Role Project Type Title Funding Agency From To Amount Status Co-Investigator Sanction Order
Faculty Mentor Research Project Performance analysis of slip power recovery scheme using buck and boost chopper TEQIP –II Grant 01/03/2015 01/07/2016 1,07,000/- Completed Dr. O.P.Rahi 29/10/2018
Faculty Mentor Research Project Development of Automatic Wall Painting System TEQIP –II Grant 01/03/2015 01/07/2016 1,29,954/- Completed Dr. Rajesh Sharma 29/10/2018
Faculty Mentor (Co-PI) Research Project Design and development of an experimental set up for dielectric spectroscopic analysis of composite insulation system TEQIP –II Grant 13/11/2013 27/05/2014 50,000/- Completed Dr. R. N. Sharma (PI) 13/11/2013
Faculty Mentor (PI) Research Project Optimal Automatic Generation Control of Interconnected Power Systems using Meta-heuristic Approaches CSIR, New Delhi 18/06/2 30/09/2 10 lac Completed Dr. R. N. Sharma (Co-PI) 18/06/2015
Faculty Mentor (PI) Research Project Investigations using neural network optimizers for scheduling multi-reservoir systems UGC, New Delhi 01/07/2006 30/06/2008 Rs. 1,00,000 Completed - 01/05/2006
Dr. Veena Sharma PI R&D Model Predictive Controller based AGC of Interconnected Power System Integrated with Renewable Energy Sources HIMCOSTE, H.P. Shimla 01/07/2020 30/06/2022 Rs. 5,00,000 ongoing Dr. Ram Naresh Sharma 01/07/2020
Co-PI Dr. Veena Sharma R&D Solution Techniques to Unit Commitment Problems in Power System integrated with RES CSIR, New Delhi 01/12/2019 30/12/2022 Rs. 14.00 lac ongoing PI Dr. Ram Naresh Sharma, Co-PI Dr. Veena Sharma 01/03/2020
Principal Investigator Research & Development Automatic recognition of Dialects of Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh State Council for Science Technology & Environment (HIMCOSTE) 31/03/2018 31/03/2020 4,65,000 Completed Dr. Ravinder Nath 28/12/2017
Principal Investigator Research & Development Portable Physiological Data Acquisition and Disease Diagnosis System Himachal Pradesh State Council for Science Technology & Environment (HIMCOSTE) 29/04/2021 29/04/2023 5,70,000/- Completed Dr. Ravinder Nath 16/04/2021
PI Seed Money Research Grant Design of solar MPPT based Adjustable Voltage Battery Charger NIT Hamirpur 13/12/2019 12/12/2022 5 Lakh On going NA 10/12/2019
PI External Sponsored Research Project Power Flow Management in Solar-Wind-Based Micro-Grid Using Artificial Intelligent-Based Control Techniques Himachal Pradesh Council for Science Technology and Environment (HIMCOSTE), Shimla 29/04/2021 28/04/2023 360000 On going Dr. Rajan Kumar 16/04/2021
PI Research Project Synchronization in Complex Interconnected Network of a Class of Systems Using Contraction Theory DST-SERB Sponsored Project 27/03/2019 31/03/2022 18,91,802/- Ongoing NA 27/03/2019
Principal Investigator Sponsored Research Rapid and Precise Detection of Grid Voltage Amplitude and Phase for Low-Voltage Ride Through Capability PV Systems CSIR, New Delhi 15/01/2018 14/01/2021 Rs.24,71,000 Ongoing Dr. Zakir Husain, Prof. Ashwani Chandel 10/10/2017
Principle Investigator Research & Development Artificial Intelligence Based Automated Home-Waste Segregator and Composter Himachal Pradesh State Council for Science Technology & Environment (HIMCOSTE) 20/12/2023 20/12/2025 5,50,000/- Ongoing Dr. Rakesh Sharma, Dr. Ashok Kumar 20/12/2023
PI R&D Design and development of multifunctional grid tied inverter for solar energy integration to grid with power quality enhancement feature DST, New Delhi 15/08/2021 14/08/2023 43.7 lakh Almost completed Prof. AK Goswami 19/07/2021
Principal Investigator R&D (Hardware Type) Performance Analysis of Slip Power Recovery Scheme using Buck and Boost Chopper TEQIP-II 16/02/2015 26/10/2017 Rs. 1.07 Lakhs Completed Dr. Veena Sharma 16/02/2015
PI R & D Faculty Individual Project Automated Grain Drying System Centre of Excellence Grant 01/11/1996 03/12/1998 Rs. 1.1 Lacs Completed - 01/11/1996
Co-PI MODROBS MODROBS in High Voltage Lab. EED, REC Hamirpur MHRD, GOI Delhi 23/03/1998 30/05/1999 Rs 5.0 Lacs Completed Dr M N Bandyopadhyay (PI) 23/03/1998
Co-PI MODROBS MODROBS in High Voltage Lab. EED REC Hamirpur MHRD, GOI Delhi 24/03/1999 30/06/2000 Rs 5.0 Lacs Completed Dr M N Bandyopadhyay (PI) 24/03/1999
Co-PI R & D Project Wheeling Transactions and Multi-area Interconnection of Power System network MHRD, GOI Delhi 31/03/2000 15/07/2004 Rs10.0 Lacs Completed Prof. Y R Sood (PI) 31/03/2000
Co-PI MODROBS MODROBS in High Voltage Lab. EED REC Hamirpur MHRD, GOI Delhi 28/03/2001 15/07/2004 Rs 10.0 Lacs Completed Dr M N Bandyopadhyay (PI) 28/03/2001
PI & Co-ordinator Institute Development Industry Sponsored Triangular Linkage Project under VISION-2020 launched by Hon'ble President Late Dr APJ Abdul Kalam ji Creation of Self Sustainable TIFAC - Centre of Relevance & Excellence (CORE) in Power Transformer Diagnostics HP State Electricity Board Shimla, TIFAC (DST), Delhi and NIT Hamirpur (MHRD,GOI), Delhi 20/11/2000 01/02/2006 Rs 5.3 Crores From Feb. 2006 onwards, the charge of Co-ordinator,TIFAC Centre has been assigned to Head,EED from time to time. The Apex RMC Board, TIFAC CORE has declared completion of its implementation period as successful in its 12th meeting held on 01/09/2017. Now, proactive efforts are being made to run this Centre as self sustainable service providing entity in thematic area in State of Himachal Pradesh. Prof. M N Bandyopadhyay (Advisor), Prof. Y R Sood (Mentor) 30/05/2002
Co-PI MODROBS MODROBS in High Voltage Lab. EED NIT Hamirpur MHRD, GOI Delhi 31/03/2005 18/08/2009 Rs 12.0 Lacs Completed Prof. Y R Sood (PI) 31/03/2005
PI MODROBS MODROBS in Power Electronics Lab. EED NIT Hamirpur MHRD, GOI Delhi 31/03/2005 21/04/2010 Rs 12.0 Lacs Completed Prof. Y R Sood (Co-PI) 31/03/2005
Faculty Mentor R & D Project Smart monitoring and control of electric appliances for a village in Himachal Pradesh TEQIP-II Grant 13/11/2013 07/08/2014 Rs 37,991/- Completed - 13/11/2013
Faculty Mentor R & D Project Design, Implementation and Performance analysis of Power Factor Correction Boost Converter using ADP1047 Converter TEQIP-II Grant 12/01/2015 21/05/2015 Rs 71,000/- Completed - 12/01/2015
Faculty Mentor IEDC, Innovation Microgrid Implementation DST, Delhi 22/08/2018 18/09/2020 Rs 60,000/- Completed - 22/08/2018
Faculty Mentor Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Funded Innovative Startup Development Scheme through Incubation Cell,NIT Hamirpur Design and Development of HHO Generator Directorate of Industry, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh 04/07/2019 18/09/2020 Incubate to get monthly Rs 25000.0 towards development of prototype Completed Dr Param Singh, Asstt. Prof. MED, NITH 11/07/2019
Mentor Deputy Commissioner, Hamirpur Sponsored One R & D Project On Design and Fabrication Task of Motorized Electric Trolley for Fast Transportation of Oxygen Cylinders In Hospitals/ Covid Centres Motorized Electric Trolley for Fast Transportation of Oxygen Cylinders In Hospitals/ Covid Centres Deputy Commissioner, Hamirpur 02/06/2021 15/07/2021 Rs 75000/- Completed Dr Rajesh Kumar Sharma, Asso. Prof. MED & Dr P K Sood, Asso Prof. MED & Wokshop Suptd. NITH 06/07/2021
Co- PI Research & Development Automatic recognition of Dialects of Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh State Council for Science Technology & Environment (HIMCOSTE) 31/03/2018 31/03/2020 4,65,000 Completed Dr. Amit Kaul (Principal Investigator) 28/12/2017
Co-PI Research & Development Portable Physiological Data Acquisition and Disease Diagnosis System Himachal Pradesh State Council for Science Technology & Environment (HIMCOSTE) 29/04/2021 29/04/2023 5,70,000 Ongoing Dr. Amit Kaul (Principal Investigator) 29/04/2021
Co-Investigator HIMCOSTE (H.P.) Design and Development of Low-Cost Flexible Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cell HIMCOSTE (H.P.) 14/02/2023 14/02/2025 5.49 Lacs Ongoing Dr. Gopal Rawat (PI), IIT Mandi 14/02/2023
PI Research Identification of harmonic sources in power system CSIR 01/04/2009 31/03/2012 Rs. 6,46,807/- Completed NA 12/02/2009
Mentor Research Condition Assessment and harmonic analysis of Transformers TEQIP 09/03/2015 30/05/2016 Rs. 1.52/- Lacs Completed Chilaka Ranga 09/03/2015
Mentor Research Condition Assessment and harmonic analysis of Transformers TEQIP-II 22/07/2015 30/05/2016 Rs. 0.98 Completed Kuldeep Kumar Bansal 22/07/2015
Co-PI Research Rapid and Precise Detection of Grid Voltage Magnitude and Phase for Low Voltage Ride-Through Capability in PV Systems CSIR 10/10/2 31/10/2 Ongoing - 10/10/2017
PI Research Project Hydrothermal Scheduling Using Artificial Intelligent Techniques CSIR New Delhi 01/06/2004 31/05/2008 Rs 1000000(App) Completed No 06/04/2004
Faculty Mentor Research Project Design and development of an experimental setup for dielectric spectroscopic analysis of composite insulation system TEQIP-II 13/11/2013 27/05/2014 50000 completed Dr. Veena Sharma 13/11/2013
Co-PI Research Project Optimal Automatic Generation Control of Interconnected Power Systems Using Meta-heuristic Approaches sponsored by CSIR 18/06/2015 30/09/2018 10 Lakhs Completed Veena Sharma (PI) 18/06/2015
Co-PI Research Project Model Predictive Controller based Automatic Generation Control of Interconnected Power System integrated with Renewable Energy Sources HIMCOSTE 29/06/2020 15/07/2022 5 Lakhs (App) Ongoing Dr. Veena Sharma (PI) 29/06/2020
PI Research Project Solution techniques to unit commitment problems in power system integrated with renewable energy sources CSIR New Delhi 21/07/2020 28/02/2023 10 Lakhs Approx. Completed Dr. Veena Sharma (CO-PI) 27/11/2019
P I Sponsored Research Project Contingency Screening and Ranking for Voltage Stability MHRD 01/04/2005 31/03/2010 6.0 lacs Completed --- 31/03/2005
Coordinator Sponsored Research Project Power Transformer Diagnostics TIFAC,DST 01/02/2006 31/01/2008 5.30 crore Completed --- 31/05/2003
PI Research Development of Experimental Working Model of HVDC LINK in AC Power Transmission Line for R & D Work Ministry of Human Resource Development 01/01/1997 31/12/1997 Rs. 50,000/- approx. Completed - 12/05/2009
PI Research Wheeling Transactions and Multi-area Interconnection of Power System Deptt. of Education, Bureau of Technical Education, MHRD, New Delhi 16/07/2009 16/07/2010 Rs. 10 lakhs Completed - 16/07/2009
PI Research Congestion Management of Restructured Power Sector with Renewable Energy Sources Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi 25/02/2009 08/06/2010 Rs. 15 Lakhs Completed - 31/03/2005
Coordinator, Chief Coordinator, member advisory committee and Professor Incharge Research Creation of Centre of Relevance & Excellence (CORE) on “Power Transformer Diagnostics” Technology Information, Forecasting Assessment Council (TIFAC), Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi 09/03/2012 28/03/2019 Rs. 530 Lakhs Completed - 09/03/2012