While emphasising the primacy of the schools and classroom transactions, the RAA aims to leverage the potential for science, mathematics and technology learning in non-classroom settings. Beyond the four walls of a classroom, opportunities for science, mathematics and technology learning abound.
    Accordingly, the ‘Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA)” is planned to provide nourishing and nurturing support to and a platform for schools in a dual track approach to make Science,Mathematics and Technology exciting to children and encourage them to have an enduring interest both inside classroom and outside classroom activities.

Objectives of Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan

  • To enable children to become motivated and engaged in Science, Mathematics and Technology (SMT) through observation, experimentation, inference drawing, model building, rational reasoning, testability etc.
  • To create curiosity, excitement and exploration among school children in Science,Mathematics and Technology.
  • To create a culture of thinking, inventing, tinkering and doing to promote enquiry based learning in Schools.
  • To achieve learning levels appropriate to the class of study in Science and Mathematics.
  • To encourage and nurture schools to be incubators of Innovation.

For RAA lectures and visits contact us.

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