Year Author(s) Title & Vol. No. Journal Name Indexing (SCI) Web of Science/Scopus
1998 Rai, S., Singh, U.P., Awasthi, M. and Pandey, S. (1998) Physiological responses of the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans to a magnetic field.17,145-160 (1998) Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine (earlier Electro- and Magnetobiology), USA SCI
2004 Awasthi, M. and Das D.N Heavy metal toxicity on nitrate reductase activity of free and immobilized algal cells.6 (2) (2004) International Journal of Algae(Scopus) Scopus
2004 Awasthi, M. and Rai, L.C. Effect of nickel and cadmium on ammonium uptake kinetics of free and immobilized cells of Anacystis nidulans. 32(2) (2004) Clean- Soil, Air and Water (Earlier Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol.,Germany SCI
2005 Awasthi, M. and Das, D.N. Impact of Ni, Zn and Cd on growth rate, photosynthetic activity, nitrate reductase and alkaline phosphatase activity of free and immobilized Scenedesmus quadricauda. Awasthi, M. and Das, D.N. Algological Studies(Archive fur hydrobiologia) (Scopus) 115 (2005) 53-64 115 (2005) Algological Studies(Archive fur hydrobiologia) Scopus
2006 Awasthi, M., Das, D.N. and Singh R.K. Seasonal Algal Analysis from the Fish-gut Tested in the Rice-fish Cropping System 10 (2006) Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment Scopus
2006 Awasthi, M. and Rai, L.C. Interactions between Zinc and Cadmium Uptake by Free and Immobilized Cells of Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Breb. 34 (2006) Clean -Soil ,Air and Water (Earlier Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol.) SCI
2004 Awasthi, M. and Rai, L.C. Adsorption of nickel, zinc and cadmium by immobilized green algae and cyanobacteria: a comparative study.54(3) (2004) Annals of microbiology, Italy SCI
2005 Awasthi, M. and Das, D.N. Heavy metal stress on growth, photosynthesis and enzymatic activities of free and immobilized Chlorella vulgaris. Annals of microbiology (SCI) SCI
2005 Awasthi, M. and Rai, L.C. Toxicity of Nickel, Zinc and Cadmium to nitrate uptake in free and immobilized cells of Scenedesmus quadricauda.62(2) (2005) Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety SCI
2005 Awasthi, M. Nitrate reductase activity: a solution to nitrate problems tested in free and immobilized algal cells in presence of heavy metals.,2 (2005) International J of environmental Science and Technology SCI
2006 Awasthi, Mamta. Das, D.N. and Singh R.K. Qualitative algal analysis from the fish-gut: tested in the rice-fish cropping system Supplement 3 (1) (2006) International J of environmental Science and Technology SCI
2012 Awasthi, M. Relevance of Alkaline Phosphatase activity of immobilized green and cyanobacteria for heavy metal toxicity monitoring Awasthi, M. J. Mater. Environ. Sci. (Scopus) 3 (3) (2012) J. Mater. Environ. Sci. Scopus
2013 Mamta Awasthi and Shiwali Rana Saccharification of Banana Peels for Ethanol Production,8 (12) (2013) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Scopus
2015 Vivek Prakash Pankaj and Mamta Awasthi Optimization and validation of microalgal growth condition by response surface methodology (RSM)Vol.7,No.1, 2015 International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology Scopus
2019 Vivek Agarwal and Mamta Awasthi Potential of Cordia Obliqua for turbidity removal in potable water, Vol 23(8) Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment Scopus
2020 Mamta Awasthi Effect of heavy metals interaction with ammonium on growth behavior of C.vulgaris, 24(3) Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment Scopus
2020 Malik, P., Awasthi, M., & Sinha, S. Study on an Existing PV/Wind Hybrid System Using Biomass Gasifier for Energy Generation, 6(2) Pollution Scopus
2020 Malik, P., Awasthi, M., & Sinha, S. Study of grid integrated biomass-based hybrid renewable energy systems for Himalayan terrain. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Scopus
2021 Malik, P., Awasthi, M., & Sinha, S. Biomass-based gaseous fuel for hybrid renewable energy systems: an overview and future research opportunities. Int J Energy Res. 2020;1–31. (SCI Indexed), Impact factor:3.741 International Journal of Energy Research, Wiley SCI
2021 Malik, P., Awasthi, M., & Sinha, S. Techno-economic analysis of decentralized biomass energy system and CO2 reduction in the Himalayan region, IF:1.87 International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Springer SCI
2021 Malik, P., Awasthi, M., & Sinha, S. (2021). Techno-economic and Environmental analysis of biomass-based hybrid energy systems: A Case study of a Western Himalayan State in India ,Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Elsevier, SCI indexed, Impact Factor: 3.427 (Accepted) Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Elsevier SCI
2021 Awasthi, M. Distribution of phytoplankton and periphyton in the shallow Rice-fish fields of Arunachal Pradesh, India International Journal of Algae Scopus
2019 Malik, P., Awasthi, M., & Sinha, S. Analysis of sensitive parameters influencing a SPV/WT/Biomass/Battery based hybrid system. In 2019 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) scopus
2013 Awasthi, M. Jot jeewan K, Rana S. Bioethanol production through water hyacinth, eichhornia crassipes via optimization of the pretreatment conditions. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Scopus
2013 Awasthi, M. Karishma DR Energy through Agricultural Residues in Rural India: Potential, Status and Problems. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Scopus
2022 Malik, P., Awasthi, M., & Sinha, S. A techno-economic investigation of grid integrated hybrid renewable energy systems Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Elsevier SCI
2022 M Awasthi, S S Chawla Groundwater Contamination by Leachate Near Landfill Site At Ludhiana, Punjab, India: A Case Study (Accepted) International Journal of Environmental Studies Scopus
2023 Prashant Malik, Mamta Awasthi, Subho Upadhyay, Prachi Agrawal, Gautam Raina, Shubham Sharma, Manish Kumar, Sunanda Sinha Planning and optimization of sustainable grid integrated hybrid energy system in India Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments SCI
2023 Deepalika Mehra, Vijay Kumar, Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary, Mamta Awasthi Performance and emission characteristics of CI engine using hydrogen enrichment in biodiesel blend with additives—A review Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy SCI
2023 Vaibhav K and Awasthi, M E-waste: A Review NanoWorld Journal Scopus
2003 Thakur N.S., Saini J.S. and Solanki S.C. Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Correlation for Packed Bed Solar Air Heater for Low Porosity System Vol. 74 pp.319-329 International Journal of Solar Energy SCOPUS/
2005 Mittal V., Kasana K.S. and Thakur N.S. The Study of Solar Absorption Air Conditioning SystemsVol. 16(4) pp 207-214 Journal of Energy in South Africa SCOPUS
2005 Mittal V., Kasana K.S and Thakur N.S. Performance Evaluation of Solar Absorption Cooling System for Bahal (Haryana)Vol. 85 (5), pp.295-305 Journal of IISc Bangalore SCOPUS
2006 Mittal V., Kasana K.S and Thakur N.S. A Simulation Study for the Optimization of Solar Absorption Cooling System Vol. 28, pp.175-191 Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer SCI
2006 Mittal V., Kasana K.S and Thakur N.S., Modeling and Simulation of a solar Absorption Cooling System for India Vol. 17 (3), pp.65-70. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa SCOPUS
2007 Mittal V., Kasana K.S.And Thakur N.S Modelling and Simulation of a Solar Absorption Cooling System Vol. 18 (6), pp761-782 Journal of Energy and Environment England SCOPUS
2010 Thakur Sanjay Kumar, N.S. Thakur and Anoop Kumar Second law analysis of a solar air heater having 60º inclined discrete rib roughness on absorber plate Vol. 4 (13), pp. 913-929 African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology SCOPUS
2010 Thakur Sanjay Kumar, N.S. Thakur and Anoop Kumar Heat transfer and friction factor correlations for rectangular solar air heater duct having 60º inclined continuous discrete rib arrangement Vol. 1 (3), pp.67-93 + British Journal of Applied Science and Technology SCOPUS
2011 Prashant Dhiman, N.S. Thakur, Anoop Kumar and Satyendra Singh An analytical model to predict the thermal performance of a novel parallel flow packed bed solar air heater Vol. 88, pp.2157–216 Applied Energy SCOPUS
2011 Neeral Mehla, Rahul Makde, N.S. Thakur Experimental analysis of a velocity field using variable chimney diameter for solar updraft tower Vol. 3 (4) pp 3165-3171 Int. J. of Engineering Science and Technology SCOPUS
2011 Ashok Kumar, N.S. Thakur, Rahul Makade, Manish Kumar Shivhare Optimization of tilt angle for photovoltaic array Vol. 3 (4) pp.3153-3161 Int. J. of Engineering Science and Technology SCOPUS
2011 Sunil Chamoli,Ranchan Chauhan and N.S. Thakur Optimization of solar assisted biogas plant Vol. 1 pp. 15-26 Int. Review of Applied Engineering Research SCOPUS
2011 Sunil Chamoli,Ranchan Chauhan and N.S. Thakur Numerical analysis of heat transfer and thermal performance analysis of surface with circular profile fins Vol. 1 (1) pp.11-18 Int. J. of Energy Science SCOPUS
2013 Sunil Chamoli and N.S. Thakur Heat transfer enhancement in solar air heater with V-shaped perforated baffles Vol.5, pp.23122 Journal of renewable and sustainable energy (American institute of Physics) SCI
2013 Ranchan Chauhan and N. S. Thakur Heat transfer and friction factor correlation for impinging jet solar air heater Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (Elesvier) SCI
2013 Sunil Chamoli and N.S. Thakur and J.S. Saini A Review of Turbulence Promoters used in Solar Thermal System Vol.16 pp. 3154-3175 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier SCI
2013 Sunil Chamoli and Narender Singh Thakur Numerical Based Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Correlations of Rectangular Ducts Roughened With Transverse Perforated Baffles Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (WJST) SCI
2014 S Chamoli, N Thakur, Songklanakarian J. Performance study of solar air heater duct having absorber plate with V down perforated baffles Vol.36 (2), pp.201-208 Sci. Technol SCOPUS
2014 R Chauhan, NS Thakur Vol.68, pp.255-261 International SCOPUS
2014 S Bhardwaj, J Paul, KK Raina, NS Thakur, R Kumar Ceramic-polymer nanocomposites with increased dielectric permittivity and low dielectric loss Vol.1591 (1), pp.333-335 AIP Conference Proceedings SCOPUS
2014 S Chamoli, NS Thakur Exergetic performance evaluation of solar air heater having V-down perforated baffles on the absorber plate Vol.117 (2), pp.909-923 Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry SCI
2015 AK Sharma, NS Thakur Resource potential and development of small hydro power projects in Jammu and Kashmir in the western Himalayan region: India Vol.52, pp.1354-1368 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCI
2015 S Chamoli, NS Thakur Effect of roughness height ratio in V down perforated baffle roughness on thermohydraulic performance of solar air heater: an experimental study Vol.36 (5), pp.242-247 International Journal of Ambient Energy SCI
2015 S Chamoli, NS Thakur Thermal behavior in rectangular channel duct fitted with v-shaped perforated baffles Vol.36 (5), pp.471-479 Heat Transfer Engineering SCI
2016 S Chamoli, NS Thakur Correlations for solar air heater duct with V-shaped perforated baffles as roughness elements on absorber plate Vol.35 (1), pp.1-20 International Journal of Sustainable Energy SCI
2016 S Chamoli, NS Thakur Correlations for solar air heater duct with V-shaped perforated baffles as roughness elements on absorber plate Vol.35 (1), pp. 1-20 International Journal of Sustainable Energy SCI
2016 R Chauhan, NS Thakur, T Singh, M Sethi Exergy based modeling and optimization of solar thermal collector provided with impinging air jets Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences SCI
2016 AK Sharma, NS Thakur Analyze the factors effecting the development of hydro power projects in hydro rich regions of India Vol.8, pp.406-408 Perspectives in Science SCOPUS
2016 R Chauhan, T Singh, NS Thakur Investigation of the Thermal Performance of Solar Thermal Collector Provided with Impinging Air Jets Vol.22 (11), pp.3928-3932 Advanced Science Letters SCOPUS
2016 R Chauhan, T Singh, NS Thakur, A Patnaik Optimization of parameters in solar thermal collector provided with impinging air jets based upon preference selection index method Vol.99, pp. 118-126 Renewable Energy SCOPUS
2016 AK Sharma, NS Thakur Assessing the impact of small hydropower projects in Jammu and Kashmir: A study from north-western Himalayan region of India Vol.80, pp.679-693 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCI
2017 R Chauhan, T Singh, NS Thakur, N Kumar, R Kumar, A Kumar Heat transfer augmentation in solar thermal collectors using impinging air jets: A comprehensive review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCIU
2017 AK Sharma, NS Thakur Energy situation, current status and resource potential of run of the river (RoR) large hydro power projects in Jammu and Kashmir: India Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCI
2017 R Chauhan, T Singh, A Tiwari, A Patnaik, NS Thakur Hybrid entropy–TOPSIS approach for energy performance prioritization in a rectangular channel employing impinging air jets Vol.134, pp.360-368 Energy SCI
2017 R Chauhan, T Singh, N Kumar, A Patnaik, NS Thakur Experimental investigation and optimization of impinging jet solar thermal collector by Taguchi method Vol.116, pp.100-109 Applied Thermal Engineering SCI
2017 AS Bisht, NS Thakur Pine needle biomass gasification based electricity and cold storage systems for rural Himalayan region: optimal size and site Vol.8 (3-4), pp.211-221 Int J Renewable Energy Technology SCOPUS
2017 R Chauhan, T Singh, NS Thakur, A Patnaik Optimization of parameters in solar thermal collector provided with impinging air jets based upon preference selection index method Vol.99, pp.118-126 Renewable Energy SCI
2019 Arvind Kumar Bisht, N. S Thakur Small Scale Biomass Gasification Plants for Electricity Generation in India: Resources, Installation, Technical Aspects, Sustainability Criteria & Policy vol. 28, PP112-126 Renewable Energy Focus SCI
2020 Arvind Kumar Bisht, N. S Thakur Pine Needles Biomass Gasification Based Electricity Generation for indian himalayan Region: Drivers and Barriers feb. 2020, pp 47-59 Green Building and sustainable engineering, Springer nature SCI
2016 Arvind Kumar Bisht, N. S Thakur Pine Needle Biomass a Potential Energy Source for Himalayan Region IICPE Nov 2016, ppl-4 IEEE Xplore, IICPE nov 2016 SCI
2019 Sushant Thakur, N.S. Thakur Investigational Analysis of Roughened Solar Air Heater Channel having W- Shaped Ribs with Symmertrical Gaps along Staggered Ribs, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects Taylor & Francis SCI
2020 Sushant Thakur, N.S. Thakur Impact of Multi- Staggered Rib Parameters of the W Shaped Roughness on the Performance of a Solar Air Heater Channel, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects Taylor & Francis SCI