As per the schedule ‘C’ of NIT statutes the duties and responsibilities of the Dean (Academic) is to advice the Director in:
- Admission and enrollment of students.
- Finalisation of academic calender, time-tables, registration
of students for course work and examinations, class arrangements and all other
requirements for proper conduct of class work.
- Conduct of class tests and co-coordinating the finalization
of session’s evaluations and for ensuring the timely declaration of results.
- Supervision of the maintenance of up-to-date academic records
of all categories of students.
- Publication and distribution of the syllabi.
- Organizing meeting of all the Institute level academic
- Arranging the issue of all academic certificates, medals and
prizes to the students.
- To arrange or conduct of those examinations which are to be
conducted by the Institute as stipulted in the Institute regulations.
- To formulate policies for the conduct of research and steps
to maintain suitable standard by implementing the Board of Governors/Senate
- To execute the policy of the Senate in the conduct of P.G.,
Ph.D. and other research programmes including the examination of the thesis.
- To co-ordinates for the conduct of Convocation.
- All proposals to modify the teaching programmes will be
considered by BOAC, for which Dean (Academic) i.e. the Chairman and if approved
will be sent to the Senate for formal approval.
- To admit sponsored Early Faculty Induction Programme and Quality Improvement Programme candidates.
- To suggest the Director to take suitable steps from time to
time to strive for the high academic standards.