Distinguished Alumni Award (DAA)

Alumni have a definite role in the growth of an Institution. REC Hamirpur (nowadays NIT Hamirpur) having the glorious history of providing technical education in the country has a large number of Alumni who have excelled in their chosen fields in India and abroad. The Institute would like to honor the outstanding Alumni by presenting them with the Distinguished Alumni Awards for Academic, Research, Managerial Contribution, Entrepreneurship, Public Administration, Social Service etc. Nominations for the DAA can be made by alumni, who have completed 15 years after their post-graduation / 20 years after under-graduation from REC Hamirpur (NIT Hamirpur) are eligible for the DAA under the following categories. In exceptional cases, relaxation in the criteria on minimum number of years after graduation from REC Hamirpur (NIT Hamirpur) could be considered. Self-nominations may be avoided.

  1. Excellence in Academic / Research
  2. Excellence in Corporate / Industry
  3. Excellence in Public Administration
  4. Excellence in Entrepreneurial venture
  5. Excellence in service to the society at large

A committee constituting persons of eminence shall evaluate the nominations. Nominations are invited as per prescribed format through post / email. Last date for nominations for Distinguished Alumnus Award 2022 is 31st March, 2022. Super scribed on the envelope / email subject should be “DA AWARD - 2022”

Address for communication:
Prof. Y.D. Sharma, Dean (AA&RG)
NIT Hamirpur-177005
E-mail: dar@nith.ac.in

Download Nomination Form for Distinguished Alumni Award-2022