Humanities and Social Sciences

The department of Humanities and Social Sciences has an interdisciplinary orientation and expertise in diversified fields of Communication Skills, Engineering Economics, Dynamics of Behavioral Science and Management in order to cater the needs of B.Tech./B.Arc. students of the institute of national importance. The diversity of the curricula offered through the department provides the students with a foundational base of skills that can be used not only in the classroom, but to master challenges in globalized dynamic and competitive markets. This is done through a plethora of channels including lectures, talks, case studies, research projects, group discussion, FGD, workshops, seminars etc. Faculty members possess a blend of academic and professional experience which facilitates disseminating of knowledge to the students through both classroom sessions and independent student activities.

Our Vision

  • “The vision of the department is to prepare ethical leaders, to polish the skill of students and make the best of their potential, so that they are not only committed to their business, but make their contribution in the nation building through flexible, value based education driven by high impact factor research”.

Our Mission

  • To create quality Human Capital for the industries, who can lead ethically and contribute for sustainable development of the society.
  • To achieve excellence in management education, research and training through innovation and strong conviction
  • To develop inquisitive and cognitive mindset of students to have better outlook towards both professional and personal life.


We strive to achieve our vision and mission by adhering the following core values:

Integrity and ValuesAcademic freedom and excellence
Integrity and professionalismEndeavor to excel in management, cognitive/applied science and research with independent and innovative thoughts
Creativity and innovationPromotion of innovative ideas and creative thinking
Social ResponsibilityCommitment to provide the manpower for the betterment of the society and commitment towards society
Transparency and good governanceTransparency on all decision making process and use of best practices in administration
Diversity and inclusivenessInvolvement of all and diversity of ideas to achieve excellence in the diversified field
Associate Professor
Sl.NoNameArea(s) of InterestsEmailProfile
1Dr. Yogesh
2Dr. Manoj SharmaEnvironmental Economics, Neuroeconomics, International Business, Transport Management, Rural Development, Entrepreneurship
Assistant Professor Grade-I
Sl.NoNameArea(s) of InterestsEmailProfile
1Dr. Manoj Kumar YadavEnglish (Translation Studies)
2Dr. Sunder Kala NegiApplied
3Dr. Preeti Puri English: Literary Theory and Criticism, Deleuze and Guattarian Studies, Psychoanalysis and Popular Culture, American Literature, Comic Studies, Health Humanities
Assistant Professor Grade-II
Sl.NoNameArea(s) of InterestsEmailProfile
1Dr. Zareena J.MArtificial Intelligence in Language Learning, Gamification of Language learning, Consciousness-raising Tasks, Task-based Language Learning, Communicative Approach, Syllabus Design, Material Development, E-content Development, Teacher Training Programs, Testing and
2Dr. Rinshu DwivediEconomics
Technical Staff
Sl. No.NameDesignationPhone No.Email
1Sh. Roop
2Mr. AshokSr.



Dr. Manoj Sharma

Head of Department
Humanities and Social Sciences
National Institute of Technology Hamirpur
Himachal Pradesh, Pin No. 177005, India.
Phone No. : 01972- 254141
HoD Email :
Office Email :