Electronics & Communication Engineering

Established in the year 1988, the Electronics & Communication Engineering (E&CE) Department NIT Hamirpur HP, has built an international reputation for excellence in teaching, research and service. Electronics engineers are changing the world to a comfortable global home. The information and technology revolution has been built on the advances of Electronics. The E&CE Department takes pride in its high national rankings and the international recognition its faculty has received from their peers.

E&CED is making exhilarating progress in areas ranging from microelectronics, mobile communications to VLSI Design Automation. In labs and classrooms, students draw on the expertise and knowledge of our able faculty, integrating practical, hands-on research experience with challenging and interesting course-work.

The team approach is very warm in the Department of E&CE. A palpable excitement surrounds the Department of E&CE, an enthusiasm pervades every classroom and lab, invigorating our students and spurring on our faculty to fresh innovations. In an age when electronics play a major role in daily life and the promise of nanotechnology is coming to fruition, it truly is a great time to be a part of E&C engineering.

The pollution free aura of the state surrounded by snow-clad Dauladhar ranges, technological strength and increasing national prominence has presented us with unmatched opportunities for research, education, and service to society. We have grown into a most sought after departments in NIT Hamirpur, adding more faculty and branching into new projects and research areas. Our department maintains close affiliations and has a joint project with CSED. At B.Tech Level, 15th batch of E&CE passed out in 2006. M.Tech. in VLSI Design Automation & Techniques has started from 2006.


  • The vision of the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering is to deliver quality technical education based on societal benefits & requirements and industry standards for promoting research and innovation in latest emerging areas of Electronics & Communication Engineering.


The mission of the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering is envisaged in the following statements:
  • To impart state-of-the-art teaching and learning in Electronics and Communication Engineering based on professional ethics and societal needs for nation building.

  • To achieve excellence in Electronics and Communication Engineering by engaging in cutting-edge research and development.

  • To produce globally competent engineers and professionals with an aptitude for continued learning.

  • To collaborate with academia, industry and R&D organizations for nurturing technical innovations.

  • To promote outreach activities of faculty and students for enhancing visibility and resource generation, thereby achieving self-sustenance.
Sl.NoNameArea(s) of InterestsEmailProfile
1Prof. (Mrs.) Rajeevan ChandelLow Power VLSI Design, Modeling & Simulationrchandel@nith.ac.inView
Associate Professor
Sl.NoNameArea(s) of InterestsEmailProfile
1Kumar S PandeyEmbedded Systemskumar@nith.ac.inView
2Dr. Surender SoniCommunication, Wireless Sensor Networkssoni@nith.ac.inView
3Dr. Ashok kumarWireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Communication and Communication Networksashok@nith.ac.inView
4Dr.(Mrs.) Gargi KhannaLow Power VLSI Design, MEMS Designgargi@nith.ac.inView
5Dr. Ashwani Kumar RanaLow Power VLSI, Device Modelingashwani@nith.ac.inView
6Dr. Krishan KumarWireless Communication and Networking [Keywords: Spectrum Sensing, Spectrum Allocation, Spectrum Sharing and Spectrum Handoff in Cognitive Radio Networks, Vehicular Networks, 5G and 6G Wireless Networks, Small Cells Networks, NOMA, IoT, Machine Learning: Deep and Reinforcement etc., Cross Layer Issue and LTE WiFi Coexistence]krishan_rathod@nith.ac.inView
7Dr. Manoranjan Rai BhartiCommunication systems, Signal processing for communications, Wireless communicationsmanoranjan@nith.ac.inView
8Dr. Philemon DanielDeep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Embedded Systems, VLSI Front End Design and Testphildani7@nith.ac.inView
9Dr. Rohit DhimanElectronics and Communicationrohitdhiman@nith.ac.inView
10Dr. Mahesh AngiraMEMS, RF-MEMS, RF-Microelectronics, IC technologiesmahesh_angira@nith.ac.inView
Assistant Professor Grade-I
Sl.NoNameArea(s) of InterestsEmailProfile
1Dr. Pushpendra Singh (on lien)Data/Signal Modeling, Simulation & Analysis; Machine learning, deep learning and AI; Image processing; Time-frequency analysis; Signal processing; Communication; Signal Processing Applications; Biomedical Signal Processing; Nonlinear and non-stationary data analysis; Numerical methodsspushp@nith.ac.inView
2Dr. Saurabh KumarAntenna Design and Analysis (Planar and Nonplanar Antennas, Microstrip antennas), RF and Microwave Components and Device Design and Analysis, Artificial Materials like Meta-materials, Microwave and THz sensors, Electromagnetic Theory, Nano-photonics and Plasmonics based component design and Analysis, Microwave and THz communication, Optical Communication, etc.saurabh@nith.ac.inView
3Dr. Chandra Shekhar PrasadAreas of interest include Leaky Wave antenna, Travelling wave antenna, Dielectric waveguide based antenna, THz antenna design using graphene, Reconfigurable Metamaterial/Metasurface for Compact Antenna design, MIMO and Cognitive Radio Antenna and multifunctional Filter, Frequency Reconfigurable Active Array Antenna with Beam Steering, Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antenna, Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS), EBG and AMC structurescsprasad@nith.ac.inView
4Dr. Abhijit BhattacharyyaDigital Signal Processing, Image Processing, Deep Learning and AI for Signal and Image Classification, Biomedical Signal Processing, Electroencephalogram (EEG) Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Multivariate Signal Processing, Time-Frequency Representations, Multivariate Signal Decomposition, Nonstationary Signal Analysis, Pattern Recognition.abhijit@nith.ac.inView
5Dr. Rakesh SharmaSignal Processing, Polarimetric SAR data processing, AI/Neural networks for PolSAR/SAR/Hyper-spectral satellite data processing, Biomedical Image processing.rakesh.sharma@nith.ac.inView
6Dr. Aman KumarDesign of FIR/IIR Filters and Cosine Modulated Filter banks, Processing of Digital Signal/Image, Biomedical Signal Analysis, Heart disease classification, ML/DNN algorithms for biomedical signal/image analysisakumar@nith.ac.inView
7Dr. Amit BageRF and Microwave (Microstrip Filter, Waveguide Filter, Microstrip Antenna, Reconfigurable Microwave Devices, Metamaterial Sensor, Reconfigurable Waveguide Filter, SIW Filter, MIMO Antenna, Wearable Antenna)abage@nith.ac.inView
8Dr. Sandeep Kumar SinghInternet of Things, Advanced Communication System, Machine Learning, Cyber-Physical Securitysksingh@nith.ac.inView
Assistant Professor Grade-II
Sl.NoNameArea(s) of InterestsEmailProfile
1Gagnesh KumarNano and Microelectronic Devices, Analog VLSI, Microprocessors etc.gagnesh@nith.ac.inView
2Er. Vinod KumarSemiconductor Device Modeling, VLSI Designvinodsharma@nith.ac.inView
3Dr. Sankalita BiswasWireless Sensor Network, PHY, MAC and Cross layer energy modellingsankalita@nith.ac.inView
4Dr. Poonam--View
Office Staff
Sl. No.NameDesignationPhone No.Email
1Sh. Abhishek ChauhanSr. Assistant254601office.ece@nith.ac.in
2Sh. Om PrakashOffice Attendant SG-II254601-
Technical Staff
1Sh. Ashok KumarTechnical Assistant254605-
2Sh. Shiv DyalSr. Technician254606-
3Sh. Suresh KumarSr. Technician254609-
4Mr. Sanju KumarTechnician--
5Mr. Amit KumarTechnician--

Dr. Ashwani Kumar

Head of Department
Electronics & Communication Engineering
National Institute of Technology Hamirpur
Himachal Pradesh, Pin No. 177005, India.
Phone No. : 01972 -254600
HoD Email : head.ece@nith.ac.in
Office Email : office.ece@nith.ac.in