-intrusive Hybrid Synchronous check pointing protocol for mobile systems Vol. 52, pp. 247-254. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Technologies -
2005 Parveen Kumar, Lalit Kumar, RK Chauhan Synchronous Check pointing Protocols for Mobile Distributed Systems: A Comparative Study Vol. 1, pp. 298-314. International Journal of information and computing science -
2005 Lalit Kumar, Parveen Kumar, RK Chauhan Pitfalls in Minimum-process Coordinated Check pointing protocols for Mobile Distributed Vol. 19, pp. 1015-1038. ACCST Journal of Research -
2005 Lalit Kumar, Parveen Kumar, RK Chauhan Message Logging and Check pointing in Mobile Computing Vol. 51, pp. 485-90. Journal of Multi-disciplinary Engineering Technologies -
2016 Singh IP, Jain Minakshi "Land Acquisition in Developing and Developed" Countries: An Overview Vol 1:issue2 (2016) International Journal of Rural and Regional Planning International Journal
2015 Jain Minakshi "Historic Gardens – A Pattern of Nature And Culture" Vol 1, No 1 (2015) The International Journal on Architecture, Conservation and Urban Studies :ABACUS India International Journal
2015 Jain Minakshi, Singh IP "Effective Site Planning for Sustainable Development" Vol 1, No 1 (2015) International Journal of Landscape Planning and Architecture International Journal
2014 Singh I.P. Jain Minakshi "Bio-Engineering stabilization techniques for slopes" Spring 2014 International Journal on Architecture, Conservation and Urban Studies: Design and Planning innovations International Journal
2008 Jain Pradeep, Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P "Sustainability, Hill Architecture and Architectural" Curriculum Winter 2008 vol 2 no. 2 2) Jain Pradeep, Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P International Journal
2007 Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P., Sood Y.R "Sustainable Development through Micro & Mini Hydro Plants – Case Study : Hill region " The Journal of International Association for Small Hydro, New Delhi International Journal
2004 Jain Minakshi ,Singh IP "Sustainable Development of Eco-fragile areas of Himachal Pradesh" May, 2004, Vol. 8939-45 Journal of Indian Institute of Architects National Journal
2004 Jain Minakshi, Singh IP "Energy Conservation in buildings in context to landscape design" Sept, 2004, Vol. 69 p-22-25 Journal of Indian Institute of Architects National Journal
2005 Jain Minakshi ,Singh IP "Tourism & Environment: A Case Study Brahmaur Block (Distt. Chamba) Himachal Pradesh" April, 2005 Vol 70 Issue 03, p – 15-18 Journal of Indian Institute of Architects Mumbai National Journal
2005 Jain Minakshi ,Singh IP "Traditional Architecture And Planning Techniques Of Himachal Pradesh". October 2005, Vol 86 The Journal of Institute of Engineers, Kolkatta National Journal
2005 Jain Minakshi ,Singh IP "Tourism Potential in Brahmaur." October 2005, Vol XXII No. 10, p – 62 – 68 The Journal of Architecture + Design, New Delhi National Journal
2006 Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P., Dr. S.C Sharma "Material and Construction Techniques for Sustainable Development." , February, 2006 Vol 71 Issue 02, p – 24-27 The Journal of Indian Institute of Architects, Mumbai National Journal
2006 Jain Minakshi, Singh IP "Fire Safety Firefighting in the Built Environment." June 2006, P. 20-26 Construction Journal of India National Journal
2007 Jain Minakshi, Sharma S.C.,Wattas Rajnish Sustainable Plantation Practices For Hill Areas April, 2007 Vol 72, Issue 04, p – 31-33 The Journal of Indian Institute of Architects, Mumbai National Journal
2007 Jain Minakshi, Singh IP "Ecological forces Landscape Expressions and the mindset." June, 2007 Vol 72, Issue 06, p – 20-22 The Journal of Indian Institute of Architects, National Journal
2008 Jain P.K., Singh I.P., Jain Minakshi "Leadership Through Competing and Caring." Sept. – Oct. 2008, Vol 1 no. 1, p – 34-35 The Indian Journal of Management National Journal
2009 Jain Minakshi, Singh IP "Achieving sustainability through traditional techniques :a case study Himachal Pradesh" June 2009 BuildoTech. Mumbai National Journal
2010 Jain Minakshi, Singh I.P. Aggarwal Sanjeev "Eco Planning approach for Tourism." May, 2010, Vol XXVII no. 5, p – 54-60 The Indian Journal of Architecture (A+D), New Delhi National Journal
2013 Jain Minakshi, Singh IP "Norbulinga: Dharamshala, HP." June 2013 Vol 78, Issue 06, p – 51-55 The Journal of Indian Institute of Architects, Mumbai National Journal
2007 Jain Minakshi , Singh IP "Sustainability and Traditional Buildings." July 2007, Volume VII Issue VII, P. 18-24 Time Space People and Architecture- The Magazine Council of Architecture, India National Journal
2014 Shrivastava Rajnish, Jain Minakshi "Journey of a capitol Hill Town from Nature to Urban sprawl." Feb 2014 Vol 79, Issue 02, p – 55-59 The Journal of Indian Institute of Architects, Mumbai National Journal
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2013 Sunil Chamoli and N.S. Thakur and J.S. Saini A Review of Turbulence Promoters used in Solar Thermal System Vol.16 pp. 3154-3175 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier SCI
2013 Sunil Chamoli and Narender Singh Thakur Numerical Based Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Correlations of Rectangular Ducts Roughened With Transverse Perforated Baffles Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (WJST) SCI
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2014 S Chamoli, NS Thakur Exergetic performance evaluation of solar air heater having V-down perforated baffles on the absorber plate Vol.117 (2), pp.909-923 Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry SCI
2015 AK Sharma, NS Thakur Resource potential and development of small hydro power projects in Jammu and Kashmir in the western Himalayan region: India Vol.52, pp.1354-1368 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCI
2015 S Chamoli, NS Thakur Effect of roughness height ratio in V down perforated baffle roughness on thermohydraulic performance of solar air heater: an experimental study Vol.36 (5), pp.242-247 International Journal of Ambient Energy SCI
2015 S Chamoli, NS Thakur Thermal behavior in rectangular channel duct fitted with v-shaped perforated baffles Vol.36 (5), pp.471-479 Heat Transfer Engineering SCI
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2016 R Chauhan, NS Thakur, T Singh, M Sethi Exergy based modeling and optimization of solar thermal collector provided with impinging air jets Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences SCI
2016 AK Sharma, NS Thakur Analyze the factors effecting the development of hydro power projects in hydro rich regions of India Vol.8, pp.406-408 Perspectives in Science SCOPUS
2016 R Chauhan, T Singh, NS Thakur Investigation of the Thermal Performance of Solar Thermal Collector Provided with Impinging Air Jets Vol.22 (11), pp.3928-3932 Advanced Science Letters SCOPUS
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2016 AK Sharma, NS Thakur Assessing the impact of small hydropower projects in Jammu and Kashmir: A study from north-western Himalayan region of India Vol.80, pp.679-693 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCI
2017 R Chauhan, T Singh, NS Thakur, N Kumar, R Kumar, A Kumar Heat transfer augmentation in solar thermal collectors using impinging air jets: A comprehensive review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCIU
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2017 A. Gupta, R.K. Dutta, R. Shrivastava, and V.N.Khatri Ultimate bearing capacity of square/rectangular footing on layered soil Indian Geotechnical Journal Scopus, ESCI
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2016 R.K.Dutta and V. Kumar Suitability of flyash-lime-phosphogypsum composite in road pavements Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering SCIE, Scopus
2016 V.N. Khatri, R.K.Dutta, G. Venkataraman, and R. Shrivastava Shear strength behaviour of clay reinforced with treated coir fibres Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering SCIE, Scopus
2015 V. Tilak B., R.K. Dutta and B. Mohanty Strength characteristics of bentonite-lime-gypsum mix reinforced with coir fibres European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering SCIE, Scopus
2015 S. Kumar, R.K. Dutta and B. Mohanty Potential of bentonite-lime-mix modified with phosphogypsum and reinforced with sisal fibres Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering SCIE, Scopus
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2013 S.P. Guleria and R.K.Dutta Study of flexural strength and leachate analysis of fly ash-lime-gypsum composite mixed with treated tire chips KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering SCIE, Scopus
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2008 R.K.Dutta Effect of cement on the properties of sand - a comparative study Road Material and Pavement Design – An International Journal SCIE, Scopus
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2019 Tammineni Gnanananda Rao, Rakesh Kumar Dutta, Ajay Sharma Application of random forest regression in the Prediction of ultimate bearing capacity of strip footing resting on dense sand overlying loose sand deposit Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering Scopus
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2021 P.P.Das,V.N Khatri and R.K.Dutta Bearing capacity of ring footing on a weak sand layer overlying a dense sand deposit Geomechanics and Geoengineering- An International Journal Scopus, Web of Science
2021 V.N.Khatri, A. Kumar, S.K.Gupta, R.K. Dutta, and T. Gnananandarao Numerical study of the uplift capacity of under-reamed piles in clay with linearly increasing cohesion International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Scopus, Web of Science
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2020 V Panwar, RK Dutta Numerical study of ultimate bearing capacity of rectangular footing on layered sand Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Scopus
2020 Vivek, RK Dutta, A Kumari Effect of chemical treatment on the durability behavior of coir geotextiles Journal of Natural Fibers Scopus, SCIE
2020 RK Dutta, T Gnananandarao, S Ladol Soft computing based prediction of friction angle of clay Archives of Materials Science and Engineering Scopus
2021 M Arora, RK Dutta, A Jain Characterization, durability, and application of treated coir geotextiles In low volume roads Journal of Natural Fibers Scopus, SCIE
2021 A Thakur, RK Dutta A study of bearing capacity of skirted octagonal footings resting on different sands Archives of Materials Science and Engineering Scopus
2021 A Thakur, RK Dutta Study of bearing capacity of skirted irregular pentagonal footings on different sands Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Scopus
2021 S. Nazeer and R. K. Dutta Bearing capacity of E-shaped footing on layered sand Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Scopus
2021 P. Rawat, R. K. Dutta Pressure settlement behaviour and bearing capacity of asymmetric embedded plus shaped footing on layered sand Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports ESCI, Web of Science
2021 RK Dutta, JS Yadav The Impact of variation of gypsum and water content on the engineering properties of expansive soil Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology Scopus
2021 Vivek, RK Dutta Bearing ratio behavior of sand overlying clay with treated coir geotextiles at the interface Journal of Natural Fibers Scopus, SCIE
2021 RK Dutta, JS Yadav, V N Khatri, G Venkataraman A study on the suitability of fly ash-lime-alccofine mixtures in construction of road pavement Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology Scopus
2021 Dutta, R.K., Yadav, J.S. The impact of alccofine inclusion on the engineering properties of bentonite Cleaner Engineering and Technology Scopus
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2021 Yadav, J. S., Kumar, K., Dutta, R.K. and Garg A Influence of positions of the geotextile on the load-settlement behaviour of circular footing resting on single stone column by 2D Plaxis software Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Scopus
2021 Safeena Nazeer, Rakesh Kumar Dutta Application of machine learning techniques in predicting the bearing capacity of E-shaped footing on layered sand Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering Scopus
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2022 RK Dutta, VN Khatri, N Kaundal Ultimate bearing capacity of strip footing on sand underlain by clay under inclined load Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports Scopus
2023 RK Dutta, A Pandit Performance of rectangular footing on loose sand reinforced with micropiles Indian Geotechnical Journal Scopus
2023 T Gnananandarao, K Onyelowe, VN Khatri, RK Dutta Performance of T-shaped skirted footings resting on sand International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering 57 (1), 65-71 2 2023 Application of machine learning technique i Scopus
2022 V Panwar, RK Dutta Application of machine learning technique in predicting the bearing capacity of rectangular footing on layered sand under inclined loading Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering Scopus
2022 T Gnananandarao, RK Dutta, VN Khatri, MS Kumar Soft computing based prediction of unconfined compressive strength of fly ash stabilised organic clay Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering Scopus
2023 V Chaudhary, JS Yadav, RK Dutta A critical appraisal on some geotechnical properties of soil stabilised with nano-additives Environment, Development and Sustainability SCIE, Scopus
2023 V Chaudhary, JS Yadav, RK Dutta Geotechnical properties of bentonite mixed with nanosilica Multiscale and Multidiciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design Scopus, ESCI
2023 V Panwar, RK Dutta Development of bearing capacity equation for rectangular footing under inclined loading on layered sand Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal Scopus, ESCI
2022 RK Dutta, VN Khatri, DN Hamdani Bearing capacity of skirted ring footing on soft clay overlying dense sand Innovative Infrastructure Solutions SCIE, Scopus
2022 RK Dutta, JS Yadav Reply to the discussion: The impact of variation of gypsum and water content on the engineering properties of expansive soil Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology Scopus
2023 V Chaudhary, JS Yadav, RK Dutta Impact of nano-silica and cement on geotechnical properties of bentonite soil Indian Geotechnical Journal Scopus, ESCI
2023 S Jena, VN Khatri, L Nainegali, RK Dutta Effect of chemical treatment on physical, mechanical, and morphological characteristics of sisal geotextile The Journal of The Textile Institute SCIE, Scopus
2023 RK Dutta, P Choudhary B. Bearing capacity of skirted ring footing on dense sand overlying loose sand Current Indian Science Google Scholar
2023 RK Dutta, S Choudhary Numerical study of pullout capacity of multi-edges multiplate horizontal anchors in sand Indian Geotechnical Journal Scopus, ESCI
2023 RK Dutta, A Khatoon Bearing capacity of skirted ring footing resting on dense sand overlying soft clay Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Google Scholar
2024 V Chaudhary, JS Yadav, RK Dutta The impact of nano silica and nano silica-based compounds on strength, mineralogy and morphology of soil: A review Indian Geotechnical Journal Scopus, ESCI
2024 V Chaudhary, JS Yadav, RK Dutta Durability performance of soil stabilized with nano additive’s: A review Indian Geotechnical Journal Scopus, ESCI
2024 V Chaudhary, JS Yadav, RK Dutta A critical appraisal on strength, mineralogy and morphology of clayey soil stabilized with nano additive’s Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An International Journal Scopus, ESCI
2024 S. Jena, V. N. Khatri, L. Nainegali, R. K. Dutta Study on Physical, Mechanical, Morphological, and Crystallographic Properties of Chemically Treated Sisal Fibers Fibers and Polymers SCIE
2000 R. Naresh and J. Sharma Hydro system scheduling using ANN approach, Vol. 15, No. 1, February-2000, pp. 388-395 IEEE Transactions on Power Systems Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0885-8950 Scopus:- Source record id: 28825 Science Citation Index at S. No. 1593 Web of Science
2000 R. Naresh and J. Sharma A hybrid method for hydro generation Scheduling, Vol. 31, No. 2, Feb. 2000, pp. 263-271 International Journal of Systems Science Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0020-7721 Scopus:- Source record id: 12419 Web of Science
2001 R. Naresh and J. Sharma Reservoir Operation Using Fuzzy-Neural System for Hydro Generation Scheduling, Vol. 32, No. 4, April-2001, pp. 479-486 International Journal of Systems Science Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0020-7721 Scopus:- Source record id: 12419 Web of Science
2002 R. Naresh and J. Sharma Short Term Hydro Scheduling Using Two-phase Neural Network, Vol. 24, No. 7, September 2002, pp. 583-590 International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0142-0615 Scopus:- Source record id: 17985 Web of Science
2002 R. Naresh and J. Sharma A Decomposition Method for Hydro Generation Scheduling, Vol. 82, March 2002, pp. 268-272 Journal of Institution of Engineers-EL Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0020-3386 Registration No.:-TECH/WB/RNP-366/2002 License of Tech/WB/RNP-366/LPWP-05/2002 Taylor & Francis
2003 V. Sharma, R. Jha and R. Naresh Hopfield Neural Network Approach for Multi-reservoir Network Control, Vol. 60, No. 4, Oct-Dec-2003, pp. 21-27 Water and Energy International Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0972-057X Scopus:- Source record id: 18755
2004 V. Sharma, R. Jha and R. Naresh Optimal Multi-reservoir Network Control by Two-phase Neural Network, Vol. 68, 2004, pp. 221-228 Electric Power Systems Research Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0378-7796 Scopus:- Source record id: 16044 Web of Science
2004 R. Naresh, J. Dubey and J Sharma Two-phase Neural Network Based Modelling Framework of Constrained Economic Load Dispatch, Vol. 151, No. 3, pp. 373-378, May 2004 IEE Proceedings on-Generation Transmission and Distribution Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0143-7046 Scopus:- Source record id: 96725 Science Citation Index at S. No. 1612 Web of Science
2005 V. Sharma, R. Jha and R. Naresh Augmented Lagrange Programming Neural Network for Short-term Hydroelectric Generation Scheduling, Vol. 37, No. 5, July 2005, pp. 479-497 International Journal of Engineering Optimization Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0305-215X E-ISSN:-1029-0273 Scopus:- Source record id: 29114 Web of Science
2005 R. Naresh and J. Sharma Multiobjective Hydro Scheduling Using Artificial Neural Networks, Vol. 62, No. 1, Jan.-March, 2005, pp. 32-39 Water and Energy International Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0972-057X Scopus:- Source record id: 18755
2006 V. Sharma, R. Jha and R. Naresh Quadratic Programming Neural Network Approach for Multi-reservoir Network Control, Vol. 3, 2006, pp. 147-152. International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems, CRL Publishing Ltd. U.K. EIS Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0969-1170 Scopus:- Source record id: 78090
2007 V.Sharma, R.Jha and R. Naresh Optimal Multi-reservoir Network Control by Augmented Lagrange Programming Neural Network, U.K. Elsevier 7, 783-790, 2007 Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier science Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 1568-4946 Scopus:- Source record id: 18136 Web of Science
2007 Sushil Kumar and R. Naresh Efficient Real Coded Genetic Algorithm to Solve the Nonconvex Hydrothermal Scheduling Problem, Vol. 29, 2007, pp 738-747 International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0142-0615 Scopus:- Source record id: 17985 Web of Science
2008 R. Naresh, V. Sharma and Manisha Title of Transactions Paper: An Integrated Neural-Fuzzy Approach for Fault Diagnosis of Transformers, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp: 2017-2024, 2008 IEEE transactions on Power Delivery Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0885-8977 Scopus:- Source record id: 17370 Science Citation Index at S. No. 1591 Web of Science
2009 V.Sharma, R.Jha and R. Naresh A neural network optimizer for scheduling hydropower generation plants, ACTA press , Volume 29, Number 4, pp: 233-240 International Journal of Power and Energy Systems Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 1078-3466 Scopus:- Source record id: 26993 Web of Science
2009 Sushil Kumar and R. Naresh An Efficient Real Coded Genetic Algorithm to Solve the Nonconvex Economic Load Dispatch Problem, Vol. 9, pp. 321-329, 2009 Applied Soft Computing Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 1568-4946 Scopus:- Source record id: 18136 Web of science
2009 R. Naresh and Devender Kumar Stream flow forecasting in long term reservoir operation scheduling, Vol. 67, No. 10, pp. 59-63, December 2010 Water and Energy International Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0972-057X Scopus:- Source record id: 18755
2010 R. Naresh and DeepikaYadav Artificial neural network based hydroelectric turbine efficiency modelling, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2010, pp. 183-197 International Journal of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Abstracting & Indexing:E-ISSN:- 0974-2174
2010 R. Naresh and DeepikaYadav Artificial neural network based hydroelectric generation modeling, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2010, pp. 343-359 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Abstracting & Indexing: Print-ISSN:- 0973-4562 Scopus:- Source record id: 21100217234
2011 R. Naresh and DeepikaYadav Stream flow forecasting using Levenberg- Marquardt algorithm approach, Volume 3, No. 1, pp:30-40, 2011. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 2141-6613
2011 SheelaTiwari, R.Naresh and R. Jha Neural Network Predictive Control of UPFC for improving transient stability performance of power system, Vol. 11, No. 8, pp. 4581-4590, 2011 Applied Soft Computing Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 1568-4946 Scopus:- Source record id: 18136 Web of Science
2011 A. Mehta, R. N. Sharma, S. Chauhan and S. D. Agnihotri Study the Insulation System of Power Transformer Bushing, Vol. 3, No. 4, August 2011, pp. 544-547 International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering Abstracting & Indexing:E-ISSN:- 1793-8163
2011 R. Naresh and DeepikaYadav Short term Hydro thermal scheduling using Lambda Gamma iteration method, Vol. 9, July 2011, pp.20-26 Journal of Water, Energy and Environment Hydro Nepal, Energy Nepal Limited Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 1998-5452 E-ISSN:- 2392-4101
2011 R. Naresh and DeepikaYadav Optimal Hydro-Thermal Generation Scheduling using an efficient Feedback Neural Network Optimization Mode, Maxwell Science Publication , Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2011, pp.770-778 Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 2040-7459 Online ISSN: 2040-7467
2011 A. K. Mehta, R. N. Sharma, S. Chauhan and Anil Kumar Modern Diagnostic Facilities for Power Transformers in TIFAC-CORE, Vol. 05, No. 02, Mar 2011 Int. J. on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 2158-5563
2011 Amit Kumar, J. Rattan, R.N. Sharma and S. Chauhan Investigation of Polarization and Depolarization Current for Evaluation of Moisture in Oil-Pressboard Insulation, Vol. 3, No. 6, 2011, pp. 853-856. DOI: 10.7763/IJCEE.2011.V3.432 International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE) Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 1793-8163
2012 Amit Kumar, R. Naresh and S. Chauhan, Condition Monitoring of Insulation System in Power Transformers, Vol.4, No.2, April 2012, pp.149-152 DOI: 10.7763/IJCEE.2012.V4.468 International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE) Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 1793-8163
2012 SheelaTiwari, R. Naresh and R. Jha Neural Network Predictive Control of UPFC for Enhancing Transient Stability Performance of a Single Machine Infinite Bus System, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 100-104, 2012. International Journal of Advancements in Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJAEEE). Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 2319-7498
2012 DeepikaYadav, V. Sharma, R.Naresh Fixed Head Short Term Hydro Thermal Generation Scheduling using Real Variable Genetic Algorithm, vol.3,issue 2, pp. 430-443, 2012. International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:-0976-6545 Online-ISSN:-0976-6553
2012 R. Naresh and DeepikaYadav Energy generation plan at hydro power plant, Vol. 11, No.2, June-September 2012, pp. 167-178. TIDEE, TERI Information Digest on Energy and Environment Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:-0972-6721 Online-ISSN:-0975-7589 Scopus: scopus source id-74282
2013 Deepika Yadav, V. Sharma and R.Naresh Fixed Head Short term Hydro Thermal Generation Scheduling using Differential Evolution, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 17-23, 2013 Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:-2277 –4920
2014 DeepikaYadav, V. Sharma and R.Naresh Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Hydrothermal Generation Scheduling, Issue No. 15, pp. 65-72, 2014 Hydro Nepal :Journal of Water, Energy and Environment Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:-1998-5452
2014 Preeti, V. Sharma, R. N. Sharma and H. Pulluri Automatic generation control using a gravitational search algorithm based PID controller, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 280-286, 2014 Review of Business & Technology Research Abstracting & Indexing: Print-ISSN:-1941-9406 Listed in UGC (India), and Ulrich Database
2014 Preeti, V. Sharma and R. Naresh Performance analysis and comparison of automatic generation control techniques for four area interconnected system, Vol. 158, No. 5, pp. 461-481, 2014 Sylwan Abstracting & Indexing: Print-ISSN:- 0039-7660 Web of Science Scopus
2015 R. Naresh, Narottam Chand, Veena Sharma and DeepikaYadav Decision support system for operation scheduling and optimization of hydro power plant in Jammu and Kashmir, Vol. 43, 2015, pp. 1099-1113 Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, Elsevier Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 1364-0321 Scopus:- Source record id: 27567 Science Citation Index at S. No. 3302 Web of Science
2015 P. K. Singhal, R. Naresh, and V. Sharma A novel strategy-based hybrid binary artificial bee colony algorithm for unit commitment problem, Vol. 40, pp. 1455-1469, 2015 Arab. J Sci. Eng Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 1319-8025, Scopus:- Source record id: 13951 Web of Science
2015 P.K. Singhal, R. Naresh and V. Sharma A modified binary artificial bee colony algorithm for ramp rate constrained unit commitment problem, pp: 3472–3491, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/etep.2046 International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:-2050-7038 Scopus:- Source record id: 21100241220 Web of Science
2015 P. Dahiya, V. Sharma and R. N. Sharma Optimal Generation Control of Interconnected Power System Including DFIG-Based Wind Turbine, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 285-299, 2015 IETE Journal of Research Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0377-2063 Scopus:- Source record id: 130012 Web of Science
2015 N. Gouthamkumar, V. Sharma, R. Naresh and P. K. Singhal Comparative performance analysis of optimal meta-heuristic approaches for hydrothermal coordination, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 2675-2683 International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 2320-3765
2015 N. Gouthamkumar, V. Sharma, R. Naresh and P. K. Singhal Sinusoidal migration of biogeography based optimization for short term hydrothermal scheduling, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 2675-2683 Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 2347-9523
2015 P. Dahiya, V. Sharma and R. Naresh Solution approach to automatic generation control problem using hybridized gravitational search algorithm optimized PID and FOPID controllers, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 23-34, 2015 Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:-1582-7445, Online-ISSN: 1844-7600 Scopus:- Source record id: 18000156702 Web of Science
2015 A. K. Mehata, R. Naresh and S. Chauhan Thermal aging of solid insulation under dual temperature variation, DOI: 10.3906/elk-1411-23 Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 1303-6203 Online-ISSN: 1300-0632 Scopus:- Source record id: 22933 Science Citation Indexed (sreenshot) Web of Science
2015 N. Gouthamkumar, V. Sharma and R. Naresh An oppositional learning based gravitational search algorithm for short term hydrothermal scheduling, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 45-54, 2015 Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 2277-4920
2015 N. Gouthamkumar, V. Sharma and R. Naresh Disruption based gravitational search algorithm for short term hydro thermal scheduling, Vol. 42, pp. 7000-7011, 2015 Expert Systems with Applications Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0957-4174 Scopus:- Source record id: 24201 Web of Science
2015 N. Gouthamkumar, V. Sharma and R. Naresh Hybridized Gravitational Search Algorithm for Short-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling, pp. 468-478, 2015, DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2015.1083904 IETE Journal of Research Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0377-2063 Scopus:- Source record id: 130012 Web of Science
2015 A.K. Mehta, R. Naresh and Sushil Chauhan Development of a Novel Dual Temperature Model for Insulation Aging in Oil Immersed Transformers, Vol. 22, Issue 5, pp. 2723-2736, October 2015 IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 1070-9878 Scopus:- Source record id:17343 Science Citation Index at S. No. 1564 Web of Science
2015 Preeti, R. N. Sharma, V. Sharma and H. Pulluri Optimal control of two area interconnected power system Vol. 2, No. 18, pp. 1617-1622, 2015 Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 2350-0077 Online-ISSN:- 2350-0255
2015 P. K. Singhal, R. Naresh, V. Sharma and N. Gouthamkumar Generator scheduling under competitive environment using genetic algorithm, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 24-32, 2015 International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 2141-2820
2015 P.K. Singhal, R. Naresh and V. Sharma Binary Fish Swarm Algorithm for Profit-Based Unit Commitment Problem in Competitive Electricity Market with Ramp Rate Constraints, Vol. 9, No. 13, pp. 1697-1707, 2015 IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 1751-8687, Online ISSN:- 1751-8695 Scopus:- Source record id: 5400152713 Science Citation Index at S. No. 1612 Web of Science
2016 N. Gouthamkumar, V. Sharma and R. Naresh Application of nondominated sorting gravitational search algorithm with disruption operator for stochastic multiobjective short term hydrothermal scheduling, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 862-872, 2016 IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 1751-8687, Online ISSN:- 1751-8695 Scopus:- Source record id: 5400152713 Science Citation Index at S. No. 1612 Web of Science
2016 N. Gouthamkumar, V. Sharma and R. Naresh Non dominated sorting disruption based gravitational search algorithm with mutation scheme for multi-objective short term hydrothermal scheduling, Vol. 44, no. 9, pp. 990-1004, 2016 Electric Power Components and Systems Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:-1532-5008Online-ISSN:- 1532-5016 Scopus:- Source record id: 16031 Web of Science
2016 H. Pulluri, R. Naresh and V. Sharma A solution network based on stud krill herd algorithm for optimal power flow problems, DOI: 10.1007/s00500-016-2319-3 Soft Computing Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 1432-7643 Online-ISSN:- 1433-7479 Scopus:- Source record id: 28554 Web of Science
2016 P. Dahiya, V. Sharma and R. Naresh Automatic generation control using disrupted oppositional based gravitational search algorithm optimized sliding mode controller under deregulated environment, Vol. 10, No. 16, pp. 3995-4005, 2016 IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 1751-8687, Online ISSN:- 1751-8695 Scopus:- Source record id: 5400152713 Science Citation Index at S. No. 1612 Web of Science
2016 H. Pulluri, R. Naresh and V. Sharma Application of stud krill herd algorithm for solution of optimal power flow problems, DOI: 10.1002/etep.231 International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems Abstracting & Indexing: E-ISSN:-2050-7038 Scopus:- Source record id: 21100241220 Web of Science
2017 P. Dahiya, V. Sharma and R. Naresh Hybridized gravitational search algorithm tuned sliding mode controller design for LFC system with DFIG wind turbine, John Wiley & Sons Publication, 2017. DOI: 10.1002/oca.2305 Optimal Control Applications and Methods Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 0143-2087 Online-ISSN:- 1099-1514 Scopus:- Source record id: 25529 Web of Science
2017 H. Pulluri, R. Naresh and V. Sharma An enhanced self-adaptive differential evolution based solution methodology for multiobjective optimal power flow, Vol. 54, pp. 229-245, 2017 Applied Soft Computing Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:- 1568-4946 Scopus:- Source record id: 18136 Web of Science
2018 Amita Singh, Veena Sharma, Preeti Dahiya and Ram Naresh Model predictive based load frequency control of interconnected power systems, Vol. 11, Issue 3, pp. 322-333 Recent advances in electrical & electronic engineering Scopus: - Source record id: 21100324717 Web of Science
2019 Preeti Dahiya, Veena Sharma, R Naresh Optimal sliding mode control for frequency regulation in deregulated power systems with DFIG-based wind turbine and TCSC–SMES, Vol. 31, Issue 7, pp.3039-3056 Neural Computing and Applications Abstracting & Indexing: ISSN:0941-0643E-ISSN:1433-3058. Scopus: - Source record id: 24800
2021 Vineet Kumar, R. Naresh Application of BARON Solver for Solution of Cost Based Unit Commitment Problem, Vol. 12, Issue 4,pp.807-827 International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics Abstracting & Indexing:Print-ISSN:2085-6830E-ISSN:2087-5886, source id 21100198706
2021 Vineet Kumar, R. Naresh, Amita Singh Investigation of solution techniques of unit commitment problems: A review Wind Engineering Scopus: source record id:13850
2021 Vineet Kumar, Ram Naresh Monarch Butterfly Optimization-Based Computational Methodology for Unit Commitment Problem, Vol. 48, Issue 19-20, pp. 2181-2194 Electric Power Components and Systems SCIE/SCOPUS
2021 Vineet Kumar, R. Naresh, Veena Sharma, GAMS Environment Based Solution Methodologies for Ramp Rate Constrained Profit Based Unit Commitment Problem Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering SCIE/SCOPUS
2021 Vineet Kumar, Veena Sharma, R. Naresh, HHO-based Model Predictive Controller for Combined Voltage and Frequency Control Problem Including SMES IETE Journal of Research SCIE/SCOPUS
2020 Vineet Kumar and R. Naresh Application of BARON Solver for Solution of Cost Based Unit Commitment Problem International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics Volume 12, Issue 4, p807,ISSN: 2085-6830,DOI:10.15676/ijeei.2020.12.4.7
2021 Vineet Kumar, R. Naresh and Veena Sharma GAMS Environment Based Solution Methodologies for Ramp Rate Constrained Profit Based Unit Commitment Problem Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering Volume 45,Issue 4,page no:1325-1342,
2021 Vineet Kumar, Ram Naresh and Amita Singh Investigation of solution techniques of unit commitment problems: A review Wind Engineering Volume 45, Issue 6,DOI: 10.1177/0309524X21992446
2021 Vineet Kumar & Ram Naresh Monarch Butterfly Optimization-Based Computational Methodology for Unit Commitment Problem Electric Power Components and Systems Volume 48, 2020 - Issue 19-20,DOI: 10.1080/15325008.2021.1908458
2022 V. Kumar, R. Naresh & Veena Sharma Profit based unit commitment problem solution using metaheuristic optimisation approach International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics Volume 10, 2023 - Issue 1,DOI: 10.1080/23302674.2022.2037026
2022 Vineet Kumar, Ram Naresh and Veena Sharma Stochastic profit-based unit commitment problem considering renewable energy sources with battery storage systems and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles WILEY Volume46, Issue12,10 October 2022,Pages 16445-16460,DOI: 10.1002/er.8308
2023 Romil Chauhan, R. Naresh, M. Kenedy and Ankit Aharwar A streamlined and enhanced iterative method for analysing power system available transfer capability and security Electric Power Systems Research Volume 223, 109528,
2024 Vineet Kumar, Veena Sharma, Ram Naresh, Yogendra Arya A novel predictive optimal Control strategy for renewable penetrated interconnected power system Optimal Control Applications and Methods Volume 45, Issue 5, Pages 2190-2205
2008 K.V. Madhu, Ravi Kumar, M. Ravindra, R. Damle Investigation of deep level defects in copper irradiated bipolar junction transistor Solid-State Electronics SCI
2008 S.N. Dolia, Ravi Kumar, S.K. Sharma, M.P. Sharma, Subhash Chander, M. Singh Magnetic behaviour of nanocrystalline Ni–Cu ferrite and the effect of irradiation by 100 MeV Ni ions Current Applied Physics SCI
2008 Shalendra Kumar, S.K. Sharma, Alimuddin, M. Knobel, R.J. Choudhary, Chan Gyu Lee, B.H. Koo, Ravi Kumar Structural and magnetic properties of bulk and thin films of Mg0.95Mn0.05Fe2O4 Current Applied Physics SCI
2008 S K Sharma, Ravi Kumar, Shalendra Kumar, M Knobel, C T Meneses, V V Siva Kumar, V R Reddy, M Singh and C G Lee Role of interparticle interactions on the magnetic behavior of Mg0.95Mn0.05Fe2O4 ferrite nanoparticles J. Phys.: Condens. Matter SCI
2008 S K Sharma, P Kumar, Ravi Kumar, M Knobel, P Thakur, K H Chae, W K Choi, R Kumar and D Kanjilal Local structure, optical and magnetic studies of Ni nanostructures embedded in a SiO2 matrix by ion implantation J. Phys.: Condens. Matter SCI
2008 M Wasi Khan, Ravi Kumar, R J Choudhary, J P Srivastava, S I Patil and W K Choi Electrical transport and 1/f noise properties of LaFe1−xNixO3 (x = 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5) thin films J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. SCI
2008 Ravi Kumar, Abhinav Pratap Singh, P Thakur, K H Chae, W K Choi, Basavaraj Angadi, S D Kaushik and S Patnaik Ferromagnetism and metal–semiconducting transition in Fe-doped ZnO thin films J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. SCI
2008 Navdeep Bajwa, Alka Ingale, D. K. Avasthi, Ravi Kumar, A. Tripathi, Keya Dharamvir, and V. K. Jindal Role of electron energy loss in modification of C60 thin films by swift heavy ions J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. SCI
2009 Shalendra Kumar, Ravi Kumar, B. H. Koo, H. Choi, Dong Uk Kim, Chan Gyu Lee Structural and electrical properties of Mg2TiO4 Journal of the Ceramic Society Japan Scopus
2009 Huang-Chin Chen, Umesh Palnitkar, Way-Faung Pong, I-Nan Lin, Abhinav Pratap Singh and Ravi Kumar Enhancement in electron field emission in ultrananocrystalline and microcrystalline diamond films upon 100 MeV silver ion irradiation Journal of Applied Physics SCI
2009 Sunil Kumar, R. Kumar, D.P. Singh Swift heavy ion induced modifications in cobalt doped ZnO thin films: Structural and optical studies Applied Surface Science SCI
2009 M. Ramesh Babua, X.F. Han, P. Mandal, Ravi Kumar, K. Asokan, R. Jayavel 90 MeV 16O heavy-ion irradiation effects on La0.9Pb0.1MnO3 single crystals Materials Chemistry and Physics SCI
2009 Vinay Kumar, H.C. Swart, O.M. Ntwaeaborwa, Ravi Kumar, S.P. Lochab, Varun Mishra, Nafa Singh Thermoluminescence response of CaS:Bi3+ nanophosphor exposed to 200 MeV Ag+15 ion beam Optical Materials SCI
2009 Shalendra Kumar, Y.J. Kim, B.H. Koo, S. Gautam, K.H. Chae, Ravi Kumar, C.G. Lee Room temperature ferromagnetism in chemically synthesized ZnO rods Materials Letters SCI
2009 S.K. Sharma, Shalendra Kumar, P. Thakur, Alimuddin, R.J. Choudhary, D.M. Phase, C.T. Meneses, M. Knobel, C.G. Lee, M. Singh, Ravi Kumar Irradiation induced texturing in the Mg0.95Mn0.05Fe2O4 ferrite thin film Thin Solid Films SCI
2009 Abida Bashir , M Ikram , Ravi Kumar , P Thakur , K H Chae , W K Choi and V R Reddy Structural, magnetic and electronic structure studies of NdFe1−xNixO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) J. Phys.: Cond. Matter SCI
2009 .K. Sharma, Shalendra Kumar, R.J. Choudhary, Ravi Kumar Effect of 200 MeV Ag ion irradiation on structural and magnetic properties of Mg0.95Mn0.05Fe2O4 ferrite thin films Surface & Coatings Technology SCI
2009 Abhinav Pratap Singh , Ravi Kumar , P Thakur , N B Brookes , K H Chae and W K Choi NEXAFS and XMCD studies of single-phase Co doped ZnO thin films J. Phys.: Cond. Matter SCI
2009 Ankush Vij , Surender Singh , Ravi Kumar , S P Lochab , V V S Kumar and Nafa Singh Synthesis and luminescence studies of Ce doped SrS nanostructures J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. SCI
2009 D K Shukla , Ravi Kumar , S K Sharma , P Thakur , R J Choudhary , S Mollah , N B Brookes , M Knobel , K H Chae and W K Choi Thin film growth of multiferroic BiMn2O5 using pulsed laser ablation and its characterization J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. SCI
2009 Shalendra Kumar, S.K. Sharma, Alimuddin, M. Knobel, R.J. Choudhary, Chan Gyu Lee, B.H. Koo and Ravi Kumar Structural and magnetic properties of bulk and thin films of Mg0.95Mn0.05Fe2O4 Current Appl. Phys. SCI
2009 P.K.Mehta, B Bishnoi, R Kumar, R. J. Choudhary, and D. M. Phase Dielectric and Conductivity Studies of Sr[(Mg0.32Co0.02)Nb0.66]O3 Thin Film Solid State Phenomena Scopus
2009 Shalendra Kumar, S.K. Sharma, R.J. Choudhary, C G Lee, B H Koo, Alimuddin, and Ravi Kumar Engineering structural & magnetic properties of MgMnFe2O4 thin film using 200 MeV Au Ions J. Ceram. Soc. Japan Scopus
2009 Abida Bashir , M Ikram , Ravi Kumar , P Thakur , K H Chae , W K Choi and V R Reddy Structural, magnetic and electronic structure studies of NdFe1−xNixO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) J. Phys.: Condens. Matter SCI
2009 M Wasi Khan , Ravi Kumar , M A Majeed Khan , Basavaraj Angadi , Y S Jung , W K Choi and J P Srivastava Solubility of Co clusters in Co-implanted ZnO thin films by 200 MeV Ag15+ ions irradiation Semiconductor Science and Technology SCI
2009 Sanjeev Gautam , Shalendra Kumar , P Thakur , K H Chae , Ravi Kumar , B H Koo and C G Lee Electronic structure studies of Fe-doped ZnO nanorods by x-ray absorption fine structure J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. SCI
2009 N E Rajeevan , Ravi Kumar , D K Shukla , P Thakur , N B Brookes , K H Chae , W K Choi , S Gautam , S K Arora , I V Shvets and P P Pradyumnan Bi-substitution-induced magnetic moment distribution in spinel BixCo2−xMnO4 multiferroic J. Phys.: Condens. Matter SCI
2009 Ravi Kumar, S. K. Arora, I. V. Shvets, N. E. Rajeevan, P. P. Pradyumnan, and D. K. Shukla Structural and transport properties of Bi-substituted Co2MnO4 J. Appl. Phys. SCI
2009 P. L. Meena, Ravi Kumar, C. L. Prajapat, K Sreenivas, and Vinay Gupta Dielectric studies of Co3−xMnxO4 (x = 0.1–1.0) cubic spinel multiferroic J. Appl. Phys. SCI
2009 Ankush Vij, S.P. Lochab, Surender Singh, Ravi kumar, Nafa Singh Thermoluminescence study of UV irradiated Ce doped SrS nanostructures Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2009 Ashvani Kumar, Devendra Singh, Ravi Kumar, Davinder Kaur Effect of crystallographic orientation of nanocrystalline TiN on structural, electrical and mechanical properties of TiN/NiTi thin films Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2009 Ranjana S. Varma, D.C. Kothari, R.J. Choudhari, Ravi Kumar, R. Tewari, G.K. De Study of formation of Cu nanoparticle using Swift heavy ions Surface & Coatings Technology SCI
2009 N.E. Rajeevan, Ravi Kumar, D.K. Shukla, P.P. Pradyumnan, S.K. Arora, I.V. Shvets Structural, electrical and magnetic properties of Bi-substituted Co2MnO4 Materials Science and Engineering: B SCI
2009 P. Thakur, J. C. Cezar, N. B. Brookes, R. J. Choudhary, Ram Prakash, D. M. Phase, K. H. Chae, and Ravi Kumar Direct observation of oxygen induced room temperature ferromagnetism in MoO2 thin films by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism characterizations Appl. Phys. Lett. SCI
2010 Ankush Vij, Amit Kumar Chawla, Ravi Kumar, S.P. Lochab, Ramesh Chandra, Nafa Singh Effect of 120 MeV Ag9+ ion beam irradiation on the structure and photoluminescence of SrS:Ce nanostructures Physica B SCI
2010 M. Wasi Khan, Shahid Husain, M.A. Majeed Khan, Maneesha Gupta, Ravi Kumar and J.P. Srivastav Small polaron hopping conduction mechanism in Ni-doped LaFeO3 Philosophical Magazine Scopus
2010 P. Thakur, J. C. Cezar, N. B. Brookes, R. J. Choudhary, D. M. Phase, K. H. Chae, Ravi Kumar X-ray absorption and magnetic circular dichroism characterization of Mo1−xFexO2 (x = 0–0.05) thin films grown by pulsed laser ablation Hyperfine Interaction SCI
2010 Surender Singh, Ankush Vij, S.P. Lochab, Ravi Kumar, Nafa Singh Synthesis and characterization of bismuth doped barium sulphide nanoparticles Materials Research Bulletin SCI
2010 S. Singh, S. P. Lochab, R. Kumar , N. Singh Photoluminescence and Thermoluminescnce of BaS:Ce Nanophosphors Chalcogenide Letters SCI
2010 Abida Bashir, M. Ikrama, Ravi Kumar, P.N. Lisboa-Filho, P. Thakur Structural, electronic structure and magnetic studies of SmFe1−xNixO3 (x ≤ 0.5) Materials Science and Engineering B SCI
2010 Dinesh Pathak and R. K. Bedi, Davinder Kaur and Ravi Kumar Fabrication of Densely Distributed Silver Indium Selenide Nanorods by Using Ag+ Ion Irradiation Journal of the Korean Physical Society SCI
2010 Ravi Chand Singh, Manmeet Pal Singh, Onkar Singh, Paramdeep Singh Chandi, Ravi Kumar Effect of 100 MeV O7+ ions irradiation on ethanol sensing response of nanostructures of ZnO and SnO2 Appl Phys A SCI
2010 Ankush Vij, Ravi Kumar, Amit Kumar Chawla, S.P. Lochab, Ramesh Chandra, Nafa Singh Swift heavy ion induced synthesis and enhanced photoluminescence of SrS:Ce nanoparticles Optical Materials SCI
2010 Bhagwati Bishnoi, P. K. Mehta, Ravi Kumar, R. J. Choudhary and D. M. Phase Structure Correlated Enhancement in Dielectric and Electrical Properties of Strontium Based Niobates Integrated Ferroelectrics SCI
2010 . E. Rajeevan, Ravi Kumar, D. K. Shukla, R. J. Choudhary and P. P. Pradyumnan Effect of Bi on the Magnetodielectric Properties of Co2MnO4 Thin Films Integrated Ferroelectrics SCI
2010 Aditya Sharma, K.D. Verma, Mayora Varshney, Devendra Singh, Moti Singh, K. Asokan and Ravi Kumar Effect of 100 MeV O7+ ion beam irradiation on structural, optical and electronic properties of SnO2 thin films Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids SCI
2010 D.K. Shukla, Ravi Kumar, S. Mollah, R.J. Choudhary, P.N. Vishwakarma, V.G. Sathe, and V. Ganesan Inspection of multiferrocity in BiMn2-xTixO5 ceramics through specific heat and Raman spectroscopic studies J. Phys. Condensed Matter SCI
2010 Aditya Sharma, K.D. Verma, Mayora Varshney, A.P. Singh, Yogesh Kumar, Subhod Srivastava, Y.K. Vijay, K. Asokan, R.J. Choudhary and Ravi Kumar Growth of nano pillars in SnO2 thin films by ion irradiation and its gas sensing properties Advanced Science Letters SCI
2010 D.K. Shukla, Ravi Kumar, S. Mollah, R.J. Choudhary, P. Thakur, S.K. Sharma, N.B. Brookes and M. Knobel Swift heavy irradiation induced magnetism in frustrated BiMn2O5 thin films Phys. Rev. B. SCI
2010 B.L. Ahuja, Alpa Dashora, N.L. Heada, Ahailja Tiwari, N.E. Rajeevan, M. Itou, Y. Sakurai and Ravi Kumar Reversal of orbital magnetic moment on substitution of Bi in Co2MnO4: A magnetic Compton scattering study Appl. Phys. Lett. SCI
2010 Yogesh Kumar, R.J. Choudhary, A.P. singh, G. Anjum and Ravi Kumar Evidence of quantum correction to conductivity in strained epitaxial LaNiO3 thin films J. Appl. Phys. SCI
2010 Anjum, S. Mollah, D.K. Shukla and Ravi Kumar Magneto-electric coupling in multiferroic La0.8Bi0.2FeO3 ceramic Materials Letters SCI
2010 Ankush Vij, S.P. Lochab, Ravi Kumar, Nafa Singh Thermoluminescence response and trap parameters determination of gamma exposed Ce doped SrS nanostructures Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2010 Basavaraj Angadi, V.M. Jali, Ravi Kumar, S.B. Krupanidhi Impedance studies on high energy Li3+ irradiated PZT thin films Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B SCI
2010 Jitendra Pal Singh, R.C. Srivastava, H.M. Agrawal, Ravi Kumar Magnetic behaviour of nanosized zinc ferrite under heavy ion irradiation Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B SCI
2010 Abida Bashir Makhdoomi, M Ikram, Ravi Kumar Mössbauer studies and magnetic studies of Ni-doped orthoferrites PrFe1−xNixO3 (x ≤ 0.3) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials SCI
2010 Jitendra Pal Singh, R.C. Srivastava, H.M. Agrawal, Ravi Kumar, V.R. Reddy, Ajay Gupta Magnetic study of nanostructured zinc ferrite irradiated with 100 MeV O-beam Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials SCI
2010 D. K. Shukla, Ravi Kumar, S. Mollah, R. J. Choudhary, P. Thakur, S. K. Sharma, N. B. Brookes, and M. Knobel Modifications in magnetic properties of BiMn2O5 multiferroic using swift heavy ion irradiation J. Appl. Phys. SCI
2010 M. Wasi Khan, M. A. Majeed Khan, Mansour Alhoshan, M. S. AlSalhi, A. S. Aldwayyan, Ravi Kumar, and Shahid Husain Influence of 190 MeV Ag+15 ion irradiation on electrical transport and magnetic properties of LaFe1−xNixO3 (x = 0.3 and 0.4) thin films J. Appl. Phys. SCI
2010 G. Anjum, Ravi Kumar, S. Mollah, D. K. Shukla, Shalendra Kumar, and C. G. Lee Structural, dielectric, and magnetic properties of La0.8Bi0.2Fe1−xMnxO3 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) multiferroics J. Appl. Phys. SCI
2010 Aditya Sharma, Abhinav Pratap Singh, P. Thakur, N. B. Brookes, Shalendra Kumar, Chan Gyu Lee, R. J. Choudhary, K. D. Verma, and Ravi Kumar. Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of Co doped SnO2 nanoparticles J. Appl. Phys. SCI
2011 Surender Singh, Ankush Vij, S P Lochab, Ravi Kumar and Nafa Singh Thermoluminescence properties of γ-irradiated Bi doped BaS nanostructures Bull. Mater. Sci. Scopus
2011 Jitendra Pal Singh, R.C. Srivastava, H.M. Agrawal, Prem Chand, Ravi Kumar Observation of size dependent attributes on the magnetic resonance of irradiated zinc ferrite nanoparticles Current Applied Physics SCI
2011 M.R. Singh, C.L. Prajapat, Anjana Dogra, Ravi Kumar, G. Yashwant, Ravi kumar, S.K. Gupta, Soo Hyun Kim, In-sun Jo, Sung-Ik Lee Effect of Ag15+ and Li3+ ion irradiation on superconducting Tl2Ca2Ba2Cu3O10 single crystals Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B SCI
2011 Bhagwati Bishnoi, P.K. Mehta, C.J. Panchal, M.S. Desai, Ravi Kumar, V. Ganesan Ag15+ and O7+ ion irradiation induced improvement in dielectric properties of the Ba(Co1/3Nb2/3)O3 thin films Materials Chemistry and Physics SCI
2011 S K Neogi, S Chattopadhyay, Aritra Banerjee, S Bandyopadhyay, A Sarkar and Ravi Kumar Effect of 50 MeV Li3+ irradiation on structural and electrical properties of Mn-doped ZnO J. Phys.: Condens. Matter SCI
2011 Jitendra Pal Singh, R.C. Srivastavaa, H.M. Agrawala and Ravi Kumar 100 MeV O7+ ion irradiation in nanosized zinc ferrite Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids SCI
2011 Surender Singh, Ravi Kumar, Nafa Singh Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on bismuth doped BaS nanostructures Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2011 Surender Singh, S.P. Lochab, Ravi Kumar, Nafa Singh Thermoluminescence studies of bismuth doped BaxCa1-xS nanostructures Physica B SCI
2011 Surender Singh, S.P. Lochab, Ravi Kumar, Nafa Singh Thermoluminescence studies of bismuth doped BaxCa1-xS nanostructures Physica B SCI
2011 Surender Singh, Ankush Vij, S.P. Lochab, Ravi Kumar and Nafa Singh Thermoluminescence studies of BaS:Bi nanophosphors exposed to UV radiation Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids SCI
2011 Dinesh Pathak, R. K. Bedi, Davinder kaur , Ravi kumar 200 MeV Ag+ ion beam induced modifications in AgInSe2 films deposited by hot wall vacuum evaporation method Chalcogenide Letters Scopus
2011 Jitendra Pal Singh, R. C. Srivastava, H. M. Agrawala and Ravi Kumar Micro-Raman investigation of nanosized zinc ferrite: effect of crystallite size and fluence of irradiation J. Raman Spectroscopy SCI
2011 Aditya Sharma, Mayora Varshney, Shalendra Kumar, K.D.Verma and Ravi Kumar Magnetic Properties of Fe and Ni Doped SnO2 Nanoparticles Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Scopus
2011 P.U. Sharmaa, S.N. Dolia, Ravi Kumar and K.B. Modi Influence of 50 MeV Li3+-ion irradation on M–H loop characteristics of Y3+-substituted YIG Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids SCI
2011 Wasi Khan, Alim H. Naqvi, Maneesha Gupta, Shahid Husain and Ravi Kumar Small polaron hopping conduction mechanism in Fe doped LaMnO3 The Journal of Chemical Physics SCI
2011 M.C. Chhantbar, U.N. Trivedi, Ravi Kumar and H.H. Joshi Influence of thermal history and 50 MeV Li ion irradiation on the structural properties of Al3+–Cr3+ co-substituted CuFe2O4 Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids SCI
2011 Jaiparkash, Yogesh Kumar, R.S. Chauhan, Ravi Kumar Study of dielectric properties of single phase Bi1−xCaxFeO3 (x = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5) Solid State Sciences SCI
2011 Feroz Ahmed Mir, M. Ikram and Ravi Kumar Impact of substrate on some physical properties of PrFe0.5Ni0.5O3 thin films Solid State Sciences SCI
2011 Feroz Ahmed Mir, M. Ikram and Ravi Kumar Symmetry beaking in Ni doped PrFeO3 thin films established by Raman study Phase Transitions SCI
2011 Mayora Varshney, Aditya Sharma, Ravi Kumar and K.D. Verma Swift heavy ion irradiation induced nanoparticle formation in CeO2 thin films Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. B SCI
2011 Feroz Ahmed Mir, M. Ikram and Ravi Kumar Temperature-dependent Raman studies of PrFeO3 Thin films J. Raman Spectroscopy SCI
2011 S.K. Neogi, R. Karmakar, A. Banerjee, S. Bandopadhyay, Ravi Kumar, Alok Banerjee, A. Mallik and T.P. Sinha Paramagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic interactions in sol–gel derived Zn1−xMnxO [50 MeV Li3+ irradiated (x= 0.04) and unirradiated (x=0.02 and 0.04)] samples Rad. Eff. & Deff. In Solids SCI
2011 Prikshit Gautam, Sudipta Bhattacharyya, Sushil K. Singh, Ravi Kumar and Ram Pal Tandon Effect of Zirconium doping on ferroelectric properties and leakage current mechanism on Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 (BLT) thin films Phys. Status Solidi B Scopus
2011 N.E. Rajeeva, Ravi Kumar, D.K. Shukla, R.J. Chaudhary, P. Thakur, A.K. Singh, S. Patnaik, S.K. Arora, I.V. Shvets, P.P. Pradyumnan Magnetoelectric behavior of ferrimagnetic BixCo2-xMnO4 (x = 0, 0.1 and 0.3) thin films Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials SCI
2011 Hardeep Thakur, P. Thakur, Ravi Kumar, N.B. Brookes, K.K. Sharma, A.P. Singh, Yogesh Kumar, S. Gautam and K.H. Chae Irradiation induced ferromagnetism at room temperature in TiO2 thin films: X-ray magnetic circular dichroism characterizations Appl. Phys. Lett. SCI
2011 P. Thakur, Ravi Kumar, J.C. Cezar. N.B. Brookes, Aditya Sharma, S.K. Arora, S. Gautam, Arvind Kumar, K.H. Chae and I.V. Shvets Evolution of magnetic nanophases of Ni embedded in Al2O3 (001) matrix by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism Chemical Physics Letters SCI
2011 Aditya Sharma, K.D. Verma, M. Varshney, A.P. Singh, Yogesh Kumar, S. Shrivatava, Y. K. Vijay, K. Asokan, R.J. Choudary and Ravi Kumar Growth of nano-pillars in SnO2 thin films using ion irradiation and its gas sensing properties Adv. Sci. Lett. SCI
2011 G. Anzum, Ravi Kumar, S. Mollah, P.Thakur, S. Gautam and K.H. Chae NEXAFS studies La0.8Bi0.2Fe1-xMnxO3 (0.0< x < 0.4) multiferroic system using x-ray absorption spectroscopy J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. SCI
2011 Abhida Bhasir, Mohmad Ikram and Ravi Kumar Studies of transport properties of ReFe1-xNixO3 (x  0.5) where Re = Nd, Sm and Gd Modern Phys. Lett. SCI
2011 H. Thakur, Ravi Kumar, P. Thakur, N.B. Brookes, K.K. Sharma, A.P. Singh, Yogesh Kumar, S. Gautam and K.H. Chae Modifications in structural and electronic properties of TiO2 thin films using swifit heavy ion irradiations Journal of Applied Physics SCI
2011 Feroz Ahmed Mir, M. Ikram and Ravi Kumar Local symmetry breaking in PrFeO3 thin films and other similar system after Ni doping: A brief Raman studies Vibrational Spectroscopy SCI
2011 H. Thakur, Ravi Kumar, P. Thakur, N.B. Brookes, K.K. Sharma, A.P. Singh, Yogesh Kumar, S. Gautam and K.H. Chae Orbital anisotropy in SnO2 thin films and its modification by swift heavy ion irradiation Chemical Physics Letters SCI
2012 Mohd. Hashima, Alimuddin, Shalendra Kumar, B.H. Koo, Sagar E. Shirsath, E.M. Mohammed, Jyoti Shah, R.K. Kotnala, H.K. Choi, H. Chung, Ravi Kumar Structural, electrical and magnetic properties of Co–Cu ferrite nanoparticles Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2012 Abida Bashir, M. Ikrama, Ravi Kumar, P.N. Lisboa-Filho, P. Thakur Structural, electronic structure and magnetic studies of SmFe1−xNixO3 (x ≤ 0.5) Materials Science and Engineering B SCI
2012 P.K. Bajpai, Deepak Shah, Ravi Kumar Effect of swift heavy ion beam irradiation on the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of pure and cobalt doped TGS crystals Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B SCI
2012 Basavaraj Angadi, Ravi Kumar, Dong-Hee Park, Ji-Won Choi, Won-Kook Choi Photoluminescence studies on MBE grown Co-doped ZnO thin films fabricated through ion implantation and swift heavy ion irradiation Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B SCI
2012 Balwinder Kaur, Monita Bhat, F Licci, Ravi Kumar, K K Bamzai and P N Kotru High resolution X-ray diffraction studies on unirradiated and irradiated strontium hexaferrite crystals Bull. Mater. Sci. Scopus
2012 Jitendra Pal Singh, Gagan Dixit, R.C. Srivastava, Hemaunt Kumar, H.M. Agrawal, Ravi Kumar Study of size dependent features of swift heavy ion irradiation in nanosized zinc ferrite Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials SCI
2012 Deo Prakash, Mayora, Varshney, keshav deo Verma, Ravi Kumar Growth of (111) Oriented CeO2 Thin Films and Their Structural and Optical Properties Science of Advanced Materials SCI
2012 N.V. Patel, Bhagwati Bishnoi, P.K. Mehta, Ravi Kumar, R.J. Choudhary, D.M. Phase, V. Ganesan, C.J. Panchal Irradiation Effects on Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of Ba[(Mg0.32Co0.02)Nb0.66]O3 [BMCN] Thin Films Journal of nano- and electronic physics Scopus
2012 H. Thakur, K.K. Sharma, Ravi Kumar, P. Thakur, A.P. Singh, Yogesh Kumar, S. Gautam and K.H. Chae On the optical properties of Ag+15 ion beam irradiated TiO2 and SnO2 thin films Journal of Korean Physical Society SCI
2012 Feroz Ahmed Mir, M. Ikram and Ravi Kumar Doping effects arising from Ni for Fe in PrFeO3 ceramic thin films Philosophical Magazine SCI
2012 Mohd. Hashim, Alimuddin, Shalendra Kumar, Sagar E. Shrisath, E.M. Mohammed and Ravi Kumar Studies on the activation energy from the ac conductivity measurements of rubber ferrite composites containing Mg-Zn ferrite Physica B SCI
2012 Mohd. Hashim, Alimuddin, Shalendra Kumar, B.H. Koo, Sagar E. Shrisath, R.K. Kotnala and Ravi Kumar Structural properties and magnetic interactions in Ni0.5Mg0.5Fe2-xCrxO4 (0 ≤ x ≤1) Powder Technology SCI
2012 Mohd. Hashim alimuddin, Shalendra Kumar, B.H. Koo, Sagar E. Shirsath, E.M. Mohammed, Joyti Shah, R.K. Kotnala, H. Chung and Ravi Kumar Structural, Electrical and Magnetic properties of Co-Cu ferrite nanoparticles J. Alloys & Compounds SCI
2012 Mohd. Hashim, Alimuddin, Salendra Kumar, Sikader Ali, B.H. Koo, H Chung and Ravi Kumar Structural, Magnetic and Electrical properties Al3+ substituted Ni-Zn ferrite naoparticles J. Alloys & Compounds SCI
2012 Ankush vij, Sanjeev Gautam, Ravi Kumar, Amit K. Chawla, Ramesh Chandra, Nafa Singh and K.H. Chae Blue shift in band gap and photoluminescence of pulsed laser deposited SrS:Ce/quartz thin film nanophosphors J. Alloys & Compounds SCI
2012 Dinesh Shukla, Nhalil Rajeevan and Ravi Kumar Combining magnetism and ferroelectricity towards multiferrocity” (A review) Solid State Phenomena Scopus
2012 Feroze Ahmed Mir, M. Ikram, and Ravi Kumar Amorphization and disorder of PrFeO3 thin films after heavy ion irradiation Applied Radiation and Isotopes SCI
2012 Mayora Varshney, Aditya Sharma, K.D. Verma and Ravi Kumar Structural and magnetic properties of Ce1-xCoxO2 (0  x  0.1) nanocrystalline powders Physica Scripta SCI
2012 A.K. Sharma, R. Dogra, S.K. Mishra, S.P. Lochab and Ravi Kumar Thermo-luminescence studies of tissue equivalent lithium fluoride nanophosphors Science of Advanced Materials SCI
2012 Yogesh Kumar, A.P. Singh, S.K. Sharma, R.J. Choudhary, P. Thakur, M. Knobel, N.B. Brooke and Ravi Kumar Irradiation induced modifications in transport properties of LaNiO3 thin films: An x-ray absorption study Appl. Phys. Lett. SCI
2012 Abida Bashir, M. Ikram, Ravi Kumar and P.N. Lisoba-Filho Structural, electronic structure and magnetic studies of GdFe1-xNixO3 (x  0.5) J. Alloys & Compounds SCI
2012 Yogesh Kumar, R.J. Choudhary, S.K. Sharma, M. Knobel and Ravi Kumar Strain dependent stabilization of metallic paramagnetic state in NdNiO3 thin films Appl. Phys. Lett. SCI
2012 Yogesh Kumar, R.J. Choudhary and Ravi Kumar Strain controlled systematic variation of metal insulator transition in epitaxial NdNiO3 thin films J. Appl. Phys. SCI
2012 Mayora Varshney, Aditya Sharma, K.D. Verma and Ravi Kumar Swift heavy ion irradiation effect on structural and optical properties of CeO2 thin films Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Lett. SCI
2013 N.E. Rajeevan, Ravi Kumar, D.K. Shukla, P. Thakur and P.P. Pradyumnan Structural and Magnetic Characterizations of 200 MeV Ag15+ Irradiated BixCo2-xMnO4 Thin Films Key Engineering Materials SCI
2013 Jitendra Pal Singh, Gagan Dixit, R.C. Srivastava, Puneet Negi, H.M. Agrawal, Ravi Kumar HRTEM and FTIR investigation of nanosized zinc ferrite irradiated with 100 MeV oxygen ions Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy SCI
2013 Mohd Hashim, Alimuddin, Sagar E. Shirsath, Shalendra Kumar, Ravi Kumar, Aashis S. Roy, Jyoti Shah, R.K. Kotnala Preparation and characterization chemistry of nano-crystalline Ni–Cu–Zn ferrite Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2013 Mohd. Hashima, Alimuddin, Shalendra Kumar, Sagar E. Shirsath, R.K. Kotnala, Jyoti Shah, Ravi Kumar Influence of Cr3+ ion on the structural, ac conductivity and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Ni–Mg ferrite Ceramics International SCI
2013 Mohd. Hashim, Alimuddin, Shalendra Kumar, Sagar E. Shirsath, R.K. Kotnala, Jyoti Shah, Ravi Kumar Synthesis and characterizations of Ni2+ substituted cobalt ferrite nanoparticles Materials Chemistry and Physics SCI
2013 K. K. Pandey Himanshu Kumar Poswal, Ravi Kumar, Surinder M. Sharma High pressure iso-structural phase transition in BiMn2O5 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter SCI
2013 Aditya Sharma, Mayora Varshney, K.D.Verma, Yogesh Kumar, Ravi Kumar Structural and surface microstructure evolutions in SnO thin films under ion irradiation Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B SCI
2013 Mohd. Hashim, Alimuddin, Sagar E. Shirasth, E.M. Mohammed and Ravi Kumar Structural, dielectric, AC conductivity and magnetic properties of Cr3+ substituted Ni-Mg ferrite nanoparticles J. Nanoengineering and Nanomanufacturing SCI
2013 Mohd. Hashim, Alimuddin, Sagar E. Shirasth, R.K. KotnalaS.S. meena, Shalendra Kumar, Ashis S. Roy, R.B. Jotania Pramod Bhatt and Ravi Kumar Influence of Ni2+ substitution on structural, dielectric and magnetic properties of Cu-Cd ferrite nanoparticles Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2013 Mohd. Hashim, Alimuddin, Sagar E. Shirasth, S.S. meena, Shalendra kumar, Pramod Bhatt, R.B. Jotania and Ravi Kumar Study of structural and magnetic properties of (Co-Cu)Fe2O4/PANI composites Materials Chem. & Phys. SCI
2013 Mohd. Hashim, Alimuddin, Sagar E. Shirasth, S.S. meena, Shalendra kumar, Pramod Bhatt, Ashis S. Rpy, Parveen C. Ramamurthy and Ravi Kumar Investigation of structural, dielectric, magnetic and antibacterial activity of Cu-Cd-Ni-FeO4 nanoparicles J. Mag. & Mag. Materials SCI
2013 Vinod Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, D.K. Shukla, S. Gautam, Keun Hwa Chae and Ravi Kumar Electronic Structure and Electrical Transport Studies of LaCo1-xNixO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) Journal of Applied Physics SCI
2013 Vinod Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, D. K. Shukla, Ravi Kumar Disorder Controlled Electrical Transport Properties of NdCo1-xNixO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2013 Ankush Vij, Sanjeev Gautam, Vinay Kumar, R. Brajpuriya, Ravi Kumar, Nafa Singh, and K.H. Chae X-ray absorption spectroscopy and photoluminescence study of rare earth ions doped strontium sulphide phosphors Appl. Surf. Science SCI
2013 Vinod Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, D.K. Shukla, I.V. Shvets and Ravi Kumar Structural, magnetic and x-ray absorption studies of NdCo1-xNixO3 (0  x  0.5) J. Appl. Phys. SCI
2014 Mohd. Hashim, S.S. Meena, R.K. Kotnala, Sagar E. Shirsath, Aashis S. Roy, Ameena Parveen, Pramod Bhatt, Shalendra Kumar, R.B. Jotania, Ravi Kumar, Alimuddin Study of structural, electrical and magnetic properties of Cr doped Ni–Mg ferrite nanoparticles Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2014 Jitendra Pal Singh, Gagan Dixit, Hemaunt Kumar, R.C. Srivastava, H.M. Agrawal, Ravi Kumar Formation of latent tracks and their effects on the magnetic properties of nanosized zinc ferrite Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials SCI
2014 Mohd. Hashim, S.S. Meena R.K. Kotnala Sagar E. Shirsath, Pramod Bhatt, Shalendra Kumar, Erdoğan Şentürk, Ravi Kumar, Nidhi Gupta, Alimuddin Exploring the structural, Mössbauer and dielectric properties of Co2+ incorporated Mg0.5Zn0.5xCoxFe2O4 nanocrystalline ferrite Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials SCI
2014 Minaxi Sharma, Pankaj K. Pandey, K. K. Sharma, Ravi Kumar, R. J. Choudhary, D. Venkateshwarlu, and V. Ganesan Effect of superconducting spacer layer thickness on magneto-transport and magnetic properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterostructures J. Appl. Phys. SCI
2014 Pawanpreet Kaur, K. K. Sharma, Rabia Pandit, Ravi Kumar, R. K. Kotnala, and Jyoti Shah Temperature dependent dielectric and magnetic properties of GdFe1-xNixO3 (0.0 ≤x ≤0.3) orthoferrites J. Appl. Phys. SCI
2014 Feroz Ahmed Mir, S.K Sharma and Ravi Kumar Magnetization and magneto-transport properties of Ni doped PrFeO3 thin films Chinese Phys. B SCI
2014 Pawanpreet Kaur, K K Sharma, Rabia pandit, R J Chaudhary, Ravi Kumar Structural, electrical and magnetic properties of SrRuO3 thin films Applied Physics Letters SCI
2014 Mohd. Hashim Sagar E. Shirsath, S.S. Meena, Pramod Bhatt, R.K. Kotnala, Shalendra Kumar, Ravi Kumar, Dachepalli Ravinder and Alimuddin Structural development and magnetic phenomenon in Zn–Cr–Fe multi oxide nano-crystals Ceramics International SCI
2014 Minaxi Sharma, K K Sharma, Ravi Kumar, R J Chaudhary Electrical and magneto-transport properties of ferromagnet/superconductor/ferromagnet based heterostructure Physica C SCI
2014 Minaxi Sharma, Pankaj K Pandey, K K Sharma, Ravi Kumar, R J Chaudhary, D Venketshwarlu, and V Ganesan Effect of superconducting spacer layer thickness on magneto-transport and magnetic properties of LaSr0.7Mn0.3O3/YBa2Cu3O7/La0.7Ba0.3MnO3 heterostructures J. Appl. Phys. SCI
2014 Rabia pandit, K K Sharma, Pawanpreet Kaur, R K Kotnala, Jyoti Shah, Ravi kumar Effect of Al+3 substitution on structural, cation distribution, electrical and magnetic properties of CoFe2O4 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids SCI
2014 Rabia pandit, K K Sharma, Pawanpreet Kaur, V R Reddy, Ravi kumar, Jyoti Shah Spin canting observation and cation distribution in CoFe2-xInxO4 (x = 0.0-1.0) ferrites through low temperature-high field Mossbauer spectral study Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2014 Jaiprakash, R.S Chauhan, Ravi Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, N E Rajeevan, N Vijayan Study of Structural, dielectric and magnetic properties of Bi1-xBaxFeO3 (x = 0.1-0.4) Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2014 P. L. Meena, K. Sreenivas, Ravi Kumar Dielectric properties of spinel Co3-xMnxO4(x = 0.1, 0.4, 0.7, and 1.0) ceramic compositions Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics SCI
2014 Minaxi Sharma, K.K. Sharma, R.J. Choudhary and Ravi Kumar Superconductivity suppression in YBa2Cu3O7-δ/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films J. Appl. Phys. SCI
2014 Vinod Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, Kiran Singh, S.K. Arora, I.V. Shvets and Ravi Kumar Evidence of spin glass state in NdCo1-xNixO3 (x= 0.3-0.5) J. Appl. Phys. SCI
2014 Sumit Bhardwaj, Joginder Paul, K.K. Raina, N.S. Thakur and Ravi Kumar Dielectric modulus and magneto-capacitance behavior of Bi3.7Sm0.3Ti2.7Ni0.3O12-δ multiferroic Physica B SCI
2014 Joginder Paul, Sumit Bhardwaj, K.K. Sharma, R.K. Kotnala and Ravi Kumar Room temperature multiferroic properties and magnetoelectric coupling in Sm and Ni substituted Bi4-xSmxTi3-xNixO12-δ (x =0, 0.02, 0.05, 0.07) ceramics J. Appl. Phys. SCI
2014 Rabia Pandit, K.K. Sharma, Pawanpreet Kaur, Ravi Kumar Cation distribution controlled dielectric, electrical and magnetic behavior of In3+ substituted cobalt ferrites synthesized via solid-state reaction technique Materials Chemistry and Physics SCI
2014 Sumit Bhardwaj, Joginder Paul, Subhash Chand, K. K. Raina, Ravi Kumar Oxygen vacancy induced dielectric relaxation studies in Bi4-xLaxTi3O12 (x = 0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0) ceramics J Mater Sci: Mater Electron SCI
2014 Joginder Paul, Sumit Bhardwaj, K.K. Sharma, R.K. Kotnala and Ravi Kumar Room temperature multiferroic properties and magnetoelectric coupling in Bi4-xSmxTi3-xCoxO12-δ ceramics J. Materials Science SCI
2014 Vinod Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, D.K. Shukla, S.K. Arora, I.V. Shvets, Kiran Singh and Ravi Kumar Spin states and glassy magnetism in LaCo1-xNixO3 (x= 0-0.5) Materials Chemistry and Phys. SCI
2015 S. Kumar, A.K. Gathania, A.K. Vij, A.K. Sharma, R. Dogra, S.P. Lochab and Ravi Kumar Absorption, photoluminescence and thermo-luminescence studies of gamma irradiated pure and Eu doped LiF Phosphors Adv. Mater. Lett. SCI
2015 Mohd. Hashim, Sagar E. Shirsath, S.S. Meena, M.L. Mane,Shalendra Kumar, Pramod Bhatt, Ravi Kumar, N.K. Prasad, S.K. Alla, Jyoti Shah, R.K.Kotnala, K.A. Mohammed, Erdogan Sentürk, Alimuddin Manganese ferrite prepared using reverse micelle process: Structural and magnetic properties characterization Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2015 Joginder Paul, Sumit Bhardwaj, K.K. Sharma, R.K. Kotnala and Ravi Kumar Room temperature multiferroic behaviour and magnetoelectric coupling in Sm/Fe modified Bi4Ti3O12 ceramics synthesized by solid state reaction method Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2015 Mohd.Hashim, Sagar E. Shirsath, S. S. Meena, R.K.Kotnala, Shalendra Kumar, D. Ravinder, M. Raghasudha, Pramod Bhatt, Erdogen Senturk, Alimuddin and Ravi Kumar Superparamagnetic behavior of indium substituted NiCuZn nano ferrites Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials SCI
2015 Sumit Bhardwaj, Joginder Paul, Subhash Chand, K.K. Raina, and Ravi Kumar Electroactive Phase Induced Bi4Ti3O12–Poly(Vinylidene Difluoride) Composites with Improved Dielectric Properties Journal of Electronic Materials SCI
2015 Meena, P. L.; Pal, Sunita; Sreenivas, K.; Kumar, Ravi Kumar Structural and Magnetic Properties of MnCo2O4 Spinel Multiferroic Advanced Science Letters SCI
2015 N.E Rajeevan, Vinod Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, Ravi Kumar, S.D. Kaushik Neutron diffraction studies of magnetic ordering in Ni-doped LaCoO3 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials SCI
2016 Pawanpreet Kaur, K.K.Sharma , Rabia Pandit, R. J. Choudhary, Ravi Kumar Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on structural and magnetic properties of GdFe1-xNixO3 (x ≤ 0.2) thin films Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials SCI
2016 Satinder Kumar, A.K. Gathania, Anjush Vij and Ravi Kumar Radiation induced color centers in Cr doped LiF Phosphor Materials Focus SCI
2016 P.L. Meena, K. Sreenivas, M.R. Singh, Ashok Kumar, S.P. Singh and Ravi Kumar Ferri-magnetic order in Mn induced spinel Co3-xMnxO4 (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) ceramic compositions Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials SCI
2016 Yogesh Kumar, Abhinav Pratap Singh, S.K. Sharma, R.J. Choudhary, P. Thakur, M. Knobel, N.B. Brookes and Ravi Kumar Ni 3d – O 2p hybridization dependent magnetic properties of LaNiO3 thin films Thin Solid Films SCI
2016 Yogesh Kumar, R.J. Choudhary and Ravi Kumar Disappearance of metal-insulator transition in NdNiO3/LaAlO3 thin films Journal of Appl. Phys. SCI
2016 S. Kumar, A.K. Gathania, A.K. Vij, Ravi Kumar Thermo-luminescence study of gamma irradiated Cr doped LiF phosphors Journal of Electronic Materials SCI
2016 S. Kumar, A.K. Gathania, A.K. Vij and Ravi Kumar Gamma induced thermo-luminescence and color centers study of Dy doped LiF micro cubes Ceramics International SCI
2016 G. Anjum. F.H. Bhat and Ravi Kumar Thin film growth of multiferroic La0.8Bi0.2Fe0.7Mn0.3O3 on LaNiO3 using RF sputtering and its characterization Materials Letters SCI
2017 P.K. Bajpai, C.R.K. Mohan, Ratnamala Ganjir, Ravi Kumar, Ashok Kumar, R.S. Katiyar Swift heavy ion induced material modifications in Ba1-xSrxTiO3 ceramics as probed by temperature dependent Raman spectroscopy Journal of Raman Spectroscopy Scopus
2017 S.D. Kaushik, N.E. Rajeevan, Ravi Kumar Exploring the effect of Bi doping in cubic spinel BixCo2-xMnO4 by employing neutron diffraction Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter SCI
2017 Jaiprakash, R.S. Chauhan, Ravi Kumar, Pawan Kumar and Anil Kumar Structural, dielectric and magnetic studies of multiferroic Bi1-xSrxFeO3 (x= 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5) Solid State Sciences SCI
2018 Arun Kumara, Arvind Kumar, Rakesh Dogra, Mohit Manhas, Sandeep Sharma and Ravi Kumar Investigation of thermoluminescence and kinetic parameters of gamma ray exposed LiF: Sm3+, Eu3+ nanophosphors for dosimetric applications Ceramics International SCI
2018 Ankush Vij, Shalendra Kumar, S.O. Won, K.H. Chae, Abhinav Dubey and Ravi Kumar Enhanced photoluminescence response of Ca2+/Ba2+ substituted solid solutions of SrS:Ce phosphors Materials Letters SCI
2018 Mohd Hashim, M. Raghasudha, Jyoti Shah , Sagar E. Shirsath, D. Ravinder, Shalendra Kumar , Sher Singh Meena , Pramod Bhatt , Alimuddin , Ravi Kumar, R.K. Kotnala High temperature dielectric studies of indium-substituted NiCuZn nanoferrites Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids SCI
2018 Mohd Hashim, M. Raghasudha, Sher Singh Meena, Jyoti Shah, Sagar.E. Shirsath, Shalendra Kumar, D. Ravinder, Pramod Bhatt, Alimuddin, Ravi Kumar, R.K. Kotnala Influence of Rare Earth ion doping (Ce and Dy) on electrical and magnetic properties of Cobalt ferrites Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials SCI
2018 P L Meena, Ravi Kumar and K Sreenivas Structural, elastic and magnetic properties of spinel Co3O4 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics SCI
2018 Rabia Pandit, Pawan Preet Kaur, K.K. Sharm, Mohamd Hashim and Ravi Kumar Investigation of room temperature Mossbauer spectroscopy and initial magnetic susceptibility properties in Al3+ substituted cobalt ferrites Spin SCI
2018 Jarnail Singh, Vikram Verma and Ravi Kumar Preparation and structural, optical studies of Al substituted chromium oxide (Cr2O3) nanoparticles Vacuum SCI
2018 Kapil Dev Singh, Rabia Pandit, and Ravi Kumar Effect of rare earth ions on structural and optical properties of specific pervoskite orthochromates: RCrO3 (R= la, Nd, Eu, Gd, Dy and Y) Solid State Sciences SCI
2019 Jarnail Singh, Vikram Verma, Rajesh Kumar and Ravi Kumar Influence of Mg2+-substitution on the optical band gap energy of Cr2-xMgxO3 nanoparticles Results in Physics SCI
2019 Jarnail Singh, Vikram Verma, Rajesh Kumar, Sandeep Sharma and Ravi Kumar Effect of structural and thermal disorder on optical band gap of Cr2O3 nanoparticles Mater. Res. Express SCI
2019 Ashok Kumar, Vinod Kumar, Dinesh Shukla, Rajesh Kumar, R.J. Choudhary and Ravi Kumar Structural, electronic, transport and magnetic studies of LaCo1-xNixO3 (x= 0, 0.3) thin films J. Appl. Phys. SCI
2020 Kapil Dev Singh, Fouran Singh, R.J. Choufhary and Ravi Kumar Consequesces of R3+ cationic radii on the dielectric and magnetic behavior of RCrO3 pervoskites Appl. Phys. A SCI
2020 Mega Jain, Manju, Ravi Kumar, O.W. Sung, K.H. Chae, Ankush Vij and Anup Thakur Defect states and kinetic parameter analysis of ZnAl2O4 nanocrystals by x-ray photoemission spectroscopy and thermoluminescence Scientific Reports SCI
2020 Arun Kumar, Arvind Kumar, Rakesh Dogra, Rakesh Dogra, Mohit Manhas, Sandeep Sharma, Ravi Kumar Effect of gamma irradiation on thermoluminescence studies of LiF:Sm3+,Dy3+ nanophosphor Emerging Materials Research SCI
2020 Yogesh Kumar, Ravi Kumar, R.J. Choudhary, Anup Thakur, Abhinav Pratap Singh Reduction in the tilting of oxygen octahedron and its effect on bandgap with La doping in SrSnO3 Ceramics International SCI
2020 Mohd.Hashim, Ateeq Ahmed, Syyed Asad, Alia Sagar, E. Shirsath, Mukhlis M.Ismail, Ravi Kumar, Shalendra Kumar, Sher Singh Meena, D.Ravinder Structural, optical, elastic and magnetic properties of Ce and Dy doped cobalt ferrites Journal of Alloys and Compounds SCI
2020 Arun Kumar, Arvind Kumar, Rakesh Dogra, Mohit Manhas, Sandeep Sharma, Narain Singh, Ravi Kumar Effect of europium concentration on gamma ray exposed thermoluminescence behaviour of LiF: Sm3+, Dy3+, Eu3+ nanophosphor Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics SCI
2020 Jarnail Singh, Rajesh Kumar, Vikram Verma, Ravi Kumar Role of Ni2+ substituent on the structural, optical and magnetic properties of chromium oxide (Cr 2-xNixO ) nanoparticles Ceramics International SCI
2020 Ashok Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, Vinod Kumar, Dinesh Shukla, Ram Janay Choudhary, Ravi Kumar 200 MeV Ag+15 ion irradiation-induced modification in structural, magnetic and electrical properties of LaCoO3 thin film Applied Physics A SCI
2020 Amarjit Singh, Jarnail Singh, Manoj Kumar Sinha, Ravi Kumar, Vikram Verma Investigations on microstructural and microhardness developments in sintered iron-coal fly ash composites Sådhanå SCI
2020 Jitender Kumar, Aditya Sharma, Sung Ok Won, Ravi Kumar, Keun Hwa Chae, Shalendra Kumar, Ankush Vij Probing defects and electronic structure of Eu doped t-Mg2B2O5 nanocrystals using X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy and luminescence techniques Vacuum SCI
2020 Jarnail Singh, Rajesh Kumar, Vikram Verma, Ravi Kumar Structural and optoelectronic properties of epitaxial Ni-substituted Cr2O3 thin films for p-type TCO applications Journal of Alloys and Compound SCI
2020 Jarnail Singh, Rajesh Kumar, Vikram Verma, Ravi Kumar Comparative studies on optoelectronic properties of epitaxial MgxCr2-xO and AlxCr2-xO (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) thin films deposited on sapphire substrates Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing SCI
2020 Sumit Bhardwaj, J.D. Sharma, Subhash Chand, K. K. Raina, Ravi Kumar Enhanced Electroactive Phases in Bi3·3La0·7Ti3O12-poly (vinylidene fluoride) composites with Improved Dielectric Properties Solid State Communications SCI
2021 Amarjit Singh, Jarnail Singh, Manoj Kumar Sinha, Ravi Kumar, Vikram Verma Compaction and Densification Characteristics of Iron Powder/Coal Fly Ash Mixtures Processed by Powder Metallurgy Technique Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance SCI
2021 Farooq H. Bhat, Ghazala A. Khan, Gitansh Kataria, Ravi Kumar, Deshdeep Sahdev, and Manzoor A. Malik Study of canonical spin glass behavior in Co doped LaMnO3 AIP Advances SCI
2021 F.H. Bhat, G. Anjum, Ravi Kumar, Manzoor A. Malik, R.J. Choudhary, D.K. Shukla XAS and XPS analysis of double magnetic transition, canonical spin glass behavior and magnetoresistance in LaMn1-xCoxO3 (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) system Ceramics International SCI
2019 Abhishek Sharma and R. K. Sharma An experimental study on uplift behaviour of granular anchor pile in stabilized expansive soil International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Scopus
2019 Abhishek Sharma and R. K. Sharma Effect of addition of construction–demolition waste on strength characteristics of high plastic clays Innovative Infrastructure Solutions Scopus
2018 Abhishek Sharma and R. K. Sharma A Numerical Study of Granular Pile Anchors Subjected to Uplift Forces in Expansive Soils Using PLAXIS 3D Indian Geotechncial Journal Scopus
2019 Akhilesh Kumar, R. K. Sharma and V. K. Bansal GIS-based comparative study of information value and frequency ratio method for landslide hazard zonation in a part of mid-Himalaya in Himachal Pradesh Innovative Infrastructure Solutions Scopus
2018 Akhilesh Kumar, R. K. Sharma and V. K. Bansal Landslide hazard zonation using analytical hierarchy process along National Highway-3 in mid Himalayas of Himachal Pradesh, India Environmental Earth Sciences SCI/Scopus
2017 R. K. Sharma Laboratory study on stabilization of clayey soil with cement kiln dust and fiber Geotechnical and Geological Engineering Scopus
2016 R. K. Sharma and J. Hymavathi Effect of fly ash, construction demolition waste and lime on geotechnical characteristics of a clayey soil - a comparative study Environmental Earth Sciences SCI/Scopus
2016 Chayan Gupta and R. K. Sharma Black Cotton Soil Modification by the Application of Waste Materials Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering SCI/Scopus
2015 Chayan Gupta and R. K. Sharma Improvement in the Swelling Properties of Expansive Soil Treated With Waste Materials International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering Scopus
2014 C. Parsad and R. K. Sharma Effect of Industrial Wastes in Sub-Grade Behaviour of Clay International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering Scopus
2014 R. K. Sharma Effect of Substitution of Cement with Rice Husk Ash on Compressive Strength of Concrete using Plastic Fibres and Super Plasticizer KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering SCIE/Scopus
2014 Babita Singh and R. K. Sharma Evaluation of Geotechnical Properties of Local Clayey Soil Blended with Waste Materials Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering Scopus
2013 R. K. Sharma, B. S. Mehta and C. S. Jamwal Cut Slope Stability Evaluation of NH - 21 along Nalyan -Gambhrola Section, Bilaspur District, Himachal Pradesh, India Natural Hazards SCIE/Scopus
2012 B. S. Mehta and R. K. Sharma Macro-Zonation of Landslide Susceptibility in Garamaura–Swarghat - Gambhar Section of National Highway 21, Bilaspur District, Himachal Pradesh (India) Natural Hazards SCIE/Scopus
2010 B. S. Mehta, R. Parti and R. K. Sharma Landslide Hazard Analysis and Zonation on NH- 21 from Panarasa to Manali, H.P. India International Journal of Earth Sciences -
2020 Avinash Bhardwaj, Ravi Kumar Sharma Effect of industrial wastes and lime on strength characteristics of clayey soil Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, Emerald Scopus
2020 Sharma A. and Sharma R. K. Strength and Drainage Characteristics of Poor Soils Stabilized with Construction Demolition Waste Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Springer Scopus
2019 Lalit Goel, Vijay Shankar & R.K. Sharma Investigation on effectiveness of wheat and rice straw mulches on moisture retention in potato crop (Solanum tuberosum L.) International Journal of Recycling of organic waste in agriculture, Springer SCOPUS
2020 Lalit Goel, Vijay Shankar & R.K. Sharma Influence of different organic mulches on soil hydrothermal and plant growth parameter in potato crop (Solanum tuberosum L.) Journal of Agrometeorology SCI, SCOPUS
2020 Lalit Goel, Vijay Shankar & R.K. Sharma Effect of organic mulches on agronomic parameters – a case study of tomato crop (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) International Journal of Recycling of organic waste in agriculture, Springer SCOPUS
2020 Kumar, Akhilesh, Ravi Kumar Sharma, and Bikram Singh Mehta Slope stability analysis and mitigation measures for selected landslide sites along NH-205 in Himachal Pradesh, India Journal of Earth System Science SCIE/ SCOPUS
2020 Sharma A. and Sharma R. K Uplift behaviour of axial granular pile anchor encased with geogrid in cohesionless soil Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, Emerald SCOPUS
2020 Sharma, R.K Utilization of Fly Ash and Waste Ceramic in Improving Characteristics of Clayey Soil: A Laboratory Study Geotechnical and Geological Engineering SCOPUS
2022 Juneja, Gaurav, and Ravi Kumar Sharma Numerical Investigation of Square Footing Positioned on Geocell Reinforced Sand By Using Abaqus Software Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports ESCI
2022 Bhardwaj, Avinash, and Ravi Kumar Sharma Bearing Capacity Evaluation of Shallow Foundations on Stabilized Layered Soil using ABAQUS Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica SCOPUS/ESCI
2022 Juneja, Gaurav, and Ravi Kumar Sharma Numerical Analysis of Square and Circular Skirted Footings Placed on Sand using PLAXIS 3D Software Journal of Mining and Environment SCOPUS/ESCI
2022 Kumar, Akhilesh, Ravi Kumar Sharma, and Vijay Kumar Bansal Spatial Prediction of Landslide Hazard using GIS-multi-criteria Decision Analysis in Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh, India Journal of Mining and Environment SCOPUS/ESCI
2022 Sharma, Vivek, Ravi Kumar Sharma, and Pardeep Kumar Sharma, Vivek, Ravi Kumar Sharma, and Pardeep Kumar Journal of Mining and Environment SCOPUS/ESCI
2023 Juneja, Gaurav, and Ravi Kumar Sharma Numerical Study on the behaviour of geocell-reinforced sand layer overlying soft clay subgrade Indian Geotechnical Journal SCOPUS
2023 Bhardwaj A., Sharma R. Influence of industrial wastes and lime on strength characteristics of clayey soil Magazine of Civil Engineering SCOPUS
2023 Kumar, Ankit, and Ravi Kumar Sharma Numerical analysis of inclined granular pile anchor subjected to uplift forces in expansive soil using abaqus Journal of Mining and Environment SCOPUS
2023 Sharma, Vivek, Ravi Kumar Sharma, and Pardeep Kumar Estimation of Ground Motion Amplification for sub Himalayan Strata due to Hypothetical Earthquake Motions Journal of Mining and Environment SCOPUS/ESCI
2023 Guleria, Kashitij, and Ravi Kumar Sharma Improvement of geotechnical properties of soil using calcium carbide, waste foundry sand and polypropylene fibre Journal of Mining and Environment SCOPUS/ESCI
2023 Dilta, Lokeshwar Singh, and Ravi Kumar Sharma Numerical analysis of strip footing behaviour on a hollow pile stabilized clay slope Journal of Mining and Environment SCOPUS/ESCI
2023 Khan, Imran, and Ravi Kumar Sharma Bearing capacity evaluation of square footing resting on reinforced sand Journal of Mining and Environment SCOPUS/ESCI
2023 Juneja, Gaurav, and Ravi Kumar Sharma Experimental and Numerical analysis of geocell reinforced base layer with different infill materials overlying clay Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste SCOPUS/ESCI
2023 Bhardwaj, Avinash, and Ravi Kumar Sharma Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Bearing Capacity of Footings on the Layered Soil International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering SCOPUS
2023 Thakur, Vinay, and Ravi Kumar Sharma Experimental Evaluation on Behavior of Geocell–Geogrid Reinforced Sand Subjected to Combined Static and Cyclic Loading Indian geotechnical journal SCOPUS
1997 Sunand Kumar and G.D. Bansal Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer from Two In-Line Cylinders Having Different Heat Flux Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) Vol. 75,May,pp 26, 1994
1996 Sunand Kumar , Dinesh Kumar & N.P.Mehta Behavioural Analysis of Shell Gasification and Carbon Recovery Process in a Urea Fertilizer Plant International Journal of Microelectronics and Reliability Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 671 - 673, 1996
1997 Sunand Kumar , N.P.Mehta Dinesh Kumar Steady Stae Behaviour and Maintenance Planning of Desulphurization System in a Urea Fertilzer Olant International Journal of Microelectronics and Reliabilty Vol. 37. No.6. pp. 949 — 953 ,1997
1999 Sunand Kumar , Dinesh Kumar & N.P.Mehta Maintenance Management for Ammonia Synthesis System in a Urea Fertilizer Plant International Journal of Management and Systems (IJOMAS) Vol. 15, No. 3, pp 211 - 224, 1999
2000 Sunand Kumar, Dinesh Kumar & N.P. Mehta Probabilistic Analysis of Desulphurization System in a Urea Fertilizer Plant Journal of the Institution of Engineers (INDIA) Vol. 80, pp. 135 - 139, March 2000
2002 Sunand Kumar & Dinesh Kumar Stochastic Behaviour and Maintenance Planning of CO Conversion System in a Urea Plant International Journal of Management and Systems Vol. 18, No. 3, pp 235 - 248, September - December 2002
2006 Sharma R.K., Dr. Sunand Kumar Off Line Quality Control Using Taguchi's Parametric Design Journal of the Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering Volume 35(7), pp: 5-10, (2006)
2006 Sharma R. K., Gupta Sunand K Achieving Productivity and Quality Through Kaizen- A Case Study Journal of the Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering Volume 35, pp: 19-22, (2006)
2007 Dr. Sunand Kumar, Dr. P.C. Tiwari & Dr. Rajiv Sharma Simulated Availability of CO2 Cooling System in a Fertilizer Plant Journal Of the Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering Vol. 36, No. 10, pp. 19-23, Oct. 2007
2008 Sanjeev Kumar, PC Tewari & Sunand Kumar Performance Evaluation and Availability Analysis of Ammonia Synthesis System in a Fertilizer Plant Journal of Industrial Engneering International Vol.5, No. 9, pp. 14-26, 2009, ISSN: 1735-5702
2008 Sanjeev Kumar, P.C. Tiwari, Sunand Kumar Performance Evaluation and Behavioural Availability for Decarbonation System of a Fertilizer Plant International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Technology Vol. 1, No.1-2, pp.51-61, 2008
2008 Rajiv Sharma and Sunand Kumar Performance Modeling in Critical Engineering Systems Using RAM Analysis International Journal of Reliability Engineering and System Safety (RESS) (RESS), 93 (2008), 891-897, UK
2008 Sanjeev Kumar, P.C. Tiwari, Sunand Kumar Development of Performance Evaluating System for a CO Shift Conversion System in a Fertilizer Plant International Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial Applications Volume 1, No. VI, pp.369-382, 2008,ISSN:0974-1518
2009 Sanjeev Kumar, P.C. Tiwari, Sunand Kumar Performance Evaluation and Behavioural Availability of Urea Crystallization System of a Fertilizer Plant National Journal of Industrial Engineering (NITIE Mumbai) Vol. 33, No. 2, pp.26-33, April-June, 2009, ISSN 0970-3365
2009 Sanjeev Kumar, PC Tewari & Sunand Kumar Simulation Model for Evaluating the Performance of the Urea Decomposition System in a Fertilizer Plant International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Practices Volume 1(1), pp.10-14, 2009, ISSN: 0974-7745
2009 Sanjeev Kumar, PC Tewari & Sunand Kumar Performane Evaluation and Availability Analysis of Ammonia Synthesis Unit in a Fertilizer Plant Journal of Industrial Engineering International Vol.5, No. 9, pp. 14-26, 2009, ISSN: 1735-5702
2009 Sanjeev Kumar, PC Tewari & Sunand Kumar Performance Evaluation and Optimization for Urea Crystallization System in a Fertilizer Plant Using Genetic Algorithm Technique International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 1093-1105, 2009, ISSN:0973-4562
2009 Sanjeev Kumar, PC Tewari, Sunand Kumar & Meenu Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Urea Prilling System of a Fertilizer Plant using Genetic Algorithm Technique International Journal on Mechanical and Automobile Engineering Vol. 3,No. 4, pp. 68-80,2009, ISSN:0974-231X
2009 Sanjeev Kumar, PC Tewari, Sunand Kumar & Meenu Availability Optimization of Urea Synthesis System of Fertilizer Plant with Genetic Algorithm Emerging Journal on Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2, No. 3, May 2009, pp 70-83, ISSN: 0974-2050
2009 Sanjeev Kumar, PC Tewari, Sunand Kumar & Meenu Reliability and Availability Analysis of Urea Synthesis System of a Fertilizer Plant International Journal of Reliability and Quality Performance Vol. 1, No. 2, July-December 2009, pp 151-162
2010 Sanjeev Kumar, P.C. Tiwari, Sunand Kumar Availability Analysis of a CO-Shift Conversion System in the Fertilizer Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Wesearch Vol.2, No. 9, pp 12-16, March 2010
2009 Sarbjeet Singh,Sunand Kumar Engineering management and leadership for a small scale enterprise Journal of IMS Group (Listed in Cabell's Management Directory USA) Vol. 6, No.2, pp 118-122, July-Dec., 2009
2010 Sarbjeet Singh and Sunand Kumar The effect of Mechanical lifting aid in single task lifting using revised niosh lifting equation performance evaluation and behavioural availability of urea crystallization system of a fertilizer plant International Journal of Advance engineering and Technology Vol. / Issue II / July-Sept.,2010, pp 165-172
2010 Sarbjeet Singh and Sunand Kumar Analysis of postural flexion with and without mechanical lifting aid during lifting task International Journal of Engineering Studies Vol. 2(3), 289-295, 2010
2010 Sarbjeet Singh and Sunand Kumar Biomechanical Perspective in Primary Prevention of Low Back Pain in Steel Rolling Mill International Engineering Practice 2 (2), 67-70, 2010
2010 Sanjeev Kumar, PC Tewari & Sunand Kumar Performance Evaluation and Availability Analysis of Ammonia Synthesis Unit in a Fertilizer Plant Journal of Industrial Engineering International (JIEI), Islamic Azad University, Tehran (Iran) Vol.5, No. 9, pp. 17-26, 2009, ISSN: 1735-5702
2009 Sanjeev Kumar, PC Tewari & Sunand Kumar Performance Evaluation and Optimization for Urea Crystallization System in a Fertilizer Plant using Genetic Algorithm Technique International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research (IJAER) Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 1093-1105, 2009, ISSN: 0973-4562
2009 Sanjeev Kumar, PC Tewari & Sunand Kumar Performance Optimization of Shell Gasification and Carbon Recovery System of a Fertilizer Plant using Genetic Algorithm Technique International Journal of Engineering and Industrial Applications (IJERIA) Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 251-268, 2009, ISSN:0974-1518
2009 Sanjeev Kumar, PC Tewari, Sunand Kumar & Meenu Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Urea Prilling System of a Fertilizer Plant using Genetic Algorithm Technique International Journal on Mechanical and Automobile Engineering (IJMAE) Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 68-80,2009. ISSN:0974-231 X
2009 Sanjeev Kumar, PC Tewari, Sunand Kumar & Meenu Availability optimization of urea synthesis system of fertilizer plant with genetic algorithm. Emerging Journal on Engineering Science and Technology (EJEST) Vol. 2,No. 3, 2009, ISSN: 0974-2050.
2009 Sanjeev Kumar, PC Tewari, Sunand Kumar & Meenu Reliability and Availability Analysis of Urea Synthesis System of Fertilizer Plant Journal of IMS Group (Listed in Cabell's Management Directory, USA) Vol. 6, No.2, pp 118-122, July-Dec., 2009.
2009 Sanjeev Kumar, P.C. Tiwari, Sunand Kumar Performance Evaluation and Behavioral Availability of Urea Crystallization System of a Fertilizer Plant Udyog Pragati, National Journal of Industrial Engineering, NITIE, Mumbai, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp.26-33, April-June, 2009, ISSN 0970-3365
2009 Sanjeev Kumar and P.C. Tewari, Sunand Kumar Performance, Evaluation and Behavioral Availability of Urea crystallization System of a Fertilizer Plant Journal of Industrial Engineering , NITIE, Mumbai Volume 33, No. 2, pp.26-33, April-June 2009. ISSN 0970-3365.
2010 Sanjeev Kumar, PC Tewari, Sunand Kumar & Meenu Availability Optimization of CO-Shift Conversion System of a Fertilizer Plant using Genetic Algorithm Technique Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (BJSIR) Vol. 45, No. 2, pp 133-140
2010 Sanjeev Kumar and P.C. Tewari, Sunand Kumar Availability Analysis of CO-Shift Conversion System in the Fertilizer Plant Industrial Engineering Journal, 111E, Mumbai Vol. 2, No. 9
2010 Jha, U.0 & Sunand Kumar TQM & Critical Success Factors for Implementation in Indian Manufacturing Industries Review of Business &Technology Research, USA Vol. 03, No. 2, pp 117 — 123
2011 Sharma R.K., Kumar S and Ajay Kumar Chadha COQ-Cost of Quality —A case from medium scale packaging industry Industrial Engineering Journal pp 33-36, Vol-II & Issue 22
2011 Jha, U.C. & Sunand Kumar TQM & Critical Success Factors for Implementation in Indian Manufacturing Industries International Journal of Management Rivulet (IJMR) Vol. 2, No. 1, pp 149-158
2011 Jha, U.C. and Sunand Kumar Critical Success Factors of TQM: A study International Journal of Management Research Volume 1, issue 4
2011 Acharya ,V.,Sharma, S. and Gupta S.K. Exploring the parameters of Automation in Manufacturing Enterprises International Journal Review of Business Research, USA Vol. 11, No. 5, 2011, ISSN: 1546-2609, pp. 114-119
2011 Acharya, V., Sharma, S. and Gupta S.K. Automation Impact on Indian Steel Industry International Academy of Business and Economics, USA 2011
2012 Sarbjeet Singh and Sunand Kumar Factorial Analysis of Lifting Tasks to Determine the Effect of Different Parameters and Interactions International Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (Emerald) Vol. 23, Issue 7, pp 947-953
2012 Jha U.C., Sunand Kumar and Qureshi Important Factors of TQM Implementation Radix International Journal of Research in Economics & Business Management Vol. 1, No. 4, pp 55-72
2012 Jha U.C. and Sunand Kumar Effect of TQM on Employee Satisfaction Radix International Journal of Research in Economics & Business Management Vol. 1, No. 8, pp 189-194
2012 S Singh and S Kumar Effect of Lifting Device and Biomechanical Force Assessment During Lifting in Steel Rolling Mill Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering Vol 10, No 2, pp 101-110
2012 38. Jha U.C. and Sunand Kumar TQM and Performance of Indian Automotive Industries European International Journal of Economics, Finance & Administrative Science 2012
2012 39. Jha U.C. and Sunand Kumar Key Factors for Successful Transition from ISO to TQM- A Study VSRD International Journal of Business & Management Research 2012
2013 Indu Bala, Somesh Kr. Sharma , Prof. Sunanad Kumar Exploring Raw Safety Aspects in Aviation Industry International Computer Journal of Engineering and Intelligent Systems Vol. 4,No.1,2013, 80-97
2013 U. C. Jha and Sunand Kumar Effect of TQM On Customer Satisfaction In Indian Manufacturing Industries Review of Business and Technology Research Vol. 9, No. 1, 2013, pp 171-179, ISSN 1941-9414
2014 Indu Bala, Somesh Sharma, Sunand Kumar and Rajnish Shrivastava Exploring The Impact of Environment on Aviation Industry Review of Business & Technology Research (RBTR Vol.11, No.1, 2014 (ISSN 1041-9414),PP 49-54
2014 Jha U.0 and Sunand Kumar Key Factors For Successful Transition From ISO to TQM- A Study Review of Business & Technology Research (RBTR Vol.11, No.1, 2014 (ISSN 1041-9414),PP 641-652
2014 Prashant Chauhan, Sunand Kumar and Rajiv Kumar Sharma Modeling of India's Innovation Challenges For Outsourcing Review of Business & Technology Research (RBTR), Vol.11, No.1, 2014 (ISSN 1041-9414), PP 709-716
2014 Sunand Kumar, Rajiv Kumar Sharma and Prashant Chauhan ISM Approach to Model Offshore Outsourcing Risks International Journal of Production Management and Engineering 2(2), 101¬111
2014 Sunand Kumar, Rajiv Kumar Sharma and Prashant Chauhan Systems Engineering for Effective Supply Chain Coordination for Knowledge Process Outsourcing International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research (IPEDR) Vol. 75, pp 189-195
2015 Prashant Chauhan, Sunand Kumar and Rajiv kumar Sharma Modeling Drivers of Political Risk in Offshore Outsourcing European Journal of Business and Management Vol.7, No.9, 2015, pp. 34-44
2015 Prashant Chauhan, Sunand Kumar and Rajiv kumar Sharma Qualitative and Quantitative approach to model offshore outsourcing barriers due to cultural differences International Journal Strategic Business Alliances Vol.4, Nos.2/3, 2015, pp. 184-200
2015 Prashant Chauhan, Sunand Kumar and Rajiv Sharma Investigating the Influence of Opportunistic Behaviour Risk Factors of Offshore Outsourcing International Journal of Business Excellence Volume 12, Issue 2,ISSN: 1756-0055
2015 Preeti, Veena Sharma, Sunand kumar and Harish Pulluri Automatic Generation Control Using Opposition Based Gravitational Search Algorothm Tuned Fopid Contoller Review of Business and Technology Research (RBTR) Vol 12, No. 2, ISSN 1941-9414, PP 260-266
2017 Vikas Acharya, Somesh Kumar Sharma and Sunand Kumar Analysing the Factors in Industrial Automation using Analytical Hierarchy Process International Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering 000(2017),1-10 (SCI-E)
2016 Vikas Acharya, Somesh Kumar Sharma and Sunand Kumar Measuring Constructs useful for studying Industrial Automation Assessment interm of Performance Intrernational Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management Accepted July 28, 2016 (under publication SCOPUS
2022 Mohd. Subhan Raja, Sunand Kumar and Mohit Pant Finite Element Analysis of Super Austenitic Stainless Steel Flange International Jouirnal of Analytical Experimental and Finite Element Analysis Vol. 9, Issue 2, June 2022, pp 26-33
1992 R. C. Sharma and Sunil “Thermosolutal instability of a partially-ionized Hall plasma in porous medium”. “Astrophysics and Space Science” (Belgium), 194, 303-311 (1992). SCIE
1992 R. C. Sharma and Sunil “Rayleigh-Taylor instability of a partially ionized plasma in a porous medium in presence of a variable magnetic field”. “Zeitschrift für Naturforschung” (Germany), 47a, 1227-1231 (1992). SCIE
1994 R. C. Sharma and Sunil “Thermal instability of Oldroydian viscoelastic fluid with suspended particles in hydromagnetics in porous medium”. “Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering” (U.S.A.), 33(3), 323-339 (1994). SCIE
1994 R. C. Sharma and Sunil “Compressibility and collisional effects on thermal instability of a partially - ionized Hall plasma in porous medium”. “Indian Journal of Physics” (India), 68B(3), 255-266 (1994). SCIE
1994 R. C. Sharma and Sunil “Finite Larmor radius effect on thermosolutal instability of plasma in porous medium”. “Czechoslovak Journal of Physics” (Czechoslovakia), 44 (10), 927-936 (1994). Scopus (Source record id: 27480)
1994 Sunil “Thermosolutal hydromagnetics instability of compressible and partially ionized plasma in porous medium”. “Archives of Mechanics” (Poland), 46(6), 819-828 (1994). SCIE
1995 Sunil “Finite Larmor radius and compressibility effects on thermosolutal instability of a plasma in porous medium”. “Indian Journal of Physics” (India), 69B(3), 249-260 (1995). SCIE
1995 R. C. Sharma and Sunil “Thermal instability of compressible finite Larmor radius, Hall plasma in porous medium”. “Physics of Plasma” (U.S.A.), 2(6), 1886-1892 (1995). Erratum: “Physics of Plasma” (U.S.A.), 2(12), 4665 (1995). SCIE
1995 Sunil “Thermal instability of an FLR plasma in porous medium”. “Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics” (India), 26(10), 1011-1019 (1995). SCIE
1996 R. C. Sharma and Sunil “Thermal instability of compressible finite-Larmor-radius Hall plasma in a porous medium”. “Journal of Plasma Physics” (Great Britain), 55(1), 35-45 (1996). SCIE
1996 Y. D. Sharma and Sunil “Compressibility and Hall effects on thermosolutal instability of partially ionized Hall plasma in a porous medium”. “Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering” (U.S.A.), 35(1), 169-186 (1996). SCIE
1996 Sunil and Y. D. Sharma “Rayleigh-Taylor instability of a partially ionized rotating plasma in the presence of a variable horizontal magnetic field in porous medium”. “Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering” (U.S.A.), 35(2), 221-231 (1996). SCIE
1996 Sunil, R. C. Sharma and T. Chand “Combined effect of magnetic field and rotation on thermosolutal instability of a compressible fluid in porous medium”. “Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering” (U.S.A.), 35(3), 377-391 (1996). SCIE
1997 Sunil and T. Chand “Rayleigh-Taylor instability of a plasma in presence of a variable magnetic field and suspended particles in porous medium”. “Indian Journal of Physics” (India), 71B(1), 95-105 (1997). SCIE
1997 Sunil “Kelvin Helmholtz instability of a partially ionized plasma in porous medium”. “Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering” (U.S.A.), 36(6), 945-961 (1997). SCIE
1998 R. C. Sharma, Sunil and Suresh Chand “Thermosolutal convection in Rivlin-Ericksen fluid in porous medium in hydromagnetics”. “International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering” (Poland), 3(1), 171-180 (1998). Previously known as Applied Mechanics and Engineering” (Poland) Scopus (Source record id: 21100464514)
1998 R. C. Sharma, Sunil and Suresh Chand “Thermosolutal convection in Rivlin-Ericksen rotating fluid in porous medium”. “Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics” (India), 29(4), 433-440 (1998). SCIE
1999 Sunil “Transport of vorticity in fluid in the presence of suspended magnetic particles in porous medium”. “International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering” (Poland), 4(1), 35-43 (1999). Previously known as Applied Mechanics and Engineering” (Poland) Scopus (Source record id: 21100464514)
1999 Sunil “Finite Larmor radius effect on thermosolutal instability of compressible Hall plasma in porous medium”. “Physics of Plasmas” (U.S.A.), 6(1), 50-56 (1999). SCIE
1999 R. C. Sharma, Sunil and Rajender Singh Chandel “Thermal convection in Walters’ viscoelastic fluid B' permeated with suspended particles in porous medium”. “Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica” (Poland), XXI(1-2), 3-14 (1999). Scopus
1999 R. C. Sharma, Sunil and Suresh Chand “The instability of streaming Walters’ viscoelastic fluid B' in porous medium”. “Czechoslovak Journal of Physics” (Czechoslovakia), 49(2), 189-195 (1999). Scopus
1999 R. C. Sharma, Sunil and Suresh Chand “Thermosolutal instability of Walters’ rotating fluid (model B') in porous medium”. “Archives of Mechanics” (Poland), 51(2), 181-191 (1999). SCIE
1999 R. C. Sharma, Sunil and Suresh Chand “The instability of streaming Rivlin-Ericksen viscoelastic fluid in porous medium”. “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India” (India), 69(A), IV, 437-445 (1999). SCIE
2000 R. C. Sharma, Sunil and Suresh Chand “Hall effect on thermal instability of Rivlin-Ericksen fluid”. “Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics” (India), 31(1), 49-59 (2000). SCIE
2000 Sunil and Pawan Kumar “Hall effect on thermal instability of Walters’ (model B') fluid in porous medium”. “International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering” (Poland), 5(3), 655-671 (2000). Previously known as Applied Mechanics and Engineering” (Poland) Scopus (Source record id: 21100464514)
2000 R. C. Sharma, Sunil and Mohinder Pal “On couple-stress fluid heated from below in porous medium in presence of rotation”. “International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering” (Poland), 5(4), 883-896 (2000). Previously known as Applied Mechanics and Engineering” (Poland). Scopus (Source record id: 21100464514)
2000 Sunil, R. C. Sharma and Suresh Chand “Thermosolutal convection in Walters’ (Model B') fluid in porous medium in hydromagnetics”. “Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica” (Poland), XXII(3-4), 3-14 (2000). Scopus
2000 Sunil and Pradeep Singh “Thermal instability of a porous medium with relaxation and inertia in the presence of Hall effects”. “Archive of Applied Mechanics” (Germany), 70(8/9), 649-658 (2000). SCIE
2001 Sunil “Thermosolutal instability of compressible finite Larmor radius Hall plasma in porous medium”. “Journal of Porous Media” (U.S.A.), 4(1), 55-67 (2001). SCIE
2001 R. C. Sharma, Sunil and Mohinder Pal “Thermosolutal convection in Rivlin-Ericksen rotating fluid in porous medium in hydromagnetics”. “Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics” (India), 32(1), 143-156 (2001). SCIE
2001 R. C. Sharma, Sunil and Suresh Chand “Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of Rivlin-Ericksen viscoelastic fluid in porous medium”. “Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Mathematica” (Rumania), XLVI (3), 111-118 (2001). Scopus
2001 R. C. Sharma, Sunil and Mohinder Pal “On superposed couple-stress fluid in a porous medium”. “Studia Geotechnica Et Mechanica” (Poland), 23(3-4), 55-66 (2001). Scopus
2001 Sunil, R. C. Sharma and Mohinder Pal “Hall effect on thermosolutal instability of a Rivlin-Ericksen fluid in porous medium”. “Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics” (Germany), 26(4), 373-386 (2001). SCIE
2001 Sunil, R. C. Sharma and Mohinder Pal “Hall effect on thermosolutal instability of Walters’ (model B') fluid in porous medium”. “Archives of Mechanics” (Poland), 53(6), 677-690 (2001). SCIE
2002 Sunil, R. C. Sharma and Mohinder Pal “On couple-stress fluid heated from below in porous medium in presence of magnetic field and rotation”. “Journal of Porous Media” (U.S.A.), 5(2), 149-158 (2002). SCIE
2002 R. C. Sharma, Sunil, Y. D. Sharma and Rajender Singh Chandel “On couple-stress fluid permeated with suspended particles heated from below” “Archives of Mechanics” (Poland), 54(4), 287-298 (2002). SCIE
2002 Sunil, R. C. Sharma and Rajender Singh Chandel “On superposed couple-stress fluids in porous medium in hydromagnetics”. “Zeitschrift für Naturforschung” (Germany), 57(a), 955-960 (2002). SCIE
2003 Sunil, Pavan Kumar Bharti and R. C. Sharma “On Bénard convection in porous medium in presence of throughflow and rotation in hydromagnetics”. “Archives of Mechanics” (Poland), 55(3), 257-274 (2003). SCIE
2003 Sunil, Divya, R. C. Sharma and Veena Sharma “Compressible couple-stress fluid permeated with suspended particles heated and soluted from below in porous medium”. “Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics” (India), 41(8), 602-611 (2003). SCIE
2003 Sunil, R. C. Sharma and Rajender Singh Chandel “Stability of superposed couple-stress fluids in presence of suspended particles in porous medium”. “International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering” (Poland), 8(4), 693-704 (2003). Scopus (Source record id: 21100464514)
2003 Sunil, Y.D. Sharma, P. K. Bharti and R.C. Sharma “Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of Walters’ (model B') viscoelastic fluid in porous medium in hydromagnetics”. “Studia Geotechnica Et Mechanica” (Poland), 25(3-4), 53-63 (2003). Scopus
2004 Sunil, R. C. Sharma and Rajender Singh Chandel “Effect of suspended particles on couple-stress fluid heated and soluted from below in porous medium”. “Journal of Porous Media” (U.S.A.), 7(1), 9-18 (2004). SCIE
2004 Sunil, Pavan Kumar Bharti and R.C. Sharma “Thermosolutal convection in ferromagnetic fluid”. “Archives of Mechanics” (Poland), 56(2), 117-135 (2004). SCIE
2004 Sunil, Divya and R.C. Sharma “Effect of rotation on ferromagnetic fluid heated and soluted from below saturating a porous medium”. “Journal of Geophysics and Engineering” (U. K.), 1(2), 116-127 (2004). SCIE
2004 Sunil, Pavan Kumar Bharti, Divya Sharma and R.C. Sharma “The effect of a magnetic field dependent viscosity on the thermal convection in a ferromagnetic fluid in a porous medium”. “Zeitschrift für Naturforschung” (Germany), 59(a), 397-406 (2004). SCIE
2004 R.C. Sharma, Sunil and P. K. Bharti “Stability of superposed viscoelastic (Walters’ B')-Newtonian fluids in porous medium”. “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India” (India), 74(A), III, 311-322 (2004). SCIE
2004 Sunil, Divya, R.C. Sharma and Veena Sharma “Stability of stratified Walters’ B-viscoelastic fluids in stratified porous medium”. “Studia Geotechnica Et Mechanica” (Poland), 26(1-2), 35-52 (2004). Scopus
2004 Sunil, Divya and R. C. Sharma “Effect of magnetic field dependent viscosity on ferroconvection in a porous medium in the presence of dust particles”. “Journal of Geophysics and Engineering” (U. K.),1(4), 277-286 (2004). SCIE
2005 Sunil, Divya and R. C. Sharma “Effect of dust particles on thermal convection in ferromagnetic fluid saturating a porous medium”. “Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials” (Netherlands), 288(1), 183-195 (2005). SCIE
2005 Sunil, Y. D. Sharma, Pavan Kumar Bharti and R. C. Sharma “Thermosolutal instability of compressible Rivlin-Ericksen fluid with Hall currents”. “International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering” (Poland), 10(2), 329-343 (2005). Scopus (Source record id: 21100464514)
2005 Sunil, Anupama and R.C. Sharma “The effect of magnetic field dependent viscosity on thermosolutal convection in ferromagnetic fluid”. “Applied Mathematics and Computation” (Netherlands), 163(3), 1197-1214 (2005). SCI & Scopus
2005 Sunil, Divya and R. C. Sharma “The effect of magnetic field dependent viscosity on thermosolutal convection in ferromagnetic fluid saturating a porous medium”. “Transport in Porous Media” (Netherlands), 60(3), 251-274 (2005). SCIE
2005 Sunil, Divya and R. C. Sharma “Thermosolutal convection in a ferromagnetic fluid saturating a porous medium”. “Journal of Porous Media” (U.S.A.), 8(4), 393-408 (2005). SCIE
2005 Sunil, Divya and Veena Sharma “Effect of dust particles on rotating ferromagnetic fluid heated from below saturating a porous medium” “Journal of Colloid and Interface Science” (Netherlands), 291, 152-161 (2005). SCIE
2005 Sunil, Anupama Sharma, Divya Sharma and R. C. Sharma “Effect of dust particles on thermal convection in ferromagnetic fluid”. “Zeitschrift für Naturforschung” (Germany), 60a(7), 494-502 (2005). SCIE
2005 Sunil, Anupama Sharma, Pardeep Kumar and Urvashi Gupta “Effect of magnetic field dependent viscosity and rotation on ferrothermohaline convection saturating a porous medium in the presence of dust particles” “Journal of Geophysics and Engineering” (U. K.),2(3), 238-251 (2005). SCIE
2005 Sunil, Divya and R. C. Sharma “Effect of dust particles on ferromagnetic fluid heated and soluted from below saturating a porous medium”. “Applied Mathematics and Computation” (Netherlands), 169(2), 832-853 (2005). SCIE
2005 Sunil, Anu Sharma, R. G. Shandil and Urvashi Gupta “Effect of magnetic field dependent viscosity and rotation on ferroconvection saturating a porous medium in the presence of dust particles”. “International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer” (Netherlands), 32(10), 1387-1399 (2005). SCIE
2005 Sunil, Divya and R. C. Sharma “Effect of magnetic field dependent viscosity on a rotating ferromagnetic fluid heated and soluted from below, saturating a porous medium”. “Journal of Porous Media” (U.S.A.), 8(6), 569-588 (2005). SCIE
2005 Sunil and Anupama Sharma “Effect of dust particles on rotating ferromagnetic fluid heated and soluted from below saturating a porous medium”. “Indian Journal of Physics” (India), 79(11), 1285-1292 (2005). SCIE
2005 Sunil, Pavan Kumar Bharti, Divya Sharma and R. C. Sharma “The effect of rotation on thermosolutal convection in a ferromagnetic fluid”. “International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering” (Poland), 10(4), 713-730 (2005). Scopus (Source record id: 21100464514)
2006 Sunil, Anu Sharma and R. C. Sharma “Effect of dust particles on ferrofluid heated and soluted from below”. “International Journal of Thermal Sciences” (Netherlands), 45(4), 347-358 (2006). SCIE
2006 Sunil, Anu Sharma and R. G. Shandil “Effect of rotation on a ferromagnetic fluid heated and soluted from below in the presence of dust particles”. “Applied Mathematics and Computation” (Netherlands), 177(2), 614-628(2006). SCIE
2006 Sunil, Anu Sharma, Pavan Kumar Bharti and R. G. Shandil “Effect of rotation on a layer of micropolar ferromagnetic fluid heated from below saturating a porous medium” “International Journal of Engineering Science” (Netherlands), 44(11-12), 683-698 (2006). SCIE
2006 Sunil, Anu Sharma, Pavan Kumar Bharti and R. G. Shandil “Marginal stability ofmicropolar ferromagnetic fluid saturating a porous medium” “Journal of Geophysics and Engineering” (U. K.),3(4), 338-347 (2006). SCIE
2006 Sunil, Anupama Sharma, Pardeep Kumar “Effect of magnetic field dependent viscosity and rotation on ferroconvection in the presence of dust particles” “Applied Mathematics and Computation” (Netherlands), 182(1), 82-88 (2006). SCIE
2006 Sunil, Anupama, Divya and R. C. Sharma “The effect of magnetic field dependent viscosity on thermosolutal convection in rotating ferromagnetic fluid”. “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India” (India), 76(A), IV, 349-359(2006). SCIE
2007 Sunil, Anu Sharma and R. G. Shandil “Effect of magnetic field dependent viscosity and rotation on ferrothermohaline convection in the presence of dust particles”. “International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering” (Poland), 12(1), 197-213 (2007). Scopus (Source record id: 21100464514)
2007 Sunil, Prakash Chand and Pavan Kumar Bharti “Double-diffusive convection in a micropolar ferromagnetic fluid”. “Applied Mathematics and Computation” (Netherlands), 189(2), 1648-1661 (2007). SCIE
2007 Sunil, Anu Sharma, Pavan Kumar Bharti and R. G. Shandil “Linear stability of double-diffusive convection in a micropolar ferromagnetic fluid saturating a porous medium”. “International Journal of Mechanical Sciences” (USA), 49(9), 1047-1059 (2007). SCI & Scopus
2007 Sunil, Pavan Kumar Bharti and Divya Sharma “Thermal convection in ferrofluid in a porous medium”. “Studia Geotechnica Et Mechanica” (Poland),29(3-4), 5-19(2007). Scopus
2008 Sunil and Amit Mahajan “A nonlinear stability analysis for magnetized ferrofluid heated from below” “Proceedings of Royal Society of London A” (UK), 464(2089), 83-98 (2008). SCI & Scopus
2008 Sunil, Prakash Chand, Pavan Kumar Bharti and Amit Mahajan “Thermal convection in micropolarferrofluidin the presence of rotation”. “Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials” (Netherlands), 320(3-4), 316-324(2008). SCIE
2008 Sunil, Anupama Sharma, Divya Sharma and Pardeep Kumar “Effect of magnetic field dependent viscosity on thermal convection in a ferromagnetic fluid”. “Chemical Engineering Communications” (UK), 195, 571-583(2008). SCI & Scopus
2008 Sunil, Anu Sharma and R. G. Shandil “Effect of magnetic field dependent viscosity on ferroconvection in the presence of dust particles”. “Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing” (Netherlands), 27(1-2), 7-22 (2008). Scopus
2008 Sunil, Poonam Sharma and Amit Mahajan “A nonlinear stability analysis for thermoconvective magnetized ferrofluid with magnetic field dependent viscosity”. “International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer” (Netherlands), 35(10), 1281-1287 (2008). SCIE
2008 Sunil and Amit Mahajan “A nonlinear stability analysis for rotating magnetized ferrofluid heated from below”. “Applied Mathematics and Computation” (Netherlands), 204 (1), 299-310 (2008). SCIE
2008 Sunil and Amit Mahajan “A nonlinear stability analysis in a double-diffusive magnetized ferrofluidlayer saturating a porous medium”. “Journal of Geophysics and Engineering” (U.K.), 5, 311-322 (2008). SCIE
2008 Sunil and Amit Mahajan “Thermoconvective magnetized ferrofluidwith internal angular momentum saturating a porous medium: A nonlinear stability analysis” “Applied Mathematics and Computation” (Netherlands)205(1), 403-416 (2008). SCIE
2008 Sunil and Amit Mahajan “A nonlinear stability analysis of a double-diffusive magnetized ferrofluid” Z. Natureforschung (Germany), 63a(12), 797-807 (2008). Scopus
2008 Sunil, Prakash Chand and Amit Mahajan “Effect of rotation on double-diffusive convection in a magnetized ferrofluidwith internal angular momentum saturating a porous medium”. “International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering” (Poland), 13(4), 1059-1078 (2008). Scopus (Source record id: 21100464514)
2009 Sunil and Amit Mahajan “A nonlinear stability analysis for rotating magnetized ferrofluid heated from below saturating a porous medium”. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK “ZAMP” (Netherlands), 60, 344-362(2009). SCI & Scopus
2009 Sunil and Amit Mahajan “A nonlinear stability analysis for thermoconvective magnetized ferrofluid saturating a porous medium”. “Transport in Porous Media” (Netherlands), 76(3), 327-343 (2009). SCIE
2009 Sunil, Poonam Sharma and Amit Mahajan “A nonlinear stability analysis of a rotating double-diffusive magnetized ferrofluid saturating a porous medium”. “Heat Transfer Research” (USA), 40(4), 351-378(2009). SCIE & Scopus
2009 Sunil and Amit Mahajan “A nonlinear stability analysis in adouble-diffusive magnetized ferrofluidwith magnetic field dependent viscosity”. “Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials” (Netherlands), 321(18), 2810-2820(2009). SCIE
2009 Sunil, Poonam Sharma and Amit Mahajan “A nonlinear stability analysis for thermoconvective magnetized ferrofluid with magnetic field dependent viscosity saturating a porous medium”. “Journal of Porous Media” (U.S.A.), 12(7),667-682 (2009). SCIE
2009 Sunil and Amit Mahajan “A nonlinear stability analysis in adouble-diffusive magnetized ferrofluidwith magnetic field dependent viscosity saturating a porous medium”. “Canadian Journal of Physics” (Canada),87(6),659-673 (2009). SCI & Scopus
2010 Sunil, Prakash Chand and Amit Mahajan “The effect of suspended particles on Marginal stability of magnetized ferrofluid with internal angular momentum” “Heat Transfer Research” (USA), 41(2), 167-186 (2010). SCIE & Scopus
2010 Sunil, Poonam Sharma and Amit Mahajan “Nonlinear ferroconvection in a porous layer using a thermal non-equilibrium model” “Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media” (USA), 1(2), 105-121 (2010). SCIE & Scopus
2010 Sunil, Prakash Chand and Amit Mahajan “Marginal stability of dusty magnetized ferrofluid with internal angular momentum saturating a porous medium” “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India” (India), 80 (III), 245-260 (2010). SCIE
2010 Sunil, Prakash Chand and Amit Mahajan “Effect of suspended particles on marginal stability of a double-diffusive magnetized ferrofluid with internal angular momentum”. “Chemical Engineering Communications” (UK),197(12),1553-1570 (2010). SCI & Scopus
2010 Sunil, Poonam Sharma and Amit Mahajan “Onset of Darcy-Brinkman double-diffusive convection in a magnetized ferrofluid using a thermal non-equilibrium model: A nonlinear stability analysis” “Journal of Geophysics and Engineering” (U.K.), 7(4), 417-430 (2010). SCIE
2011 Sunil, Poonam Sharma and Amit Mahajan “Onset of Darcy-Brinkman ferroconvection in a rotating porous layer using a thermal non-equilibrium model: A nonlinear stability analysis” “Transport in Porous Medium”(Netherlands), 88, 421-439 (2011). SCI & Scopus
2011 Sunil, Reeta Devi and Amit Mahajan “Global stability for thermal convection in a Couple-Stress fluid”. “International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer”(Netherlands), 38, 938-942 (2011). SCIE
2011 Sunil and Amit Mahajan “Thermoconvective magnetized ferrofluid with internal angular momentum:A nonlinear stability analysis” “International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering” (Poland), 16(2), 557-580 (2011). Scopus (Source record id: 21100464514)
2011 Sunil, Prakash Chand, Amit Mahajan and Poonam Sharma “Effect of rotation on double-diffusive convection in a magnetized ferrofluidwith internal angular momentum”. “Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics” (USA), 4(4), 43-52 (2011). SCIE & Scopus
2011 Sunil, Poonam Sharma and Amit Mahajan "A nonlinear stability analysis of a rotating double-diffusive magnetized ferrofluid". “Applied Mathematics and Computation” (Netherlands), 218(6), 2785-2799 (2011). SCIE
2012 Sunil and Reeta Devi “Global stability for thermal convection in a couple-stress fluid saturating a porous medium with temperature-pressure dependent viscosity: Galerkin method” “International Journal of Engineering (IJE Transactions-Basic)” (Islamic Republic of Iran), 25(3), 221-229 (2012). Scopus & ESCI
2012 Sunil, Shalu Choudhary and Pavan Kumar Bharti “Global stability for thermal convection in a couple-stress fluid saturating a porous media with temperature and pressure dependent viscosity”. “International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering” (Poland), 17(2), 583-602 (2012). Scopus (Source record id: 21100464514)
2013 Sunil, Shalu Choudhary and P.K. Bharti Global Stability for Thermal Convection in a Couple-stress Fluid with Temperature and Pressure Dependent Viscosity”. “Studia Geotechnica Et Mechanics” (Poland), XXXV(3),85-102 (2013). Scopus
2013 Sunil and Shalu Choudhary “Conditional stability for thermal convection in a rotating couple-stress fluid saturating a porous media with temperature and pressure dependent viscosity” “Journal of Geophysics and Engineering” (U.K.), 10(4) 045013 (11 pp) (2013). SCIE
2013 Amit Mahajan, Monica Arora and Sunil “Convection in magnetic nanofluids”. “Journal of Nanofluids” (USA),2(2), 147-156 (2013). Scopus & ESCI
2014 Sunil and Reeta Devi “Global Stability for Thermal Convection in a Couple Stress fluid: Rigid boundaries”. “Heat Transfer Research” (USA), ( 45), 43-57 (2014). SCIE & Scopus
2014 Sunil, Shalu Choudhary and Amit Mahajan “Conditional stability for thermal convection in a rotating couple-stress fluid saturating a porous media with temperature and pressure dependent viscosity using a thermal non-equilibrium model” “Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics” (Germany), 39(2), 61-78(2014). SCIE
2014 Amit Mahajan, Mahesh Kumar Sharma and Sunil “Convection in rotating magnetic nanofluids in porous media”. “Journal of Nanofluids” (USA),3(4), 350-360 (2014). Scopus & ESCI
2014 Sunil, Shalu Choudhary and Amit Mahajan “Conditional stability for thermal convection in a rotating Couple-Stress fluid saturating a porous medium”. “Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media”(USA), 5(2), 119-132 (2014). SCIE & Scopus
2014 Nitin Sharma, S. Kango, R.K. Sharma and Sunil “Investigations on the effects of surface texture on the performance of a porous journal bearing operating with couple stress fluids”. “International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering”, 8(4), 392-407(2014). SCIE & Scopus
2016 Nitin Sharma,S. Kango,A. Tayal,R.K. Sharma and Sunil “Investigations on the influence of surface texturing on a couple stress fluid based Journal bearing by using JFO boundary conditions”. “Tribology Transaction”, 59(3), 579-584 (2016). SCI, SCIE & Scopus
2016 Nitin Sharma,R.K. Sharma, Sunil and S. Kango “A comparative study for lubrication of surface textured porous journal bearing with two different non-Newtonian fluid models”. “International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering”10(5), 485-502 (2016). SCIE & Scopus
2017 Amit Mahajan, Sunil and Mahesh Kumar Sharma “Linear stability analysis of penetrative convection via internal heating in a ferrofluid saturated porous layer”. Fluids (Switzerland), 2(2), 22 (2017).doi:10.3390/fluids2020022. Scopus & ESCI
2019 Sunil, Shalu Choudhary and Amit Mahajan “Stability analysis of a couple-stress fluid saturating a porous medium with temperature and pressure dependent viscosity using a thermal non-equilibrium model”. “Applied Mathematics and Computation” (Netherlands), 340(1), 15-30 (2019). SCIE
2019 Shalu Choudhary and Sunil “Global Stability For Double-Diffusive Convection In A Couple-Stress Fluid Saturating A Porous Medium”. “Studia Geotechnica Et Mechanics” (Poland), 41(1),13-20 (2019). Scopus
1993 R. C. Sharma and Sunil "Thermal instability of compressible Hall plasma in the presence of suspended particles". "Ganita" (India), 44(1), 1-11 (1993) UGC Approved (Journal No. 17922)
2000 Sunil, R. C. Sharma and Rajender Singh Chandel "Stability of stratified Rivlin-Ericksen-particle mixture in hydromagnetics in porous medium". "Ganita" (India), 51(2), 179-185 (2000) UGC Approved (Journal No. 17922)
2001 Sunil, R. C. Sharma and Mohinder Pal "Hall effect on thermosolutal instability of Walters' (model B') fluid in porous medium". "Romanian Journal of Physics" (Romania), 46(3-4), 119-128 (2001) SCIE & Scopus
2002 Sunil, R. C. Sharma and Mohinder Pal "Thermosolutal convection in Walters' (model B') rotating fluid in porous medium in hydromagnetics". “Jñānābha” (India), 31/32, 137-150 (2002) UGC Approved
2004 Sunil, Pavan Kumar Bharti and R. C. Sharma "Hall effect on couple-stress fluid heated from below in porous medium in the presence of a horizontal magnetic field". "Romanian Journal of Physics" (Romania), 49(1-2), 171-187 (2004) SCIE & Scopus
2004 Sunil and Rajender Singh Chandel "Hall effect on couple-stress fluid heated and soluted from below in porous medium". “Jñānābha” (India), 34, 63-78 (2004) UGC Approved
2022 A. Bhattacharyya, R. Kumar, S. Bahadur, G.S. Seth and Sunil “Modeling and interpretation of peristaltic transport of Eyring-Powell fluid through uniform/non-uniform channel with Joule heating and wall flexibility”. “Chinese Journal of Physics” (China), 80, 167-182 (2022) SCI & Scopus
2023 Shalu Choudhary, Reeta Devi, Amit Mahajan, Sunil “Stability analysis in a couple-stress fluid layer with variable viscosity heated from below: Different conducting boundaries”. “Chinese Journal of Physics” (China), 83, 94–102 (2023) SCI & Scopus
2023 Bhupendra Kumar, Neha Yadav, Sunil “A novel hybrid model combining βSARMA and LSTM for time series forecasting”. "Applied Soft Computing" (Netherlands), 134, 110019 (2023) SCIE & Scopus
2013 Sunil, Reeta Devi and Amit Mahajan “Global stability of a couple-stress fluid in a porous medium using a thermal non-equilibrium modal”. “International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics” (Poland), 9(1), 29-49 (2013) Scopus (Source record id: 21100464514)
2012 Sunil and Reeta Devi “Global stability for thermal convection in a rotating Couple-Stress fluid”. “Research Journal of Engineering & Technology”, (India), 3(2), 68-75 (2012), special issue on ‘Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends in the Mechanics of Fluids and Solids (RTMFS)(as a part of National Mathematical Year Celebration) during March 10-11, 2012 held at Department of Mathematics, Government College Haripur (Manali)-HP. Indian Citation Index
2012 Sunil and Shalu Choudhary “Global stability for thermal convection in a rotating Couple-Stress fluid saturating a porous medium". “Research Journal of Engineering & Technology”, (India), 3(2), 82-91 (2012), special issue on ‘Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends in the Mechanics of Fluids and Solids (RTMFS)(as a part of National Mathematical Year Celebration) during March 10-11, 2012 held at Department of Mathematics, Government College Haripur (Manali)-HP. Indian Citation Index
2013 Reeta Devi, Sunil and Ravinder Paul “The effect of rotation on thermal convection in a Couple-Stress fluid saturating a porous medium using Galerkin method-A nonlinear stability analysis”. “Research Journal of Science & Technology”, (India), 5(1), 10-19 (2013), published in “Research Journal of Science& Technology”, 1(1), 10-19 (2013), special issue on ‘International Conference in Mathematical Sciences (ICMS-2013) (as a part of National Mathematical Year Celebration) during March 08-09, 2013 held at Department of Mathematics, Government College Haripur (Manali)-HP. Indian Citation Index
2013 Shalu Choudhary and Sunil "The effect of temperature and pressure dependent viscosity on thermal convection in a rotating Couple-Stress fluid saturating a porous medium-A nonlinear stability analysis”. “Research Journal of Science & Technology”, (India), 5(1), 55-64 (2013), published in “Research Journal of Science& Technology”, 1(1), 10-19 (2013), special issue on ‘International Conference in Mathematical Sciences (ICMS-2013) (as a part of National Mathematical Year Celebration) during March 08-09, 2013 held at Department of Mathematics, Government College Haripur (Manali)-HP. Indian Citation Index
2015 Reeta Devi and Sunil “Stability analysis in a rotating Couple-Stress fluid heated from below saturating a porous medium with temperature-pressure dependent viscosity”. “Research Journal of Engineering & Technology”, (India), 6(1), 79-94 (2015) Indian Citation Index
1997 R. C. Sharma, T. Chand and Sunil "Thermal instability of a rotating fluid in porous medium". “Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics” (India), 45(3), 203-211 (1997) ISSN: 0019 - 5693
1998 Sunil “Rayleigh-Taylor instability of a fluid particle mixture in porous medium in the presence of a variable magnetic field and uniform rotation”. “Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics” (India), 46(1), 79-89 (1998) ISSN: 0019 - 5693
2000 R. C. Sharma, Sunil and Suresh Chand “Hall effect on thermal instability of Walters’ (model B’) fluid”. “Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics” (India), 48(1), 81-92 (2000) ISSN: 0019 - 5693
2002 Sunil, R. C. Sharma and Rajender Singh Chandel “Transport of vorticity in couple-stress fluid in the presence of suspended magnetic particles in porous medium”. “Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics” (India) 50(1), 45-54 (2002) ISSN: 0019 - 5693
2005 Sunil, R.C. Sharma and Pavan Kumar Bharti “On couple-stress fluid heated and soluted from below in porous medium in presence of Hall currents”. “Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics” (India), 53(1), 59-78 (2005) ISSN: 0019 - 5693
2012 Sunil, Shalu Choudhary and Amit Mahajan “Global stability of a couple-stress fluid in a porous medium”. "Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics" (India), 60(2), 145-159 (2012) ISSN: 0019 - 5693
2012 Sunil, Reeta Devi and Amit Mahajan “Global stability of a rotating Couple-Stress fluid in a porous medium using a thermal non-equilibrium model”. “Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics”(India), 60(3), 221-248 (2012) ISSN: 0019 - 5693
2024 Reeta Devi, Shalu Choudhary, Poonam Sharma, Amit Mahajan, Sunil, Manoj Kumar Sharma, Mayank Singh, Prayas Chaudhary, Muskan Rawat “Analytic study of thermohaline convective stability in a couple-stress fluid”. "Malaysian Journal of Science" (Malaysia), 43(3), 49-55 (2024) Scopus
2024 Akanksha Thakur, Sunil Kumar and Reeta Devi “A nonlinear stability analysis for magnetized ferrofluid heated from below in the presence of couple stresses for combination of different bounding surfaces”. "Numerical Heat Transfer Part B: Fundamentals" (U.K.), DOI: 10.1080/10407790.2023.2275728 SCIE
2024 Akanksha Thakur, Sunil and Reeta Devi “The effect of couple stresses on stability analysis of magnetized ferrofluid saturating a porous medium heated from below”. "Journal of Porous Media" (U.S.A.), 27(5), 85-106 (2024) SCIE
2025 Sweta Sharma, Sunil Kumar and Poonam Sharma “A nonlinear stability analysis of rotating Navier-Stokes-Voigt fluid heated from below”. "Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics" (U.S.A.), 14(1), 19-29 (2025) Scopus
2024 Bhupendra Kumar, Neha Yadav and Sunil “A novel hybrid algorithm based on Empirical Fourier decomposition and deep learning for wind speed forecasting”. "Energy Conversion and Management" (U.K.), 300, 117891 (2024) SCIE
2012 Sunil and Reeta Devi “Global stability for thermal convection in a couple-stress fluid saturating a porous medium: Galerkin method”. “ISST Journal of Mathematics & Computing System”, (India), 3(1),15-23 (2012) ISSN : 0976-9048
1997 Sunil “Importance of Mathematics in Engineering Science”. “The Journal of Engineering Education” (India), 31-35, July-September (1997). ISSN
2024 Vishal Chandel, Sunil, Poonam Sharma "Study of global stability of rotating partially-ionized plasma saturating a porous medium". "Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media - An International Journal", 15(6), 27-46 (2024) SCIE
2024 Shalu Choudhary, Reeta Devi, Amit Mahajan and Sunil "Stability analysis of a couple-stress fluid with variable gravity in a porous medium for different conducting boundaries". "Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media - An International Journal", 15(6), 47-59 (2024) SCIE
2024 Sweta Sharma, Sunil Kumar and Poonam Sharma "Stability analysis of thermosolutal convection in a rotating Navier-Stokes-Voigt fluid". "Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A" (Germany), 79(7), 689-702 (2024). SCIE
2024 Shalu Choudhary, Amit Mahajan and Sunil "Impact of inconsistent viscosity on the stability of a rotating layer of couple stress fluid". "Chinese Journal of Physics", 89, 481–492 (2024). SCIE
2024 Akanksha Thakur, Sunil Kumar and Reeta Devi "The effect of rotation on ferroconvection in the presence of couple stress forces in porous medium : A nonlinear analysis". "The European Physical Journal Plus", 139(3), 236 (2024). SCIE
2024 Bhupendra Kumar, Neha Yadav and Sunil "A Bagging Ensemble Algorithm for Seasonal Time Series Forecasting". "SN Computer Science", 5, 322 (2024). Scopus
2024 Vishal Chandel and Sunil "Influence of magnetic fields and bounding surface configurations on thermal convection in partially-ionized plasmas: Nonlinear and linear stability analyses". "Pramana - Journal of Physics", 98, 107 (2024). SCIE
2024 Shalu Choudhary, Reeta Devi, Amit Mahajan and Sunil "Effects of variable gravity on stability in couple-stress fluids across various conducting boundaries". "Numerical Heat Transfer Part B: Fundamentals" (U.K.), DOI: 10.1080/10407790.2024.2360642 SCIE
2024 Shalu Choudhary, Shivani, Reeta Devi, Amit Mahajan, Sunil and Manoj Sharma "Stability of couple-stress fluid saturating a porous layer heated and salted from below and rotating about vertical axis". "Chinese Journal of Physics", 90, 922-931 (2024). SCIE
2025 Vishal Chandel and Sunil "Stability analysis of partially ionized plasma in a porous medium with local thermal non-equilibrium effects". "Journal of Plasma Physics", 91(1), E1 (2025). SCIE
2024 Vishal Chandel and Sunil "Nonlinear and Linear Analysis for Thermal Convection in Partially-ionized Plasma Saturating a Porous Medium in the Presence of Magnetic Field". "The European Physical Journal Plus", 139, 856 (2024) SCIE
2024 Vishal Chandel, Sunil and Reeta Devi "Stability analysis of thermal convection in partially-ionized plasma saturating a porous medium". "Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics" Scopus (Accepted for Publication)
2024 Vishal Chandel and Sunil "Effects of Local Thermal Nonequilibrium and Magnetic Fields on the Stability of Rotating Partially Ionized Plasma Heated From Below". "IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science", 52(11), 5315-5326 (2024). DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2024.3505538. SCIE
2025 Vishal Chandel, Sunil and Reeta Devi "Stability and convection in compressible partially ionized plasma layers: Nonlinear and linear analysis". "Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A", 80(4) SCIE (Accepted for Publication)
1996 M.P. Dave and S. Chauhan “A robust artificial neural network technique for dynamic stability assessment” Taylor & Francis publication Ltd. UK, Volume 24, Number 7, 1996, pp. 733-744. Electric Machines and Power Systems Scopus record ID = 8130
1997 S. Chauhan and M. P. Dave “Input-feature based comparative study of intelligent transient stability assessment” Taylor & Francis publication Ltd. UK, Volume 25, Number 6, 1997, pp. 593-605. Electric Machines and Power Systems Scopus record ID = 8130
1997 S. Chauhan and M. P. Dave “Kohonen neural network classifier for voltage collapse margin estimation”, Volume 25, Number 6, Taylor & Francis publication Ltd. UK, 1997, 607-619. Electric Machines and Power Systems Scopus record ID = 8130
1997 S. Chauhan and M. P. Dave “ANN based voltage collapse proximity prediction”, IASTED publication Canada, Volume 17, Number 2, 1997, pp. 132-137. International Journal of Power and Energy Systems Scopus record ID = 26993
2002 S. Chauhan and M. P. Dave “ANN for transmission system static security assessment”, Elsevier publication Ltd. UK, Volume 24, Number 10,2002, pp. 867-873. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems Scopus record ID = 17985
2003 S. Chauhan and M. P. Dave “Sensitivity based voltage instability alleviation using ANN”, Elsevier publication Ltd.UK Volume 25, Number 8, 2003, pp. 651-657. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems Scopus record ID = 17985
2004 S. Chauhan and M. P. Dave “Sensitivity based approach for voltage instability alleviation using ANN”, EL Division,Volume 84, 2004, pp. 207-213. Institution of Engineer (India), Scopus record ID = 17919
2005 S. Chauhan “Fast real power contingency ranking using counter propagation network: Feature selection by neuro-fuzzy model” , Elsevier publication Ltd. UK, Volume 73, Number 3, 2005, pp. 343-352. Electric Power System Research Scopus record ID = 16044
2007 S. Chauhan and M P Dave “Sensitivity-based Hybrid Approach for Voltage Instability Alleviation using ANN”, IASTED Publication Canada, Volume 27, Number 1,2007, pp. 13-20 International Journal of Power & Energy Systems Scopus record ID = 26993
2011 Amit Mehta, R. N. Sharma, Sushil Chauhan and S. D. Agnihotri “ Study the Insulation System of Power Transformer Bushing”, Vol. 3, No. 4, August 2011. pp. 544-547. International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE) -
2011 Amit Kumar, J. Rattan, R. N. Sharma and Sushil Chauhan “ Investigation of polarization and depolarization current for evaluation of moisture in oil-pressboard insulation”, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2011. pp. 853-856. International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE) -
2011 Amit Kumar Mehta, R. N. Sharma and Sushil Chauhan “Modern Diagnostic Facilities for Power Transformer in TIFAC-CORE”, IJRTET 2011. Vol. 5, No. 2, Mar 2011, pp. 103-107. International Journal on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology -
2011 Amit Kumar, R Naresh and Sushil Chauhan “Modern Diagnostic Facilities for Power Transformer in TIFAC-CORE”, Vol. 05, No.2, Mar., 2011. International Journal in Engineering & Technology -
2011 Amit Kumar, R Naresh and Sushil Chauhan “Study of the Insulation System of Transformer”, Vol. 3, No. 4, Aug., 2011. International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering -
2011 Amit Kumar, R Naresh and Sushil Chauhan , “ Investigation of Polarization and Depolarization Current for Evaluation of Moisture in Oil –Pressboard Insulation”, Vol. 3, No. 6, Dec.,2011. International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering -
2011 Shaik Affijulla and Sushil Chauhan “Elimination of Internal Resonant Harmonics in Power Converters", vol.1, no.1, pp. 31-34, India, Jan 2011. International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences -
2011 Amit Kumar, R Naresh and Sushil Chauhan “Modern Diagnostic Facilities for Power Transformer in TIFAC-CORE”, Vol. 05, No.2, Mar., 2011. International Journal in Engineering & Technology -
2012 Amit Kumar Mehta, R. N. Sharma and Sushil Chauhan “Condition Monitoring of Insulation System in Power Transformers”, Vol.4, No.2, April 2012, pp. 149-152. International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE) -
2012 Nisha Gautam, Amit Kaul, Ravinder Nath, A.S. Arora and Sushil Chauhan , “ Multialgorithmic Approach for ECG Based Human Recognition", 7:4, 2012,399-408. Journal of Applied Security Research Scopus record Id = 19361610
2014 Swasti Bachan Panda and Sushil Chauhan "Voltage Collapse Prediction by Neuro-Fuzzy (ANFIS) Scheme" , Vol. 2 ,10, 2014. International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) -
2013 Amit Kumar Mehta, Ram Naresh Sharma and Sushil Chauhan “ Thermal Aging of Solid Insulation under dual temperature variation”, 24, (2016), 5210-5223 Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E) (2013 Impact Factor: 0.644). Turkish Journal Of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences Scopus record Id = 22933
2015 Amit Kumar Mehta, R. Naresh and Sushil Chauhan “ Development of a Novel Dual Temperature Model for Insulation Aging in Oil Immersed Transformers”,Vol. 22, Issue 5, pp. 2723-2736, October 2015 Science Citation Index (SCI), Impact Factor: 1.228. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation SCI serial no. 1564
2022 Mukesh Singh and Sushil Chauhan "Tree-Based Ensemble Machine Learning Techniques for Power System Static Security Assessment" Electric Power Components and Systems Taylor and Francis
2023 M Singh and S Chauhan A Hybrid-Extreme Learning Machine based Ensemble Method for online Dynamic Security Assessment of Power Systems Electric Power Systems Research Science Direct
2024 Mukesh Singh and Sushil Chauhan Static Security Assessment of Renewable Integrated Power Systems using Ensemble of Modified ELM with unsupervised Feature Learning Technique Computers and Electrical Engineering Science Direct
2002 Ajay K.Sharma, R.K.Sinha, R.S.Kaler, Sandeep Arya & Vinod Kapoor Bit-Rate Distance Product Enhancement by Compensating Higher Order Dispersion Terms" National Journal of the Institution of Engineers (I), pp 25-31
2005 Vinod Kumar, Ajay K. Sharma & R. A. Agarwala "Non-linear Cross talk in Dispersive SCM-WDM Optical Communication Systems" National Journal of the I.E.(India), pp 42-44
2005 Vinod Kumar, Ajay K. Sharma & R. A. Agarwala. "Non linear Cross Talk in PCM Optical Communication Systems" I.E.T.E. (India) Journal of Research, pp 101-105.
2009 Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand, Vinod Kapoor “Trap assisted tunneling Model for gate current in Nano Scale MOSFET with High-K Gate dielectrics” International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering-WASET Journal PP402-409
2010 Vinod Kumar, Ajay K. Sharma, R.A. Agarwala “Investigations on Interchannel Cross-talk at ADM for an Optical Ring Network" OPTIK – International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Elsevier Science, Germany PP 45-49
2010 Vinod Kumar, Ajay K. Sharma, R. A. Agarwala “Analytical Investigations on Cross-talk in Fiber Raman Amplification for WDM Systems" OPTIK – International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Elsevier Science, Germany PP 50-53.
2010 Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand, Vinod Kapoor “Analytical gate current modeling in Nano Scale MOSFET with High-K Gate stack structure." Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. PP169-174
2010 Ashwani Kumar, Narottam Chand, Vinod Kapoor “Impact of Gate Engineering on Gate leakage Behavior of nanoscale MOSFET with High-K dielectrics” Journal of Nano Electronics and Opto Electronics PP343-348 (SCI)
2010 Naresh Kumar, Ajay K. Sharma, Vinod Kapoor Performance Evaluation of Chromatic Dispersion in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks CiiT International Journal of Networking and Communication Engineering Issue -
2010 Ashwani K. Rana, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor Gate Leakage Reduction through the use of Source/Drain-to-Gate Non-overlapped MOSFET Structure Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems pp. 173-181
2011 Naresh Kumar, Ajay K. Sharma, Vinod Kapoor “Performance evaluation of SCM–WDM communication in the presence of SRS induced crosstalk for different types of fiber”. Vol.122, 2011 International Journal for Light and Electron Optics OPTIK, Publication Elsevier PP 1862-1864
2011 Maneesh Kumar Singh, Vinod Kapoor, Ashish Goswami, Neeraj Sharma “Performance analysis of optical wireless communication link in the presence of different atmosphere turbulence.” 3(1), 2011 International Journal of Wireless Communication and Networking PP79-82
2011 Naresh Kumar, Ajay K. Sharma, Vinod Kapoor “Performance Analysis of Free Space Optics Communication System in the Presence of Forward Error Correction Technique”,Vol. 32, Issue 4, 2011 Journal of Optical Communications PP 231-235,
2011 Ashok Kumar, Narottam Chand, and Vinod Kumar Location based Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks Issue 60, 2011 J. world academy of science, engineering and technology pp.1977-1984
2011 Ashok Kumar, Narottam Chand, Vinod Kumar and Vinay Kumar Range Free Localization Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks Vol.3, No.6 2011 International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) pp.115-129
2011 Ashwani K. Rana, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor Gate Leakage Behavior of Source/Drain-to-gate Non-overlapped MOSFET Structure Vol. 10, No. 1-2, 2011 Journal of Computational Electronics pp. 222-228 (SCI)
2011 Ashwani K. Rana, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor Gate Current Modeling and Optimal Design of Nanoscale Non-Overlapped Gate to Source/Drain MOSFET Vol. 32, No. 7, 2011 Journal of Semiconductors pp. 074001-6
2011 Ashwani K. Rana, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor Modeling Gate Current of Nano Scale MOSFET for Circuit Simulation,” Vol. 7, No. 2, 2011 Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures pp. 115-130
2011 Ashwani K. Rana, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor Gate Leakage Aware Optimal Design of Modified Hybrid Nanoscale MOSFET and Its Application to Logic Circuits Vol. 7, No. 2, 2011 Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering pp. 112-121
2011 Ashwani K. Rana, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor Modeling Gate Current for Nano Scale MOSFET with Different Gate Spacer Vol. 20, No. 8, 2011 Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers (JCSC) Pp 1659-1675 (SCI)
2012 Naresh Kumar, Ajay K. Sharma, Vinod Kapoor “XPM-induced Crosstalk with Higher Order Dispersion in SCM-WDM Optical Transmission Link” Vol.123 2012 ”, Science Direct- Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics PP 2056-2061
2012 Ashwani K. Rana, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor Gate Current Modeling Through High-K Gate Stack MOSFET for VLSI Logic Circuit Analysis Vol. 9 No. 1 2012 Australian Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (AJEEE). PP 43-54
2012 Ashok Kumar, Vinod Kumar Narottam Chand “Energy Efficient Clustering and Cluster Head Rotation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Vol.3,no.5 2012 Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA) PP.129-136
2013 Naresh Kumar, Ajay K. Sharma, Vinod Kapoor “Improved XPM-induced Crosstalk with Higher order Dispersion in SCM-WDM Optical Transmission Link”, No. 10 Vol. 124 2013 Science Direct-Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics PP 941-944
2013 Naresh Kumar, Ajay K. Sharma, Vinod Kapoor “XPM-induced Crosstalk Evaluation with Combined Effect of 2OD and 3OD in SCM-WDM Optical Transmission Link No. 10 Vol. 124 2013 Science Direct- Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics PP 962-964
2013 Baljeet Kaur , Vinod Kapoor , Ajay K.Sharma Performance Enhancement with Square root module for WDM RoF-EPON link, Optik 124 (2013) International Journal for Light and Electron Optics OPTIK, Publication Elsevier PP 967-971
2013 Baljeet Kaur , Vinod Kapoor , Ajay K.Sharma On WDM Rof-EPON link using OSSB transmission with and without square root module, Optik 124 (2013) International Journal for Light and Electron Optics OPTIK, Publication Elsevier PP 1334-1337
2013 Baljeet Kaur , Vinod Kapoor , Ajay K.Sharma Performance Analysis of WDM Rof-EPON link with and without DCF and FBG, 2013,3 Optics and Photonics Journal PP 163-168
2019 Sharma, N., Agrawal, S., Kapoor, V. and Budhiraja, S "Effects of Laser Linewidth on the Performance of DP-QPSK DWDM System", published online ahead of print, 2019; aop Journal of Optical Communications Doi: (Scoupus indexed)
2020 Sharma, N., Agrawal,S. and Kapoor V "Estimation of frequency offset prior to adaptive equalization for improved performance of DP-QPSK DWDM system", Volume 55, 102132, Optical Fiber Technology SCI Indexed,Impact Factor2.212 pp. 1-9, Jan. 2020
2020 Sharma, N., Agrawal,S. and Kapoor V "Improved adaptive equalization with fixed step size CMA for DP-QPSK DWDM system" Volume 52, No. 5 Optical and Quantum Electronics SCI Indexed,Impact Factor 1.842 pp. 1-17, April 2020
2020 Sharma, N., Agrawal, S., Kapoor, V. and Budhiraja, S “Effects of local oscillator on the performance of DP-QPSK WDM system with channel spacing of 37.5 GHz. Published online Journal of Optical Communications Pp1-5 Dec. 2020.
2021 Sharma, N., Agrawal, S., Kapoor, V. “Performance optimization of OADM based DP-QPSK DWDM optical network with 37.5 GHz channel spacing” Volume 40, 100606 Optical Switching and Networking Pp 1-11 Jan. 2021
2002 Ajay K.Sharma, Sandeep K. Arya, R.S.Kaler, Vinod Kapoor and R.K.Sunkariya "Time Shift of Pulses Due to Dispersion, its slope, Curvature and Nonlinearity" International Conference on "Photonics Asia" 14-18 Oct. 2002
2002 Vinod Kumar, Ajay K. Sharma, R. A. Agarwala & Manjit Singh. "Modified analysis for Crosstalk in Raman Amplification for WDM Optical Communication System" International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics & Photonics "Photonics-2002" 16-18 Dec. 2002
2007 Ashwani kumar, Vinod Kapoor, Narottam Chand International Conference on Active Teaching & Learning inHigher Education International Conference on Active Teaching & Learning inHigher Education Dec 8-9,2007 PP 105-108
2009 Baljeet Kaur , Vinod Kapoor , Ajay K.Sharma “ Performance Investigations on Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (EPONs)” IEEE International Advance Computing Conference(IACC 2009) March 6-7,2009 PP 3066-3069
2010 Ashwani K. Rana, Narottam Chand and Vinod Kapoor TCAD Based Analysis of Gate Leakage Current for High-k Gate Stack MOSFET International Conference on Advances in Electrical & Electronics Dec 21-22, 2010 PP 114-117
2011 Ashok Kumar, Vinay Kumar and Vinod Kapoor (Presented by Ashok Kumar “Range Free Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks” International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel And Distributed Systems (SEPADS’11) Feb.20-22,2011 PP 101-106
2011 Vinod Kumar,Baljeet Kaur,Ajay K Sharma (Presented by Vinod Kumar) “A Simulation Study on WDM ROF-EPON Link in the presence of Four Wave Mixing” 2011International Engineering Education Conference Oct.2011 PP259-264
2011 Jitendra Singh Vinod Kapoor “Design and Analysis of High Speed Free Space Optical Communication Link with Different Parameter” International Conference on computer and network(CoMNeT-2011) Dec.4-6,2011 PP 24-27
2011 Naresh Kumar, Ajay K. Sharma, Vinod Kapoor “Performance Evaluation of Gigabit Passive Optical Network in the Presence of Forward Error Correction Techniques International Conference on computer and network(CoMNeT-2011) Dec.4-6,2011 PP 24-27
2012 Ashok Kumar and Vinod Kapoor (Presented by Ashok Kumar) Energy Efficient Clustering Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks International Conference on Computer and Information Engineering (ICCIE 2012) March 12-13,2012
2012 Vinod Kumar, Baljeet Kaur and Ajay K. Sharma (Presented by Vinod Kumar) A Comparative Analysis of WDM RoF-EPON Link with and without DCF International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics and Mechatronics Engineering (ICMEME 2012) March 17-18, 2012. PP 31-34
2012 Jitendra Singh Vinod Kapoor Naresh Kumar “Performance Evaluation of High Speed Optical Wireless Communication System” International Conference on Recent Advances and Future Trends in Information Technology (iRAFIT2012) 2012 PP 11-14
2013 Vinod Kumar , Baljeet Kaur , Ajay K. Sharma (Presented by Vinod Kumar) “Performance Analysis of SCM and WDM techniques on RoF-EPON Link “ Clute Institute International Academic Conference June 9-11, 2013.
2014 Vinod Kumar & Mayank Srivastava (Presented by Vinod Kumar) Cross Phase Modulation: Analysis and Copmensation using Fibers Braggs Grating in WDM system. Clute Institute International Academic Conference June 8-12,2014
2020 Sharma, N., Agrawal, S., and Kapoor, V "A comparison of Bessel and Gaussian optical filters for pulse shaping and as a mux-demux filter for high-speed DP-QPSK WDM system", 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC-2020), March 5-7 2020
2020 Sharma, N., Agrawal, S., and Kapoor, V "Performance improvement for OADM based DP-QPSK WDM optical networks with 37.5 GHz channel spacing", 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT 2020), July 01-03, 2020
2020 Sharma, N., Agrawal, S., and Kapoor, V "Performance improvement of a 112 Gb/s DP-QPSK modulated single channel lightwave system through pulse shaping and better adaptive equalization", International Conference on Integrated Interdisciplinary Innovations in Engineering (ICIIIE 2020 August 28-30, 2020
1995 V.K. Kapoor & R.Chandel “Effective Communication through High Tension Lines”. National Seminar on Power Scenario in India Oct. 14 -15, 1995
1998 D.R.Rana & V.K.Kapoor . “Implementation of Acquisition System for Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum System”. National Seminar on Recent Trends in Communication, RTC-97 February 6-7, 1998.
1998 D.R.Rana & V.K.Kapoor Spread Spectrum Techniques for Secret Communication National Seminar on Recent Trends in Communication, RTC-97 February 6-7, 1998.
2001 Vinod Kumar, Ajay K. Sharma & R. A. Agarwala. “CrossTalk and Non linearities in WDM Network” “CrossTalk and Non linearities in WDM Network” National Seminar on Computer & Devices for Communication “CODEC – 2001” Feb. 21- 23, 2001
2007 Ashok Kumar, Dr. Narottam Chand, Dr. Vinod Kapoor “Reconfigurable Computing in Mobile Environment” National Conference on Design Techniques for Modern Electronic Devices, VLSI & Comm. Systems (DTVC-2007) May,2007 PP 374-377
2007 Ashok Kumar, Dr. Narottam Chand, Dr. Vinod Kapoor “Wireless Sensor Network Radio Communication: A comparative Study of Blue tooth, ZigBee and Ultra wide brand” National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Computing & Comm.” (ETCC-2007) July 26-27, 2007
2007 Ashwani Kumar, Dr. Vinod Kapoor, Dr. Narottam Chand, Dr. S. Das Gupta “The future of VLSI: Survey of Nano-electronics” National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Computing & Comm.” July 26-27,2007
2007 Prof. I.K.Bhat and Prof. Vinod Kapoor “TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT - An Organizational Perspective” “ISTE Section Annual Convocation “ SAC-07 2007 2007
2007 Prof. I.K.Bhat and Prof. Vinod Kapoor “QUALITY ASSURANCE FOR PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION THROUGH OPEN DISTANCE MODE” “ISTE Section Annual Convocation “ SAC-07 2007 2007
2008 Ashwani kumar,Naresh Kumar, Vinod Kapoor and Narottam Chand “MEMS Packaging-Material Requirement and Reliability Issues” National Conference NCMSTA 08 Nov.13-14, 2008 PP 718-723
2008 Naresh Kumar, Ashwani kumar, Vinod Kapoor “Spintronics-A Bright Future For Electronics” National Conference RAEE-2008 Dec. 26-27,2008 PP 49
2008 Naresh Kumar, Ajay K.Sharma, Vinod Kapoor “Next Generation Optical Networks-Challenges and Opportunities” National Conference ETCC-2008 2008 PP 383-387
2008 AshwaniKumar, GauravSaini,Sunil Javad,Manoj Kumar,Vinod Kapoorand Narottam Chand “Recent Advances in High Resolution Lithography for VLSI Application” National Conference ETCC-2008 2008
2008 Naresh Kumar, Ajay K.Sharma, Vinod Kapoor “Radio Over Fiber Technologies and Systems:New Opportunities” National Conference on Optical and Wireless Communication (NCOW-2008) 2008 PP 124-127
2008 Ashwani K. Rana, Vinod Kapoor and Narottam Chand Wireless Sensor/Actuator networks: Opportunities and Challenges National Conference on wireless and Optical Communication (WOC-08)-2008 Dec 18-19, 2008 PP 69-75
2009 Naresh Kumar, Ashwani Kumar, Ajay K.Sharma, Vinod Kapoor “Radio Over Fiber Networks: Perspectives and Challenges” National Conference on Next Generation Computing Information Systems (NGCIS’09) Feb 14-15,2009 PP 218-220
2010 Naresh Kumar, Ajay K. Sharma, Vinod Kapoor “Inter satellite Optical Wireless Communication a Vision for Next Generation Satellite Communication-An Overview” National conference on Communications & Networking (NCCN-10) March 12-13,2010 PP 256-259
2015 Kunam Lakshami Narayan & Dr. Vinod Kumar Kapoor ( Presented by K.L. Narayan) Optimisation of Q-factor and BER for two channel WDM system considering Cross Phase Modulation effect Adhiparashaktha Enineering college,IEEE Conference April 22-23,2015
2017 Abhishek Mani Shukla, Maneesh K Singh and Vinod Kapoor Performance of FSO System using PPM and MSC Subcarrier intensity Modulation Scheme IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET) 22-24 March 2017
2006 Yadava V., Jain V.K., and Dixit, P.M. Temperature Distribution during Electro-Discharge Abrasive Grinding, Machining Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 97-127(2002) An International Journal SCIE Journal
2006 Yadava V., Jain V.K., and Dixit, P.M. Thermal Stresses Due to Electric Discharge Machining, Vol. 42, No. 8, pp. 877-888 (2002) International Journal of Machine Tools Manufacture SCI Journal
2006 Yadava V., Jain V.K., and Dixit, P.M. Theoretical Analysis of Thermal Stresses in Electro-Discharge Diamond Grinding, Machining Science and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 119-140 (2004) An International Journal SCI Journal
2006 Yadava V., Jain V.K., and Dixit, P.M. Parametric Study of Temperature Distribution in Electro-Discharge Diamond Grinding, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 1-13 (2004) An International Journal SCIE Journal
2006 Kiran L. Bhondwe, Vinod Yadava, and G. Kathiresan Finite element prediction of material removal rate due to electro- chemical spark machining , Vol. 46,No. 14, pp. 1699-1706 (2006) International Journal of Machine Tools Manufacture SCI Journal
2006 Yadava V., Jain V.K., and Dixit, P.M. Temperature Distribution in the Workpiece due to Electro-Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding using FEM, Vol. 7, No. 2/3/4, pp. 246-267 (2005) International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management SCOPUS Journal
2006 Rahul S. Mullik and Vinod Yadava Thermal Stresses during Electro-Chemical Spark Machining using FEM , Vol. 7, No. (2/3/4),pp. 287-307(2005) International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management SCOPUS Journal
2006 Yadava V., Jain V.K., and Dixit, P.M. Temperature Determination in the Workpiece during Diamond Surface Grinding: FEM Approach, Vol. 1, No. 1,pp. 29-34 (2005) International Journal of Manufacturing Technology -
2007 Patil Rahul B., and Vinod Yadava Finite Element Analysis of Temperature Distribution in Single Metallic Powder Layer during Metal Laser Sintering, Vol. 47, No. (7-8), pp. 1069-1080 (2007) International Journal of Machine Tools Manufacture SCI Journal
2007 Amit M. Wani, Vinod Yadava and Atul Khatri Simulation for the Prediction of Surface Roughness in Magnetic Abrasive Flow Finishing (MAFF), Vol. 190, No. (1-3), pp. 282-290 (2007) Journal of Materials Processing Technology SCIE Journal
2007 Avanish Kumar Dubey and Vinod Yadava Simultaneous Optimization of Multiple Quality Characteristics in Laser Beam Cutting using Taguchi Method, Vol. 8, No.4,pp. 10-15 (2007) International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing SCIE Journal
2007 Patil Sandeep Sakharam and Vinod Yadava Finite Element Prediction of Tool Shapes in Electro-Chemical Machining, Vol. 1, No. 1,pp. 21-40 (2007) International Journal of Design Engineering -
2008 Sanjeev Kumar Singh Yadav, Vinod Yadava and Lakshmi Narayana.V. Experimental Study and Parameter Design of Electro-Discharge Diamond Grinding , Vol. 36, No. (1- 2), pp. 34-42 (2008) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology SCIE Journal
2008 Vinod Yadava and Aniruddha Deoghare Design of Horn for Rotary Ultrasonic Machining using Finite Element Method , Vol. 39, No. (1-2),pp. 9-20 (2008) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology SCIE Journal
2008 Avanish Kumar Dubey and Vinod Yadava Multi-Objective Optimization of Nd: YAG Laser Cutting of Nickel Based Super alloy Sheet using Orthogonal Array with Principal Component Analysis, Optics and Lasers in Engineering ,Vol. 46,pp. 124-132 (2008) An International Journal SCI Journal
2008 Avanish Kumar Dubey and Vinod Yadava Experimental Study of Nd: YAG Laser Beam Machining – An Overview, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 195,pp. 15-26 (2008) An International Journal SCI Journal
2008 Avanish Kumar Dubey and Vinod Yadava Laser Beam Machining-A Review, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture , Vol. 48, pp. 609-628 (2008) An International Journal SCI Journal
2008 Avanish Kumar Dubey and Vinod Yadava Optimization of Kerf Quality during Pulsed Laser Beam Cutting of Aluminium Alloy Sheet, Journal of Materials Processing Technology , Vol. 204, pp. 412–418 (2008) An International Journal SCI Journal
2008 Avanish Kumar Dubey and Vinod Yadava Robust parameter design and Multi-Objective Optimization of Laser Beam Cutting for Aluminium alloy, Vol. 38, No. (3-4),pp. 268- 277 (2008) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology SCIE Journal
2008 Avanish Kumar Dubey and Vinod Yadava Multi-Objective Optimization of Laser Beam Cutting Process, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 40, pp. 562-570 (2008) An International Journal SCI Journal
2008 Patil Makarand Ramu and Vinod Yadava Determination of Thermal Stress Distribution in Metallic Layer during Selective Laser Sintering using Finite Element Method, Vol. 13, No. (2/3/4),pp. 280-296 (2008) International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management SCOPUS Journal
2008 Atul Khatri and Vinod Yadava Modeling and Simulation for the Prediction of Surface Roughness due to Plane Magnetic Abrasive Finishing , Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 189-210 (2008) International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering SCOPUS Journal
2008 Rajeev Kumar and Vinod Yadava Finite Element Thermal Analysis of Micro Electro-Discharge Machining , Vol. 1, No. 3,pp. 224-240 (2008) International Journal of Nanoparticles SCOPUS Journal
2009 Gurvinder Kumar and Vinod Yadava Temperature Distribution in The Workpiece Due To Plane Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Using FEM ,1051 - 1058 (2009) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology SCIE Journal
2009 Raghavendra Rao and Vinod Yadava Multi Objective Optimization of Nd-YAG Laser Cutting of Thin Super Alloy Sheet using Grey Relational Analysis with Entropy Measurement , Vol. 41, No. 8,pp. 922-930 (2009) Optics and Laser Technology SCI Journal
2009 Mohan Charan Panda and Vinod Yadava Finite Element Prediction of Material Removal Rate due to Traveling Wire Electrochemical Spark Machining, Vol. 45,pp. 506- 520 (2009) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology SCIE Journal
2009 Ankush R. Kapare and Vinod Yadava and Mohan Charan Panda Finite element analysis of micro-weld bead due to electro-chemical discharge micro-welding, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 240- 263(2009) International Journal of Nanomanufacturing SCOPUS Journal
2010 B. Chandrasekhar Abothula, Vinod Yadava and Gyanendra Kumar Singh Development And Experimental Study Of Electro-Discharge Face Grinding, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 482 – 487 (2010) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCIE Journal
2010 Gyanendra Kumar Singh, Vinod Yadava and Raghuvir Kumar Multi response optimization of electro-discharge diamond face grinding process using robust design of experiments, Vol. 25, pp. 851-856 (2010) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCI Journal
2010 Amit Sharma, Vinod Yadava and Raghavendra Rao Optimization of Kerf Characteristics due to Pulsed Nd-YAG Laser Cutting of Thin Ni-based Super alloy Sheet for straight and curved profiles, Vol. 48, No. 9, pp. 915-925 (2010) Optics and Lasers in Engineering SCIE Journal
2010 Gyanendra Kumar Singh, Vinod Yadava and Raghuvir Kumar Diamond Face Grinding of WC-Co Composite with Spark Assistance: Experimental Study and Parameter Optimization, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 509-518(2010) International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing SCIE Journal
2010 Vinod Yadava, Audhesh Narayan, Rajan Prakash and Mohan Charan Panda Thermal Finite Element Analysis of High Efficiency Deep Surface Grinding Process , Vol. 3, No. 4,pp. 275-298 (2010) International Journal of Abrasive Technology SCOPUS Journal
2010 Mohan Charan Panda and Vinod Yadava Thermal Modeling of Material Removal Rate and Average Surface Roughness due to Die Sinking Electro-Chemical Spark Machining, Vol. 2,Issue 1/ 2, pp. 1-24 (2010) Journal of Machining and Forming, Technology -
2010 Sanjeev Kumar Singh Yadav and Vinod Yadava Multi-Objective Optimization of Electro-Discharge Diamond Cut- Off Grinding using Taguchi Method, Vol.1,No. 2,pp. 193-198, (2010) International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Industrial Engineering -
2011 Amit Sharma and Vinod Yadava Optimization of Cut Quality Characteristics during Nd: YAG Laser Straight Cutting of Ni-Based Superalloy Thin Sheet Using Grey Relational Analysis with Entropy Measurement, Vol. 26,pp. 1522-1529 (2011) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCIE Journal
2011 Sanjeev Kumar Singh Yadav and Vinod Yadava Neural network modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization of Electro-Discharge Diamond Cut-Off Grinding(EDDCG), Vol. 4, No. 4,pp. 346-362 (2011) International Journal of Abrasive Technology SCOPUS Journal
2011 Gyanendra Kumar Singh, Vinod Yadava and Raghuvir Kumar Experimental study and parameter optimization of electro-discharge diamond face grinding, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 14-40 (2011) International Journal of Abrasive Technology SCOPUS Journal
2011 Amit Sharma and Vinod Yadava Optimization of Cut Qualities during Pulsed Nd: YAG Laser Cutting of SUPERNI 718 Thin Sheets for Straight Cutting, Vol. 24, No. (1-4), pp. 108-123 (2011) International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management SCOPUS Journal
2011 Amit Sharma and Vinod Yadava Optimization of Kerf Quality using Robust Design of Experiments during Nd: YAG Laser Cutting of Thin Aluminum Alloy Sheet for Straight Profile , Vol. 1, No. 1,pp. 1-8 (2011) International Journal of Mechanical Engineering -
2012 Mohan Charan Panda and Vinod Yadava Intelligent Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization of Die Sinking Electro-Chemical Spark Machining Process, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 10-25 (2012) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCIE Journal
2012 Amit Sharma and Vinod Yadava Modeling and Optimization of Cut Quality during Pulsed Nd: YAG Laser Cutting of Thin Al-alloy Sheet for Straight Profile , Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 159-168 (2012) Optics and Laser Technology SCI Journal
2012 Audhesh Narayan and Vinod Yadava Investigation of Temperature Distribution in the Workpiece during Creep-Feed Surface Grinding using FEM , Vol. 27, Issue-10, pp. 1101-1109 (2012) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCIE Journal
2012 Gyanendra Kumar Singh, Vinod Yadava and Raghuvir Kumar Robust parameter design and multi-objective optimization of electro-discharge diamond face grinding of HSS, Vol. 11, No. 1,pp. 1-19 (2012) International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials SCOPUS Journal
2012 Audhesh Narayan and Vinod Yadava Thermal Stress Distribution in the Workpiece during Creep-Feed Surface Grinding, Vol. 5, No. 2,pp. 128-151 (2012) International Journal of Abrasive Technology SCOPUS Journal
2012 Gyanendra Kumar Singh, Vinod Yadava and Raghuvir Kumar Modeling and optimization of electro-discharge diamond face grinding of cemented carbide-cobalt composite , Vol.12, No.2, pp. 141-164 (2012) Int. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering SCOPUS Journal
2012 Rajesh Kumar Porwal and Vinod Yadava ANN Modeling for the prediction of material removal rate and machined hole overcut in hole drilling electro-discharge micro machining, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 174-189 (2012) International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research SCOPUS Journal
2012 Rajesh Kumar Porwal, Vinod Yadava and J Ramkumar Artificial Neural Network Modeling and Multi Objective Optimization of Hole Drilling Electro-Discharge Micro Machining of Invar, Vol. 5, No. 5/6, pp. 470-494 (2012) International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems SCOPUS Journal
2012 Amit Sharma and Vinod Yadava Modelling and Optimization of Pulsed Nd: YAG Laser Cutting for Average Kerf Taper and Surface Roughness during Straight Cutting of Ni-based Super alloy Thin Sheet, Vol. 11, No. 3,pp. 223-243 (2012) International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials SCOPUS Journal
2012 Shyam Sunder and Vinod Yadava Development, Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding of Al-SiC Metal Matrix Composite , Vol 5, No. 3, pp. 223-244 (2012) International Journal of Abrasive Technology SCOPUS Journal
2012 K.B. Judal and Vinod Yadava Experimental Investigations into Cylindrical Electro-Chemical Magnetic Abrasive Machining of AISI-420 Magnetic Stainless Steel, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 315- 331 (2012) International Journal of Abrasive Technology SCOPUS Journal
2012 Gyanendra Kumar Singh, Vinod Yadava and Raghuvir Kumar Study of the parameters in electro-discharge diamond face grinding through response surface methodology approach, Vol. 110-116, pp 847-855 (2012) Applied Mechanics and Materials, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland -
2012 Audhesh Narayan and Vinod Yadava Investigation of Temperature Distribution in the Workpiece During High Speed Deep Surface Grinding using FEM, Vol. 2, No. 3,pp. 16-33 (2012) International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering -
2012 Basant Kumar Bhuyan and Vinod Yadava Experimental Investigations of Traveling Wire Electro-Chemical Spark Machining (TW-ECSM) of Borosilicate Glass, Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 24-29 (2012) An International Peer Reviewed Journal on Mechanical Engineering -
2012 Shyam Sunder and Vinod Yadava Multi-Objective Optimization of the Electro-Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding Process, Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering , Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 45-50 (2012) An International Peer Reviewed Journal on Mechanical Engineering -
2012 Ravindra Nath Yadava, Vinod Yadava and Gyanendra Kumar Singh Application of ANN-NSGA-II Hybrid Methodology for Modeling and Optimization of Electrical Discharge Diamond Face Grinding of Tungsten Carbide- Cobalt (WC-Co) Composite, Issue 3-4, pp. 187- 206 (2012) International Journal of Machining and Forming Technologies, Vol. 4 -
2012 R. N. Yadav, Vinod Yadava and G. K. Singh Intelligent Modeling of Electro-Discharge Diamond Face Grinding (EDDFG), Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 24-28 (2012) International Journal of Surface Engineering and Materials Technology -
2012 Sanjeev Kumar Singh Yadav and Vinod Yadava Simultaneous Optimization of Multiple Quality Characteristics in Electrical Discharge Diamond Cut-off Grinding , Vol. 110-116, pp 250-257 (2012) Applied Mechanics and Materials, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland -
2012 Audhesh Narayan and Vinod Yadava Modeling and Optimization of High Speed Deep Surface Grinding for Thermal Stresses, Vol. 6, No. 1-2, pp. 1-22 (2012) Journal of Machining and Forming Technologies -
2012 Shyam Sunder and Vinod Yadava Modeling and Optimization of Electrical Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding of Al-10wt.% SiCp Composite , Vol. 6, No. 1-2, pp. 23-44 (2012) Journal of Machining and Forming Technologies -
2013 Amit Sharma and Vinod Yadava Modeling and Optimization of Cut Quality during Pulsed Nd: YAG Laser Cutting of Thin Al-alloy Sheet for Curved Profile, Vol. 5, No. 1(1),pp. 77-88 (2013) Optics and Lasers in Engineering SCIE Journal
2013 K.B. Judal and Vinod Yadava Electrochemical Magnetic Abrasive Machining of AISI-304 Stainless Steel Tubes, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 37-43 (2013) International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing SCIE Journal
2013 Sanjay Mishra and Vinod Yadava Modeling and Optimization of Laser Beam Percussion Drilling of Nickel-based Super alloy Sheet using Nd:YAG Laser, Vol. 51, Issue 6, pp. 681-695 (2013) Optics and Lasers in Engineering SCIE Journal
2013 Shyam Sunder and Vinod Yadava Modeling and Prediction of Material Removal Rate and Surface Roughness in Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding Process of Metal Matrix Composites , Vol. 28, Issue 4, pp. 381-389 (2013) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCIE Journal
2013 K.B. Judal and Vinod Yadava Cylindrical Electrochemical Magnetic Abrasive Machining of AISI-304 Stainless Steel Vol. 28, Issue 4, pp. 449-456 (2013) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCIE Journal
2013 Sanjay Mishra and Vinod Yadava Modeling and Optimization of Laser Beam Percussion Drilling of Thin Aluminium Sheet, Vol.48, pp. 461-474 (2013) Optics and Laser Technology SCI Journal
2013 Sanjay Mishra and Vinod Yadava Prediction of Hole Characteristics and Hole Productivity during Pulsed Nd: YAG Laser Beam Percussion Drilling, IMechE Part B , Vol.227, No. 4, pp. 494-507 (2013) Journal of Engineering Manufacture SCI Journal
2013 Sanjeev Kumar Yadav and Vinod Yadava Experimental Investigation of Electrical Discharge Diamond Cut-off Grinding of Ti-Alloy , Vol. 28, Issue 5, pp. 557-561(2013) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCIE Journal
2013 Sanjay Mishra and Vinod Yadava Modeling of Hole Taper and Heat Affected Zone due to Laser Beam Percussion Drilling, Vol. 17, Issue 2, pp. 270-291 (2013) Machining Science and Technology SCIE Journal
2013 P.S Balaji and Vinod Yadava Three Dimensional Thermal Finite Element Simulation of Electro-Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding, Vol. 35, pp. 97-117 (2013) Simulation Modeling PRACTICE and THEORY SCIE Journal
2013 Basant Kumar Bhuyan and Vinod Yadava Experimental Modeling And Multi-Objective Optimization Of Traveling Wire Electro-Chemical Spark Machining (TW-ECSM) Process, Vol. 27 (8), pp. 2467-2476 (2013) Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology SCIE Journal
2013 Ravindra Nath Yadav and Vinod Yadava Experimental Study of Erosion and Abrasion based Hybrid Machining of Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite, Volume 14, Issue 8, pp 1293-1299 (2013) International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing SCIE Journal
2013 K.B. Judal and Vinod Yadava Modelling and Simulation of Cylindrical Electro-Chemical Magnetic Abrasive Machining of AISI-420 Magnetic Steel , Volume 213, Issue 12, pp: 2089– 2100 (2013) Journal of Materials Processing Technology SCIE Journal
2013 Sanjeev Kumar Yadav and Vinod Yadava Experimental Investigations to Study EDDCG Machinability of Cemented Carbide, Vol. 28, Issue 10, pp: 1077-1081 (2013) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCIE Journal
2013 K.B. Judal and Vinod Yadava Experimental Investigations into Electrochemical Magnetic Abrasive Machining of Cylindrical Shaped Non-magnetic Stainless Steel Workpiece , Volume 28, Issue 10, pp: 1095-1101 (2013) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCIE Journal
2013 Ravindra Nath Yadav and Vinod Yadava Multi-Objective Optimization of Slotted Electrical Discharge Abrasive Grinding of Metal Matrix Composite using Artificial Neural Network and Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm, IMechE Part B , Vol. 227, No. 10, pp: 1442-1452 (2013) Journal of Engineering Manufacture SCI Journal
2013 K.B. Judal, Vinod Yadava and Dayanidhi Pathak Experimental Investigation of Vibration Assisted Cylindrical– Magnetic Abrasive Finishing of Aluminum Workpiece, Volume 28, 1, pp: 1196-1202 (2013) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCIE Journal
2013 Ravindra Nath Yadav and Vinod Yadava Influence of Input Parameters on Machining Performances of Slotted- Electrical Discharge Abrasive Grinding of Al/SiC/Gr Metal Matrix Composite, Vol. 28, No. 12, pp: 1361-1369 (2013) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCIE Journal
2013 Sanjay Mishra and Vinod Yadava Prediction of Material Removal Rate due to Laser Beam Percussion Drilling in Aluminium sheet using the Finite Element Method , Vol 14, No 4, pp 342-362 ( 2013) International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials SCOPUS Journal
2013 Ravindra Nath Yadav and Vinod Yadava Intelligent Modeling and Prediction of Slotted-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding (S-EDDG) of Aluminium-Silicon Carbide-Graphite Composite , Vol 6, No 2, pp 93-113 ( 2013) International Journal of Abrasive Technology SCOPUS Journal
2013 Amit Sharma and Vinod Yadava Simultaneous Optimization of Average Kerf Taper and Surface Roughness during Pulsed Nd: YAG Laser Cutting of Thin Al-alloy Sheet for Straight Profile, Vol. 27, No. 1/2/3, pp. 112-126 (2013) International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management SCOPUS Journal
2013 K.B. Judal and Vinod Yadava A study of electrochemical magnetic abrasive machining process, Vol.27, No.4/5/6, pp.142 – 153 (2013) International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management SCOPUS Journal
2013 Rajesh Kumar Porwal, Vinod Yadava and J. Ramkumar Optimization of Process Parameters in the Hole Drilling Electrical Discharge Micromachining of Titanium based Super Alloy Thin Sheet, Vol. 5, No. 1/2, pp. 75-88 (2013) Journal of Machining and Forming Technologies -
2013 Rajesh Kumar Porwal, Vinod Yadava and J. Ramkumar Modeling and Optimization of Hole Drilling Electrical Discharge Micromachining Process of Ti-6Al-4V Thin Sheet, Vol. 3, No. 2,pp. 183-205 (2013) International Journal of Precision Technology -
2013 K. B. Judal, Vinod Yadava and D. K. Pathak Study of Vibration Frequency and Abrasive Particle Size during Cylindrical Magnetic Abrasive Finishing , Vol. 3, No. 2,pp. 117-130 (2013) International Journal of Precision Technology -
2013 Amit Sharma, Vinod Yadava and K. B. Judal Intelligent Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization of Laser Beam Cutting of Nickel Based Super alloy Sheet, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 1-16 (2013) International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering -
2013 Ravindra Nath Yadav, Vinod Yadava and G.K. Singh Multi-Objective Optimization of Process Parameters in Electro- Discharge Face Grinding based on ANN-NSGA-II Hybrid Technique , Volume 8, Issue 3, pp 319-332 (2013) Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering -
2013 Basanta Kumar Bhuyan and Vinod Yadava Simultaneous Optimization of Multiple Quality Characteristics in Travelling Wire Electro-Chemical Spark Machining (TW-ECSM) of Pyrex Glass , Vol. 2 (2), pp 19-24 (2013) Asian Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology -
2013 Rajesh Kumar Porwal and Vinod Yadava Optimization of Process Parameters in the Hole Sinking Electrical Discharge Micromachining of Ti-6Al-4V Thin Sheet, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 12-18, 2013 Asian Journal of Mechanical Engineering -
2013 Ravindra Nath Yadav and Vinod Yadava Preliminary study on Slotted-Electrical Discharge Diamond Face Grinding of Metal Matrix Composite, Vol 2, No 2, pp 32-37 ( 2013) Asian Journal of Mechanical Engineering -
2013 Rajesh Kumar Porwal, Vinod Yadava and J. Ramkumar Multi-Objective Optimization of Hole Drilling Electrical Discharge Micromachining Process using Grey Relational Analysis Coupled with Principal Component Analysis, Vol. 94 (4), pp 317-325 ( 2013) Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series C -
2014 Rajesh Kumar Porwal, Vinod Yadava, and J Ramkuma , Modelling and Multi-Response Optimization of Hole Sinking Electrical Discharge Micromachining of Titanium alloy Thin Sheet, Vol. 28, No.2, pp. 653-661 (2014) Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology SCIE Journal
2014 Ravindra Nath Yadav and Vinod Yadava Slotted-Electrical Discharge Diamond Cut-off Grinding of Al/SiC/B4C Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 309~316 (2014) Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology SCIE Journal
2014 Basant Kumar Bhuyan and Vinod Yadava Experimental Modeling and Multi Response Optimization of Travelling Wire Electro-Chemical Spark Machining (TW-ECSM) of Pyrex Glass, IMechE Part B, Vol. 228, No. 8, pp. 902-916 (2014) Journal of Engineering Manufacture SCI Journal
2014 Basant Kumar Bhuyan and Vinod Yadava Experimental Study of Traveling Wire Electro-Chemical Spark Machining of Borosilicate Glass , Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 298~304 (2014) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCIE Journal
2014 Umacharan Singh Yadav and Vinod Yadava Parametric Study on Electrical Discharge Drilling of Aerospace Nickel Alloy, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 260~266 (2014) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCIE Journal
2014 Ravindra Nath Yadav and Vinod Yadava Machining Performance of Slotted-Electrical Discharge Diamond Face Grinding of Al/SiC/Gr Composite, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 585-592 (2014) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCIE Journal
2014 K.B. Judal and Vinod Yadava Modeling and Simulation of Cylindrical Electro-Chemical Magnetic Abrasive Machining Process, Machining Science and Technology, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 221-250 (2014) An International Journal SCI Journal
2014 Ravindra Nath Yadav, Vinod Yadava and G.K. Singh Application of Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization of Electrical Discharge Diamond Face Grinding Process, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 2299-2306 (2014) Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology SCIE Journal
2014 Shyam Sunder and Vinod Yadava Modeling and Optimization of Material Removal Rate and Surface Roughness in Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding Process, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 133-151 (2014) Int. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering SCOPUS Journal
2014 Rajesh Kumar Porwal, Vinod Yadava and J. Ramkumar Modeling of Performance Characteristics during Sinking Electrical Discharge Micromachining of Ti-6Al-4V Thin Sheet , Vol. 9, No. 3, pp.314-332 (2014) International Journal of Manufacturing Research SCOPUS Journal
2014 Ravindra Nath Yadav, Vinod Yadava and G.K.Singh Application of Response Surface Methodology and Genetic Algorithm for Optimisation of Electro-Discharge Diamond Face Grinding of Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Composite, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp.76-94 (2014) International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering SCOPUS Journal
2014 Ravindra Nath Yadav and Vinod Yadava A New Way of Electro-Abrasion Hybrid Machining (EAHM) using Slotted- Diamond Grinding Wheel, Vol. 28, No. 1/2/3, pp.132-145 (2014) International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management SCOPUS Journal
2014 Ravindra Nath Yadav, Vinod Yadava and G.K. Singh Modeling and Simulation of Spark Assisted Diamond Face Grinding of Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Composite, Vol. 28, No. 1/2/3, pp.146-163 (2014) Int. Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management SCOPUS Journal
2014 Basanta Kumar Bhuyan and Vinod Yadava Modelling and Optimisation of Travelling Wire Electro-Chemical Spark Machining Process, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp.130-158 (2014) International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering SCOPUS Journal
2014 Shyam Sunder and Vinod Yadava Modeling and Optimization of Electrical Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding of Al-10wt% SiCp Composite, Vol. 6, No. 1-2, pp. (2014) Journal of Machining and Forming Technologies -
2014 Audhesh Narayan and Vinod Yadava Modeling and Optimization of High Speed Deep Surface Grinding for Thermal Stresses , Vol. 6, No. 1-2, pp. (2014) Journal of Machining and Forming Technologies -
2014 Rajesh Kumar Porwal and Vinod Yadava Experimentation and Prediction of Material Removal Rate of Electrical Discharge Micromachining of Nickel based Super Alloy Thin Sheet , Vol. 6, No.1, pp. 62-73 (2014) International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology -
2014 G. K. Singh, N. K. Chauhan, Rajeev Kumar and Vinod Yadava Grey Relational Analysis Coupled with Principal Component Analysis for Optimization Design of the Machining Parameters in Electro-Discharge Diamond Face Grinding special issue-2, pp. 23-27 (2014) International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, -
2014 Rajesh Kumar Porwal, Vinod Yadava and J. Ramkumar Neural Network based Modeling and GRA Coupled PCA Optimization of Hole Sinking Electro-Discharge Micromachining, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.1-22 (2014) , International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering -
2014 Ajay Suryavanshi, Vinod Yadava and Audhesh Narayan Finite Element Based Modeling of Surface Roughness in Micro Electro-Discharge Machining Process, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 44-61(2014) International Journal of Materials Forming and Machining Processes -
2014 Basanta Kumar Bhuyan and Vinod Yadava Modelling and Optimisation of Travelling Wire Electro- Ravindra Nath Yadav and Vinod Yadava, A Hybrid Methodology of ANN-NSGA-II for Optimization of the Process Parameters of Slotted-Electrical Discharge Abrasive Grinding Process, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 19-34 (2014) International Journal of Materials Forming and Machining Processes -
2015 Sanjay Mishra and Vinod Yadava Finite Element (FE) Prediction of Hole Characteristics and Material Removal Rate due to Laser Beam Percussion Drilling , Vol. 30, No. 3-4, pp. 175–202 (2015) Lasers in Engineering SCIE Journal
2015 Sanjay Mishra and Vinod Yadava Finite Element (FE) Simulation to investigate the effect of Material Thickness on Hole Taper and Heat Affected Zone during Laser Beam Percussion Drilling of Thin Aluminium Sheet Vol. 30, No. 5-6, pp. 341–361 (2015) Lasers in Engineering, SCIE Journal
2015 Sanjay Mishra and Vinod Yadava Laser Beam Micromachining (LBMM)-A Review, Vol. 73, pp. 89-122 (2015) Optics and Lasers in Engineering SCIE Journal
2015 Amit Sharma and Vinod Yadava Modeling and Optimization of Cut Quality Characteristics during Pulsed Nd: YAG Laser Cutting of Ni-Based Superalloy Thin Sheet for Curved Profile, Vol. 31, pp. 351-382 (2015) Lasers in Engineering SCIE Journal
2015 Ravindra Nath Yadav and Vinod Yadava Experimental Investigations of Slotted Electrical Discharge Abrasive Grinding of Al/SiC/Gr Composite, IMechE Part B, Vol. 231, pp. 913-923 (2015) Journal of Engineering Manufacture SCIE Journal
2015 Umacharan Singh Yadav and Vinod Yadava Experimental Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization of Electrical Discharge Drilling of Aerospace Super Alloy Material, IMechE Part B, Vol. 229 (10), pp. 1764–1780 (2015) Journal of Engineering Manufacture SCI Journal
2015 Ravindra Nath Yadav and Vinod Yadava Application of Soft Computing Techniques for Modeling and Optimization of Slotted-Electrical Discharge Diamond Face Grinding Process, Vol. 68, Issue 5, pp. 981-990 (2015) Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals SCIE Journal
2015 Umacharan Singh Yadav and Vinod Yadava Experimental Investigation on Electrical Discharge Diamond Drilling of Nickel Based Superalloy Aerospace Material, IMechE Part B, Vol. 231 (7), pp. 1160-1168 (2015) Journal of Engineering Manufacture SCI Journal
2015 Umacharan Singh Yadav and Vinod Yadava Experimental Investigation on Electrical Discharge Drilling of Ti-6Al- 4V Alloy, Machining Science and Technology, Vol. 19, Issue 4, pp. 515-535 (2015) An International Journal SCIE Journal
2015 Umacharan Singh Yadav and Vinod Yadava Experimental Modeling and Optimization of Process Parameters of Hole Drilling by Electrical Discharge Machining of Aerospace Titanium Alloy, Vol. 29, Issue 3-4, pp. 211–234 (2015) International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management SCOPUS Journal
2015 Ajay Suryavanshi, Vinod Yadava and Audhesh Narayan Finite Element Prediction of Crater Geometry and Material Removal Rate in Sinking Micro-Electrical Discharge Machining of AISI 4140 Steel, Volume 7, Number 1-2, pp. 11-31 (2015) Journal of Machining and Forming Technologies -
2015 Ajay Suryavanshi, Vinod Yadava and Audhesh Narayan FEM Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization of Electro- Discharge Micromachining of AISI 4140 Steel, Vol. 6(1), pp. 63-75 (ISSN 0976-6812) (2015) International Journal of Manufacturing and Engineering -
2016 Audhesh Narayan and Vinod Yadava Modeling and Optimization of Creep Feed Deep Surface Grinding using FEM based NNGA, Vol. 8,No. 1, pp. 65-74 (2016) International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation SCOPUS Journal
2016 Shyam Sunder and Vinod Yadava Development and Experimental Study of Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding of Al–10 wt% SiC Composite, Vol. 97, Issue 1, pp: 1-9 (2016) Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C SCOPUS Journal
2017 Ram Singar Yadav and Vinod Yadava Experimental Investigations on Electrical Discharge Diamond Face Surface Grinding (EDDFSG) of Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite, Vol. 32, Issue 2, pp. 135-144 (2017) Materials and Manufacturing Processes SCIE Journal
2017 Ravindra Nath Yadav and Vinod Yadava , Machining of Hybrid-Metal Matrix Composite using Erosion-Abrasion based Compound Wheel in Electrical Discharge Grinding, Vol. 35,No. 4, pp. 494- 504 (2017) Particulate Science and Technology SCIE Journal
2017 Ram Singar Yadav and Vinod Yadava Performance study of Electrical discharge diamond face surface grinding (EDDFSG) on hybrid metal matrix composite , Vol. 31 (1), pp. 317- 325 (2017) Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology SCIE Journal
2017 Ravindra Nath Yadav and Vinod Yadava Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Erosion-Abrasion based Hybrid Machining of Aluminium-Sillicon Carbide-Boron Carbide Composite, Vol. 9 (2), pp. 63-77 (2017) International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation SCIE Journal
2017 Ram Singar Yadav and Vinod Yadava Experimental Investigations on Electrical Discharge Diamond Peripheral Surface Grinding (EDDPSG) of Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite , Volume 27, June 2017, pp. 241-251 (2017) Journal of Manufacturing Processes SCIE Journal
2017 Ajay Suryavanshi, Vinod Yadava and Audhesh Narayan Modeling and Multi-Response Optimization of Sinking Micro-Electrical Discharge Machining of AISI 4140 Steel, Vol. 26, Issue 3, pp. 397–424 (2017) International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering SCOPUS Journal
2017 Param Singh, Vinod Yadava and Audhesh Narayan Comparison of machining performance of hole-sinking micro- EDM without and with ultrasonic vibration on titanium alloy, Vol. 7, No. 2/3/4, pp. 205-221 ( 2017) International Journal of Precision Technology -
2018 133. Param Singh, Vinod Yadava and Audhesh Narayan Machining Performance Characteristics of Inconel 718 Superalloy Due to Hole-Sinking Ultrasonic Assisted Micro-EDM, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 1–17 (2018) Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems SCOPUS Journal
2018 Amit Sharma and Vinod Yadava Experimental Analysis of Nd-YAG Laser Cutting of Sheet Materials, Vol. 98, pp. 264-280 ( 2018) A Review, Optics and Lasers Technology SCI Journal
2018 Param Singh, Vinod Yadava and Audhesh Narayan Parametric Study of Ultrasonic Assisted Hole Sinking Micro-EDM of Titanium Alloy, Vol. 94, pp:2551-2562 (2018) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology SCIE Journal
2018 Palvita Yadav, Vinod Yadava and Audhesh Narayan Experimental Investigation for Kerf Characteristics due to Wire Electrochemical Spark Cutting of Alumina Epoxy Nanocomposite, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 345-350 ( 2018) Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology SCIE Journal
2018 Umacharan Singh Yadav and Vinod Yadava Modeling and Optimization of Process Parameters of Electrical Discharge Diamond Drilling of Nimonic Alloy-An Aerospace Material , Vol. 29, No. 3-4, pp. 211–234 (2018) International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering SCOPUS Journal
2018 Ram Singar Yadav and Vinod Yadava Hybrid Design based Modelling and Multi-Objective Optimization of Hybrid Machining of Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites, IMechE Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (Accepted in June 2018) SCIE Journal
2005 Avanish K. Dubey and Vinod Yadava Capabilities and applications of magnetic abrasive finishing , Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 483-492 (2005) Indian Surface Finishing Journal -
2011 Amit Sharma and Vinod Yadava A Study On Kerf Taper and Surface Roughness In Nd: YAG Laser Beam Cutting Based on Taguchi Method, Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 93-98 (2011) Journal of Manufacturing Engineering -
2012 Sanjay Mishra and Vinod Yadava Prediction of Hole Radius and Material Removal Rate due to Single Pulse Laser Beam Drilling using Finite Element Method, 6 pp. 39-43(2012) Journal of Engineering and Technology Education -
2012 Basanta Kumar Bhuyan and Vinod Yadava Development of Traveling Wire Electro-Chemical Spark Machining (TW- ECSM) Setup, Vol. 6, pp. 28-33 (2012) Journal of Engineering & Technology Education -
2013 Rajesh Kumar Porwal, Vinod Yadava and J. Ramkumar Optimization of Process Parameters in the Hole Sinking Electro-Discharge Micromachining using GRA-PCA, Vol. 8, Issue. 2, pp 96- 104 (2013) Journal of Manufacturing Engineering -
2015 Ajay Suryavanshi, Vinod Yadava and Audhesh Narayan Electro-Thermal Modeling for the Prediction of Surface Roughness in µ-EDM Using Finite Element Method, Vol. 7(1), pp. 46-52, (ISSN 0975-9638) (2015) Global Sci-Tech -
2002 Yog Raj Sood, Narayana Prasad Padhy, H. O. Gupta Wheeling of Power under Deregulated Environment of Power Industry - A Bibliographical Survey, Vol. 17 IEEE Transaction of Power Systems SCIE
2004 Yog Raj Sood, Narayana Prasad Padhy, H. O. Gupta Assessment for Feasible and Pricing of Wheeling Transaction under Deregulated Environment of Power Industry, Volume 26/3 International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems SCIE
2004 Yog Raj Sood, Narayana Prasad Padhy, H. O. Gupta Genetic Algorithm Based Hybrid Model for Wheeling Cost Analysis - A Case Study on Indian Power Sector, Vol. 12 International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems -
2003 Yog Raj Sood, Narayana Prasad Padhy, H. O. Gupta Discussion on Optimal Power Flow by Enhanced Genetic Algorithm, Vol. 18 IEEE Transaction of Power Systems SCIE
2001 Yog Raj Sood, Narayana Prasad Padhy, H. O. Gupta, S. Verma Analysis and Management of Wheeling Transactions based on AI technique under Deregulated Environment of Power System, Volume 58 Water and Energy International Journal -
2002 Yog Raj Sood, Narayana Prasad Padhy, H. O. Gupta Allocating Embedded Cost of Transmission to Simultaneous Bilateral Transactions – an Application to South African System, Vol. 8-10 Journal of International Association on Electricity Generation Transmission & Distribution (Afro- Asian Region) -
2006 Minakshi Jain, Inderpal Singh, Yog Raj Sood Sustainable Development through Micro & Mini Hydro power plants-Case Study: Hill Region, Vol. 8 Journal of International Association (IASH) for Small Hydro -
2007 Yog Raj Sood Evolutionary Programming Based Optimal Power Flow and its Validation for Deregulated Power System Analysis, Volume 29 International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier Science SCIE
2007 Yog Raj Sood, Narayana Prasad Padhy, H. O. Gupta Deregulated Model and Locational Marginal Pricing, Vol. 77 International Journal of Electrical Power System Research, Elsevier Science -
2007 Jashandeep Singh, Yog Raj Sood, PiushVerma, R. K. Jarial Novel Technique for Sampling of Transformer Oil, Vol. XIV Electrical Review -
2007 Jashandeep Singh, Yog Raj Sood, R. K. Jarial, PiushVerma Earthing of High Voltage Laboratory International Journal of Electrical and Power Engineering -
2008 Jashandeep Singh, Yog Raj Sood, R. K. Jarial, PiushVerma Condition Monitoring of Power Transformer- Bibliography Survey, Vol. 24 IEEE Insulation Magazine SCIE
2008 Jashandeep Singh, Yog Raj Sood,PiushVerma Review of Various Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) Techniques for Power Transformers, Vol. 1 ICFAI University Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering -
2010 Y.R Sood, Randhir Singh Optimal Model of Congestion Management in Deregulated Environment of Power Sector with Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources, Volume 35 Renewable Energy - An International Journal, Elsevier publishers -
2010 Jashandeep Singh, Yog Raj Sood and PiushVerma Review of different prorated models which detects the effect of accelerated stresses on power transformer insulation, Vol. 2 International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE) -
2010 Yog Raj Sood Feasibility Assessment of Simultaneous Bilateral and Multilateral Transactions, Volume 32 International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier Science SCIE
2011 Randhir Singh, Y.R Sood Evolutionary Programming based Optimal Model of Congestion Management for Deregulated Environment of Power Sector, Vol. 19 International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems, CRL Publishing Ltd. -
2011 Randhir Singh, Yog Raj Sood Current status and analysis of renewable promotional policies in Indian restructured power sector—A review , Volume 15 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier publishers SCIE
2010 Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Yog Raj Sood Optimal Location of FACTS Devices in Power System by Artificial Intelligence based Optimization Techniques: A Review, Vol.2 International Journal of Innovations in Electrical Power Systems (IJIEPS) -
2011 Shafqat Mughal, Yog Raj Sood Restructuring Developments and Issues in Indian Power System), Vol. 05 International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology (IJRTET) -
2011 Jashandeep Singh, Yog Raj Sood and PiushVerma Experimental Investigation using accelerated aging factors on dielectric properties of transformer insulating oil, Vol. 39 International Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor &Francis (U. K) Scopus
2011 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Yog Raj Sood Review of Artificial Intelligence Techniques Application to Dissolved Gas Analysis on Power Transformer, vol. 3 International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE) SCIE
2011 K. Vaid. Y. R. Sood. R. K. Jarial Identification of harmonic sources in deregulated power sector, Vol. 3 International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology -
2011 Yog Raj Sood, Raj Kumar Jarial, Kapil Gandhi Condition Monitoring of Power Transformer Using Sweep Frequency Response Analysis, Vol. 1 MIT International Journal of Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering -
2011 AnuradhaTomar, Yog Raj Sood Facing Problems in Application of Digital AC Drives), Vol.4 International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IJEE) -
2012 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Yog Raj Sood Solar energy in India: Strategies, policies, perspectives and future potential, Vol.16 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier publishers SCIE
2012 Yog Raj Sood Development of Renewable Energy Generation with Indian Power Sector Moving Towards Deregulation, Vol. 1 International Journal of Advances in Management Technology & Engineering Sciences -
2012 Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Yog Raj Sood An Efficient Approach for Optimal Placement of TCSC in double Auction Power Market, Vol.6 A Journal of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) -
2012 Jashandeep Singh, Yog Raj Sood and PiushVerma The influence of Service Aging on Transformer Insulating Oil Parameters, Vol. 19 IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation SCIE
2012 AnuradhaTomar, Yog Raj Sood All About Harmonics in Non-Linear PWM AC Drives, Volume 3 International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (IJEET) -
2012 Sunil Kumar Singh, Lobzang Phunchok, Khwairakpam Chaoba Singh ,Y.R. Sood Genetic Algorithm a Noble Approach for Economic Load Dispatch International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) -
2012 Rakesh Thapliyal, Y. R. Sood, R. K. Jarial, Navin Chandra Joshi A Multilevel Cascaded Converter Based Solid State Distribution Transformer, Vol.1 International Journal of Science & Technology -
2012 Navin Chandra Joshi, Y.R. Sood, R.K. Jarial and Rakesh Thapliyal Transformer internal winding faults diagnosis methods: A review MIT International Journal of Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering (MITIJ EI) -
2012 B. Anil Kumar, Lobzang Phunchok and Y. R. Sood Optimal Planning for Distribution Network using GA Optimal Planning for Distribution Network using GA -
2012 Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Yog Raj Sood Efficient and Optimal approach for Location and Parameter Setting of multiple UPSCs for Deregulated Power System, Vol. 6 IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (An International Journal of IET) SCIE
2012 Anuradha Tomar, Yog Raj Sood A new approach for power factor improvement in cable industry), Volume 3 International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (IJEET) -
2012 Sunil Kumar Singh, Lobzang Phunchok and Y. R. Sood Voltage Profile and Power Flow Enhancement with FACTS Controllers, Vol. 1 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) -
2012 Anuradha Tomar, Devesh Singh, Yog Raj Sood Active Energy Front Implementation for Cable Industry, Volume 2 International Journal of Computer Technology and Electronics Engineering (IJCTEE) -
2012 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood Reduction in Subsidy for Solar Power as Distributed Electricity Generation in Indian Future Competitive Power Market, Volume 4 International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy -
2013 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Yog Raj Sood A comprehensive analysis of strategies, policies and development of hydropower in India: Special emphasis on small hydro power, Vol. 18 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier publishers SCIE
2012 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Yog Raj Sood Perspectives of Renewable Energy Sources in the Future Indian Competitive Electricity Markets, Vol.2 International Journal of Trends in Electrical Engineering, STM Journals -
2012 Daljit Singh, Yog Raj Sood Review of Various Methods Adopted for Power Distribution System Planning, Volume 4 International Journal on Power System Optimization (IJPSO) -
2013 Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Yog Raj Sood An Efficient approach for optimal Allocation and Parameters Determination of TCSC with Investment Cost Recovery under Competitive Power Market, Vol. 28 IEEE Transactions of Power System SCIE
2013 Pankaj Shukla, Y.R. Sood, R.K. Jarial Experimental Evaluation of Water Content in Transformer Oil, Vol. 2 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology -
2013 Pankaj Shukla, Y.R. Sood, R.K. Jarial, Sonu Kumar Experimental Investigation Regarding Prediction of Residual Life of Transformer Using Fuzzy Method, Volume 3 UACEE International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks -
2013 Shashank Shekhar Singh, Yog Raj Sood, Niharika Yadav, Kshitij Gaur Evaluation of Penalty using Availability Based Tariff (ABT) in Deregulated Power Sector, Vol.2 UACEE International Journal of Advancements in Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJAEE) -
2013 Niharika Yadav, Yog Raj Sood, Shashank Shekhar Singh, Kshitij Gaur Embedded Cost Allocation Method: Comparison and Discussion of Used Methods, Vol.2 UACEE International Journal of Advancements in Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJAEE) -
2013 Kshitij Gaur ,Y. R. Sood and Shashank Shekhar Singh Congestion Management in an Electricity Market using Catfish PSO, Vol.2 UACEE International Journal of Advancements in Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJAEE) -
2013 Vikrant Kumar, Ram Krishan, Yog Raj Sood Optimization of Radial Distribution Networks using Path Search Algorithm,Vol. 1 International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering -
2013 Ved Parkash, Yog Raj Sood Penalization for Unscheduled Interchange based on Availability Based Tariff in Competitive Electricity Market, Vol. 3 International Journal of Trends in Electrical Engineering, STM Journals -
2014 Ved Parkash, Yog Raj Sood Implementation of Real time Pricing in Deregulated Power Sector, Vol. 4 International Journal of Power Electronics & Power Systems -
2013 Ved Parkash, Yog Raj Sood Impact of Inadvertent Interchange Pricing In Deregulated Power Sector, Vol. 2 International Journal of Research in Engineering & Technology -
2013 Ved Parkash, Yog Raj Sood Impact of Unscheduled Interchange Pricing in Competitive Electricity Market, Vol. 4 International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences -
2014 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood Strategy for Optimal Location and Rating of Wind Power Generator with Maximization of Social Welfare in Double Auction Competitive Power Market, Volume 6 Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, AIP publishers SCIE
2013 A. K. Singh, Y R Sood, H Singh and S K Gagrai Smartgrid: An Introduction, Vol. 3 International Journal of Advanced Computer Research -
2013 Yog Raj Sood, Naveen Kumar Sharma Assessment of Restructured Indian Power Sector: Availability, Demand and Shortage, vol. 3 International Journal of Trends in Electrical Engineering, STM Journals -
2013 Daljit Singh, Yog Raj Sood Efficient Approach for Optimal Location of Substations and Feeder Routing, Vol. 3 International Journal of Trends in Electrical Engineering, STM Journals -
2014 Sumit Kumar Sharma, Y.R. Sood, Lalit Singh, and Pankaj Shukla Monitoring Reach Area Based Optimal Location of Voltage Sag Monitors, Volume 4 International Journal of Advance in Electronic and Electric Engineering -
2014 Abhas Kumar Singh, Y. R. Sood Electricity Pricing in Deregulated Power Sector, Volume -3 International Journal of Advance Electrical, Electronics and Instrumental Engineering -
2015 Anuradha Tomar, Yog Raj Sood, Devesh Singh An Efficient Scheme of Automation & Control for Conventional Cable Manufacturing Industry, vol. 11 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics SCIE
2015 Yog Raj Sood, RajnishShrivastava, AnchalWadhwa Health Assessment of Power Transformer Using Fuzzy Logic, Vol. 2 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering -
2015 Rahul Srivastava, PritiPundir, Y. R. Sood, RajnishShrivastava Statistical Tools for SFRA Diagnosis in Power Transformers, Vol. 2 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering -
2015 Rajnish Shrivastava, Y. R. Sood, Priti Pundir, Rahul Srivastava Ultraviolet Visible Spectroscopy Analysis on Transformer Oil by Correlating It with Various Oil Parameters, Vol. 2 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering -
2015 Yog Raj Sood, RajnishShrivastava, Naveen Kumar Sharma Electrical Engineering Education-Recent Trends, Volume No : 19 International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science (IJITCS ) -
2015 Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava, Naveen Kumar Sharma Importance if Technical Education System in Present Scenario of Information Technology, Volume No. 19 International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science (IJITCS) -
2015 U. Mohan Rao, Yog Raj Sood, R. K. Jarial, P. Sai Vijay Outcome Based Education Model for Technical Education Institutes, Vol. 19 International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science (IJITCS) -
2015 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava DGA Analysis of Transformer Oil with Experimental Investigation: An Effective Tool of Condition Monitoring For Power Transformer, Vol. 05 STM International Journal of Power Electronics & Power Systems (JoPEPS) -
2015 U.Mohan Rao, Y. R. Sood, R. K. Jarial Subtractive clustering Fuzzy Expert System for Engineering Applications Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier -
2015 Anuj Banshwar, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Integration of Solar Energy in Indian Electricity Market and Future Perspectives International Journal of Exploration in Engineering and Technology -
2015 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Experimental Investigation of DGA Analysis of Transformer Oil: A Effective Tool of Condition Monitoring for Power Transformer International Journal of Exploration in Engineering and Technology -
2015 Digambar Singh, Jasmine Kaur Saini, Yog Raj Sood Optimal Capacity of Pump Storage System for Standalone Green Microgrid Interconnection with Main Grid in Deregulated Power Sector, Vol. 6 International Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems (JoPEPS) SCIE
2016 U. Mohan Rao, Y.R. Sood, R. K. Jarial Oxidation Stability Enhancement of a blend of Mineral oil and Synthetic Ester, Vol.32 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine. SCIE
2016 U. Mohan Rao, Yog Raj Sood, Raj Kumar Jarial Performance Analysis of Alternate Liquid Dielectrics for Power Transformers, Vol. 23 IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation SCIE
2016 U. Mohan Rao, Yog Raj Sood, Raj Kumar Jarial Ester Dielectrics: Current Perspectives and Future Challenges IETE Technical Review, Taylor and Francis SCIE
2016 Anuj Banshwar, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Market Based Procurement of Energy and Ancillary Services from Renewable Energy Sources in Deregulated Environment, Vol. 101 International Journal of Renewable Energy, Elsevier publishers SCIE
2016 Anuj Banshwar, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava A Disaggregated Optimization Approach for Competitive Procurement of Energy and Operating Reserve, Vol.6 International Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems, STM -
2016 Digambar Singh, Yog Raj Sood Capacity Estimation of Pump Storage System for Microgrid with Resourceful Use of RES in Deregulated Power Sector, Volume 7 International Journal of Alternate Energy Sources and Technologies, STM -
2016 Digambar Singh and Yog Raj Sood Multi-Attribute Based Optimal Location of Renewable Energy Sources in Deregulated Power Sector, Volume 6 International Journal on Trends in Electrical Engineering, STM -
2016 Digambar Singh, Yog Raj Sood, and Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Case Studies on Optimal Location and Sizing of Renewable Energy Generators in Distribution System, Vol. 8 International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, AIP Publication -
2016 U. Mohan Rao, Yog Raj Sood, Raj Kumar Jarial Physiometric and FTIR Analysis of Cellulose Insulation in Blend of Mineral and Synthetic Ester Oils for Transformers IET Science, Measurement and Technology SCIE
2017 Jasmine Kaur, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Optimal Operation of Self-Sustainable Green Microgrid in Deregulated Power Sector, Volume 6 International Journal of Energy Environment and Carbon Credits, STM -
2017 Anuj Banshwar, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Real time procurement of energy and operating reserve from Renewable Energy Sources in deregulated environment considering imbalance penalties, Vol. 113 International Journal of Renewable Energy, Elsevier publishers SCIE
2017 Anuj Banshwara, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Optimal location and Rating of Wind Power Plant in Competitive Electricity Market, Vol. 9 Renewable and Sustainable Energy (An International Journal of American Institute of Physics) -
2017 Jasmine Kaur, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava A Two-layer Optimization Approach For Renewable Energy Management of Green Microgrid In Deregulated Power Sector Journal Of Renewable and Sustainable Energy SCIE
2017 Anuj Banshwar, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Market Based Procurement of Energy and Ancillary Services from Renewable Energy Sources in Deregulated Environment, Vol. 101 International Journal of Renewable Energy, Elsevier publishers SCIE
2017 Anuj Banshwar,Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Renewable Energy Sources as a New Participant in Ancillary Service Markets, Vol. 18 Energy Strategy Reviews, Elsevier publishers SCIE
2017 Anuj Banshwar,Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava An International experience of Technical and Economic aspects of Ancillary Services in Deregulated Power Industry: Lessons for Emerging BRIC Electricity Markets Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier publishers SCIE
2017 Anuj Banshwar, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Bharat Bhushan Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Mixed GA-OPF based Optimal Procurement of Energy and Operating Reserve in Deregulated Environment Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press, Netherlands SCIE
2017 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Anuj Banshwar, Bharat Bhushan Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Mixed GA-OPF based Prioritized Optimal Location and Rating of Wind Power Generation in Deregulated Electricity Market Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press, Netherlands SCIE
2017 Souvik Roy, Anuj Banshwar, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood Simultaneous Optimization of Renewable Energy Based Pumped Storage Scheme in Energy and Ancillary Services Market under Deregulated Power sector Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press, Netherlands SCIE
2018 Sankar Selvakumar, Mohanty Madhusmita, Chandrasekaran Koodalsamy, Sishaj Pulikottil Simon, Yog Raj Sood High-Speed Maximum Power Point Tracking Module for PV Systems IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics SCIE
2018 Shafqat Mughal, Yog Raj Sood, R.K.Jarial A review on Solar Photovoltaic technology and future trends, Vol 4 International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information technology (IJSRCSEIT-2018) -
2019 Digambar Singh, Yog Raj Sood, and Deepak Recent Techno-Economic Potential and Development of Solar Energy Sector in India IETE Technical Review, Taylor and Francis SCIE
2019 Jasmine Kaur, Yog Raj Sood, Rajnish Shrivastava Optimal Resource Utilization in a Multi-Microgrid Network for Tamil Nadu State in India IETE Journal of Research, Taylor & Francis SCIE
2002 Yog Raj Sood, Narayana Prasad Padhy, H.O.Gupta Methods of Evaluating Cost of Wheeling under Deregulated Environment of Power Industry – An Overview, Vol. 83 Journal of Institution of Engineers (India) -
1999 M. N. Bandyopadhyay, Yog Raj Sood Active Noise and Vibrations Control and Measurement of Signal to Power Ratio, Vol.79 Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Electronics & Telecommunication Division -
1999 M. N.Bandyopadhyay, Yog Raj Sood Noise Analysis of Rotating Electrical Machines Utilizing Tools of Digital Signal Processing, Vol.80 Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Electrical Engineering Division -
1999 Y. R. Sood Role of Electrical Engineers towards Overall Global Development Souvenir ELSOC -
2004 Yog Raj Sood, Narayana Prasad Padhy, H. O. Gupta A New Evolutionary Programming Based Approach for Optimal Selection of Wheeling Options, Vol. 85 Journal of Institution of Engineers (India) -
2005 Y. R. Sood, O. P. Rahi, R. C. Chauhan Artificial Intelligence Application to Power System, Vol. 1 Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Technologies -
2007 Jashandeep Singh, Yog Raj Sood, Piush Verma Dissolved Gas Analysis for power transformers, Vol. 47 Electrical India -
2008 Y. R. Sood, Jashandeep Singh Energy Management from Wastes, Vol. 48 Electrical India -
2008 Randhir Singh, Yog Raj Sood Renewable Energy in the Power Sector, Vol. 48 Electrical India -
2008 Jashandeep Singh, Yog Raj Sood,PiushVerma Transformer Insulating Oil, Vol. 48 Electrical India -
2008 Yog Raj Sood, Anuradha Tomar Developments in MTDC Systems, Vol. 48 Electrical India -
2008 Yog Raj Sood, Randhir Singh Himachal Pradesh as a Power State of India, Vol. 48 Electrical India -
2009 Jashandeep Singh, Yog Raj Sood,Piush Verma, R. K. Jarial Standards related with Insulation of Power Transformer, Vol. 49 Electrical India -
2009 Randhir Singh, Y. R. Sood Regulatory Policy Framework for Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources in Indian Power Sector, Vol. 49 Electrical India -
2009 Randhir Singh, Y. R. Sood Power Scenario in Himachal Pradesh, Vol. 49 Electrical India -
2010 Jashandeep Singh, Yog Raj Sood, Piush Verma History of Transformer and its Insulating Material, Vol. 50 Electrical India -
2010 Naveen Kr. Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, R. K. Jarial Recent Development in Condition Monitoring of Power Transformer, Vol. 50 Electrical India -
2010 Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Yog Raj Sood Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS) An Indian Scenario, Vol. 50 Electrical India -
2011 Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood Novel Concept of Quantization of Congestion in Deregulated Power Sector, Vol. 51 Electrical India -
2011 Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood Power Quality issues in Deregulated Environment of Power Sector, Vol. 51 Electrical India -
2011 Jashandeep Singh, Yog Raj Sood, Piush Verma Dielectrical Material in Transformer, Vol. 51 Electrical India -
2011 Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood Current Status and Trends of Indian Power Sector, Vol. 51 Electrical India -
2011 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Yog Raj Sood Current Power Scenario of Punjab – A Special emphasis on Renewable Energy Sources, Vol. 51 Electrical India -
2012 Anuradha Tomar, D. S. Tomar, Yog Raj Sood Automation in Industries, Vol. 52 Electrical India -
2012 Anuradha Tomar, D. S. Tomar, Yog Raj Sood Induction Motor Sizing for VFD Drives in Cable Industries, Vol. 52 Electrical India -
2012 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Yog Raj Sood Sweep Frequency Response Analysis: A smart tool of Condition Monitoring for Power Transformer, Vol. 52 Electrical India -
2012 Jashandeep Singh, Yog Raj Sood,PiushVerma Influence of Temperature and Accelerated Aging Factors on Dielectric Property of Transformer Insulating Oil, Vol. 52 Electrical India -
2012 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Yog Raj Sood Power Market for Renewable Energy Efficiency in India, Vol. 52 Electrical India -
2011 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Yog Raj Sood Impact of Renewable Energy in Competitive Electricity Market: Future Aspects, Vol. 51 Electrical India -
2011 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Yog Raj Sood Renewable Energy Status and Future Plans in Indian Restructured Power Sector, Vol. 51 Electrical India -
2013 Niharika Yadav, Yog Raj Sood, Shashank Shekhar Singh Evaluation of Embedded cost and Distribution factor Methods used in Deregulated Electricity Market, Vol. 1 Research and Reviews: STM Journal of Embedded System and Applications -
2013 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Prashant Kumar Tiwari, Yog Raj Sood Assessment of Indian Competitive Power Market Availability, Demand and Shortage, Vol. 53 Electrical India -
2016 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, RajnishShrivastava Dissolved Gas Analysis: Aging Assessment of Power Transformer Insulating Oil, Vol. 56 Electrical India -
2017 Naveen Kumar Sharma, Anuj Banshwar, Yog Raj Sood Towards Securing Energy Security in India, Vol. 57 Electrical India -
2019 Kaur Saini, Jasmine, Yog Raj Sood, and Rajnish Shrivastava Optimal resource management of microgrids in a competitive market environment using dual layer control approach.Volume 47 Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems SCIE
2020 Sharma Sumit, and Yog Raj Sood Optimal planning and sensitivity analysis of green microgrid using various types of storage systems Volume Issue 4 Journal of Wind Engineering SCIE
2020 Sharma Sumit, and Yog Raj Sood Microgrids: A review of status, technologies, software tools, and issues in Indian power market Volume 39, Issue 2 Journal of IETE Technical Review SCIE
2017 Mughal Shafqat, Yog Sood, and Raj Kumar Jarial A Proposal on Techno-Financial Design aspects of Photovoltaic System for the Twin Districts of Rajouri and Poonch (Jammu & Kashmir) Volume 8 Journal of EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web -
2018 Roy Souvik, Anuj Banshwar, Naveen Kumar Sharma, and Yog Raj Sood Simultaneous optimization of renewable energy based pumped storage scheme in energy and ancillary services market under deregulated power sector Volume 35 Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems -
2019 Banshwar Anuj, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Yog Raj Sood Market-based participation of energy storage scheme to support renewable energy sources for the procurement of energy and spinning reserve Volume 135 Journal of Renewable Energy -
2018 Trigui Sahar, Omar Cheikhrouhou, Anis Koubaa, Anis Zarrad, and Habib Youssef An analytical hierarchy process-based approach to solve the multi-objective multiple traveling salesman problem Volume 11 Intelligent Service Robotics, Springer SCIE
2017 Singh Jashandeep, Yog Raj Sood, and Piush Verma Impact of accelerated stresses on power transformer insulation Volume 9 Journal of Energy and Power Engineering SCIE
2023 Mughal S. Nabi, Y. R. Sood, and R. K. Jarial A novel hybrid model for predicting hourly global solar radiations on the tilted surface Volume 20 International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology SCIE
2022 Sharma Sumit, Yog Raj Sood, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Mohit Bajaj, Hossam M. Zawbaa, Rania A. Turky, and Salah Kamel Modeling and sensitivity analysis of grid-connected hybrid green microgrid system Volume 13 Ain Shams Engineering Journal SCIE
2021 Maheshwari Ankur, and Yog Raj Sood. Solution approach for optimal power flow considering wind turbine and environmental emissions Volume 46 Journal of Wind Engineering SCIE
2021 Mughal Shafqat Nabi, Yog Raj Sood, and R. K. Jarial A neural network-based time-series model for predicting global solar radiations Volume 69 IETE Journal of Research SCIE
2023 Maheshwari Ankur, Yog Raj Sood, and Supriya Jaiswal Investigation of optimal power flow solution techniques considering stochastic renewable energy sources: Review and analysis Volume 47 Journal of Wind Engineering SCIE
2022 Sharma Sumit, and Yog Raj Sood Optimal planning of green microgrid with minimisation of environmental emissions Volume 43 International Journal of Ambient Energy -
2022 Kumar Sanjay, Sumit Sharma, Yog Raj Sood, Subho Upadhyay, and Vineet Kumar A review on different parametric aspects and sizing methodologies of hybrid renewable energy system Series B 103, Number 4 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) -
2023 Maheshwari Ankur, Yog Raj Sood, and Supriya Jaiswal. Flow direction algorithm-based optimal power flow analysis in the presence of stochastic renewable energy sources Volume 216 Journal of Electric Power Systems Research SCIE
2023 Ankur Maheshwari, Yog Raj Sood & Supriya Jaiswal A Comprehensive Review on Stochastic Optimal Power Flow Problems and Solution Methodologies IETE Technical Review SCIE
2014 Virendra Kumar and Y.D. Sharma Instability Analysis of Gyrotactic Microorganisms: A Combined Effect of High-Frequency Vertical Vibration and Porous Media Transport in Porous Media SCI
2012 Y.D. Sharma and V. Kumar The effect of high-frequency vertical vibration in a suspension of gyrotactic microorganism Mechanics Research Communications SCI
2012 A Sharma, JN Sharma and YD Sharma Modelling reflection and transmission of acoustic waves at a semiconductor: fluid interface Adv. Acoustics. Vibration Scopus
2013 A.D. Thakur, J. N. Sharma and Y.D. Sharma Disturbance due to point loads in a piezothermoelastic continuum J. Thermal Stresses SCI
2002 R.C. Sharma, Y. D. Sharma, and Rajender Singh Chandel On couple-stress fluid permeated with suspended particles heated from below Archives of Mechanics Scopus
2008 J.N. Sharma, Satish Kumar and Y.D. Sharma Propagation of Rayleigh surface waves in microstretch thermoelastic continua under inviscid fluid loadings J. Thermal Stresses SCI
2008 J.N. Sharma, Y.D. Sharma and P.K. Sharma On the propagation of elasto-thermodiffusive surface waves in heat-conducting materials J. Sound and Vibration SCI
2009 J. N. Sharma, A.D. Thakur and Y. D. Sharma Disturbance due to periodic thermal load in a piezothermoelastic half-space International J. Applied Mechanics Scopus
2011 Y.D. Sharma and Virendra Kumar Overstability analysis of thermo-bioconvection saturating a porous medium in a suspension of gyrotactic microorganisms Transport in Porous Media SCI
2011 J. N. Sharma, H. Singh and Y.D. Sharma Vibration Analysis of a transversely isotropic hollow cylinder by using the matrix Frobenius method J. Thermal Stresses SCI
2011 J. N. Sharma, Anita D. Thakur and Y.D. Sharma Transient waves due to thermal sources in a generalized piezothermoelastic half-space Engineering Scopus
2017 S. Saini and Y. D. Sharma The effect of vertical throughflow in Rivlin-Ericksen Elastico-Viscous nanofluid in a non-Darcy porous medium Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics Scopus/Web of science
2018 S. Saini and Y. D. Sharma A bio-thermal convection in a water-based nanofluid containing gyrotactic microorganisms: effect of vertical throughflow Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics SCI
2018 S. Saini and Y. D. Sharma Numerical study of nanofluid thermo-bioconvection containing gravitactic microorganisms in porous media: effect of vertical throughflow Advanced Powder Technology SCI
2018 S. Saini and Y. D. Sharma Analysis of onset of bio-thermal convection in a fluid containing gravitactic microorganisms by the energy method Chinese Journal of Physics SCI
2018 S. Saini and Y. D. Sharma Thermal convection in a rectangular box saturated by nanofluid with convective boundary condition International Journal of Nanoparticles Scopus
2019 S. Saini and Y. D. Sharma The double-diffusive bioconvection in a suspension of gyrotactic microorganisms saturated by nanofluid Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics SCI
2019 S. Saini and Y. D. Sharma Linear instability of the throughflow in a rectangular box saturated by a nanofluid Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics SCI
2020 A. M. Mishra, S.D. Purohit, K.. M. Owolabi, Y. D. Sharma A nonlinear epidemiological model considering asymptotic and quarantine classes for SARS CoV-2 virus. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 138, 2020. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Elsevier journal SCI
2021 A. K. Kushwaha, Y. D. Sharma, S. Saini Impact of vertical vibration and gyrotactic microorganisms on stability of thermo-bioconvection, Mechanics Research Communications 116 (2021) 103769. Mechanics Research Communication, Elsevier journal SCI
2021 Arpan Garg, Y. D. Sharma, Subit Kumar Jain An AHP- Based Optimal Distribution Model and its Applications in COVID-19 Vaccination International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchi Process WOS
2021 A. K. Kushwaha, Y. D. Sharma, S. Saini An analytic study of development of bioconvection in a suspension of randomly swimming gyrotactic microorganisms and nanoparticles, Int. J. Nanoparticles, Accepted International Journal of Nanoparticles, Inderscience Publishers Scopus
2022 A. K. Kushwaha, Y. D. Sharma Significance of vertical vibration on the stability of thermo-bioconvection in a suspension of oxytactic microorganisms, 133 (2022) 105943 International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier journal SCI
2023 A. K. Kushwaha, Y. D. Sharma† and Shivani Saini Instability analysis of vibrated thermo-convection in Casson nanofluid suspension, Vol. 38, No. 2 (2024) 2350219 Modern Physics Letters B, World Scientific SCI
2022 Mohammad Shad, Y. D. Sharma, and Abhishek Singh A generalized time series model based on Kumaraswamy distribution to predict double-bounded relative humidity data, Vol. 15, Issue 01, May 2022, 123-144 Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, ESE Salento University Publishing Scopus
2022 Mohammad Shad, Y. D. Sharma, Abhishek Singh Forecasting of monthly relative humidity in Delhi, India, using SARIMA and ANN models, (2022) 8:4843–4851 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Springer SCI
2023 Mohammad Shad, Y. D. Sharma, Pankaj Narula Forecasting Southwest Indian Monsoon Rainfall Using the Beta Seasonal Autoregressive Moving Average (bSARMA) Model, 180(1), 2023 Pure Appl. Geophysics, Springer SCI
2024 Mohammad Shad, Y. D. Sharma, Pankaj Narula Wind speed prediction using non-gaussian model based on Kumaraswamy distribution, 2024, VOL. 46, NO. 1, 719–735 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis SCI
2022 Sanjalee, YD Sharma, OP Yadav Stability analysis of double diffusive thermo-bioconvection in aerobic-microorganism-suspended Casson nanofluid The European Physical Journal Plus, Springer Nature SCI
2022 Sanjalee, YD Sharma, OP Yadav Regular and chaotic Rayleigh Bénard convection in hybrid Casson nanoliquid under the effect of non-uniform heat source Chinese Journal of Physics, Elsevier journal SCIE
2023 Sanjalee, YD Sharma, OP Yadav Study of heat transfer in anisotropic porous enclosures saturated with Casson nanofluid,26, 2023 Journal of Porous Media, Begell House SCI
2023 Sanjalee, YD Sharma, OP Yadav The linear and non-linear study of effect of rotation and internal heat source/sink on Bénard convection, 55, 2023 Fluid Dynamics Research, IOP Publishing SCIE
2023 Sanjalee, YD Sharma, OP Yadav Convective instability of blood‐based Au‐Fe3O4 hybrid nanoliquid under the presence of magnetic field with internal heat source: Application to cancer treatment, ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Wiley SCIE
2023 Sanjalee, YD Sharma, OP Yadav Study of thermal convection in chemically reactive carbon nanotube suspension saturated in anisotropic porous enclosure International Journal of Modern Physics B, World Scientific SCIE
2022 Sanjalee, YD Sharma, OP Yadav Entropy Generation in Magnetohydrodynamics Flow of Hybrid Casson Nanofluid in Porous Channel: Lie Group Analysis, 8,2022 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Springer Nature SCIE
2023 Arpan Garg, YD Sharma, Subit K Jain Stability analysis of thermo-bioconvection flow of Jeffrey fluid containing gravitactic microorganism into an anisotropic porous medium, 10, 2023 Forces in Mechanics, Elsevier journal Scopus
2023 Arpan Garg, YD Sharma, Subit K Jain Onset of triply diffusive thermo-bio-convection in the presence of gyrotactic microorganisms and internal heating into an anisotropic porous medium: Oscillatory convection, 84, 2023 Chinese Journal of Physics, Elsevier journal SCIE
2023 Arpan Garg, YD Sharma, Subit K Jain Instability investigation of Thermo-bioconvection of oxytactic microorganism in Jeffrey nanoliquid with effects of internal heat source, 26, 2023 Journal of Porous Media, Begell House SCI
2024 Arpan Garg, YD Sharma, Subit K Jain, S Sainia Impact of an Anisotropic Porous media on Thermo-bio-convection instability in presence of Gyrotactic microorganisms and heating from below (Accepted) Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media, Begell House SCI
2024 Sanjalee, YD Sharma, OP Yadav “Unsteady Double-Diffusive Brinkman-B\'enard Convection in Cylindrical Enclosure Saturated with Hybrid Bi-Viscous Bingham Nanoliquid” doi: European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, Elsevier journal SCI
2024 Arpan Garg, YD Sharma, Subit K Jain and Sanjalee "Numerical study of the influence of magnetic field and throughflow on the onset of thermo-bio-convection in a Forchheimer‑extended Darcy-Brinkman porous nanofluid layer containing gyrotactic microorganisms" Accepted Journal of Porous Media, Begell House SCI
2024 Mohammad Shad, Yogeshver Dutt Sharma, Pankaj Narula Relative humidity prediction across the Indian subcontinent using Kumaraswamy distribution based non-Gaussian model Volume 31, pages 66780–66795, (2024), Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer Nature SCI