Role Project Type Title Funding Agency From To Amount Status Co-Investigator Sanction Order
Investigator Post-doctoral research project Feeding behavior of common carp (Cyprinus Carpio.L) and algal feed availability in high altitude Rice-fish culture system CSIR 01/02/2002 30/07/2006 7 lakh completed Prof DN Das 14/01/2002
PI Collaborative Research Project Advanced microalagl biorefinery approach for the reccyling of domestic sewage wastewaterfor a cleaner and greener Indain Himalayan region (with NIBE,Kapurthala 2023) National Mission on himalayan studies ministry of Enviroment Forest & Climate Change (MOEF & CC) Govt. of India 12/12/2022 12/12/2025 97 Lakhs approx Running 03 14/12/2022
PI Collaborative Research Project Scalable small scale business model for E-Waste magagement through 3Rs.deep learning collection system & market chain in NIT Hamirpur (HP) 2022 Ministry of Education ,Govt of India 07/11/2022 11/11/2025 41.04 Lakh Running 20/07/2022
PI MHRD To Investigate the Technical Feasibility of Using Air Cooled solar assisted vapour absorption system MHRD New Delhi 01/01/2003 01/01/2005 700000 Completed NA 01/11/2002