Programme Name Scholar Name Research Topic Status Year Co-Suprivisor(s)
Ph.D Dr Vivek Prakash Pankaj Isolation and Identification of Indigenous Microalgae for Biofuel production in Hamirpur (H.P) completed 2016 -
Ph.D Dr Amit Yadav Solar radiation prediction using artificial neural network completed 2015 Prof SS Chandel
Ph.D Dr Sunanda Ganguli Study of photovoltaic wind based hybrid power generation systems in western himalayan terrain completed 2016 Prof SS chandel
Ph.D Prashant Malik Techno-economic analysis of solar-biomass hybrid system Ongoing 2018 -
Ph.D Amit E-waste management Ongoing 2023 -
M.Tech Kavinder Patial Constructional and Operational Study of Biogas Plant in Hamirpur District. completed 2012 -
M.Tech Vineeta Bharti Pine needle briquetting in Hamirpur completed 2012 -
M.Tech Shiwali Rana Pretreatment for Ethanol production through banana peel completed 2013 -
M.Tech Jot sindhu Ethanol production through water hyacinth completed 2013 -
M.Tech Karishma Rani Biogasification of rice husk completed 2013 -
M.Tech Ankush Gaur Green IT Policy completed 2015 Dr Rajiv, CSE
M.Tech Gopesh Tiwari Power production through biogas: A case study completed 2015 -
M.Tech Manish Economical Algal bioreactor fabrication in laboratory completed 2016 -
M.Tech Satyaprakash Design of algal photobioreactor for inoculum development completed 2016 -
M.Tech Esther Decentrallized Composting for hamirpur completed 2016 -
M.Tech Harshit Tyagi Life cycle assessment of water treatment plant completed 2017 -
M.Tech Amit Electrochemical Treatment of Wastewater from in and around Hospital Area completed 2017 -
M.Tech Sarabjeet chawla Effect on groundwater by landfill in ludhiana completed 2017 -
M.Tech Manu Sharma A study on preparation and dissemination of compost through urban solid waste completed 2017 -
M.Tech Monika Dubey Photo Fenton process for treatment of landfill leachate completed 2017 -
M.Tech G Yagneshwar Rao Microbial Fuel cell for wastewater treatment and power generation completed 2017 -
M.Tech Arunjyoti Performance analysis of Solar power plant completed 2017 -
M.Tech Gaurav Joshi Performance Analysis Of Evacuated Solar Water Heater completed 2017 -
M.Tech Hans Biodiesel production and engine efficiency completed 2017 -
M.Tech Deepak Arya Decolorization of Synthetic Dyes using mono and mixed culture technique completed 2018 -
M.Tech Vivek Agrawal Potential of Cordia obliqua and Tradescantia pallida in Turbidity removal of Surface Water completed 2018 -
M.Tech Sachin Kumar Singh Analysis of Food Waste Utilization in NIT Hamirpur completed 2018 -
M.Tech Sandeep Kumar Analysis of Phosphate removal using Ca(OH)2 Modified Zeolite based Adsorbents completed 2018 -
M.Tech Neha Mishra Performance of Algal Assisted Microbial Fuel Cell Generating Electricity from Wastewater completed 2018 -
M.Tech Pradeep Kumar Developing a Low Cost water Purifier for Non-Industrial region and Industrial region, India completed 2018 -
M.Tech CH Vikram Power Quality Improvement for Single-Phase Grid Connected Small-Scale WECS completed 2018 -
M.Tech Aditya Ushara Energy and Cost Analysis for Efficient Mushroom Cultivation: A Case Study completed 2018 -
M.Tech Jitendra Yadav Economically Feasible Processing of Algae for Biofuel Production completed 2018 -
M.Tech Faisal Ali Evaluation of Aloe vera gel as flocculant for harvesting microalgae Chlorella vulgaris completed 2018 -
M.Tech Anoop Panwar Phosphorus recovery in the form of struvite from urine completed 2019 -
M.Tech Kumar Vaibhav Vermicompost as a Waste Management Technique for Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste completed 2019 -
M.Tech Aftab Hussain Plastic Waste Generation, Composition And Potential For Recycling In South Dehli, India completed 2019 -
M.Tech Prakhar Prakash Cost Effective Ettringite Precipitation & Removal Efficiency of Sulphate from Municipal Wastewater completed 2019 -
M.Tech Bindu Efficiency of Waste Tea Leaves and Grounded Pine Cone as Bio-adsorbent for Iron Removal completed 2019 -
M.Tech Vishakha Photocatalytic Degradation of Congo Red Dye by Iron Doped Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles completed 2019 -
M.Tech Deepa Analysis of ammonia removal using Zeolite as Adsorbent completed 2019 -
M.Tech Rahul Impact of Fins on Solar Distillation completed 2019 -
M.Tech Ashwini Analysis of Indirect Solar Dryer with Phase Change Material completed 2019 -
M.Tech Priyashree Performance Evaluation of Electrocoagulation Treatment for Dairy Wastewater completed 2019 -
M.Tech Shashank Shrinit Recovery of phosphorus through vivianite crystallization formation from wastewater treatment processes. completed 2020 -
M.Tech Ankita Soni Fluoride removal using Pine cone biochar and Banana Peel Dust completed 2020 -
M.Tech Rahul Singh CHARACTERIZATION OF PINE BIOCHAR completed 2020 -
M.Tech Ashok Kumar Potential of Natural Coagulants used for Turbidity completed 2020 -
M.Tech Aditya Harsh Removal of Colour from Water using Natural Coagulants completed 2020 -
M.Tech Tushar Moten Comparative analysis between Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor and Activated Sludge system for the treatment of Pulp and Paper mill effluent completed 2021
M.Tech Shubham ketan sharma Hydrometallurgical Leaching of Copper from Waste Printed Circuit Boards completed 2021
M.Tech Musavir rafiq Estimation of waste mobile phones and personal computers: A case study of NIT Hamirpur completed 2021
M.Tech Zahid Ibrahim baige Analysis of e-waste generation and flow pattern study in Kashmir completed 2021
Ph.D Vijay Mitta Modelling and Simulation of Solar Absorption Air Conditioning System Awarded 2007 Dr.K.S.Kasana, Professor, MED, NIT, Kurukshetra
Ph.D Thakur Sanjay Kumar Modelling and Simulation of Solar Air Heater using Artificial Roughness Awarded 2010 Dr. Anoop Kumar, Professor, MED, NIT, Hamirpur (HP
Ph.D Prashant Kumar Techno-Economic Evaluation Study of Renewable Energy-based Air Heating System for Drying Applications Awarded 2011 Dr. Anoop Kumar, Professor, MED, NIT, Hamirpur (HP
Ph.D Munish Sethi Thermal performance of solar air heater Awarded 2012 Dr. Varun Asstt. Professor, MED, NIT, Hamirpur (HP)
Ph.D Ranchan Chauhan Performance of solar air heater with jet impingement technique Awarded 2013
Ph.D Sunil Chamoli Thermohydraulic performance of double pass solar air heater using artificial roughness Awarded 2013
Ph.D Ameesh Kumar Sharma Identification and Analyzing the Factors Related to Sustainable Development of Hydropower Projects in Jammu & Kashmir: India Awarded 2017
Ph.D Arvind Singh Bisht Identification and Analysis of factors related to Pine Needle Biomass Gasification based electricity Generation in Western Himalayan Region Awarded 2019
Ph.D Sushant Thakur Solar Air Heater Awarded 2021
M.Tech Rahul Sharma Multi-Dimensional Relaxation Scheme For Hyperbolic Conservation Laws Awarded 2007
M.Tech Amitesh Sharma Study And Analysis of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop During Cryogen Flow in Horizontal Tube Awarded 2007
M.Tech Abhishek Agnihotri Modeling and Optimizing The Performance of an Open Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant Awarded 2008
M.Tech S. Vaibhav Mathematical Modelling of Solid Adsorption Solar Refrigeration Using Activated Carbon/ Methanol Pair Awarded 2009
M.Tech Shidharth Design Plot For Padded Bed Solar Air Heater Awarded 2009
M.Tech Ranchan Chauhan Optimum Title Angel and Orientation For Solar Photovoltaic Array Awarded 2010
M.Tech Digvijay Rana Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Analysis of A Down Draft Gasifier Awarded 2011
M.Tech Ashok Kumar Optimization of Tilt Angle For Solar Collector To Receive Maximum Solar Radiation Awarded 2011
M.Tech Sachin Tejyan Solar Assisted Vapour Absorption cooling System Using Lithium Bromide-Water and Flat Plate Collector Awarded 2009
M.Tech Neeraj Mehla Performance Evaluation of Solar Updraft Tower Awarded 2011
M.Tech Neeraj Samyal Design and Analysis of Solar Vapour Absorption Cooling System Using Lithium Bromide And Water Awarded 2011
M.Tech Vikas Sharma Modelling and Design of Solar Assisted Vapour Absorption Air Conditioning System Awarded 2011
M.Tech Ashish Kumar Sharma CFD Based Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Analysis of Solar Air Heater Awarded 2012
M.Tech Sushant Thakur Design and Exergy Analysis of Solar Assisted Vapour Absorption System Awarded 2012
M.Tech Shailendra Singh Energy Audit of Architecture Building in NIT Hamirpur Awarded 2013
M.Tech Arun Kumar Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation Awarded 2013
M.Tech Arvind Sharma Performance Analysis if Natural Convection Mixed Mode Solar Drier Awarded 2015
M.Tech Sohanpal Bansal Design, Fabrication and Performance Analysis of Closed Type Parabolic Tough Collector Awarded 2016
M.Tech Jayati Singh CFD Analysis of Solar Air Heater Using Artificial Roughness Awarded 2016
M.Tech Havik Kumar Thermal Performance of Box Type Solar Cooker Using TES Material Awarded 2017
M.Tech Sachin Kumar Dhiman CFD Analysis of Solar Air Heater Having Artificial Roughness on The Absorber Plate Awarded 2017
M.Tech Lenka Shymala Rao Sizing and Techno Economic Analysis of Standalone PV-Wind Renewable Energy System Awarded 2018
M.Tech Gaurav Singh Rana Performance Evaluation of solar photovoltaic system using vertical single axis solar tracker Awarded 2019
M.Tech Deepak Kumar Singh Design review of ducted wind turbine Awarded 2020
M.Tech Rishab Anand Design simulation and performance evaluation of a PV-wind hybrid system Awarded 2020
M.Tech Gajendera Singh Negi Dynamic simulation and performance of solar heating and cooling system for an office Awarded 2020
M.Tech Deepak Kumar CFD analysis of charging of Erythritol in double Helical coil shell and tube heat exchanger Awarded 2020
M.Tech Kuppile Venkata Sai Solar energy integration with a new boost converter for electric vehicle application Awarded 2021
M.Tech Sidhart Gupta Performance analysis of passive solar Desalination still using PCM Awarded 2021
M.Tech Rajat Kumar Energy and Exergy analysis of solar air dryer using phase change material Awarded 2022
M.Tech Praveen Kumar Gautam Simulation of Parabolic trough collector using nano fluids Awarded 2022
M.Tech Aditya Gaur Design and performance evaluation of indirect type of solar dryer Awarded 2022
M.Tech Arpit Sharma Aerodynamic Optimization of Small Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Awarded 2017
M.Tech Ritika Chaudhary Descant Assisted DOAS Integrated in Radiant Cooling System With Solar Regeneration Awarded 2017
M.Tech Matrika Ghimiray Net Metering Policy For Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation in India Awarded 2017
M.Tech Vikrant Experimental Investigation of Solar Still With Heat Storage Materials Awarded 2017